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Key achievements after 12


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Page 3 – Introduction

Page 4 – Leading London through the recession

Page 5 - Making London safer

Page 6 - Improving the Quality of Life in London

Page 7 - Combating climate change

Page 8 - New leadership and a new way of working at City


Page 9 - Delivering better value for London taxpayers

Page 10 - Progress on manifesto pledges

Page 12 - The Mayor’s Team

Page 13 - Contact details and further information

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Since Boris Johnson was elected on May 1st 2008 he

has worked hard to deliver on the promises he made
to Londoners – especially on tackling crime,
delivering value for money and improving the quality
of life in the capital.

• He has brought in a series of measures including

a £3bn economic recovery action plan to
help get London through the financial downturn.

• To make London safer, Boris Johnson brought in

an extra 440 Transport Police to improve
safety on the capital’s buses and launched Time
for Action to address the complex long-term
causes of youth crime and violence.

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• To increase the number of affordable homes
the Mayor has launched a £5bn housing strategy
to deliver 50,000 affordable homes.

• The Mayor has made £100m efficiency

savings this year by cutting costs and
tightening budgets and intends to save £3bn
over the next three years to deliver value for
money for London’s taxpayers.

• Thanks to these savings the Mayor was able to

freeze the GLA’s portion of the council tax
for the first time after a rise of 152 per cent
under the previous administration.

• There is now greater transparency at City Hall

than ever before with job descriptions and
salaries for all of the Mayor’s advisers, register
of interests and details of any payment made by
the GLA worth more than £1000 available online.
Over the coming year the Mayor will work to tackle
the major long-term issues for London; ensuring the
capital emerges strongly from the economic
downturn, tackling crime, improving the transport
system, delivering more affordable housing and
ensuring the London Olympics is a huge success.

Leading London through the


• Launched £3bn Economic Recovery Action Plan

• Delivering 3,000 new apprenticeships
• ‘Only in London’ international tourism campaign
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Economic Recovery Action Plan
On 12th December 2008, the Mayor published his Economic Recovery
Action Plan for London. The first progress report was published on 3rd
April 2009.

During Apprenticeship Week in February 2009, the Mayor announced
that the GLA group is providing over 3,000 apprenticeships including a
Crossrail Tunnelling Academy .
Leading London through the recession

‘Only in London’ international marketing campaign

On 20th March 2009 the Mayor launched Only in London, a £2.4million

Outer London Commission

The Outer London Commission was established by the Mayor to advise
how to release the economic potential of Outer London. It met for the
first time on the 3rd February.

Skills and Employment Strategy for London

On 17th July 2008 the Mayor launched the capital’s first Skills and
Employment Strategy.

Wigley Report into the competitiveness of London as a global

financial centre
On 22nd June 2008 the Mayor launched a review of the competitiveness
of London as a global financial centre. The final report was published
by the Mayor and the Chairman of the Review Panel, Bob Wigley
(formerly of Merrill Lynch) on the 12th December.

International Business Advisory Council

On 5th October 2008, the Mayor hosted the inaugural meeting of his
International Business Advisory Council. Chaired by WPP's Sir Martin
Sorrell, around 30 members of the 58 strong Council of distinguished
business leaders from around the world attended the meeting.

Suspending phase three of Low Emission Zone

The Mayor announced his intention to suspend the third phase of the
Low Emission Zone on the 2nd February 2009 because of the
detrimental impact on London’s small businesses.

Crossrail and East London Line

The Mayor believes Crossrail and the East London Line are vital to London’s
continued competitiveness and improving the capital’s transport system.

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Making London safer
• Alcohol Ban on Tube, bus and DLR services
• 440 extra safer transport officers
• Operation Blunt 2

440 extra safer transport officers

On 16th May 2008 the Mayor announced an additional 440 extra
uniformed officers to double safer transport teams. The first three
teams cut robberies by 37 per cent.

50 extra British Transport Police

On the 6th January 2009 the Mayor announced an additional 50 British
Transport Police to patrol trains and stations in outer London.

Operation Blunt 2
A new anti-knife crime operation, Operation Blunt 2, was launched by
the Mayor and Metropolitan Police on May 13th 2009. Since then 7,574
people have been arrested for possession of weapons and other knife-
Making London safer

related crimes, 215,018 searches have been conducted and 4,304

knives have been recovered (2 May 2008 - 30 January 2009)

Time for Action

On 3rd November 2009 the Mayor unveiled a new approach to the
rehabilitation of first time offenders, mentoring schemes for young
people in care and support for vulnerable young people. On April 1st
2009 a £23m first time offenders fund was announced by the Mayor.

Violence Against Women Strategy

On 21st April 2009 the Mayor launched his new Violence Against
Women strategy, an innovative plan to end all forms of violence
against women in the capital.

10,000 Specials
The Mayor is leading a campaign to increase the number of Special
in London by 10,000 ahead of 2012. On 27th March 2009 the Mayor
announced he has agreed £32 million funding from the MPA and
Policing Minister Vernon Coaker.

The Mayor’s Fund

On April 7th 2009 the Mayor announced the formal establishment of the
Mayor’s Fund to improve life chances for disadvantaged young people
and their families in London.

Alcohol ban on public transport

On 1st June 2009 the Mayor implemented an Alcohol ban on the Tube,
Mayor of London
Buses, website
Docklands –
Light Railway, and tram services across the capital.
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Crime mapping
On September 3rd 2009 the Mayor launched a new online Crime
Mapping service. The new crime mapping website means for the first
time Londoners will be able to get information about crime levels in
their neighbourhoods and access local crime prevention and safety

Improving the Quality of Life in

• Raising the London Living Wage
• Increasing access to public toilets
• Free travel for injured war veterans

Increasing London Living Wage

On 10th July 2008 the Mayor raised the Living Wage for London to £7.45
per hour.
Improving the Quality of Life in London

Open London
The Mayor launched Open London, a scheme to promote businesses,
such as Sainsburys and Tesco’s who allow the public to use their toilet
facilities on March 18th 2009.

Free travel for injured war veterans

On 27th June 2008 the Mayor announced that injured war veterans in
London are to receive free travel on the capital’s transport network.

Half price bus travel for job seekers

The Mayor also announced a scheme for unemployed Londoners to
travel for half-price on buses and trams on 2nd April 2009.

Extending the Freedom Pass to 24 hours

On 18th December 2008 the Mayor confirmed that Londoners aged 60
and over will be able to use their Freedom Pass 24 hours a day, every
day of the week, from 2 January 2009.

Extending Oyster pay as you go

The Mayor announced a deal to extend Oyster Pay as you go to all
London stations served by First Great Western from September 2008
and river services on 6th April 2009.

Cutting congestion and delays

On 16th April 2009 the Mayor launched a code of conduct for utility
Mayor towebsite
of London sign up to in order to cut delays and congestion caused
by roadworks.
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Designing a new bus for London
The Mayor confirmed on 19th of December that a new version of the
much-loved Routemaster will be back on the streets of London by

Capital Growth
The Mayor launched the ‘Capital Growth’ scheme to turn 2,012 pieces
of land into thriving green spaces to grow food by 2012 on 4th
November 2008.

Ending rough sleeping

On February 12th 2009 the Mayor launched the London Delivery Board
whose aim is to end rough sleeping in the capital by 2012.

Improving the quality of life through London’s planning system

The Mayor published ‘Planning a better London’ on 9th July 2008. It sets
out how he intends to improve the quality of life for Londoners through
the capital’s planning system.

Combating climate change

• Green economy
• Retrofitting buildings
• Cycling super highway

Green Economy
A report published on March 31st 2009 showed that the Mayor’s plans
to cut energy and tackle climate change could bring 10 - 15,000 jobs
and contribute £600m a year by 2025.

Cycling super highways

This year the Mayor is investing a record £111.3 million in cycling,
Combating Climate Change

which is being invested in cycle routes, cycle parking, the bike hire
scheme, education programmes, adult and child cycle training and

Cycle hire scheme

Plans are underway to provide a cycle hire scheme in London by May
2010. There will be 6000 bikes and 10,000 docking stations by
September 2010.

Low carbon zones

On 3rd July the Mayor announced the development of ten high-
technology 'Low Carbon Zones' across London by 2012.

25,000 electric car-charging points by 2015

The Mayor outlined his plans to make London the electric car capital of
Mayor on 8thwebsite
of London April 2009, including a series of major initiatives to
Boris at least
on Twitter 100,000 electric vehicles Boris
- on the capital’s
on Flickr - streets.
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Priority Parks
The Mayor invited Londoners to vote on a shortlist of parks across the
capital to fund improvements to make them more attractive and safer
for local communities. Over 110,000 Londoners voted for their ten
favourite parks, each park winning £400,000 each.

Waste Recycling Board

On 27th May 2008 the Mayor announced he will chair the London Waste
and Recycling Board in order to work with London's borough councils to
boost recycling in the capital and reduce the amount of waste sent to
landfill. The Board has a £60 million budget.

The Mayor is working with the LDA and London Councils to develop a
home energy efficiency programme, to help achieve the Mayor's target
of a 60 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2025 for London, cut
energy bills and create thousands of jobs. This will include a retrofit
academy to train people to deliver the scheme.
The Mayor is also making improvements to the energy efficiency of
GLA group buildings. The current programme of 100 buildings includes
offices, listed buildings, and police and fire stations. The first tranche of
work will deliver 25 per cent carbon savings, saving £1m from the GLA
group energy bill every year.

New leadership and a new way

of working at City Hall
New leadership and a new way of working at

• Greater Transparency at the GLA

• Building a closer relationship with London’s
• Mayor chairing the MPA, TfL and Homes and
Communities Agency

Publishing appointments and register of interests on GLA

The Mayor has published a comprehensive list of his appointments and
register of interests of Directors and Deputy Mayors and all payments
over £1000 on the GLA website fulfilling a manifesto commitment.

Working with London’s boroughs

On 10th June 2008 the Mayor and London Councils agreed a new set of
principles that will enable them to work together more effectively in
delivering first class services to all Londoners. This will lead to a City
Charter for London.
City Hall

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Mayor chairing the MPA, Homes and Communities Agency and
The Mayor has chaired the MPA from 6th October 2008, fulfilling a
manifesto commitment to take responsibility as Mayor for the fight
against crime in the capital. He has also taken the chair of TFL from
May 14th 2008 and the Homes and Communities Agency from 1st
December 2008. The Homes and Communities Agency has a £6billion
budget and will deliver 50,000 new affordable homes.

Ending the controversial Venezuela Oil deal

On 25th May 2008 the Mayor announced the end of the controversial
Venezuela Oil deal.

Scrapping the 50 per cent housing target

The Mayor has abolished the 50 per cent London-wide affordable
housing target and announced an expanded programme of 50,000
affordable homes over three years.

Abolition of half-yearly black cab inspections.

On 14th May 2008 the Mayor announced the start of a consultation
period on the abolition of half-yearly black cab inspections. He
announced they would be abolished on 6th November 2008. Figures
clearly showed that the inspections did not achieve their aims of
raising standards or improving the pass rate of annual inspections.

Removing the Western Extension of the Congestion Charge

The Mayor announced the results of a public consultation on the
western extension of the Congestion Charging zone on 27th November
2008. Over two thirds of Londoners and businesses responding to the
consultation said they want it scrapped.

Abolishing the £25 CO2 charge

On 8th July 2008 the Mayor scrapped proposals for a £25 charge for the
owners of large family cars £25 a day to drive in the Central London
Congestion Charge zone.

Delivering better value for


• £100m of efficiency savings across the GLA

• Freezing of the GLA council tax precept
Mayor • ofKeeping
London websitethe costs of the Olympics down
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Efficiency savings at the GLA
On 11th February 2009 the Mayor announced he has achieved over
£100 million of efficiency savings, and will look to increase this to
almost £1 billion over the next three financial years.
Council Tax Freeze
The Mayor’s first budget was approved by the London Assembly on 11th
February 2009. The budget included a freeze in the GLA’s share of the
council tax, achieved through efficiency savings made across the
whole GLA Group. Over the last eight years, Londoners’ council tax had
risen by 152 per cent. In 2001 the GLA precept for a Band D household
Delivering better value for

was £150.88 today it is £309.82.

Keeping the costs of the Olympics down

On 19th June 2008 the Mayor reiterated his commitment to London
council taxpayers that they will not pay a single penny more towards
funding the 2012 Games.

Mayor’s first Budget for London

The Mayor set out his priorities for his first budget. The Mayor’s top
priorities are tackling crime, delivering value for money and improving

quality of life in London.

Olympic Legacy
On 10th February 2009 the Mayor unveiled plans for the legacy of the
Olympic Park after the 2012 Games. On the 20th April 2009 the Mayor
and the Government published their proposal to create a world-beating
research, learning and innovation centre in the Olympic Park after the
2012 Games.

Using savings from scrapping the Londoner to plant 10,000

The Mayor announced on 13th May 2008 he will use savings from
scrapping the Londoner to plant 10,000 new street trees.

Review of International offices

On 27th May 2008 the Mayor announced a process to consider whether
the GLA’s international offices perform a useful strategic function and
represent value for money. The outcome of the review was published
on 16th January 2009. £100,000 savings have been made from the
closure of the GLA’s office in Caracas and consultancy contract in
Moscow and savings have been made in the GLA’s office in Brussels.

Ending Venezuelan oil deal

The Mayor also ended the energy funding agreement between London
and Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, which was instituted under
the last mayoral administration.

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Progress on manifesto pledges

In May the Mayor:

1. Set up the Forensic Audit Panel to investigate LDA and GLA spending.
(8th May)
2. Announced a desalination plant deal with Thames Water to cut utility
roadworks. (12th May)
3. Announced deal to extend Oyster pay as you go to stations served by
First Great Western. (12th May)
4. Scrapped the Londoner saving £1 million a year to plant 10,000 trees.
(13th May)
5. Announced consultation on the abolition of half yearly black cab
inspections. (14th May)
6. Announced an extra 440-uniformed officers to make buses safer. (16th
7. Published appointments and register of interests on the GLA website.
(21st May)
8. Announced the end of the controversial Venezuela Oil deal. (25th May)
9. Announced a review of GLA offices abroad. (27th May)

In June the Mayor:

10. Implemented a ban on alcohol on the Tube, buses and DLR. (1st June)
11. Was elected Hon Deputy Chair of the C40. (4th June)
12. Appointed Harvey McGrath as the new Chair of the LDA. (9th June)
Progress on manifesto

13. Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with London’s boroughs. (10th

14. Asked TFL and the Metropolitan Police to crack down on illegal cabs.
(12th June)
15. Published a report on the 2012 budget and legacy. (18th June)
16. Confirmed taxpayers will not pay a penny more towards the 2012
Games. (19th June)
17. Announced £6 million funding to clean up London’s rundown green
spaces. (22nd June)

18. Announced Bob Wigley to lead review of London and the financial
sector. (22nd June)
19. Announced Sir Trevor Chinn as chair of the Mayor’s Fund. (25th June)
20. Wrote to Secretary of State, John Hutton, calling for action on Post
Offices. (26th June)
21. Announced injured war veterans in London will travel free on public
transport. (27th June)

In July the Mayor:

22. Announced the development of ten ‘Low Carbon Zones' (3rd July)
23. Launched a competition to design a brand new bus for London. (4th
24. Announced a £60million package to tackle the capital’s empty homes
problem (8th July)
25. Scrapped proposals for the £25 CO2 Charge. (8th July)
26. Published
Mayor a report
of London website to improve Londoners’ quality of life through the
planning system. (9th
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27. Announced that he is increasing the Living Wage for London to £7.45
per hour. (10th July)
28. Accepted the Forensic Audit Panel’s final report. (15th July)
29. Launched a new skills and employment strategy. (17th July)
30. Announced that he will treble the number of charging locations for
electric cars. (22nd July)
31. Announced £700,000 funding for three anti-crime youth projects. (29th
32. Outlined support for development of small shops in new retail
developments. (31st July)
33. Chaired first business summit at City Hall. (31st July)

In August the Mayor:

34. Launched British Transport Neighbourhood police teams for the tube
network. (1st August)
35. Confirmed his manifesto commitment to encourage all GLA staff to
volunteer. (3rd August)
36. Backed campaign to erect a permanent slavery memorial statue in
Hyde Park. (18th August)
37. Attended Beijing 2008 Games and accepted the Olympic flag. (24th
38.Launched 'world-first' strategy to prepare London for climate change.
(28 August)

In September the Mayor:

39. Launched new crime mapping service. (3rd September)
40. Announced fares package to sustain massive investment in London's
transport, 24hrs Freedom Pass for elderly & scheme to benefit those on
lower incomes. (4th September)
41.Established International Business Advisory Council for London. (5
42. Revealed proposals for the future shape of the GLA to deliver a more
efficient, effective organisation. (10th September)
Progress on manifesto pledges

43. Chaired his first meeting of the London Waste and Recycling Board.
(11th September)
44. Travelled to Beijing to represent London and formally accept the
Paralympic flag at the closing ceremony of the 2008 Paralympic
Games. (15th September)
45.Unveiled new air-conditioned Tube trains. (25 September)

In October the Mayor:

46. Took the Chair of MPA and set out priorities for the Metropolitan Police.
(6th October)
47. Announced 30 locations for new transport policing teams. (8th October)
48. Launched a six-month trial of live CCTV on London’s buses. (20th
49. Fulfilled a manifesto pledge to let motorcycles in bus lanes. (27th
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In November the Mayor:
50. Announced 'Time For Action' on youth crime. (3rd November)
51. Launched 'Capital Growth' to boost locally grown food in London. (4th
52. Published his vision of transport in the capital, ‘Way to Go’. (5th
53. Outlined his plan for the future of London’s transport system. (6th
54. Abolished mid-year taxi inspections. Figures clearly showed they did
not raise standards or improve the pass rate of annual inspections. (6th
55. Hosted first Citizenship ceremony at City Hall. (20TH November)
56. Announced a £5 billion investment plan to support the capital's
housing market over the next three years. (20th November)
57. Launched a scheme to makeover ten of London’s parks. (25th
58. Announced results of a public consultation on the western extension.
(27th October)

In December the Mayor:

59. Announced three bendy bus routes will be phased out next year. (5th
60. Announced the first ever freeze of the GLA precept. (11th December)
61. Set out Economic Recovery plan for London, £3bn package of
measures. (17th December)
62. Confirmed Freedom Pass holders can use the pass 24 hours a day. (18th
63. Unveiled the winning designs in the New Bus for London competition.
(19TH December)
64. Confirmed 50 per cent bus and tram discount scheme for Londoners
who receive Income Support. (29th December)

In January the Mayor:

65. Announced 50 more police officers for outer London train stations. (6th
66.Published review into the role and effectiveness GLA’s international
offices. (16 January)

In February
Mayor the Mayor:
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67. Suspended phase three of Low Emission Boris on Flickr
Zone. (2nd -February)
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68. Set out plans for delivering lasting 2012 legacy. (5th February)
69. Announced that he has already identified which London boroughs will
deliver three quarters of his affordable housing target. (9th February)
70. First budget approved by the London Assembly. (11th February)
71. Outlined his commitment to end rough sleeping in the capital by 2012.
(12th February)
72. Announced where the first 1500 of 10,000 street trees will be are
planted. (12th February)
73. Announced that the GLA group is well on its way to providing more
than 3,000 apprenticeships over the next three years. (22nd February)

In March the Mayor:

Progress on manifesto pledges

74. Condemned the Government for failing to deal with immigration after a
new report found the estimated number of irregular migrants in the UK
had risen by 295,000 in just six years. (9th March)
75. Announced Sainsbury's, John Lewis, Tesco, M&S and Borders have
joined Mayor's scheme to increase access to toilets across London.
(18th March)
76. Revealed plans for £60 million tourism boost to capital's economy. (20th
77. Announced plans to celebrate St George's Day. (22nd March)
78. Launched a scheme to recruit 10,000 Special Constables by 2012 to
help make the capital’s streets safer. (27th March)
79. Announced £22million for turning over 1,300 of London’s abandoned
buildings into family homes. (30th March)

In April the Mayor:

80. Announced plans to improve river services for Londoners and visitors
to the capital. (6th April)
81. Delivered on his pledge to help the 600,000 children living in poverty
in London by launching the Mayor’s Fund, a major new charity. (6th
82. Outlined a series of major initiatives to achieve at least 100,000
electric vehicles on the capital’s streets as soon as possible, equating
to five per cent of total vehicles. (8th April)
83. Announced he has persuaded utility companies to sign up to a code of
conduct to cut the delays and congestion caused by roadworks. (16th
84. Launched a new strategy to tackle violence against women. (21st April)

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The Mayor’s team
Deputy Mayors
Statutory Deputy Mayor - Richard Barnes
Deputy Mayor, Government and External Relations - Ian Clement
Deputy Mayor, Policing - Kit Malthouse
Deputy Mayor, Policy and Planning - Sir Simon Milton

Director of Housing - Richard Blakeway
Policy Director - Anthony Browne
Director of Environmental Policy - Isabel Dedring
Director of External Affairs - Guto Harri
Director of Policy for Arts, Culture and the Creative Industries - Munira Mirza
Director of Transport Policy - Kulveer Ranger
Director of Marketing - Dan Ritterband

Political Advisor to the Mayor

Alex Crowley
The Mayor’s team

Special appointments
James Cleverly - Ambassador for Young People
Kate Hoey MP - Commissioner for Sport

Other advisers and appointments

Rosie Boycott - Chair of London Food
Harvey McGrath - Chair of the LDA
Peter Rogers - Chief Executive of the LDA
New appointments to the LDA Board
Brian Coleman AM - Chairman of the London Fire and Emergency Planning
New appointments to the Metropolitan Police Authority
New members of the Transport for London board
Sir Trevor Chinn - Chair of the Mayor’s Fund for London
Sir Martin Sorrell – International Business Advisory Council for London
Mary O’ Connor – Chair of the London Health Commission
Appointment of a Legacy Board of Advisors
New members of the London Skills and Employment Board (LSEB).
Iwona Blazwick OBE - Chair of the London Cultural Strategy
William McKee - Chair of the Outer London Commission.
Design Advisory Panel appointments
Justin King - Mayor’s representative on the Board of the London Organising
Committee of the Olympic Games
David Gregson - Chairman on the Mayor’s Legacy Board of Advisors
Pamela Chesters - Adviser on Health and Youth opportunities
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David Freud will advise the Mayor on measures to help both long-term
and newly unemployed Londoners move off state benefits and into

Contact details for further


Click here for more information on the Mayor’s priorities

Media enquiries: Please contact the Mayor’s Press Office on 0207 983

General public/non-media enquiries: Call the Public Liaison Unit at the

Greater London Authority on 020 7983 4100

Duty press officer: For out-of-hours media enquiries, please call 020 7983 4000
Contact details for further

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