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Volume #5


Issue #6

The Sabres Source



Global News Local News School News Student Life Technology Recipes Horoscopes

2 3 4 5 10 13 14

Welcome to spring! The flowers are blooming and the sun is finally starting to shine. In case you havent noticed, weather has a significant impact in our lives. Personally I have noticed that people seem to be happier and friendlier when the sun is shining - perhaps it is the warmth of the sun, the increased hours of daylight or the natural beauty that surrounds us. It is fitting, therefore that this issue of the Sabres Source is dedicated to art. Art is around us all the time. Art can be in concrete forms, such as music or drama, but it is also in our natural world. Have you ever noticed the sun setting or an arrangement of flowers? This beauty is art! Art can come in many forms, and I hope that in this issue you will be able to discover some of the many forms of art. I challenge you all to be more creative in your daily lives and more appreciative of the beauty and art that surrounds us all. Warmly, - Karina Alibhai, Editor in Chief

NOTE TO ALL STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND STRATFORD HALL STAFF: - If you have anything that you want published, like a shout-out happy birthday to your best friend, an advertisement, a reminder to all students, or anything that you want everyone to see, email! - Want to join the Sabres Source Club? We meet every other Monday in Studio C from 1:30 -1:50.


Jessica Chiang

Most Visited Venue in 2012... in Paris!

According to the Art Newspaper, the Louvre is the most visited art museum of 2012. The publications annual survey found that 9.7 million people visited the Louvre, which was 1 million more than the previous year. Why is the Louvre visited so much more now? The Louvre added a new wing of Islamic art and perhaps this gained the interests of visitors from around the world. The Louvre is located in Paris, France on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st arrondissement or district. The museum showcases almost 35 000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century. The museum opened on August 10, 1793 with only 574 paintings which were primarily the works of royals and conscated church property. However, recently there has been an increase in pickpockets at the Louvre and this has caused the Louvre to close for a while, starting on Wednesday April 10, 2013 due to the protest by staff; over two hundred workers were involved in a strike organized by the SUD union over pickpockets. Staff at the museum said that thieves, who included children, were targeting both employees and tourists. Staff feel scared to go to work, according to Christelle Guyader of SUD and [they] nd themselves confronted with organized group of pickpockets who are increasingly aggressive and who include children (Paris Louvre). Also, the thieves were getting into the museum, where the painting of the Mona Lisa resides, and they would return even after being questioned by the police. As a result, even though there have always been pickpockets the number of occurrences has increased. At this time, the staff and museum supervisor dont know how to stop them and when the museum will open agian. This is unfortunate, as many tourists may not have the opportunity to visit the Louvre at this time. And what about the famous Mona Lisa? You wouldnt want to miss that if you were in Paris! Anyways, what do you think the museum can do to prevent and decrease this problem in the future, so it can continue to be the most visited art museum?
Sources: world-europe-22098102 entertainment-arts-21965220

Image from: 2 other-mix-pictures/louvre-aglow_paris_france


I had the privilege of attending the rst ever TOIFA awards. TOIFA stands for Times of India Film Awards, which is why there was a mad buzz of people in the downtown area in mid-April. These awards were held at BC Place, this past Saturday, April 10th, 2013. Besides the area behind the stage, and a little area at the top, most of BC Place was lled with a large amount of fans. And of course, the actors, lm producers, and singers (from lms) were all present.

Alyssah-Jasmine Merani

At these awards, stood some of the biggest Bollywood stars, receiving awards, dancing, making jokes or simply sending out greetings to the Vancouver audience. Some of the Bollywood stars who came included Shahrukh Khan, Katrina Kaif, Priyanka Chopra, Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Ileana D'Cruz, Abisheikh Bachan, and Ashwariya Bachan, the choreographer for the awards, Shiamak Davar, and more. One of the most notable awards of the night was the Best Debut- Female award, which was presented to leana D'Cruz for her performance in the lm Baar. Going to TOIFA was an amazing experience because I have never attended an award ceremony like this. It may not be as important as the Oscars yet, but the idea was sure large enough to keep the people of Vancouver excited and happy. My favorite Bollywood star, who attended this event, is the one and only Shahrukh Khan (see image below). Now if you are familiar with Indian lms, you will surely know who I am talking about but for those of you who arent, let me give you some key characteristics about this actor. Shahrukh Khan is the King of Bollywood. He is denitely one of the reasons why I wanted to attend the TOIFA awards. Everytime the camera zoomed onto him, we would see it on the large screen and the fans inside of BC Place would go wild with cheers, glee and enthusiasm. Clearly, Im not the only person who loves Shahrukh Khan. But besides being the King of Bollywood, he is a very outgoing and hilarious individual. And although he didnt win an award, his entertainment that night was amazing. I will never forget his performance or the things he said that night. Even without his amazing charm, Shahrukh Khan would still be able to entertain an audience. To nd out more about who won what awards visit: http:// +2013+Full+list+winners/8208377/story.html
Images from: 3


What is Your Art?

Ariana Jessa

Art is a main part of what our school fundamentally believes in. We take great pride in making sure we are an well-rounded school. This year, Stratford Hall has seen an amazing incline in the quality of art at our school. However, what art is can often be misconceived. This article will compare traditional art and modern art and will showcase the school play and art exhibition, but also CAHSMUN and Science Fair. The question is: What is your art? Widdershins: This year in March the Drama Class performed its annual Stratford Hall Senior School Play. This year the play was Widdershins: the story of a middle aged inspector, trying to gure out how four people mysteriously vanished, and as a result, discovers more deeply his own madness. This years play showed another side of what art can be: it showed the beauty in madness and the truth of insanity. Congratulations to all performers and to the director: Ms. McFadyen. Art Exhibition: This years art exhibition was truly amazing. Showcasing numerous students work, this exhibition brought a new dimension to art at Stratford Hall. It truly showed that everyone has a different perception and perspective when it comes to art and beauty, and that is what makes us all unique. When looking at this exhibition, you do not see the mediums, or the time the student spent on the project but you see their perception of reality and of beauty, which is one of the most individual and amazing things on the planet. VS Science Fair: This year Stratford Hall sent eight amazing projects to the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair. The passion for an experiment and a project needs great artistry. The rst thing that comes to mind when you think about art is not science, but it can be. There is beauty in science but we have to choose to see it. Congratulations to all participants and the mentors: Mr. Lin and Ms. Ver. CAHSMUN: Six students went to the Canadian High School Model United Nations conference at the Sheraton Wall Center, this year. It is amazing to see students from different schools and grades collaborating and communicating to try to solve the worlds problems. Debate, compromisation, and collaboration, can all be forms of art too. There is beauty in unity and collective effort, which is not often seen in the real world. Art can be all these things; art is versatile and it is unique. It is impossible to dene because everything is art, and art is everything. All that matters is how we see it. So I ask once again. What is your art?


Life at Stratford
Photographed by Ajit Dhadli





Live a Stress-Free Life

Tina Kadivar

Being stressed for exams is one of the most common problems among students of all ages. It is a serious problem and can sometimes lead to different health problems such as depression and insomnia. Observations have shown that people under stress tend to gain weight faster. So what should we do to avoid it??!! 1. Set priorities. Start from the most important subject and work your way down the list 2. Dont look over the pages to see how many pages you have to read!! This not only doesnt help you, but it also adds on to your stress causing you to loose focus when studying 3. Take a break after each 45 minutes of studying and dont even think of what you have to study or do after the break 4. Try to do some simple exercise during your break, such as yoga. Exercise is the most effective way to eliminate stress. It also helps you study more efficiently afterwards. 5. Dont check the time!! It just makes you feel worse! 6. Be positive! Stress has a really bad effect on memory. So if you you keep being negative and worrying about all the work you have will inuence your memory and make you forget all you studied easily. These are some of the simplest tips to eliminate stress. But keep this in mind that not everyones the same so these tips may work for some and not for others. But regardless, its worth trying!

Image from: blog/bid/147216/Is-there-such-a-thing-as-a-stress-freevacation 7


Notes from the 2012/13 Prefects

Melisa Hernandez-Paccagnella This is my last article as Prefect of Creativity. Ive had the best experience being prefect and thank you for the opportunity. My favourite event this year, was denitely Arts Week. Although it was a challenge for me, it was pretty awesome. We had fantastic guests, and a lot of fun activities which hopefully all of you enjoyed. A new experience for me was MCing the Talent Show, which was new for me. To tell you the truth, I was terried. I couldnt think of ways to ll in time and we were going to nish really early (hence Mr. Grealys life story in Northern Ireland), but, it was a lot of fun. Maybe Ill MC at some other event in the future will look back at this Arts Week as being a good starting place. Through all of the challenges that I had to face as Prefect (balancing play practice, dance, piano, school, being a prefect, and life), they were all worth it. From the many Spirit Days that weve organised to end of last years school year, to Arts week about a month ago, I think the Prefects left a legacy at Stratford Hall. Thank you and good luck to the new Prefects! Myah Ollek It seems crazy to think that a year has already passed since my time as prefect of junior school started. It feels like I have blinked and it has already passed. I guess that has kind of been a theme with this year - over before you know it. It feels like yesterday I was walking across the stage and shaking Dr. McConnells hand and bursting with excitement over what the next year had in store. I must say that this experience of being a Prefect totally blew away my expectations. I never thought that this opportunity would have the ability to change me as much as it did. Being able to play a larger role in the schools community was one of my favourite parts of being a prefect. Presenting in assembly and running spirit days at rst were something I was very afraid of doing. I had very little experience in presenting in front of a large group of people and I was very nervous the rst couple of times I had to do it. But very quickly, it became one of my favourite things to do. Being able to interact and communicate with the school was something that I loved about being a prefect. Getting to know my own school better and trying to improve it in anyway possible were some of the goals that I had coming into this year as prefect. I think that my prefect group and I had a very successful year in trying to improve the school to be the best we could by increasing the school spirit and excitement. With spirit days and upbeat assemblies, I feel that this prefect group overall had a very successful year. I know I would do it all again if I had the chance because it was just so much fun being able to spread school spirit and getting to know everyone in the school community better. My advice to next years prefects is to enjoy it. It doesn't last long and it is over before you know it so make sure you take time to stop and smell the roses because this is the time of your life and it goes faster than you think.


Notes from the 2012/13 Prefects

Ahmed Khan It is hard to believe that this school year is nearly done, and with that, the transition into the next year of prefects has occured already! From Obamas re-election in November 2012 to the election of Pope Francis as the new pope in March 2013, a lot has occurred around the world during this school year. On behalf of all the prefects, I would like to thank everyone in the Senior School for your participation and support in all of the activities that we have done. One of my highlights from this year was helping run the Remembrance Day Ceremony in November. Before coming to Stratford Hall, I could never have imagined myself speaking in front of such a large audience before, and I am glad that I now have the experience of doing so. Another highlight of mine from this school year was working with the Class Representatives. Although a new initiative this year, it was great getting to meet and work with the different leaders from every grade in the Senior School. I am condent that the Class Representatives will have a more active role in Senior School activities, and I hope that many students consider striving to become a Class Representative. On a personal note, I would like to thank the Senior School for helping me with a smooth transition into Stratford Hall following my move to Vancouver in 2011 at the start of the Diploma Programme. I have really enjoyed my time here, and I want to wish all the best to all of the current Diploma Programme students! Devon Ehrhardt Not to sound clich or anything, but time ies when youre having fun. I can truly say that this year has gone extremely fast. Just to think that it has been over a year since I was appointed as a prefect is scary. Throughout the year, there have been many different events and occasions that that have been great experiences. To be able to run our schools sports days and spirit events has truly been a fun experience. It has been great to watch the school become more involved in our school spirit days, and to see our school spirit grow more and more. I am also so happy to have seen the schools athletics programs grow in the past year. To think that just in the last few years, Stratford Hall has really come into its own, becoming a dominant force in areas of athletics within the Lower Mainland, even extending internationally into our ultimate dominance in the Burlington Ultimate Tournament. I can say without a doubt however, that the thing I will most fondly remember is getting the chance to speak in assembly in front of the school. That was probably one of the most fun opportunities that I have had this year. I would like to recommend to anyone who is thinking of applying for prefect in future years to go for it, as it is an extremely rewarding experience. Thank you Stratford Hall for an amazing year!

Neil Merchant Article unabilable at time of printing.



Jotham Chow

Gunning for 3D Printers

production of any and all objects with the simple click of a button, the 3D printing technology has faced renewed controversy, more specically to do with gun regulations. Cody Wilson, the founder of a 3D gun-printing based project, is hoping to create blueprints of guns that will be publicly posted on the internet for anyone to download and print. This website is also up and running at and many videos have also been posted on YouTube demonstrating a printed AR-15 with over 600 rounds. This operation has faced legal challenges but is still operating. 3D printing is a relatively newly-introduced technology and while it has created many new opportunities and introduced new business models, this controversy may lead to new regulations and laws.

A new and improved manufacturing process has been underway over the past decade and has recently become more popular businesses are beginning to adopt this new technology. 3D printing has reinvented the entire manufacturing process by eliminating the need for manual labour altogether. It is manufacturing with a mouse click instead of hammeres, nails and, well, workers says Ashlee Vance. 3D printing only requires a computer, a simple designing software and a 3D printer to easily create a vast array of products. Unlike ordinary paper printers that print ink onto at paper, 3D printers add layers of material such as plastic or metal, starting from the base and working its way upward

as the process continues. This has now opened opportunities for many never-before-possible businesses to prot from selling jewelry, iPhone cases. and even doorknobs designed and created with 3D printing technology. 3D printing does not stop at small objects, though. A California business is now looking into creating a printer the size of a tractortrailer that would add layers of concrete to construct entire walls of houses and buildings. We are enabling a class of ordinary people to take their ideas and turn those into physical, real products, said J. Paul Grayson, the chief executive of Alibre. This new technology has not come without friction, though. By enabling the

Image from: 2013/01/25/ will_computers_kill_gun_control/



The Bitcoin Standard

Recently, bitcoins have been receiving more exposure in the news. But what exactlyisa bitcoin? Bitcoin,conceived by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and released in 2009, is a decentralized digital currency, designedto not be managed by any government or central authority. Instead, transactions and currency creation ismaintained and veried by the bitcoin network itself, the collective whole of computers running the bitcoinsoftware. Each bitcoin, represented by the symbol, can be split into 100 million smaller pieces known assatoshis (similar to how $1 can be split into 100). The monetary base of the bitcoin at the time of writing isapproximately 1 billion dollars. Rather than a government mint creating coins and bills, bitcoins are "mined" by computer servers connected to thebitcoin network. The network distributes an extremely difficult calculation among the servers, and the rst to solvethe equation is awarded a number of bitcoins, decreasing over time. The difficulty of the calculation is dependenton the total computing power of the mining network; the more servers mining for bitcoins, the more difficult thecalculation. These servers also act as the verication for transactions occurring in the bitcoin network. This bitcoingeneration will continue until 21 million are in circulation in the year 2140. The value of the bitcoin in terms ofmore traditional currencies such as the US or Canadian Dollar is dependent on the value at which bitcoins arebeing traded on various exchanges. The bitcoin currency is appealing because of the system's security. Every transaction and mining operation isveried by all other "nodes" in the network. As a result, the only way to produce counterfeit bitcoins or falsify atransaction would be to take control of over 50% of the computing

Kevin Yap

power of the bitcoin network. In theory, this willonly become more inconceivable as the popularity of the bitcoin expands. Another appeal of bitcoin (which may ormay not be seen as a positive aspect of the system) is the anonymity of transactions. While every transaction thatoccurs in the network can be publicly viewed, it is nearly impossible to identify the parties involved in thetransaction by anything more than their bitcoin address, which look like this:175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Z x6rewF9WQrcZv245W. This has made the bitcoin a popular currency for black markettrading.

Image From: uploads/2011/06/url3.png 11


Continued from last page Kevin Yap

The reason that bitcoins have been more prevalent in popular media is because of the rapid growth of the value ofthe bitcoin. In February, 1 was equal to about 20 USD. However, at the time of writing, the value of one bitcoinhas grown to over 200 USD. This has sparked a number of people wanting to buy bitcoins in hopes that thiseconomic growth will continue. However, many major economistspredict that the growth is a bubble, and thebitcoin will collapse.

The bitcoin has been compared to gold and the gold standard, where a currency was also acommodity. The "mining" of bitcoins is similar to the mining of gold, where currency is slowly added to circulation.At the moment, many people are purchasing bitcoins as a commodity (hoping that its value will increase and theycan sell for a prot), and this is detrimental to a currency system. There is still much skepticism surrounding the

bitcoin. Many feel that the bitcoin has no value, since its value isdictated only by both parties' perception of the value of the currency. In addition, the instability of the dollar value ofthe bitcoin makes investing in bitcoins a risky proposition, akin to gambling away funds. Only time will tell whether the bitcoin will become a large player in the world of economics, or if it will simply stay a novelty limited to the underground economy.

Forever Green Project

A Note from the Organizers
Dear students, We have started our Stratford Hall Forever Green project. This project will transform the plots behind Stratford Hall (under the skytrain) into beautiful community gardens. The plots are split up so each homeroom has their own plot. There are three categories for which each homeroom can win, including; most colorful, most crops, best design. The winner will be announced rst week of June. The prizes will be announced in the following weeks. This project will be run by students from the grade 12 class, and will require commitment and help from students from grade 8-12. This is a great initiative to give back to the community and we hope that everyone helps and has fun. Sincerely, Class of 2013



Cooking with Cookie

Rainbow Cupcakes: These are very pretty, taste so good, and are very fun to make! Ingredients 1 cup all purpose our 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/2 cup sugar 2 large eggs 1/2 cup vegetable oil (or melted butter) 1/2 cup buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla extract Red, yellow, green and blue food colouring Directions Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 10 cups from a 12 cup muffin tin (or line with paper cups). In a medium bowl, whisk together our, baking powder and salt. In a large bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, vegetable oil, buttermilk and vanilla extract. Pour in dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Divide batter evenly into 5 small bowls; each should have a little more than 1/3 cup batter (approx 6 tbsp or so for each). Add about 1/2 tsp food coloring to each bowl to make red, orange, yellow, green and blue batters. Stir well, so no streaks of plain batter remain. Add additional food coloring if necessary. Starting with the blue batter, add a small spoonful to each of the 10 grease muffin cups (just over 1/2 tbsp in each). Repeat with all remaining colors, working from green to yellow to orange to red, adding each subsequent spoonful on top of the previous color. Do not attempt to spread the layers of color out (as it can cause layers to combined), but allow them to spread on their

Catherine Armstrong

Since the theme of this Sabers Source is art I have decided to give you recipes that are colourful and fun to make! Below are the instructions on how to make rainbow cupcakes and mug cakes. own. Bake for about 15 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool cupcakes on a wire rack before frosting. Makes 10 Mug Cake(s): These cakes are very easy to make and take less the 10 minutes! You can make vanilla, chocolate and red velvet mug cakes! Youll need: 4 large microwave-safe mugs Ingredients 250 mL (1 cup) all-purpose our, sifted 250 mL (1 cup) granulated sugar 125 mL (1/2 cup) high quality cocoa powder 5 mL (1 teaspoon) baking powder 1 egg 175 mL (3/4 cup) whole milk 175 mL (3/4 cup) vegetable oil Toppings, like whipped cream, powdered sugar or chocolate sauce Directions Combine all ingredients and mix until just combined. Do not over mix. Divide between four mugs. One at a time, microwave on high for 2 1/2-3 minutes, until cake rises above the mug. Let cool for 2 minutes and garnish with desired toppings. Vanilla Mug Cake Recipe Instead of the cocoa substitute it with 1 to 1 teaspoons of vanilla extract. Red Velvet Mug Cake Recipe Follow chocolate mug cake recipe, adding 1 tablespoon of red food colouring.


May Horoscopes

Georgia Nicols ** Printed with permission

Aries (March 21-April 19) This month activates financial matters, cash flow and your possessions. This month you will try to organize, maintain and repair things to establish better control over your life through what you own. On top of this, you will have the power to attract money to you. (Yes!) This means you will buy beautiful treasures, perhaps something you want to show off. Your focus on money and possessions might be so strong that you will argue with others but you will defend your values.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) It's your turn to energize and recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. You attract people and fortunate circumstances. Venus paves the way for friendships and warm partnerships. Since Venus is all about fun, you'll want to get away on a vacation and party! This is the time to look in the mirror and assess your image. What can you do to look better? You will go after what you want. Good time for physical exercise. Gemini (May 21-June 20) Two different influences are at play this month. The Sun, Venus and Mars are hiding in your chart, which makes you want to be low-key and work behind the scenes or work alone. Youre hatching secret plans. Indeed, the coming month is an excellent time to strategize what you want your new year (birthday to birthday) to be. Why not write down some goals? Jupiter boosts your confidence and draws people and resources to you plus deepens the spiritual dimension of your life. Cancer (June 21-July 22) This month is about groups and friends. Accept invitations, join clubs and schmooze with everyone. Study your friends because they are a reflection of who you are. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Work with others because team efforts will pay off. Competition with someone is likely (could be sports competitions). Talk about your future goals to others because they can help you. Jupiter will soon enter your sign heralding a fantastic year ahead! Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) A bundle of planets is at the top of your chart acting like a spotlight on you. People notice you! Furthermore, this lighting is flattering, so everyone thinks youre the cat's meow. Mars arouses your ambition making you want to achieve; it also makes you independent! You're not a team player now, you want to be your own boss and you want credit for what you do. Meanwhile, fair Venus might attract someone older or richer to you in a romantic sense. Lighting is everything. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Youre attracted to the arts and beautiful places this month. Satisfy your interest in beauty by visiting beautiful parks. Drive or hike through pristine nature. Visit museums, art galleries and gorgeous architectural buildings. Study the handicrafts and artwork of other cultures. You might even strike up a friendship with someone who is "different." You have lots of energy to learn new things and meet people from other cultures. You want to grab life by the throat because you don't want anything to pass you by. Travel will delight you. "All aboard!"


Continued from last page

May Horoscopes

Georgia Nicols ** Printed with permission

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) The Sun, Venus and Mars now heighten your interest in shared property, inheritances and anything you own jointly with others, which is why youll focus on taxes and debt. You want to reduce debt, but you might dispute the ownership of something or the boundaries of shared property. Others might be generous to you. Meanwhile, your desire to travel is still there and you continue to have opportunities to explore in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Life is going to be getting better when Jupiter enters Cancer (your fellow water sign) at the end of June to stay for a year. This is highly fortunate for you. Meanwhile, you're dealing with three planets opposing your sign: the Sun, Venus and Mars drawing your focus on partnerships and close friendships. The Sun and Venus will warm these friendships and even attract new ones, but Mars creates problems, disputes and competition. Oh well. Be honest with friends. Lay your cards on the table. You have a strong year ahead. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) After enjoying a playful vacation, youre ready to get better organized. It's time. In fact, youre on such a kick, you want to turn over a new leaf to organize your home and personal life as well as your job and youre your health! This is why you're jogging, biking, hiking and pumping iron. Something is almost completed and you feel impatient to see it done. You take great pride in whatever you accomplish now, and you want the credit! Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) A delightful month ahead promises a chance to get out and have a good time. You want the freedom to express yourself and do your own thing. You feel lighter and more playful. In fact, many will be involved with children. Grab every chance to enjoy the arts or express your own creative talents.You're relaxed and feel no need to pretend to be what you are not. Sports (especially competitive) will amuse you. You want to kick up your heels, flirt and have fun! Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Home, family, and real-estate matters are your focus now. Some will cocoon at home, others will be redecorate or renovate. Visiting guests might also be why theres increased activity and chaos at home. Family squabbles might break out. Yet, ironically, good feelings within the family abound as well. Relations with parents will be challenging. (That frustrating family roller coaster.) Ah yes, your hard drive is full and your server is slow but real-estate opportunities look good. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) All this hustle and bustle has arrived because the pace of your days is accelerating with short trips, To Do lists, increased reading and writing and interaction with siblings. Youre singing "On the Road Again. You're talking to everyone because you need to communicate. Expect to notice the beauty is in your daily surroundings plus love and affection. (This is all revealing, like a little epiphany about your everyday world.) It makes you want to share your views with others.


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