Free Resource, 'The Power of A Woman', From The Blueprint: Redefining Your Relationships With Men, by Wil Townsend.

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Redefining Yourself and Your Relationships with Men

Wil Townsend

by Wil Townsend
Copyright 2010 by Wil Townsend

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

ISBN-10 0979587824 ISBN-13 9780979587825

Cover Photography by Guillermo Albornoz

This book is available at quantity discounts for bulk purchases. For information, please write to: Wil Townsend P.O. Box 327 Red Bank, NJ 07701

Printed in the United States of America Third Edition April 2010

(Previously published as The Blueprint to the Izm)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means -- for example, electronic, photocopy, or audio recording, without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet, or via any other means without permission of the publisher is prohibited, unlawful, and is punishable by law. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews. Please purchase only authorized print or electronic editions. Do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the authors rights is greatly appreciated.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .......................................................................... 1 What is the Blueprint ....................................................... 8 Episode 1 The Game All men are dogs, if you are using meat as your bait! The Game (Entering the Battlefield) .......................... 13 Understanding the Tangled Web ............................. 24 Dont Slow Your Role, Know Your Role ................. 44 R.E S P E C T. (Find Out What It Means to a Man) .... 48 The Rules of Nature (Predator vs. Prey) ................... 51 Relations vs. Relationships ....................................... 52 The Simplicity of a Man ............................................ 53 The Authentic Challenge (The Power U) ................... 54 Understanding What Youre Working With .......... 55 Casting the Proverbial Spell ................................. 57 Keeping His Attention (Always Leave Him Wanting More) ................... 59 Lets Summarize Episode 1 .................................... 61 Episode 2 Signs of the Times The more things change, the more things SHOULD stay the same. The Signs of the Times ............................................... 65 The New Man (A Dangerous Contender) .................. 72 The Influence of Mass Media .................................... 75 The Internet Connect ................................................. 76 The Feminist Movement ............................................ 77 The Reciprocal Recession .......................................... 78 The New Trinity: Me, Myself, and I ........................ 80 Lets Summarize Episode 2 .................................... 86 Episode 3 The Core The Beginning Creating the perfect version of you! The Core (The Beginning) ............................................ 91

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What You Bring to the Table (Knowledge of Self) ............................................... 99 A Season for Self ......................................................... 103 Self-Inventory .............................................................. 104 Clear and Concise (Knowing What You Want) ......... 107 The Power of a Woman (History) .............................. 111 The Indecisive Nature of a Woman .......................... 116 The Decisive Nature of a Man ................................... 117 The Sync 7 .................................................................... 120 The Mutual Needs of a Man and a Woman ............ 125 The Basic Needs of a Man .......................................... 126 Where do Dogs Come From? ................................... 129 Lets Summarize Episode 3 .................................... 133 Episode 4 The Pitfalls Look deep before you leap! A Man DOES NOT Think Like a Woman ............... 137 The Differences Between a Man and a Woman ......................................... 137 The Death of Courtship .............................................. 141 To Shack or Not to Shack, (The Lacking in Shacking) .................................... 143 The Investigation ........................................................ 146 When is the Right Time to Introduce Your Man to Your Children? ........................... 157 Ignoring the Red Flags ............................................... 161 The Syndrome Cycles ................................................. 165 The Savior Syndrome ......................................... 166 The L/L Syndrome .............................................. 166 The Insanity Syndrome ...................................... 168 Identity Theft (Balancing Yourself in the Relationship) .............. 170 Avoiding the Downward Spiral ............................... 171 Outside Influences ...................................................... 172 Lets Summarize Episode 4 .................................... 177

Episode 5 The Playas The Personality Perils - A Dysfunctional Mess! The Men Mr. Illusionist ..................................................... 181 Mr. Dog, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Playa .......................... 183 The Down-Low Brotha ..................................... 184 The Seasonal Man ............................................. 186 The Women Ms. Rebound Chaser ......................................... 189 Ms. Hater ............................................................ 190 Ms. Crumb Snatcher ......................................... 191 Ms. Bum Taker ................................................... 191 Ms. YeYe (Yesteryear) Star ............................... 192 Ms. Innocent One .............................................. 192 Ms. Drama Mama .............................................. 193 Ms. Analytical Overthinker ............................. 193 Ms. Savior ........................................................... 194 Ms. Bling, Bling (The Gold-digger) .................... 195 Ms. Moment Catcher ........................................ 195 Ms. Reformer ..................................................... 196 Lets Summarize Episode 5 ........................... 197 Episode 6 Back to Basics A Revolution is Coming! The Plan (Always Leave Him Wanting More) ............ 201 The Implementation ................................................... 202 The Results .................................................................. 203 Lets Summarize Episode 6 .................................... 204 Episode 7 Guidelines Things to do, things to read, and when to run like hell! Self-Inquiry Q&A Checklist ...................................... 209 Investigation Checklist .............................................. 211 The 21-Day Theory ..................................................... 213
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Poetic Notes Im in Love with Potential by jessica Care moore .................................. 215 The Realization by Antoinette M. Dailey ............................. 217 The Conclusion ............................................................ 219 The Final Episode ....................................................... 220 Lets Summarize Episode 7 .................................... 222 Episode 8 Resources and References Information you should know, because knowledge is key. It can save your life! Sexually Transmitted Diseases .................................. 227 What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and Infections (STIs)? ....................................... 228 How Can You Tell if You Have a Sexually Transmitted Disease? ......................................... 229 What are the Common Symptoms of STDs? ........... 229 The Common STDs ...................................................... 229 HIV and AIDS ............................................................. 232 The High Cost of STDs ............................................... 233 STD-Related Reproductive Cancers and Disorders ..................................................... 234 Conclusions................................................................... 235 Additional Resources ................................................. 237 Contacts ........................................................................ 239 Bibliography ................................................................. 241
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Wil Townsend



As I was writing this chapter, I was stopped in mid-motion, and I began to wonder which one of us, men or women started the manipulation game? And it came to me did it really matter who started it first? No, because what really matters, how are we going to deal with it? The men pointed at the women. Women pointed at the men. With so much finger pointing, what was the end result? I thought about it long and hard. Wait, and before you start cursing me out, I need for you to view it from my perspective. I conclude it was women who started GAME. Women started this entire thing out of a NEED. It was because of their need to survive inside a mans world. Ill prove my theory by simply going back to ancient history. In ancient times men were not required to display respect for a woman. Women did not have a voice in the decision making process, not even in their own home. Now I do understand that there are things that are just innate when it comes to women and men. Women have the tendency to be indecisive and can be emotional and fall in love quickly. And men let the little head think for the big head. But Im trying to give women something to strengthen these tendencies. Im totally aware these are qualities that precisely make a woman a woman. I also understand if you get all of this information down mentally, and practice it, there are times you will fall victim to some things. Nevertheless, all in all, it will be helpful and a step in the right direction. Moreover, you will see progress and change. Unfortunately, women dont realize they have more control in the relationships they are in. Half the battle is already won once you know and understand what your opponent is about. What is his/her likes, dislikes, wants, and desires? What does he need or want? Women must begin to understand that they have to investigate who it is they are dealing with first and foremost before giving up the physical. Once you relinquish the physical part of you, you have lost all control and power ove r the entire game. Men know this little secret all too well, that is why that is their ultimate mission. Reading a variety of material(s), watching various movies and listening to folk-tales about women of the past has been informative. Learning how women seduced and played mental games with men in order to get a man to do whatever she wanted him to do. During ancient times, some women were great artists, talented, and very skilled at this mental (warfare) game. One of the most skillful women to play this game, was Cleopatra. Cleopatra was not the most beautiful woman in her village, but history has written she was the most talented and skillful in her land. That talent and skill gave her great advantage in turning the heads of men. The most successful and most famous men she conquered were no ordinary men. They were men of great status and power, Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony. There are so many examples of women who possessed all the necessary qualities to win her man. You are one of them. In biblical times, it was Bathsheba and Delilah (Samson and Delilah) from the bible. There was Helen of Troy and many others. These are just some of the women that had men of great power falling to their knees for them and only them. It may sound funny, but I think the most famous of all women who worked her magic so profoundly and changed all things, was Eve. (Genesis 3:6-19). I say this in jest, but how do you think she convinced Adam to eat the apple? Just food for thought, hummmm. LOL! These women knew how to play with a mans mind. Today it is the man who is playing on todays women and that is YOU! After some extensive research and observations of relationships and the ways of women, I find it quite ironic how things have changed. The tables have turned and the cycle has definitely changed.

Some of these great women were the founders, the mothers of superior manipulation of men. These women had the ability to get men to do whatever it was they desired. This is precisely the same game men have learned and are now using on women today. Times have changed. Look at the character Don Juan; he dazzled women with his charm and appearance. He stimulated the imagination of women (his prey) and conquered them one by one, just as Cleopatra did with Julius Caesar. One of the ways Cleopatra seduced Julius Caesar was through her appearance. One of the things women must understand isyou give us the blueprint (map) to how we can lower your defenses. Too quickly you put down your guards, and allow us to get into your head and we become the person that you want and desperately need (See Episode 5 - Mr. Illusionist). You give it away, willingly, and without effort, refusing to see the obvious. It is only about sex, sex and more sex. A man does not think like a woman, so in that case, he will never go in on the same page, never. Women give us the keys to the front door of your mental house. You open the door and tell us to come in and do whatever it is that we need and want to do. You let us know where the kitchen is, you let us know where the bathroom is and you let us know where the bedroom is. Its in the bedroom you get that mental sexing, giving us a full showcase of your mental house, and men are analyzing it all. In the end, we leave you dumbfounded wondering how it all happened. How did we get into your house, (mentally) and then turn you out and leave everything flipped upside down. After learning about flamboyant and dazzling characters like Don Juan and Casanova, it seems these fictional men created for entertainment and bedtime stories added a new element to the game; a new masculine element; language and the use of words! These characters, much like men of today, use words and the way in which they speak to women, their lingo and the wordplay used rendered women helpless. Sweet words are a womans weakness. Not just words, but soft word play, words of manipulation, praise and attention. Over time, men have discovered women too have a weakness and men are exploiting that weakness and women are the ever so willing participants. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT, WOMEN HAVE A WEAKNESS TOO: It was out; women also have a weakness, its words, soft words, sweet words, kind words, words, words, words. Men of yesteryear realized quickly that women were very emotional creatures and if they tapped into that emotion through soft words, you could penetrate layer after layer and remove all her defenses and capture her and her body would follow. As the years went on, men developed and/or enhanced the feminine side of the game appearance. He incorporated multiple levels of style, his dress is impressive, his grooming is impeccable and he perfected his mannerisms; the way he move his eyes, how he smiles or even the way he licks his lips. Men and media have mixed the feminine side with the masculine side of it meaning, the language, the words, the wordplay, poems, and the one-liners, the things that we say to women. We put it all together and come up with a non-intrusive way to play the game, thus, lowering a womans guard. I read somewhere that in all areas of social life the ability to persuade people in a way that does not offend or impose itself. Do you get it? The way men are playing the game is the same way advertisements lure us to buy their goods, products and services, by insinuating certain things. Its the soft sell that works every time. We dont realize that we have been manipulated into buying a product we dont really want, but more importantly we dont need. Now that is game. The media sells a car by inserting sex. They will put a woman a very beautiful, sexy woman on top of the car leaving us viewers with little messages that buying this car either makes you sexy, or is a magnet for men or women. Cigarette commercials always shows a party atmosphere or something exciting, stimulating or adventurous, leaving viewers with the conclusion smoking is cool and the message our children get is its your passage to being a grown up.

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