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6œ theSun | MONDAY JUNE 8 2009

news without borders

PAS dilemma
IT WAS a PAS dilemma – it wants to play a much
bigger role in the opposition pact, Pakatan Rakyat,
while at the same time it wants to be with Umno Comment
should there be a danger of the Malays losing politi- by Zainon Ahmad
cal power.
This is reflected in the composition of the new
central committee elected on Friday. While the top
posts went to those who prefer to talk with Umno, any trucking with Umno and made no secret of his
many of those who want to play a more proactive opposition to Nasharudin playing footsie with the
role in the PR were also elected to the committee. leading party in the BN.
It was the most watched PAS triennial elections. He accepts the argument that PAS won the most
Understandably, its other Pakatan Rakyat associ- number of parliamentary seats ever in March 2008
ates watched the show with a lot of interest. because it was a beneficiary of the appeal by PKR
So did Umno and its partners in the Barisan leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to the electorate,
Nasional coalition. And so did other Malaysians. who were generally dissatisfied with the BN, to
That the candidates, who are ulama, and their register their protest by “voting anything but the
supporters managed to keep the others out of the BN.”
top party leadership must have disappointed PKR For PAS to win more seats in the next general
leaders who were known to be close to those who election, expected to be called within the next three
lost and who could, had they won, help cement a years, it has to retain the non-Malays who voted for Nasharudin (with hands raised) and Nik Aziz
closer relationship between the two parties. it last year and perhaps gain more, the party – in PAS leadership (inset) at the PAS muktamar in Shah Alam
There is no doubt the DAP leaders, known to
be uncomfortable with PAS on many issues, were
light of the BN working hard to spruce up its image
– has to show a much friendlier face.
for 2009-2011 yesterday.

disappointed too. They had hoped the election To PKR and DAP and many others, especially
would be won by those who could be influenced the non-Malays, Husam would have been the most President well-organised party so as to wrench away
not to flaunt the party’s Islamic state objective in acceptable face of PAS. To him, the Islamic state Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang from Umno the leadership of the Malay com-
public. that PAS has been talking about for a long time is (won uncontested) munity.
Indeed, some young DAP leaders have been but a distant objective. It is tempting to describe the defeat of Husam
known to be talking to young PAS leaders to try If Husam and his associates, especially those Deputy President
and his associates as the defeat of the liberals
to persuade them to suppress the party’s “Islamic from Kelantan, suffered by being ousted from the Nasharudin Mat Isa (480 votes)
and the progressive elements within PAS just as
state” objective in the interest of exercising power party’s central committee altogether, Nik Aziz’s Vice-presidents it is tempting to describe those he and his friends
in Putrajaya. image and reputation suffered even more because Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man (871 votes) tried to topple as conservatives.
Thus the two parties had placed much hope of his backing for them and what they stand for. Salahuddin Ayub (824 votes) They have also been described as reformists
on Kelantan exco member Datuk Husam Musa, Clearly the Tok Guru, much revered in Kel- Datuk Mahfuz Omar (636 votes) and collectively called Erdogan, after Turkish
a charismatic party vice-president and protégé antan, who had expected party delegates to stand Prime Minister Racep Tayyip Erdogan who
of party icon and spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz by him, had underestimated the opposition of his Central Working Committee headed the reformist group in his party. Those
Nik Mat, defeating incumbent deputy president fellow ulama to the idea of a closer cooperation in Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin they opposed have been described as being
Nasharudin Mat Isa, who was going for his third Pakatan Rakyat. Idris Ahmad anti-reform.
term. Perhaps the only party that heaved a sigh of re- Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar The contest on Friday had also been de-
Husam, an economist, seems to be most com- lief at the defeat of Husam and his friends is Umno. Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak scribed as the ulama versus the non-ulama or
mitted to the idea of Pakatan Rakyat. He is against That no sigh is heard is because some Umno lead- Datuk Dr Hassan Ali the professionals. Nothing is so simple as within
Dr Mohd Hatta Mohd Ramli each group there are ulama who are liberal
Abdul Gani Samsuddin and also those who are conservative and some
Datuk Abu Bakar Che ulama are also professionals.
Hanipa Maidin Nik Aziz, an ulama, had backed Husam while
Datuk Amirruddin Hamzah Hadi, also an ulama and a Tok Guru, is with
Dr Lo Lo Mohd Ghazali Nasharudin. Thus, the Husam-Nasharudin fight
Abdul Ghani Abdul Rahman could also be seen as a proxy fight between the
Dr Dzulkifli Ahmad two Tok Guru. After all, Nik Aziz had rebuked
Dr Syed Azman Syed Nawawi Hadi publicly and the party president is not too
Hashim Jasin happy about it.
Mazlan Ali Man But what is clear is there are those in PAS
Taib Azamuddeen Taib who don’t want to wait another 50 years to
Dr Muhajid Yusuf Rawa govern at the federal level and who saw being
part of the Pakatan Rakyat as an opportunity
to reach Putrajaya early – even if they have to
ers prefer to do it quietly while others continue work with the DAP.
to be in denial and insist Umno is never under Opposing them are those who generally feel
threat. they don’t mind working with the DAP and PKR
Had Husam won, he would probably have for the moment and are unsure whether they
made good his boast to build up PAS – president should coalesce further with them but would
Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang and those influenc- prefer to cooperate with Umno should there be a
ing him notwithstanding – into a strong and danger of the Malays losing political power.

minister, was commenting on the Terengganu state govern-

the statement by PAS president ment and state Umno, here on
Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang Saturday night. – Bernama
briefs that he was confident the idea
of forming a unity government PAS wants govt to
between PAS and Umno could
be implemented if everyone scrap PPSMI
understood the objectives of its SHAH ALAM: The 55th PAS
Shafie: ‘Unity govt’ formation. – Bernama annual general assembly that
only if ... ended yesterday passed a mo-
MALACCA: Umno must study Khairy hopeful for tion urging the government to
PAS’ proposal for a unity gov- immediately abolish the Teach-
ernment to see whether it is in
Umno-PAS talks ing and Learning of Science and
the interests of the country and KUALA TERENGGANU: Umno Mathematics in English (PPSMI).
people or for the sake of party Youth hopes the discussion Rembau delegate Taufik Abdul
politics before making any deci- between Umno and PAS can Ghani, who tabled the motion,
sion, said Umno vice-president be continued following the said the party objected to the
Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal. re-election of Nasharudin Mat Education Ministry’s move to
He said the proposal to imple- Isa as PAS deputy president delay the people’s demand for
ment the formation of a unity yesterday. the scrapping of PPSMI.
government must be based on Umno Youth chief Khairy The motion was seconded
sincerity. Jamaluddin said UmnoYouth by former Perak mentri besar
“If the proposal is for the kept an open mind on coop- and PAS central working com-
benefit of the country and eration with PAS because after mittee member Datuk Seri
people, we must see how it can the last general election, the Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.
boost national development, question of bilateral discussions The motion also disapproved of
especially in the wake of the between the two parties had the ministry’s rejection of the
global economic recession,” he begun to be discussed. first study of PPSMI’s effective-
told reporters after closing the “With Ustaz Nasharudin’s ness during Datuk Seri Hisham-
national-level Kemas Kinder- victory, the ‘muzakarah’ or muddin Hussein’s tenure as
garten Potentials Day here on discussion agenda can be con- education minister and said the
Saturday night. tinued,” he told reporters after second study by Tan Sri Muhyid-
Mohd Shafie, who is also a Terengganu Youth programme din Yassin as the new minister
rural and regional development organised in collaboration with was a waste. – Bernama

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