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6 theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 5 2009

news without borders

PKR reps boycott swearing-in of MPSP chief

by Himanshu Bhatt and Bernard Cheah Of the nine PKR councillors, only three members, two PAS members and three repre- Deputy Chief Minister (I) Mansor Othman, who showed up for the swearing-in of the former sentatives from non-government organisations. is also the PKR assemblyman for Penanti.
Seberang Perai Utara district officer. Ironically, Mokhtar’s appointment was Asked to comment on the boycott, Mansor
SEBERANG PERAI: Six PKR councillors The remaining seats are occupied by 10 DAP announced on Wednesday by newly minted said he would report it to PKR state chairman
yesterday boycotted the swearing-in of a civil Datuk Zahrain Hashim.
servant as the new Seberang Perai Municipal PKR whip Johari Kassim, who led the boy-
Council (MPSP) president. cott, said later the party had insisted on having
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, however, the president’s post since Pakatan Rakyat took
brushed off the boycott, saying the appoint- over the state government last year.
ment of Mokhtar Mohd Jait had been decided “Our members on the ground are not happy.
by the state executive council and he expected We would like to have negotiations among the
everyone in government to lend their support. parties before such an appointment is made,”
Reporters covering the ceremony at the he said.
MPSP headquarters here early yesterday found Meanwhile, the chief minister’s chief of
seats reserved for the PKR representatives staff, Jeff Ooi, said councillors who defied the
empty (pix). appointment of the new MPSP president should
The councillors had complained that the resign within the next 24 hours.
post should have been given to PKR within the “If they remain defiant and insist they have
Pakatan Rakyat administration. no confidence in the new president, how can
Speaking to reporters later, state executive they perform their duties as councillors?” he
councillor for local government, Chow Kon asked.
Yeow, said the Pakatan leadership had never “PKR councillors must submit to the fact
made a decision to place political appointees that the appointment of council president is the
as municipal council presidents. prerogative of the state government.”
“This matter was discussed in a meeting Ooi, who is also Jelutong MP, said he will
between Pakatan Rakyat parties in January submit a memorandum from DAP elected
this year. However, there was no decision representatives to refer the nine PKR council-
made because the issue was not referred back lors for a review at the state executive council
to the respective parties.” meeting.

Audit team to Task force to

look into MPSP’s probe USM
RM230m loss ‘technical error’
SEBERANG PERAI: The Penang govern-
ment has instructed the Seberang Perai GEORGE TOWN: The Higher Education
Municipal Council (MPSP) to appoint an in- Ministry has submitted to the cabinet a re-
dependent audit committee to look into losses port on Universiti Sains Malaysia’s recent
of RM230 million incurred by the council “technical error” in its latest admissions
between 2000 and 2007. list, following the incident last Sunday
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the when hundreds showed up for registration
formation of the audit team is one of the only to be turned away.
civil service reforms the state government Its deputy minister, Datuk Saifuddin
is undertaking. Abdullah, said yesterday a task force
He said the team would report its find- has also been set up to look into the
ings and recommendations to state financial incident.
officer Farizan Darus, who is the previous “The university and the ministry are
MPSP president, for follow-up action. in the midst of discussions over the inci-
“Because it is independent, it will be brave dent,” he said after visiting the National
enough to make revelations to enable action Apex Development Indicator Centre in
to be taken. We ask MPSP officials to cooper- USM.
ate in this matter.” He also launched the USM Mentor
Lim said this after officiating at the swear- Programme, a support programme for
ing-in of new MPSP president Mokhtar Mohd undergraduates to obtain psycho-social
Jait at the MPSP headquarters yesterday. assistance through experienced and
He said Mokhtar faced a challenge in con- trained USM staff.
tinuing the resuscitation of MPSP’s financial A few hundred applicants, who saw
condition after Farizan, under whose tenure their names in the list of accepted students
as president, the council’s coffers grew to on the university’s website, turned up at
RM29 million in 2008 from RM26 million USM on Sunday, only to discover that
the previous year . they were not among the 3,599 who were
Lim commended Farizan’s resourceful- offered places.
ness in collecting revenue and saving on The university later apologised, saying
costs. it had accidentally displayed the names of
He also said the state government will 8,173 applicants who met the minimum
embark on the redevelopment of the Batu criteria for enrolment into the university’s
Kawan stadium this year although there was programmes last Friday. The error was
no allocation yet for the project. rectified within a day.
On another note, Saifuddin also en-
couraged more collaboration between
university administrators and student
Training for representatives.
He said it was important for both the
laid-off workers university administration and student
representatives to work together in deci-
SUNGAI PETANI: The Human Resources sion-making processes and in conducting
Ministry has allocated RM30 million to activities.
offer short-term modular training courses “Their ideas and views are constructive
for retrenched workers who wish to be self- and can be utilised by the administration
employed. in developing the university.”
Its minister, Datuk Dr S. Subaramiam, said He said USM’s Undergraduate Develop-
yesterday experts in various fields will conduct ment Policy 2009, published in February,
the courses at industrial training institutes. demonstrated the Apex-status university’s
“Those who wish to be self-employed can recognition of its student bodies.
choose the type of courses they require and
the government will prepare these short-
term courses,” he told reporters after opening
a meet-the-client programme organised by No conflict over Gerakan appointments, says Teng
the Manpower Department here. by Opalyn Mok He said yesterday the appoint- see that as a conflict,” he said after of leaving Gerakan with more than
For example, if 20 people are interested ments were decided by the central launching the Penang Gerakan’s new 1,000 members to join PKR, Dr Teng
in learning cooking or tailoring to open a working committee and there have interactive website said this is not the right time for him
restaurant or a tailoring shop, the respective GEORGE TOWN: Penang Gerakan been no complaints or objections “If he is unhappy about the ap- to comment on it.
institutes will prepare such courses for them, chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock Nan except from one person. pointments, he could bring it up to Huan was issued a show-cause
he said. has dismissed claims that there is a “There is no internal conflict in the central working committee,” he letter by the central working com-
He said the ministry will also help them conflict within the party ranks over Penang Gerakan. We appointed 17 added, referring to Gerakan vice- mittee on June 1 following his media
start a business or look for a job in their the appointment of Gerakan branch coordinators and there were only president Huan Cheng Guan. statements criticising the Penang
respective fields. – Bernama coordinators. one or two complaints so I don’t On Huan saying he was thinking Gerakan leadership.

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