Thesun 2009-06-09 Page08 Rape of Larut Hills

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8 theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 9 2009

news without borders

Penang bans
polystyrene at Rape of Larut Hills
official functions Thousands
mass for
the Larut Hills in Taiping by the
Federation of Malaysian Con-
What was more worrying,
he said, was that the catchment
area which was a major source
and let the “natural jungle
surrounding the hills perform
its function of absorbing the
GEORGE TOWN: The Penang would be channelled to the state sumers Associations has set off of raw water for the people of run-off water”.
state government has banned gov- government’s Hardcore Poverty victims of alarm bells with hard evidence Taiping and surrounding areas Fomca, he said, was also
ernment agencies and departments Programme. daycare to show how the hills are being was being polluted with plastic alarmed at the construction of
in the state from using polystyrene Penang generates about 1,600 raped and destroyed for short- bags and other rubbish. a 40-room hostel on the hill
food containers at official govern- tonnes of sold waste a day, and in blaze term commercial gain. Plastic could release endo- slope.
ment functions. 2007, both its local councils spent a pg 11 The study, conducted in crine-disrupting chemicals He pointed out that the
“We are also encouraging total RM57.6 million on solid waste February and March this year, which cannot be detected by structure was concrete and too
companies to refrain from using management. showed indiscriminate dump- water treatment plant operators, heavy for the hills to bear.
polystyrene containers when org- “It is by reducing the exces- ing of rubbish in plastic bags, thus endangering consumers as There were previously
anising functions jointly with the sive use of plas- illegal logging, construction a known carcinogen. wooden quarters in the area.
state government,” environment, tic bags that of a bungalow and hostel Marimuthu said soil erosion Marimuthu expressed
health, welfare and caring society we can also on the hill slope, silting of was a common occurrence concern that residents of the
committee chairman Phee Boon eventually rivers and landslips. along the hill slopes as a result hostel would further pollute the
Poh said. cut down Fomca president Datuk of illegal logging in the area. area as waste generated would
He said this was among the expenditure N. Marimuthu said recently Erosion has moved large invariably end up in the water-
environmental-friendly measures on solid that if the state government amounts of soil into rivers, fall nearby.
adopted by the state govern- waste man- did not take immediate making them shallow and Fomca’s other concern was
ment in conjunction with World agement,” steps to arrest the situation, causing flash floods during the plan to build a rail service
Environment Day 2009 on Fri- Lim said. the hills would be “lost heavy rains, he said. up the hill which would pose
day. Accord- forever which would be a Marimuthu called on the not only an environmental haz-
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan ing to Phee, great tragedy, particularly government to stop all log- ard but also a danger to users of
Eng has also declared Mondays as more than for future generations”. ging in the area immediately the service. – Bernama
“No Plastic Bags Day” beginning 200 hyper-
July 1. markets,
“This is a serious commit- supermar-
ment on the part of the state
government to reducing the use of
plastic bags and we hope this ap-
kets and mini
markets were
prepared to
New and cheaper
proach will help Penang achieve
its goal of becoming a green
state,” he told a press conference
take part in
the No Plastic
Bags Day pro-
green hotels, please
on Friday. gramme. PETALING current economic situation. and depends on the individual,“ Syno-
Lim said hypermarkets, super- Lim also JAYA: Malay- Exploring attitudes towards hotels vate Malaysia managing director Steve
markets and mini markets agree- launched the sian travellers and factors surrounding travel choices, Murphy said.
able to the programme would sign state gov- want new, less Synovate surveyed over 6,600 respond- “However, hotel brands and owners
a declaration to honour it before ernment’s expensive green ents from Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, should take note that word-of-mouth
July 1. climate change hotels, a survey has Brazil, France, Canada, Australia, the ranks high among Malaysian travellers
“As a measure to encourage w e b p a g e , revealed. Netherlands and the United States as and negative reviews and comments can
consumers to bring their own bags http://climatechange.penang. In a survey of more than 1,000 Malay- part of a global hotels survey. be damaging to a hotel’s brand name,
and not depend on plastic bags,, which highlights issues sians respondents conducted by market Malaysians said a bad hotel experi- not to mention its bottom line,” he said.
consumers will be charged 20 sen relating to climate change and research company Synovate, 62% said ence could ruin their entire trip, while “Our survey indicates that Malaysian
a bag at check-out counters on greenhouse gases and provides they stayed in new hotels each time they close to 91% agreed they would tell oth- travellers are adventurous and willing to
Mondays,” he said. Penangites with tips on how to travelled, while 83% admitted they would ers if they had a good hotel experience. stay at different hotels each time they
Lim said the funds collected address climate change. stay at less expensive hotels, given the “Personal experience is subjective travel, but are prohibited by cost factors.
“About 26% end up comparing dif-
ferent hotels before deciding what best
suits them. Hotel brands and owners
Role of ICT may be able to take advantage of this by
understanding customer needs better

in Asia’s and reaching out to them.”

Murphy said the survey also com-

development pared views of travellers of different nat-

ionalities and found several similarities.
“Over half of Japanese, French, Brazil-
PETALING JAYA: Researchers, experts ian, Dutch and citizens of the UAE said
and policymakers will gather at Wawa- they, too, like trying new hotels, while
san Open University (WOU) in Penang on over 95% of travellers from Canada,
Thursday for a four-day conference on France, the Netherlands and the US said
how Information and Communication they would tell others if they had a bad
Technologies have helped solve some hotel experience.”
of Asia’s development problems. The survey found that in choosing a
The Pan All 2009 Conference is hotel, close to 35% of Malaysian travellers
sponsored by Canada’s International look to colleagues, friends and relatives
Development Research Centre (IDRC) for recommendations, while 18% take
in partnership with WOU. Participants the initiative to visit a hotel’s website.
comprise mainly researchers and res- About 13% read about hotels on travel
ource persons linked to the IDRC’s Pan review sites, blogs and magazines while
Asia Networking (PAN) Programme. 11% ask travel agents for advice.
The participants have been engaged Malaysians also choose hotels on
in a variety of research for more than a Wan Ahmad explains other criteria such as technology and
decade, producing interesting results: how the Persuasive specific recreational services. Sixty-six
» to meet the pressing education Multimedia Learning percent research a hotel’s technology
needs of Asia’s populations, research Environment works. offering before booking a room, while
in distance learning technologies 40% said they prefer a hotel with a spa.
undertaken in 11 countries has helped “A little surprising maybe, but urban
develop a more effective, accessible Malaysians who travel are fairly tech-
and inclusive system of education; savvy and will want the same offerings
» in the Philippines, an online approach outside of the country as they experi-
to diagnose tuberculosis promises to
speed up treatment of the disease in
Art of gentle persuasion ence within Malaysia, where high-end
hotels are well set up technologically.
rural areas and make more efficient use GEORGE TOWN: Parents can look far Wan Yahaya, who said the “Some of them even encouraged They also seek to pamper themselves
of scarce medical resources; forward to their children being less application allows users to practise their friends to visit the dentist,” he said and hotels with spa facilities may have
» across the region, the OpenNet Ini- anxious about visiting the dentist, a “target behaviour” by imitating the at a demonstration of the programme an edge,” Murphy said.
tiative has shone a spotlight on online thanks to a multimedia applica- behaviour of animated characters, at the National Apex Development A hotel’s green credentials are also
censorship in Asia by showing, for ex- tion created by the Universiti Sains including nurses and dentists. Indicator centre at USM last week. important. The survey asked Malay-
ample, how internet-based applications Malaysia’s Centre for Instructional “I created this software based Wan Ahmad said lack of knowl- sians to choose a statement that best
such as Skype are monitored. Technology and Multimedia. on my knowledge of multimedia edge of treatments and inadequate described their feelings about all-things-
Laurent Elder, leader of the PAN pro- Dubbed Persuasive Multimedia and persuasion,” he said, explaining parental persuasion were among the green in their home away from home.
gramme, said conference participants Learning Environment, the prog- that his own experience in dealing reasons children were anxious about Interestingly, over 27% said they will
would also identify the next steps in ramme helps parents and teachers with his children refusing to visit the visiting the dentist. “This application not stay at a hotel which did not have
research and priorities that will shape to motivate children aged between dentist spurred the creation of the will help them understand dental an environmental policy. Close to 43%
the future of Asia’s information society. six and nine years into being less programme. health better.” chose the pragmatic-yet-caring ap-
“Questions that come to mind are: apprehensive about receiving dental Wan Ahmad said the application The software won the gold medal proach, saying a hotel’s environmental
Can technology play a role in lifting Asia’s treatment. had been tested on about 300 children at the national Invention, Innovation policy is important to them, but they
economies out of the recession? In a Behind the application is aged six to nine years, 80% of whom and Technology Exhibition 2009 last don’t research it ahead of time.
digital Asia, how can people’s privacy be lecturer Dr Wan Ahmad Jaf- had responded positively. month. For more information on Synovate,
protected, especially from state actors?” visit

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