Creativity Technology

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Creativity Technology 1 2 3 4 5 Brain Storming Check List & Questions Attributes Changing Morphological Analysis Synectics

All provide help in divergent thinking but are based on different principles 1 Brain Storming 1.1 Generally a group technique , but can also be used by individuals 1.2 Generate rapid-fire fashion novel solutions to the problem. During this phase , all criticism or evaluation of any idea is taboo 2 Check list & Questions 2.1 subjecting a product , system or process to a barrage of questions 2.2 some are straight forward eg how to modify the item to make it economical ---- what we could add or delete to make it elegant 2.3 the questions can force dramatic shifts of perspective , and open up radically different options 3 Attribute changing 3.1 is founded on the principle that most tinkering creativity is based on changing an attribute of the present solution or product or , or grafting on it attributes of something else 3.2 eg air conditioner split a/c 3.3 Eg pillow change its shape, colour, smell, feel, thickness, size, material stuffing etc. --- eg Reliance polyclone 4 Morphological Analysis 4.1 makes attributes changing , systematic 4.2 involves identifying a few alternatives for each of the attributes we want changed in a thing 4.3 if there are 5 attributes of a pillow we want to consider changing ( shape , color , smell , size , feel ) , and we think up , say , 3 interesting

alternatives for each attribute , we could generate in minutes 35 or 243 different designs of a pillow 5 Synectics 5.1 a group technique , specializes in using a variety of analogies in creative problem solving 5.2 discussing an analogy of the problem situation from a different field 5.3 eg if the problem is deep diving submarine building the group may explore how whales are able to dive nearly a mile and so fast 5.4 the personal analogy requires problem solver to project himself into a situation and report what he experiences 5.5 eg if one is looking into the causes of metal fatigue in jets , the group members are asked to imagine themselves to be metal in a jet flying at high altitude , and report what they hear-feel-see-smell-taste. This subjectification sometimes gives dramatic results 5.6 Fantasy Analogy the person is asked to imagine without any constraints day dream 5.7 Book Title - members to furnish pithy but poetic or paradoxical phrases for a situation. 5.8 Eg - book titles for a gory battle Great Decimation , Migration to Hell , Vultures Paradise Synectics has been successfully employed for finding innovative approaches to a number of intractable technical problems Synectics a difficult technique basically consists of mechanisms analogies that bend and stretch the mind in every direction through the stuff of poetry It is a technique for churning the mind so that novel visions and insights rise to its surface


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