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November Highlights

August 15, 2013

Disasters In Earth: What we did is a big Not Ok.

MANILA, PhilippinesA powerful typhoon battered the northern Philippines on Monday, toppling power lines and dumping heavy rain across cities and foodgrowing plains. The storm left at least two people dead and 44 missing. Typhoon Utor (local name: Labuyo), described as the strongest globally this year, slammed ashore in mountainous eastern Aurora province with sustained winds of 175 kilometers (109 miles) per hour and gusts of up to 210 kph (130 mph).The cause

the ozone layer; creating thousands of Typhoon in the Philippines. Not only that, the AH1N1 virus spread 4 years after they found the cure. Some people died and some survived. According to the Department Of Health (DOH) Secretary Enrique T. Ona says We Filipino people are enough to the pollution we are getting from the Land, Water and Air.

have proper doings in the Earth. The Clean And Green Project started to clean their surroundings. The Clean And Green also supports the Tree Planters Association (TPA) to plant and replace the trunk of the trees that were cut off by the loggers to make furniture and sell them. They also have a program Reduce, Reuse, Recycle a program that teaches people how to do the 3 Rs.

our population has gotten lower because of the pollution we are getting into
and we are now creating a project for the sakes of the peoples lives in order to have a healthy life . He started creating the Project which it can let people have their life healthier. He call it the Healthy Lifestyle Project a project that lets people

of these disastrous happenings is because of us. We have been doing wrong things to the Earth; like, throwing the garbage in the wrong disposal, the more factories the people are building, the
smoke in the air thus, creating global warming in

The Nature Development and Authority (NDA) was astonished by what the works of the people are doing. They also have the Natures Quality of Events to award the people who did excellent things in the world.

Charlene Flaviano

November Highlights
August 15, 2013

Technology in our daily lives: Good or Bad?

In our daily lives, we are wasting our lives playing, chatting, watching movies never seen before in the internet, calling and texting in the phone; non-stop typing in the keyboard/ keypad, wasting your money, load, and time just for calling and texting. Electricity bill gone higher than before. Wasting your savings in some new gadget. How can we stop our addiction in the new world? Before technology came in our world; our late ancestors have worked so hard to find new discoveries to use in our everyday lives. The Paleolithic Groups were the ones who discovered fire, without that fire, they could be freezing dead. Years

come by and our ancestors were abducted by Spaniards. Many years later, also been abducted by Americans, after that we have been abducted by Japanese soldiers. I have told you this because our discoveries were from the Paleolithic times to the present times. Ancient technology was invented by the Egyptians, followed by the Chinese and the Greeks. Modern technology was in vented by the Medieval Europe.

Those disadvantages can be proven bad: When a new gadget arrives, they never use the old ones and throwing them away, also buying new gadgets can seem to waste your money. Every time that you bring a gadget, someone stoles it. Also for the computers: teenagers now were addicted to it and their grades were very low. According to the DepEd, they create a program for children that could study more and having long time in learning; K-12 program. It announce it last year 2012. So that the children can learn more.

Now that the technology was invented, there are a few advantages of technology: they are useful to mankind and the helpers to mankind. Larges the economic value of working. Helps in doing everything a once. Not all the technologies are very good at the times of our lives.

Charlene Flaviano

November Highlights
August 15, 2013

The truth behind everything: Me, Myself, &I

In the world of the living and the dead, we everyday humans has hidden traits that our friends & family dont know about. They thought that a BEST FRIEND or a FAMILY MEMBER know a lot about us. But the only one who knew us from the beginning is God Himself. Let me show you little about myself First of all, when I was Grade 1, I have a lot of friends at school. They think of me as nice, shy, quiet, kind, and a little friendly; but what they dont know is my other part of me that somehow never crawls out its cave. Well, thats because my full trait was shyness

I have that same trait inside of me when I was Grade 7. Little did I knew for my friends that they show their other part to me On the month of April, I was always talkative in the house ( I was always talkative ). After that month has passed, I began to speak out loud ( SOL). Sometimes, I knew kung paano sumakay sa mga jokes of my family. And at last, the 1st day of my secondary year of learning. I somehow manage to create new friends. After days passed and

I talk too much, I laugh out loud to their jokes, I sometimes manage to raise my hand (not like last school year), and I manage to have more friends than last school year. When you sometimes want your old traits out, dont because some of us wants to have that trait. All you need is to change a little bit and hang on what your characteristics belong in to that surroundings. You dont have to LOL too much or maybe to be all mean to your friends always. You got to sometimes keep using that old traits so that you will yearn on whats coming to you everytime.

I somehow manage to get my other part out of me.

Charlene Flaviano

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