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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 9 2009 11

news without borders

Son, dad jump to death within 2 hours

Thousands attend mass for SINGAPORE: A father and his son fell to death from an apart-
ment block within two hours of each other, news reports said
Selvaraja Suppiah, 26, fell on Saturday at around 11pm after
he had locked his parents and other family members in the flat on
the ninth floor of the block, The Straits Times reported.

victims of daycare blaze

When civil defence officers freed the family and discovered
Selvaraja’s body at the foot of the block, his father, Nadeson Sup-
piah, 55, turned hysterical. On the way back to the family flat, he
dashed out of the lift and jumped to his death from the building.
Nadeson’s body was found just 15m away from the spot
where his son’s body was still lying, the report said.
Family members said Selvaraja had an argument with his
HERMOSILLO (Mexico): Thou- mother before leaving the flat and locking the door from outside.
sands of people attended a mass here He had been his father’s favourite among three children. – dpa
on Sunday to remember the young
victims of a tragic fire that swept
through a government daycare Franco’s grandson accused of attack
centre, killing at least 42 children, BUENOS AIRES: The grandson of Spanish dictator Francisco
most under the age of two. Franco could face legal charges after he allegedly struck and
Some 3,000 people gathered in hurled a stream of racist invectives at a female Argentine
an auditorium in Hermosillo, north- railway guard last week.
ern Mexico, to pray for the children Francisco Franco Martinez Bordiu, the son of Franco’s only
who perished in Friday’s blaze at a daughter, was allegedly angry after attempting to board a
converted downtown warehouse, departing train in the Spanish city of Zaragoza. He then hit
where scores of mostly poor child- and insulted the guard, the Movement for Argentines Abroad
ren were cared for. said. “It was an act of xenophobia and manifest racism,” a
A priest who officiated at the member of the group, Gustavo Maradini, told Argentine TV.
service recalled the acts of one des- Witnesses quoted by the Argentine media said Franco ar-
perate father who frantically tried to rived in a rush at the station only to find the train doors closed.
aid in the rescue effort by backing He made his way through a closed barricade and began bang-
his truck into the side of the build- ing on the windows in an effort to get the train to stop.
ing to break down its cement walls. The display attracted the attention of two stewardesses and
The cleric said the man was able the security guard, whom Franco allegedly hit and threw to the
to rescue three children, although floor shouting “go back to your own f***ing country”. – AFP
he failed to find his own and that
they died in the blaze. China wants PCs that block sites
“Jesus brought him near his chil-
dren, and now has returned them SINGAPORE: China’s government wants all PCs sold in the coun-
to the arms of God and the Virgin try from July 1 to be loaded with software that blocks certain
Relatives of websites.
Mary,” the priest declared. on Saturday to bid a final farewell to in the centre of Hermosillo. Local a victim of
Sonora state health secretary a three-year-old girl named Camila media reported it had only two doors, The Wall Street Journal yesterday cited the software’s main
the fire at developer as saying the primary target was pornography, and
Raymundo Lopez said on Sunday who died from asphyxiation, while one of which was always locked, and his funeral
that in addition to the children who her four-year-old sister fought for five windows high on its walls. added that the government said it was to protect young people
service from “harmful” content. The software, called “Green Dam-Youth
died, 22 were still hospitalised, 12 in her life in a hospital in Guadala- But state authorities said the at the
serious condition. Six adults have jara. facility passed a safety inspection Escort”, would block access to banned sites by connecting to a
municipal database, the Journal reported.
also been hospitalised. Elsewhere, distraught parents in May. cemetery
The cause of the blaze was sat outside hospitals awaiting word Local media suggested the fire had Jinhui Computer System Engineering Co developed the soft-
in ware with the help of the Beijing Dazheng Human Language
unknown but questions were being on the fate of their children, with started in a neighbouring tire shop, a Hermosillo
raised about safety conditions at the questions being raised about how claim the shop owners quickly den- Technology Academy Co, it said. The requirement, put in a notice
on Sunday. on May 19 by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,
ABC centre, and authorities vowed the fire began and whether deaths ied, according to news reports.
a thorough probe. could have been prevented. Emergency services arrived has not yet been publicised, the paper said. – Reuters
“This has been a painful tragedy Many of the 142 children in the some time after locals began bring-
for all Mexicans,” President Felipe daycare facility were taking an after- ing victims out, witnesses said. Daughter and parents found dead
Calderon said. noon nap when the fire broke out. A 40-year-old man who lives in GENEVA: Three members of the same family were found
“I have ordered the federal pros- Most of the children died from front of the centre and was the first dead in northwest Switzerland, police said on Sunday, ap-
ecutor to carry out investigations as smoke inhalation, officials said. to arrive told La Reforma daily how parently the victims of an attack.
soon as possible to help us know Others died when the roof in the he handed to his neighbours burnt Two bodies were discovered in a fourth-floor apartment in
exactly what happened and how, crib room collapsed. and lifeless bodies that he pulled the centre of Grenchen in the canton of Solothurn. They were
and to determine the corresponding The centre lacked emergency from the building. tied up and had plastic bags put over their heads, the Swiss
responsibility.” exits and the structure was so weak “It was a terrifying experience,” ATS news agency reported. A third body was discovered on
Meanwhile grieving Mexican that part of the roof caved in on an said Roberto Bustamante, as he the ground floor.
parents have begun burying their area where many newborn babies choked back tears. “There was a Police said the victims were parents, aged 60 and 55, and
children. were sleeping, reports said. lot of smoke, but there were no their 35-year-old daughter. The apartment was ransacked,
Dozens of people carrying flow- The daycare centre was housed children’s cries. They were all un- though it was unclear if anything was taken. Police were
ers and toys came to a small chapel in an old warehouse on a dirt road conscious or dead.” – AFP looking for witnesses and awaiting forensics results. – dpa

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