Firefighter F.D. 18 (PS2)

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Firefighter F.D.

Unlockable Dean "Max" McGregor Dean Unarmed Miss Crimson Miss Holy-White Miss Jet-Black Stage Select Menu Very Hard difficulty mode How to Unlock Find all of the Lost Items Complete the game as Miss Crimson with over 100,000 Extinguish Points. Complete the game as Dean "Max" McGregor. Complete the game as Miss Jet-Black with over 100,000 points and Gold Medals for all stages. Complete the game as Dean Unarmed with over 100,000 Extinguish Points. Beat the Game Complete the game on Hard difficulty.

Lost Items
Lost Items

Stage 1: Tunnel Stage 2 part 1: Lab. West wing 2nd Floor Stage 2 part 2: Lab. West wing 3rd Floor Stage 2 part 3: Lab. West wing 5th Floor Stage 2 part 4: Lab. East wing 4th Floor Stage 2 part 5: Lab. Stairwell Stage 3 part 1: Cruiser Ballroom Stage 3 part 2: Cruiser Cabin Stage 3 part 3: Cruiser Engine Room Stage 4 part 1: Plant Storeroom Stage 4 part 2: Plant Central Room

Stage 4 part 3: Plant Chemical Warehouse 1 Stage 4 part 4: Plant Production Line Stage 4 part 5: Plant Tank Stage 4 part 6: Plant Chemical Warehouse 2

II. Introduction

I do recommend trying to locate all Lost Items on your own before using this. I'm guessing though if you are reading this you are either unable to locate an item or curious as to what this FAQ has. This FAQ will only give you the\ stage plus the mission it will be in and a rough description of where the Item can be found.

III. Lost Items

*********************************** * Stage 1 "Tunnel" = 3 Lost Items * ***********************************

1. (Mission 1) Cell Phone: Found at end of tunnel at the bottom of the staircase. Opposite direction from the 9th Survivor.

2. (Mission 2) Wallet: Found behind a car in the opposite direction of where you get the 1st Survivor.

3. (Mission 2) Stuffed Animal: You can find this before Survivor 3. Race the fire that is heading for a car. Get the Stuffed animal before the car blows

up and covers it.

******************************************************* * Stage 2-1 "Lab. West wing 2nd Floor" = 3 Lost Items * *******************************************************

1. (Mission 2) Shoulder Bag: This can be found in the room near the first Survivor.

2. (Mission 3) Cell Phone: This can be found in the room next to the Third Survivor.

3. (Mission 4) Attache Case: In the corner of the room after you beat Inferno.

******************************************************* * Stage 2-2 "Lab. West wing 3rd Floor" = 3 Lost Items * *******************************************************

1. (Mission 2) Document: While heading towards the First Survivor (In this mission) this Item can be found in the back draft room to the left of the room with the drink in it.

2. (Mission 2) Briefcase: Inside the room with the back draft. It's to the left of the room with the first survivor you find.

3. (Mission 3) PDA: You find this item in the corner of the room right before

you reach the hallway that leads to Survivor 3.

******************************************************* * Stage 2-3 "Lab. West wing 5th Floor" = 4 Lost Items * *******************************************************

1. (Mission 2) Family Snapshot: This Item can be found in the same room as the Second Survivor.

2. (Mission 2) Trophy: This Can be found in the room to the left of the one with the third and final Survivor of this mission.

3. (Mission 5) Handbag: This Item is found down a row of computers on the far side of the room from the First Survivor.

4. (Mission 5) Confidential Document: This can be found in the room with the First Survivor between a row of computers near the Handbag.

******************************************************* * Stage 2-4 "Lab. East wing 4th Floor" = 3 Lost Items * *******************************************************

1. (Mission 1) Document: This can be found in the Back draft room near the First Survivor.

2. (Mission 4) DVD-ROM: After you have used the Blue console at the start of this mission go down the corridor it turned the sprinklers on in to find

this Item.

3. (Mission 4) Motherboard: You can find this inside the office between the two Survivors near the exhaust control panel.

********************************************* * Stage 2-5 "Lab. Stairwell" = 4 Lost Items * *********************************************

1. (Mission 1) Pendent: After you have gotten the key use your ax to get to the room next door. You will find this item in there.

2. (Mission 1) Wallet: Up the stairs near the First Survivor.

3. (Mission 1) Laptop in the corner near the third Survivors room.

4. (Mission 2) Attache Case: This item is in the back draft/"Smoking" room next door to Survivor A's Room.

*********************************************** * Stage 3-1 "Cruiser Ballroom" = 3 Lost Items * ***********************************************

1. (Mission 2) Shoulder Bag: You find this down the first ramp you start at. You will need to get to it from the other side of the ramp though.

2. (Mission 2) Suitcase: This one is found between survivor three and four.

3. (Mission 3) Handbag: After defeating Death Pyre and before saving the Final Survivor Locate this Item behind a door that you need to use an ax on it because it is locked.

******************************************** * Stage 3-2 "Cruiser Cabin" = 8 Lost Items * ********************************************

1. (Mission 1) Family Snapshot: Inside the room nearest to the Last Survivor.

2. (Mission 1) Mask: Leave the room with the Snapshot in it and go to your right. On the far side of this hallway is a cracked wall use your Ax and you will find this inside the room behind that cracked wall.

3. (Mission 2) Pendant: You find this inside the room next door to the First Survivor.

4. (Mission 2) Music CD: Along the wall opposite of the Last Survivors room is a cracked wall. Break open the wall with the Ax and the Lost Item is inside.

5. (Mission 3) Suitcase: After going down the stairs and out the door from the start follow the wall to your right. There will be some cars to your right the Lost Item is behind those cars.

6. (Mission 4) Shoulder Bag: When you enter the room after defeating

Helldriver go to your far right quickly to get this Lost Item near a car before it explodes.

7. (Mission 4) Handbag: After getting the "Shoulder Bag" quickly go to the far left of this room near another car. Get it before the car explodes.

8. (Mission 4) Stuffed Animal: After getting the "Handbag" Go to the far right near the Survivor to get this Lost Item.

************************************************** * Stage 3-3 "Cruiser Engine Room" = 4 Lost Items * **************************************************

1. (Mission 1) Briefcase: This can be found in the back draft room to the left of the First Survivors Room.

2. (Mission 1) Laptop: You can find this in the room to the right of the first exploding chemical Barrel.

3. (Mission 2) Cell Phone: This Item can be found to the left of the first back draft room on the way to the First and only Survivor.

4. (Mission 2) Wallet: This one is inside the back draft room that you have to go in to reach the First Survivor and only Survivor.

********************************************** * Stage 4-1 "Plant Storeroom" = 2 Lost Items *


1. (Mission 1) Confidential Document: This is found in the opposite corner of the room you find Survivor 2 in.

2. (Mission 2) Laptop: This is near the Survivor closest to the corridor into Tri-Blade's lair. I recommend Fighting Tri-blade first before getting this Item that is near some metal boxes.

************************************************* * Stage 4-2 "Plant Central Room" = 2 Lost Items * *************************************************

1. (Mission 1) PDA: This Lost Item can be found behind the fire at the bottom of the stairs that the survivor you save is on.

2. (Mission 1) Memory Device: This can be found down the stairs that are near the console you use to move the bridge to get to the final Survivor. It is behind the fire farthest away from the bottom of the stairs at the edge of the pit.

********************************************************* * Stage 4-3 "Plant Chemical Warehouse 1" = 3 Lost Items * *********************************************************

1. (Mission 1) Document: When you start to your left is a door you want to go into and get this Lost Item at the end of the sprinkler drenched hallway.

2. (Mission 1) Master DVD: When you start go through the door straight ahead and into the blue door to the left. You will find this Lost Item straight ahead behind some metal boxes near another blue door.

3. (Mission 3) Confidential Document: When you get near the last Survivor before facing the "Blister Flare" Turn to your right and head down this little fire covered path to find this Lost Item.

**************************************************** * Stage 4-4 "Plant Production Line" = 3 Lost Items * ****************************************************

1. (Mission 2) Motherboard: As you go down the corridor with a smaller robot to save the 2nd Survivor you should see this item at the side of the machinery you have to climb over to reach that small robot.

2. (Mission 2) Tin-Sheet Toy: Behind a large robot inside the room at the far left side of the room with the 2nd Survivor in it.

3. (Mission 3) Memory Device: Before entering the Last Survivor's Room go into the room on the left to get this Item.

******************************************************** * Stage 4-5 "Plant Tank" = No Lost Items on this Stage * ********************************************************


********************************************************* * Stage 4-6 "Plant Chemical Warehouse 2" = 3 Lost Items * *********************************************************

1. (Mission 1) Wallet: Behind some fire you can't put out near the start of this mission.

2. (Mission 1) Attache Case: Inside of a room right after you have ran away from the first wall of fire.

3. (Mission 1) Uchu HIKESHI: During the second wall of fire chase this Item is down the left path of the fork in the path.

Congratulations you have now collected all Lost Items.

Now that you have all Items it will show you the background picture. You also have now unlocked Dean Max McGregor also a few other Characters in Character Select. The Menu Screen Picture will change if you pick one of them in Character Select. Play through the Game as the "Miss" Firefighter to get the rest of the movies in the Movie Viewer.

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