Labor Welfare in Malabar Cement

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Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Submitted by SAVITHA.V (Reg. No.0925F1216) Under the Supervision and Guidance of Mrs.R.SONA,MBA

DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT NEHRU ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE (Accredited by NAAC and an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institution) (Recognized by UGC and Affiliated to Bharathiar University) Nehru Gardens, Thirumalayampalayam, COIMBATORE 641 105 March 2012


This is to certify that the project report entitled A Study on LABOUR WELFARE MEASURES submitted to the Bharathiar University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Management s a record of original project work carried out by SAVITHA.V ( 0925F1216)under my supervision and guidance and has not formed the basis for the award of any degree/ diploma or other similar title of any candidate of any university.


Head of the Department Certified that the candidate was examined by us in the project

work/viva voce held on ..

Internal Examiner

External Examiner



I Savitha.V, hereby declare that the project report entitled A Study LABOUR WELFARE MEASURESsubmitted to the Bharathiar University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Management is a record of original project work carried out by me during the period 2012 under my supervision and guidance of Mrs.R.Sona MBA., Department of Business Management, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore and has not formed the basis for the award of any degree/ diploma or other similar title of any candidate of any university. Place : Signature Date : Candidates


Every Step that we taken and every mile that we cover leave its mark over wake in this arduous journey. I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to Secretary Dr.B.Krishnakumar, for his sincere support in all my endeavors. I express my sincere thanks to our principal Dr .B.Anirudhan, M.A, B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Nehru Arts and Science Collage, Coimbatore, for providing necessary facilities to do our project successfully. I extend my sincere gratitude to Dr.M.Kanagarathinam.M.Com.,M.Phil, PhD. Head of the Department, Department of Business Management, Nehru Arts and Science Collage, Coimbatore, for her constant encouragement and support towards the successful completion of this project work. I wish to record my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide
Mrs.R.SONA,MBA, Department of Business Management, Nehru Arts and

Science Collage, Coimbatore, and all other faculties for their guidance and excellent support, at most motivation, valuable advice and more encouragement. I am very happy to convey my sincere thanks to my friends. And I am very much grateful to my guidance that provided valuable instructions, advice and helps for this project, deserve my thanks





List of tables List of charts Chapter I II Particulars Introduction 1.1 Introduction about the study 1.2 Objectives of the study 1.3 Need for the study 1.4 Limitations of the study Company profile Research methodology 3.1 Research 3.2 Research design 3.3 Collection of data 3.4 Techniques for data collection 3.5 Graphical tool used 3.6 Statastical tool used Analysis and interpretation Findings,suggesstions and conclusion Page No.



Bibliography Annexure


SL NO TITLE 1 Labour Welfare activities 2 Salary or Wage system 3 Canteen Facility PAGE NO


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Safety Measures Present Training system Leave Availability Transportation Facility Present work environment Hosing Facility Medical Facility provided to family Schooling Facility provided to children Electricity&working capacity of machines Water facility Satisfaction regard to the bonus Auditorium facility for workers use Library facility Personal motivation Technique Job satisfaction Co-ordination of managers Counseling programs Chi square test


SL NO TITLE 1 Labour Welfare activities 2 Salary or Wage system PAGE NO


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Canteen Facility Safety Measures Present Training system Leave Availability Transportation Facility Present work environment Hosing Facility Medical Facility provided to family Schooling Facility provided to children Electricity&working capacity of machines Water facility Satisfaction regard to the bonus Auditorium facility for workers use Library facility Personal motivation Technique Job satisfaction Co-ordination of managers Counseling programs


The industrial development in any country depends on a satisfied labour force. Mere monetory rewards cannot make them feel


satisfied. Various other benefits are to be provided to the workers,which they cannot secure,by themselves.The bare minimum amenities alone cannot satisfy the labour force and ensure the intellectual,physical,moral and economic betterment of the workers.He needs an added stimulus to keep his body and soul together.But the provision of these benefits or extra stimuli is not compulsory and the employers are at liberty to provide or not to provide.Today,employers have generally accepted welfare as a social right.But the degree of importance given by them varies.Therefore,the state also intervenes and introduces legislation from time to time to bring about some measures of uniformity in providing such amenities.The intervention of the state,however,is only to wider the area of its applicability. Labour is one of the most important factors of economic growth.A harmonious relationship between labour and management ineeded to maximize production and speed up the economic growth. Therefore, the State seeks to facilitate development of the industry while protecting the individual worker. The ambit of the labour policy includes human resources development,improvement of the living and the working conditions of the workers, strict enforcement of labour laws and provision of social security for workmen in all sectors as well as creation and maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to peaceful industrial relations in the State. In addition to implementing the labour policy for the welfare of the workers, it is also necessary to ensure that all adult persons looking for work are employed in jobs appropriate to their skills with adequate income necessary for a decent life. The concept of labour welfare is necessarily elastic,bearing a different interpretation from country and time to time,depending on different social systems,degree of industrializations and general level of social and

economic development.In it widest sense,it is more or less synonymous with labour legislations and social insurance.The committee on labour welfare 1969,however,said that welfare is broad concept.It can note a condition of well being,happiness,satisfaction,conservation and development of human resource. The term labour welfare includes provision of various facilities and amenities in and around the work place for the better life of the worker.It is a narrow cocept which is mainly concerned with the welfare of the workers.Labour welfare facilities includes medicine, sports, education, cultural, and other facilities.

Definition the of the Labour Investigation and Committee:The betterment Labour of the

Investigation Committee has defined labour welfare as Anything done for intellectual,physical,moral economic workers,whether by the employers,by the government or by other agencies over and above what is laid down by law or what is normally expectedon the part of the contractual benefits for which worker may have bargained. Definition Given By Encyclopedia:The Encyclopedia of social sciences definesLabour welfare as the voluntary efforts of the employers to establish within the existing industrial system working and sometimes living and actual conditions of the employees beyond that which required by law,the custom of the industry and the conditions of the market.


Definition of Dr.Panadikar:Dr.Panadikar defines the concept as work for improving the healthy and general well being and the industrial efficiency of the workers beyond the minimum standard laid down by the labour legislation. Definition of Prof. S .D.Pinker:He has been defined as Labor Welfare is also understood mean such services facilities and amenities which may be established in industries to enable person employed there in to perform their work in healthy and congenial surrounding and to Promote them with amenities to conduct good health and good moral.


1.Labour welfare measures and amenities are provided not only to the employees of the undertaking but also to their family members. 2.The facilities and welfare amenities provided are not identical all over the world.the differ widely depending on the historical,cultural and environmental conditions. 3.These measures are provided not only by the employers but also by the Government,trade unions and by other outside agencies. 4.These measures do not include those facilities,which are statutory or obligatory under any contract between the employer and the employee.Thus they are only optional,and voluntarily provided.


1.Paternalistic approach:In the early phase of industrialization i.e during the early days of 20th century,the paternalistic approach of labour welfare

was adopted.The good employers of those days started providing such facilities motivated by philanthropic,humanitarian and religious considerations. 2.Industrial efficiency approach:The next step in the evolutionary process was the industrial efficiency approach.with the passage of time,the size of business undertaking grown.They were organized in the form of joint stock companies and there was a total separation of ownership and management.Hence the so-called employers were no longer able to maintain direct contact with the workers. 3.Social approach:The latest trend in the concept of labour welfare is the shift of emphasis from that of increased efficiency to the promotion of the general welfare of the workers.This social approach does neither involveany philanthropic consideration nor the ulterior motive of increasing the level of labour efficiency.


1.Right spirit:The welfare activities should be undertaken in the right spirit.They are not substitutes for low wages and other allowances.Nor they should be provided to undermine the influence of the trade unions. 2.Should serve the real need of the workers: The scheme so formulated must serve the real need of the employees concerned.Special classes of workers require spcial type of welfare services. 3.Co-opration of the workers:No welfare scheme could succeed without the active support of the workers.The workers should be allowed to participate in the formulation and administration of any welfare scheme to achive the real objectives of the scheme.


4.No compulsion:There should be no compulsion for workers to avail these facilities.In other words,labour welfare should be voluntary and the workers should be free to take advantage of such facilities.


1.Intra-mural Facilities:The facilities provided inside the factory are known as intra-mural facilities.These facilities include activities relating to minimization if industrial fatigue.provision of safety measure like fencing and covering of machines,good layout of the plant and machinery,sufficient lighting conditions,first aid appliance etc. 2. Extra-mural Facilities:Facilities offered to the workers outside the factory are known as extra-mural facilities.They include better housing accommodations,indoor and outdoor recreation facilities,sports,educational facilities etc. 3.Statutory Facilities:Under this category,welfare facilities are provided according to the labour legislation passed by the Government.The nature and coverage of these facilities vary from country to country. 4.Mutual Facilities:These facilities are usually outside the scope of the statutory facilities.The workers themselves for their own interest voluntarily undertake these activities. 5.Voluntary:The facilities,which are voluntarily provided employer,come under this category.hence,they are not statutory. by the


Labour welfare work got importance because of the following reasons:


1.The welfare activities influence the sentiments of the workers.When worker feels that the employers and the state are interested in their happiness ,his tendency to grous and grumble will steadily disappear.The development of such feeling paves the way for industrial peace. 2.The provision of various welfare measures makes the worker realize that they also some stake in the undertaking in which they are engaged and so think thrice before taking any reckless action which might prejudice the interest of undertaking. 3 .The welfare measures like cheap food in canteens, free medical and educational facilitiesetc. Indirectly increase industrial dispute the real income of the workers. Hence they try toavoid industrial dispute , as far as possible and do not go on strikes on flimsy ground 4.Welfare activities will go a long way to better the mental and moral health of workers by reducing the incidence of vices of industrialization. 5 .Welfare activities will reduce labour turnover and absenteeism and create permanent settled labour force by making service attractive to the labour. 6 .Welfare measures will improve the physique,intelligence morality and standard of livingof the workers which in turn will improve their efficiency and productive.


1.Improved satisfaction industrial to the relations:These help measures in provide enough industrial workers,which maintaining

peace.Conflicts,chaos,unrest etc.are minimized to a great extent. 2.Increase in the general efficiency and and income: The facilities make the workers happy and feel contented at home as well as in the factory,which brings improvement in their general efficiency.

3.High Morale:The welfare measures shall also help in securing the willing co-operation of the workers.if they once satisfied ,they will be less tempted to immoral and anti-social activities.Thus a high degree of employee morale is ensured. 4.Creation of permanent labour force:These facilities will provide an attraction to the workers to stay longer in the undertaking.In the absence of such facilities,the workers will often leave for their villages in search of recreation etc. 5.Improvement in the mental and moral health:These facilities bring about a change in the outlook of the workers,improve their mental faculty and keep them in becoming good citizens. 6.Changes in the outlook of employers:A change in the attitude and outlook of the employees and their heartfelt cooperation shall also change the outlook of the employers as well. 7.Social benefits:Besides the various economic advantages to the employers and employees,these measures offer various social advantages also.The increase in the efficiency of the workers ultimately leads to an increase in production,rate of profit and the earnings of the undertakings.


Prof. H. S. Kirkaldy, in his well known bookThe spirit of Industrial

Relations,rightly remarked that welfare measures are undertaken by the employees to achieve the following objectives: 1.To combat the sense of frustration of the industrial workers. 2.To relieve him of personal and family worries. 3,To improve his health.

4.To afford him means of self-expression. 5.To offer him some sphere in which he can excel others. 6.To help him to a wider concept of life.


1.To enrich better quality of wok life. 2.To improve the efficiency of work 3.To enhance the productivity. 4.To enrich industrial relation and industrial peace 5.To raise the physical standards of the workforce. 6.To enhance the purchasing and serving capacity of the employees. 7.To make employee work contribute systematically to the nations economy. 8.To reduce absenteeism.Employee welfare is having a wider scope and may have indifferent countries depending upon the socioeconomic conditions, political outlook and social philosophy.


Labour welfare activities in our country were mainly a product of the stresses and strains during the first world war(1914-1919).Before this period,there were only isolated instances of labour welfare work,mostly by outside agencies on humanitarian ground.During the second world war (1939-45)the movement of labour welfare received further impetus.the factories act was enactedin was for the first time thet provision of certain welfare amenities inside the factory was made statutory.After the

second world war, both the central and the provincial governments showed a keen interest in undertaking welfare activities for the workers. The government also appointed welfare officers to persuade the employers to improve the welfare schemes.Therefore, in 1946,the programme for labour suggested a through overhauling of legislative measures to promote labour welfare.After independence the first plan laid more emphasis on effective implementationof various statutory provisions.A committee was also appointed by the central government to draw up a code of efficiency and welfare.The code as drafted by the committee was extensively discussed in the Indian labour conference and national productivity council.But the code was not implemented.

The state government is enforcing various labour laws such as the Industrial Disputes Act, the Tamil Nadu Shops & Establishments Act, 1947,the Tamil Nadu Catering Establishment Act, 1958, the Industrial Employment(standing orders) Act , 1946, the Trade Unions Act, 1926, the Plantations Labour Act, 1951, the Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961, the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Payment of Bonus Act 1965, the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, the Workmens Compensation Act,1923, etc. The state government helps in maintaining a harmonious relationship between management and labour. Through the process of conciliation, strikes and lockouts are avoided and disputes are settled amicably.Labour courts and Industrial Disputes Tribunals have been set up in order to help workmen get speedy statutory relief. The enforcement machinery of the State ensures compliance of statutory requirements of

labour laws as well as laws related to weights and measures so as to protect rights of the workers and consumers. The State Labour Advisory Board is a tri-partite high level committee consisting of representatives of the employers, employees and Government officials addressing issues related to labour laws and amendments to the Acts and Rules and other labour related problems.


The State also plays a pivotal role in protecting the safety, health and welfare of the workers in registered factories by enforcing the Factories Act,1948 and other labour enactments in the State. Industries, which are involved in any dangerous operations, are inspected periodically so as to ensure health and safety of the workers. The MajorAccident Hazard (MAH) Control Cell periodically inspects the MAH factories and recommends suitable safety measures to the management to prevent any industrial disaster. The State 805 Level Safety Audit Cell scrutinizes the safety audit report received from the above factories and makes suggestions for improvement in safety,environmental and health measures. Due to increased safety promotion activities such as conducting safety surveys and safety training courses, the total incidence of industrial accidents (fatal and nonfatal) have been appreciably controlled, even though there is an increase in the number of factories registered under the Factories Act.



The Constitution of India prohibits employment of children below the age of 14 years in the factories, mines or hazardous employments. In Tamil Nadu, the employment of children is prohibited altogether under the Factories Act, 1948, the Tamil Nadu Shops and Establishment Act 1947, Tamil Nadu Catering Establishment Act 1958 and Child Labour (Regulation and Abolition)Act, 1986. The Tamil Nadu State Action Plan aims at eradication of child labour in hazardous as well as non-hazardous employment by December 2007. The National Child Labour Project and the India and US Government Project(INDUS) Child Labour Project, which are funded by Government of India arefunctioning in 12 and 5 districts respectively with the objective of eradicating this heinous practice. The State endeavours to eliminate child labour working in tandem with NGOs, Centrally funded child labour projects as well as by 807 leveraging the activities of various Government departments such as school education, rural development, health etc.





PRIMARY OBJECTIVES 1.To evaluate the welfare facilities provided by the company. 2.To study the effectiveness of the welfare measures adopted by Malabar Cement factory Walayar,Palakkad. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES 3.To analyze the level of contentment among workers. 4.To analyze the employees view and opinion on their welfare facilities &working conditions. 5.To understand the labours expectations from their job and company. 6.To assess the needs of the welfare measures in the company. 7.To recognize factors affecting the labour welfare. 8.To find the co-ordinaton between management and workers. 9.To Provide suggestions and recommendations for future improvement.






Management is the art of getting the work done by the people, therefore it is necessary to seek the co-operation of the employee for a in order to increase the production and to higher profits.The co-operation of employees is possible only when they are satisfied with employees and the workers on the job. Labour welfare is very important factor,which affects the performance of the employees.The welfare measures have a content and reality in the content of poor standard of living of the Indian labours.It is therefore one major aspect of national programmer towards the promotion of the welfare to the people and as such is designed to create a life and work enrollment of decent comfort for employees.if proper welfare measures are not taken there may be chances of high employees turnover.




1.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1.The time of one month was major constrains for an elaborate study. 2.Sampling size was limited to 110 employees. 3.lack of interest and time on the part of respondents to answer patiently. 4.A few respondent might have given biased information which may affect
the reliability of result.

5.Complete data was not available because of the hindrance of the revealing
matters,matters based on official secrets of management and only vague information was obtained about the management.

6.Personal opinion of labours regarding the welfare facilities was not

revealed in an open manner by majority of labours,due to their liability to the company and self existence.This adversely affects much of the study.

7.Since the project work was to be completed in one month,adequate data

could not be collected.




The Indian cement industry comprises 130 large cement plants and 365 mini-cement plants,with installed capacities of 165 million tonnes per annum(mtpa).Large cement plants accounted for over 94 per cent of the total installed capacity.Despite the growth of the Indian cement industry,indias per capita production of 115 kilograms per year lags the world average of over 250 kilograms and chinas production of more than 450 kilograms per person.Clearly there remains room for growth in the industry in India. The Indian cement industry is on a roll.Driven by a booming housing sector,global demand and increased activity in infrastructure development such as state and national highways,the cement industry has outpaced itself.In this study the existence and functioning of various departments are analyzed and studied.The main functional departments of this company are human resources department,Marketing department,Purchase department,Production department,finance department and IT department.

Malabar Cements Ltd., a fully owned Govt. of Kerala Undertaking, is synonymous with superior quality cements, vouched by customers spread across the state of Kerala. The Company was incorporated in April 1978 and commenced production in April 1984 at its Walayar plant. At Malabar

Cements, product improvement is not just a one-time strategy for boosting sales, rather a quest of excellence. Perfecting the product quality is everybody's concern here. Our distinction begins with scientifically selecting the best raw materials for clinker. Stringent quality control is exercised right from pre-blending raw materials, linearization, clinker grinding, and finally tocementpacking. Malabar Cements contributes to the developmental activities of the State by supplying the basic construction material. Only Malabar Cements can supply its cement, 'factory fresh', without any deterioration in the original strength either due to moisture or humidity, within 12 hrs anywhere in Kerala. With a production capacity of 4.2 lakh tons of cement perannum, t he unit at Walayar is the largest. As part of expansion programmed, it has commissioned a 2.0 lakh tons clinker-grinding unit at Chartable in Alappuzha district in August 2003. Thus the total installed capacity of MCL is 6.2 lakh tons. MCL is the first public sector company to receive ISO Certification & to win the National Award for best achievement in Energy Conservation. Till date, MCL has experienced no loss of production due to labor unrest. In just over 15 years of commissioning, Malabar Cements has been able to meet about 10% of total cement consumption in Kerala. With the expansion plans in progress, the figures are sure to rise further. Malabar cements limited,the flag ship company of Government of Kerala,has achived the most coveted recognition of ISO 9002 certification from the prestigious apex body of standardization,the Bureau of Indian Standards.It is the first public sector cement unit in India to achieve this recognition.It is learned that in terms of profitabilioty Malabar Cement Ltd,is the number one public sector company in Kerala.



VISION To help in building a better habitable Kerala by providing best solutions in the field of constructions. MISSION To provide quality products & services to the public through effective intervention in the market.


Manufacture and sell best quality cement at affordable price to general public of the state and to be an important part in the socio-economic development of the state.


Every employee of Malabar cements limited commits to comply With all requirements to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system and strives: 1)To identify various groups of customers serviced by him. 2)To understand their respective needs and desires either stated or not stated. 3)To ensure best possible quality in products and services. 4)To meet and exceed their expectations.


Cement is a necessary constituent of infrastructure development and a key raw material for the construction industry. As late as the 70s, the State of Kerala was virtually starving for cement. The state lacked a Portland cement factory in either private or government Sector. In 1961-62, the Geological Survey of India located a limestone deposit in the Pandered valley of the Walayar region on the northern side of the Palakkad gap. Located in dense forest area, the hilly terrain was required heavy investment to mine. The State Govt. ventured to put up a Cement factory in the region. The feasibility study conducted revealed that the construction of a 1200 tad dry process cement plant using the Pandered limestone is feasible. KSIDC obtained an Industrial License for the manufacture of cement in November 1976 and decided to go ahead with the project and formed Malabar Cements Limited to set up, own and operate the proposed cement plant. The plant was successfully commissioned in 1984 and the commercial cementation started on 1984 Now, The Company is all equipped to set precedence among public sector units in the state. The launch of two Superior quality products under the brand name Malabar Super and Malabar Classic, in the year 1994-95 gave a boost to the market presence. Various modifications carried out since 1995 have improved production and productivity of Malabar Cements. A 2.5 MW multi-fuel power plant was commissioned in June 1998 to complement 25% of the total power requirement for the Walayar plant operations. As part of expansion, the company has commissioned a 600 tpd Grinding Unit at Cherthala in August 2003. The modernization of Cement Mill, completed in December 2004, helped to increase the cement production The company has upgraded the

plant with state-of-the-art technology; Belt bucket elevators, Kiln automation, modification of cement mill internals etc, are few to mention. The 0.42 million tones capacity is less than 10% of the cement consumption in Kerala and expansion will allow the company to harness the markets beyond its core segment.


ISO Certification IS/ISO 9002: 1994 certification obtained in November 1996. First PSU to secure this certification. Switched over to the revised standard ISO 9001: 2000 in Aug2003. Switched over to Quality Certification ISO : 9001 :2008 in 2010


MCL moves with a workforce of around 900+ dedicated and highly skilled personnel. As part of the commitment towards the society, MCL plays a very important role in generating employment for the general public. And, as a result, more than three thousand families depended on MCL indirectly, for their livelihood.


Malabar Cements uses the state of the art, dry process technology for the manufacturing of super quality cement and the quality is much above the


national standards. For Various applications, the company has three brands via "Malabar Super" "Malabar Aiswarya" "Malabar Classic"

1.Malabar Super

fabulous product in every sense: Super in strength,

Wonderful in workability, Incredible in aging,Implausible in durabilityand Fantastic in strength gain an amazing performer Tests carried out by Bureau of Indian Standards have established unshakeable credentials of Malabar Super. Super strength accelerates setting time and fine finish. Malabar super is superior in strength to ordinary '43' grade cement. It attains the 28 days' strength required as per IS in just 7 days time. Not only that, the strength attained in 28 days time is about 50 percent more than the IS specification. The amazing strength of Malabar Super arises from its unequalled particle fineness, 33 percent more than the IS specification and consistency in composition, made so by computerized process control system.

2.Malabar Classic


Superior in its class of cements, it offers better setting properties delayed initial set and early final set offering more working time and reduced observation time. Structures achieve excellent dimensional stability with the heat resistant properties of MALABAR CLASSIC. It also reduces heat generation during hydration, making it a better workable finished product absolutely reliable. The extra fineness welded into it allows MALABAR CLASSIC better coverage and finish in wall and roof plastering this in turn, reduces paint consumption.

3.Malabar Aiswarya

Brings prosperity in many ways. It increases the life of your structures by safeguarding against soleplate Attack. Aiswarya offers high quality at reduced price.Aiswarya generates less heat of hydration, reduces the formation of getting cracks. This product is best studied for constructions in soil and water with excess alkali metals, sulphates, alumina, iron and acidic waters. To obtain the best quality cement, only glassy granulated slag is used for product manufacturing. With very low magnesium oxide content this provides shape stability for concrete structures.



The Geological Survey of India had identified a cement grade limestone deposit in the Walayar reserve forest way back in 1961-62. The Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited confirmed its efficacy. Malabar Cements Ltd., fully by the Government of Kerala, is the only Portland cement manufacturer in Kerala. The company was incorporated in April 1978 and commenced commercial production in 1984 with capital outlay of Rs. 680 million and paid up equity capital of Rs. 260 million. The 1200 TPD plant at Walayar has continuously registered profit year after year. The company has upgraded the plant with state-of-the-art technologies through the years. After the inception and in line with technological developments, company has carried out lot of modifications in the system for minimizing energy consumption, Pollution control measures, process modifications etc. Some of the salient features of the plants are listed below:

Limestone reserve of about 10 million tons. Modern 110 TPH Closed Circuit Cement Mill. Strict Quality Control system to ensure quality of the product. Most modern Instrumentation & Control system for efficient process engineering. Modern dry process manufacturing technology with four-stage suspension pre heater system. Elaborate pollution control system to meet pollution control standards.



Every industrial establishment especially profit making Public Sector Undertakings have major role in the social enlistment of surrounding population and Malabar Cements Limited is fulfilling it in a unique way. 1) CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Street light with electrical connection from the company line is provided through NH from Chandrapuram Check post to Township covering around 3 km 2) SPECIAL BLOCK AT MEDICAL COLLAGE A block was at Calicut Medical College was renovated by MCL in the year 2010

As part of our commitment to the mother earth we have implemented an Afforestation Programme in our Mines

The company has adopted the tribal school in the Nadupathy Colony for the total up liftment of the tribal community





Depending on the nature of the study ,the researcher has followed survey method based on random sampling method. Research methodology is the science of studying how is done scientifically and in systematic manner.Research can be defined as systematic and purposing the Cause and effect relationship between two or more phenomenon.

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge.In fact,research is an art of scientific investigation.The Advanced Learners dictionary of current englishlays down the meaning of research asa careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. Redman and Mory define research as asystemized effort to gain new knowledge. Research is an academic activity and as such the term should be used in a technical sense.According to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems,formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions;collecting,organizing,evaluatin data;making deductions and reaching conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.D.Slesinger and M Stephenson in the encyclopedia of social sciences define research asthe manipulation of things,concepts or symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend,correct or verify knowledge,whether that knowledge aids in construction of theory or in thepractice of an art.



The study is descriptive and conducted through survey method using will framed Questionnaire.The Questionnaire is a structur one.Administrated upon the selected respondent.


The collection of data were from the primary and secondary data observation. 3.3.1 PRIMARY DATA The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time,and thus happen to be original in character.Here, a structured Questionnaire has used to collect data from employees personal interview with family members and friends,to invite their news and opinions. 3.3.2 SECONDARY DATA The secondary data,on the other hand,are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed throughthe statistical process.Here, the secondary data was from various text books and brouchures of the company.


The necessary data were collected through structured Questionnaire and Interviews with employees.



In the research graphical tool used for presentation of data is bar charts.


SIMPLE PERCENTAGE Simple percentage method is used for analysis interpretation according to simple percentage method.The total number of respondent before divides the number of persons favouring. Number of persons favouring *100 Total number of respondent CHI- SQUARE TEST The chi -square test is used to test whether there is a significant difference between the observed number of responses in each category and the expected number of responses for such category under the assumptions of null hypothesis.In other words the objective is to find out how well the distribution of observed frequencies Ofit the distribution of expected frequencies E.Hence this test is also called goodness of fit test. The random variable whose sampling distribution is approximated by chi square distribution is given by

Chi-square = SUM(O-E)2/E
The calculated value of chi-square is then compared with the critical value of chi-square from the table with a pre-established value at the level of significance and the given degree of freedom.





The respondents opinion about the Labour Welfare Activities.

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
28 56 26 0 110

% of Respondents
25.5 50.9 23.6 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 50.9% of respondents are satisfied with the labour welfare activities provided by the company,and 25.5% are highly satisfied and 23.6% are dissatisfied with the above statement.


60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(25.5%) Satisfied (50.9%) Dissatisfied(23.6%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Salary/Wage System.

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
8 66 36 0 110

% of Respondents
7.3 60 32.7 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table,it is clear that 60% of respondents are satisfied,and 32.7% are dissatisfied with the salary or wage system provided by the company.




Highly Satisfied(7.3%)

Satisfied (60%) Dissatisfied(32.7%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)






The respondents opinion about the Canteen Facility

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
0 100 10 0 110

% of Respondents
0 90.9 9.1 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 90.9% of respondents are satisfied with the canteen facility provided by the company, and 9.1% are dissatisfied,and none of the respondents are highly satisfied and highly dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-3 CANTEEN FACILITY

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(0%) Satisfied (90.9%) Dissatisfied(9.1%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Safety Measures

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
20 78 12 0 110

% of Respondents
18.2 70.9 10.9 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 70.9% of respondents are satisfied with the safety measures,and 18.2% are highly satisfied,and only 10.9% are dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-4 SAFETY MEASURES

80 70 60

Highly Satisfied(18.2%)
50 40 30 20 10 0

Satisfied (70.9%) Dissatisfied(10.9%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Present Training System

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
14 84 12 0 110

% of Respondents
12.7 76.4 10.9 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table,it is clear that 76.4% of respondents are satisfied, and 10.9% are dissatisfied with the present training system provided by the company. TABLE-5 PRESENT TRAINING SYSTEM

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(12.7%) Satisfied (76.4%) Dissatisfied(10.9%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)


The respondents opinion about the Leave Availability

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
5 18 83 4 110

% of Respondents
4.54 16.36 75.45 3.63 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table,it is clear that only 16.36% of respondents are satisfied with the leave facility provided by the company,and 75.45% ardissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-6 LEAVE FACILITY PROVIDED BY THE COMPANY

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(4.54%) Satisfied (16.36%) Dissatisfied(75.45%) HighlyDissatisfied(3.63%)


The respondents opinion about the Transportation Facility

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
12 98 0 0 110

% of Respondents
10.9 89.1 0 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 89.1% of respondents are satisfied with the transportation facility, and 10.9% respondents are highly satisfied,and none of the respondents are dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-7 TRANSPORTATION FACILITY

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(10.9%) Satisfied (89.1%) Dissatisfied(0%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Present Work Environment

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
17 74 19 0 110

% of Respondents
15.5 67.2 17.3 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 67.2% of respondents are satisfied with the present work environment, and 17.3% are dissatisfied,and only 15.5% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-8 PRESENT WORK ENVIRONMENT

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(15.5%) Satisfied (67.2%) Dissatisfied(17.3%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Housing Facility

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
2 87 21 0 110

% of Respondents
1.8 79.1 19.1 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 79.1% of respondents are satisfied with the housing facility provided by the company, and 19.1% are dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-9 HOUSING FACILITY
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(1.8%) Satisfied (79.1%) Dissatisfied(19.1%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Medical Facility provided to Family

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
9 96 5 0 110

% of Respondents
8.2 87.3 4.5 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 87.3% of respondents are satisfied, and only 4.5% are dissatisfied,and 8.2% are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-10 MEDICAL FACILITY PROVIDED TO FAMILY

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(8.2%) Satisfied (87.3%) Dissatisfied(4.5%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%) TABLE-11


The respondents opinion about the Schooling facility provided to children

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
11 72 26 1 110

% of Respondents
10 65.5 23.6 0.9 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 65.5% of respondents are satisfied with the education facility provided to children, and 23.6% are dissatisfied,and only 10% are highly satisfied with the above statement.





Highly Satisfied(10%) Satisfied (65.5%) Dissatisfied(23.6%)



Highly Dissatisfied(0.9%)




The respondents opinion about the Electricity &Working capacity of Machines

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
4 51 50 5 110

% of Respondents
3.63 46.36 45.45 4.54 100

From the above table inferred that 46.36% of respondents are satisfied with the electricity and working capacity of machines, and 45.45% are dissatisfied,and only 3.63% are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-12 WORKING CAPACITY OF MACHINES
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Highly Satisfied(3.63%) Satisfied (46.36%) Dissatisfied(45.45%) Highly Dissatisfied(4.54%)



The respondents opinion about the Water Facility

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
23 75 12 0 110

% of Respondents
20.9 68.2 10.9 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 68.2% of respondents are satisfied, and only 10.9% are dissatisfied,and 20.9% are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-13 WATER FACILITY
70 60

Highly Satisfied(20.9%)
50 40 30 20 10 0

Satisfied (68.2%) Dissatisfied(10.9%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)


The respondents opinion about the Satisfaction regard to the Bonus

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
18 63 29 0 110

% of Respondents
16.4 57.3 26.3 0 100

INTERPRETATION From the above table inferred that 57.3% of respondents are satisfied with the bonus, and 26.3% are dissatisfied,and 16.4% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-14 SATISFACTION REGARD TO THE BONUS



Highly Satisfied(16.4%)

Satisfied (57.3%) Dissatisfied(26.3%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)






The respondents opinion about the Auditorium Facility for Workers use
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
6 85 13 6 110

% of Respondents
5.5 77.3 11.7 5.5 100

From the above table inferred that 77.3% of respondents are satisfied with the Auditorium facility provided by the company, and 11.7% are dissatisfied,and only 11% are equally highly satisfied and highly dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-15 AUDITORIUM FACILITY FOR WORKERS USE
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(5.5%) Satisfied (77.3%) Dissatisfied(11.7%) Highly Dissatisfied(5.5%)


The respondents opinion about the


Library Facility
Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
5 78 26 1 110

% of Respondents
4.5 70.9 23.6 0.9 100

From the above table inferred that 70.9% of respondents are satisfied with the library facility for workers, and 23.6% are dissatisfied,and only 4.5% of the respondents are highly satisfied with the above statement CHART-16 LIBRARY FACILITY FOR WORKERS

80 70 60 50

Highly Satisfied(4.5%)
40 30 20 10 0

Satisfied (70.9%) Dissatisfied(23.6%) HighlyDissatisfied(0.9%) TABLE-17

The respondents opinion about the


Personal Motivation Techniques

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
5 80 25 0 110

% of Respondents
4.5 72.7 22.7 0 100

From the above table inferred that 72.7% of respondents are satisfied with the personal motivation techniques provided by the company, and 22.7% are dissatisfied, with the above statement. CHART-17 PERSONAL MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(4.5%) Satisfied (72.7%) Dissatisfied(22.7%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)


The respondents opinion about the


Job Satisfaction

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
15 92 3 0 110

% of Respondents
13.6 83.6 2.7 0 100

From the above table inferred that 83.6% of respondents are satisfied with their current job,and 13.6% are highly sayisfied, and only 2.7% are dissatisfied with the above statement. CHART-18 JOB SATISFACTION

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Highly Satisfied(13.6%) Satisfied (83.6%) Dissatisfied(2.7%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Co-ordination of Managers

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
6 88 16 0 110

% of Respondents
5.5 80 14.5 0 100

From the above table inferred that 80% of respondents are satisfied with the coordination of managers and supervisors,and 14.5% are dissatisfied,and only 5.5% are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-19 CO-ORDINATION OF MANAGERS

80 70 60

Highly Satisfied(5.5%)
50 40 30 20 10 0

Satisfied (80%) Dissatisfied(14.5%) Highly Dissatisfied(0%)



The respondents opinion about the Counseling Programs

Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied Total

No. of Respondents
17 64 28 1 110

% of Respondents
15.5 58.2 25.4 0.9 100

From the above table inferred that 58.2% of respondents are satisfied with the counseling programs arranged by the company,and 25.4% are dissatisfied,and 15.5% are highly satisfied with the above statement. CHART-20 COUNSELING PROGRAMS




Highly Satisfied(15.5%) Satisfied (58.2%)


Dissatisfied(25.4%) Highly Dissatisfied(0.9%)





CHI-SQUARE TEST Chi square with labour welfare activities and present work environment . ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS There is a significance relationship between labour welfare activities and present work environment. 28 17 45 56 74 130 26 19 45 0 0 0 110 110 220

Chi-square calculation =SUM(O-E)2/E O 28 56 26 0 17 74 19 0 E 22 65 22 0 22 65 22 0 TOTAL =(O-E)2/E 1.6 1.2 0.7 0 1.1 1.2 0.4 0 6.2


Calculated of chi-square Degree of freedom

= 6.2 =(4-1)(2-1) 3*1=3

Table value at 4% of significance is 7.815 INTERPRETATION At the 4% of level of significance,the calculated value(6.2)is lesser than the table value(7.815).so the hypothesis is accepted.Hence it may be conducted that significance association between labour welfare activities and present work environment.





1.This study shows most of the labours(75.4%)are getting benefits from the welfare benefits from the welfare activities.Majority arefully satisfied with the labour welfare activities provided by the company. 2.Majority with (60.3%)of the respondents pinion about the salary or wage system is very good. 3.Majority of the respondents (90.9%)are fully satisfied with the canteen facility provided by the company. 4.This study shows most of the labours(89.1%) are getting maximum satisfaction from safety measures provided by the company. 5.Most of the employees(89.1%) are fully satisfied with the present training system.They arrange new training system. 6.Majority of the respondents (79.08%)are fully dissatisfied with the leave availability provided by the company. 7.Most of the employees are fully satisfied with the water facility,housing,electricity provided by the company. 8.This study shows (100%)of the respondents are fully satisfied with the transportation facility. 9.Company create good work environment for labours. 10.Majority of labours(95.5%)opinion about medical facility provided by the company is very good.They arrange first aid,rest room,and ambulance. 11.Most of the employees (75.5%)are fully satisfied with the education facility provided to their children. 12.Most of the laabours are fully satisfied regard to their job,because of better co-ordination of managers. 13.The majority(77.2%)of the respondents opinion about motivation techniques from superiors side to labours is very good.


14.Counseling programs of the company is helpful for the employees for improving work.problem identification,and maximize companies profit.



1.Canteen facility shold be improved by providing quality food items and maintain cleanliness. 2.The organisation should provide good housing facilities for workers with good condition. 3.The company should provide electricity without frequent breakdown to their employees.. 4.The managers and supervisors should coordinate with labours for improving their attitude and motivate the employees.



Labour welfare plays an important role in promoting various welfare sercices for the employees in different field.Analysis of data will facilitate derivation of conclusion.The particular project A study of LABOUR WELFARE MEASURES IN MALABAR CEMENT LIMITED conducted for the purpose of attaining certain objectives such as work environment,labour welfare activities provided by the company etc.In this section of the report,conclusions of study are numbered and listed.For this a comprehensive schedule containing some questions were prepared.Most of the labours are fully co-operated with the data collection.Analysis and interpretation of data revealed some interesting facts about the labour welfare measures.Malabar cements limited is considered to be an industry due to the large number of employees.It is not possible to solve all the problems,but some suggestions can be made to improve their conditions. The welfare aspects covered in Malabar cements Limited is the focus of the study.






Human Resource Management:Dr.Radhahr Research Methodology (second edition) Idustrial Law :N.D,Kapoor :C.R.Kothari




a)Name b)Age c)Designation d)Department : : : :

e)Year of experience:

Mark your level of satisfaction in following areas:

1.Labour welfare activities provided by your organization? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

2.Salary or Wage system in your company? Highly satisfied 3.The canteen facility? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

4.Safety measures provided by the company? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

5.Present training system in the company? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

6.Leave availability provided by the company? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

7.Transportation facility provided by the company? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

8.Present work environment?


Highly satisfied



Highly dissatisfied

9.Housing facility provided by the company? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

10.Medical facilities provided to your family members? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

11.Schooling facility provided to your children? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

12.Electricity and working capacity of the machines? Highly satisfied 13.Water facility? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

14.Satisfaction regard to the bonus? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

15.Auditorium facility for workers use? Highly satisfied 16.Library facility? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

17.Personal motivation techniques? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

18.Satisfaction regard to your job? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied

19.Co-ordination of managers or supervisors? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied


20.Counseling programmes? Highly satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied


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