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theSun | FRIDAY JUNE 5 2009 7

news without borders

Pig farmers to
raise prices again
PIG farmers struck back at pork
sellers, who called them “robbers”
for increasing the ex-farm prices of Press Digest
pigs three times in a month, with by Kong See Hoh
another 30sen/kg hike effective
The latest hike will push the picked up, the farmers are still
price to RM7/kg. plagued by feed price hikes.
Unfurling “We are not robbers” “Pig farmers are transparent Pig farmers
banners at solidarity dinner gather- about the ex-farm price, and the
ings held in Tanjung Sepat, Selan- costs of production arrived at by are transpar-
gor and Seberang Perai Selatan, professionals at the Veterinary ent about
Penang on Tuesday, pig farmers Services Department are proof the ex-farm
cited the high costs of production (that farmers are not overcharg- price, and
to justify the price hikes. ing,” he said.
They also displayed posters to Beh said the federation is call- the costs of
show that the ex-farm price of pigs ing on pig farmers throughout the production
in Peninsular Malaysia is still the peninsula to hold solidarity dinner arrived at by
lowest in the region. gatherings to unite all those in- profession-
Speaking at the gathering in volved in the pig farming industry
Seberang Perai Selatan, Federation as well as to let the public know als at the
of Livestock Farmers Associations that pig farmers are not robbers, Veterinary
of Malaysia pig unit chief Beh and the money they made was Services
Kim Hee lamented that pig farm- earned through their blood and
ers came under attack from pork sweat. Department
sellers each time the pig price was He was not happy with a claim are proof
raised to a certain level. by National Pork Sellers Associa- (that farmers
“But the ex-farm price of pigs tion chairman Goh Chui Lai that are not
hit a low of RM5.50/kg following there was no hike in pig feed.
a series of plunges between Oct He said as recent as May 30, overcharg-
22 last year and April 22, and pig Malaysian feed manufacturers had ing.”
farmers incurred huge losses for given notice in the newspapers of
six months. their latest hike of RM40 per tonne – Beh Kim Hee
“Now although the price has effective June 1.

Datuk’s domestic helpers flee

with RM4m in valuables
TWO domestic helpers of a Datuk The daily said Kuala Lumpur po-
have run away with his belongings lice chief Datuk Muhammad Sabtu
worth RM4 million while he and his Osman confirmed the case.
family were on vacation overseas Police investigators checked the
recently, China Press reported yes- immigration records and found the
terday. two domestic helpers have returned
It is learnt that the duo have fled to their home country.
the country after stealing expensive Police are considering seeking
items, including jewellery and Rolex the help of their Indian counterparts
watches, and RM100,000 cash. to track down the duo.
The Datuk has lodged a police The report said the two domestic
report on discovering the theft upon helpers had gained the trust of the
returning to his house in Bukit Tunku, Datuk after having worked for him
Kuala Lumpur on Monday. for a number of years.

Fare hikes a blow to efforts

to promote public transport
by Husna Yusop Citing, for instance, the case in Germany, he said its government subsidises up to 50%
of its public transport operational costs to
PUTRAJAYA: The proposed increase in taxi maintain the fares at a reasonable level and
and bus fares of between 30% and 50% will the efficiency of the system.
thwart the government’s agenda to promote “This is what is being practised in devel-
the use of public transport. oped countries including Singapore. So, the
“The government wants us to use public government should have a similar system
transport. But if the rates are high, it would because the 30% increase is quite high for
not be attractive as the cost of using public consumers.
transport would be higher than using our own “At the same time, we want a win-win situ-
vehicles,” said Federation of Malaysian Con- ation. We want efficient service for consumers
sumers Associations (Fomca) chief executive and sustainable business for the operators,”
Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman. he said, adding that should their businesses be
“This is made worse when the system itself affected and companies have to shut down, it
is not integrated. It would make people think is the consumers who would suffer.
twice before using public transport,” he said Apart from subsidising their operational
when contacted by theSun. costs, Mohd Yusof said the government should
On Tuesday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s also think of ways to reduce the cost of spare
Department Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz said parts like tyres and batteries.
the proposed increase involving taxis, stage, “Perhaps the government can cut down on
express and schoolbuses, could take effect as the import duty for these parts,” he said.
early as next month. He added that Fomca had submitted its
Mohd Yusof said the fare hikes would also views to the government as it is also involved
be a big burden to consumers as most of the in the public transport committee at the Eco-
people using public transport are from the nomic Planning Unit level.
lower and medium income group. To Nazri’s point that only those who could
He urged the government to come up with afford it use taxis, Mohd Yusof pointed out
ways to help taxi and bus operators so as to that many consumers had no other choice
lighten their burden as operation costs have but to take taxis to get to areas which are not
also increased recently. serviced by buses.

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