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Class:_________ TEST 2 Group A


I Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense Present Perfect or Past Simple? 1. My friend is a writer. She______________(write) many books. 2.We _______________(not/have) a holiday last year. 3. ________________(you see) Alan last week? 4. I________never_______(be) to USA. 5. What time___________(you/go) to bed last night? 6. ________you___________(ever/ eat) Chinese food? 7. My hair is clean. I ____________ (wash) it. 8. I ____________(wash) my hair before breakfast this morning. 9.Kathy loves traveling. She ____________(visit) many countries. II Put in FOR or SINCE 1.The Bells have lived in Merton ______ six years. 2.They have been at the present address ______1989. 3.Tom has played in the school team _____ four months. 4.Mr Bell has been in Paris _______ last week. 5. Mrs Bell has been at the dentist ________ nine o'clock. 6. Chip has been with the Bells _________ he was a puppy.

____/ 9


III Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect and SINCE or FOR 1. They ____________ (stay) at the same hotel every year _______ five years. 2. I _____________(not hear) from him _______ more than a week. 3. I _____________(write)ten letters _______ breakfast. 4. ______you _______ (take) Marry out to tea recently? ''Not , _______ last Monday. 5. I ___________(wait) ________ two hours, but she __________(not come)yet. ___/ 11 IV Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs in brackets 1 A:Would you like to visit the town library? B: I've been there.(already) _____________________________________________ 2 A: Would you like something to eat? B: No, thanks. I've had a delicious meal. (just) ______________________________________________ 3 Have you visited the new Chinese restaurant? (yet) ______________________________________________ 4 Has Jannie gone to bed? (already) ______________________________________________ 5 I haven't returned the books to the library.(yet) ______________________________________________

____/ 5

V Complete the conversation with VI Adjective or adverb? I'd rather ... or I'd prefer.... 1. He sometimes behaves bad/badly. 1.Would you like tea or coffee? 2. Nick is often noisy/noisily in class. (prefer)________________________________ 3. His teachers are often angry/angrily 2.What would you like to eat? with him. 4. Mr Blake sometimes shouts quite (rather)________________________________ loud/loudly. 3. Would you like the blue shirt or the red one? 5.Nick is good/well at games. (prefer)________________________________ 6. His Games teacher is very happy/ 4.Do you want to sit here or next to the window? happily. ____/6 (rather)_________________________________ 5.Would you like to have a shower now or later? VIII Complete each sentence with a (rather)_________________________________ noun or an adjective from the box _____/5 afraid angry pride sad proud VII Insert the missing adverbs confidence envy fear jealous happy 1. Susan is a good pianist. She plays the piano 1. My little sister felt______ when ___________. she lost her doll. 2. It was a bad game. Our team played _______. 2. My father was very _______ when 3. Mary has a beautiful voice,but I think Kate we broke the window with our ball. sings ________________too. 3. I never go mountain climbing. I _ have a __________ of heights. 4.'Get out of my way!'he shouted_______(rude). 4. I don't think I've got enough _____ 5.'Let's go out tonight!'he said ______________. to be an actor. I'm too shy. (enthusiastic) 5. My parents were so ____________ 6. She arrived _________for school again.(late) of me when I won the competition. 7. ''I've worked really ___________ this term'' Jenny 6. I love the colour yellow. It makes said.(hard) me feel ____________ and bright. 8. ''Don't ever do that again''he said, __________. 7. The people looked at the winner (angry) _____/8 with __________. He'd won a million dollars. 8. I think all the girls are_________ of Kate, because she is going out Key with the most popular boy here. 9. Are you ___________of spiders? 10. The young mother's face was full of _____________ when we admired her new baby. ___/10
Not satisfactory 1 Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent 2 3 4 5 0 - 24 25 - 33 34- 42 43 - 51 52 - 60

Scored points __________/ 60 Teacher Popovska Violeta

Mark ____________

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