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There is a lot more to Narendra Modi than meets the common man's eyes.Those who
watch his bragging or being bragged about on TV screens have been mesmerized
enough not to be able to see the hidden conspiracy behind the scintillating puppet
show. Here is a step by step guide to his rise to power and a point by point mantra to
unravel his spell consequently defeating him into oblivion.
Modi's RISE to and FALL from Power
Step1 : Modi is the current front end interface (a mouthpiece) of a rather deep rooted

communal fascist group that has changed its name from JANSANGH to HINDU
MAHASABHA to the present day BJP. (You can call it RSS combine)
Mantra1 : To defeat Modi his political rivals will have to dig a deep hole around this
sundew plant , uproot it and throw it away.
Step2: Back in nineteen thirties and forties when the brave Indian patriots were
fighting against the British for the freedom of the motherland , there was a tiny
,coward ,anti-national group called RSS conspiring with the firangis for a free piece of
the hard earned cake called Independence.This fascist group could only get some
limelight after killing Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of Indian freedom struggle.Since
then Modi's umbrella group has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Indians
discriminating them as Muslims, dalits, adivasis, christians and congressis.
Mantra2 : Fighting Modi without loaded guns is not only foolish but also fetal .The
only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
Step3: 85 long years of incessant communal fascist poisoning of innocent Indian
Hindus from kids through Sarswati Shishu Mandir to college and university students
through ABVP to adivasis through Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram to girls and women
through Rashtra Sevika Samiti to villagers through shakhas to NRI's through
VHPto capitalist corporates through shameless plundering of national resources
and land under their political control to urban gentry through corporate media has
resulted in a grass root support for Modi's saffron ideology in a sizable population
ranging from chaiwala to pattawala to babus to police to some section of army to the
rotten bureaucrats.The cadres are diverse and ubiquitous.
Mantra3: A larger population is still unmolested and patriotic and should be united
from primary to postgraduate,from kitchen to offices,from gram panchayets to towns
and cities, from mandirs to masjid to churches to gurudwara , from peon to prime

minister, from laborers to engineers , from patients to doctors for a cause nobler than
freedom struggle. This is about the survival of a pluralistic country,keeping her from
sliding into anarchy and fascism. Unspinning satan's web is a daunting task but has
become a national duty for all those who don't want India dragged into a nuclear war
in the name of ethnic cleansing.
Step4: The issues around Modi's electoral agenda are the mountains of lies and
deception that the sanghis have been making for decades A.Babri Masjid dispute
B.Corruption for which they are equal partners C.Failing economy which they largely
control through saffron corporates D.Fake development propaganda in an already
developed state.E. Illegal delimitation and redrawing of constituencies thinning down
the bulk minority votes F. Booth capturing and bogus voting
Mantra4: A.Inter religious debate followed by supreme court judgement can solve
Babri Masjid dispute B.Role reversal can immediately curb the burgeoning corruption
C.Control of national gold reserve and oil purchase in gold currency can immediately
reverse the dilapidated state of Indian economy.D. A ruthless accountability can bring
Modi's fake development propaganda machinery to a grinding halt. E.Strongly
demanding the election commission to intervene and rejoin the original
constituencies for a decisive minority voting F.Using electronic and manual
surveillance and rapid action force against the booth capturers and bogus voters.
If the Indian patriots are ready for a fight , Modi and his vicious agenda won't see the
light of the day or else .

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Arshad Mohsin <2*9 ,3 >

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