Thesun 2009-06-09 Page09 Political Killings Rock Karachi

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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 9 2009 9

news without borders

Political killings
rock Karachi
KARACHI: A wave of violence between rival Karachi police chief Waseem Ahmed said
political factions is sweeping Pakistan’s big- that 26 people had been killed in targeted at-
gest city of Karachi with at least 26 members tacks this month up to Sunday, with most of
of the hostile groups killed in the past week, the dead members of the breakaway faction.
police said yesterday. Other police officials said five people were
Karachi port is the main gateway killed yesterday.
for Western military supplies bound for “Karachi is totally anarchic at the moment
Afghanistan and serious insecurity could as there is a serious command and control
disrupt shipments and pile pressure on the problem in the political factions,” said Mu-
government. tahir Ahmed, a professor of international
While the violence has been confined to relations at the University of Karachi.
targeted tit-for-tat shootings, there are fears Stock analysts say investors are getting
street clashes could erupt in the country’s used to daily violence in the northwest, al-
commercial hub, which is home to its main though fighting in the Swat valley northwest
port and financial markets. of Islamabad has unnerved the market over
The country’s main stock exchange has recent weeks.
ignored the violence but analysts say any es- But violence in Karachi has a more direct
calation is likely to hurt the fragile market. impact. “If the trouble escalates, that could
The violence in the city of 16 million potentially be the last nail in the coffin for our
people is between Karachi’s dominant po- market,” said Sajid Bhanji, a dealer at brokers
litical force, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement Arif Habib Ltd.
(MQM), and a breakaway faction known as The index, which has gained about 18%
the Mohajir Qaumi Movement, or Haqiqi this year after losing 58.3% in 2008, was
group, as they vie for influence. slightly up yesterday morning. – Reuters

Stents no
better than Police investigate
heart drugs sex video shot on bus
in diabetics HONGKONG: Police yesterday were investigating a video
circulating on the internet showing a teenage girl perform-
CHICAGO: Diabetics with ing a sex act on a man on a bus to earn money toward a
stable heart disease do just designer handbag. The six-minute video showed the girl
as well taking drugs alone performing oral sex on the man on the upper deck of a
as getting quick angioplasty bus as it moves across Hongkong island with a few other
or bypass surgery to open passengers on board.
blocked heart arteries, US The video, which appeared to have been shot with a
researchers said on Sunday. camera phone held by the man, has been circulated on
They said patients advised the internet under the heading “Kikimushroom do things
to have angioplasty and a on bus.”
heart stent to restore blood The description of the video, which has been posted on
flow and ease chest pain a number of popular internet forums, said: “Pay HK$200
could safely wait and give (RM90) and get this service from a 17-year-old Hongkong
drugs a chance to work. student. She wants to buy Gucci bag.”
But those with more The man involved in the video described the act she
severe disease sent for more was performing and told viewers that the girl’s services are
invasive heart bypass surgery available “for a price.”
might be able to avoid a fu- The girl looked up at the camera, aware she is being
ture heart attack if they have filmed, and commented on the “peaceful surroundings”
the surgery right away. outside the bus. Two other passengers were sitting in front
The study also found of the man and girl, apparently unaware of what was going
no difference in heart risks on.
between two strategies for Police were investigating whether the video is linked
treating type 2 diabetes to a trend called “compensated dating” – a euphemism for
– increasing the amount of paid sex with young students – believed to have spread to
insulin or lowering the body’s Hongkong from Japan.
resistance to its own insulin A police spokesman quoted by yesterday’s Hongkong
with drugs such as either Standard newspaper said the incident was being investi-
metformin or GlaxoSmith- gated by the Technology Crime Division of the Commercial
Kline’s Avandia, also known Crime Bureau. – dpa
as rosiglitazone, which had
been thought to raise the risk
of heart attacks.
“If you have diabetes
Envoy: Obama wants
and heart disease such
that a bypass surgery is a
immediate Mideast talks
recommended procedure, OSLO: US President Barack Obama wants “immedi-
you should have that early ate” talks between the Palestinians and Israel to forge a
rather than delaying it,” said comprehensive Middle East peace agreement, US envoy
Dr. Trevor Orchard of the Uni- George Mitchell said yesterday.
versity of Pittsburgh, whose Mitchell, who is en route to the Middle East, said
study appears in the New the aim of such talks was “a comprehensive peace and
England Journal of Medicine. normalisation of relations” between Israel and its neigh-
Orchard said the study, bours, which would also serve “the security interests of
also being presented at the the United States”.
American Diabetes Associa- “The president has told me to exert all efforts to
tion meeting in New Orleans, create the circumstance when the parties can begin im-
offers evidence on how best mediate discussions,” Mitchell told reporters at the start
to treat people with both type of a Palestinian donors’ conference in the Norwegian
2 diabetes and heart disease. capital.
More than 65% of people Mitchell said the purpose of the donors’ meeting was
with diabetes die from heart to “provide support for the Palestinian authority” and
disease or stroke. pave the way for a two-state solution with Israel.
For GlaxoSmithKline, the “It’s important that there is a building of institutions
study represents a positive and governmental capacity so that at an early time there
sign that Avandia may be can be an independent and viable Palestinian state,”
safer than earlier analyses Mitchell said. – Reuters
had suggested. – Reuters

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