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To:_____________________ NOTE:


Kindly accomplish this form so we can prepare the necessary action for the evaluation. Please send the form sooner to the college/university subject adviser in a sealed envelope marked to be opened by the addressee only. It should be noted that the rater has the option to discuss the results of the performance rating to the subject/rate.

Please rate the employee on the (10) ten performance factors found below by checking the box which you think would best correspond to the assessment of his performance. Use the following rating scale: 5 (Superior) - Performance consistently exceeds standards. 4 (Excellent) - Performance frequently exceeds standards. 3 (Acceptable) - Performance meets the expected standards. 2 (Not Acceptable) Improvement needed for performance to meet expected standard. 1 (Poor) - Performance is seriously deficient and required immediate improvement. Your fairness, objectivity and good judgment are important to make these useful to the rate.

PERFORMANCE RATING FORM RATEE: ________________________________________ POSITION: _____________________________________ COMPANY: ______________________________________ DATE HIRED: _________ RATING PERIOD COVERED: ____________

Performance Standards A. WORK ATTITUDE Is he/she interested in his/her job? Does he/ she accept instruction and criticisms properly? Is he/she willing to improve himself/ herself to meet the demands of the job? B. INTEGRITY Is he/ she honest in his/her dealings with the superiors, peers, subordinates, clients? Is he/ she able to gain the trust and confidence of these people? C. DEPENDABILITY Does he/ she carry the instructions, fulfill promises and achieve result on time? Is he/ she reliable even under pressure? D. INITIATIVE Does he/ she work with minimum or no supervision and achieve even beyond the expected results? Is he/ she alert for opportunities? E. ATEENDANCE Is he/ she regular and punctual in reporting to work? Does he/she effectively use his/ her working time including judicious use of the break time? F. QUANTITY OF WORK Is he/she produces enough results for the given time? G. QUANLITY OF WORK Is he/she accurate and through? Does he/she exert his/ her best and feel proud of the results? H. JOB KNOWLEDGE Is he/she fully aware of the responsibilities of the position and expectations of his/her superiors? Does he/ she possess basic knowledge or skills in performing his/ her responsibilities?

I. JUDGMENT Does he/ she show the proper use of his/ her knowledge learned from the academe? Does he/ she show maturity in arriving at second judgment and decisions? J. RELATIONSHIP Is he/ she able to work harmoniously with others, positively influence their behavior and establish rapport with all concerned? SPECIFIC AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT/ COMMENTS:

(SUBJECT ADVISER ONLY) RATER:_____________________________________________ (Please sign above printed name) POSITION:____________________________________________ TOTAL RATING: ____________________________________ INTERPRETATION:_____________________________________


SUBJECT OF THE RATER: _____________________________________________

DATE: ______________________________________ Subject/ Raters Signature

The performance rating was discussed with my supervisor: ________________________________________ ( ) Agree with the rating ( ) Disagree with the rating COMMENTS OF THE SUBJECT/ RATEE: Date: ______________________________

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