Thesun 2009-06-08 Page04 rm1b Plan To Deepen Penang Port Channel

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4œ theSun | MONDAY JUNE 8 2009

news without borders

No new H1N1 case

RM1b plan to deepen
by Himanshu Bhatt

GEORGE TOWN: The Trans- by Giam Say Khoon ministry at 03-8881 0200/0300
port Ministry plans to expand between 8am and 9pm.”
Penang Port by deepening its As at midnight Saturday,

Penang Port channel

channel at an estimated cost of PETALING JAYA: No new he said, the ministry had
RM1 billion, as part of its pro- confirmed case of the A registered 20 suspected H1N1
gramme to enliven the state’s (H1N1) flu has been reported patients, 16 of whom tested
economy. as at midnight Saturday, after negative. Results for the four
Transport Minister Datuk a seventh case was detected others were pending.
Seri Ong Tee Keat said the earlier in the day. To date, 479 suspected
project was critical to “deter- and Singapore by next year. The target is to deepen the both the Transport and Tour- Health Ministry director-gen- cases have been registered,
mining the lifeline of Penang The ministry was studying channel to up to 15-17m. ism Ministries. “We want to eral Tan Sri Dr Ismail Merican with seven people confirmed
Port”, which currently operates whether a project to deepen Ong said the project would draw more tourists with air said in a statement yesterday to have H1N1.
only as a feeder port despite its the channel could be financed be implemented in line with links to Penang, while making five patients confirmed to have “Health screening contin-
“glorious past”. by a privately funded initiative. the ministry’s overall focus on it convenient and attractive for the flu “reported on Wednes- ues at the 53 international
The announcement follows While a preliminary study ports throughout the country. investors to work here.” day, Thursday and Friday, were entry points to the country
a recent move to extend a had already been conducted, Plans to build breakwaters Ong said he had brought in stable condition and recover- by air, land and sea. A total of
federal airline services liber- the results of detailed geo- and conduct dredging at the up with Chinese authorities ing”. He said 153 people placed 17,346 people were screened
alisation policy to Penang in a technical and environmental Kuantan Port have already the issue of better tourism under home quarantine after on Saturday and five were
measure aimed at spurring the assessments were pending, been drawn up, he added. links to Penang, most recently coming into contact with the referred to hospitals for further
state’s economy. Ong said. Ong, who is also MCA presi- when he accompanied Prime patients had yet to show any examination,” Ismail said.
Ong had announced last He said the channel’s cur- dent, spoke at a press confer- Minister Datuk Seri Najib Ab- symptoms of “Students abroad
week that the Penang Inter- rent depth of 9-11m made it ence after officiating the party’s dul Razak on an official trip to H1N1. who are returning
national Airport would be impossible for large vessels to 60th anniversary celebrations China last week. “We are for the latest, log on to: for the summer
allowed increased regional use the port. “That is our loss. at the TAR College here. On a reported proposal for still trying to holiday and with
links, including a record 84 We need to increase the port’s He stressed that Penang the state government to take locate pas- flu symptoms are
flights a week between Penang competitiveness.” industries needed the help of over the operations of the cross- sengers who advised to postpone
channel ferry service, now run boarded the same flights and their trip. Those already in the
by Penang Port Sdn Bhd at might have come into contact country and having symptoms,
a loss, Ong said the ministry with the seven patients. do seek immediate medical
needed to study its feasibility. “As for the seventh case, attention,” he said, adding that
He also said the ministry we urge all passengers who the public should continue to
was open to feedback and boarded AirAsia X flight D7 practise good hygiene.
proposals, including from the 2723 on June 5, especially Ismail said the World Health
state government. “What we those who sat up to three rows Organisation had recorded a
want is healthy competition. At from the front, back, left and total of 22,122 cases in 69
the end of the day, the people right of seat 31A, to contact the countries, with 125 deaths.
will benefit.”

NUBE probe nears end

PETALING JAYA: The Human mission (MACC), in the event of quarters and branches.
Resources Ministry is expected any evidence of wrongdoing. theSun first reported on
to wrap up its investigation “Give us some time. We will March 19 that the MACC had
into alleged irregularities at the be transparent and leave no reopened investigation files on
National Union of Bank Employ- stone unturned,” he said. the NUBE for the alleged misuse
ees (NUBE) soon. The official said the probe of funds and graft.
A senior ministry official was initiated following several NUBE has denied reports of
told theSun the probe into complaints by NUBE members. corruption or irregularities in its
the alleged misappropriation “We received more than a financial accounts and transac-
of funds, non-cooperation in dozen complaints from union tions. “All our dealings, thus far,
providing audited accounts, members and some furnished have been transparent and above
irregularities in the purchase of relevant documents.” board,” its general-secretary J.
the union building in Brickfields He said the complainants Solomon was quoted as saying.
and the sale of a plot of land, had initially asked the Depart- Several union members later
had reached its tail-end. ment of Trade Union Affairs to sent a letter of protest to Human
He declined to reveal the look into the matter. Resources Minister Datuk Dr S.
ministry’s findings to date, but The department, which Subramaniam and an official
said these would be forwarded comes under the purview of complaint to the Public Com-
to the respective authorities the ministry, is authorised to plaints Bureau, alleging abuse
such as the police and the carry out statutory inspections of power by the department’s
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- on trade unions at their head- director-general.

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