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Individual Worldly Reward of Belief, Doing Righteous Work

& Being God-Fearing
A Good Pure Life

{ 79} 61-

Whosoever acts righteously - whether a man or a woman - and

embraces belief, We will surely grant him a good pure life; and
will surely grant such persons their reward according to the best
of their deeds.
A way out from difficulties and sustenance from
whence he never even imagined

{ 3 - 2} 16 -

Allah will find a way out for him who fears Allah, and will
provide him sustenance from whence he never even imagined.
Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Surely Allah
brings about what He decrees; Allah has set a measure for

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Their Lord will guide them aright because of their faith.

{ 61 - 7} 61 -

Surely those who believe (in the truths revealed in the Book) and
do righteous deeds their Lord will guide them aright because of
their faith. Rivers shall flow beneath them in the Gardens of
Bliss. Their cry in it will be: 'Glory be to You, Our Lord!', and their
greeting: 'Peace!'; and their cry will always end with: 'All praise
be to Allah, the Lord of the universe.

{ 22} 21 -

But I am indeed Most Forgiving to him who repents and believes

and does righteous works and keeps to the Right Way.
If you believe and fear Allah He will grant you a
criterion to differenciate between right and wrong
and will cleanse you of your sins.

{ 27} 2 -

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Believers! If you fear Allah He will grant you a criterion (to

differenciate between right and wrong) and cleanse you of your
sins and forgive you. Allah is Lord of abounding bounty.

{ 9} 27 -

Those who believe and do good deeds, We shall cleanse them of

their evil deeds and reward them according to the best of their

{ 2} 79 -

As for those who attained to faith and did righteous works and
believed in what was revealed to Muhammad which indeed is
the Truth from their Lord Allah has removed their evil deeds
from them and has set their condition right.

{ 96 - 91} 26 -

Except the one who repents and believes and does righteous
works, for such Allah will change his evil deeds into good deeds,
and He is very Forgiving and Merciful. In fact, the one who
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repents and does righteous deeds, returns to Allah as one rightly

Announce to the believers the good tidings that Allah
has kept bounteous blessings in store for them.

{ 79 } 33 -

Announce to the believers the good tidings that Allah has kept
bounteous blessings in store for them.
He answers the prayers of those who believe and do good
deeds and bestows upon them even more out of His Bounty.

{ 21} 72 -

And He answers the prayers of those who believe and do good

deeds and bestows upon them even more out of His Bounty. As for
those who deny (the Truth), a grievous chastisement awaits them.

Reminding benefits those who believe.

{ 66} 66 -

Do, however, keep riminding them; for reminding benefits those

endowed with faith.

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Holy Quran is a guidance and mercy for those who

believe and fear Allah.

{ 62} 9 -

Surely We have brought them a Book which We expounded with

knowledge; a guidance and a mercy to those who believe.

{ 632} 3 -

This is a plain exposition for men, and a guidance and

admonition for the God-fearing.

{ 72} 17 -

Surely it is a Good Counsel for the God-fearing.

{ 666} 62 -

Certainly in the stories of the bygone people there is a lesson for

people of understanding. What is being narrated in the Qur'an is
no fabrication; it is rather confirmation of the Books that
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preceded it, and a detailed exposition of everything, and a

guidance and mercy for people of faith.

{ 66} 27 -

Does it not suffice for them (as a Sign) that We revealed to you
the Book that is recited to them? Surely there is mercy and good
counsel in it for those who believe.

{ 77} 76 -

Tell them: "It is a guidance and a healing to the believers. But to

those who do not believe, it serves as a plug in their ears and a
covering over their eyes. It is as if they are being called from a
place far away.
Satan has no power over those who have faith.

{ 77} 61-

Surely he (satan) has no power over those who have faith and
who put their trust in their Lord.
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The angels, near-stationed to Allah, pray for the believers.

{ 2 - 9} 71 -

The angels that bear the Throne and those that are around it
extol your Lord's glory with His praise, they believe in Him, and
ask forgiveness for the believers, saying: "Our Lord! You
encompass everything with Your Mercy and Knowledge. So
forgive those that repent and follow Your Path, and guard them
against the chastisement of Hell. Our Lord, admit them to the
everlasting Gardens You have promised them and those of their
fathers and spouses and progeny that were righteous. Surely You
alone are Most Mighty, Most Wise.
Those who believe and work righteous deeds, they
are the best of creatures.

{ 2 - 1} 72 -

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Those who disbelieved be they from among the People of the

Book or among those who associated others with Allah as
partners shall be in the Fire, and will abide in it. They are the
worst of creatures. But those who believe and work righteous
deeds, they are the best of creatures. Their recompense lies with
their Lord: Gardens of eternity beneath which rivers flow;
therein they shall dwell, forever and ever. Allah is well-pleased
with them, and they are well-pleased with Him. All this is for him
who fears his Lord.
The Believers are the Honourable People in the
Sight of Allah.

{ 2} 13 -

In truth, all honour belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and

to the believers. But the hypocrites do not know.
The noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most
God-fearing of you.

{ 63} 77-

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Human beings, We created you all from a male and a female,

and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one
another. Verily the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the
most God-fearing of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.
Allah loves the God-fearing.

{ 91} 3 -

But Allah loves only those who fulfil their covenant and fear
Allah. Truly Allah loves the God-fearing.
Allah defends & protects the believers and the righteous.

{ 32} 22 -

Surely Allah defends those who believe. Certainly Allah has no

love for the perfidious, the thankless.

{ 671} 9 -

My guardian is Allah Who has revealed the Book, and it is He

Who protects the righteous.

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Allah is the Helper and Protector of those who believe in Him:

He brings them out of the depths of darkness into the light.

{ 269} 2 -

Allah is the Helper and Protector of those who believe in Him: He

brings them out of the depths of darkness into the light. As for the
disbelievers, they have Taghut (Satans/the Evil) as their guardians,
who drive them out of light into the depths of darkness. These are
the people who are doomed to the Fire, wherein they shall live for ever.

Know well, Allah is with the believers.

{ 67} 2 -
{ 9} 79 -

Believers, if you help Allah, He will help you and will plant your
feet firmly.

{ 62 - 66} 79 -

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That is because Allah is the Protector of the believers whereas

the unbelievers have none to protect them. Allah shall admit
those who believe and do righteous works to the Gardens
beneath which rivers flow. As for the unbelievers, they enjoy the
pleasures of this transient life and eat as cattle eat. The Fire shall
be their resort.
You will surely be victorious if you are true men of faith.

{ 611} 3 -

If Allah helps you none shall prevail over you; if He forsakes you
then who can help you? It is in Allah that the believers should
put their trust.

{ 61 - 66} 6 -

Only Allah, His Messenger, and those who believe and who
establish Prayer, pay Zakah, and bow (before Allah) are your
allies. All those who take Allah and His Messenger and those
who believe as their allies, should remember that the party of
Allah will be the victorious.
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{ 637} 3 -

Do not, then, either lose heart or grieve: for you will surely gain
the upper hand if you are true men of faith.
Whosoever does righteous works, while believing,
his striving will not go unappreciated.

{ 67} 69 -

But he who desires the Hereafter and strives for it in the manner
he should, and is a true believer, his striving will be appreciated,
thanked and rewarded.

{ 662} 21 -

But whosoever does righteous works, being a believer, will have

no fear of injustice or loss (of his reward).

{ 77} 26 -

Then whosoever does righteous works, while believing, his

striving will not go unappreciated. We record them all for him.
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Their reward with their Lord and they will have

nothing to fear nor to grieve.

{ 299} 2 -

As to those who believe and do good deeds, establish the Salat

and pay the Zakat, they will most surely have their reward with
their Lord and they will have nothing to fear nor to grieve.

{ 17} 6 -

For any one who believes in Allah and in the Last Day and do
good deeds neither fear will fall upon them, nor will they have
any reason to grieve.

{ 696} 3 -

And that Allah will not cause the reward of the believers to be

{ 63} 92 -

And that he who believes in His Lord will have no fear of
suffering loss or being subjected to any injustice.
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Reward of Belief, Doing Righteous Work & Being GodFearing in the Afterlife
Forgiveness from Sins, an Honourable Sustenance
and a Great Reward

{ 7} 6 -

Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds

forgiveness from sins and a great reward.

{ 69} 3 -

But those who believe and do righteous deeds, He will reward

them in full. Allah does not love the unjust.

{ 66 - 77} 22 -

Say (O Muhammad): "O people! I have been sent to you only as

a plain warner (before the Doom strikes you)." So those who
believe and act righteously shall be granted forgiveness and an
honourable sustenance, whereas those who strive against Our
Signs, seeking to profane them, they are the friends of the Fire!

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{ 62} 19 -

Surely forgiveness and a mighty reward await those who fear

Allah without seeing Him.
High ranks and Great Honour in the Afterlife

{ 262} 2 -

This worldly life has been made very charming and alluring for those
who have adopted the way of disbelief. So they mock at those who
have adopted the way of belief, but the pious people will rank above
them on the Day of Resurrection. As to the worldly provisions, Allah
has full authority and power to bestow these without measure on
anyone He wills.

{ 672 - 671} 3 -

Do not let the strutting about of the unbelievers in the land

deceive you. This is but a little enjoyment, then their destination
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is Hell -what an evil resting place! But those who fear their Lord:
theirs shall be the gardens beneath which rivers flow and in
which they will live forever: a hospitality from Allah Himself, And
Allah's reward is best for the truly pious.
Ranks of the Truthful, the True Bearers of Witness and
the Righteous, and Lights on the Day of Judgment

{ 67} 69 -

In Allah's sight only those who truly believe in Allah and His
Messengers are utterly truthful and true bearers of witness (for
the sake of Allah). For them is their reward and their light. As for
those who gave the lie to Our Signs, they are the people of Hell.

{ 7} 27 -

As for those who believed and acted righteously, We shall

certainly admit them among the righteous.

{ 2} 11 -

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Believers, turn to Allah in sincere repentance; maybe your Lord will

remove your evil deeds from you and admit you to the Gardens
beneath which rivers flow. This will be on the Day when Allah will
not disgrace the Prophet and those who have embraced faith and
are with him; their light will be running before them and on their
right hands, and they will say: "Our Lord, perfect for us our light and
forgive us. Surely You have power over everything."

{ 62} 69 -

On that Day you will see believing men and women that their
light will be running before them and on their right hands. (They
will be told): "A good tiding to you today." There shall be
Gardens beneath which rivers flow; therein they shall abide.
That indeed is the great success.
Gardens to live For ever, Beneath which Rivers Flow

{ 627} 7 -

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Whoever does good and believes -whether he is male or female such will enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in the

{ 69 - 61} 22 -

On that Day all sovereignty shall be Allah's and He will judge
among them. Then those who believed and acted righteously
shall be in Gardens of Bliss. A humiliating chastisement awaits
those who disbelieved and denied Our Signs.

{ 23} 67 -

As for those who had believed and did good in the world, they
shall be admitted to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow.
There, with the permission of Allah, they shall abide forever, and
will be greeted with: "Peace".

{ 66 - 61} 16 -

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So fear Allah, O people of understanding who have attained to

faith. Allah has sent down to you an Exhortation, a Messenger
who rehearses to you Allah's verses that clearly expound the
Guidance so that He may bring out those that believe and act
righteously, from every kind of darkness into light. He will admit
whosoever believes in Allah and acts righteously to Gardens
beneath which rivers flow. They shall abide in them forever. For
such has Allah made an excellent provision.

{ 66} 26 -

As for those who believed and acted righteously, theirs shall be

Gardens beneath which rivers flow. That is the great triumph.

{ 91 - 97} 21 -

The truth is that Hell awaits him who comes to his Lord laden
with sin; he shall neither die in it nor live. But he who comes to
Him with faith and righteous works shall be exalted to high
ranks, and shall live for ever in everlasting Gardens beneath
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which rivers flow. Such will be the reward of those who purify

{ 22} 2 -

Only those people who believe and do good deeds, will be the
dwellers of the Garden and live there for ever.

{ 622} 7 -

But those who believe and do good, We shall cause them to

enter the Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Here they will
abide for ever. This is Allah's promise in truth and whose word is
truer than Allah's?
They will live in lofty mansions of Paradise with perfect
peace and security.

{ 67 - 62} 27 -

We shall house those who believed and acted righteously in the

lofty mansions of Paradise beneath which rivers flow. There they
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will remain for ever. How excellent a reward it is for those who
acted in obedience to Allah, who remained steadfast and put
their trust in their Lord!

{ 39} 37 -

And it is not your wealth, nor your children that bring you nearer
to Us, but only he who believes, and does righteous deeds; as for
such, there will be twofold reward for what they did, and they
will reside in the lofty mansions in perfect peace and security.
Wherein they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and
pearls and their garments will be of silk.

{ 27 - 23} 22 -

Allah will cause those who believed and acted righteously to

enter the Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Wherein they will
be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments
will be of silk. They were guided (to accept) the pure word; they
were guided to the Way of the Praiseworthy (Lord).
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Abundant Fruit and all that they might desire

{ 96 - 12} 73 -

)It will be said to them): "My servants, today you have nothing to
fear or regret, you who believed in Our Signs and had surrendered
yourselves (to Us)! Enter Paradise joyfully, both you and your
spouses." Platters and cups of gold shall be passed around them,
and there shall be all that they might desire and all that their eyes
might delight in. (They shall be told): "Herein shall you abide for
ever. Such is the Paradise that you shall inherit by virtue of your
good deeds in the life of the world. Herein you will have abundant
fruits of which you will eat." But the evil-doers shall abide in the
torment of Hell. Never will their torment be lightened for them.
They shall remain in utter despair.

The righteous from among their fathers, and their spouses,

and their children will live with them in Paradise.

{ 26} 62 -

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And those who believe and whose offspring follow them in Faith,
to them shall We join their offspring (in Paradise), and We shall
not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything. Every person
is a pledge for that which he has earned.

{ 27 - 26} 63 -

(These are the people) who join together the ties which Allah has
bidden to be joined; who fear their Lord and dread lest they are
subjected to severe reckoning; who are steadfast in seeking the
good pleasure of their Lord; who establish Prayer and spend
both secretly and openly out of the wealth We have provided
them, and who ward off evil with good. Theirs shall be the
ultimate abode - the Ever-lasting Gardens which they shall enter
and so shall the righteous from among their fathers, and their
spouses, and their offspring. And angels shall enter unto them
from every gate, and say: "Peace be upon you. You merit this
reward for your steadfastness." How excellent is the ultimate

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They will hear therein no dirty talk, but only Peace.

{ 13 - 11} 67 -

Except him who repents and believes and does right. Such will
enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in the least Gardens of Eden, which the Beneficent has promised to His
slaves in the unseen. Lo! His promise is ever sure of fulfilment They hear therein no idle talk, but only Peace; and therein they
have food for morning and evening. Such is the Garden which
We shall give as an inheritance to those of Our slaves who have
been righteous.
A Garden whose width is as the width of the heaven
and the earth

{ 26} 69 -

So race with one another in seeking to attain your Lord's forgiveness

and a Garden whose width is as the width of the heaven and the
earth, one which has been prepared for those who believe in Allah
and His Messengers. That is Allah's bounty which He bestows upon
those whom He pleases. Allah is the Lord of abounding bounty.
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There they will abide for ever, with no desire to be

removed from there.

{ 612 - 619} 62 -

As for those who believe and do good works, the Gardens of

Paradise shall be there to welcome them; there they will abide
for ever, with no desire to be removed from there.
What is Belief?
Belief in Allah, Belief in Allah's Messengers, Belief in His
Books, Belief in Afterlife, Belief in Angels

{ 2 - 9} 69 -

Believe in Allah and in His Messenger and expend of what He has

entrusted to you. A great reward awaits those of you who
believe and spend their wealth. How is it that you do not believe
in Allah when the Messenger calls you to believe in your Lord
and although he has taken a covenant from you, if indeed you
are believers?
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{ 61 - 9} 17 -

The unbelievers think that they will not be raised to life. Say to
them: "Yes, by my Lord, you will surely be raised to life, and you
will certainly be fully informed of all that you did. That is easy
enough for Allah." So believe in Allah and in His Messenger and
in the Light that We have sent down. Allah is fully aware of what
you do. (You will come to know that) when He will assemble you
on the Day of Gathering. That will be the Day (to determine)
mutual gains and losses. Whoever believes in Allah and acts
righteously, Allah will remove his evil deeds and will admit him
to Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein they will abide
forever. That is the supreme triumph. As for those who
disbelieved and gave the lie to Our Signs: they will be the
inmates of the Fire, and will abide in it. That is a woeful resort!

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{ 12} 2 -

Rest assured that whosoever believes in Allah and the Last Day,
and performs good deeds, he will have his reward with his Lord
and he will have no cause for fear and grief.

{ 699} 2 -

It is no virtue that you turn your faces towards the east or the west,
but virtue is that one should sincerely believe in Allah and the Last
Day and the Angels and the Book and the Prophets and, out of His
love, spend of one's choice wealth for relatives and orphans, for the
needy and the wayfarer, for beggars and for the ransom of slaves,
and establish the Salat and pay the Zakat. And the virtuous are those
who keep their pledges when they make them and show fortitude in
hardships and adversity and in the conflict between the Truth and
falsehood; such are the truthful people and such are the pious.
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Belief in Destiny: All Good & All Harm is from Allah

{ 66} 7 -

Say to them, "Nothing (good or bad) befalls us except that which
Allah has destined for us: Allah is our Guardian and the Believers
should put their trust in Him alone."
(O Prophet!) Say

{ 26 - 27} 3 -

(O Prophet!) Say: 'We believe in Allah and what was revealed to

us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and to Issac
and Jacob and his descendents, and the teachings which Allah
gave to Moses and Jesus and to other Prophets. We make no
distinction between any of them and to Him do we submit. And
whoever seeks a way other than Islam (the way of submission),
will find that it will not be accepted from him and in the Life to
come he will be among the losers.

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O People! Have faith then, in Allah and in His

Messenger (Mohammad SAW)

{ 662} 9 -

[Say, O Muhammad]: 'O men! I am Allah's Messenger to you all - of

Him to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth.
There is no god but He. He grants life and deals death. Have faith
then, in Allah and in His Messenger, the Prophet - who can neither
read nor write - who believes in Allah and His words; and follow him
so that you may be guided aright.'

{ 22} 69 -

Believers, have fear of Allah and believe in His Messenger, and
He will grant you a two-fold portion of His Mercy, and will
appoint for you a light whereby you shall walk; and He will
forgive you. Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Compassionate.

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{ 7 - 2} 72 -

(O Prophet), We have sent you forth as a witness, as a bearer of

good news, and as a warner so that (O People!) you may all
believe in Allah and His Messenger, and support him, and honor
him, and celebrate Allah's glory, morning and evening.

{ 63} 72 -

As for those who do not believe in Allah and His Messenger, for
such unbelievers We have prepared a Blazing Fire.
O Muslims, say to them

{ 631 - 636} 2 -

The Jews say, "Become Jews and you will be rightly guided"; the
Christians say, "Become Christians and you will have the true
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guidance." Say to them, "Nay, we turn away from every other way
and accept the way of Abraham, and Abraham did not associate
other gods with Allah." O Muslims, say to them, "We believe in Allah
and the Guidance which has been sent down to us and which was
sent to Abraham, Ismail , Isaac and Jacob and his descendants and
which was given by their Lord to Moses and Jesus and to all other
Prophets. We do not discriminate against any of them and we have
completely surrendered to Allah as Muslims."

People firmly rooted in knowledge

{ 612} 7 -

Those among them who are firmly rooted in knowledge and the
believers, such do believe in what has been revealed to you and
what was revealed before you. (Those who truly believe)
establish the Prayer and pay Zakah, those who firmly believe in Allah
and in the Last Day, to them We shall indeed pay a great reward.

{ 6 - 6} 2 -

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Alif. Lam. Mim. This is the Book of Allah: there is no doubt about
it. It is guidance to Godfearing people, who believe in the unseen
, establish the Salats and expend (in Our way) out of what We
have bestowed on them; who believe in the Book We have sent
down to you (i.e. the Qur'an) and in the Books sent down before
you, and firmly believe in the Hereafter. Such people are on the
right way from their Lord and such are truly successful.

{ 22} 36 -

From among His servants, it is only those, who have knowledge,

fear Allah. Verily Allah is Most Mighty, Most Forgiving.
And whoever disbelieves in Allah, in His angels, in
His Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day, has
indeed strayed far away.

{ 631} 7 -

Believers! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and in the Book He

has revealed to His Messenger, and in every Book He revealed
before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, in His angels, in His
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Books, in His Messengers and in the Last Day, has indeed strayed
far away.
No one can believe except by Allah's permission

{ 611} 61 -

No one can believe except by Allah's permission, and Allah casts

down filth on those who do not use their understanding.
Some Qualities of the Believers

They are constant in guarding their Prayers.

{ 72} 1 -

This is a Book which We have revealed; full of blessing,

confirming what was revealed before it so that you might warn
the people of the Mother of Cities (Makka) and those around it.
Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, and are
constant in guarding their Prayers.
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They strive hard & fight in the Way of Allah with

their lives and their possessions.

{ 66} 77-

Indeed the ones possessed of true faith are those who believed
in Allah and His Messenger and then they did not entertain any
doubt and strove hard in the Way of Allah with their lives and
their possessions. These are the truthful ones.

{ 662 - 666} 7 -

Indeed Allah has bought from the Believers their lives and their
possessions in return for the Gardens; they fight in the Way of
Allah, kill and are killed. This promise (of the Gardens) is the true
pledge of Allah made in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an,
and who is more true in fulfilling his promise than Allah? So
rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him; and this is the
greatest success. Those who turn back to Allah over and over
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again; those who worship Him, those who sing hymns in His
praise, those who move about in the land for His sake, those
who bow down and prostrate before Him, those who enjoin
virtue and forbid evil and strictly observe the limits prescribed
by Allah (are the Believers who make such a bargain with Allah);
and O Prophet, give good news to such Believers.

{ 97} 2 -

Those who believe and have migrated and strove in the way of
Allah, and those who gave them refuge and help - it is they who
are the true believers. Theirs shall be forgiveness and
honourable sustenance.

{ 76 - 77} 7 -

For; those, who believe in Allah and the Last Day, will never ask
you to exempt them from fighting with their possessions and
their lives: Allah knows well those who fear Him. Those only
make such requests, who do not believe in Allah and the Last
Day, and whose hearts are filled with doubts, and they are
wavering because of their doubts.
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The true believers are those who, when Allah's name is

mentioned, their hearts quake and when His verses are
recited to them their eyes overflow with tears.

{ 7 - 2} 2 -

The true believers are those who, when Allah's name is

mentioned, their hearts quake, and when His verses are recited
to them their faith grows, and who put their trust in their Lord;
who establish Prayer and spend out of what We have provided
them. Such people are indeed true believers. They have high
ranks with their Lord, and forgiveness for their sins and an
honourable sustenance.

{ 26 - 23} 6 -

And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger
you see that their eyes overflow with tears because of the Truth
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that they recognize and they say: 'Our Lord! We do believe; write
us down, therefore, with those who bear witness (to the Truth).
And why should we not believe in Allah and the Truth which has
come down to us when we do fervently desire that our Lord
include us among the righteous? 'So Allah rewarded them for
these words with Gardens beneath which rivers flow so that
they would abide there for ever. Such is the reward of the
people who do good.
The Believers love Allah and His Messenger above all.

{ 616} 2 -

And the Believers love Allah most ardently.

{ 22} 62 -

You shall not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day
befriending those who oppose Allah and His Messenger even
though they be their fathers or their sons or their brothers or
their kindred. He has inscribed faith in their hearts and has
strengthened them with a spirit from Him, and He shall make
them enter Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein they
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shall abide. Allah is well-pleased with them, and they are wellpleased with Him. They belong to Allah's party. Verily Allah's
party shall prosper.
They enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil; they
establish Salat, pay Zakat dues, and obey Allah and His

{ 92 - 96} 7 -

As regards the true Believers, men and women, they are all
protecting friends to one another: they enjoin what is good and
forbid what is evil; they establish Salat, pay Zakat dues, and obey
Allah and His Messenger. It is they upon whom Allah will most
surely send His blessings. Allah is All-Mighty, All Wise. Allah has
promised to the Believers, both men and women, the Gardens
underneath which rivers flow and wherein they will abide for
ever: there will be neat and clean dwelling places for them in
these Gardens of perpetual bliss; and, above all, they will enjoy
Allah's pleasure: this is the great success.

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They are always happy with the dicisions made by

Allah and His Messenger.

{ 31 - 36 } 33 -

Surely the men who submit (to Allah) and the women who submit
(to Allah), the men who have faith and the women who have faith,
the men who are obedient and the women who are obedient, the
men who are truthful and the women who are truthful; the men
who are steadfast and the women who are steadfast, the men who
humble themselves (to Allah) and the women who humble
themselves (to Allah), the men who give alms and the women who
give alms, the men who fast and the women who fast, the men who
guard their chastity and the women who guard their chastity, the
men who remember Allah much and the women who remember
Allah much: for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and a mighty
reward. It does not behove a believer, male or female, that when
Allah and His Messenger have decided an affair they should exercise
their choice. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has
strayed to manifest error.

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Claim of Belief and Way of Disbelief

{ 11} 7 -

(O Messenger!) Have you not seen those who claim to believe in the
Book which has been revealed to you and in the Books revealed
before you, and yet desire to submit their disputes to the judgement
of Taghut (the Satanic evil authorities who decide independently of
the Law of Allah), whereas they had been asked to reject it. And
Satan seeks to make them drift far away from the right way.

Belief is Tested

{ 3 - 2} 27 -

Do people think that they will be let go merely by saying: "We

believe," and that they will not be tested, for We indeed tested
those who went before them? Allah will most certainly ascertain
those who spoke the truth and those who lied.

{ 267} 2 -

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Do you think that you will enter Paradise without undergoing

such trials as were experienced by the believers before you?
They met with adversity and affliction and were so shaken by
trials that the Prophet of the time and his followers cried out:
"When will Allah's help come"? (Then they were comforted with
the good tidings): "Yes, Allah's help is near."

{ 669 - 666} 2 -

We will surely put you to trial by involving you in fear and

hunger and by causing loss of property, life and earnings. And
give good tidings to those who remain steadfast in these trials:
when a misfortune comes to them, they say, "We are Allah's and
we shall certainly return to Him, ''Their Lord will bestow great
blessings and mercy upon them; such are the people who are
rightly guided.

{ 66} 27 -

Allah will surely ascertain who are the believers and who are the

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Disbelievers are not equal to those who believe and do

good, and their lives and deaths are never alike?

{ 22 - 26} 76 -

Do the evil-doers imagine that We shall make them equal to

those who believe and do good, making their lives and deaths
alike? How evil is their judgement! Allah created the heavens
and the earth in Truth that each person will be requited for his
deeds. They will not be wronged.

{ 21 - 62} 32 -

Would a true believer be like him who was an evil-doer? Surely

they are not equal. As for those who believe and act righteously,
theirs shall be Gardens to dwell in, a hospitality to reward them
for their deeds. As for the evil-doers, their refuge shall be the
Fire. Every time they want to escape from it they shall be driven
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back and shall be told: "Taste the chastisement of the Fire which
you used to reject as a lie."

{ 22 - 29} 32 -

We did not create this heaven and earth and all that lies
between them in vain. That is the fancy of those who denied the
Truth. So woe from the Fire to all who deny the Truth. Shall We
then treat alike those that believe and act righteously and those
that create mischief on earth? Or treat alike the God-fearing and
the wicked?
By the time! Lo! Man is in a state of loss; except those who

{ 3 - 6} 613 -

By the time! Lo! Man is in a state of loss; except those who have
faith and do righteous deeds, and counsel each other to hold on
to truth and counsel each other to be steadfast.

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