Ielts Self Review (KTDC)

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I. SPEAKING TEST (11 14 minutes).

The speaking test includes 3 part: Part 1: Question about you (around 10 12 questions) Duration: 3 4 minutes Required: Your answer should has 1 3 sentences No time to prepare for Part 1 Part 2: Describe a given topic from examiner (You have 1 minutes to prepare) Duration: 1 2 minutes Required: You have to answer 4 questions from the given card. The descriptive answer can help you to get a high band score Tip: Sometimes you have to lie. Part 3: Express your opinion/ idea Topic always relates to Part 2 Type of question: Compare/ Contrast Problem/ Solution Prediction No time to prepare for Part 3 You should use academic vocabulary in part 3 to get a high band score. The conversation between you and examiner 1 will be recorded, and then examiner 2 will review it again. This is a speaking test, so you can ask the examiner to repeat or explain the question. That is not affected your band score. In case you need more time to think the appropriate answer, you should think out loud (It means that you say how you feel or think about the question when you do not have answer yet). Ex: Well, that is an interesting question/ Honestly, I have never thought about that before. Well, let me think How to speak like a native speaker: Fluency marker: To be honest I suppose Actually Time Iphrase: mean At weekend When I was younger Every morning In fact I am afraid It all depends Nowadays These days Last year

Adverb of frequency: Frequently Often Rarely Occasionally Sometimes Nearly always Hardly ever


The listening test includes 4 sections (25 30 minutes/ 40 questions + 10 extra minutes to transfer answers to answersheet): Be careful with spelling, capitalization. Section 1 + 2 (20 questions): about social problem (fatual information) Section 1: 2 speakers Section 2: 1 speaker Section 3 + 4 (20 questions): about academic situation (subjective info, opinion). Section 3: 2 3 speakers Section 4: 1 speaker (lecturer)


Task 1 (Reports): Analyze/ describe a diagram Minimun word limit: 150 words (<141 words every 15 words less 0.5 band score (suggestion: 150 220 words) You should spend no more than 20 minutes for this part. No contraction in writing Type of diagram: Linegraph Pie chart Table Bar chart Map Flow chart (Process)/ Illustration (natural process)

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