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No. 4775 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

June 8, 2009

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Bodies found

PAS: It’s unity, as Air France

by Husna Yusop

HAH ALAM: The proposed PAS- probes speed

S Umno unity talks is not about
power-sharing or the party join-
ing Umno or Barisan Nasional
(BN), says PAS deputy president
Nasharudin Mat Isa.
RECIFE (Brazil): Brazil’s navy recovered
more bodies on today from an Air France
jet that plunged into the Atlantic nearly

not for power

“It is about PAS, being a major
political organisation, wanting to a week ago, as investigators probed
offer its views in dealing with the a possible link between false speed
many current issues for the benefit measurements and the crash.
of the nation and people. Three more bodies were grabbed
“We could contribute in trying to from the waves 1,000km off Brazil’s
minimise the impact (of the issues) northeast coast and operations were
on the nation. That is the main inten- under way in “unfavourable” weather to
recover others spotted floating among
tion. I reiterate, it is not the issue of
AFPPIX seats and other debris from the plane,
PAS joining Umno or BN. That is a
Brazilian military officials said.
non-issue. As for now, the focus is
The finds follow the recovery on
more on discussions and talks.
Saturday of the first two bodies from
“Like what the president (Datuk
Air France flight AF447, which came
Seri Abdul Hadi Awang) has said, we
down early June 1 with 228 people on
are open to discussions with anyone, board. The plane left from Rio de Janeiro
even with MIC or PPP, not just with to Paris a week ago, on May 31.
Umno,” he said when asked to clarify The sex of the three bodies recov-
whether the unity talks would even- ered could not be determined, a spokes-
tually mean sharing of power. man for Brazil’s air force, Lt-Col Henry
Speaking to reporters on the last Munhoz said, suggesting how bad a
day of PAS’s 55th delegates confer- condition they were in after seven days
ence yesterday, Nasharudin said PAS in the water.
would explain the issue to other com- A navy frigate was to take the bod-
ponent parties in the Pakatan Rakyat ies and items recovered on Saturday
(PR) coalition in the next presidential including an Air France seat, a briefcase
council meeting. with an Air France ticket and a backpack,
“When it is explained by the (PAS) to the port of Fernando de Noronha, a
president, they will understand,” he Brazilian archipelago 400km offshore.
said when it was pointed out that The ship was expected to arrive
DAP and PKR seemed to be in the today. From there, the remains were to
dark about the unity talks issue. Cooling down ... An Indian girl plays be flown to the mainland city of Recife,
In his adjournment speech, Abdul under a broken water pipe in New Delhi yesterday. where search operations were being
Hadi said the party should not shut The unrelenting heat is persisting in the Indian capital coordinated and a morgue had been
the door to discussions with any as temperatures reached 44°C with weathermen set up to identify the bodies.
quarter, including Umno, as it is forecasting a severe heatwave across the plains of Munhoz said “some 100 objects” had
against Allah’s command. northern India. been spotted in the crash zone, including
He said although PAS did want other seats with the Air France logo on
to be a passenger on the Barisan them and oxygen masks. But the priority
Nasional “ship” or that of others, it don’t understand us.” discuss based on individuals, but we said his relationship with Husam was the recovery of the bodies.
needed to have understanding with Hence, he said, PAS must meet leave it to the party.” remains intact as he described it as With clues still being pieced together
other parties on various issues. with all quarters, as sending out To Kelantan Umno leader Datuk a contest among family members. over the crash, speculation is focusing
“It is incumbent upon us to save pamphlets on the party’s struggle Che Alwi Nik Mat’s call for mentri Meanwhile, Perak PAS com- on its airspeed monitors.
others from ‘drowning’ in their own did not suffice. besar Datuk Seri Nik Aziz Nik missioner Ahmad Awang revealed The doomed jet broadcast a series
ignorance or helplessness when In the party’s deliberations, many Mat to resign following the loss of that Umno had attempted to form of 24 automatic error messages as
faced with a crisis,” he said. delegates voiced their concern about several state leaders to get into the a Malay-only coalition government its systems shut down one-by-one in
Abdul Hadi said PAS leaders and the issue, saying they were against Central Working Committee, he in Perak immediately after the 12th its final minutes, and French accident
members needed to know the kind any cooperation with Umno, the said: “Umno need not interfere in general election. This, he claimed, investigators say the cockpit was receiv-
of enemies they faced. “There are party’s long-time No. 1 political foe. PAS’s management and administra- was also supported by a PAS ing conflicting speed data.
two types of enemies -- real enemy Asked his response to Umno tion. It is not their business to be national leader who had contacted France’s transport minister Dominique
and the enemy that is created or Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin’s busybody.” him a few days after the party, DAP Bussereau said it was too early for
produced. Let us not waste time on statement that discussions between To a question, Nasharudin who and PKR leaders agreed to form the investigators to say what was the most
the created enemy until we forget the Umno and PAS can be continued defeated biggest challenger Datuk PR state government. likely cause of the crash, but confirmed
real enemy. There are also those who following his (Nasharudin’s) re- Husam Musa in a three-cornered that Airbus jets had experienced
make us their enemies because they election, he said: “In PAS, we don’t fight with Mohamad Sabu, he » More reports on PAS assembly Page 6 problems with speed monitors. – AFP

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