June 2013 Update

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Asias Hope Cambodia

June 2013

Cambodian Leadership Conference, with 165 pastors and leaders from various Churches in Battambang attended, has been conducted graciously, gloriously, and successfully on June 7 to 8, 2013, under the Power and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit. We have planned to conduct this Conference every year if Gods willing, and more pastors and leaders will be trained for Christ.

JAMES 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

PSALM 82:3,4 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Mike and Trish Hunsader led a Florida team to visit the kids of PE4 and PE5 homes whom they are sponsoring. They have done many things with them such as taking them to Water Park, having pizza and chicken wings and drum sticks, and getting them experienced in shopping at Central Market. More than that they paid for all staff and kids of Asias Hope Prek Eng for three days retreat at Sihanouk Ville.

Please help take Gods Please help take Gods HOPE to the desperate and the least in Cambodia.

Also join us in helping transform their lives so that they will become the world changers.

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Besides getting involved in teaching to 165 pastors and leaders of Cambodian Leadership Conference in Battambang with Pastor Evange Destounis of Westview Bible Church, Montreal-Canada, John DeWit a board member of Asias Hope Canada and his family spent three days with BB1 homes staff and kids at the beach, Sihanouk Ville.

To visit the kids of Asias Hope Cambodia one time, you will be authentically experienced the unexpected LOVE from them.

Ministry Update

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The dentists of One-2-One Cambodia spent three days to check and to clean the teeth of the staff and the kids of Asias Hope Prek Eng.

Your sponsorship is providing real homes for the displaced, warm clothes for the naked, nutritious food for the hungry, and effective parenting for orphans. Please know that every time you give and pray, you are making a significant difference in the life of children here! Thank you!

Please praise and pray to God for:

1. The on-going constructions of the Worship Center/School, PE1 home, PE2 home, PE3 home, and PE4 home in Prek Eng, and BB9 home in Battambang, 2. BB10 has been started its construction in Battambang, 3. The safe trip of the coming teams to Cambodia, 4. There were 165 pastors and leaders, from various Churches in Battambang, attended in Cambodian Leadership Conference, 5. Youth Conference with 450 people will be held on August 810, 2013 in Battamabng.
Asias Hope Cambodia
P. O. Box 2569, Phnom Penh3, Cambodia Email: savorn@asiashope.org www.asiashopecambodia.com & www.asiashope.org

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