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Computer Hardware and Software CIT111, Section 5702, MW 10:00-11:40 Fall 2013

Instructor: Mark Wright 213-7235 (voice mail) 213-7247 (secretary) Office Hours: Monday 2:15-5:30; 4:30; Thursday 1:30-4:30 Office: Science 100K JCTC Southwest Campus 1000 Community College Dr. Louisville, KY 40272 Tuesday 2:45-4:30; Wednesday 2:15-

Mission: This course supports the colleges mission of promoting excellence in programs and services in support of educational opportunity, lifelong learning, and student achievement. Course Description: This course presents a practical view of computer hardware and client operating systems. Covers computer hardware components; troubleshooting, repair, and maintenance; operating system interfaces and management tools; networking components; computer security; and operational procedures. Lecture: 4 hours. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the student can: 1. Identify and explain motherboard components. 2. Identify, install, configure, and upgrade personal computer components. 3. Perform device driver installation, scheduled maintenance, and memory and firmware updates. 4. Identify common tools, basic diagnostic procedures, troubleshooting techniques, and preventive maintenance methods. 5. Explain and apply the troubleshooting process to diagnose and repair common hardware and software problems. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of conversion between binary, decimal, hexadecimal number systems. 7. Compare and contrast client operating systems and their features. 8. Use multiple user interfaces, including command-line, to perform operating system management tasks; to configure, optimize, and upgrade the current client operating systems; and to diagnose network connection issues. 9. Use and manage file systems, operating system utilities, backup programs, and optimization tools. 10.Describe the process to install, configure, secure, and troubleshoot a basic small or home office network. 11.Identify the fundamental principles of networking and security. 12.Describe and apply appropriate operational procedures including safety, environmental procedures, good communication skills, and professional behavior. General Education learning Outcome strengthened in this course: 1. Apply an appropriate model to the problem to be solved. Text: A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, 8 th Edition. by Jean Andrews. Course Technologies, 2013. ISBN 978-1-133-13508-1

Grade Requirements: A: 90-100% <60%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%


Assignments: Students will be responsible for reading the textbook and studying lecture notes. Exams will be from reading and lectures. I will make every effort to present all pertinent material in class, but questions may also come from the text book. Makeup exams will typically be different from the rest of the class and may be more difficult. Students must be present to receive credit for lab assignments. Your Grade will be based on: 60% 5 or 6 exams 20% Final Exam 20% Laboratory Activities Attendance: If absence is necessary it is the students responsibility to obtain the reading assignments and keep up with the class. You should contact a fellow student if possible to obtain assignments and be prepared for any exam when you return. Not knowing about a test does not exempt a student from taking that assessment. If you need to miss class for a religious holiday, you need to request accommodations from the instructor in advance if you wish to make up a quiz or test. Additional Notes: Incomplete (an I grade) can be given only in the most extreme with specific requirements and deadlines. Students must initiate asking for an incomplete. A student who simply quits coming to class and does not complete course requirements will receive an E. To receive closings and emergency information on your cell phone, sign up here: Withdraw (a W grade) requires permission from the instructor, granted any time before the last week of class. Students with disabilities who require accommodations (academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services) for this course must contact the Access*Ability Resource Center (ARC) on the appropriate campus as soon as possible. Please DO NOT request accommodations directly from the professor or instructor . If you require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor and the ARC. Nancy BirklaDisability Resource Manager Southwest Campus Student Community BuildingRm 103 (502) 213-7120 Students in need of accommodations related to a hearing loss or deafness should register with the Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) office within the ARC on the downtown campus. Services include interpreting, note taking, and provision of ALD devices. Contact Contact: Venetia Lacy Services Provided: (502) 213-4218

- Interpreting - Notetaking - ALD devices - Advising

Students can purchase discounted software at this website: KCTCS Student Service Center: A students own work is the only valuable learning. Cheating and/or plagiarism will be dealt with according to the JCTC Student Code of Conduct, found at onduct.aspx Problems and difficulties related to our class should be discussed first between the instructor and the student. If you are still not satisfied, the protocol for complaints is as follows:
Academic Program Coordinator, , BUS100K,

Division Chair, Bruce Jost,, BUS100L, 213-7264

Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Donna Elkins, , ADM163, 213-7303 KCTCS Administrative Policies and Procedures on email Section Official E-mail Account is defined as "An e-mail account, issued by KCTCS, which is based on a persons name and ends in the domain name ''." KCTCS Colleges Use of E-Mail E-Mail is an official method for communication at KCTCS colleges. Students are responsible for the consequences of not reading, in a timely fashion, KCTCS collegerelated communications sent to their official KCTCS student e-mail account. Expectations Regarding Student Use of E-Mail Students are expected to check their official KCTCS e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of KCTCS college-related communications. KCTCS offices cannot validate that a communication coming by email is from a student unless it comes from a valid KCTCS address. If students make queries to KCTCS administrative offices or faculty from "nickname" e-mail accounts (Hotmail, AOL, etc.), they may be asked to resubmit their query using an official KCTCS account. Faculty Expectations and Educational Uses of E-Mail Faculty members may require e-mail for course content delivery, class discussion, and instructor conferencing and may specify course-related e-mail policies in their syllabi. Faculty may also require students to confirm their subscription to a KCTCS college-provided mailing list.

KCTCS Jefferson Community and Technical College is an Equal Opportunity institution committed to the policy of providing educational opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic or social status, beliefs, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or physical or mental disability. August 2013

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