Teamsters Local 210 - Redacted HWM

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Ex. 4 Ex. 4 Ex. 4 Ex. 4

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TEAMS L210:000001

Ex. 4

Ex. 4

Ex. 4

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Ex. 4

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TEAMS L210:000002

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Ex. 4

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TEAMS L210:000003

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From: Botwinick, Alexandra (HHS/OCIIO) Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 9:08 AM To: '' Subject: Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of PHS Act Section 2711 Importance: High Attachments: Updated Jan 1 Approval Letter .pdf Good Morning, Thank you for submitting an application for a Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 for Teamsters Local 210 Affiliated Health and Insurance Fund. HHS has reviewed your application and made its determination. Please see the attached letter. Please confirm receipt of this letter by replying to this e-mail address with a copy to Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely,

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TEAMS L210:000004

Alexandra Botwinick Office of Oversight HHS/OCIIO

file:////co-adshare/...orres/DFOI%20Processing%20Team/Mike/Teamsters%20Local%20210/Approval%20letter%20sent%2012-6-2010.htm[11/08/2011 5:40:59 PM]

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TEAMS L210:000005

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TEAMS L210:000006

From: Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 2:35 PM To: Botwinick, Alexandra (HHS/OCIIO) Cc: OCIIO Oversight Subject: Re: Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of PHS Act Section 2711 Importance: High Hello Ms.Botwinick, The following is to confirm that I received your letter regarding our application for a Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 for Teamsters Local 210 Affiliated Health and Insurance Fund . Thank you. Sincerely, George L. Miranda Chairman Teamsters Local 210 Affiliated Health and Insurance Fund

Quoting "Botwinick, Alexandra (HHS/OCIIO)" <>: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Good Morning,

Thank you for submitting an application for a Waiver of the Annual Limits Requirements of the PHS Act Section 2711 for Teamsters Local 210 Affiliated Health and Insurance Fund. HHS has reviewed your application and made its determination. Please see the attached letter. Please confirm receipt of this letter by replying to this e-mail address with a copy to Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Sincerely,

Alexandra Botwinick Office of Oversight HHS/OCIIO<>

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TEAMS L210:000007

file:////co-adshare/...20Processing%20Team/Mike/Teamsters%20Local%20210/confirmation%20of%20approval%20letter%2012-9-2010.txt[11/08/2011 5:41:05 PM]

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TEAMS L210:000008

file:////co-adshare/...20Processing%20Team/Mike/Teamsters%20Local%20210/confirmation%20of%20approval%20letter%2012-9-2010.txt[11/08/2011 5:41:05 PM]

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