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An Adverb is a word that is used to show how a person does something.

Example: 1. 2. She walks to school quickly. They walked back home happily.

Most adverbs end with -ly. Adverbs can be formed by adding -ly to adjectives.

Example: 1. 2. quick happy quickly happily

More examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They clapped loudly after the headmaster gave his speech. The spectators cheered happily when Bambang Pamungkas scored the winning goal. Siti Nurhaliza sang sweetly in the concert. The dancers of Badan Kebudayaan MPSP danced gracefully in the opening of Pesta Pulau Pinang. The old man shouted angrily when the naughty boy stole his fruits. That small kid cried bitterly when his teacher scolded him. My father waited patiently for me in front of my tuition class. It rained heavily last night. My brother ate the durian greedily. They speak softly in the library.

A. Underline the correct words. 1. The soldiers fought (bravely, cowardly) and won the war. 2. The hungry boy ate (greedily, heavily). 3. Why is the baby crying so (sweetly, loudly)? 2

4. Dress up (quickly, slowly) or well be late for the concert. 5. If you dont drive (carefully, carelessly) you might meet with an accident. 6. It rained (brightly, heavily) yesterday. 7. Will you please speak (softly, loudly)? I want to listen to the news. 8. Read (loudly, quietly). You are disturbing the others. 9. He was cycling (carefully, carelessly). That is why he fell down. 10. Puan Anisah cried (sadly, happily) when she heard the bad news. 11. The children are laughing and playing (bravely, happily). 12. Maria sang very (bitterly, sweetly) at the talentime contest. 13. Janna and her sisters danced (gracefully, clumsily) and won the contest. 14. Karim always speaks (rudely, cruelly) to his parents. 15. The wind is blowing (heavily, strongly). 16. Ahmad is singing (sweetly, strongly). 17. We should always speak (rudely, politely) to everybody. 18. The mengkuang weaver is weaving the leaves very (skilfully, cleverly). 19. Please arrange the books (clumsily, neatly) on my table. 20. His grandmother walks (slowly, quickly) because she is so weak. 21. Anis answered (intelligently, stupidly) and won the competition. 22. The farmer shouted (angrily, proudly) at the naughty boys. 23. Wong ran (slowly, quickly) to catch the bus. 24. The little girl sat (loudly, quietly) beside her mother. 25. Think (carefully, carelessly) before you speak. B. Underline the correct words. 1. Cows (never, always) climb tree. 2. The sun (always, sometimes) sets in the west. 3. His motorbike looks new because he (always, seldom) uses it. 4. We are strangers. We have (often, never) met. 5. We (often, never) go to beach. It is fun playing on the beach. 6. Rubber trees (always, seldom) shed their leaves once a year. 7. Frogs (sometimes, never) live in the water. 8. (Always, Never) wash your hands before every meal. 9. Nasir is (usually, seldom) early to school but today he is late. 10. My fathers car (never, always) broke down so he sold it. 3

1. It is a fine day today. The sun is shining _____ . A. lightly C. whitely B. brightly D. openly 2. Julie sings_____at the concert. A. gracefully C. loudly B. cheerfully D. sweetly 3. .We waited____for our father to fetch us back. A. hopefully C. quickly B. patiently D. slowly 4. Ashraf and Yusri jump_____ when they see our car heading towards their house. A. happily C. hurriedly B. quickly D. suddenly 5. When we gave some food to the old man, he ate it_____ . A. happily C. hungrily B. quickly D. silently 6. The bread vendor_____comes at 3.30 p.m. but today he is ten minutes early. A. usually C. always B. seldom D. rarely 7. The fat boy walked______ into our shop and knocked down a bottle of sauce. A. brightly C. clumsily B. sadly D. slowly 8. Halizas sister paints_____in the poster competition. A. beautifully C. always B. highly D. rarely 9. All the pupils listen_____to what Mr Aiman has to say. A. clearly C. strongly B. angrily D. attentively

10. Encik Shuid did not understand how his team could lose so_____ in the final match. A. badly C. poorly B. nicely D. carelessly 11. Suhaila wrote the essay_____ . A. neatly C. beautifully B. nicely D. brightly 12. As soon as Zanuriah heard the news, she left _____ . A. softly C. loudly B. lately D. hurriedly 13. My grandmother is very old. She can only move_____ . A. slowly C. quietly B. patiently D. softly 14. We must cross the road_____. A. soundly C. politely B. carefully D. slowly 15. The sun is_____shining. A. brightly C. happily B. sloely D. clearly 16. The hungry tiger sprang_____at the mouse. A. clearly C. noisily B. angrily D. quickly 17. Zawani is a sweet girl. She smiles_____at me whenever I see her. A. sweetly C. broadly B. plainly D. neatly 18. Miss Immie explains _______to us how rain is formed. A. angrily C. proudly B. easily D. clearly

CONJUNCTIONS Conjunctions are used : To join words / phrases / sentences of the same kind. 1. Rambutans and durians are my favourite fruits. 2. I need ruler and a shet of paper. 1. She is absent because she is sick. 2. She ate a lot because she was hungry. 1. Asri is fat but he doesnt eat much. 2. Puan Asyikin is rich but she doest waste money. 1. You may read or listen to the radio. 2. We can play netball or badminton 1. I shall make a kite for you if I have the time. 2. You can go to Terengganu if you study hard. 1. Subian was tired so he sat down to rest. 2. Aishah did not study hard. Therefore, she failed the test. 1. Either Athirah or Ardini will go to the party. 2. Neither Athirah nor Ardini will go to the party.

And And is used to join two words , phrases or entences Because Because is used to show reason.

But But is used to join two ideas that are different or opposite of each other.

Or Or is used when you have to choose between two things.

If If is used to show condition.

So / Therefore So and therefore are used to show result.

Either . or = one of them. Neither nor = not one and not the other.

EXERCISE 1. The actress is rich _______ famous. A. or C. but B. and D. because 2. The durians were thrown away ________ they were rotten. A. because C. or B. so D. but 3. You may use a red pen ______ a blue one. A. so C. but B. or D. if 4. Affiqah cooked dinner ___________ her mother was ill. A. but C. and B. because D. therefore 5. Puan Rohana bought a recipe book_____she can learn how to cook. A. so C. or B. if D. and 6. The car could not start _________ my mother had to take a bus to work this morning. A. but C. if B. or D. therefore 7. Encik Shuib is busy now _________ he cant see you. A. but C. so B. if D. or 8. Would you like tea _______coffee ? A. so C. but B. or D. and 9. Either Zurhan ______ Yusri are going to the show. A. and C. or B. but D. nor 10. Neither Aleia ______ Affiqah are going to the party. A. and C. but B. nor D. or 11. Athirah wants to win the competition _________she practices every day. A. or C. so B. but D. because 12. Amirah likes to eat durian _____ her brother does not. A. or C. and B. but D. because 13. Are those your shirts ______ Najwa ? A. or C. so B. but D. because 14. Puan Rohana went to the shop to buy milk ________ bread. A. or C. but B. and D. because 15. We told Suhairi________ Hamid about the good news. A. so C. or B. but D. and 16. Anuar did his work carefully_____ he did not want to make any mistakes. A. and C. but B. because D. or

PREPOSITIONS Prepositions are used to show time , direction, place or location. They are usually placed before nouns and pronouns Prepositions which show place or location in , on , under , below , above , beside/by , between , behind , in front of ,at , against , opposite , near , next to , up , down , over , inside , outside , away , after , before , at the back of across , around , along , down , up , over , round , through , to , towards , out , from at , by , from , for , before , after , during Aima went to Ipoh with her aunt. Zamri chopped the wood with an axe. The girl with a big bag is my cousin.

Prepositions which show direction

Prepositions which show time

Prepositions which show accompaniment / instrument (use) Possession : with

EXERCISE Underline the correct word. 1. Rohana poured the milk (in , into ) the cup. 2. Hamid is leaning (on , against ) the wall. 3. Affiqah walked (towards , through ) me. 4. Athirah walked ( to , at ) the supermarket. 5. There is a bench ( under , on ) the big tree. 6. The frog jumped (along , over ) the stone. 7. Ardinis house is ( by , along , in ) the seaside. 8. Aleia is sitting (behind , beside ) me. I am sitting in front of her. 9. Rohayu is outside the house while her sister is ( inside , into ) the house. 10. The dog chased the cat ( around , over ) the tree. 11. The children are looking ( at , of , in ) the elephant. 12. All the story books are kept ( of , with , in ) the cupboard. 13. Look ! The eagle is flying ( of , over , on ) our house. 14. The girl went to the cinema ( by , with , to ) her brother. 15. The railway station is ( near , about , through ) my house. 16. The pupils usually walk (between , across , over ) the school field. 17. The scouts climbed ( on , up , to ) the hill. 18. The headmaster shouted ( on , in , at ) top of his voice. 7

Circle the best answer. 1. My uncle lives ________ Kuala Muda. A. on C. in B. under D. above 2. Walk _______ Jalan Satu and you will see a mosque on your left. A. on C. over B. along D. below 3. Kamariah received a letter ____ her cousin in Kuala Lumpur. A. with C. from B. by D. of 4. They could not carry the big cupboard __________ the small door. A. across C. in B. over D. through 5. Where do you usually go __________ the holidays. A. during C. on B. in D. by 6. The poor man has not taken his food _______ yesterday. A. at C. by B. since D. for 7. Sharaza likes to walk _______ the seashore with her friends. A. with C. along B. over D. to 8. Rohana puts some sugar _______ the cup of coffee. A. in C. into B. on D. at

9. The girl fell ___________ the ladder and broke her leg. A. up C. with B. off D. down 10. Asyikin took _______ her shoes before going into the mosque. A. off C. by B. since D. before 11. Dont forget to bring ________ your racquet. A. by C. along B. off D. in 12. Is there a cat ______ the bed ? A. under C. down B. along D. around 13. They went to the hospital ______ the morning. A. on C. in B. at D. about 14. You have to walk _______ the field to get to my house. A. among C. above B. across D. against 15. Zuraida lives in a big house _______ the mosque. A. about C. along B. around D. near 16. I have got only a ringgit _______ my purse. A. on C. under B. in D. with

ADJECTIVES / COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES An adjective is a word that tells you more about a person , animal or thing. Examples : an old man / a thin cat / a wooden house Adjectives are used in making comparisons. Examples : tall taller tallest / fat fatter - fattest

as + adjective + as as + adjective + as is used to compare two persons, animals or things which are the same. adjective + er + than adjective + er + than is used to compare two persons, animals or things which are not the same.

Examples 1. Aima is as thin as Zuriani. 2. My cat is as tame as yours. 3. His house is as big as yours. Examples 1. Amin is younger than Malik. 2. The whale is bigger than the dolphin. 3. Zamri is taller than Zainuddin. Examples 1. Shahida is the cleverest girl in the class. 2. The ostrich is the biggest bird in the world. 3. Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in Malaysia. Examples 1. Maimun is more hardworking than Rasli. 2. The sum is more difficult than that one. Examples 1. Rohayu is the most polite girl in the class. 2. The goldfish is the most beautiful fish in the aquarium.

adjective + est adjective + est is used to compare three or more persons , animals or things.

more + adjective + than more + adjective + than is used to compare two persons , animals or things which are not the same.

the + most + adjective the + most + adjective is used to compare three or more persons , animals or things.

Complete the table Positive thick noisy prettier late many kindest easier bad important little more helpful prouder most expensive good dirty sweet tidy early difficult bitter fresh beautiful cheerful polite happy easy clean wet dear strong Comparative neater hottest Superlative


A. Underline the correct words. 1. Kamal is (short, tall). I am 120 cm tall but he is only 102 cm tall. 2. Farida is an (active, alert) girl. She plays netball and hockey for the school. 3. This dress is still (old, new). Dont throw it away. 4. I can see the bottom of the river because the water is (clear, dull). 5. Emmy Nazirah is an (honest, obedient) girl. She always speaks the truth. 6. Your skirt is very (ugly, pretty). Everybody likes it. 7. The coffee is (sweet, bitter). Please add some sugar. 8. This dog is (fierce, tame).Dont disturb it. 9. Suzaimi is very (lazy, hardworking) . All the teachers like him. 10. It is very (hot, cold) in here. Please switch off the fan. 11. That box is (light, heavy). We cannot carry it. 12. The bowl is (clean, dirty). I have just washed it. 13. We must be (polite, rude) to our elders. 14. Our grandmother told us an (dull, interesting) story. We all loved it. 15. Maimun is (happy, sad) because she failed the test. 16. I feel very (strong, weak) when I am not well.

B. Underline the correct words. 1. A kilometer is not as (long, longer) as a mile. 2. Today is (hot, hotter) than yesterday. 3. Rina is as (young, younger) as my brother. 4. The rambutans are (sweet, sweeter) than the oranges. 5. Rahim is as (good, better) as Mohan at drawing. 6. My hand writing is (bad, worse) than my brothers. 7. The sky is (dark, darker) than it was this morning. It is going to rain. 8. Kerrys acting is (good, better) than Samads. 9. This knife is as (blunter, blunt) as that one. 10. Mr Sammy is (rich, richer) than my uncle. 11

11. Class 6 Bestari is as (noisy, noisier) as Class 6 Pintar. 12. Is a seladang as (strong, stronger) as a buffalo. 13. Leman looks (hungry, hungrier) than you. 14. The lion is a (wild, wilder) animal. 15. The durian flavoured ice-cream is as (tasty, tastier) as the chocolate flavoured ice-cream.

C. Choose the correct words. 1. Sungai Pahang is the (longer, longest) river in West Malaysia. 2. Gold is (more, most) valuable than silver. 3. A fighter plane is (faster, fastest) than a passenger plane. 4. Daniel is (more, most) intelligent than Hashim. 5. Venus is the (closer, closest) planet to Earth. 6. Mazidah is the (more, most) polite girl in my class. 7. Flying kite is (more, most) interesting than fishing. 8. Salim is a (better, best) hockey player than Sharif. 9. Rini is the (more, most) talkative child in the family. 10. You are (earlier, earliest) to work today than usual. 11. Beef is (cheaper, cheapest) than mutton. 12. Jamal has (little, less) money than me. 13. Samuel had won (many, most) prizes on Sports Day. 14. This test was (harder, hardest) than last months test. 15. The patient is (worse, worst) today than yesterday. 16. The boy has a (louder, loudest) voice than the girl. 17. Rukaini wore the (more, most) colourful costume at the party. 18. Amar is (clumsy, clumsiest) than Malik. 19. Amelia got the (higher, highest) marks for Mathematics. 20. Mr. Ghani was the (fierce, fiercest) of all the teachers in school.


Choose the best answer. 1. Travelling by bus is _________ than traveling by taxi. A. cheap C. cheaper B. cheapest D. the cheapest 2. Akmar is an ______ boy. He always gets good result. A. good C. obedient B. intelligent D. honest 3. The _________ mountain in the world is Mount Everest. A. high C. higher than B. highest D. higher 4. The papaya tree is __________ than rambutan tree. A. tall C. taller than B. taller D. tallest 5. Athirahs handwriting is the _______ among the three girls. A. neat C. neater B. neater than D. neatest 6. Who is __________, Norman or his brother ? A. young C. younger B. youngest D. younger than 8. I like this camera. It is the______ camera I have ever used. A. good C. best C. better D. most 9. The table is too ________ . I cant carry it. A. heavy C. heavier B. heaviest D. very heavy 10. I cant wear your shoes. My feet are ______ than yours. A. big C. bigger B. biggest D. the biggest 11.Can you tell me which is the ______ mountain in Malaysia. A. tall C. taller B. tallest D. taller than 12. Razak is as _______as I am. A. older C. old C. older than D. the oldest 13. Today is hot but yesterday was _________. A. hot C. hotter B. hotter than D. hottest

7. The English test was not as _______ 14. Which one is _________, this one as I thought it would be. or that one.? A. easy C. easier A. heavy C. heavier B. easiest D. easier than B. heaviest D. the heavy



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