Chapter 3 Transformation

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Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:

Chapter 3:Sets 3.1 Sets 3.1.1 Sorting objects into groups The group or collection of objects is called a set. The objects in the group are the elements of the set.

Group the elements below Butterfly Scarf ruler sari pencil roses notepad Clothing Stationary sharpener file ant balsam kimono mosquito hibiscus bougainvillaea grasshopper pyjamas

orchid eraser

T-shirt uniform



morning glory Plants


3.1.2 Defining sets I : By descriptions Ex: A is the set of days in a week B is the set of numbers in a dice

II : By set notations. braces;{} are used for set notations Ex: A = {Mon, B={ , 6} Ex 1: Define the following sets by descriptions a) P = {2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19} Ans: b) Q = { mouth, nose, ears, eyes and skin} Ans: c) R = {a, e , i, o, u} Ans: Ex 2: Define the following sets by using set notations a) X is the set of colours in traffic light. Ans: b) Y is the set of even numbers that are less than ten. Ans: c) Z is the set of letters in the word MATHEMATICS Ans:

3.1.3 Identifying elements of a set and using the symbol

Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:

(slash epsilon)- is not an element of or is not a member of

Ex 3:Given that G = { 6,9,12,15,18}, identify whether each of the following is a element of M a) 6 G b)13 G c)18 G d)30 G 3.1.4 Representing sets using Venn diagrams Sets also can be represented by geometrical diagrams such as circles, squares, rectangles or ovals. The elements are written inside the enclosed shape. This type of representation is called a Venn diagram. Ex: A = { a, b, c, d, e}. Set A can be represented as follows:
a dot represents an element

(epsilon)- is an element of or is a member of

a c d e b

Ex 4 : Represent each of the following sets using a Venn diagram. a) R = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } b)S = {odd numbers between 16 and 24} T ={names of courses offer in technical stream of SM Teknik Bintulu}

3.1.5 Listing element and stating the number of elements in a set Number of element is written as n Number of element in set A is written as n(A) Ex 5:List the elements and state the number of elements in sets below. a) J = { alphabets in the word EXCELLENT} c) K = {states in Malaysia begins with P letter}

b) L = {x:x is an integer -3 x 6}

d) M = {multiples of 4 less than 40}

Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:


Empty sets

An empty set is a set which does not have any elements . It is represent by the symbol { } or (phi) Ex 6: Determine whether the following sets are empty sets a) P ={ hexagons with 5 sides} b) Q ={ week with 8 days} c) R ={ prime numbers that are divisible by 2 } 3.1.7 Equal sets

Set A and B are equal when all the elements of set A are elements of set B and vice versa. It is written as A = B. Ex 7: Determine whether the following set are equal. a) A = { x:x is a positive integer, x 5} c) E= { multiples of 3 less than 15 } B ={ 1,2,3,4,5} F= { 9, 12, 15} b) C = {odd factors of 14} D = { 1 ,7}

3.2 Subset, Universal Set and Complement of a Set 3.2.1 Determining subset and using the symbol or Set A is a subset of set B if all the elements of set A are found in set B. It is written as , A B. The symbol represents subset. Ex 8: Determine whether the given set is a subset of the specific set using the symbol or a) {a, e} {a, e, i, o, u} b) { 1, 7} { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9} c){-3} { -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2} 3.2.2 Representing subsets using Venn diagram Ex 9: Draw Venn diagrams to represent the following pairs of set. a) A = { S, E, M, A, K} b) X = { 1, 3} B = { E, A, K} Y = { 1, 2, 3, 4}

3.2.3 Listing subsets

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Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:

Ex 10: List all the subsets for the following . a) A = { 1, 2} b) B = { 2, 4, 6} c) C = { p, q, r, s} 3.2.4 Relationship between sets and universal set A universal set consists of all the elements under

A v z r s x t w B u y

In this diagram = {r, s, t, u, v, w,x, y, z} A = { r, s, v, x} B = { d, t} All the elements in A and B are found in the universal set .Therefore, A and B .

Ex 11: Using a Venn diagram, illustrate the relatiosip between each of the following pairs of sets. a) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} A = { 1, 2, 3} b) = { x: x is an integer, 1 x 10} P = { x: x is an even number} Q= { x: x is multiples of 4}

3.2.5 The complement of a set The complement of set A is the set that consists of all the elements of the universal set that are not elements of A. It is written as A.

= {all alphabets} A = { vowels}

A={ consonants}

Ex 12: Determine the complement of the following sets. a) = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} b) ={x: x is an integer 11 x 20}
Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

5 Q= { odd numbers} Q= n(Q) =

Chapter 3:

P = { 2, 3, 4, 5} P= n(P) =

c) ={ x :x is an integer 40 x 50} R = { x:x are multiple of 4} R= n(R)= 3.2.6 Relationship between set, subset, universal and the complement of set Ex 13: Base on the Venn diagram below, list out the elements for each of the following set.

M i a d a e j g h

M= N= M= N= Relationship : N M

3.3 Operations on Sets: Intersection and Union 3.3.1 The intersection of two sets and three sets Intersection of set A and set B is a set which consests of common elements that belong to both set A and set B. It is denoted by A B.

Ex 14:Given P ={1,2,3,4}, Q = { 1, 3, 5, 7} R={2, 4,6,8} S = { 1, 2, 5, 8} Determine intersection of sets for each of the following. a) P Q b) Q R c) P S d) R S e) Q S f) P Q S 3.3.2 Represent the intersection of sets using Venn diagrams Ex 15:Given X ={ 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 }, Y = { 3, 4, 6, 7, 10} , Z = {2, 3, 4, 8, 9} a) List all the elements in the intersection of the following sets. i) P Q= ii) P R= iii) Q R= iv) P Q R= b) Draw a Venn diagram to represent set P, Q, R and shade the region for P 3.3.3 Relationship between a) A B and A b) A B and B


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Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

6 A B All the elements of A ( A B) A

Chapter 3:

B are in A. b are in B.

All the elements of A (A B) B A

3.3.4 The complement of the intersection of sets

B (A


Ex 16: Determine the complement of ( M a) = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12} M = {4, 8, 12} N = {8} M N= (M N)=

N)for each of the following sets. b) = { p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w} M = {p, q, v, w} N = {q, r, t, w} M N= (M N)=

Ex 17: Shade the regions that represents the complement of the following sets. a) b) A B A B

(A B)

( A B)

3.3.5 Solving problems Ex 18:The number of elements in each set is shown in the Venn diagram. If n( )= 24, find a) x P Q x 4 b) n ( P) c) n (Q) d) n(P x -5


Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:

3.3.6 The union of two sets and three sets The union of set A and set B is the set which consists of all the elements in set a or set B or both. It is denoted by A B. Ex 19:Determine the union of the following pairs of sets. a) A = { All the factors of 12} B = { All the multiples of 4 less than 16} A= B= A B= b) P = { 93, 94} Q = {90, 93, 94} R ={90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95} P Q= P R= Q R = P Q R= 3.3.7 Representing union of sets using Venn diagrams A B

A B Ex 20:If = { x : x is an integer, 10 x < 20} P ={10, 11, 12, 14, 15} Q = { 12, 13, 15, 16} R = {14, 15, 16, 17, 19} Find P Q R . Illustrate using a Venn diagram.

3.3.8 Relationship between a) A b) A

B and A B and B B All the elements of A ( A B) A 7

B are in A.

Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

8 All the elements of A (A B) B A

Chapter 3:

b are in B.

3.3.9 The complement of the union of sets A B ( A B)

Ex 21:Determine the complement of the following sets a) = { p, q, r , s, t, u} X = {q, s, t} Y = { s, t, u} X Y= (X Y)= b) ={ X: 14 x 27, x are integers} A= { x: x are even numbers} B= { x: x are perfect square numbers} A

B= B)=


3.3.10 Solving problems Ex 22: In a class of40 students , 13 students like to drink coffee, 31 students like to drink tea and 6 students like to drink both the drinks. How many students do not like to drink both type of drinks?

Mathematics Form 4 2008


Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

Chapter 3:

3.3.11 The outcome of combined operations on sets Ex 23:Shade the region that represents each of the following sets. a)(A B) C b)( A B) C A B A B

c) ( A A



C d)(B A

C C)


d) A (B

C) B



Ex 24: A x 30 B The Venn diagram shows the number of clients in three banks. Given = A B C and n( ) = 300. A = { clients for Bank A} B = { clients for Bank B} C = { clients for Bank C} 9

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Rita Lau Chai Yiun Sets

10 y

Chapter 3:

C The number of clients for bank B is more than those in Bank A by 40 people. Calculate a) the value of x and y c) the number of clients who posses account in two banks

b) the number of clients who posses account in all the three banks

d) the number of clients who posses account in only one banks

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