Election Law

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Election Law
Chapter One: GENERAL PRINCIPLES THEORY OF POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY Sec 1, Art 2 of the Philippine Constitution !"he Philippines is # $e%ocr#tic #n$ repu&lic#n st#te' So(erei)nt* resi$es in the people #n$ #ll the )o(ern%ent #uthorit* e%#n#tes fro% the%'+ Repu&lic#nis% in so f#r #s it i%plies the #$option of # represent#ti(e t*pe of )o(ern%ent necess#ril* points out to the enfranchised citi ens as the !"ti#ate s$!rce $f esta%"ished a!th$rit&' A $e%ocr#tic #n$ # repu&lic#n )o(ern%ent $eri(e #ll its po,ers, in$irectl* or $irectl* fro% the people #t l#r)e' Essence - in$irect rule Actu#l so(erei)nt* - e.ercise$ &* the people &* %e#ns of suffr#)e S!ffra(e ) the ri(ht and the $%"i(ati$n $f *!a"ified citi ens t$ +$te in the e"ecti$n $f certain nati$na" and "$ca" $fficers $f the ($+ern#ent and in the decisi$n $f p!%"ic *!esti$ns s!%#itted t$ the pe$p"e NA"/RE 01 S/11RA2E 1' not # n#tur#l ri)ht &ut %erel* # pri(ile)e )i(en or ,ithhel$ &* the l#,%#3in) po,er su&4ect to the Constitution#l li%it#tions 5 )r#nte$ upon the fulfill%ent of cert#in %ini%u% con$itions $ee%e$ essenti#l for the ,elf#re of societ* 2' #s # ri)ht conferre$ &* the Constitution, it is cl#ssifie$ #s # politic#l ri)ht #s ,ell #s # &oun$en $ut* of e(er* citi6en 5 en#&les hi% to p#rticip#te in the process of the )o(ern%ent to #ssure th#t it trul* $eri(es po,ers solel* on the consent of the )o(erne$ 5 principle one %#n, one (ote SC0PE 01 S/11RA2E 1' Election - the %e#ns &* ,hich the people choose their offici#ls for $efinite #n$ fi.e$ perio$s #n$ to ,ho% the* entrust, for the ti%e &ein) #s their represent#ti(es, the e.ercise of po,ers of the )o(ern%ent' In(ol(es the selection or choice of # c#n$i$#te &* popul#r (ote 2' Ple&iscite - the n#%e )i(en to # (ote of the people e.pressin) their choice for or #)#inst # propose$ l#, or en#ct%ent su&%itte$ to the% In the Philippines it is #pplie$ to #n election #t ,hich #n* propose$ #%en$%ent to, or re(ision of, the Constitution is su&%itte$ to the people for r#tific#tion It is #lso re7uire$ &* the Constitution to secure the #ppro(#l of the people $irectl* #ffecte$, &efore cert#in propose$ #ffectin) 82/s %#* &e #ffecte$


9' Referen$u% - su&%ission of # l#, p#sse$ &* the n#tion#l or loc#l le)isl#ti(e &o$* to the re)istere$ (oters #t #n election c#lle$ for the purpose of their r#tific#tion or re4ection Mo$e for #ppe#lin) fro% #n electe$ &o$* to the ,hole &o$* of (oters 4' Initi#ti(e - process ,here&* the re)istere$ (oters $irectl* propose, en#ct or #%en$ l#,s, n#tion#l or loc#l, throu)h #n election c#lle$ for th#t purpose :' Rec#ll - %etho$ &* ,hich # pu&lic officer %#* &e re%o(e$ fro% office $urin) his tenure or &efore the e.pir#tion of his ter% &* # (ote of the people #fter re)istr#tion of # petition si)ne$ &* # re7uire$ percent#)e of the 7u#lifie$ (otes 0;<EC" 01 S/11RA2E M#in 0&4ect continuit* of )o(ern%ent #n$ the preser(#tion of its &enefits ",o51ol$ 0&4ect =1> en#&le the people to choose their represent#ti(es to $isch#r)e so(erei)n functions = throu)h elections> =2> $eter%ine their ,ill upon such 7uestions su&%itte$ to the% =throu)h # ple&iscite, referen$u%, initi#ti(e or rec#ll> P0WER 01 C0N2RESS "0 RE2/8A"E S/11RA2E Wh*? "he ri)ht of suffr#)e is # politic#l ri)ht #n$ it is ,ithin the po,er of the st#te to prescri&e the %#nner in ,hich it sh#ll &e e.ercise$' Po,er to $efine 7u#lific#tions of (oters, re)ul#te elections, prescri&e for% of offici#l &#llot, pro(i$e for the %#nner in ,hich c#n$i$#tes sh#ll &e chosen #n$ the n#%es th#t sh#ll &e printe$ upon the &#llot, re)ul#te the %#nner #n$ con$uct of elections, e.ercise of police po,er C0NS"I"/"I0NA8 PR0VISI0NS 0N S/11RA2E AR"IC8E V Sec 1 - prescri&es the 7u#lific#tions of (oters@ it le#(es to the Con)ress the responsi&ilit* of $eter%inin) ,ho %#* &e !$is7u#lifie$ &* l#,+ "he Con)ress c#nnot #$$ or #lter such 7u#lific#tions@ the specific#tion in the Constitution is #n i%plie$ prohi&ition #)#inst interference Sec 2 - Con)ress is %#n$#te$ to en#ct # l#, prescri&in) proce$ures for the e.ercise of the ri)ht of suffr#)e &* the $is#&le$, illiter#te, 1ilipinos #&ro#$ #n$ #&sentee (otin) S/;S"AN"IVE REA/IREMEN"S 10R "BE ECERCISE 01 "BE RI2B" 01 S/11RA2E 1' 8iter#c* - ,#s re%o(e$ &* the 1DE9 Constitution 2' Propert* - un$er the 1DFE Constitution, Con)ress c#nnot i%pose propert* re7uire%ent =#> propert* o,nership N0" # test of #n in$i(i$u#l c#p#cit* 5 the o,nership of propert* neither #$$s nor $etr#cts fro% # %#nGs c#p#cit* to function full* #n$ properl* #s # politic#l &ein) =&> propert* re7uire%ent inconsistent ,ith concept of repu&lic#n )o(ern%ent - presupposes e7u#l opportunit*


9' 0ther Su&st#nti(e Re7uire%ents - Con)ress is prohi&ite$ &* the Constitution to i%pose #$$ition#l su&st#nti(e re7uire%ents for (otin) li3e e$uc#tion, se. #n$ t#.p#*in) #&ilit*' Chapter T,$: CO--ISSION ON ELECTIONS PURPOSE "o protect the s#nctit* of the &#llot "o ensure free #n$ honest e.pression of the popul#r ,ill HO. TO ACHIEVE PURPOSE/ ;* #n in$epen$ent office ,hose sole ,or3 is to enforce l#,s on elections' "he intention is to pl#ce it outsi$e the influence of politic#l p#rties #n$ the control of the le)isl#ti(e, e.ecuti(e #n$ 4u$ici#l or)#ns of the )o(ern%ent' CO-POSITION OF THE CO-ELEC SEVEN5MAN C0MMISSI0N o 1 CBAIRMAN o H C0MMISIS0NERS 0UALIFICATIONS OF -E-1ERS 1' N#tur#l5&orn citi6ens of the Philippines, #t the ti%e of their #ppoint%ent@ 2' At le#st 9: *e#rs of #)e@ 9' Colle)e $e)ree hol$ers 4' Must nor h#(e &een c#n$i$#tes for #n* election i%%e$i#tel* prece$in) the election@ :' M#4orit* #re %e%&ers of the &#r, in pr#ctice for #t le#st 10 *e#rs' - re#son for this is th#t the co%%ission is # 7u#si54u$ici#l #)enc*' APPOINT-ENT AN2 TER-S OF OFFICE OF -E-1ERS "he ch#ir%#n #n$ the co%%issioners #re #ppointe$ &* the presi$ent ,ith consent of the C0A@ 1or # ter% of se(en =E> *e#rs ,ithout re#ppoint%ent@ 1irst #ppointe$ Co%%issioners =,ithout re#ppoint%ent> o 9 sh#ll hol$ office for E *e#rs o 2 for : *e#rs o l#st %e%&ers for 9 *e#rs A %e%&er #ppointe$ to fill # (#c#nc* sh#ll ser(e onl* for the une.pire$ ter% to preser(e the st#))ere$ ter%s of office@ Appoint%ents in te%por#r* or #ctin) c#p#cit* in the co%%ission #re not #llo,e$@ "he co%%ission is #n in$epen$ent &o$* #n$ to preser(e its in$epen$ence, the %e%&ers #ppointe$ to th#t position %ust per%#nent@ "h#t in$epen$ence #n$ i%p#rti#lit* %#* &e sh#3en #n$ $estro*e$ &* # $esi)n#tion of # person or officer to #ct te%por#ril* in the co%%ission'


2ISA1ILITIES OF -E-1ERS 1' C#nGt hol$ #n* other office 2' C#nGt pr#ctice #n* other profession 9' Acti(e %#n#)e%ent I control of #n* &usiness ,hich #ffects function of his office prohi&ite$@ 4' Prohi&ite$ fro% &ein) fin#nci#ll* intereste$ in #n* contr#cts ,ith )o(Gt, inclu$in) 20CCs' "he $is#&ilities $urin) their continu#nce in office #re si%il#r to those i%pose$ on the presi$ent #n$ (ice5presi$ent'

CONSTITUTIONAL PO.ER AN2 FUNCTIONS OF THE CO-ELEC "he po,ers #n$ functions of the co%elec #re spelle$ out in the Constitution, AR"' IC5C Section 2 1' ENFORCE AN2 A2-INISTER l#,s #n$ re)ul#tions rel#ti(e to the con$uct of #n E8EC"I0N, P8E;ISCI"E, RE1EREND/M AND RECA88@ 3' 4URIS2ICTION ECC8/SIVE 0RI2INA8 </RISDIC"I0N Re)ion#l, pro(inci#l #n$ cit* offici#ls All contests rel#tin) to elections, returns #n$ 7u#lific#tions APPE88A"E </RISDIC"I0N Municip#l offici#ls $eci$e$ &* courts of )ener#l 4uris$iction =R"Cs?>@ ;#r#n)#* offici#ls $eci$e$ &* courts of li%ite$ 4uris$iction =M"C?> 9' 2ECI2E #ll 7uestions #ffectin) elections, inclu$in) $eter%in#tion of the nu%&er #n$ loc#tion of pollin) pl#ces, #ppoint%ent of election offici#ls #n$ inspectors #n$ re)istr#tion of (oters@ 4' 2EPUTI5E, ,ith the concurrence of the presi$ent, l#, enforce%ent #)encies, inclu$in) A1P, for the purpose of ensurin) free, or$erl* elections@ :' REGISTER, politic#l p#rties, or)s, #n$ co#litions@ "he p#rties %ust present their pl#tfor%s@ ACCRE2IT, citi6enGs #r%s of the co%elec' H' FILE, petitions in court for inclusion or e.clusion of (oters@ INVES"I2A"E AND PR0SEC/"E c#ses of (iol#tions of election l#,s E' RECO--EN2 TO CONGRESS %e#sures to %ini%i6e election spen$in), li%it#tion of pl#ces for prop#)#n$# %#teri#ls #n$ pre(ent #n$ pen#li6e #ll for%s of election fr#u$s, offenses #n$ %#lpr#ctice@ F' RECO--EN2 TO THE PRESI2ENT the re%o(#l of #n* officers or e%plo*ee $eputi6e$ or for the i%position of $isciplin#r* #ctions for (iol#tions &l#h &l#h@ D' SU1-IT TO PRES' AN2 CONGRESS co%prehensi(e report on con$uct of election, ple&, ref, rec#ll' ON REGISTRATION: C$#e"ec .ILL 2ENY REGISTRATION Reli)ious $eno%in#tions #n$ sects sh#ll not &e re)istere$@


"hose ,hich see3 to #chie(e their )o#ls throu)h (iolence or unl#,ful %e#ns@ "hose ,hich refuse to uphol$ the Constitution@ "hose th#t #re supporte$ &* #n* forei)n )o(ern%ent' 1in#nci#l contri&utions fro% forei)n )o(ern%ents #n$ their #)encies to politic#l p#rties, or)#ni6#tions #n$ c#n$i$#tes constitute interference #n$ sh#ll &e #$$ition#l )roun$ for the c#ncell#tion of their re)istr#tion ,ith the co%elec'

CO-ELEC HAS PO.ER TO PUNISH FOR CONTE-PT B#s po,er to enforce #n$ #$%inister l#,s rel#ti(e to con$uct of election B#s po,er to prosecute #n$ in(esti)#te@ B#s po,er to he#r #n$ $eci$e #n* contro(ers* su&%itte$ to it in connection ,ith elections@ B#s P0WER "0 P/NISB 10R C0N"EMP" =Rule H4>@ o "he po,er of conte%pt is li%ite$ to its e.ercise of 7u#si54u$ici#l po,ers' "hus, ,hen co%%ission e.ercises #$%inistr#ti(e functions, it c#nGt use the po,er of conte%pt@ o Must co(er election contro(ersies #s to 7u#lific#tions, returns etc' o Wh#t #re these #$%in %#tters? Contr#cts Distri&ution of &#llots etc' FINALITY OF 2ECISIONS Where election contest in(ol(es electi(e %unicip#l #n$ &#r#n)#* offici#ls, the $ecision sh#ll &e fin#l #n$ e.ecutor*@ If re)ion#l, pro(inci#l #n$ cit* offici#ls, #ppe#l#&le to the SC' HEARING OF ELECTION CASES 6CONSTITUTION ART' I78 SECTION 9: E8EC"I0N CASES inclu$e preprocl#%#tion contro(ersies #n$ #ll such c#ses@ E.cept those rel#tin) to election, returns #n$ 7u#lific#tions of %e%&ers of con)ress ,hich #re un$er the e.clusi(e 4uris$iction of the BRE" =house of rep elector#l tri&un#l> C#ses #re first he#r$ &* # $i(ision of the co%%ission "hen #ppe#le$ to Co%%ission en &#nc@ "he co%%ission, en &#nc, $oes not h#(e the #uthorit* to he#r #n$ $eci$e c#ses #t the first inst#nce' REGULATION OF PU1LIC ENTITIES 6CONSTITUTION ART' I7;C8 SECTION <: Co%elec, $urin) election perio$, %#* o Super(ise o Re)ul#te "he en4o*%ent or utili6#tion of #n* fr#nchises or per%its for the oper#tion of tr#nsport#tion #n$ other pu&lic utilities, Me$i# co%%unic#tion or infor%#tion All )r#nts, speci#l pri(ile)es or concessions )r#nte$


Such super(ision or re)ul#tion sh#ll #i% to ensure e7u#l opportunit*, ti%e, #n$ sp#ce for pu&lic infor%#tion c#%p#i)ns #n$ for # #%on) c#n$i$#tes in connection ,ith the o&4ecti(e of hol$in) free, or$erl*, honest, pe#ceful #n$ cre$i&le elections' "he pro(ision see3s to pl#ce #ll c#n$i$#tes on %ore or less e7u#l footin) in %#3in) 3no,n their 7u#lific#tions #n$ pl#tfor%s #n$ their st#n$ on pu&lic issues #n$ there&* e7u#li6e their opportunities of ,innin) #t the polls'

PAR2ON8 ETC' OF VIOLATORS OF ELECTION LA.S 6CONSTITUTION ART' I7=C8 secti$n <: N0 p#r$on, #%nest*, p#role or suspension of sentence for (iol#tion of election l#,s, rules #n$ re)ul#tions sh#ll &e )r#nte$ &* the Presi$ent ,ithout the f#(or#&le reco%%en$#tion of the Co%%ission' P/RP0SE to #(oi$ the possi&ilit* of the presi$ent )r#ntin) p#r$on etc' ,ho %#* &elon) to his p#rt* or for politic#l re#sons' ELECTION AN2 CA-PAIGN PERIO2S Election perio$ D0 $#*s &efore election #n$ 90 $#*s there#fter =C0NS"I"/"I0N AR"' IC5C, section H> "he co%elec or con)ress, in speci#l c#ses, %#* ch#n)e the $ur#tion of the election perio$' "he li%it#tion is $esi)ne$ to %ini%i6e p#rtis#n politic#l #cti(ities #n$ e.pensi(e election contests' E8EC"I0N PERI0D N0" SAME WI"B CAMPAI2N PERI0D@ o Election perio$ inclu$es 90 $#*s #fter election #s election perio$@ o While c#%p#i)n perio$ c#n onl* inclu$e the D0 $#*s prior to election $#*@ RE2ITION OF 2ECISION AN2 4U2ICIAL REVIE. 6CONSTITUTION ART' I7;A8 secti$n >: Co%elec sh#ll $eci$e &* %#4orit* (ote of #ll %e%&ers #n* c#se Within H0 $#*s fro% $#te of its su&%ission for $ecision or resolution@ Dee%e$ su&%itte$ for $ecision upon filin) of the l#st ple#$in), &rief, %e%o, re7uite$ &* rules@ 0r$ers #n$ rules su&4ect to re(ie, &* SC un$er certior#ri, unless other,ise pro(i$e$ &* Constitution@ 2ECISION SU14ECT TO SC REVIE. UN2ER CERTIORARI 6RULE ?@: It is its $ecision en &#nc th#t %#* &e &rou)ht to SC "he H0 $#* perio$ for $ecision runs fro% the filin) of the l#st ple#$in) re7uire$ &* co%%ission' REVIE. LI-ITE2 TO 0UESTIONS INVOLVING A1USE OF 2ISCRETION "he SC h#s no )ener#l po,er of super(ision o(er the Co%elec e.cept to re(ie, the $ecisions or or$ers of the co%elec on petition &* certior#ri &* the #))rie(e$ p#rt*' "he certior#ri 4uris$iction of the SC shoul$ &e confine$ to inst#nces of )r#(e #&use of $iscretion #%ountin) to p#tent #n$ su&st#nti#l $eni#l of $ue process@ 1in$in)s of f#ct of #$%inistr#ti(e &o$ies ch#r)e$ ,ith their specific fiel$ of e.pertise, #re #ffor$e$ )re#t ,ei)ht &* the courts, #n$ in the #&sence of su&st#nti#l sho,in) th#t such fin$in)s #re %#$e fro% #n erroneous esti%#tion of the e(i$ence presente$, the* #re conclusi(e, #n$ in the interest of st#&ilit* of the )o(ern%ent structure, shoul$ not &e $istur&e$' 0nl* 7uestions of l#, - 3#si n)# certior#ri


REASON FOR LI-ITE2 REVIE. Due re)#r$ to the in$epen$ent ch#r#cter of the co%%ission #s # Constitution#l &o$* re7uires th#t the po,er of the court to re(ie, the #cts of th#t &o$* shoul$, #s # )ener#l proposition, &e use$ sp#rin)l* or restricti(el*, ,ith c#re #n$ c#ution, &ut fir%l* in #ppropri#te c#ses' 8o,er courts h#(e no #uthorit* to re(ie, or$ers of the co%elec@ If c#se in(ol(es &#r#n)#* or %unicip#l offici#ls, $ecision is fin#l #n$ e.ecutor*' OR2ER GRANTING E7ECUTION PEN2ING APPEAL E.ecution pen$in) #ppe#l #llo,e$ &* Section 2 Rule 9D of the Rules of Court is #n e.ception to the )ener#l rule th#t onl* fin#l 4u$)%ents %#* &e e.ecute$@ "his is strictl* construe$' It c#n onl* &e #llo,e$ on the &#sis of )oo$ re#sons to &e st#te$ in # speci#l or$er@ "he re#sons %ust &e of such ur)enc* #s to out,ei)h the in4ur* or $#%#)e of the losin) p#rt* shoul$ the l#tter secure # re(ers#l of the 4u$)%ent on #ppe#l' RULES OF PROCE2URE "he C0ME8EC en &#nc %#* pro%ul)#te its o,n rules concernin) ple#$in)s #n$ pr#ctice &efore it or &efore #n* of its offices' Such rules sh#ll not $i%inish, incre#se, or %o$if* su&st#nti(e ri)hts@ Wh#t #re su&st#nti(e ri)hts? - ri)hts ,hich su&st#nti(e l#, $ecl#res or ri)hts concernin) life, li&ert* or propert* =&ill of ri)hts> Proce$ur#l ri)hts - refer to the re%e$ies or %e#ns &* ,hich #n #))rie(e$ p#rt*, ,hose ri)hts h#(e &een (iol#te$, %#* &rin) his c#se to suit, tri#l, #n$ 4u$)%ent' VOTES RE0UIRE2 FOR REN2ITION OF 2ECISION AR"' IC5A, SEC"I0N E - co%elec sh#ll $eci$e &* # MA<0RI"J V0"E of #ll its %e%&ers #n* c#se or %#tter &rou)ht &efore it@ A/0R/M of # DIVISI0N - ",o %e%&ers sh#ll constitute # 7uoru% for the tr#ns#ction of the offici#l &usiness of the $i(ision' A22ITIONAL FUNCTIONS AS -AY 1E PROVI2E2 1Y THE LA. 6CONSTITUTION ART' I7;A8 Secti$n A: Co%elec sh#ll perfor% such other functions #s %#* &e pro(i$e$ &* l#,' ;ut con)ress c#nGt $i%inish the po,ers #n$ functions )r#nte$ &* the Constitution to the co%%ission' PO.ERS AN2 FUNCTIONS OF THE CO--ISSION UN2ER THE O-NI1US ELETION CO2E 1' E.ercise $irect #n$ i%%e$i#te super(ision #n$ control o(er n#tion#l #n$ loc#l offici#ls or e%plo*ees, inclu$in) %e%&ers of #n* n#tion#l or loc#l l#, enforce%ent #)enc*@ %#* #lso $eputi6e R0"C c#$ets@ 2' Pro%ul)#te rules #n$ re)ul#tions i%ple%entin) the pro(isions of the this co$e or other l#,s@ #n$ re7uire the p#*%ent of le)#l fees for &usiness $one &* co%elec@ 9' Su%%ons p#rties to contro(ers*, issue su&poen# #n$ su&poen# $uces tecu%, t#3e testi%on* #n$ in(esti)#te, con$uct he#rin), issue ,#rr#nt of #rrest@ 4' A(#il #ssist#nce of #n* n#tion#l or loc#l l#, enforce%ent #)enc* to e.ecute un$er its $irect #n$ i%%e$i#te super(ision #n* of its fin#l $ecisions@ :' Punish conte%pt@ H' Enforce #n$ e.ecute $ecisions ,hich sh#ll h#(e prece$ence o(er those e%#n#tin) fro% other #uthorit*, e.cept SC #n$ h#&e#s corpus@ E' Prescri&e for%s to &e use$ un election, ple&iscite #n$ referen$u%@ F' Procure #n* supplies #n$ e7uip%ent for elections etc'


D' Prescri&e use or #$option of l#test technolo)ic#l #n$ electronic $e(ices@ 10' C#rr* out # continuin) #n$ s*ste%#tic c#%p#i)n throu)h ne,sp#per of )ener#l circul#tion, r#$ios #n$ other %e$i# to e$uc#te pu&lic@ 11' Enlist non5p#rtis#n )roups or or)#ni6#tion of citi6ens fro% ci(ic, *outh, profession#l, e$uc#tion#l, &usiness or l#&or sectors 3no,n for their pro&it*, i%p#rti#lit* #n$ inte)rit* #n$ inte)rit* ,ith the %e%&ership #n$ c#p#&ilit* to un$ert#3e # coor$in#te$ oper#tion #n$ #cti(it* to #ssists it in the i%ple%ent#tion of the pro(isions of the co$e #n$ the resolutions, or$ers #n$ instructions of the co%%ission@ 12' Con$uct he#rin)s on contro(ersies@ 19' 1i. other re#son#&le perio$s for cert#in pre5election re7uire%ents in or$er th#t (oters sh#ll not &e $epri(e$ of their ri)ht of suffr#)e #n$ cert#in )roups of ri)hts )r#nte$ the% in the co$e'

Chapter Three: Re*!ire#ents 1ef$re E"ecti$n A' Re(istrati$n RE2IS"RA"I0N 01 V0"ERS - %e#ns of $eter%inin) the 7u#lific#tions of (oters, #n$ of re)ul#tin) the e.ercise of the ri)ht to (ote throu)h st#tutes re7uirin) the n#%es of those entitle$ to (ote to &e pre(iousl* recor$e$ &* the officers pro(i$e$ for th#t purpose Re)istr#tion 8#, - st#tutes re7uirin) n#%es of those entitle$ to (ote to &e pre(iousl* recor$e$ Re)istr#tion 5 #ct of listin) the n#%es NECESSI"J 01 RE2IS"RA"I0N It is essenti#l to the e.ercise of the ri)ht of suffr#)e, not the possession thereof /nless e.cuse$ &* so%e f#ct ,hich the l#, itself $ee%s sufficient, the (oter %ust re)ister if he ,oul$ e.ercise his pri(ile)e RE2IS"RA"I0N WI"B E8EC"I0N RE2IS"RA"I0N ;0ARD =1> Election Re)istr#tion ;o#r$ =ER;> - there sh#ll &e in e#ch cit* #n$ %unicip#lit* #s %#n* Election Re)istr#tion ;o#r$s #s there #re election officers therein to #ct on #ll #pplic#tions for re)istr#tion in thic3l* popul#te$ citiesI%unicip#lities Co%position =#> Election 0fficer =E0> #s the Ch#ir%#n =&> Me%&ers - Pu&lic School 0ffici#l %ost senior in r#n3 #n$ the 8oc#l Ci(il Re)istr#r or in his #&sence, the cit* or %unicip#l tre#surer N0"E "he Election 0fficer is the hi)hest offici#l or #uthori6e$ represent#ti(e of the Co%%ission in the %unicip#lit* or cit*'


=2> Illiter#te or $is#&le$ #pplic#nts - refer to persons ,ho c#nnot &* the%sel(es prep#re #n #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion &ec#use of their ph*sic#l $is#&ilit* #n$Ior in#&ilit* to re#$ #n$ ,rite An illiter#te person %#* re)ister ,ith the #ssist#nce of the Election 0fficer or #n* %e%&er of #n #ccre$ite$ citi6enGs #r% B0W? "he E0 sh#ll pl#ce such person un$er o#th #n$ #s3 hi% 7uestions #n$ recor$ the #ns,ers )i(en in or$er to #cco%plish the #pplic#tion for%' =9> Ch#n)e of Resi$ence or #$$ress - #n* re)istere$ (oter ,ho h#s tr#nsferre$ resi$ence to #nother cit* or %unicip#lit* %#* #ppl* ,ith the E0 of his ne, resi$ence for the tr#nsfer of his re)istr#tion &oo3 Applic#tion for tr#nsfer of re)istr#tion sh#ll &e su&4ect to the re7uire%ents of notice #n$ he#rin) #n$ the #ppro(#l of the ER; After #ppro(#l #n$ notice, the E0 sh#ll tr#ns%it &* re)istere$ %#il the (oterGs re)istr#tion recor$ to the E0 of the (oterGs ne, resi$ence =4> Notice #n$ he#rin) of #pplic#tions - /pon receipt of #pplic#tion for re), the E0 sh#ll set the% for he#rin), notice ,ill &e poste$ in the cit* or %unicip#l &ulletin &o#r$ #n$ in his office for #t le#st one =1> ,ee3 &efore the he#rin) =:> Ch#llen)es to ri)ht to re)ister - #n* (oter, c#n$i$#te or represent#ti(e of # re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* %#* ch#llen)e in ,ritin) #n* #pplic#tion for re), st#tin) the )roun$s therefore' =H> Appro(#l #n$ $is#ppro(#l of the #pplic#tion - the E0 sh#ll su&%it to the ;o#r$ #ll #pplic#tions for re)istr#tion file$ #n$ &* %#4orit* (ote, #ppro(e or $is#ppro(e the #pplic#tions upon #ppro(#l, the E0 sh#ll #ssi)n # (oterGs ID nu%&er #n$ issue the correspon$in) ID c#r$ to the re)istere$ (oter #n* #))rie(e$ p#rt* %#* file # petition for e.clusion or inclusion ,ith the proper M"C or Metro"C =E> Pu&lic#tion of #ction on #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion Within : $#*s fro% the #ppro(#lI$is#ppro(#l of #pplic#tion, the ;o#r$ sh#ll post # notice in the &ulletin &o#r$ of the cit* or %unicip#l h#ll PRESERVA"I0N 01 V0"ERGS RE2IS"RA"I0N REC0RD "he E0 sh#ll co%pile the ori)in#l copies of the #ppro(e$ #pplic#tion for re) per precinct #n$ #rr#n)e the s#%e #lph#&etic#ll* #ccor$in) to surn#%e' 5 Be sh#ll preser(e the &oo3 of (oters #n$ ensure its inte)rit* =1> =2> Pro(inci#l file - consist of $uplic#te copies of #ll re)istr#tion recor$s in e#ch precinct of e(er* cit* or %unicip#lit* in the pro(ince Sh#ll &e in the custo$* of the Pro(inci#l Election Super(isor N#tion#l Centr#l 1ile - un$er the custo$* of the Co%%ission in M#nil# consistin) of the 9 r$ copies of #ll the #ppro(e$ (oter re)istr#tion recor$s

IDEN"I1ICA"I0N 01 V0"ERS =1> VoterGs ID c#r$ =VIC> - issue$ to the re)istere$ (oter ,hich sh#ll ser(e #s # $ocu%ent for his ID In c#se of loss or $estruction, no cop* %#* &e issue$ e.cept to the re)istere$ (oter hi%self or onl* upon the #uthorit* of the Co%%ission =2> VoterGs ID nu%&er =VIN> - consists of three p#rts, e#ch sep#r#te$ &* # $#sh 5 P#rt 1 Current A$$ress of the Voter


5 P#rt 2 Current Precinct Assi)n%ent of the Voter 5 P#rt 9 Per%#nent ;irth #n$ N#%e Co$e /ni7ue to the Voter 5 Co%&ine$ &irth #n$ n#%e co$e is #ssi)ne$ $urin) the lifeti%e of e(er* (oter' DEAC"IVA"I0N, REAC"IVA"I0N AND CANCE88A"I0N 01 RE2IS"RA"I0N =1> De#cti(#tion of re)istr#tion - ER; sh#ll $e#cti(#te the re)istr#tion #n$ re%o(e the re)istr#tion recor$s of the follo,in) persons An* person sentence$ &* fin#l 4u$)%ent to suffer i%prison%ent for not less th#n 1 *e#r - re)#ins the ri)ht to (ote #fter : *e#rs of ser(ice of sentence An* person #$4u$)e$ &* fin#l 4u$)%ent &* # co%petent court or tri&un#l of h#(in) c#use$Ico%%itte$ #n* cri%e in(ol(in) $islo*#lt* to the $ul* constitute$ )o(ern%ent - re)#ins ri)ht to (ote : *e#rs #fter ser(ice of sentence An* person $ecl#re$ &* co%petent #uthorit* to &e ins#ne or inco%petent - su&se7uentl* re%o(e$ &* # $ecl#r#tion of # proper #uthorit* An* person ,ho $i$ not (ote in the 2 successi(e prece$in) re)ul#r elections An* person ,hose re)istr#tion h#s &een or$ere$ e.clu$e$ &* the court An* person ,ho h#s lost his 1ilipino citi6enship =2> =9> Re#cti(#tion of re)istr#tion - #n* (oter ,hose re)istr#tion is $e#cti(#te$ %#* file ,ith the E0 # s,orn #pplic#tion for re#cti(#tion of his re)istr#tion in the for% of #n #ffi$#(it st#tin) th#t the )roun$s for the $e#cti(#tion no lon)er e.ist C#ncell#tion of Re)istr#tion - the ;o#r$ sh#ll c#ncel the re)istr#tion of those ,ho h#(e $ie$ #s certifie$ &* the loc#l Ci(il Re)istr#r

8IS" 01 V0"ERS PER PRECINC" 8ist of Voters - enu%er#tion of n#%es of re)istere$ (oters in # precinct $ul* certifie$ &* the ER; for use in the election =1> Per%#nent list of (oters - consists of #ll re)istere$ (oters resi$in) ,ithin the territori#l 4uris$iction of e(er* precinct in$ic#te$ &* the precinct %#ps =#> Acco%p#nie$ &* #n #$$itionI$eletion list for the purpose of up$#tin) =&> Not &e ch#n)e$ or #ltere$ or tr#nsferre$ to #nother precinct ,ithout the e.press ,ritten consent of the (oter =2> =9> Co%puteri6#tion - co%puter printouts of the list of (oters $ul* certifie$ &* the ;o#r$ #re offici#l $ocu%ents #n$ sh#ll &e use$ for (otin) #n$ other election rel#te$ purposes #s ,ell #s for le)iti%#te rese#rch nee$ Prep#r#tion #n$ postin) of the certifie$ list of (oters - D0 $#*s &efore # re)ul#r election #n$ H0 $#*s &efore # speci#l election

;00K 01 V0"ERS - co%pil#tion of #ll re)istr#tion recor$s in # precinct =1> Se#lin) - ER; sh#ll notif* ,ithin 1: $#*s &efore the st#rt of the c#%p#i)n perio$ represent#ti(es of #ll re)istere$ politic#l p#rties #n$ %e%&ers of the ;o#r$ of Election inspectors to inspect #n$ (erif* the co%pleteness of the (oterGs re)istr#tion recor$s After (erific#tion #n$ certific#tion, the ;o#r$ sh#ll se#l the &oo3 of (oters in the presence of the ;o#r$ inspectors #t the st#rt of the c#%p#i)n perio$ #n$ t#3e custo$* of the s#%e until their $istri&ution to the ;o#r$ on the $#* of the election




Annul%ent - upon (erifie$ petition of #n* (oter or election officer or $ul* re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* #n$ #fter notice #n$ he#rin), #nnul #n* &oo3 of (oters th#t is not prep#re$ in #ccor$#nce ,ith RA F1FD or ,#s prep#re$ throu)h fr#u$, &ri&er*, for)er*, i%person#tion, inti%i$#tion, forcer or #n* si%il#r irre)ul#rit*, or ,hich cont#ins $#t# th#t #re st#tistic#ll* i%pro&#&le

INC8/SI0N, ECC8/SI0N AND C0RREC"I0N 01 NAMES 01 V0"ERS =1> <u$ici#l procee$in)s =#> =&> =c> =$> petition for inclusion or correction of n#%es of (oters file$ $urin) office hours@ notice of the pl#ce, $#te #n$ ti%e of the he#rin) ser(e$ on the %e%&ers of the ER; #n$ the ch#llen)e$ (oter upon filin) of petition petition sh#ll refer onl* to one =1> precinct #n$ i%ple#$ the ;o#r$ #s respon$ent@ no costs sh#ll &e #ssesse$ #)#inst #n* p#rt* in these procee$in)s e.cept ,hen the court sh#ll fin$ th#t the #pplic#tion h#s &een file$ solel* to h#r#ss the #$(erse p#rt* #n$ c#use hi% to incur e.penses@ =e> #n* (oter, election offici#l or politic#l p#rt* %#* inter(ene #n$ present his e(i$ence@ =2> <uris$iction in inclusion #n$ e.clusion c#ses - M"C #n$ Metro"C sh#ll h#(e ori)in#l #n$ e.clusi(e 4uris$iction o(er #ll c#ses of inclusion #n$ e.clusion of (oters =9> Petition for inclusion of (oters in the list =4> Petition for e.clusion of (oters in the list =:> Verific#tion of list of re)istere$ (oters =H> Voter e.clu$e$ throu)h in#$(ertence or re)istere$ ,ith #n erroneous or %isspelle$ n#%e =E> Voter e.clu$e$ throu)h in#$(ertence or ,ith erroneous or %isspelle$ n#%e N0"E "he su%%#r* ch#r#cter of #n e.clusion c#se %#3es the $ecision th#t # court %#* ren$er thereon e(en if fin#l #n$ un#ppe#l#&le $oes not #c7uire the n#ture of res 4u$ic#t#'

0UALIFICATIONS OF A VOTER: =1> Citi6enship - &* &irth or n#tur#li6#tion =2> A)e - # person %#* &e re)istere$ #s # (oter #lthou)h he is less th#n 1F *e#rs #t the ti%e of re)istr#tion if he ,ill &e #t le#st 1F #t the ti%e of the election



=9> Resi$ence - pl#ce of his $o%icile =its $eter%in#tion $epen$s upon intention ,hich %#* &e inferre$ fro% his #cts, #cti(ities #n$ utter#nces =#> In election c#ses, the SC tre#ts $o%icile #n$ resi$ence #s s*non*%ous ter%s' In or$er to #c7uire # ne, $o%icile &* choice, there %ust concur 5 resi$ence or &o$il* presence in the ne, loc#lit*@ 5 intention to re%#in there@ 5 intention to #&#n$on the ol$ $o%icile In other ,or$s, there %ust &e &#sic#ll* animus manendi couple$ ,ith animus non rivertendi' =&> =c> =$> Re)istr#tion #n$ (otin) &* # person in #nother pl#ce $o not &* the%sel(es constitute #&#n$on%ent of the le)#l resi$ence, ,here the st#* in the for%er c#nnot &e consi$ere$ #s (olunt#r* &ut # necessit* in or$er to continue his stu$ies A&sence fro% the resi$ence of ori)in to pr#ctice # profession $oes not constitute loss of resi$ence Not necess#r* th#t # person shoul$ h#(e # house in or$er to est#&lish his resi$ence #n$ $o%icile in # %unicip#lit*

DISA/A8I1ICA"I0NS 1R0M V0"IN2 "he follo,in) sh#ll &e $is7u#lifie$ fro% (otin) =1> An* person sentence$ &* fin#l 4u$)%ent to suffer i%prison%ent for not less th#n one =1> *e#r, such $is#&ilit* not h#(in) &een re%o(e$ &* plen#r* p#r$on or )r#nte$ #%nest*@ =2> #$4u$)e$ &* fin#l 4u$)%ent of h#(in) co%%itte$ #n* cri%e in(ol(in) $islo*#lt* to the $ul* constitute$ )o(ern%ent@ =9> ins#ne or inco%petent persons #s $ecl#re$ &* co%petent #uthorit* unless su&se7uentl* $ecl#re$ #s other,ise 1' Precincts and P$""in( P"aces E8EC"I0N PRECINC"S - &#sis unit of territor* est#&lishe$ &* the C0ME8EC for the purpose of (otin) =1> =2> Est#&lish%ent - "he C0ME8EC sh#ll $r#, up$#te$ %#ps of #ll the precincts n#tion,i$e' Precinct %#ps - s3etch or $r#,in) of # )eo)r#phic#l #re# st#te$ in ter%s of streets &loc3s or sitios the resi$ence of ,hich ,oul$ &elon) to # p#rticul#r precinct Arr#n)e%ent - e(er* &#r#n)#* sh#ll h#(e #t le#st 1 precinct ,hich in turn sh#ll h#(e no %ore th#n 200 (oters #n$ sh#ll co%prise of conti)uous #n$ co%p#ct territories A precinct sh#ll &e #llo,e$ to h#(e less th#n 200 re)istere$ (oters un$er the ff con$itions =#> As soon #s the 2005li%it for e(er* precinct h#s &een re#che$, # spin5off or $#u)hter precinct sh#ll &e #uto%#tic#ll* cre#te$ to #cco%%o$#te (oters resi$in) ,ithin the territori#l 4uris$iction of the ori)in#l precinct =&> An isl#n$ or )roup of isl#n$s ,ith less th#n 200 (oters %#* co%prise 1 ori)in#l precinct P/;8ICA"I0N 01 MAPS 01 PRECINC"S



When? At le#st : $#*s &efore the 1st re)istr#tion $#* prece$in) # re)ul#r or speci#l election or # referen$u% or # ple&iscite Bo,? Postin) in the cit* h#ll or %unicip#l &uil$in) #n$ in 9 conspicuous pl#ces in the cit* or %unicip#lit* P088IN2 P8ACES AND "BEIR DESI2NA"I0N Pollin) Pl#ce - &uil$in) or pl#ce ,here the &o#r$ of election inspectors con$ucts its procee$in)s #n$ ,here the (oters c#st their (otes Votin) Center - &uil$in) or pl#ce ,here the pollin) pl#ce is loc#te$ Note No loc#tion sh#ll &e ch#n)e$ ,ithin 4: $#*s &efore # re)ul#r election #n$ 90 $#*s &efore # speci#l election or # referen$u% or ple&iscite e.cept in c#se it is $estro*e$ or it c#nnot &e sue$' ARRAN2EMEN"S AND C0N"EN"S 01 P088IN2 P8ACES =1> Durin) the (otin), there sh#ll &e in e#ch pollin) pl#ce # &ooth for e(er* 20 (oters re)istere$ in the precinct' =2> =9> =4> "here sh#ll &e # )u#r$ r#il &et,een the (otin) &ooths #n$ the t#&le for the &o#r$ of election inspectors ,hich sh#ll h#(e sep#r#te entr#nce #n$ e.it' 0n the $#* of the (otin), # &#llot &o. one si$e of ,hich sh#ll &e tr#nsp#rent ,hich sh#ll &e set in %#nner (isi&le to the (otin) pu&lic cont#inin) t,o co%p#rt%ents, n#%el*, the co%p#rt%ent for (#li$ &#llots #n$ the co%p#rt%ent for spoile$ &#llots "here sh#ll &e #t le#st 10 (otin) &ooths of such si6e, specific#tions #n$ %#teri#ls #s the Co%%ission %#* pro(i$e to en#&le (oters to fill out their &#llots secretl*,

1/RNISBIN2 01 ;A880" ;0CES, 10RMS, #n$ S"A"I0NARIES AND MA"ERIA8S 10R E8EC"I0N "he C0ME8EC sh#ll prep#re #n$ furnish the &#llot &o.es, for%s, st#tioneries #n$ %#teri#ls necess#r* for the re)istr#tion of (oters #n$ the hol$in) of elections' REA/ISI"I0N, PRIN"IN2, AND DIS"RI;/"I0N 01 011ICIA8 ;A880"S AND E8EC"I0N RE"/RNS =1> "he offici#l &#llots #n$ election returns sh#ll &e printe$ upon or$ers of the C0ME8EC' Re7uisition of the &#llots sh#ll &e for e#ch cit* #n$ %unicip#lit* #t the r#te of 1 #n$ 1I: &#llot for e(er* re)istere$ (oter in the nest prece$in) election, #n$ for election returns, #t 1 set thereof for e(er* pollin) pl#ce' =2> =9> It sh#ll &e printe$ &* the 2o(ern%ent Printin) 0ffice #n$Ior the Centr#l ;#n3 printin) f#cilities e.clusi(el*, un$er the e.clusi(e super(ision #n$ control of the Co%%ission It sh#ll &e $istri&ute$ in e#ch cit* or %unicip#lit* #t the r#te of 1 #n$ 1I: &#llot for e(er* re)istere$ (oter in e#ch pollin) pl#ce




"he rulin) p#rt* #n$ the $o%in#nt opposition p#rt* or their respecti(e $ul* #uthori6e$ represent#ti(es sh#ll su&%it the n#%es of their respecti(e ,#tchers

10RM AND C0N"EN"S 01 ;A880"S =1> It sh#ll &e unifor% in si6e #n$ sh#ll &e pro(i$e$ &* the Co%%ission Printe$ in &l#c3 in3 on ,hite securit* p#per ,ith $istincti(e, cle#r #n$ le)i&le ,#ter%#r3s th#t ,ill re#$il* $istin)uish it fro% or$in#r* p#per It sh#ll &e in the sh#pe of # strip ,ith stu& #n$ $et#ch#&le coupon cont#inin) the seri#l nu%&er of the &#llot #n$ # sp#ce for the thu%& %#r3 of the (oter on the $et#ch#&le portion It sh#ll &e#r #t the top of the %i$$le portion the co#t5of5#r%s of the Repu&lic of Puto&u%&on), the ,or$s !0ffici#l ;#llot,+ the n#%e of the cit* or %unicip#lit* #n$ pro(ince in ,hich the election is to &e hel$, the $#te of the election #n$ the follo,in) notice in En)lish !1ill out this &#llot secretl* insi$e the (otin) &ooth' Do not put #n* $istincti(e %#r3 on #n* p#rt pf this &#llot'+ =2> =9> It sh#ll cont#in the n#%es of #ll the offices to &e (ote$ for in the election, #llo,in) sufficient sp#ce ,ith hori6ont#l lines ,here the (oter %#* ,rite the n#%e of the in$i(i$u#l c#n$i$#tes (ote$ for &* hi% "here sh#ll not &e #n*thin) printe$ or ,ritten #t the &#c3 of the &#llot e.cept #s pro(i$e$ in Sec 24 of the Election Co$e

SI2NA"/RE 01 "BE CBAIRMAN A" ;ACK 01 EVERJ ;A880" "he Ch#ir%#n of the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors in the presence of the (oter sh#ll #ffi. his si)n#ture #t the &#c3 of his &#llot 1#ilure to $o so sh#ll &e note$ in the %inutes of the &o#r$ of election inspectors #n$ sh#ll constitute #n election offense punish#&le un$er Sec' 2H9 #n$ 2H4 of the Election Co$e' P/;8ICA"I0N 01 011ICIA8 ;A880"S' E"C' At le#st 10 $#*s &efore #n election in # ne,sp#per pf )ener#l circul#tion certifie$ $#t# on the nu%&er of offici#l &#llots #n$ election returns #n$ the n#%es #n$ #$$resses of the printers #n$ the nu%&er printe$ &* e#ch'

C' Certificates $f Candidac& CANDIDA"E - #n* person #spirin) for or see3in) #n electi(e pu&lic office, ,ho h#s file$ # certific#te or c#n$i$#c* &* hi%self or throu)h #n #ccre$ite$ politic#l p#rt*, #))roup%ent, or co#lition of p#rties' 1I8IN2 01 CER"I1ICA"E 01 CANDIDACJ =CC> =1> No person sh#ll &e eli)i&le for #n* electi(e pu&lic office unless he files # s,orn CC ,ithin the perio$ fi.e$ &* the 0%ni&us Election Co$e' =2> No person sh#ll &e eli)i&le for %ore th#n 1 office to &e file$ in the s#%e election'




An$ if he files his CC for %ore th#n 1 office, he sh#ll not &e eli)i&le for #n* of the%' Pro(i$e$ th#t &efore the e.pir#tion of the perio$ to file # CC, the person ,ho h#s file$ such %#* $ecl#re un$er o#th the office ,hich he $esires to &e eli)i&le #n$ c#ncel the CC for the other officeIs' An* (ote in f#(or # person ,ho h#s not file$ # CC or in f#(or of # c#n$i$#te for #n* office for ,hich he $i$ not present hi%self is (oi$ #n$ counte$ #s # str#* (ote &ut D0ES N0" INVA8IDA"E the ,hole &#llot'


"IME AND P8ACE 01 1I8IN2 /n$er RA E1HH ,hich pro(i$es for s*nchroni6e$ n#tion#l #n$ loc#l elections, the CCs sh#ll &e file$ in : le)i&le copies ,ith the C0ME8EC not l#ter th#n the $#* &efore the $#te le)#ll* fi.e$ for the &e)innin) of his c#%p#i)n perio$' =1> =2> =9> =4> CCs for Pres, Vice5Pres #n$ Sen#tors - %#in office in M#nil# CCs for Me%&ers of the Bouse of Represent#ti(es - pro(inci#l election super(isor of the pro(ince concerne$ CCs for pro(inci#l offices - pro(inci#l election super(isor concerne$ CCs for cit* #n$ %unicip#l offices - cit* or %unicip#l election re)istr#r concerne$

WI"BDRAWA8 01 "BE CC Bo,? ;* su&%ittin), prior to the election, to the office concerne$ # ,ritten $ecl#r#tion un$er o#th ,hich sh#ll not #ffect ,h#te(er cri%in#l, ci(il or #$%inistr#ti(e li#&ilities ,hich # c#n$i$#te %#* h#(e incurre$ A/"0MA"IC RESI2NA"I0N =1> An* person hol$in) # pu&lic #ppointi(e office or position, inclu$in) #cti(e %e%&ers of the A1P, #n$ officers #n$ e%plo*ees in 20CC sh#ll &e consi$ere$ ipso f#cto resi)ne$ fro% his office upon the filin) of his CC' =2> An* electi(e offici#l, ,hether n#tion#l or loc#l, runnin) for #n* office other th#n the one ,hich he is hol$in) in # per%#nent c#p#cit*, e.cept for the Pres #n$ Vice5 Pres

St#te$ $ifferentl*, forfeiture is automatic and permanently effective upon the filing of the CC for another office. Only the moment and act of filing are considered. "he #uto%#tic #n$ per%#nent loss of office &* #n* electi(e offici#l %#3es no e.ception for offici#ls un$er suspension ,hen the* file CC for #nother office'



An offici#l ,ho is consi$ere$ #s resi)ne$ upon the filin) of his CC is not restore$ to his position &* ,ith$r#,#l of the s#%e' CER"I1IED 8IS" 01 CANDIDA"ES "he C0ME8EC sh#ll c#use to &e printe$ # certifie$ list of c#n$i$#tes cont#inin) the n#%es of #ll the re)istere$ c#n$i$#tes for e#ch office to &e (ote$ for in e#ch cit* or pro(ince or %unicip#lit* i%%e$i#tel* follo,e$ &* the nic3n#%e or st#)e n#%e of e#ch c#n$i$#te $ul* re)istere$ in his CC #n$ his politic#l p#rt* #ffili#tion, if #n*' CANDIDA"ES IN CASE 01 DEA"B, DISA/A8I1ICA"I0N 0R WI"BDRAWA8 01 AN0"BER =1> If #fter the l#st $#* for the filin) of the CC, #n offici#l c#n$i$#te of # re)istere$ or #ccre$ite$ politic#l p#rt* $ies, ,ith$r#, or is $is7u#lifie$ for #n* c#use, onl* # person &elon)in) to, #n$ certifie$ &*, the s#%e politic#l p#rt* %#* file # CC to repl#ce the c#n$i$#te' =2> If it occurs &et,een the $#* &efore the election #n$ %i$5$#* of election $#*, s#i$ CC %#* &e file$ ,ith #n* &o#r$ of election inspectors in the politic#l su&$i(ision ,here his is # c#n$i$#te "he su&stitute c#n$i$#te nee$ not &e # %e%&er of the politic#l p#rt* concerne$ prior to his no%in#tion #s its offici#l c#n$i$#te'


PE"I"I0N "0 DENJ D/E C0/RSE "0 0R CANCE8 A CC Who %#* file? An* person e.clusi(el* on the )roun$ th#t #n* %#teri#l represent#tion cont#ine$ therein #s re7uire$ is f#lse' When? At #n* ti%e not l#ter th#n 2: $#*s fro% the ti%e of the filin) of the CC #n$ sh#ll &e $eci$e$, #fter $ue process #n$ he#rin), not l#ter th#n 1: $#*s &efore the election' "he C0ME8EC %#* %otu propio or upon (erifie$ petition of #n intereste$ p#rt*, refuse to )i(e $ue course to or c#ncel # CC if the ff situ#tions #re e.t#nt =1> if it is sho,n th#t the CC h#s &een file$ to put #n election process in %oc3er* or $isrepute@ =2> if CC ,#s file$ to c#use confusion #%on) the (oters &* the si%il#rit* of the n#%es of the re)istere$ c#n$i$#te@ =9> if there #re #n* other circs or #cts ,hich cle#rl* $e%onstr#te th#t the c#n$i$#te h#s no &on fi$e intention to run for the office ,hich the CC h#s &een file$ #n$ thus pre(ent f#ithful $eter%in#tion of the true ,ill of the elector#te' Note A c#ncelle$ CC c#nnot )i(e rise to # (#li$ c#n$i$#c*, #n$ %uch less to (#li$ (otes' Where, ho,e(er, the rulin) is not *et fin#l on lection $#*, the $ut* of the court is to #scert#in the ,ill of the elector#te un$er the f#ctu#l circs of the c#se' REMEDJ WBERE CANDIDA"E BAS ;EEN PR0C8AIMED If ,innin) c#n$i$#te is N0" eli)i&le &ec#use of f#ilure to file properl* his CC #s re7uire$ &* l#, - contest his election #fter he h#s &een $ul* procl#i%e$' It h#s &een hel$ th#t the $efects of the CC shoul$ &e 7uestione$ on or &efore the election #n$ not #fter the ,ill of the people h#s &een e.presse$ throu)h the &#llots' DISA/A8I1ICA"I0NS s#%e #s the $is7u#lific#tions for (oters



E11EC"S 01 DISA/A8I1ICA"I0N =1> After fin#l 4u$)%ent - the c#n$i$#te sh#ll not &e (ote$ for, #n$ the (otes c#st for hi% sh#ll not &e counte$' =2> ;efore fin#l 4u$)%ent - "he Court or Co%%ission sh#ll continue ,ith the tr#il #n$ he#rin) of the #ction, in7uir* or protest #n$ upon %otion of the co%pl#in#nt or #n* inter(enor, %#*, $urin) the pen$enc* thereof, or$er the suspension of the procl#%#tion of such c#n$i$#te ,hene(er the e(i$ence of his )uilt is stron)' C#n$i$#te ,ho o&t#ine$ the secon$ hi)hest nu%&er of (otes - if the c#n$i$#te ,ho o&t#ine$ the hi)hest nu%&er of (otes is l#ter $is7u#lifie$, this $oes not %e#n th#t the one ,ho o&t#ine$ the 2n$ hi)hest nu%&er of (ote ,ill &e $ecl#re$ #s the electi(e officer' 5 Soun$ pu&lic polic* $ict#tes th#t the pu&lic offices #re fille$ &* those ,ho h#(e recei(e$ the hi)hest nu%&er of (otes Chapter F$!r: ELECTION CA-PAIGN AN2 E7PEN2ITURES A' CA-PAIGN AN2 ELECTION PROPAGAN2A E"ecti$n ca#pai(n $r Partisan p$"itica" acti+it& ) refers to #n #ct $esi)ne$ to pro%ote the election or $efe#t of # p#rticul#r c#n$i$#te or c#n$i$#tes to # pu&lic office' .hat d$es it inc"!de/ 1' 1or%in) or)#ni6#tions or )roup of persons 2' Bol$in) politic#l c#ucuses, %eetin)s, r#llies, or other si%il#r #sse%&lies@ 9' M#3in) speeches or co%%ent#ries@ #n$ 4' Pu&lishin) or $istri&utin) c#%p#i)n liter#ture or %#teri#ls for the purposes of solicitin) (otes #n$Ior un$ert#3in) #n* c#%p#i)n or prop#)#n$# to support or oppose the election of #n* c#n$i$#te' .hat it 2OES NOT inc"!de/ 1' Pu&lic e.pressions of opinions or $iscussion of pro&#&le issues in # forthco%in) election@ 2' Attri&utes or criticis%s of pro&#&le c#n$i$#tes propose$ to &e no%in#te$ in # forthco%in) politic#l p#rt* con(ention' .hat are pr$hi%ited acts/ 1' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for an& pers$n8 ,hether $r n$t a +$ter $r candidate8 $r f$r an& part&8 $r ass$ciati$n $f pers$ns , to en)#)e in #n election c#%p#i)n or p#rtis#n politic#l #cti(it*, e.cept $urin) the c#%p#i)n perio$' 2' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for an& f$rei(ner8 ,hether B!ridica" $r nat!ra" pers$n, to #i$ #n* c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt*, $irectl* or in$irectl*, or t#3e p#rt in or influence in #n* %#nner #n* election, or to contri&ute or %#3e #n* e.pen$iture in connection ,ith #n* election c#%p#i)n or p#rtis#n politic#l #cti(it*' 9' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for an& pers$n d!rin( the ca#pai(n peri$d to re%o(e, $estro*, o&liter#te, or in #n* %#nner $ef#ce or t#%per ,ith, or pre(ent the $istri&ution of l#,ful election prop#)#n$#'




4' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for an& candidate8 p$"itica" part&8 $r(ani ati$n8 $r an& pers$n to )i(e or #ccept, free or ch#r)e, $irectl* or in$irectl*, tr#nsport#tion, foo$ or $rin3s or thin)s of (#lue $urin) the fi(e hours &efore #n$ #fter # pu&lic %eetin), on the $#* prece$in) the election, #n$ on the $#* of the election@ or to )i(e or contri&ute, $irectl* or in$irectl*, %one* or thin)s of (#lue for such purpose' .hat are "a,f!" e"ecti$n pr$pa(anda/ 1' P#%phlets, le#flets, c#r$s, $ec#ls, stic3ers or other ,ritten or printe$ %#teri#ls of # si6e not %ore th#n F L inches in ,i$th #n$ 14 inches in len)th' Re*!ire#ents f$r p!%"ished $r printed e"ecti$n pr$pa(anda: An* ne,sp#per, ne,sletter, ne,s,ee3l*, )#6ette or %#)#6ine #n$ #$(ertisin), posters, p#%phlets, circul#rs, h#n$&ills, &u%per stic3ers, stre#%ers, s#%ple list of c#n$i$#tes or #n* pu&lishe$ or printe$ politic#l %#tter for or #)#inst # c#n$i$#te or )roup of c#n$i$#tes to #n* pu&lic offices@ Sh#ll &e &e#r #n$ &e i$entifie$ &* the ,or$ !p#i$ for &*+ follo,e$ &* the true #n$ correct n#%e #n$ #$$ress of the p#*or #n$ &* the ,or$s !printe$ &*+ follo,e$ &* the true #n$ correct n#%e #n$ #$$resses of the printer' 2' B#n$,ritten or printe$ letter ur)in) (oters to (ote for or #)#inst #n* p#rticul#r c#n$i$#te@ 9' Cloth, p#per or c#r$&o#r$ posters, ,hether fr#%e$ or poste$, ,ith #n #re# not e.cee$in) 2.9 feet@ ECcept: At the site #n$ on the occ#sion of # pu&lic %eetin) or r#ll*, or in #nnouncin) the hol$in) of s#i$ %eetin) or r#ll*, stre#%ers not e.cee$in) 9.F feet in si6e sh#ll &e #llo,e$' Bo,e(er, s#i$ stre#%ers %#* not &e $ispl#*e$ e.cept one ,ee3 &efore the $#te of %eetin) or r#ll* th#t it sh#ll &e re%o(e$ ,ithin E2 hours #fter s#i$ %eetin) or r#ll*@ or 4' All other for%s of election prop#)#n$# not prohi&ite$ &* the 0%ni&us Election Co$e #s the C0ME8EC %#* #uthori6e #fter $ue notice to #ll intereste$ p#rties #n$ he#rin) ,here #ll the intereste$ p#rties ,ere )i(en #n opportunit* to &e he#r$' "he Co%%issionGs #uthori6#tion sh#ll &e pu&lishe$ in t,o ne,sp#pers of )ener#l circul#tion throu)hout the n#tion for #t le#st t,ice ,ithin one ,ee3 #fter #uthori6#tion h#s &een )r#nte$' .hat are pr$hi%ited f$r#s $f e"ecti$n pr$pa(anda/ 1' "o print, pu&lish, post or $istri&ute #n* poster, p#%phlet, circul#r, h#n$&ill, or printe$ %#tter ur)in) (oters to (ote for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te unless the* %ear the na#es and addresses $f the printer and pa&$r as re*!ired@ 2' "o erect, put up, %#3e use of, #tt#ch, flo#t or $ispl#* #n* %i""%$ard8 tinp"ate;p$ster8 %a""$$ns and the "iDe8 $f ,hate+er si e8 shape8 f$r# $r Dind , #$(ertisin) for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt*@ 9' "o purch#se, %#nuf#cture, re7uest, $istri&ute or #ccept elector#l prop#)#n$# )#$)ets, such #s pens8 "i(hter8 fans $f ,hate+er nat!re8 f"ash"i(hts8 ath"etic ($$ds $r #ateria"s8 ,a""ets8 shirts8 hats8 %andanas8 #atches8 ci(arettes and the "iDe , ECCEP" th#t c#%p#i)n supporters #cco%p#n*in) # c#n$i$#te sh#ll &e #llo,e$ to ,e#r h#ts #n$Ior shirts or "5shirts #$(ertisin) # c#n$i$#te@ 4' "o sho, or $ispl#* pu&licl* #n* #$(ertise%ent or prop#)#n$# for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te &* %e#ns of cine#at$(raph&8 a!di$;+is!a" !nits $r $ther screen pr$Becti$ns ECCEP" telec#sts ,hich %#* &e #llo,e$ un$er cert#in con$itions@ #n$ :' 1or #n* radi$ %r$adcastin( $r te"e+isi$n t$ se"" $r (i+e free $f char(e air ti#e f$r ca#pai(n and $ther p$"itica" p!rp$ses ECCEP" #s #uthori6e$ in the Co$e un$er the rules #n$ re)ul#tions pro%ul)#te$ &* the Co%%ission pursu#nt thereto' An* prohi&ite$ election prop#)#n$# )#$)et or #$(ertise%ent sh#ll &e stoppe$, confisc#te$ or torn $o,n &* the represent#ti(e of the Co%%ission upon specific #uthorit* of the Co%%ission'



As pr$+ided f$r %& RA ??<? H' "o $r#,, p#int, inscri&e, ,rite, post, $ispl#* or pu&licl* e.hi&it #n* election prop#)#n$# in #n* pl#ce, ,hether pri(#te or pu&lic, ECCEP" in the co%%on poster #re#s #n$Ior &ill&o#r$s #t the c#n$i$#teGs o,n resi$ence, or #t the c#%p#i)n he#$7u#rters of the c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt* such posters or election prop#)#n$# sh#ll in no c#se e.cee$ 2.9 inches in #re#' At the site of #n$ on the occ#sion of # pu&lic %eetin) or r#ll*, stre#%ers, not %ore th#n 259.F inches %#* &e $ispl#*e$ : $#*s &efore the $#te of the %eetin) or r#ll*, #n$ sh#ll &e re%o(e$ ,ithin 24 hours #fter s#i$ %eetin) or r#ll*@ #n$ E' 1or #n* ne,sp#per, r#$io &ro#$c#stin) or tele(ision st#tion, or other %#ss %e$i# to sell or to )i(e free of ch#r)e print sp#ce or #ir ti%e for c#%p#i)n or other politic#l purposes ECCEP" to the Co%%ission #s pro(i$e$ un$er Sections D0 #n$ D2 of 0%ni&us Election Co$e' An* %#ss %e$i# colu%nist, co%%ent#tor, #nnouncer or person#lit* ,ho is # c#n$i$#te for #n* electi(e pu&lic office sh#ll t#3e # le#(e of #&sence fro% his ,or3 #s such $urin) the c#%p#i)n perio$' P!rp$se $f %an $n #ass #edia ad+ertisin(: "o pre(ent ,ell5fun$e$ c#n$i$#tes fro% unf#irl* $o%in#tin) the use of %#ss %e$i# throu)h p#i$ #$(ertise%ents #t the e.pense of c#n$i$#tes fro% the less #ffluent str#t# of societ*' Rati$na"e: "o pl#ce the% on e7u#l footin) insof#r #s %e$i# #$(ertisin) is concerne$ #n$ %#3e elector#l c#%p#i)ns less e.pensi(e, thus %ini%i6in) the nee$ to #%#ss fun$s throu)h ille)#l or 7uestion#&le %e#ns to recoup election e.penses #n$ prep#re for the ne.t elector#l c#%p#i)ns' Re(!"ati$n $f e"ecti$n pr$pa(anda thr$!(h #ass #edia: 1' "he C0ME8EC sh#ll pro%ul)#te rules #n$ re)ul#tions re)#r$in) the s#le of #ir ti%e for p#rtis#n politic#l purposes $urin) the c#%p#i)n perio$ to insure th#t e7u#l ti%e #s to $ur#tion #n$ 7u#lit* is #(#il#&le to #ll c#n$i$#tes for the s#%e officer or politic#l p#rties #t the s#%e r#tes or )i(en free of ch#r)e' 2' All contr#cts for #$(ertisin) in #n* ne,sp#per, %#)#6ine, perio$ic#l or #n* for% of pu&lic#tion pro%otin) or opposin) the c#n$i$#c* of #n* person for pu&lic office sh#ll, &efore its i%ple%ent#tion, &e re)istere$ &* s#i$ ne,sp#per, %#)#6ine, perio$ic#l or pu&lic#tion ,ith the Co%%ission' In e(er* c#se, it sh#ll &e si)ne$ &* the c#n$i$#te concerne$ or &* the $ul* #uthori6e$ represent#ti(e of politic#l p#rt*' 9' No fr#nchise or per%it to oper#te # r#$io or tele(ision st#tion sh#ll &e )r#nte$ or issue$, suspen$e$ for c#ncelle$ $urin) the election perio$' An* r#$io or tele(ision st#tion, inclu$in) th#t o,ne$ or controlle$ &* the )o(ern%ent, sh#ll )i(e free of ch#r)e e7u#l ti%e #n$ pro%inence to #n #ccre$ite$ politic#l p#rt* or its c#n$i$#tes if it )i(es free for ch#r)e #ir ti%e to #n #ccre$ite$ politic#l p#rt* or its c#n$i$#tes for politic#l purposes' In #ll inst#nces the C0ME8EC sh#ll super(ise the use #n$ e%plo*%ent of press, r#$io #n$ tele(ision f#cilities #s to )i(e c#n$i$#tes e*!a" $pp$rt!nities !nder e*!a" circ!#stances to %#3e 3no,n their 7u#lific#tions #n$ their st#n$ on pu&lic issues ,ithin the li%its set forth in the Co$e for election spen$in)' R!"es8 #eetin(s8 and $ther p$"itica" acti+ities: 1' S!%Bect t$ the re*!ire#ents $f "$ca" $rdinances $n the iss!ances $f per#its8 #n* politic#l p#rt* supportin) offici#l c#n$i$#tes or #n* c#n$i$#te in$i(i$u#ll* or 4ointl* ,ith other #spir#nts %#* hol$ pe#ceful politic#l r#llies, %eetin)s, #n$ other si%il#r #cti(ities $urin) the c#%p#i)n perio$' 2' An* politic#l p#rt* or c#n$i$#te sh#ll notif* the election re)istr#r concerne$ of #n* pu&lic r#ll* s#i$ politic#l p#rt* or c#n$i$#te inten$s to or)#ni6e #n$ hol$ in the cit* of %unicip#lit*, #n$ ,ithin > ,$rDin( da&s thereafter s!%#it t$ the e"ecti$n re(istrar a state#ent $f eCpenses inc!rred in c$nnecti$n there,ith' CO-ELEC space8 p$ster area8 ti#e8 and inf$r#ati$n %!""etin: 1' CO-ELEC SPACE ) "he C0ME8EC sh#ll procure sp#ce in #t le#st one ne,sp#per of )ener#l circul#tion in e(er* pro(ince or cit*' In the #&sence of s#i$ ne,sp#per, pu&lic#tion sh#ll &e $one in #n* other %#)#6ine or perio$ic in s#i$ pro(ince or cit*, ,herein c#n$i$#tes c#n #nnounce their c#n$i$#c*' S#i$ sp#ce sh#ll &e #lloc#te$, free of ch#r)e, e7u#ll* #n$ i%p#rti#ll* &* the C0ME8EC #%on) #ll c#n$i$#tes ,ithin the #re# in ,hich the ne,sp#per is circul#te$' "he use of !C0ME8EC sp#ce+ is person#l to the c#n$i$#te' Be c#nnot $ele)#te or tr#nsfer the use to #n* other person' 2' "he C0ME8EC sh#ll $esi)n#te c$##$n p$ster areas in strate(ic p!%"ic p"aces such #s %#r3ets, &#r#n)#* center #n$ the li3e ,herein c#n$i$#tes c#n post, $ispl#*, or e.hi&it election prop#)#n$# to #nnounce further their c#n$i$#c*'



Whene(er fe#si&le, co%%on &ill&o#r$s %#* &e inst#lle$ &* the C0ME8EC #n$Ior non5p#rtis#n pri(#te or ci(ic or)#ni6#tions ,hich the C0ME8EC %#* #uthori6e ,hene(er #(#il#&le, #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), in str#te)ic pl#ces ,here it %#* &e re#$il* seen or re#$, ,ith the he#(iest pe$estri#n #n$Ior (ehicul#r tr#ffic in the cit* or %unicip#lit*' "he sp#ce in such # co%%on poster #re# or &ill&o#r$s sh#ll &e #lloc#te$ free of ch#r)e, if fe#si&le, e7uit#&l* #n$ i%p#rti#ll* #%on) the c#n$i$#tes in the pro(ince, cit*, or %unicip#lit*' 9' CO-ELEC TI-E ) "he C0ME8EC sh#ll procure r#$io #n$ tele(ision ti%e, ,hich sh#ll &e #lloc#te$ e7u#ll* #n$ i%p#rti#ll* #%on) the c#n$i$#tes ,ithin the #re#s of co(er#)e of s#i$ r#$io #n$ tele(ision st#tions' 1or this purpose, the franchise $f a"" radi$ %r$adcastin( and te"e+isi$n stati$ns are here%& a#ended s$ as t$ re*!ire8 radi$ $r te"e+isi$n ti#e8 free $f char(e8 d!rin( the peri$d $f the ca#pai(n' 4' CO-ELEC 1ULLETIN ) "he C0ME8EC sh#ll c#use the printin) #n$ super(ise the $isse%in#tion of &ulletins, ,hich sh#ll &e of such si6e #s to #$e7u#tel* cont#in the picture, &io5$#t# #n$ pro)r#% of )o(ern%ent of e(er* c#n$i$#te' S#i$ &ulletin sh#ll &e $isse%in#te$ to the (oters or $ispl#*e$ in such pl#ces #s to )i(e $ue pro%inence thereto' An* c#n$i$#te %#* reprint #t his e.pense, #n* !C0ME8EC &ulletin+ upon prior #uthorit* of the Co%%ission' S#i$ reprint sh#ll &e the e.#ct replic# of the ori)in#l #n$ sh#ll ne#r the n#%e of the c#n$i$#te c#usin) the reprint #n$ the n#%e of the printer' P!%"ic F$r!#: The CO-ELEC sha"" enc$!ra(e n$n;p$"itica"8 n$n;partisan pri+ate $r ci+ic $r(ani ati$ns t$ initiate and h$"d in e+er& cit& and #!nicipa"it&8 p!%"ic f$r at ,hich a"" re(istered candidates f$r the sa#e $ffice #a& si#!"tane$!s"& and pers$na""& participate t$ present8 eCp"ain8 andE$r de%ate in their ca#pai(n p"atf$r#s and pr$(ra#s and $ther "iDe iss!es' "he Co%%ission sh#ll pro%ul)#te the rules #n$ re)ul#tions for the hol$in) of such to #ssure its non5p#rtis#n ch#r#cter #n$ the e7u#lit* of #ccess thereto &* #ll c#n$i$#tes' 1' ELECTORAL CONTRI1UTIONS AN2 E7PEN2ITURES .hat is c$ntri%!ti$n/ As use$ in the 0%ni&us Election Co$e, the ter% contri&ution inclu$es # )ift, $on#tion, su&scription, lo#n, #$(#nce or $eposit of %one* or #n*thin) of (#lue, or # contr#ct, pro%ise or #)ree%ent to contri&ute, ,hether $r n$t i""e(a""& enf$rcea%"e, %#$e for the purpose of influencin) the results of the elections' It sh#ll inclu$e the use of f#cilities (olunt#ril* $on#te$ &* other persons, the %one* (#lue of ,hich c#n #ssesse$ &#se$ on the r#tes pre(#ilin) in the #re#' .hat d$es c$ntri%!ti$n NOT inc"!de/ Ser(ices ren$ere$ ,ithout co%pens#tion &* in$i(i$u#ls (olunteerin) # portion or #ll of their ti%e in &eh#lf of # c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt*' .hat is eCpendit!re/ As use$ in the 0%ni&us Election Co$e, the ter% e.pen$iture inclu$es the p#*%ent or $eli(er* of %one* or #n*thin) of (#lue, or # contr#ct, pro%ise or #)ree%ent to %#3e #n e.pen$iture for the purpose of influencin) the results to the election' It sh#ll #lso inclu$e the use of f#cilities o,ne$ &* the c#n$i$#te, the %one* (#lue of the use of ,hich c#n &e #ssesse$ &#se$ on the r#tes pre(#ilin) in the #re#' .hat are pr$hi%ited c$ntri%!ti$ns/ Contri&utions th#t #re %#$e, $irectl* or in$irectl* &* #n* of the follo,in) 1' Pu&lic or pri(#te fin#nci#l institutions'




9' 4' :'

ECcepti$n: "he* #re not prohi&ite$ fro% %#3in) #n* lo#n to # c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt* if the* #re le)#ll* in the &usiness of len$in) %one*, #n$ th#t the lo#n is %#$e in #ccor$#nce ,ith l#,s #n$ re)ul#tions in the or$in#r* course of &usiness@ N#tur#l #n$ 4uri$ic#l persons #' 0per#tin) # pu&lic utilit* or in possession of or e.ploitin) #n* n#tur#l resources of the n#tion@ &' Who hol$s contr#cts or su&contr#cts to suppl* the )o(ern%ent or #n* of its $i(isions, su&$i(isions or instru%ent#lities, ,ith )oo$s #n$ ser(ices or to perfor% construction or other ,or3s@ c' Who h#(e &een )r#nte$ fr#nchises, incenti(es, e.e%ptions, #lloc#tions or si%il#r pri(ile)es or concessions &* the )o(ern%ent or #n* of its $i(isions, su&$i(isions or instru%ent#lities, inclu$in) 20CC@ $' Who, ,ithin one *e#r prior to the $#te of the election, h#(e &een )r#nte$ lo#ns in e.cess of P2:,000 &* the )o(ern%ent, #n* of its $i(isions, su&$i(isions or instru%ent#lities inclu$in) 20CC' E$uc#tion#l institutions ,hich h#(e recei(e$ )r#nts of pu&lic fun$s #%ountin) to no less th#n P100,000@ 0ffici#ls or e%plo*ees in the Ci(il Ser(ice, or %e%&ers of the A1P@ #n$ 1orei)ners #n$ forei)n corpor#tions'

.hat are pr$hi%ited s$"icitin( $f c$ntri%!ti$ns/ 1' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for #n* person to solicit or recei(e #n* contri&ution fro% #n* of the person or entities enu%er#te$ #&o(e@ 2' It sh#ll &e unl#,ful for #n* person, inclu$in) # politic#l p#rt* or pu&lic or pri(#te entit* to solicit or recei(e, $irectl* or in$irectl*, #n* #i$ or contri&ution of ,h#te(er for% or n#ture fro% #n* forei)n n#tion#l, )o(ern%ent or entit* for the purpose of influencin) the results of the election' .hat are pr$hi%ited raisin( $f f!nds/ It sh#ll &e unl#,ful 1' 1or #n* person to hol$ dances8 "$tteries8 c$cDfi(hts8 (a#es8 %$Cin( %$!ts8 %ea!t& c$ntests8 $r $ther perf$r#ances for the purpose of r#isin) fun$s for #n election c#%p#i)n or for the support of #n* c#n$i$#te fro% the co%%ence%ent of the election perio$ up to #n$ inclu$in) election $#*@ or 2' 1or #n* purpose or or)#ni6#tion, ,hether ci(ic or reli)ious, $irectl* or in$irectl*, to solicit #n$Ior #ccept fro% #n* c#n$i$#te for pu&lic office, or fro% his c#%p#i)n %#n#)er, #)ent or represent#ti(e, or #n* person #ctin) in their &eh#lf, #n* )ift, foo$, tr#nsport#tion, contri&ution or $on#tion in c#sh or in 3in$ fro% the co%%ence%ent of the election perio$ up to #n$ inclu$in) the election $#*' .hat are eCc"!ded fr$# the pr$hi%iti$ns/ Nor%#l #n$ custo%#r* reli)ious stipen$, titles, or collection on Sun$#*s #n$Ior other $esi)n#te$ collection $#*s' .hat are the LI-ITATIONS !p$n eCpenses/ "he #))re)#te #%ount th#t # c#n$i$#te or re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* %#* spen$ for election c#%p#i)n sh#ll &e #s follo,s 1' F$r candidates ) for e(er* (oter currentl* re)istere$ in the constituenc* ,here he file$ his certific#te of c#n$i$#c* #' President and Vice;President ) "en pesos@ &' F$r $ther candidates ) "hree pesos@ c' Candidate ,ith$!t an& p$"itica" part& and ,ith$!t s!pp$rt fr$# an& p$"itica" part& ) 1i(e pesos@ 2' F$r p$"itica" parties ) 1i(e pesos for e(er* (oter current re)istere$ in the constituenc* or constituencies ,here it h#s offici#l c#n$i$#tes' An* pro(ision of l#, to the contr#r* not,ithst#n$in), #n* contri&ution in c#sh or in 3in$ to #n* c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt* or co#lition of p#rties for c#%p#i)n purposes, $ul* reporte$ to the Co%%ission sh#ll not &e su&4ect to the p#*%ent of #n* )ift t#.'



.hat are pr$hi%ited d$nati$ns %& candidate/ 1' .h$ are pr$hi%ited: C#n$i$#te, his or her spouse or #n* rel#ti(e ,ithin the 2 n$ $e)ree of cons#n)uinit* or #ffinit*, or his c#%p#i)n %#n#)er, #)ent, or represent#ti(e' "he prohi&ition #pplies to tre#surers, #)ents or represent#ti(es of #n* politic#l p#rt*' 2' .hen d$es the pr$hi%iti$n app"&: Durin) the c#%p#i)n perio$, on the $#* &efore #n$ on the $#* of the election' 9' .hat are E7CLU2E2 fr$# pr$hi%ited d$nati$ns: Direct or in$irect $on#tion, contri&ution or )ift in c#sh or 3in$, or un$ert#3e or contri&ute to the construction or rep#ir of ro#$s, &ri$)es, schoolhouses, puericulture centers, p#(e%ents, or #n* structure for pu&lic use or the use of #n* reli)ious or ci(ic or)#ni6#tions, such #s reli)ious stipen$s, titles or collections on Sun$#*s or other $esi)n#te$ collection $#*s, #s ,ell #s perio$ic p#*%ents for le)iti%#te schol#rships est#&lishe$ #n$ school contri&utions h#&itu#ll* %#$e &efore the prohi&ite$ perio$' State#ent $f c$ntri%!ti$ns and eCpendit!res: 1' Ti#e f$r fi"in( ) E(er* c#n$i$#te #n$ tre#surer of # politic#l p#rt* sh#ll, ,ithin 90 $#*s #fter the $#* of the election, file in $uplic#te ,ith the offices of the Co%%ission, full, true #n$ ite%i6e$ st#te%ents of #ll contri&utions #n$ e.pen$itures in connection ,ith the election' It sh#ll &e the $ut* of e(er* cit* or %unicip#l election re)istr#r to #$(ise in ,ritin), &* person#l $eli(er* or re)istere$ %#il ,ithin : $#*s fro% the $#te of election #ll c#n$i$#tes resi$in) in his 4uris$iction to co%pl* ,ith their o&li)#tion to file their st#te%ents of contri&utions #n$ e.pen$itures' 2' Effect $f fai"!re t$ fi"e ) No person electe$ to #n* pu&lic office sh#ll enter upon the $uties of his office until he h#s file$ the st#te%ent of contri&utions #n$ e.pen$itures #&o(e re7uire$' "he s#%e prohi&ition sh#ll #ppl* if the politic#l p#rt* ,hich no%in#te$ the ,innin) c#n$i$#te f#ils to file the st#te%ent re7uire$ ,ithin the perio$ prescri&e$ &* the Act' #' A$%inistr#ti(e fine r#n)in) fro% P1,000 to P90,000 in the $iscretion of the Co%%ission, ECCEP" c#n$i$#tes for electi(e &#r#n)#* office' &' "he fine sh#ll &e p#i$ ,ithin 90 $#*s fro% receipt of notice of such f#ilure@ other,ise, it sh#ll enforce#&le &* # ,rit of e.ecution issue$ &* the Co%%ission #)#inst the properties of the offen$er@ c' 1or the co%%ission of # secon$ or su&se7uent offense, the #$%inistr#ti(e fine sh#ll &e fro% P2,000 to PH0,000, in the $iscretion of the Co%%ission' In #$$ition, the offen$er sh#ll &e su&4ect to perpetu#l $is7u#lific#tion to hol$ pu&lic office' C' POLITICAL PARTIES .hat is the #eanin( $f p$"itica" part& !nder the C$de/ Political party or party means an organized group of persons pursuing the same ideology, political ideas or platforms of government and includes its branches and divisions. This requires that the group be joined in a party corporate, articulate with the attributes of social personality, set of by-laws, rules, or charter, or agreement as to how the group shall function, be presided over and express its collective will. A politic#l p#rt* %#* refer to # loc#l re)ion#l or n#tion#l p#rt* e.istin) #n$ $ul* re)istere$ #n$ #ccre$ite$ &* the C0ME8EC' Re(istrati$n $f p$"itica" parties: 1' "o #c7uire 4uri$ic#l person#lit*, 7u#lif* it for su&se7uent #ccre$it#tion, #n$ entitle it to ri)ht #n$ pri(ile)es )r#nte$ to politic#l p#rties, # politic#l p#rt* sh#ll first &e $ul* re)istere$ ,ith the C0ME8EC' 2' An* re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* th#t, sin)l* or in co#lition ,ith other, f#ils to o&t#in #t le#st 10M of the (otes c#st in the Constituenc* in ,hich it no%in#te$ #n$ supporte$ # c#n$i$#te or c#n$i$#tes in the election ne.t follo,in) its re)istr#tion sh#ll, #fter notice #n$ he#rin), &e $ee%e$ to h#(e forfeite$ such st#tus #s # re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* in such Constituenc*'



9' An* or)#ni6e$ )roup of persons see3in) re)istr#tion #s # n#tion#l or re)ion#l politic#l p#rt* %#* file ,ith the C0ME8EC # (erifie$ petition #tt#chin) thereto its Constitution #n$ &*5l#,s, pl#tfor%s or pro)r#% of )o(ern%ent #n$ such other rele(#nt infor%#tion #s %#* &e re7uire$ &* the Co%%ission' "he Co%%ission sh#ll #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), resol(e the petition ,ithin 10 $#*s fro% the $#te it is su&%itte$ for $ecision' 4' No reli)ious sect sh#ll &e re)istere$ #s # politic#l p#rt* #n$ no politic#l p#rt* ,hich see3s to #chie(e its )o#l throu)h (iolence sh#ll &e entitle$ to #ccre$it#tion' :' "he C0ME8EC sh#ll re7uire pu&lic#tion of the petition for re)istr#tion or #ccre$it#tion in #t le#st three ne,sp#pers of )ener#l circul#tion #n$ sh#ll, #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), resol(e the petition ,ithin 1: $#*s fro% the $#te it is su&%itte$ for $ecision' N$#inati$n and Se"ecti$n $f $fficia" candidates: No politic#l con(ention or %eetin) for the no%in#tion or election of the offici#l c#n$i$#tes of #n* politic#l p#rt* or or)#ni6#tion or politic#l )roups or co#lition thereof sh#ll &e hel$ e#rlier th#n the follo,in) perio$s 1' F$r President8 Vice;President8 and Senat$rs ) 1H: $#*s &efore the $#* of the election@ #n$ 2' F$r #e#%ers $f the H$!se $f Representati+es and e"ecti+e pr$+incia"8 cit& $r #!nicipa" $fficia" ) E: $#*s &efore the $#* of the election A' The part&;"ist s&ste# 1' C$nstit!ti$na" pr$+isi$n ) Section :=1> of Article VI of the Constitution !"he Bouse of Represent#ti(es sh#ll &e co%pose$ of not %ore th#n t,o hun$re$ #n$ fift* %e%&ers, unless other,ise fi.e$ &* l#,, ,ho sh#ll &e electe$ fro% le)isl#ti(e $istricts #pportione$ #%on) the pro(inces, cities, #n$ the Metropolit#n M#nil# #re# in #ccor$#nce ,ith the nu%&er of their respecti(e inh#&it#nts, #n$ on the &#sis of # unifor% #n$ pro)ressi(e r#tio, #n$ those ,ho, #s pro(i$e$ &* l#,, sh#ll &e electe$ throu)h # p#rt*5list s*ste% of re)istere$ n#tion#l, re)ion#l, #n$ sector#l p#rties or or)#ni6#tions'+ 2' I#p"e#entin( "a, ) RA ED41 Pro(i$es for the election of p#rt*5list represent#ti(es throu)h the p#rt*5list s*ste% #n$ re7uires the Co%%ission to un$ert#3e (#rious #cti(ities ,ithin the prescri&e$ perio$s ,hich #cti(ities #re $ifficult to #cco%plish ,ithin the perio$s prescri&e$ therein' 9' 2efiniti$n $f ter#s ) /n$er RA ED41 #' Part&;"ist s&ste# ) %ech#nis% of proportion#l represent#tion in the election of represent#ti(es to the Bouse of Represent#ti(e fro% n#tion#l, re)ion#l, #n$ sector#l p#rties, or)#ni6#tions #n$ co#litions thereof re)istere$ ,ith the C0ME8EC' Co%ponent p#rties or or)#ni6#tions of # co#lition %#* p#rticip#te in$epen$entl* pro(i$e$ the co#lition of ,hich the* fro% p#rt $oes not p#rticip#te in the p#rt*5list s*ste%' &' Part& ) either # politic#l p#rt* or sector#l p#rt* or # co#lition of p#rties, c' P$"itica" part& ) or)#ni6e$ )roup of citi6ens #$(oc#tin) #n i$eolo)* or pl#tfor%, principles #n$ policies for the )ener#l con$uct of )o(ern%ent #n$ ,hich, #s the %ost i%%e$i#te %e#ns of securin) their #$option re)ul#rl* no%in#tes #n$ supports cert#in of its le#$ers #n$ %e%&ers #s c#n$i$#tes for pu&lic office' i' Nati$na" part& ) ,hen its constituenc* is spre#$ o(er the )eo)r#phic#l territor* of #t le#st # %#4orit* of the re)ions' ii' Re(i$na" part& ) ,hen its constituenc* is spre#$ o(er the )eo)r#phic#l territor* of #t le#st # %#4orit* of the cities #n$ pro(inces co%prisin) the re)ion' $' Sect$ra" part& ) or)#ni6e$ )roup of citi6ens &elon)in) to #n* of the sectors enu%er#te$ in Section 2 of the Act hereof ,hose princip#l #$(oc#c* pert#ins to the speci#l interests #n$ concerns of their sector' e' Sect$ra" $r(ani ati$n ) # )roup of citi6ens or # co#lition of )roups of citi6ens ,ho sh#re si%il#r ph*sic#l #ttri&utes or ch#r#cteristics, e%plo*%ent, interests or concerns' f' C$a"iti$n ) #))rup#tion of $ul* re)istere$, n#tion#l, re)ion#l, sector#l p#rties or or)#ni6#tions for politic#l #n$Ior election purposes' 4' Re(istrati$n ) /n$er C0ME8EC Resolution No' 2F4E =<une 2:, 1DDH>





E' F'

D' 10' GG'

#' An* or)#ni6e$ )roup of persons $esirin) to p#rticip#te in the p#rt*5list s*ste%s #s # n#tion#l, re)ion#l or sector#l p#rt* or or)#ni6#tion or # co#lition of such p#rties or or)#ni6#tions %#* re)ister #s # p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition, &* filin) ,ith the Co%%ission, not l#ter th#n 1F0 $#*s &efore the election, # petition (erifie$ &* its presi$ent or secret#r*, #tt#chin) thereto its Constitution, &*5l#,s, pl#tfor%s or pro)r#% of )o(ern%ent, list of officers, co#lition #)ree%ent #n$ other rele(#nt infor%#tion #s the Co%%ission %#* re7uire' &' "he sectors sh#ll inclu$e l#&or, pe#s#nt, fisherfol3, ur&#n poor, in$i)enous cultur#l co%%unities, el$erl*, h#n$ic#ppe$, ,o%en, *outh, (eter#ns, o(erse#s ,or3ers, #n$ profession#ls' Petiti$n and #anifestati$nF fi"in( fee ) E(er* petition or %#nifest#tion sh#ll &e file$ &* #n* #uthori6e$ represent#ti(e of the politic#l or sector#l p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, co#lition thereof ,ith #n* of the follo,in) offices of the Co%%ission #' La, depart#ent ) if the petition in(ol(es n#tion#l Constituenc*@ or &' The Office $f the Re(i$na" E"ecti$n 2irect$r ) re)ion#l Constituenc*' No petition or %#nifest#tion sh#ll &e #ccepte$ ,ithout # filin) fee of P1000 #n$ # rese#rch fee of P20' Pr$ced!re: #' /pon receipt of the petition, the 8#, Dep#rt%ent or the Re)ion#l Election Director, #s the c#se %#* &e, sh#ll $eter%ine ,hether the petition is in $ue for% #n$ su&st#nce #n$ there#fter sh#ll (erif* the e.istence of the petitioner in the Constituenc* #n$ #ll %#tters re7uire$, #n$ ,ithin E $#*s #fter such in7uir*, su&%it the petition #n$ its supportin) $ocu%ents, filin) fee, to)ether ,ith his fin$in)s #n$ reco%%en$#tions to the Co%%ission, throu)h the 8#, Dep#rt%ent@ &' "he Co%%ission sh#ll, #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), resol(e the petition ,ithin 1: $#*s fro% the $#te it ,#s su&%itte$ for $ecision &ut not l#ter th#n D0 $#*s &efore the election $#*' -anifestati$n t$ participate in the part&;"ist s&ste# ) An* p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition #lre#$* re)istere$ ,ith the Co%%ission nee$ not re)ister #ne,' Bo,e(er, such p#rt* or)#ni6#tion or co#lition sh#ll file ,ith the Co%%ission, not l#ter th#n D0 $#*s &efore the election, # %#nifest#tion of its $esire to p#rticip#te in the p#rt*5list s*ste%' Re#$+a" andE$r cance""ati$n $f re(istrati$n ) An* Co%%ission %#* %otu proprio or upon (erifie$ co%pl#int of #n* intereste$ p#rt*, re%o(e or c#ncel, #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), the re)istr#tion of #n* n#tion#l, re)ion#l or sector#l p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion or co#lition on #n* of the follo,in) )roun$s #' It is # reli)ious sect or $eno%in#tion, or)#ni6#tion or #ssoci#tion or)#ni6e$ for reli)ious purposes@ &' It #$(oc#tes (iolence or unl#,ful %e#ns to see3 its )o#l@ c' It is # forei)n p#rt* or or)#ni6#tion@ $' It is recei(in) support fro% #n* forei)n )o(ern%ent, forei)n politic#l p#rt*, foun$#tion, or)#ni6#tion, ,hether $irectl* or throu)h #n* of its officers or %e%&er or in$irectl* throu)h thir$ p#rties for p#rtis#n election purposes@ e' It (iol#tes or f#ils to co%pl* ,ith l#,s, rules or re)ul#tions rel#tin) to elections@ f' It $ecl#res untruthful st#te%ents in its petition@ )' It h#s ce#se$ to e.ist for #t le#st 1 *e#r@ or h' It f#ils to p#rticip#te in the l#st 2 prece$in) elections for the Constituenc* in ,hich it ,#s re)istere$' Certified "ist $f re(istered parties ) "he Co%%ission sh#ll, not l#ter th#n 1: $#*s &efore election, prep#re # certifie$ list of n#tion#l, re)ion#l, or sector#l p#rties, or)#ni6#tions or co#lition ,hich h#(e #pplie$ or %#nifeste$ their $esire to p#rticip#te un$er the p#rt* list s*ste% #n$ $istri&ute copies thereof to #ll precincts for postin) in the pollin) pl#ces on election $#*' "he n#%es of the p#rt*5list no%inees sh#ll not &e sho,n on the certifie$ list' N$#inati$n $f part&;"ist representati+e - E#ch re)istere$ p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition sh#ll su&%it to the Co%%ission not l#ter th#n D0 $#*s &efore the election # list of n#%es, not less th#n :, fro% ,hich p#rt*5list represent#ti(e sh#ll &e chosen in c#se it o&t#ins the re7uire$ nu%&er of (otes' Li#itati$ns $f part&;"ist n$#inati$ns:




19' 14'

1:' 1H' 1E' 1F'

#' A p#rt* %#* &e no%in#te$ &* one p#rt*, or)#ni6#tionIco#lition in one list onl*' An* person )i(in) consent to &e no%in#te$ %ore th#n once sh#ll &e $is7u#lifie$' &' 0nl* persons ,ho h#(e )i(en their consent in ,ritin) %#* &e n#%e$ in the list@ c' "he list sh#ll not inclu$e #n* c#n$i$#te for #n* electi(e office in the s#%e election or # person ,ho h#s not lost his &i$ for #n electi(e office in the i%%e$i#tel* prece$in) elections@ $' No ch#n)e of n#%e or #lter#tion in the or$er of no%inees sh#ll &e #llo,e$ #fter the s#%e h#s &een su&%itte$ to the Co%%ission ECCEP" in c#ses ,here the no%inee $ies, his no%in#tion is ,ith$r#,n in ,ritin) #n$ un$er o#th, or &eco%e inc#p#cit#te$, in ,hich c#se the n#%e of the su&stitute no%inee sh#ll &e pl#ce$ l#st in the list@ #n$ e' Incu%&ent sector#l represent#ti(es in the Bouse of Represent#ti(es ,ho #re no%in#te$ in the p#rt*5list s*ste% sh#ll not &e consi$ere$ resi)ne$' 0!a"ificati$ns $f part&;"ist n$#inees: #' A n#tur#l5&orn citi6en of the Philippines@ &' A re)istere$ (oter@ c' A resi$ent of the Philippines for # perio$ of not less th#n one *e#r i%%e$i#tel* prece$in) the $#* of the election@ $' A&le to re#$ #n$ ,rite@ e' A &on# fi$e %e%&er of the p#rt* or or)#ni6#tion ,hich he see3s to represent for #t le#st D0 $#*s prece$in) the $#* of the election@ #n$ f' At le#st 2: *e#rs of #)e on the $#* of the election' In # c#se of # no%inee of the *outh sector, he %ust #t le#st &e 2: &ut not %ore th#n 90 *e#rs of #)e on the $#* of the election' An* *outh sector#l represent#ti(e ,ho #tt#ins the #)e of 90 $urin) his ter% sh#ll &e #llo,e$ to continue in the office until the e.pir#tion of his ter%' -anner $f +$tin( ) E(er* (oter sh#ll &e entitle$ to 2 (otes' "he first is # (ote for the c#n$i$#te for %e%&er of the Bouse of Represent#ti(es in his le)isl#ti(e $istrict, #n$ the secon$, # (ote for the p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion or co#lition he ,#nts represente$ in the Bouse of Represent#ti(es' A (ote c#st for # p#rt*, sector#l or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition not entitle$ to &e (ote$ sh#ll not &e counte$' N!#%er $f part&;"ist representati+e ) "he p#rt*5list represent#ti(es sh#ll Constitute 20M of the tot#l nu%&er of the %e%&ers of the Bouse of Represent#ti(e inclu$in) those un$er the p#rt*5list' In deter#inin( the a""$cati$n $f seats f$r the sec$nd +$te8 the f$""$,in( pr$ced!res sha"" %e $%ser+ed: #' "he p#rties, or)#ni6#tions, #n$ co#litions sh#ll &e r#n3e$ fro% the hi)hest to the lo,est &#se$ on the nu%&er of (otes the* )#rnere$ $urin) the elections@ #n$ &' "he p#rties, or)#ni6#tions recei(in) #t le#st 2M of the tot#l (otes c#st for the p#rt*5list s*ste% sh#ll &e entitle$ to one se#t' "hose )#rnerin) %ore th#n 2M of the (otes sh#ll &e entitle$ to #$$ition#l se#ts in proportion to their tot#l nu%&er of (ote' Bo,e(er, e#ch p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion or co#lition sh#ll &e entitle$ to not %ore th#n 9 se#ts' Pr$ced!re in a""$catin( seats fir part&;"ist representati+es ) "he Co%%ission sh#ll t#ll* #ll the (otes for the p#rties, or)#ni6#tions, #n$ co#litions on # n#tion,i$e &#sis, r#n3 the% #ccor$in) to the nu%&er of (otes recei(e$ #n$ #lloc#te # p#rt*5list represent#ti(es proportion#tel* #ccor$in) to the percent#)e of (otes o&t#ine$ &* e#ch p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, #n$ co#lition #s #)#inst the tot#l n#tion,i$e (otes c#st for the p#rt*5list s*ste%' H$, part&;"ist representati+es are ch$sen ) Accor$in) to their r#n3in) in s#i$ list' Ter# $f $ffice ) the* sh#ll ser(e for # ter% of 9 *e#rs ,hich sh#ll &e)in, unless other,ise pro(i$e$ for &* l#,, #t noon on the 90 th $#* of <une ne.t follo,in) their election' No p#rt*5list represent#ti(e sh#ll ser(e for %ore th#n three consecuti(e ter%s' Volunt#r* renunci#tion of the office for #n* len)th of ti%e sh#ll not &e consi$ere$ #s #n interruption in the continuit* of his ser(ice for the full ter%' Chan(e $f affi"iati$nF effect - #n* selecte$ p#rt*5list represent#ti(e ,ho ch#n)es his politic#l p#rt* or sector#l #ffili#tion $urin) his ter% of office sh#ll forfeit his se#t' If he ch#n)es his politic#l or sector#l #ffili#tion ,ithin H %onths &efore #n election, he sh#ll not &e eli)i&le for no%in#tion #s p#rt*5list represent#ti(e un$er his ne, p#rt* or or)#ni6#tion'



1D' Vacanc& - the (#c#nc* sh#ll #uto%#tic#ll* fille$ &* the ne.t represent#ti(e fro% the list of no%inees in the or$er su&%itte$ to the Co%%ission &* the s#%e p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition, such represent#ti(e sh#ll ser(e for the une.pire$ ter%' If the list is e.h#uster, the p#rt*, or)#ni6#tion, or co#lition sh#ll su&%it #$$ition#l no%inees' 20' Ri(hts $f part&5"ist representati+es ) entitle$ to the s#%e s#l#ries #n$ e%olu%ents #s the re)ul#r %e%&ers of the Bouse of Represent#ti(e' 21' G$+ernin( "a,sF $ther #atters - for purposes of the election of Me%&ers of the Bouse of Represent#ti(e un$er the p#rt*5list s*ste% #n$ other %#tters in connection there,ith ,hich #re not pro(i$e$ in the Act, the rele(#nt pro(isions of the 0%ni&us Election Co$e, #s #%en$e$, sh#ll #ppl*' Chapter Fi+e: THE ELECTION PRELI-INARY CONSI2ERATIONS HIN2S OF ELECTION 1' GENERAL ELECTION - for the election of offices throu)hout the st#te or cert#in su&$i(isions thereof, #fter the e.pir#tion of the full ter% of the for%er officers' 2' SPECIAL ELECTION - un$er speci#l circu%st#nces@ Bel$ t$ fi"" +acanc& in office &efore the e.pir#tion of the full ter% for ,hich the incu%&ent ,#s electe$, or #n election at ,hich s$#e iss!e $r pr$p$siti$n is s!%#itted t$ the +$te $f the *!a"ified e"ect$rs ' AUTHORITY FOR HOL2ING ELECTION In or$er to hol$ # (#li$ election, #uthorit* so to hol$ it %ust &e foun$ conferre$ &* the people, either $irectl* throu)h the Constitution ,hich the* h#(e the%sel(es or$#ine$, or in$irectl*, throu)h the en#ct%ent of their le)#l represent#ti(es, the le)isl#ture' TI-E OF HOL2ING ELECTION Such ti%e %ust &e fi.e$ &* #uthorit#ti(e po,er@ Either the people in their Constitution #n$ l#,s in the c#se of re)ul#r elections of the e.ecuti(e or other $esi)n#te$ po,er in the c#se of speci#l elections@ En#ct%ents $ecl#rin) the ti%e #t ,hich #n election sh#ll &e hel$ #re $ee%e$ to &e %#tters of su&st#nce #n$ %ust &e su&st#nti#ll* o&ser(e$ or the election ,ill &e (oi$' Su&st#nti#l o&ser(#nce is sufficient #n$ sli)ht (#ri#tion ,ill not in(#li$#te the election' =e')' closin) the polls # fe, %inutes or #n hour &efore ti%e fi.e$, ,ill not in(#li$#te ,here no one offere$ to (ote #fter the polls ,ere close$>' 2ATE OF ELECTION UN2ER THE LA. In #ccor$#nce ,ith the Constitution#l polic* to s*nchroni6e elections so th#t there sh#ll &e si%ult#neous re)ul#r elections for n#tion#l #n$ loc#l offici#ls e(er* three *e#rs@ R# E1HH - pro(i$e$ for #n election for presi$ent, (ice5presi$ent, 24 sen#tors, #ll electi(e %e%&ers of the Bouse of Rep', #n$ #t electi(e pro(inci#l, cit* #n$ %unicip#l offici#ls on the secon$ Mon$#* of M#*, 1DD2' "here#fter, the Presi$ent, (ice sh#ll &e electe$ on the s#%e $#* e(er* H *e#rs@ S#%e - ,hile sen#tors, %e%&ers of the house #n$ #ll electi(e pro(inci#l, cit* #n$ %unicip#l offici#l sh#ll &e electe$ on the s#%e s#* e(er* three *e#rs, e.cept th#t ,ith respect to sen#tors, onl* 12 sh#ll &e electe$@ ;#r#n)#* offici#ls - sh#ll h#(e # ter% of fi(e *e#rs@ electe$ on secon$ Mon$#* of M#* 1DD4@ sh#ll &e electe$ e(er* fi(e *e#rs there#fter'



POSTPONE-ENT OF ELECTION 1or #n* serious c#use such #s o Violence o "erroris% o 8oss or $estruction of election p#r#phern#li# or recor$s o 1orce %#4eure o 0ther #n#lo)ous c#uses of such n#ture o "h#t the hol$in) of # free, or$erl* #n$ honest election shoul$ &eco%e i%possi&le in #n* politic#l su&$i(ision o "he Co%%ission %#* %otu proprio or upon # (erifie$ petition postpones the election' o "he co%%ission sh#ll fi. # ne, election to # $#te ,hich shoul$ &e re#son#&l* close to the $#te of the election not hel$, suspen$e$ or ,hich resulte$ in # f#ilure@ o "he $#te shoul$ &e set not l#ter th#n thirt* $#*s #fter the cess#tion of the c#use for such postpone%ent or suspension of the election or f#ilure to select' FAILURE OF ELECTION "BERE ARE 0N8J "BRE INS"ANCES WBEN A 1AI8/RE 01 E8EC"I0N MAJ ;E DEC8ARED If on #ccount of force %#4eure, (iolence, terroris%, fr#u$, or other #n#lo)ous c#uses 1' "he election is #n* pollin) pl#ce h#s not &een hel$ on the $#te fi.e$@ 2' B#$ &een suspen$e$ &efore the hour fi.e$ &* l#, for the closin) of the (otin)@ 9' After the (otin) #n$ $urin) the prep#r#tion #n$ the tr#ns%ission of the election returns or in the custo$* or c#n(#ss thereof, such election results in # f#ilure to elect, #n$ in #n* of such c#ses the f#ilure or suspension of election ,oul$ #ffect the result of the election@ N"he co%elec sh#ll, on the &#sis of # (erifie$ petitioner &* #n* intereste$ p#rt* #n$ #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin), c#ll for the hol$in) or continu#tion of the election not hel$, suspen$e$ or ,hich resulte$ in # f#ilure to elect on # $#te re#son#&l* close to the $#te of the election not hel$N&ut sh#ll not &e l#ter th#t 90 $#*s #fter the cess#tion of the election or f#ilure to elect'

1EFORE THE CO--ISSION CAN ACT ON A VERIFIE2 PETITIONER SEEHING TO 2ECLARE A FAILURE OF ELECTION8 THREE CON2ITIONS -UST CONCURR 1' No (otin) h#s t#3en pl#ce or e(en of there ,#s (otin), the election ne(ertheless results in f#ilure to elect@ 2' "he (otes not c#st ,oul$ #ffect the result of the election@ 9' "he c#use of such f#ilure of election shoul$ h#(e &een force %#4eure, (iolence, terroris%, fr#u$ or other #n#lo)ous c#uses' "he thir$ con$ition is #n i%port#nt consi$er#tion for ,here the propert* of # pre5procl#%#tion contro(ers* en$s, there %#* &e)in the re#l% of # speci#l #ction for $ecl#r#tion of f#ilure of elections' "he co%elec %#* election the po,er to $ecl#re # f#ilure of elections M/"0 PR0PRI0 0R /P0N A VERI1IED PE"I"I0N' "he he#rin) of the c#se sh#ll &e S/MMARJ IN NA"/RE'

PLACE OF HOL2IGN ELECTION "h#t the pl#ce of hol$in) the election sh#ll &e fi.e$, either &* the )ener#l l#, or &* the procl#%#tion or notice &* ,hich the election is c#lle$@



En#ct%ents fi.in) the pl#ce of hol$in) the election #re properl* to &e re)#r$e$ #s %#n$#tor*, #n$ #n* su&st#nti#l (#ri#tion %ust in(#li$#te the election'

HOL2ING OF ELECTION 1Y PROPER OFFICERS "h#t the* sh#ll &e con$ucte$ &* cert#in officers, electe$ or chosen &* cert#in %etho$s, #n$ th#t the result sh#ll &e #scert#ine$ #n$ pu&lishe$ in # %#nner prescri&e$' Re)ul#tions of this n#ture #re in$ispens#&le to the or$erl* #n$ efficient con$uct of the election, #n$ #n election hel$ &* persons ,ithout #n* color of #uthorit* to $o so, or ,ithout #n* #tte%pt to o&ser(e the %etho$s prescri&e$, is in(#li$@ .hat is the 1OAR2 OF ELECTION INSPECTORS/ Is the &o$* ,hich con$ucts the election in the pollin) pl#ce of the precinct usu#ll* co%pose$ of 9 pu&lic school te#chers #ppointe$ &* the co%elec' -ANNER OF HOL2ING ELECTIONS "h#t the %#nner prescri&e$ is inten$e$ si%pl* to secure the correct result, #n$ th#t the %#nner is cle#rl* su&ser(ient to the result@ In elections the )re#t %#tter is the result' When this is cle#rl* #scert#ine$, it s,eeps #,#* #ll technic#lities@ "he %#chiner* pro(i$e$ shoul$ &e o&ser(e$, &ut in so f#r #s it is not necess#r* to $eter%ine the result, it is $irector* #n$ %#n$#tor*@ In pursu#nce of this i$e#, therefore, it is )ener#ll* hel$ th#t the re)ul#tions prescri&e$ #re $irector* %erel*, #n$ th#t # f#ilure to o&ser(e the% full* ,ill not in(#li$#te the election, ,here #n election h#s &een hel$ in )oo$ f#ith #n$ the irre)ul#rities $o not #ffect the result@ Where # speci#l election is pro(i$e$ for, &ut no %etho$ of hol$in) it is $ecl#re$, it ,ill &e sufficient if hel$ in the %etho$ prescri&e$ for hol$in) )ener#l elections' OFFICIAL .ATCHERS E(er* politic#l p#rt* or co#lition of politic#l p#rties, #n$ e(er* c#n$i$#te sh#ll &e e#ch entitle$ to one ,#tchers in e(er* pollin) pl#ce #n$ c#n(#ssin) center@ "hose &elon)in) to the s#%e politic#l sl#te or tic3er sh#ll collecti(el* &e entitle$ to onl* one ,#tcher - P#nl#l#,i)#n, P#n)lun)so$ #n$ &#*#n "here sh#ll &e H princip#l ,#tchers, representin) H #ccre$ite$ %#4or politic#l p#rties, ,ho sh#ll &e $esi)n#te$ &* the co%elec upon no%in#tion@ "he politic#l p#rties sh#ll &e $eter%ine$ &* the co%elec on the &#sis of the follo,in) circu%st#nces 1' Est#&lishe$ recor$ of the s#i$ p#rties@ their sho,in) in the p#st elections@ 2' Nu%&er of incu%&ent electi(e offici#ls &elon)in) to the% D0 $#*s &efore $#te of election@ 9' I$entifi#&le politic#l or)#ni6#tions #n$ stren)ths #s e(i$ence$ &* their or)#ni6e$ ch#pters@ 4' A&ilit* to fill # co%pleter sl#te of c#n$i$#tes fro% %unicip#l le(el to presi$ent@ :' 0ther #n#lo)ous circu%st#nces th#t %#* $eter%ine their rel#ti(e or)#ni6#tions #n$ stren)ths' 1' CASTING OF VOTES -ETHO2 OF VOTING 1' Voter %ust (ote in person 2' Voter %ust (ote onl* once 9' Voter nee$ not (ote the ,hole tic3et 4' A&sentee (otin) - RA E1HH - 1or presi$ent, (ice5presi$ent #n$ sen#tors onl* #n$ sh#ll &e li%ite$ to A1P #n$ PNP #n$ other )o(ern%ent officers #n$ e%plo*ees ,ho #re $ul* re)istere$ (oters #n$ ,ho, on election $#* %#* te%por#ril* &e #ssi)ne$ in connection ,ith the perfor%#nce of election $uties to pl#ces ,ere the* #re not re)istere$ (oters'



VOTING HOURS St#rts #t E#% #n$ en$s #t 9p%, e.cept ,hen there #re (oters present ,ithin 90 %eters in front of the pollin) pl#ce ,ho h#(e not *et c#st their (otes, in ,hich c#se the (otin) sh#ll continue &ut onl* to #llo, s#i$ (oters to c#st their (otes ,ithout interruption' PREPARATION OF 1ALLOTS FOR ILLITERATES AN2 2ISA1LE2 A (oter ,ho is illiter#te or ph*sic#ll* un#&le to prep#re the #llot &* hi%self %#* &e #ssiste$ in the prep#r#tion of his &#llot &* # rel#ti(e &* #ffinit* or cons#n)uinit* ,ithin the 4th ci(il $e)ree@ or if none, ;* #n* person of his confi$ence ,ho &elon)s to the s#%e househol$ or #n* %e%&er of the &o#r$ of election inspectors, e.cept the t,o p#rt* %e%&ers@ No (oter sh#ll &e #llo,e$ to (ote #s illiter#te or ph*sic#ll* $is#&le$ unless it is so in$ic#te$ in his re)istr#tion recor$@ In no c#se sh#ll #n #ssistor #ssist %ore th#n 9 ti%es e.cept the non5p#rt* %e%&er of the &o#r$s of election inspectors' SPOILE2 1ALLOTS If # (oter #cci$ent#ll* spoil or $ef#ce # &#llot in such # ,#* th#t it c#nnot l#,full* &e use$, he sh#ll surren$er it fol$e$ to the ch#ir%#n ,ho sh#ll note in the correspon$in) sp#ce in the (otin) recor$ th#t s#i$ &#llot ,hich the ch#ir%#n sh#ll )i(e hi% #fter #nnouncin) the seri#l nu%&er of the secon$ &#llot #n$ recor$in) s#i$ seri#l nu%&er of the secon$ &#llot #n$ recor$in) s#i$ seri#l nu%&er of the secon$ &#llot #n$ recor$in) s#i$ seri#l nu%&er in the correspon$in) sp#ces in the (otin) recor$@ No (oters sh#ll &e ch#n)e his &#llot %ore th#n t,ice@ "he spoile$ &#llot sh#ll, ,ithout &ein) unfoun$e$ #n$ ,ithout re%o(in) the $et#ch#&le coupon, &e $istinctl* %#r3e$ ,ith the ,or$ !spoile$+ #n$ si)ne$ &* the &o#r$ of election inspectors or the in$orse%ent fol$ thereof #n$ i%%e$i#tel* pl#ce$ in the co%p#rt%ent for spoile$ &#llots' 1ALLOT I-PLIES SECRECY "he i$e# of secret &#llots lies #t the (er* foun$#tion of our s*ste% of popul#r elections, #n$ the courts #re 6e#lous in securin) its protection' It is settle$ th#t # le)#l (oter ,ill not &e co%pelle$ to $isclose for ,ho% he (ote$@ Not onl* ,ill the le)#l (oter not &e co%pelle$ to $isclose it for ,ho% he (ote$, &ut, unless he h#s hi%self %#$e the contents of his &#llots pu&lic #t the ti%e of (otin) it, thir$ persons ,ill not &e per%itte$ to testif* #s to its purport@ ;ut #lthou)h the le)#l (oter c#nnot &e co%pelle$ to $isclose ho, he (ote$, he %#*, if he chooses, ,#i(e his pri(ile)e of secrec*, #n$ (olunt#ril* $isclose the contents of his &#llot' VOTERS IN CITIES Re)istere$ (oters of hi)hl* ur&#ni6e$ cit* sh#ll not (ote in the election for pro(inci#l offici#ls of the pro(ince in ,hich it is loc#te$@ No co%ponent cit* sh#ll &e $ecl#re$ or cl#ssifie$ #s # hi)hl* ur&#ni6e$ cit* ,ithin H0 $#*s prior to # loc#l election@ "he re)istere$ (oter s of # co%ponent cit* sh#ll &e entitle$ to (ote in the election for pro(inci#l offici#ls of the pro(ince to ,hich it is # p#rt, unless its ch#rter pro(i$es other,ise' VOTING =P8EASE READ ;00K PA2E H925H99>



CHALLENGE OF ILLEGAL VOTERS An* (oter or ,#tcher %#* ch#llen)e #n* person of offerin) to (ote for o Not &ein) re)istere$ o /sin) n#%e of #nother o Not sufferin) fro% e.istin) $is7u#lific#tion o In such c#se the &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll s#tisf* the%sel(es #s to ,hether or not the )roun$ for the ch#llen)e is true &* re7uirin) proof of re)istr#tion or the i$entit* of the (oter' No (oter sh#ll &e re7uire$ to present his (oterGs #ffi$#(it on election $#* unless his i$entit* is ch#llen)e$@ Bis f#ilure or in#&ilit* to pro$uce his (oterGs #ffi$#(it upon &ein) ch#llen)e$, sh#ll not preclu$e hi% fro% (otin) if his i$entit* &e sho,n fro% the photo)r#ph, fin)erprints, etc' or if i$entifie$ un$er o#th &* # %e%&er of the &o#r$ of election inspectors' CHALLENGE 1ASE2 ON CERTAIN ILLEGAL ACTS An* (oter or ,#tcher %#* ch#llen)e #n* (oter offerin) to (ote on the )roun$ th#t the ch#llen)e$ person o h#s recei(e$ or e.pects to recei(e@ o h#$ p#i$ o offere$ or pro%ise$ to p#*, o h#s contri&ute$, o offere$ or pro%ise$ to contri&ute %one*, or o #n*thin) of (#lue o #s consi$er#tion for his (ote or for the (ote of #nother th#t he h#s %#$e or recei(e$ # pro%ise to influence the )i(in) or ,ithhol$in) of #n* such (oter or th#t he h#s %#$e # &et or is intereste$ $irectl* or in$irectl* in # &et ,hich $epen$s upon the result of the election' o "he ch#llen)e$ sh#ll t#3e #n o#th &efore the &o#r$ of election inspections@ upon t#3in) of such o#th, the ch#llen)e sh#ll &e $is%isse$ #n$ the ch#llen)e$ (oter sh#ll &e #llo,e$ to (ote, &ut in c#se of his refus#l to t#3e such o#th, the ch#llen)e$ sh#ll &e sust#ine$ #n$ he sh#ll not &e #llo,e$ to (ote' RECOR2S OR STATE-ENTS TO 1E PREPARE2 AN2 HEPT READ ;00K PA2E H9: C' COUNTING OF VOTES CO-POSITION AN2 APPOINT-ENT OF 1OAR2 OF ELECTION INSPECTORS "he co%elec sh#ll, $irectl* or throu)h its full* #uthori6e$ represent#ti(es, Constitute # &o#r$ of election inspectors for e#ch precinct to &e co%pose$ of # ch#ir%#n #n$ # poll cler3 ,ho %ust &e pu&lic school te#chers@ Done #t le#st 90 $#*s &efore the $#te ,hen the (oters list is to &e prep#re$, in c#se of # re)ul#r election of fifteen $#*s &efore # speci#l election@ "he %e%&ers of the &o#r$ of election inspectors, ,hether per%#nent, su&stitute or te%por#r*, sh#ll, &efore #ssu%in) their office, t#3e #n$ si)n #n o#th'



PO.ERS OF THE 1OAR2 OS ELECTION INSPECTORS 1' Con$uct the (otin) #n$ countin) of (otes 2' Act #s $eputies of the co%elec in the super(ision #n$ control of the election, to #ssure the hol$in) of the s#%e in # free, or$erl* #n$ honest %#nner@ 9' Perfor% such other functions prescri&e$ &* the co$e or the rules #n$ re)ul#tions pro%ul)#te$ &* the co%%ission' C0/N"IN2 "0 ;E P/;8IC AND WI"B0/" IN"ERR/P"I0N As soon #s the (otin) is finishe$, the &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll pu&licl* count in the pollin) pl#ce the (otes c#st #n$ #scert#in the results' "he &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll not #$4ourn or postpone or $el#* the count until it h#s &een full* co%plete$, unless other,ise or$ere$ &* the co%elec@ "he co%elec %#* or$er the &o#r$ of election inspectors to count the (otes #n$ to #cco%plish the election returns #n$ other for%s prescri&e$ un$er the co$e in #n* other pl#ce ,ithin # pu&lic &uil$in) in the s#%e %unicip#lit* or cit*@ 2ETER-INATION OF -ARHE2 1ALLOTS "he &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll $eter%ine ,hether there #re %#r3e$ &#llots, #n$, if #n* &e foun$, the sh#ll &e pl#ce$ in #n en(elope l#&ele$ %#r3e$ &#llots, ,hich sh#ll &e se#le$ #n$ si)ne$ - sh#ll not &e counte$@ A %#4orit* of the &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll &e sufficient to $eter%ine ,hether #n* &#llot is %#r3e$ or not@ E(i$ence #lliun$e is not #llo,e$ to pro(e th#t # &#llot is %#r3e$@ #n inspection of &#llot sufficient "he co%elec nee$ not con$uct #n #$(ers#ri#l procee$in) or # he#rin) to $eter%ine the #uthenticit* of the &#llots or the h#$,ritin) N PURPOSE OF 2ISALLO.ING -ARHE2 1ALLOTS It is # ,ell5settle$ rule in election contests th#t %#r3s ,hich sh#ll &e consi$ere$ sufficient to in(#li$#te the &#llot #re those ,hich the (oter hi%self $eli&er#tel* pl#ce$ in his &#llot for the purpose of i$entif*in) it there#fter@ 0nl* in #n un%ist#3#&le c#se ,here the &#llot #ppe#re$ to %#r3e$, shoul$ it &e re4ecte$' In the #&sence of e(i$ence #lliun$e cle#rl* sho,in) th#t the intention or pl#n ,#s for purposes of i$entific#tion, si)ns on &#llots #re presu%e$ #cci$ent#l' INSTANCES OF -ARHE2 1ALLOTS "he $eter%in#ti(e f#ctor in the nullific#tion of &#llots for &ein) %#r3e$ #s follo,in) # $esi)n or p#ttern, is the e.istence of e(i$ence #liun$e ten$in) to sho, the intention or purpose in the use of the conteste$ %#nner or %e#ns of point, ,hich is to i$entif* the &#llots' READ PA2ES H9D - H4:' -ANNER OF COUNTING VOTES READ PA2ES H4: - H4E NU-1ER OF COPIES OF ELECTION RETURNS AN2 THEIR 2ISTRI1UTION In election of Presi$ent, Vice5presi$ent, sen#tors #n$ %e%&ers of the house of represent#ti(es o 1IRS" C0PJ - $eli(ere$ to the cit* or %unicip#l &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers o SEC0ND C0PJ - to the con)ress, $irecte$ to sen#te presi$ent



o o o o o

"BIRD -"0 C0ME8EC 10/R" - to pro(inci#l &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers 1I1"B - !#$(#nce election returns+ - to cit* or %unicip#l tre#surer, ,ho sh#ll i%%e$i#tel* #n$ pu&licl* open the s#%e #n$ post the (otes therein in #n election t#ll* &o#r$ sufficientl* l#r)e to en#&le pu&lic to re#$ the%@ SIC"B -to cit* or %unicip#l tri#l court 4u$)e or offici#l $esi)n#te$ &* Co%elec@ sh#ll 3eel his copies se#le$ #n$ unopene$@ SEVEN"B - $eposit insi$e co%p#rt%ent of the &#llot &o.

ELECTION OF LOCAL OFFICIALS o 1IRS" - to cit* I %unicip#l &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers@ o SEC0ND - to Co%elec@ o "BIRD - to the pro(inci#l &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers@ o 10/R"B - !#$(#nce election returns+ o 1I1I"B - cit* I %unicip#l tri#l court 4u$)e@ o SIC"B - $eposite$ insi$e the co%p#rt%ent of the &#llot &o. for (#li$ &#llots' 2UTIES OF 1OAR2 OF ELECTION INSPECTORS IN COUNTING THE VOTES Durin) the countin) of the (otes c#se, the election inspectors shoul$ not concern the%sel(es ,ith the eli)i&ilit* of c#n$i$#tes@ "heir $uties shoul$ &e confine$ to the con$uct of election, the countin) of the (otes, #n$ the certific#tion of the results insof#r #s rel#te$ to the certifie$ c#n$i$#tes@ "he countin) of (otes shoul$ &e li&er#l in or$er th#t the ,ill of the elector#te %#* &e effectu#te$' Voters shoul$ not &e $isenfr#nchise$ retro#cti(el* for technic#l c#uses &* the re(ie,in) #uthorities' RULES FOR APPRECIATION OF 1ALLOTS READ PA2ES H4D - H:4' GUI2ING PRINCIPLES IN APPRECIATION OF 1ALLOTS 8I;ERA8 C0NS"R/C"I0N - #ppreci#tion %ust &e li&er#ll* construe$, #n$ the inten$%ents shoul$ &e in f#(or of # re#$in) #n$ construction ,hich ,ill ren$er the &#llot effecti(e, r#ther th#n in f#(or of # conclusion ,hich on so%e technic#l )roun$s ren$er it ineffecti(e@ An$ if the &#llot is so $efecti(e #s to f#il to sho, #n* intention ,h#te(er, it %ust &e $isre)#r$e$' "he purpose of election l#,s is to )i(e effect to, r#ther th#n frustr#te, the ,ill of the (oter' Dou&ts #re to &e resol(e$ in f#(or of their (#li$it*' "he technic#lities shoul$ not &e per%itte$ to $efe#t the intention of the (oter especi#ll* so if th#t intention is $isco(er#&le fro% the &#llot itself@ "he ut%ost li&er#lit* of construction %ust &e o&ser(e$ in re#$in) the &#llots ,ith # (ie, to )i(in) effect to the intention of the (oters' A/ES"I0N 01 1AC" - "he #ppreci#tion of conteste$ &#llots #n$ election $ocu%ents in(ol(es # 7uestion of f#ct &est left to the $eter%in#tion of the Co%elec@ It is the Constitution#l co%%ission (este$ ,ith the e.clusi(e ori)in#l 4uris$iction o(er election contests in(ol(in) re)ion#l, pro(inci#l #n$ cit* offici#ls, #s ,ell #s #ppell#te 4uris$iction o(er election protests in(ol(in) electi(e %unicip#l #n$ &#r#n))#* offici#ls' "he f#ctu#l fin$in)s, conclusions, rulin)s #n$ $ecisions ren$ere$ &* the s#i$ co%%ission on %#tters f#llin) ,ithin its co%petence sh#ll not &e interfere$ ,ith &* this court'



ANNOUNCE-ENT OF RESULTS OF ELECTIONS AN2 ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF VOTES /pon co%pletion of election returns, the ch#ir%#n of the &o#r$ of the election inspectors sh#ll 0RA88J AND P/;8IC8J ANN0/NCE the tot#l nu%&er of (otes recei(e$ in the election in the pollin) pl#ce &* e#ch #n$ e(er* one of the c#n$i$#tes, st#tin) their correspon$in) office@ After the #nnounce%ent of the results of the election #n$ &efore le#(in) the pollin) pl#ce, it sh#ll &e the $ut* of the &o#r$ of election inspectors to issue # certific#te of the nu%&er of the (otes recei(e$ &* # c#n$i$#te upon re7uest of the $ul* #ccre$ite$ ,#tchers' All the %e%&ers of the &o#r$ of election inspectors sh#ll si)n the certific#te' .HAT CONSTITUTES AN ELECTION/ P8/RA8I"J 01 V0"ES S/11ICIEN" 10R A CB0ICE - A plur#lit* of (otes l#,full* c#st is sufficient to elect re)#r$less of the #ctu#l nu%&er of &#llots c#st &ut this principle is 7u#lifie$ &* the i%port#nt con$ition th#t it %ust &e # plur#lit* of (#li$ (otes of # (#li$ Constituenc*@ N0" NECESSARJ "BA" A MA<0RI"J 01 V0"ERS SB0/8D V0"E - E(en thou)h # %inorit* onl* p#rticip#te$, *et, if the election &e l#,full* hel$, # plur#lit* of the %#4orit* ,ill elect' "hose of the (oters ,ho re%#in #,#* fro% the polls #re #ssu%e$ to #ssent to the #ction of those ,ho $o #tten$, #n$ those ,ho $o #tten$ the election &ut f#il to (ote for #n* office #re presu%e$ to #ssent to the #ction of those ,ho $o (ote' 2' CANVASS AN2 PROCLA-ATION 1OAR2 OF CANVASSERS - there sh#ll &e # &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers for e#ch pro(ince, cit* #n$ %unicip#lit* PR0VINCIA8 ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS 1' Pro(inci#l election super(isor or # l#,*er in the re)ion#l office of co%elec - #s ch#ir%#n@ 2' Pro(inci#l fisc#l - #s (ice ch#ir%#n 9' Pro(inci#l superinten$ent of schools - #s %e%&er CI"J ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS 1' Cit* election re)istr#r or # represent#ti(e of the co%elec - ch#ir%#n@ 2' Cit* fisc#l - (ice ch#ir%#n 9' Cit* superinten$ent of schools - %e%&er M/NICIPA8 ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS 1' Election re)istr#r or represent#ti(e of the Co%elec - ch#ir%#n 2' Municip#l tre#surer - (ice 9' Most senior $istrict school superinten$ent - %e%&er SUPERVISORY PO.ER OVER THE 1OAR2 Co%elec h#s $irect control #n$ super(ision o(er the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers #n$ its procee$in)s' Co%elec h#s the po,er to in(esti)#te #n$ #ct on the propriet* or le)#lit* of the c#n(#ss of election returns %#$e &* the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers' "he function of # c#n(#ssin) &o#r$ in the c#n(#ss of returns is purel* MINIS"ERIA8 in n#ture'



E7u#ll* %inisteri#l is the function of the Co%elec on the e.ercise of its super(isor* po,er o(er s#i$ &o#r$, pursu#nt to the Constitution #n$ l#,s' "he &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers is # %inisteri#l &o$*' It h#s &een s#i$, #n$ properl*, th#t its po,ers #re li%ite$ )ener#ll* to the %ech#nic#l or %#the%#tic#l function of #scert#inin) #n$ $ecl#rin) the #pp#rent result of the election &* #$$in) or co%pilin) the (otes c#st for e#ch c#n$i$#te #s sho,n on the f#ce of the returns &efore the%, #n$ then $ecl#rin) or certif*in) the result so #scert#ine$'

CANVASS 1Y THE 1OAR2 1' Procee$in)s of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll &e open #n$ pu&lic 2' M#4orit* (ote of #ll the %e%&ers of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll &e necess#r* to ren$er # $ecision 9' "he &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll %eet not l#ter th#n H p% of the election $#* #t the pl#ce $esi)n#te$ to recei(e the election returns #n$ to i%%e$i#tel* c#n(#ss those th#t %#* h#(e #lre#$* &een recei(e$@ 4' "he &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll %eet continuousl* fro% $#* to $#* until the c#n(#ss is co%plete$, #n$ %#* #$4ourn &ut not onl* for the purpose of #,#itin) the other elections returns fro% the other pollin) pl#ces ,ithin its 4uris$iction' :' Su&4ect to re#son#&le e.ceptions, the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers %ust co%plete their c#n(#sses ,ithin #' 9H hrs in %unicip#lities &' 4F hrs in cities c' E2 hrs in pro(inces H' "he respecti(e &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll prep#re # certific#te of c#n(#ss $ul* si)ne$ #n$ #ffi.e$ ,ith the i%print of the thu%& of the ri)ht h#n$ of e#ch %e%&er, supporte$ &* # st#te%ent of the (otes recei(e$ &* e#ch c#n$i$#te in e#ch pollin) pl#ce' CANVASSING CO--ITTEES M#* Constitute such nu%&er of c#n(#ssin) co%%ittees #s %#* &e necess#r* to en#&le the &o#r$ to co%plete the c#n(#ss ,ithin the perio$ prescri&e$@ E#ch co%%ittee sh#ll &e co%pose$ of 9 %e%&ers, e#ch %e%&er to &e $esi)n#te$ &* the ch#ir%#n #n$ %e%&ers of the &o#r$' "he co%%ittees sh#ll &e un$er the $irect super(ision #n$ control of the &o#r$' PROCLA-ATION 1Y THE 1OAR2 1' "he &o#r$ sh#ll procl#i% #s electe$ the c#n$i$#tes ,ho o&t#ine$ the hi)hest nu%&er of (otes c#st in the pro(ince, cit*, %unicip#lit* or &#r#n)#* 0N "BE ;ASIS 01 "BE CER"I1ICA"ES 01 CANVASS@ 1#ilure to co%pl* Constitutes #n E8EC"I0N 011ENSE@ 2' "here is no pro(ision in our election l#,s ,hich re7uires th#t # %#4orit* of re)istere$ (oters %ust c#st their (otes' All th#t is re7uire$ is th#t # ,innin) c#n$i$#te %ust &e electe$ &* # P8/RA8I"J 01 VA8ID V0"ES re)#r$less of the #ctu#l nu%&er of &#llotGs c#st' 9' B#(in) once %et #n$ full* co%plete$ its $ut*, the po,ers of the &o#r$ #re e.h#uste$ #n$ it c#nnot #)#in %eet #n$ re5c#n(#ss the (otes or re(erse their prior $ecision #n$ #nnounce # $ifferent results' 4' Where # PR0C8AMA"I0N IS N/88 AND V0ID #s ,here it is &#se$ on 1A/8"J 0R ERR0NE0/S "A;/8A"I0N, 0R INC0MP8E"E CANVASS, it is N0 PR0C8AMA"I0N A" A88 #n$ the procl#i%e$ c#n$i$#teGs #ssu%ption of office c#nnot $epri(e the Co%elec of the po,er to $ecl#re such nullit* #n$ #nnul the procl#%#tion' :' Althou)h the co%elec possesses the po,er to #nnul #n$ suspen$ the procl#%#tion of #n* c#n$i$#te, it is ,ithout po,er to p#rti#ll* or tot#ll* #nnul # procl#%#tion or suspen$ the effects of # procl#%#tion ,ithout N0"ICE AND BEARIN2' H' A suspension of procl#%#tion pen$in) $eter%in#tion of # petition for $is7u#lific#tion #)#inst # ,innin) c#n$i$#te is PR0VISI0NA8 in n#ture #n$ c#n &e 8I1"ER WBEN "BE EVIDENCE S0 WARRAN"S'



PRINCIPLES GOVERNING CANVASS PROCEE2INGS 6Gi+en %& SC: - I $onGt 3no, ,h#t to $o ,ith this''3#*# re5t*pe 3o n# l#n)' 1' C#n(#ss procee$in)s #re ADMINIS"RA"IVE AND S/MMARJ IN NA"/RE, #n$ # stron) pri%# f#cie c#se &#c3e$ up &* # specific offer of e(i$ence #n$ in$ic#tion of its n#ture #n$ i%port#nce h#s to &e %#$e out to ,#rr#nt the reception of e(i$ence #lliun$e #n$ the present#tion of ,itnesses #n$ the $el#*s necess#ril* ent#ile$ there&*' 2' Where it h#s &een $ul* $eter%ine$ &* the Co%elec #fter INVES"I2A"I0N AND ECAMINA"I0N 01 "BE V0"IN2 AND RE2IS"RA"I0N REC0RDS th#t the #ctu#l (otin) election &* the re)istere$ (oters h#$ t#3en pl#ce in the 7uestione$ precincts, the election returns c#nnot &e $isre)#r$e$ #n$ e.clu$e$ ,ith the resultin) $isenfr#nchise%ent of the (oters &ut &e ACC0RDED PRIMA 1ACIE S"A"/S AS ;0NA 1IDE REP0R"S 01 "BE RES/8" 01 "BE V0"IN2 for c#n(#ssin) #n$ procl#%#tion purposes' 9' "o #llo, # respon$ent in the Co%elec to r#ise &el#te$ 7uestions concernin) returns #t #n* ti%e $urin) the pen$enc* of the c#se of re(ie, &efore the Co%elec not,ithst#n$in) th#t he h#s not ori)in#ll* r#ise$ such 7uestions &efore the c#n(#ssin) &o#r$ #n$ onl* ,hen he fin$s his positions en$#n)ere$ ,oul$ %e#n un$ue $el#*s in pre5procl#%#tions procee$in)s &efore the Co%elec' 4' Alle)e$ irre)ul#rities, such #s the o%issions of the Co%elec in the $istri&ution #n$ protection of the election for%s #n$ p#r#phern#li#, in(ol(e the $isch#r)e of its #$%inistr#ti(e $uties #n$ so $o not co%e un$er the 4uris$iction of the Supre%e Court, ,hich c#n re(ie, the $ecisions of the &o$* onl* in c#ses of )r#(e #&use of $iscretion co%%itte$ &* it in the $isch#r)e of its 7u#si54u$ici#l po,ers' :' As lon) #s the returns #ppe#r to &e #uthentic #n$ $ul* #cco%plishe$ on their f#ce, the ;o#r$s of C#n(#ssers c#nnot loo3 &e*on$ or &ehin$ the% to (erif* #lle)#tions of irre)ul#rities in the c#stin) or the countin) of the (otes' #' "echnic#l e.#%in#tion of (otin) p#r#phern#li# in(ol(in) #n#l*sis #n$ co%p#rison of (oterGs si)n#tures #n$ thu%&prints thereon is prohi&ite$ in PRE5 PR0C8AMA"I0N ,ithout in(ol(in) e(i$ence #lliun$e #n$ e.#%in#tions of (olu%inous $ocu%ents ,hich t#3e up %uch ti%e #n$ c#use $el#* in $efe#t of the pu&lic polic* un$erl*in) the su%%#r* n#ture of pre5procl#%#tion contro(ersies' H' It is settle$ 4urispru$ence th#t the Co%elec c#n suspen$ the c#n(#ss of (otes pen$in) its in7uir* ,hether there e.ists # $iscrep#nc* &et,een the (#rious copies of election returns fro% the $ispute$ (otin) centers' #' 0nce the election returns ,ere foun$ to &e f#lsifie$ or t#%pere$ ,ith, the Co%elec c#n #nnul the ille)#l c#n(#ss #n$ or$er the ;o#r$ of c#n(#ssers to recon(ene #n$ procl#i% the ,inner on the &#sis of )enuine returns or, if it shoul$ refuse, repl#ce the %e%&ers of the &o#r$ or procl#i% the ,inners itself' CANVASSING 1Y PROVINCIAL8 CITY8 2ISTRICT AN2 -UNICIPAL 1OAR2S OF CANVASSERS 1' CI"J 0R M/NICIPA8 ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS - sh#ll c#n(#ss the election returns for Presi$ent, Vice, Sen#tors #n$ Me%&ers of the Bouse of Represent#ti(es #n$ for electi(e pro(inci#l #n$ cit* or %unicip#l offici#ls@ #' /pon co%pletion sh#ll prep#re certific#te of c#n(#ss@ &' "here#fter sh#ll procl#i% 2' 9' 4' CI"J ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS 01 CI"I"ES C0MPRISIN2 0NE 0R M0RE 8E2IS8A"IVE DIS"RIC"S - sh#ll c#n(#ss =s#%e #s #&o(e> IN ME"R0 MANI8A AREA, EACB M/NICIPA8I"J C0MPRISIN2 A 8E2IS8A"IVE DIS"RIC" - e#ch %unicip#lit* co%prisin) # le)isl#ti(e $istrict sh#ll h#(e # $istrict &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers ,hich sh#ll c#n(#ss the election returns of =s#%e #s #&o(e>@ PR0VINCIA8 ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS - sh#ll c#n(#ss the certific#tes of c#n(#ss for =s#%e #s #&o(e> #s ,ell #s ple&iscite results, if #n* is con$ucte$ si%ult#neousl* ,ith the s#%e election, #s su&%itte$ &* the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers of %unicip#lities #n$ co%ponent cities'




1irst - $eli(er to pro(inci#l &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers for c#n(#ss of election results Secon$ - sent to Co%elec "hir$ - 3ept &* ch#ir%#n of the &o#r$ 1ourth - )i(en to citi6ens #r% $esi)n#te$ &* the Co%elec 1ifth, si.th #n$ se(enth - copies sh#ll &e )i(en to represent#ti(es of #n* 9 of the H %#4or politic#l p#rties &#se$ on their #)ree%ent@ if no #)ree%ent the co%elec sh#ll $eter%ine to ,ho% the copies &e )i(en' "here#fter, the p#rties ,ho recei(e$ copies sh#ll h#(e the $ut* to furnish #uthentic copies to other p#rties' 2' ;J "BE PR0VINCIA8 ;0ARDS 01 CANVASSERS AND ;J DIS"RIC" ;0ARDS 01 CANVASSERS@ 10R CER"I1ICA"E 01 CANVASS PRESIDEN", VICE, SENA"0RS AND C0N2RESS MEN #' 1irst - to con)ress &' Secon$ - 3ept &* co%%ission for use in c#n(#ssin) (otes c' "hir$ - 3ept &* ch#ir%#n of &o#r$ $' 1ourth - citi6ens #r% e' 1ifth, si.th, se(enth - =s#%e #s #&o(e in nu%&er 1> CONGRESS AS THE NATIONAL 1OAR2 OF CANVASSERS 1' DE"ERMINA"I0N 01 A/"BEN"ICI"J AND D/E ECEC/"I0N 01 CER"I1ICA"E #' "h#t certific#te of c#n(#ss ,#s e.ecute$, si)ne$, thu%&%#r3e$ &* the ch#ir%#n #n$ %e%&ers of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers #n$ tr#ns%itte$, or c#use$ to &e tr#ns%itte$ to Con)ress &* the%@ &' E#ch certific#te of c#n(#ss cont#ins the n#%es of #ll of the c#n$i$#tes for Pres #n$ Vice #n$ their correspon$in) (otes in ,or$s #n$ in fi)ures@ #n$ c' "he e.ists no $iscrep#nc* in other #uthentic copies of the certific#te of c#n(#ss or $iscrep#nc* in the (otes of #n* c#n$i$#te in ,or$s #n$ fi)ures in the s#%e certific#te' 2' C0MP8E"I0N 01 CER"I1ICA"E - ,hen the certific#te of c#n(#ss #ppe#rs to &e inco%plete, the SENA"E PRESIDEN" sh#ll re7uire the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers concerne$ to tr#ns%it &* PERS0NA8 DE8IVERJ, the election returns fro% the pollin) pl#ces th#t ,ere not inclu$e$ in the certific#te of c#n(#ss' #' S#i$ election return sh#ll &e su&%itte$ &* person#l $eli(er* ,ithin 2 $#*s fro% receipt of notice' 9' PRESENCE 01 ERAS/RES AND A8"ERA"I0NS IN "BE CER"I1ICA"E - Er#sures #n$ #lter#tion ,hich %#* c#st $ou&t #s to the (er#cit* of the nu%&er of (otes st#te$ therein #n$ %#* #ffect the result of the election, upon re7uest of the Presi$ent or Vice c#n$i$#te concerne$ or his p#rt*, Con)ress sh#ll count the (otes #s the* #ppe#r in the copies of the election returns su&%itte$ to it' CANVASS OF VOTES FOR PRESI2ENT AN2 VICE;PRESI2ENT 1' Return of election for presi$ent #n$ (ice sh#ll &e tr#ns%itte$ to con)ress@ 2' /pon receipt of certific#te of c#n(#ss &* the Sen#te Presi$ent, he sh#ll open #ll certific#tes in the presence of Con)ress #n$ Sen#te, not l#ter th#n 90 $#*s #fter $#* of election@ 9' Con)ress sh#ll $eter%ine the #uthenticit* #n$ $ue e.ecution thereof in the %#nner pro(i$e$@ then c#n(#ss the (otes@ 4' Person h#(in) the hi)hest nu%&er of (otes sh#ll &e procl#i%e$ electe$@ :' ;ut in c#se t,o or %ore sh#ll &e #n e7u#l #n$ hi)hest nu%&er of (otes, one of the% sh#ll forth,ith &e chose &* the (ote of # MA<0RI"J 01 A88 "BE MEM;ERS 01 ;0"B B0/SES 01 C0N2RESS, V0"IN2 SEPARA"E8J'

#' &' c' $' e'



ELECTION RESULTING IN A TIE 1' Whene(er it sh#ll #ppe#r fro% the c#n(#ss th#t 2 or %ore c#n$i$#tes h#(e recei(e$ #n e7u#l #n$ hi)hest nu%&er of (otes@ or 2' In c#se ,here 2 or %ore c#n$i$#tes recei(e$ the s#%e nu%&er of (otes for the l#st pl#ce in the nu%&er to &e electe$' "he ;o#r$ of c#n(#ssers, #fter recor$in) this f#ct in its %inutes sh#ll, &* resolution, upon fi(e $#*s notice to #ll the tie$ c#n$i$#tes, hol$ A SPECIA8 P/;8IC MEE"IN2 A" WBICB "BE ;0ARD 01 CANVASSERS sh#ll procee$ to the $r#,in) of lots of the c#n$i$#tes ,ho %#* &e f#(ore$ &* luc3' "he c#n$i$#te procl#i%e$ sh#ll h#(e the ri)ht to #ssu%e office in s#%e %#nner #s if he h#$ &een electe$ &* plur#lit* of (otes' FAILURE TO ASSU-E OFFICE "he offici#l electe$ ,ho 1AI8S 0R RE1/SES to t#3e his o#th of office ,ithin H %onths fro% his procl#%#tion sh#ll &e consi$ere$ (#c#nt, unless s#i$ f#ilure is for # c#use or c#uses &e*on$ his control' NATURE OF 1OAR2IS 2UTIES 1' WBEN MINIS"ERIA8 - It is # %inisteri#l &o$* en4oine$ &* l#, to c#n(#ss #ll (otes on election returns su&%itte$ to it' #' If the returns &e re)ul#r, the $ut* of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers consists in # si%ple %#tter of #rith%etic' &' "he Co%%ission or the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers, in the c#n(#ss of (otes, is ,ithout po,er to loo3 &e*on$ the f#ce thereof, once s#tisfie$ of their #uthenticit*' c' It h#s onl* the %inisteri#l t#s3 of t#ll*in) the (otes #s reporte$ in the election returns #n$ c#nnot e.ercise the 4u$ici#l po,er of $eci$in) #n election contest' $' "hus, ,here ,h#t is in(ol(e$ is purel* %#the%#tic#l #n$Ior %ech#nic#l error in the t#&ul#tion of the (otes co%%itte$ &* the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers ,hich is #$%itte$ &* #ll p#rties, #n$ ,hich $oes not in(ol(e #n* openin) of the &#llots &o.es, e.#%in#tion #n$ #ppreci#tion of &#llots #n$Ior election returns, #n$ s#i$ error ,#s $isco(ere$ so%eti%e #fter procl#%#tion' e' "he &o#r$ ,ill not rectif* the error it in#$(ertentl* co%%itte$' f' "he si%ple purpose of the c#n(#ssin) &o#r$ is to #scert#in #n$ $ecl#re the #pp#rent result of the (otin)' )' A&sence of #n* $eter%in#tion of irre)ul#rit* in the election returns #s ,ell #s or$er en4oinin) the c#n(#ssin) #n$ procl#%#tion, it is %inisteri#l $ut* of the &o#rs of c#n(#ssers concerne$ to count the (otes &#se$ on such return #n$ $ecl#re the results' 2' WBEN A/ASI5</DICIA8 - to $eter%ine th#t the p#pers presente$ to it #re not for)e$ #n$ spurious, #n$ ,hen the returns #re o&(iousl* %#nuf#ctures, it ,ill not &e co%pelle$ to c#n(#ss the%@ #' "h#t the c#n(#ssers #re to &e s#tisfie$ of the )enuineness of the returns ,hich %e#ns "BE ECERCISE 01 </D2MEN" 0R DISCRE"I0N, ho,e(er li%ite$, to $eter%ine ,hether #n* )i(en return &efore it is )enuine return &efore it is )enuine, then the $uties #n$ po,ers to %#3e such $eter%in#tion #re 7u#si54u$ici#l' &' It %#* re4ect election returns su&%itte$ to it for purpose of the re7uire$ c#n(#s, if in its opinion, the* ,ere !o&(iousl* %#nuf#cture+ or !contr#r* to #ll pro&#&ilities+ or utterl* i%pro&#&le #n$ cle#rl* incre$i&le' 1OAR2IS FIN2INGS NOT CONCLUSIVE "he fin$in)s of the c#n(#ssers #n$ the certific#te of election issue$ to the%, if #n*, #re PRIMA 1ACIE ECIDENCE of the result #n$ of the title to the office of those $ecl#re$ electe$, #n$ this e(i$ence is conclusi(e in #ll coll#ter#l in7uiries' ;ut such fin$in) or certific#te is not conclusi(e in # $irect procee$in) to tr* the title to the office' ="he c#n(#ssIresults> it is #l,#*s open for the p#rt* recei(in) such plur#lit*, unless other,ise e.pressl* pro(i$e$ &* l#,, to )o &ehin$ the certific#te or the returns #n$ to est#&lish this f#ct &efore the #ppropri#te tri&un#l, #lthou)h the c#n(#ssers %#* h#(e $eci$e$ other,ise'



Chapter SiC: CONTESTE2 ELECTIONS Pre; pr$c"a#ati$n c$ntr$+ers& An* 7uestion or %#tter pert#inin) to or #ffectin) the procee$in)s of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers ,hich %#* &e r#ise$ &* #n* c#n$i$#te or &* #n* re)istere$ politic#l p#rt* or co#lition of politic#l p#rties &efore the &o#r$ or $irectl* ,ith the C0ME8EC An* %#tter r#ise$ un$er sections 299,294,29:, #n$ 29H of the 0%ni&us Election Co$e in rel#tion to the prep#r#tion, tr#ns%ission, receipt, custo$* #n$ #ppreci#tion of the election returns' R#ise$ &efore procl#%#tion &ec#use #fter procl#%#tion, the contro(ers* &eco%es #n election contest ECc"!si+e B!risdicti$n $f the CO-ELEC All pre5procl#%#tion contro(ersies in(ol(in) 80CA8 electi(e offici#ls No pre5procl#%#tion c#ses in elections for Presi$ent, Vice5Presi$ent, Sen#tor, #n$ %e%&er of Bouse of Represent#ti(es, &ut the correction of !%#nifest errors in the certific#te of c#n(#ss or election returns+ is #llo,e$ M#* %otu proprio or upon ,ritten petition, #n$ #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin) 1> or$er the p#rti#l or tot#l suspension of the procl#%#tion of #n* c#n$i$#te5elect or #nnul p#rti#ll* or tot#ll* #n* procl#%#tion, #s the e(i$ence sh#ll ,#rr#nt 2> or$er the procl#%#tion of other ,innin) c#n$i$#tes ,hose election ,ill not &e #ffecte$ &* the outco%e of the contro(ers* Constitution Art IC5C Sec 9 !All election c#ses, inclu$in) pre5procl#%#tion contro(ersies . . . sh#ll &e he#r$ #n$ $eci$e$ in $i(ision, pro(i$e$ th#t %otions for reconsi$er#tion sh#ll &e $eci$e$ &* the Co%%ission en &#nc'+ In $i(ision O ori)in#l 4uris$iction to he#r #n$ $eci$e election c#ses #t the first inst#nce En &#nc O petition for correction of %#nifest error in the St#te%ent of Votes, or in the t#&ul#tion or t#ll*in) of the results file$ $irectl* S!##ar& Hearin( $f pre;pr$c"a#ati$n case After $ue notice #n$ he#rin), $ecision sh#ll &e e.ecutor* #fter : $#*s fro% receipt &* the losin) p#rt* of the $ecision of C0ME8EC unless restr#ine$ &* SC Merel* re7uire p#rties to su&%it respecti(e %e%or#n$#, present#tion of e(i$ence is N0" in$ispens#&le to s#tisf* $e%#n$s of $ue process' RA E1HH Sec 1F C0ME8EC sh#ll $ispose of pre5procl#%#tion c#ses on the &#sis of the recor$s #n$ e(i$ence ele(#te$ &* the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers' Iss!es raised in pre;pr$c"a#ati$n case 1' ille)#l co%position or procee$in) =$ue to non5inclusion of (otes> of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers



2' c#n(#sse$ election returns #re inco%plete, cont#in %#teri#l $efects, t#%pere$ ,ith or f#lsifie$, or cont#in $iscrep#ncies #s %entione$ in sections 299529H of 0%ni&us Election Co$e 9' election returns prep#re$ un$er $uress, thre#ts, coercion, or inti%i$#tion, or $%+i$!s"& #an!fact!red or not #uthentic 4' ,hen su&stitute or fr#u$ulent returns in contro(erte$ pollin) pl#ces ,ere c#n(#sse$, the results %#teri#ll* #ffecte$ the st#n$in) of the #))rie(e$ c#n$i$#te Pre5procl#%#tion c#se axiomatic that !"#$# not loo% beyond the election returns, but genuine or authentic election returns that are reflective of fraudulent acts done before or carried out by the &oard of #lection 'nspectors shall be deemed (obviously manufactured) J$%+i$!s"& #an!fact!redK O if #ll (otes reporte$ in the election returns #re c#st in f#(or of # c#n$i$#te or c#n$i$#tes of the s#%e p#rt*, or if the results of the c#n(#ss #re st#tistic#ll* i%pro&#&le ,hich re7uire technic#l e.#%in#tion of the VoterGs 8ist #n$ VoterGs Affi$#(its Re(!"ar e"ecti$n pr$test: r#ise issues of fr#u$, (ote5&u*in), #n$ terroris% ,hich co%pels C0ME8EC to pierce the (eil of the election returns ,hich #re prima facie re)ul#r, to in(esti)#te #lle)#tions of fr#u$, terroris%, (iolence in #ctions for #nnul%ent of election results or $ecl#r#tion of f#ilure of elections &* con$uctin) technic#l e.#%in#tion of election $ocu%ents #n$ #n#l*6e (otersG si)n#tures #n$ fin)erprints Sc$pe $f pre;pr$c"a#ati$n case G' "i#ited t$ iss!es en!#erated !nder Sec 3<9 O#ni%!s E"ecti$n C$de ,hich are restricti+e and eCc"!si+e %eca!se it is the p$"ic& $f e"ecti$n "a,s that pre; pr$c"a#ati$n cases sh$!"d %e s!##ari"& decided #' cle#r sho,in) #n$ proof of contro(ersies &' &o#r$s of c#n(#ssers &efore ,hich contro(ersies #re initi#te$ #re ad hoc &o$ies th#t e.ist onl* for the interi% t#s3 of c#n(#ssin) election returns 2' Issues re)#r$in) errors in the St#te%ent of Votes $eter%ine the true ,ill of the elector#te #n$ #ffect the procl#%#tion, thus C0ME8EC is e%po,ere$ to or$er the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers to recon(ene #n$ prep#re ne, St#te%ent of Votes #n$ Certific#te of C#n(#ss' C0ME8EC Rules of Proce$ure %#tter of correction of the st#te%ent of (otes %#* &e su&4ect of pre5procl#%#tion c#se ,hich %#* &e file$ $irectl* ,ith the Co%elec' Re#ed& after ,innin( candidate has %een pr$c"ai#ed After procl#%#tion #n$ #ssu%ption of office &* the c#n$i$#te, # pre5procl#%#tion contro(ers* no lon)er (i#&le #n$ shoul$ &e $is%isse$ &ec#use the proper re%e$* is #n e"ect$ra" pr$test ,here p#rties #re to present ,itnesses su&4ect to the ri)ht of confront#tion inste#$ of %ere #ffi$#(its to settle the contro(ers* once #n$ for #ll' Procl#i%e$ #n$ inst#lle$ c#n$i$#te %#* &e unse#te$ ,hen 1' opponent is #$4u$)e$ true ,inner &* fin#l 4u$)%ent of # court in the election contest 2' pre(#ilin) p#rt* is $ecl#re$ ineli)i&le or $is7u#lifie$ &* fin#l 4u$)%ent of # court in # quo warranto c#se 9' incu%&ent is re%o(e$ fro% office for c#use 4' procl#%#tion is null #n$ (oi$ #s $ecl#re$ &* C0ME8EC C$ntested c$#p$siti$n $r pr$ceedin(s $f the %$ard $f can+assers



P#rties #$(ersel* #ffecte$ &* the rulin) of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers on the co%position or procee$in)s of the &o#r$ %#* appea" the %#tter ,Iin 9 $#*s fro% the rulin) to C0ME8EC ,hich ,ill su%%#ril* $eci$e ,Iin : $#*s fro% filin)' Pr$ced!re in disp$siti$n $f c$ntested e"ecti$n ret!rns 1' An* c#n$i$#te, politic#l p#rt* or co#lition contestin) the inclusion or e.clusion in the c#n(#ss of #n* election returns =un$er Sec 294529H of Art' CIC of the 0%ni&us Election Co$e> sh#ll su&%it their 0RA8 0;<EC"I0N to the ch#ir%#n of the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers ,hen the 7uestione$ returns #re presente$ for inclusion in the c#n(#ss' 0&4ection recor$e$ in the %inutes of the c#n(#ss 2' /pon receipt of o&4ection, the &o#r$ sh#ll DE1ER the c#n(#ss of the conteste$ returns #n$ procee$ to c#n(#ss the unconteste$ returns' #' si%ult#neous ,ith the or#l o&4ection, ,ritten o&4ections %ust #lso &e entere$ &' ,Iin 24 hours fro% o&4ection, %ust su&%it e(i$ence #tt#che$ to the ,ritten o&4ections c' ,Iin s#%e 24 hours, #n* p#rt* %#* file ,ritten #n$ (erifie$ opposition to the o&4ection, #tt#chin) supportin) e(i$ence@ the &o#r$ sh#ll not entert#in o&4ection or opposition unless in ,ritin) $' e(i$ence #tt#che$ #$%itte$ into the recor$s of the &o#r$ &* the ch#ir%#n #ffi.in) his si)n#ture #t the &#c3 of e#ch e(i$ence 9' upon receipt of e(i$ence, the &o#r$ sh#ll t#3e up the conteste$ returns, ,ritten o&4ections thereto #n$ opposition, #n$ su%%#ril* R/8E thereon =re#$ Rulin) &* &o#r$ on o&4ections &elo,> 4' #$(erse p#rt* IN10RM the &o#r$ of intention to #ppe#l s#i$ rulin), &o#r$ sh#ll enter s#i$ infor%#tion in the %inutes of the c#n(#ss, set #si$e the returns #n$ procee$ to consi$er other returns :' #fter #ll unconteste$ returns h#(e &een c#n(#sse$ #n$ conteste$ returns rule$ upon, &o#r$ sh#ll S/SPEND the c#n(#ss, #n$ #n* #$(erse p#rt* %#* file # ,ritten #n$ (erifie$ N0"ICE 01 APPEA8 ,ith the &o#r$ ,Iin 4F hours fro% suspension, #n$ #n #ppe#l %#* &e t#3en to C0ME8EC ,Iin #n non5e.ten$i&le perio$ of : $#*s #fter filin) of notice' H' /pon receipt of notice, the &o#r$ %#3e # REP0R" to Co%elec, ele(#tin) the co%plete recor$s #n$ e(i$ence in the c#n(#ss, #n$ ser(in) p#rties ,ith copies of the report E' 0n the &#sis of recor$s #n$ e(i$ence ele(#te$, Co%elec sh#ll DECIDE su%%#ril* the #ppe#l ,Iin E $#*s fro% receipt of recor$s #n$ e(i$ence' An #ppe#l ,Io the #cco%plishe$ for%s #n$ e(i$ence #ppen$e$ sh#ll &e su%%#ril* $is%isse$' Decision e.ecutor* #fter E $#*s fro% receipt of $ecision &* losin) p#rt*' F' ;o#r$ of c#n(#ssers sh#ll not PR0C8AIM #n* c#n$i$#te #s ,inner unless #uthori6e$ &* Co%elec #fter rulin) on the #ppe#l of the losin) p#rt*, other,ise, the procl#%#tion is (oi$ #& initio, unless the conteste$ returns ,ill not #$(ersel* #ffect the results of the election' R!"in( %& %$ard $n $%Becti$ns 1' ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers %ust %#3e # ,ritten r!"in( on the for%#l o&4ections' 1#ilure or refus#l to $o so not pre4u$ice o&4ectin) p#rt*Gs ri)ht to ele(#te c#se to Co%elec' 2' ;o#r$ r!"in( n$t necessar& $r pr$per ,here the %#tter is &e*on$ its co%petence, such #s inclusion or e.clusion in the c#n(#ss of election returns' I%%#teri#l th#t the inclusion of (otes ,oul$ #ffect the o(er#ll results, #s lon) #s the returns #ppe#r to &e #uthentic #n$ $ul* #cco%plishe$, the &o#r$ c#nnot loo3 &e*on$ the% to (erif* irre)ul#rities in the c#stin) or countin) of (otes' ;o#r$ h#s onl* the #inisteria" tasD of t#ll*in) the (otes #s reporte$ in the election returns #n$ c#nnot 4u$ici#ll* $eci$e #n election contest' 9' "o 4ustif* e.clusion of election returns, the #lle)e$ thre#ts etc' ,hich #tten$e$ the prep#r#tion of s#i$ returns %ust h#(e #ffecte$ the re)ul#rit* or )enuiness of the conteste$ returns' If the election returns reflect the true results of the (otin) #t precint le(el, #n* coercion #n$ inti%i$#tion th#t %#* )i(e rise to le)#l, #n$ cri%in#l li#&ilit*, ,ill not 4ustif* the e.clusion of the returns' Pre;pr$c"a#ati$n cases




+ot allowed in elections for President, ,ice President, -enator, and "embers of the .ouse of /ep but does not preclude the canvassing body motu proprio or upon written complaint to correct manifest errors in the certificate of canvass or election returns before it 0uestions affecting the composition or proceedings of the &oard of anvassers may be initiated in the board or directly with omelec under -ec *1 of /2 1*33 Pre5procl#%#tion c#ses on pro(inci#l, cit* #n$ %unicip#l offices sh#ll &e #llo,e$ #n$ )o(erne$ &* sec 1E522 of RA E1HH 2ener#l Rule All pre5procl#%#tion c#ses pen$in) &efore Co%elec $ee%e$ ter%in#te$ #t the &e)innin) of the ter% of the office in(ol(e$ #n$ the rulin)s of the ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers $ee%e$ #ffir%e$, ,Io pre4u$ice to the filin) of re)ul#r election protest &* the #))rie(e$ p#rt*' E.ceptions Procee$in)s %#* continue ,hen &#se$ on the e(i$ence, Co%elec $eter%ines th#t the petition is %eritorious #n$ sh#ll or$er to continue the procee$in)s, or ,hen the Supre%e Court or$ers the continu#nce in # petition for certior#ri' Runnin) of the perio$ to file election protest suspen$e$ &* the pen$enc* of such c#ses &efore Co%elec or the SC'

2' 9'

4' :'

"o co%%ence pre5procl#%#tion c#se Auestions on the co%position or procee$in)s of the ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers %#* &e initi#te$ in the &o#r$ or $irectl* ,ith Co%elec' M#tters un$er sec 299529H of the 0%ni&us Election Co$e rel#te$ to the prep#r#tion, tr#ns%ission, receipt, custo$* #n$ #ppreci#tion of the election returns, #n$ the certific#tes of c#n(#ss sh#ll &e &rou)ht in the first inst#nce &efore the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers' All pre5procl#%#tion c#ses on election returns or certific#tes of c#n(#ss sh#ll, on the &#sis of recor$s #n$ e(i$ence ele(#te$ to Co%elec &* the &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers, &e $ispose$ su%%#ril* &* Co%elec ,Iin E $#*s fro% receipt thereof' Decision e.ecutor* #fter E $#*s fro% receipt &* the losin) p#rt* of the $ecision'

<uris$iction of Co%elec o(er pre5procl#%#tion c#ses )o(erne$ &* less ri)i$ st#n$#r$s of #$%inistr#ti(e $ue process' Effect $f fi"in( an e"ecti$n pr$test $r a petiti$n f$r *!$ ,arrant$ 2ener#l Rule the filing of an election protest or petition for quo warranto precludes subsequent filing of a pre-proclamation case, or amounts to an abandonment of one earlier filed4 thus depriving omelec of authority to inquire into the title of the protestee or the validity of his proclamation. Reas$n: once the co%petent tri&un#l h#s #c7uire$ 4uris$iction of #n election protest or petition for 7uo ,#rr#nto, #ll rel#te$ 7uestions ,ill h#(e to &e $eci$e$ in the c#se itself to pre(ent confusion #n$ conflict of #uthorit* ECcepti$ns: 1' 2' 9' 4' :' ;o#r$ of c#n(#ssers i%properl* Constitute$ Auo ,#rr#nto ,#s not proper re%e$* Wh#t ,#s file$ ,#s petition to #nnul # procl#%#tion 1ilin) of the 7uo ,#rr#nto or election protest e.pressl* %#$e ,Iout pre4u$ice to the pre5procl#%#tion c#se or ,#s %#$e ad cautelam Procl#%#tion ,#s null #n$ (oi$

Actu#l #n$ co%pens#tor* $#%#)es %#* &e #,#r$e$ in election contests or 7uo ,#rr#nto procee$in)s'



Ri(ht t$ instit!te e"ecti$n c$ntest *. 5uties of &oard of canvassers merely of ministerial nature and their certificate of election being the prima facie evidence of election, it is competent for a defeated candidate who has not caused or contributed to the irregularities or frauds, to institute proceedings for the determination of the title to the office.

Sec 2:0 of 0%ni&us Election Co$e protest %ust &e file$ &* # c#n$i$#te ,ho !h#s $ul* file$ his certific#te of c#n$i$#c* #n$ h#s &een (ote$ for the s#%e office'+ It $oes not re7uire th#t the %#tter &e specific#ll* #lle)e$ in the protest' 2' Election protest %#* &e lo$)e$ onl* #)#inst # procl#i%e$ c#n$i$#te #n$ ,hich %ust &e file$ ,Iin the perio$ prescri&e$ to #scert#in ,hether the such c#n$i$#te is re#ll* the l#,ful choice of the elector#te'

A counter protest is e7ui(#lent to # countercl#i% #n$ %ust &e presente$ #s p#rt of the #ns,er ,Iin the ti%e the protestee is re7uire$ to #ns,er, other,ise, the court #c7uires no 4uris$iction to entert#in it' 9' When c#n$i$#te h#s &een procl#i%e$ #s electe$, t#3en his o#th #n$ #ssu%e$ the $uties of his office, the re%e$* of the $efe#te$ c#n$i$#te is not pre5procl#%#tion contest &ut elector#l protest, un$er the #ssu%ption of # (#li$ procl#%#tion'

Null #n$ (oi$ procl#%#tion $ue to cleric#l error #n$ si%ple %#the%#tic#l %ist#3e in the #$$ition of (otes, #n$ not thou)h the le)iti%#te ,ill of the elector#te, Co%elec c#n #nnul the c#n(#ss #n$ the procl#%#tion' V#li$it* of procl#%#tion %#* &e ch#llen)e$ e(en #fter the irre)ul#rl* procl#i%e$ c#n$i$#te h#s #ssu%e$ office' 0nce procl#%#tion nullifie$, c#se re(erts to # pre5 procl#%#tion contro(ers*' E"ecti$n c$ntest i#%!ed ,ith p!%"ic interest *. 5eep public interest to determine true choice of people 6 election contest imbued with public interest unli%e an ordinary action. Time is of the essence in the disposition of an election protest. +either fair nor just that one whose right to the office is doubted should remain on that office for uncertain period. 2' Election contest sur(i(es $e#th of either p#rt* theretoPthe ri)ht to # pu&lic office is person#l #n$ e.clusi(e &ut #n election protest is N0" &ec#use it is i%&ue$ ,ith pu&lic interest' 9' Election l#,s li&er#ll* construe$ to the en$ th#t the ,ill of the people in the choice of pu&lic officers %#* not &e $efe#te$ &* %ere technic#l o&4ections' #' 1#ilure to r#ise # )roun$ in protest $oes N0" preclu$e Co%elec fro% re4ectin) the protest on th#t )roun$' It is not inten$e$ th#t the contest set forth the )roun$s of his protest ,ith the s#%e precision #s re7uire$ of # ple#$in) in or$in#r* ci(il c#ses' &' 1#ilure to perfect #n #ppe#l $efe#ts the ri)ht of #ppe#l of # p#rt* #n$ preclu$es the #ppell#te court fro% #c7uirin) 4uris$iction o(er the c#se' Ne(ertheless, the SC %#* )i(e $ue course to #ppe#ls on the &#sis of stron) #n$ co%pellin) re#sons such #s ser(in) the en$s of 4ustice #n$ pre(entin) )r#(e %isc#rri#)e of 4ustice in the e.ercise of its e7uit* 4uris$iction' Rules in(ol(in) election c#ses #re i%presse$ ,ith pu&lic interest thus %ust &e construe$ li&er#ll*' c' "he po,er to #nnul #n election shoul$ &e e.ercise$ ,ith the )re#test c#re #s it in(ol(es the free #n$ f#ir e.pression of the popul#r ,ill' SCGs 4uris$iction to re(ie, $ecisions #n$ or$ers of elector#l tri&un#ls =Co%elec> oper#tes onl* upon # cle#r sho,in) of )r#(e #&use of $iscretion'



$' E.ecution pen$in) #ppe#lPRules of Court #llo,s R"C to or$er e.ecution pen$in) #ppe#l upon )oo$ re#sons st#te$ in the speci#l or$er, c#n &e #pplie$ to election protests =rule 41 Co%elec rules of proce$ure> $eci$e$ &* the courts' Motion for e.ecution pen$in) #ppe#l %#* &e file$ #n* ti%e &efore the perio$ for perfection of the #ppe#l' Effects $f de#!rrer t$ e+idence $f pr$testant In election protests, the protestee shoul$ not &e per%itte$ to present # %otion for $is%iss#l or # $e%urrer to the e(i$ence of the protest#nt, unless he ,#i(es the intro$uction of his o,n e(i$ence in c#se the rulin) on his %otion or $e%urrer is #$(erse to hi%, in ,hich c#se the court th#t tries the c#se %ust $efinitel* $eci$e it' 4!risdicti$n $+er e"ecti$n c$ntests 1' L$ca" $fficia"s - Co%elec e.ercises eCc"!si+e B!risdicti$n o(er #ll contests rel#tin) to the elections, returns, #n$ 7u#lific#tions of #ll electi(e re)ion#l, pro(inci#l #n$ cit* offici#ls, #n$ appe""ate B!risdicti$n o(er #ll contests in(ol(in) electi(e %unicip#l offici#ls $eci$e$ &* tri#l courts of )ener#l 4uris$iction, or electi(e &#r#n)#* offici#ls $eci$e$ &* tri#l courts of li%ite$ 4uris$iction' Speci#l ci(il #ction for certior#ri, prohi&ition, or %#n$#%us #)#inst # R"C in #n election contest %#* &e file$ onl* in the CA or SC' 2' -!nicipa" and %aran(a& $fficia"sPR"C #n$ M"C e.ercise e.clusi(e ori)in#l 4uris$iction o(er election contest in(ol(in) %unicip#l #n$ &#r#n)#* offici#ls respecti(el*' Decision of R"C %#* &e #ppe#le$ to Co%elec ,Iin : $#*s fro% pro%ul)#tion or receipt of # cop* of $ecision &* #))rie(e$ p#rt*' Co%elec sh#ll $eci$e the #ppe#l ,Iin H0 $#*s #fter it is su&%itte$ for $ecision, &ut not l#ter th#n H %onths #fter the filin) of the #ppe#l, ,hich $ecision sh#ll &e fin#l, un#ppe#l#&le, #n$ e.ecutor*' Motion for reconsi$er#tion in the tri#l court not #llo,e$ &* the 0%ni&us Election Co$e sec 2H #n$ the Co%elec Rules of Proce$ure sec 20 rule 9:, thus its filin) ,ill not suspen$ the perio$ to #ppe#l' Courts sh#ll )i(e preference to election contests o(er #ll other c#ses, e.cept those of h#&e#s corpus, #n$ sh#ll he#r #n$ $eci$e the c#se ,ithin 90 $#*s fro% $#te of su&%ission for $ecision &ut not l#ter th#n H %onths #fter filin)' 9' -e#%ers $f C$n(ress ) Sen#te #n$ Bouse of Rep sh#ll e#ch h#(e #n E"ect$ra" Tri%!na" ,hich sh#ll &e the sole 4u$)e of #ll contests rel#tin) to the election, returns, #n$ 7u#lific#tions of their respecti(e Me%&ers' E"ect$ra" Tri%!na" O co%pose$ of D %e%&ers 9 #re <ustices of the SC $esi)n#te$ &* the Chief <ustice, H #re %e%&ers of the Sen#te or Bouse of Rep chosen on the &#sis of proportion#l represent#tion fro% politic#l p#rties #n$ or)#ni6#tions un$er the p#rt*5list s*ste%' "he senior <ustice sh#ll &e the ch#ir%#n' RA HH4H Co%elec $oes not lose 4uris$iction to he#r #n$ $eci$e # pen$in) $is7u#lific#tion c#se #)#inst # Con)ression#l c#n$i$#te' <uris$iction of Elector#l "ri&un#l &e)ins onl* #fter # c#n$i$#te h#s &eco%e %e%&er of Sen#te or Bouse of Rep' 4' President $r Vice;President ) SC en &#nc sh#ll &e the sole 4u$)e of #ll contests rel#tin) to election, returns, #n$ 7u#lific#tions of the P #n$ VP, #n$ %#* pro%ul)#te its rules for the purpose'



7ntil the election protest is decide against the winning candidate, he has a lawful right to assume and perform the duties and functions of the office. /ules of ourt allows execution pending appeal in election cases upon good reasons. E.pir#tion of ter% of the office conteste$ ren$ers the election contest %oot #n$ #c#$e%ic #n$ is # )roun$ for its $is%iss#l, unless ren$erin) of $ecision on the %erits ,oul$ &e of pr#ctic#l (#lue' 2istincti$ns %et,een defecti+e e"ecti$ns and defecti+e ret!rns G' Return is set aside $n"& ,hen it is tainted ,ith fra!d8 $r ,ith the #isc$nd!ct $f the e"ecti$n $fficers8 that the tr!th cann$t %e ded!ced fr$# it' The d!t& sti"" re#ains t$ "et the e"ecti$n stand and t$ ascertain fr$# $ther e+idence the tr!e state $f the +$te' "he return %#* &e e.clu$e$ #n$ set #si$e #t the cost of $isenfr#nchisin) the (oters onl* on the cle#rest #n$ co%pellin) sho,in) of their nullit*, other,ise, the* sh#ll &e inclu$e$ #n$ consi$ere$ pri%# f#cie (#li$ for the purpose of c#n(#ssin) the s#%e #n$ procl#i%in) the ,innin) c#n$i$#te' 2' E"ecti$n is onl* set #si$e ,hen it is i%possi&le fro% #n* e(i$ence ,Iin re#ch to #scert#in the true result' Annul%ent of #n election c#n &e 4ustifie$ ,here #s # result of the irre)ul#rit* %#n* un7u#lifie$ (oters h#(e their n#%es inscri&e$ in the offici#l list, #n$ it ,#s i%possi&le to se)re)#te the le)#l fro% the ille)#l (otes' Po,er to thro, #n election shoul$ &e e.ercise$ ,ith the )re#test c#re #n$ onl* un$er circu%st#nces ,Ic $e%onstr#te &e*on$ re#son#&le $ou&t th#t the $isre)#r$ of the l#, h#s &een so fun$#%ent#l th#t it is i%possi&le to $istin)uish ,h#t (otes #re l#,ful #n$ unl#,ful, or to #rri(e #t #n* cert#in result ,h#tsoe(er, or th#t the )re#t &o$* of (oters h#(e &een pre(ente$ &* (iolence, inti%i$#tion #n$ thre#ts fro% e.ercisin) their fr#nchise' Where ille)#lit* reflects %ore th#n :0M of the tot#l nu%&er of (otes c#st, the #nnul%ent of the election is 4ustifie$ &ec#use the re%#in$er $oes not Constitute # (#li$ Constituenc*' Irre(!"arities affectin( e"ecti$n 'rregularities not from wrongful intent, in the manner of calling, holding or certifying the election which do not affect the result, will be ignored. 1' Irre)ul#rities %ust h#(e #ffecte$ election result - protest#nt %ust &e prep#re$ to sho, th#t the irre)ul#rities ,ere of such # n#ture or the ille)#l (otes ,ere of such # nu%&er #s to %#teri#ll* #lter the results, thus ren$erin) the election (oi$' 2' M#n$#tor* pro(isions %ust &e o&ser(e$P,here the st#tute re7uires #n #ct to &e $one #s essenti#l to the (#li$it* of the election, or $ecl#res it (oi$ if not o&ser(e$' 9' E(i$ence %ust &e con(incin)Pin the #&sence of cle#rl* con(incin) e(i$ence, the election returns #n$ c#n(#ssin) procee$in)s %ust &e uphel$' 4' Inti%i$#tion or (iolence %ust 4ustif* e.clusion of election returnsPit %ust &e cle#rl* #ppe#r th#t there ,#s such # $ispl#* of force #s ou)ht to h#(e inti%i$#te$ %en of or$in#r* fir%ness' Where such (iolence #n$ inti%i$#tion #re sho,n, election ,ill &e set #si$e' ;ut ,here election h#s #ctu#ll* &een h#$ #n$ the %#ss of electors h#(e (ote$, it %ust &e sho,n th#t the nu%&er of (oters pre(ente$ ,#s sufficient to ch#n)e the result, other,ise the election %ust st#n$'



"o 4ustif* the e.clusion of election returns, the #lle)e$ thre#ts, inti%i$#tion or (iolence th#t #tten$e$ the prep#r#tion of the s#i$ returns %ust h#(e #ffecte$ the re)ul#rit* or )enuiness of the conteste$ returns' E+idence $n the e"ecti$n 1' E"ecti$n Ret!rns - use$ in the c#n(#ss of (otes' "he &#llots #re the &est e(i$ence #s to the correctness of the nu%&er of (otes of e#ch c#n$i$#te' ;ut ,here &#llots c#nnot &e pro$uce$, the election returns #re the ne.t &est e(i$ence' #' Where #ctu#l (otin) h#$ t#3en pl#ce, the election returns c#nnot &e $isre)#r$e$ #n$ h#(e pri%# f#cie st#tus #s &on# fi$e reports of the results of the (otin)' P#rt* #lle)in) th#t election results #re f#3e or t#%pere$ %ust su&%it con(incin) proof' 0nl* ,hen election returns #re p#lp#&l* irre)ul#r =not for%#l $efects> %#* the* &e re4ecte$' &' It is presu%e$ th#t the election offici#ls h#(e $one their $ut* #n$ the returns %#$e #re full #n$ f#ir st#te%ent of the true result, until the* #re sho,n to &e unreli#&le' Principle of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibusP,hen the returns #re sho,n to &e fr#u$ulent #n$ f#lse in p#rt the* %ust &e re4ecte$ #lto)ether' Returns %#* &e correcte$ &* p#rol #n$ &* ,ritten e(i$ence' 2' 1a""$ts - the election returns &ein) re4ecte$, the &#llots #re resorte$ to' "he ri)ht of office co%es fro% the &#llots #n$ not fro% the certific#te of returns' Recourse to the &#llots presupposes th#t the* h#(e &een 3ept #s re7uire$ &* l#, #n$ th#t the* still e.ist in the s#%e inte)rit* #s ,hen c#st' 9' P$"";%$$Ds and ta""& sheets -re7uire$ &* l#, to &e 3ept sho,in) ,ho h#s (ote$ #n$ ,ho #re le)#ll* entitle$ to (ote, resort %#* &e h#$ to these &oo3s or sheets to #scert#in the nu%&er of (otes c#st #n$ persons ,ho h#(e (ote$' 4' E"ecti$n $fficia"sL&#llots not 3ept #s re7uire$ &* l#,, #fter proof of loss of the t#ll* sheets #n$ poll5&oo3s, the e(i$ence of the election officers %#* &e recei(e$ to sho, ,h#t ,#s the result of the election #s counte$ #n$ $ecl#re$ &* the% :' V$tersLille)#lit* in c#stin) of (ote &* persons un7u#lifie$ c#nnot &e #llo,e$ to ch#n)e the result, unless it c#n &e sho,n for ,ho% the* (ote$' While # (oter ,ho le)#ll* (ote$ c#nnot &e co%pelle$ to st#te ho, he (ote$, # person ,ho (ote$ ille)#ll* %#* &e co%pelle$ to $isclose ho, he (ote$ e.cept ,here his #ns,er %i)ht ten$ to incri%in#te hi%' H' Certificate $f +$tesLissue$ &* the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors to ,#tchers' It sh#ll &e #$%issi&le in e(i$ence to pro(e t#%perin), #lter#tion, f#lsific#tion, or #n* other #no%#l* co%%itte$ in the election returns, when duly authenticated &* testi%oni#l or $ocu%ent#r* e(i$ence presente$ to the &o#r$' 1#ilure to present certific#te of (otes is # &#r to the present#tion of other e(i$ence of #uthenticit* of the election returns' It is #lso e(i$ence of the (otes o&t#ine$ &* c#n$i$#tes' ;ut it is not use$ ,here the inte)rit* of the election returns is not in 7uestion' Effect $f ine"i(i%i"it& $r death $f candidate recei+in( #aB$rit& $f +$tes En)lish rule 'f the ineligibility of the winner candidate was %nown to the voters, or if the fact were so notorious that they must be presumed to have %nown it, the votes cast for him must +!T be counted, hence the eligible candidate having the next highest number of votes must be deemed elected. Phi" B!risdicti$n: "he f#ct th#t # %#4orit* of the (otes c#st for #n ineli)i&le c#n$i$#te, or # c#n$i$#te is l#ter $ecl#re$ to &e $is7u#lifie$, $oes N0" entitle the c#n$i$#te ,ith secon$ hi)hest (otes to &e $ecl#re$ electe$ &ut results in the nullit* of the election' A per%#nent (#c#nc* in the conteste$ office is cre#te$ ,hich shoul$ &e fille$ &* succession' ;ut if the elector#te c#st their (otes in f#(or of the ineli)i&le c#n$i$#te full* #,#re of the other c#n$i$#teGs 7u#lific#tion, the elector#te #re $ee%e$ to h#(e thro,n #,#* their (otes, #n$ the eli)i&le c#n$i$#te o&t#inin) the ne.t hi)hest (otes %#* &e $ee%e$ electe$'



Votes c#st for # c#n$i$#te #re presu%e$ to h#(e &een c#st in the &elief th#t the c#n$i$#te is 7u#lifie$, thus such (otes c#nnot &e (oi$' "he su&se7uent fin$in) of $is7u#lific#tion c#nnot retro#ct to the $#te of elections so #s to in(#li$#te the (otes c#st for hi%' Ri(ht $f ,inner in an e"ecti$n c$ntest t$ rec$+er da#a(es !mnibus #lection ode8 2ctual or compensatory damages may be granted in all election contests or in quo warranto proceedings. Co%elec Rules of Proce$ure in #ll election contests the Court %#* #$4u$ic#te $#%#)es #n$ #ttorne*Gs fees #s it %#* $ee% 4ust #n$ #s est#&lishe$ &* e(i$ence if cl#i%e$ in the ple#$in)s' Art 21DD of Ci(il Co$e E.cept #s pro(i$e$ &* l#, or &* stipul#tion, one is entitle$ to #n #$e7u#te co%pens#tion onl* for such pecuni#r* loss suffere$ &* hi% #s he h#s $ul* pro(e$, referre$ to #s #ctu#l or co%pens#tor* $#%#)es' Actu#l or co%pens#tor* $#%#)es #re #ppropri#te onl* in 1' &re#ches of o&li)#tions in contr#cts, 7u#si5contr#cts, cri%es #n$ 7u#si5$elicts ,here the $efen$#nt %#* &e hel$ li#&le for #ll $#%#)es the pro.i%#te c#use of ,hich is the #ctIo%ission co%pl#ine$ of, other,ise, 2' the cl#i%#nt %ust point # pro(ision of l#, #uthori6in) # %one* cl#i% for election protest e.penses #)#inst the losin) p#rt*@ such #s Art 1D, 20, #n$ 92 of Ci(il Co$e )o(ernin) hu%#n rel#tions' R!"es: 1' Not,ithst#n$in) # su&se7uent ouster #s # result of #n election protest, #n electi(e offici#l procl#i%e$ #s ,inner &* the Co%elec #n$ #ssu%e$ office, is entitle$ to co%pens#tion, e%olu%ents #n$ #llo,#nces pro(i$e$ for the position' 2' 0uste$ electi(e offici#l is not o&li)e$ to rei%&urse the e%olu%ents &ut li#&le for $#%#)es ,hen foun$ responsi&le for #n* unl#,ful or tortuous #cts in his procl#%#tion' 9' "he (ictorious p#rt* in #n election c#se c#nnot &e in$e%nifie$ for e.penses in the elector#l contest, unless # ,ron)ful #ct or o%ission or &re#ch of o&li)#tion is cle#rl* #ttri&ut#&le to the losin) p#rt*' 4' If $#%#)e h#$ &een suffere$ &* the pri(#te respon$ent $ue to e.ecution of 4u$)%ent pen$in) #ppe#l, the $#%#)e is damnum absque injuria O $#%#)e ,Iout in4ur* or $#%#)e inflicte$ ,Iout in4ustice, loss or (iol#tion of # le)#l ri)ht, or ,ron) $one for ,hich the l#, pro(i$es no re%e$*' Chapter Se+en: ELECTION OFFENSES 4!risdicti$n $+er e"ecti$n $ffenses: An e.#%in#tion of the pro(isions of the Constitution #n$ the 0%ni&us Election Co$e re(e#ls the cle#r intention to pl#ce in the C0ME8EC e.clusi(e 4uris$iction to in(esti)#te #n$ prosecute election offenses co%%itte$ &* #n* person, ,hether pri(#te in$i(i$u#l or pu&lic officer or e%plo*ee, #n$ in the l#tter inst#nce, irrespecti(e of ,hether the offense is co%%itte$ in rel#tion to his offici#l $uties or not' It is the n#ture of the offense #n$ not the person#lit* of the offen$er th#t %#tters' As lon) #s the offense is #n election offense, 4uris$iction o(er the s#%e rests e.clusi(el* ,ith the C0ME8EC, in (ie, of its #ll5e%&r#cin) po,er o(er the con$uct of election'



Cri#ina" and e"ect$ra" aspects $f an e"ecti$n $ffense: 1' Cri#ina" aspect ) in(ol(es the #scert#in%ent of the )uilt or innocence of the #ccuse$ c#n$i$#te li3e in #n* other cri%in#l c#se, it usu#ll* ent#ils # full5&lo,n he#rin) #n$ the 7u#ntu% of proof re7uire$ to secure # con(iction &e*on$ re#son#&le $ou&t' 2' E"ect$ra" aspect +; $eter%in#tion of ,hether the offen$er sh#ll &e $is7u#lifie$ fro% office' "his is $one throu)h #n #$%inistr#ti(e procee$in) ,hich is su%%#r* in ch#r#cter #n$ re7uires onl* # prepon$er#nce of e(i$ence' In # $is7u#lific#tion c#se, it is the elector#l #spect th#t is in(ol(e$ un$er ,hich #n errin) c#n$i$#te %#* &e $is7u#lifie$ e(en ,ithout prior cri%in#l con(iction' Pr$hi%ited acts and e"ecti$n $ffenses !nder the O#ni%!s E"ecti$n C$de: G' V$te %!&in( and +$te;se""in(' #' An* person ,ho )i(es, offers, or pro%ises %one* or #n*thin) of (#lue, )i(es or pro%ises #n* office or e%plo*%ent, fr#nchise, or )r#nt, pu&lic or pri(#te, or %#3es or offers to %#3e #n e.pen$iture, $irectl* or in$irectl*, or c#use #n e.pen$iture to &e %#$e on #n* person, #ssoci#tion or corpor#tion, entit* or co%%unit* in other to in$uce #n*one or the pu&lic in )ener#l to (ote for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te or ,ithhol$ his (ote in the election, or to (ote for or #)#inst #n* #spir#nt for the no%in#tion or choice of # c#n$i$#te in con(ention or si%il#r selection process of # politic#l p#rt*@ #n$ &' An* person, #ssoci#tion, corpor#tion, )roup or co%%unit* ,ho solicits or recei(es, $irectl* or in$irectl*, #n* e.pen$iture or pro%ise of #n* office or e%plo*%ent, pu&lic or pri(#te, for #n* of the fore)oin) consi$er#tion' 3' C$nspirac& t$ %ri%e +$ters' #' Co%%itte$ &* t,o or %ore persons, ,hether c#n$i$#tes or not &' Who co%e to #n #)ree%ent concernin) the (ote5&u*in) #n$ (ote5sellin)@ #n$ c' Deci$e to co%%it it' 9' .a(erin( !p$n res!"t $f e"ecti$ns' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person ,ho &ets or ,#)ers upon the outco%es of, or #n* contin)enc* connecte$ ,ith #n election@ &' Mone* or thin) of (#lue or $eposit of %one* or thin) of (#lue situ#te$ #n*,here in the Philippine put #s such &et or ,#)er sh#ll &e forfeite$ to the )o(ern%ent' <' C$erci$n $f s!%$rdinates t$ +$te f$r $r a(ainst an& candidate' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* pu&lic officer or #n* officer of #n* pu&lic or pri(#te corpor#tion or #ssoci#tion, or #n* he#$, superior, or #$%inistr#tor of #n* reli)ious or)#ni6#tion, or #n* e%plo*er or l#n$o,ner@ #' Who coerces or inti%i$#tes or co%pels, or in #n* %#nner influences, $irectl* or in$irectl*, &' An* of his su&or$in#tes or %e%&ers or p#rishioners or e%plo*ees or house helpers, ten#nts, o(erseers, f#r% helpers, tillers, or le#sehol$ers@ c' "o #i$, c#%p#i)n, or (ote for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te or #n* #spir#nt for the no%in#tion or selection of c#n$i$#tes' &' Co%%itte$ &* #n* pu&lic officer or #n* officer of #n* co%%erci#l, in$ustri#l, #)ricultur#l, econo%ic or soci#l enterprise or pu&lic or pri(#te corpor#tion of #ssoci#tion, or #n* he#$, superior or #$%inistr#tor of #n* reli)ious or)#ni6#tion, or #n* e%plo*er or l#n$o,ner@ #' Who thre#tens to $is%iss &* re$ucin) the s#l#r*, ,#)e or co%pens#tion, or &* $e%otion, tr#nsfer, suspension, sep#r#tion, e.co%%unic#tion, e4ect%ent, or c#usin) hi% #nno*#nce in the perfor%#nce of his 4o& or in his %e%&ership@ &' An* su&or$in#te %e%&er or #ffili#te, p#rishioners, e%plo*ee or house helper, ten#nt, o(erseer, f#r% helper, tiller or le#sehol$er@ c' 1or $iso&e*in) or not co%pl*in) ,ith #n* of the #cts or$ere$ &* the for%er to #i$, c#%p#i)n or (ote for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te, or #n* #spir#nt for the no%in#tion or selection of c#n$i$#tes' @' Threats8 inti#idati$n8 terr$ris#8 !se $f fra!d!"ent de+ice $r $ther f$r#s $f c$erci$n' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person@ &' Who, $irectl* or in$irectl*, inti%i$#tes or #ctu#ll* c#uses, inflicts or pro$uces #n* (iolence, in4ur*, punish%ent, $#%#)e, loss or $is#$(#nt#)e@








c' /pon #n* person or persons or th#t of the i%%e$i#te %e%&ers of his f#%il*, his honor or propert*, or uses #n* fr#u$ulent $e(ice or sche%e@ $' "o co%pel or in$uce the re)istr#tion or refr#inin) fro% re)istr#tion of #n* (oter, or the p#rticip#tion in # c#%p#i)n, or the c#stin) of #n* (ote or o%ission to (ote, or #n* pro%ise of such re)istr#tion, c#%p#i)n, (ote, or o%ission therefro%' T$ B!stif& the eCc"!si$n $f e"ecti$n ret!rns8 the a""e(ed threats8 etc' ,hich attended the preparati$n $f said ret!rns #!st ha+e affected the re(!"arit& $r the (en!ineness $f the c$ntested ret!rns' C$erci$n $f e"ecti$n $fficia"s and e#p"$&ees' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person@ &' Who, $irectl* or in$irectl*, thre#tens, inti%i$#tes, terrori6es, or coerces, c' An* election offici#l or e%plo*ee in the perfor%#nce of his election functions or $uties' App$int#ent $f ne, e#p"$&ees8 creati$n $f ne, p$siti$ns8 pr$#$ti$n8 $r (i+in( sa"ar& increases ,ithin the e"ecti$n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ $urin) the perio$ of 4: $#*s &efore # re)ul#r election #n$ 90 $#*s &efore # speci#l election@ &' Co%%itte$ &* #n* he#$, offici#l or #ppointin) officer of # )o(ern%ent office, #)enc*, instru%ent#lit*, ,hether n#tion#l or loc#l, inclu$in) 20CC@ #' Who #ppoints or hires #n* ne, e%plo*ee, ,hether pro(ision#l, te%por#r*, or c#use or cre#tes #n$ fills #n* position ECCEP" upon prior #uthorit* of the C0ME8EC' The C$##issi$n sha"" n$t (rant the a!th$rit& s$!(ht !n"ess 1' It is s#tisfie$ th#t the position to &e fille$ is essenti#l to the proper functionin) of the office or #)enc* concerne$, #n$ 2' "he position sh#ll not &e fille$ in # %#nner th#t %#* influence the election' ECCEP"I0N A ne, e%plo*ee %#* &e #ppointe$ in c#se of ur)ent nee$' In such c#se, notice of the #ppoint%ent sh#ll &e )i(en to the Co%%ission ,ithin three $#*s fro% the $#te of the #ppoint%ent' An* #ppoint%ent or hirin) in (iol#tion of this pro(ision sh#ll &e null #n$ (oi$' &' Co%%itte$ &* #n* )o(ern%ent offici#l@ i' Who pro%otes, or )i(es #n* incre#se of s#l#r* or re%uner#tion or pri(ile)e to #n* )o(ern%ent offici#l or e%plo*ee, inclu$in) those in 20CC' Transfer $f $fficers and e#p"$&ees in the ci+i" ser+ice ,ithin the e"ecti$n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* pu&lic offici#l &' Who %#3es or c#uses #n* tr#nsfer or $et#il ,h#te(er of #n* officer or e%plo*ee in the ci(il ser(ice inclu$in) pu&lic school te#chers c' Within the election perio$ ECCEP" prior #ppro(#l of the C0ME8EC' "his pro(ision $oes not per se outl#, the tr#nsfer of # )o(ern%ent officer or e%plo*ee $urin) the election perio$' "o &e sure, the tr#nsfer or $et#il of # pu&lic officer or e%plo*ee is # prero)#ti(e of the #ppointin) #uthorit*' Without this inherent prero)#ti(e, the #ppointin) #uthorit* %#* not &e #&le to cope ,ith the e%er)encies to the $etri%ent of pu&lic ser(ice' Cle#rl* then, the transfer $r detai" $f a ($+ern#ent $fficer $r e#p"$&ee ,i"" n$t %e pena"i ed if d$ne t$ pr$#$te efficienc& in the ($+ern#ent ser+ice' Bence, the C0ME8EC h#s to p#ss upon the re#son for the propose$ tr#nsfer or $et#il' T,$ e"e#ents #!st %e esta%"ished t$ pr$+e +i$"ati$n $f the "a,: #' "he f#ct of tr#nsfer or $et#il ,ithin the election perio$ #s fi.e$ &* the C0ME8EC@ #n$ &' Such tr#nsfer or $et#il ,#s effecte$ ,ithout prior #ppro(#l of the C0ME8EC in #ccor$#nce ,ith its i%ple%entin) rules #n$ re)ul#tions' Inter+enin( $f p!%"ic $fficers and e#p"$&ees in the ci+i" ser+ice in an& partisan p$"itica" acti+it&' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* officer or e%plo*ee in the ci(il ser(ice, #n* officer, e%plo*ee, or %e%&er of the Ar%e$ 1orces of the Philippines, or #n* police force, speci#l forces, ho%e $efense forces, &#r#n)#* self5$efense units #n$ #ll other p#r#5%ilit#r* units th#t no, e.ist or ,hich %#* here#fter &e or)#ni6e$, ECCEP" those hol$in) politic#l offices@ &' Who $irectl* or in$irectl*, inter(enes in #n* election c#%p#i)n or en)#)es in #n* p#rtis#n politic#l #cti(it* ECCEP" to (ote or to preser(e pu&lic or$er if he is # pe#ce officer' Use $f !nd!e inf"!ence'








#' It is unl#,ful for #n* person #' "o pro%ise #n* office or e%plo*%ent, pu&lic or pri(#te, or offer to %#3e #n e.pen$iture, $irectl* or in$irectl*, or to c#use #n e.pen$iture to &e %#$e to #n* person, #ssoci#tion or corpor#tion or entit*, ,hich %#* in$uce #n*one or the pu&lic in )ener#l, either &' "o (ote or ,ithhol$ his (ote, or to (ote for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te in #n election or #n* #spir#nt for the no%in#tion or selection of #n offici#l c#n$i$#te in # con(ention of # politic#l p#rt*' &' It is unl#,ful for #n* person, #ssoci#tion, corpor#tion or co%%unit* #' "o solicit or recei(e, $irectl* or in$irectl* #n* e.pen$iture or pro%ise #n* of the fore)oin) consi$er#tions' Un"a,f!" e"ecti$neerin(' #' It is unl#,ful to solicit (otes or un$ert#3e #n* prop#)#n$# &' 0n the $#* of the re)istr#tion &efore the &o#r$ of election inspectors #n$ on the $#* of the election@ c' 1or or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te or #n* politic#l p#rt* ,ithin the pollin) pl#ce #n$ ,ithin # r#$ius of 90 %eters thereof' 2is#issa" $f e#p"$&ees8 "a%$rers $r tenants f$r ref!sin( $r fai"in( t$ +$te f$r an& candidate' #' No e%plo*ee or l#&orer sh#ll &e $is%isse$, nor # ten#nt &e e4ecte$ fro% his l#n$ hol$in)s for refusin) or f#ilin) to (ote for #n* c#n$i$#te of his e%plo*er or l#n$o,ner' &' An* e%plo*ee, l#&orer or ten#nt so $is%isse$ or e4ecte$ sh#ll &e reinst#te$ #n$ the s#l#r* or ,#)e of the e%plo*ee or l#&orer, or the sh#re of the h#r(est of the ten#nt, sh#ll &e restore$ to the #))rie(e$ p#rt* upon #pplic#tion to the proper court' App$int#ent $r !se $f specia" p$"ice#en8 specia" a(ents $r the "iDe d!rin( the ca#pai(n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ $urin) the c#%p#i)n perio$, on the $#* &efore #n$ on the election $#*@ &' Co%%itte$ &* #n* #ppointin) #uthorit* ,ho #ppoints or #n* person ,ho utili6es the ser(ices of speci#l police%en, speci#l #)ents, confi$enti#l #)ents or persons perfor%in) si%il#r functions@ persons pre(iousl* #ppointe$ #s speci#l police%en, speci#l #)ents, confi$enti#l #)ents or persons perfor%in) si%il#r functions ,ho continue #ctin) #s such, #n$ those ,ho f#il to turn o(er their fire#r%s, unifor%s, insi)ni#s #n$ other &#$)es of #uthorit* to the proper officer ,ho issue$ the s#%e' At the st#rt of the #fore%entione$ perio$, the &#r#n)#* c#pt#in, %unicip#l %#*or, cit* %#*or, pro(inci#l )o(ernor or #n* #ppointin) #uthorit* sh#ll su&%it to the C0ME8EC # co%plete list of #ll speci#l police%en, speci#l #)ents or persons perfor%in) si%il#r functions in the e%plo* of their respecti(e politic#l su&$i(isions, ,ith such p#rticul#rs #s the Co%%ission %#* re7uire' I""e(a" re"ease $r pris$ners %ef$re and after e"ecti$n' #' Co%%itte$ &* the Director of the ;ure#u of Corrections, #n* pro(inci#l ,#r$en, the 3eeper of the 4#il or the person or persons re7uire$ &* l#, to 3eep prisoners in their custo$* &' Who ille)#ll* or$ers or #llo,s #n* prisoner $et#ine$ in the n#tion#l penitenti#r*, or the pro(inci#l, cit* or %unicip#l 4#il to le#(e the pre%ises thereof H0 $#*s &efore #n$ 90 $#*s #fter the election' "he %unicip#l or cit* ,#r$en, the pro(inci#l ,#r$en, the 3eeper of the 4#il or the person or persons re7uire$ &* l#, to 3eep prisoners in their custo$* sh#ll post in three conspicuous pu&lic pl#ces # list of the prisoners or $etention prisoners un$er their c#se' Detention prisoners %ust &e c#te)ori6e$ #s such' Use $f p!%"ic f!nds f$r an e"ecti$n ca#pai(n' It is co%%itte$ &* #n* person ,ho uses, un$er #n* )uise ,h#tsoe(er, $irectl* or in$irectl* #' Pu&lic fun$s or %one* $eposite$ ,ith, or hel$ in trust &* pu&lic fin#ncin) institutions or &* )o(ern%ent offices, &#n3s or #)encies@ &' An* printin) press, r#$io, tele(ision st#tion or #u$io(isu#l e7uip%ent oper#te$ &* the 2o(ern%ent or &* its su&$i(isions, #)encies or instru%ent#lities, inclu$in) 20CC, or &* the A1P@ or c' An* e7uip%ent, (ehicle, f#cilit*, #pp#r#tus, or p#r#phern#li# o,ne$ &* the )o(ern%ent or &* its politic#l su&$i(isions, #)encies, inclu$in) 20CC, or &* the A1P for #n* election c#%p#i)n or for #n* p#rtis#n politic#l #cti(it*'



G?' Carr&in( dead"& ,eap$ns ,ithin the pr$hi%ited area' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person &' Who c#rries #n* $e#$l* ,e#pon in the pollin) pl#ce #n$ ,ithin the r#$ius of 100 %eters thereof $urin) the $#*s #n$ hours fi.e$ &* l#, for the re)istr#tion of (oters in the pollin) pl#ce, (otin), countin) of (otes, or prep#r#tion of election returns' c' Bo,e(er, in c#ses of #ffr#*, tur%oil or $isor$er, #n* pe#ce officer or pu&lic officer #uthori6e$ &* the C0ME8EC to super(ise the election is essenti#l to c#rr* fire#r%s or #n* of other ,e#pon for the purpose of preser(in) or$er #n$ enforcin) the l#,' $' "o support con(iction, it is not necess#r* th#t the $e#$l* ,e#pon shoul$ h#(e &een sei6e$ fro% the #ccuse$ ,hile he ,#s in the precinct or ,ithin # r#$ius of 100 %eters therefro%' It is enou)h th#t the #ccuse$ c#rrie$ the $e#$l* ,e#pon !in the pollin) pl#ce #n$ ,ithin # r#$ius of 100 %eters thereof'+ G>' Carr&in( firear#s $!tside the residence $r p"ace $f %!siness' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person ,ho, #lthou)h possessin) per%its to c#rr* fire#r%s@ &' C#rries #n* fire#r%s outsi$e his resi$ence or pl#ce of &usiness $urin) the election perio$ c' /N8ESS #uthori6e$ in ,ritin) &* the C0ME8EC' $' A %otor (ehicle, ,#ter or #ircr#ft sh#ll not &e consi$ere$ # resi$ence or pl#ce of &usiness or e.tension hereof' e' "his prohi&ition SBA88 N0" APP8J to c#shiers #n$ $is&ursin) officers ,hile in the perfor%#nce of their $uties or to persons, ,ho &* n#ture of their offici#l $uties, profession, &usiness or occup#tion h#&itu#ll* c#rr* l#r)e su%s of %one* or (#lu#&les' GA' Use $f ar#$red "and +ehic"e8 ,ater $r aircraft d!rin( the ca#pai(n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person &' Durin) the c#%p#i)n perio$, on the $#* &efore #n$ on election $#* c' /ses #n* #r%ore$ l#n$, ,#ter, or #ircr#ft@ $' Pro(i$e$ ,ith #n* te%por#r* or per%#nent e7uip%ent or #n* other $e(ice or contr#ption for the %ountin) or inst#ll#tion of c#nons, %#chine )uns #n$ other si%il#r hi)h c#li&er fire#r%s, inclu$in) %ilit#r* - t*pe t#n3s, h#lf truc3s, scout truc3s, #r%ore$ truc3s, of #n* %#3e or %o$el, ,hether ne,, recon$itione$, re&uilt or re%o$ele$' ;#n3in) or fin#nci#l institutions #n$ #ll &usiness fir%s %#* use not %ore th#n 2 #r%ore$ (ehicles strictl* for, #n$ li%ite$ to, the purpose of tr#nsportin) c#sh, )ol$ &ullion, or other (#lu#&les in connection ,ith their &usiness fro% #n$ to their pl#ce of &usiness, upon pre(ious #uthorit* of the C0ME8EC' GM' .earin( $f !nif$r#s and %earin( ar#s $!tside the i##ediate +icinit& $f $neIs p"ace $f ,$rD' #' It is co%%itte$ &* #n* %e%&er or securit* or police or)#ni6#tion of )o(ern%ent #)encies, co%%issions, councils, &ure#us, offices of 20CC, or pri(#tel* o,ne$ or oper#te$ securit*, in(esti)#ti(e, protecti(e, or intelli)ence #)encies #' Who ,e#rs his unifor% or uses his insi)ni#, $ecor#tions or re)#li#, or &e#rs #r%s outsi$e the i%%e$i#te (icinit* of his pl#ce or ,or3' &' Durin) the c#%p#i)n perio$, on the $#* &efore #n$ on election $#*@ c' "he prohi&ition sh#ll not #ppl* ,hen s#i$ %e%&er is in pursuit of # person ,ho h#s co%%itte$ or is co%%ittin) # cri%e in the pre%ises he is )u#r$in)@ or ,hen escortin) or pro(i$in) securit* for the tr#nsport of p#*rolls, $eposits, or other (#lu#&les@ or ,hen )u#r$in) the resi$ence of pri(#te persons or ,hen )u#r$in) pri(#te resi$ences, &uil$in), or offices' =Prior ,ritten #ppro(#l of the C0ME8EC sh#ll &e o&t#ine$' "he Co%%ission sh#ll $eci$e #ll #pplic#tions for #uthorit* ,ithin 1: $#*s fro% the $#te of the filin) of such #pplic#tion'> &' Co%%itte$ &* #n* %e%&er of the A1P, speci#l forces, ho%e $efense forces, &#r#n)#* self5$efense units #n$ #ll other p#r#5%ilit#r* units th#t no, e.ist or ,hich %#* here#fter &e or)#ni6e$ #' Who ,e#rs his unifor% or &e#rs #r%s outsi$e the c#%p, )#rrison or &#rr#c3s to ,hich he is #ssi)ne$ or $et#ile$ or outsi$e their ho%es, in c#se of p#r#5%ilit#r* units, /N8ESS 1' "he Presi$ent of the Philippines sh#ll h#(e )i(en pre(ious #uthorit* therefore@ #n$



2' "he C0ME8EC #uthori6es hi% to $o so, ,hich #uthorit* it sh#ll )i(e onl* ,hen necess#r* to #ssist in %#int#inin) free, or$erl* #n$ honest elections, #n$ onl* #fter $ue notice #n$ he#rin)' &' Durin) the s#%e perio$, #n$ en$in) 90 $#*s there#fter' Durin) the election perio$, ,hene(er the Co%%ission fin$s it necess#r* for the pro%otion of free, or$erl*, honest #n$ pe#ceful elections in # specific #re#, it sh#ll confisc#te or or$er the confisc#tion if fire#r%s of #n* %e%&er or %e%&er of the A1P, police forces, ho%e $efense forces, &#r#n)#* self5$efense units, #n$ #ll other p#r#5%ilit#r* units th#t, no, e.ist, or ,hich %#* here#fter &e or)#ni6e$, or #n* %e%&er or %e%&ers of the securit* or police or)#ni6#tion of )o(ern%ent $ep#rt%ents, co%%issions, councils, &ure#us, offices, instru%ent#lities, or 20CC #n$ other su&si$i#ries, or of #n* %e%&er or %e%&ers of pri(#tel* o,ne$ or oper#te$ securit*, in(esti)#ti(e, protecti(e or intelli)ence #)encies perfor%in) i$entic#l or si%il#r functions' 3=' Actin( as %$d&(!ards $r sec!rit& in the case $f p$"ice#en and pr$+incia" (!ards d!rin( the ca#pai(n peri$d' #' Durin) the c#%p#i)n perio$, on the $#* &efore #n$ on election $#*@ &' It is co%%itte$ &* #n* %e%&er of the PNP, the A1P, speci#l forces, ho%e $efense forces, &#r#n)#* self5$efense units, #n$ #n* other p#r#5%ilit#r* units th#t no, e.ist or ,hich here#fter &e or)#ni6e$ c' Who #cts #s &o$*)u#r$ or securit* )u#r$ of #n* pu&lic offici#l, c#n$i$#te or #n* other person, #n* of the l#tter ,ho utili6es the ser(ices of the for%er #s &o$*)u#r$ or securit* )u#r$' $' After $ue notice #n$ he#rin), ,hen the life #n$ securit* of # c#n$i$#te is in 4eop#r$*, the C0ME8EC is e%po,ere$ to #ssi)n #t the c#n$i$#teGs choice, #n* %e%&er of the PNP to #ct #s his &o$*)u#r$ or securit* )u#r$ in # nu%&er to &e $eter%ine$ &* the Co%%ission &ut not to e.cee$ three per c#n$i$#te' e' When the circu%st#nces re7uire i%%e$i#te #ction, the Co%%ission %#* issue # te%por#r* or$er #llo,in) the #ssi)n%ent of #n* %e%&er of the PNP to #ct #s &o$*)u#r$ or securit* )u#r$ of the c#n$i$#te su&4ect to confir%#tion or re(oc#tion' 3G' Or(ani ati$n $r #aintenance $f reacti$n f$rces8 striDe f$rces8 $r $ther si#i"ar f$rces d!rin( the e"ecti$n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* person ,ho or)#ni6es or %#int#ins # re#ction force, stri3e force or si%il#r forces $urin) the election perio$@ &' "he he#$s of #ll re#ction forces, stri3e forces, or si%il#r forces sh#ll, not l#ter 4: $#*s &efore the election' Su&%it to the C0ME8EC # co%plete list of #ll %e%&ers thereof ,ith such p#rticul#rs #s the Co%%ission %#* re7uire' 33' Re"ease8 dis%!rse#ent8 $r eCpendit!re $f p!%"ic f!nds d!rin( the pr$hi%iti$n peri$d' #' Co%%itte$ &* #n* pu&lic offici#l or e%plo*ee inclu$in) &#r#n)#* offici#ls #n$ those of 20CC #n$ their su&si$i#ries@ &' Durin) 4: $#*s &efore # re)ul#r election #n$ 90 $#*s &efore # speci#l election, rele#ses, $is&urses or e.pen$s #n* pu&lic fun$s for #n* #n$ #ll 3in$s of pu&lic ,or3s, ECCEP" #' M#inten#nce of e.istin) #n$Ior co%plete$ pu&lic ,or3s pro4ect' Bo,e(er, not %ore th#n the #(er#)e nu%&er of l#&orers or e%plo*ees #lre#$* e%plo*e$ therein $urin) the si.5%onth perio$ i%%e$i#tel* prior to the &e)innin) of the 4:5$#* perio$ &efore election $#* sh#ll &e per%itte$ to ,or3 $urin) such ti%e' No #$$ition#l l#&orers sh#ll &e e%plo*e$ for %#inten#nce ,or3 ,ithin the s#i$ perio$ of 4: $#*s' &' Wor3 un$ert#3en &* contr#ct throu)h pu&lic &i$$in) hel$, or &* ne)oti#te$ contr#ct #,#r$e$, &efore the 4:5$#* perio$ &efore election' Wor3 un$ert#3en un$er the so5c#lle$ !t#3#*+ or !p#7ui#o+ s*ste% sh#ll not &e consi$ere$ #s ,or3 &* contr#ct' c' P#*%ent for the usu#l cost of prep#r#tion for ,or3in) $r#,in)s, specific#tion, &ills of %#teri#ls, esti%#tes, #n$ other proce$ures prep#r#tor* to #ctu#l construction inclu$in) the purch#se of %#teri#ls #n$ e7uip%ent, #n$ #ll inci$ent#l e.penses of ,#)es of ,#tch%en #n$ other l#&orers e%plo*e$ for such ,or3 in the centr#l office #n$ file$ storehouses &efore the &e)innin) of such perio$' "he nu%&er of such l#&orers sh#ll not &e incre#se$ o(er the nu%&er hire$ ,hen the pro4ect or pro4ects ,ere co%%ence$@ #n$ $' E%er)enc* ,or3 necessit#te$ &* the occurrence of # pu&lic c#l#%it*, &ut such ,or3 sh#ll &e li%ite$ to the restor#tion of the $#%#)e$ f#cilit*' No p#*%ent sh#ll &e %#$e ,ithin fi(e $#*s &efore the $#te of election to l#&orers ,ho h#(e ren$ere$ ser(ices in pro4ects or ,or3s e.cept those f#llin) un$er #&o(e'



This pr$hi%iti$n sha"" n$t app"& t$ $n($in( p!%"ic ,$rDs pr$Bects c$##enced %ef$re the ca#pai(n peri$d $r si#i"ar pr$Bects !nder f$rei(n a(ree#ents' It sh#ll &e the $ut* of the )o(ern%ent offici#ls or #)encies concerne$ to report to the C0ME8EC the list of #ll such pro4ects &ein) un$ert#3en &* the%' 39' C$nstr!cti$n $f p!%"ic ,$rDs8 etc' d!rin( the pr$hi%iti$n peri$d' Durin) the perio$ of 4: $#*s prece$in) # re)ul#r election #n$ 90 $#*s &efore # speci#l election, it is co%%itte$ &* #n* person ,ho #' /n$ert#3es the construction of #n* pu&lic ,or3s, e.cept for pro4ects or ,or3s e.e%pte$@ or &' Issues, uses or #(#ils of tre#sur* ,#rr#nts or #n* $e(ice, un$ert#3in) future $eli(er* of %one*, )oo$s or other thin)s of (#lue ch#r)e#&le #)#inst pu&lic fun$s' 3<' S!spensi$n $f e"ecti+e "$ca" $fficia" d!rin( the e"ecti$n peri$d ,ith$!t pri$r appr$+a" $f the CO-ELEC' "he pro(isions of l#, to the contr#r* not,ithst#n$in) $urin) election perio$, it is co%%itte$ &* #n* pu&lic offici#l ,ho suspen$s, ,ithout prior #ppro(#l of the C0ME8EC, #n* electi(e, pro(inci#l, cit*, %unicip#l or &#r#n)#* officer, unless s#i$ suspension ,ill &e for purposes of #ppl*in) the !Anti52r#ft #n$ Corrupt Pr#ctices Act+ in rel#tion to the suspension #n$ re%o(#l of electi(e offici#ls' 3@' Others' #' Se""in(8 etc8 int$Cicatin( "i*!$rs ) #n* person ,ho sells, furnishes, offers, &u*s, ser(es or t#3es into.ic#tin) li7uors on the $#*s fi.e$ &* l#, for the re)istr#tion of (oters in the pollin) pl#ce or the $#* &efore the election or on election $#*' Botels #n$ other est#&lish%ents $ul* certifie$ &* the Dep#rt%ent of "ouris% #s tourist oriente$ #n$ h#&itu#ll* in the &usiness of c#terin) to forei)n tourists %#* &e e.e%pte$ for 4ustifi#&le re#sons upon prior #uthorit* of the C0ME8EC' 1orei)n tourists t#3in) into.ic#tin) li7uor in s#i$ #uthori6e$ hotels or est#&lish%ents #re e.e%pte$@ &' Openin( %$$ths $r sta""s ) #n* person ,ho opens in #n* pollin) pl#ce or ,ithin the r#$ius of 90 %eters thereof on election $#*, #n$ $urin) the countin) of (otes, &ooths or st#lls of #n* 3in$ for s#le, $ispensin) or $ispl#* of ,#res, %erch#n$ise or refresh%ents, ,hether soli$ or li7ui$, or for #n* other purposes@ c' H$"din( fairs8 c$cDfi(hts8 etc' ) An* person ,ho hol$s on election $#*, f#irs, coc3fi)hts, &o.in), horse r#ces, 4#i5#l#i or #n* other si%il#r sports@ $' Ref!sa" t$ carr& e"ecti$n #ai" ) #n* oper#tor or e%plo*ee of # pu&lic utilit* or tr#nsport#tion co%p#n* oper#tin) un$er # certific#te of pu&lic con(enience, inclu$in) 20CC post#l ser(ice or its e%plo*ees or $eputi6e$ #)ents ,ho refuse to c#rr* offici#l election %#il %#tters free of ch#r)e $urin) the election perio$' In #$$ition to the pen#lt* prescri&e$, such refus#l sh#ll Constitute # )roun$ for c#ncell#tion or re(oc#tion of certific#te of pu&lic con(enience or fr#nchise@ #n$ e' 2iscri#inati$n in the sa"e $f airti#e ) #n* person ,ho oper#tes # r#$io or tele(ision st#tion ,ho, ,ithout 4ustifi#&le c#use, $iscri%in#tes #)#inst #n* politic#l p#rt*, co#lition or #))roup%ent of p#rties or #n* c#n$i$#te in the s#le of #ir ti%e' In #$$ition to the pen#lt* prescri&e$, such refus#l sh#ll Constitute # )roun$ fro c#ncell#tion or re(oc#tion of the fr#nchise' Pr$hi%iti$ns re"atin( t$ re(istrati$n $f +$ters: #' An* person ,ho i' B#(in) #ll the 7u#lific#tions #n$ none of the $is7u#lific#tions of # (oter ,ho f#ils ,ithout 4ustifi#&le e.cuse to re)ister #s (oter in #n election, ple&iscite or referen$u% in ,hich he is 7u#lifie$ to (ote@ ii' Kno,in)l* %#3es #n* f#lse or untruthful st#te%ent rel#ti(e to #n* of the $#t# or infor%#tion re7uire$ in the #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion@ iii' Deli&er#tel* i%prints or ,ho c#uses the i%printin) of &lurre$ or in$istinct fin)erprints on #n* of the copies of the #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion or on the (oterGs #ffi$#(it@ or #n* person in ch#r)e of the re)istr#tion of (oters ,ho $eli&er#tel* or throu)h ne)li)ence, c#uses or #llo,s the i%printin) of &lurre$ or in$istinct fin)erprints on #n* of the #fore%entione$ re)istr#tion for%s, or #n* person ,ho t#%pers ,ith the fin)erprints of s#i$ re)istr#tion recor$s@ i(' ;ein) # re)istere$ (oter, re)isters #ne, ,ithout filin) #n #pplic#tion for c#ncell#tion of his pre(ious re)istr#tion@ (' Re)isters in su&stitution for #nother, ,hether ,ith or ,ithout the l#tterGs 3no,le$)e or consent@



"#%pers ,ith or ch#n)es ,ithout #uthorit* #n* $#t# or entr* in #n* (oterGs #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion@ Del#*s' Bin$ers or o&structs #nother fro% re)isterin)@ 1#lsel* certifies or i$entifies #nother #s # &on# fi$e resi$ent of # p#rticul#r pl#ce or loc#lit* for the purpose of securin) the l#tterGs re)istr#tion #s # (oter@ /ses the (oterGs #ffi$#(it of #nother for the purpose of (otin), ,hether or not he #ctu#ll* succee$s in (otin)@ Pl#ces, inserts or other,ise inclu$es #s #ppro(e$ #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion in the &oo3 of (oters or in the pro(inci#l or n#tion#l centr#l files of re)istere$ (oters, the #pplic#tion of #n* fictitious (oter or #n* #pplic#tion th#t h#s not &een #ppro(e$@ or re%o(es fro%, or other,ise t#3es out of the &oo3 of (oters or the pro(inci#l or n#tion#l centr#l files of re)istere$ (oters #n* $ul* #ppro(e$ (oterGs #pplic#tion ECCEP" upon unl#,ful or$er of the C0ME8EC, or of # co%petent court or #fter proper c#ncell#tion@ .i' "r#nsfers or c#uses the tr#nsfer of the re)istr#tion recor$ of # (oter to the &oo3 of (oters of #nother pollin) pl#ce, unless s#i$ tr#nsfer ,#s $ue to # ch#n)e of #$$ress of the (oter #n$ the (oter ,#s $ul* notifie$ of his ne, pollin) pl#ce@ .ii' As3s, $e%#n$s, t#3es #ccepts or possesses, $irectl* or in$irectl*, the (oterGs #ffi$#(it of #nother, in or$er to in$uce the l#tter to ,ithhol$ his (ote, or to (ote fro or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te in #n election or #n* issue in # ple&iscite or referen$u%' It sh#ll &e presu%e$ pri%# f#cie th#t the #s3in), $e%#n$in), t#3in), #cceptin) or possessin) is ,ith such intent if $one ,ithin the perio$ &e)innin) 10 $#*s &efore the election $#* #n$ en$in) 10 $#*s #fter the election $#*, /N8ESS the (oterGs #ffi$#(it of #nother #n$ the l#tter #re &oth %e%&ers of the s#%e f#%il*' .iii' Deli(ers, h#n$s o(er, entrusts, )i(es, $irectl* or in$irectl*, his (oterGs #ffi$#(it to #nother in consi$er#tion of %one* or other &enefit or pro%ises thereof, or t#3es or #ccepts such (oterGs #ffi$#(it, $irectl* or in$irectl*, &* )i(in) or c#usin) the )i(in) of %one* or other &enefit or %#3in) or c#usin) the %#3in) of # pro%ise thereof@ .i(' Alters in #n* %#nner, te#rs, $ef#ces, re%o(es or $estro*s #n* certifie$ list of (oters@ .(' "#3es, c#rries or possesses #n* &l#n3 or unuse$ re)istr#tion for% #lre#$* issue$ to # cit* or %unicip#lit* outsi$e of s#i$ cit* or %unicip#lit* ECCEP" #s other,ise pro(i$e$ in the 0%ni&us Election Co$e or ,hen $irecte$ &* e.press or$er of the court or of the C0ME8EC@ #n$ .(i' M#liciousl* o%its, t#%pers or tr#nsfer to #nother list the n#%e of # re)istere$ (oter fro% the offici#l list of (oters poste$ outsi$e the pollin) pl#ce' &' An* %e%&er of the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors ,ho #ppro(es #n* #pplic#tion ,hich on its f#ce sho,s th#t the #pplic#nt $oes not possess #ll the 7u#lific#tions prescri&e$ &* l#, for # (oter@ or ,ho $is#ppro(es #n* #pplic#tion ,hich on its f#ce sho,s th#t the #pplic#nt possesses #ll such 7u#lific#tions' Pr$hi%iti$ns re"atin( t$ +$tin(: #' An* person ,ho i' 1#ils to c#st his (ote ,ithout 4ustifi#&le e.cuse@ ii' Votes %ore th#n once in the s#%e election, or ,ho, not &ein) # re)istere$ (oter, (otes in #n election@ iii' Votes in su&stitution for #nother, ,hether ,ith or ,ithout the l#tterGs 3no,le$)e #n$ consent@ i(' Not &ein) illiter#te or ph*sic#ll* $is#&le$, #llo,s his &#llot to &e prep#re$ &* #nother, or #n* person ,ho prep#res the &#llot of #nother ,ho is not illiter#te or ph*sic#ll* $is#&le$, ,ith or ,ithout the l#tterGs 3no,le$)e or consent@ (' A(#ils hi%self of #n* %e#ns of sche%e to $isco(er the contents of the &#llot of # (oter ,ho is prep#rin) or c#stin) his (ote or ,ho h#s 4ust (ote$@ (i' Pl#ces un$er #rrest or $et#ins # (oter ,ithout l#,ful c#use, or %olests hi% in such # %#nner #s to o&struct or pre(ent hi% fro% )oin) to the pollin) pl#ce to c#st his (ote or fro% returnin) ho%e #fter c#stin) his (ote, or to co%pel hi% to re(e#l ho, he (ote$@ (ii' 1or the purpose of $isruptin) or o&structin) the election process or c#usin) confusion #%on) the (oters, prop#)#tes f#lse #n$ #l#r%in) reports or infor%#tion or tr#ns%its or circul#tes f#lse or$ers, $irecti(es or %ess#)es re)#r$in) #n* %#tter rel#tin) to the printin) of offici#l &#llots, the postpone%ent of the election, the tr#nsfer of pollin) pl#ce, or the )ener#l con$uct of the election@ (iii' Without le)#l #uthorit*, $estro*s or su&stitutes or t#3e #,#* fro% the possession of those h#(in) le)#l custo$* thereof, or fro% the pl#ce ,here the* #re le)#ll* $eposite$, #n* election for% or $ocu%ent or &#llot &o. ,hich cont#ins offici#l &#llots or other $ocu%ents use$ in the election@

(i' (ii' (iii' i.' .'



i.' B#(in) le)#l custo$* of the &#llot &o. cont#inin) the offici#l &#llots use$ in the election ,ho opens or $estro*s s#i$ &o. or re%o(es or $estro*s its contents ,ithout or #)#inst the or$er of the C0ME8EC or ,ho, throu)h his ne)li)ence, en#&les #n* person to co%%it #n* of the #cts, or t#3e #,#* s#i$ &#llot &o. fro% his custo$*@ .' Re(e#ls the contents of the &#llot of illiter#te or $is#&le$ (oter ,hi% he #ssiste$ in prep#rin) # &#llot@ .i' Without #uthorit*, tr#nsfers the loc#tion of # pollin) pl#ce@ .ii' Without #uthorit*, prints or c#uses the printin) of #n* &#llot or election returns th#t #ppe#rs #s offici#l &#llots or election returns or ,ho $istri&utes or c#uses the s#%e to &e $istri&ute$ for use in the election, ,hether or not the* #re #ctu#ll* use$@ .iii' Without #uthorit*, 3eeps, uses or c#rries out or c#uses to &e 3ept, use$, or c#rrie$ out #n* offici#l &#llot or election returns or printe$ proof thereof, t*pe fro% %oul$, electrot*pe printin) pl#tes #n$ #n* other pl#te, nu%&erin) %#chines #n$ other printin) p#r#phern#li# &ein) use$ in connection ,ith the printin) of offici#l &#llots or election returns@ .i(' "hrou)h #n* #ct, %e#ns pr $e(ice, (iol#tes the inte)rit* of #n* offici#l &#llot or election returns &efore or #fter the* #re use$ in the election@ .(' Re%o(es, te#rs, $ef#ces, or $estro*s #n* certifie$ list of c#n$i$#tes poste$ insi$e the (otin) &ooths $urin) the hours of (otin)@ .(i' Bol$s or c#uses the hol$in) of #n election on #n* other $#* th#n th#t fi.e$ &* l#, or &* the Co%%ission, or stops #n* election &ein) le)#ll* hel$@ #n$ .(ii' Deli&er#tel* &lurs his fin)erprint in the (otin) recor$' &' An* %e%&er of the &o#r$ of election inspectors i' Ch#r)e$ ,ith the $ut* of re#$in) the &#llot $urin) the countin) of (otes ,hole $eli&er#tel* o%its to re#$ the (ote $ul* ,ritten on the &#llot or %isre#$s the (ote #ctu#ll* ,ritten thereon or re#$s the n#%e of # c#n$i$#te ,here no n#%e is ,ritten on the &#llot@ ii' Ch#r)e$ ,ith the $ut* of t#ll*in) the (otes in the t#ll* &o#r$ or sheet, election returns or other prescri&e$ for% ,ho $eli&er#tel* f#ils to recor$ # (ote therein or recor$s erroneousl* the (otes #s re#$, or recor$s # (ote ,here no such (ote h#s &een re#$ &* the ch#ir%#n' iii' Who h#s %#$e possi&le the c#stin) of %ore (otes th#n there #re re)istere$ (otersG i(' Who 3no,in)l* uses &#llots other th#n the offici#l &#llots ECCEP" in those c#ses ,here the use of e%er)enc* &#llots is #uthori6e$' c' An* (oter ,ho, in the course of (otin), uses # &#llot other th#n the one )i(en &* the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or h#s in his possession %ore th#n one offici#l &#llot@ $' An* pu&lic offici#l ,ho ne)lects or f#ils to properl* preser(e or #ccount for #n* &#llot &o., $ocu%ents, #n$ other for%s recei(e$ &* hi% #n$ 3ept un$er his custo$*' e' An* offici#l or e%plo*ee of #n* printin) est#&lish%ent or the Co%%ission or #n* %e%&er of the co%%ittee in ch#r)e of the printin) of offici#l &#llots or election returns ,ho c#uses offici#l &#llots or elections returns to &e printe$ in 7u#ntities e.cee$in) those #uthori6e$ &* the Co%%ission or ,ho $istri&utes, $eli(ers, or in #n* %#nner $isposes of or c#uses to &e $istri&ute$, $eli(ere$, or $ispose$ of, #n* offici#l &#llot or election returns to #n* person or persons not #uthori6e$ &* l#, or &* the Co%%ission to recei(e or 3eep offici#l &#llots or election returns or ,ho sen$s or c#uses the% to &e sent to #n* pl#ce not $esi)n#te$ &* l#, or &* the Co%%ission' Pr$hi%iti$ns re"atin( t$ can+assin(: #' An* ch#ir%#n of the ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers ,ho f#ils to )i(e $ue notice of the $#te, ti%e #n$ pl#ce of the %eetin) of s#i$ &o#r$ to the c#n$i$#tes, politic#l p#rties #n$Ior %e%&ers of the &o#r$@ &' An* %e%&er of the ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers ,ho i' Procee$s ,ith the c#n(#ss of (otes #n$Ior procl#%#tion of #n* c#n$i$#te ,hich ,#s suspen$e$ or #nnulle$ &* the C0ME8EC@ ii' Procee$s ,ith the c#n(#ss of (otes #n$Ior procl#%#tion of #n* c#n$i$#te in the #&sence of 7uoru%, or ,ithout )i(in) $ue notice of the $#te, ti%e, #n$ pl#ce of the %eetin) of the &o#r$ of c#n$i$#tes, politic#l p#rties, #n$Ior other %e%&ers of the &o#r$@ #n$ iii' Without #uthorit* of the Co%%ission, uses in the c#n(#ss of (otes #n$Ior procl#%#tion of #n* c#n$i$#te #n* $ocu%ent other th#n the offici#l cop* of the election returns'



Pr$hi%iti$ns c$##$n t$ a"" %$ards $f e"ecti$n inspect$rs $r %$ards $f can+assers: #' An* %e%&er of #n* &o#r$ of election inspectors, or &o#r$ of c#n(#ssers ,ho i' Deli&er#tel* #&sents hi%self fro% the %eetin) of s#i$ &o$* for the purpose of o&structin) or $el#*in) the perfor%#nce of its $uties #n$ functions@ ii' Without 4ustifi#&le re#son, refuses to si)n #n$ certif* #n* election for% re7uire$ &* the 0%ni&us Election Co$e or prescri&e$ &* the C0ME8EC #lthou)h he ,#s present $urin) the %eetin) of the s#i$ &o$*@ &' An* person ,ho i' ;ein) ineli)i&le for #ppoint%ent #s %e%&er of #n* ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers #ccepts #n #ppoint%ent to s#i$ &o$*, #ssu%es office, #n$ #ctu#ll* ser(es #s # %e%&er thereof, or #n* pu&lic officer or #n* person #ctin) in his &eh#lf ,ho #ppoints such ineli)i&le person 3no,in) hi% to &e ineli)i&le@ ii' In the presence or ,ithin the he#rin) of #n* ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers $urin) #n* of its %eetin)s, con$ucts hi%self in such # $isor$erl* %#nner #s to interrupt or $isrupt the ,or3 or procee$in)s to the en$ of pre(entin) s#i$ &o$* fro% perfor%in) its functions, either p#rtl* or tot#ll*' c' An* pu&lic offici#l or person #ctin) in his &eh#lf ,ho relie(es #n* %e%&er of #n* ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers or ,ho ch#n)es or c#uses the ch#n)e of the #ssi)n%ents or #n* %e%&er of s#i$ ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers ,ithout #uthorit* of the Co%%ission' Pr$hi%iti$ns re"atin( t$ candidac& and ca#pai(n: #' An* politic#l p#rt* ,hich hol$s politic#l con(entions or %eetin)s to no%in#te its offici#l c#n$i$#tes e#rlier th#n the perio$ fi.e$ in the 0%ni&us Election Co$e@ &' An* person ,ho i' A&str#cts, $estro*s or c#ncels #n* certific#te of c#n$i$#c* $ul* file$ #n$ ,hich h#s not &een c#ncelle$ upon or$er of the C0ME8EC@ ii' Misle#$s the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors &* su&%ittin) #n* f#lse or spurious certific#te of c#n$i$#c* or $ocu%ent to the pre4u$ice of # c#n$i$#te@ iii' ;ein) #uthori6e$ to recei(e certific#tes of c#n$i$#c*, recei(es #n* certific#te of c#n$i$#c* outsi$e the perio$ for filin) the s#%e #n$ %#3es it #ppe#r th#t s#i$ certific#te of c#n$i$#c* ,#s file$ on ti%e@ or #n* person ,ho, &* %e#ns of fr#u$, thre#t, inti%i$#tion terroris% or coercion, c#uses or co%pels the co%%ission of s#i$ #ct@ i(' ;* #n* $e(ice or %e#ns, 4#%s, o&structs or interferes ,ith # r#$io or tele(ision &ro#$c#st of #n* l#,ful politic#l pro)r#%@ #n$ (' Solicits (otes or un$ert#3es #n* prop#)#n$#, on the $#* of election, for or #)#inst #n* c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt* ,ithin the pollin) pl#ce or ,ithin the r#$ius of 90 %eters thereof' Pers$ns cri#ina""& "ia%"e: 1' "he princip#ls, #cco%plices #n$ #ccessories #s $efine$ &* the RPC sh#ll &e cri%in#ll* li#&le for election offenses@ 2' If one responsi&le &e # politic#l p#rt* or #n entit*, its presi$ent or he#$, the offici#ls #n$ e%plo*ees of the s#%e, perfor%in) $uties connecte$ ,ith the offense co%%itte$ #n$ its %e%&er ,ho %#* &e princip#ls, #cco%plices, #n$ #ccessories sh#ll &e li#&le, in #$$ition to the li#&ilit* of such p#rt* or entit*' Pena"ties 1' I%prison%ent of not less th#n one *e#r &ut not %ore th#n H *e#rs #n$ sh#ll not &e su&4ect to pro&#tion' In #$$ition, the )uilt* p#rt* sh#ll &e sentence$ to suffer $is7u#lific#tion to hol$ pu&lic office #n$ $epri(#tion of the ri)ht to suffr#)e' If he is # forei)ner, he sh#ll &e sentence$ to $eport#tion ,hich sh#ll &e enforce$ #fter the prison ter% h#s e.pire$' An* politic#l p#rt* foun$ )uilt* sh#ll &e sentence$ to p#* # fine not less th#n P10,000, ,hich sh#ll &e i%pose$ upon such p#rt* #fter cri%in#l #ction h#s &een institute$ in ,hich correspon$in) offici#ls h#(e &een foun$ )uilt*'



2' In c#se of prisoner or prisoners ille)#ll* rele#se$ fro% #n* penitenti#r* or 4#il $urin) the prohi&ite$ perio$, the Director of the ;ure#u of Corrections, pro(inci#l ,#r$er, 3eeper of the 4#il or prison, or persons ,ho #re re7uire$ &* l#, to 3eep s#i$ prisoner in their custo$* sh#ll, if con(icte$ &* # co%petent court, &e sentence$ to suffer the pen#lt* of prision %#*or in its %#.i%u% perio$ of the prisoner or prisoners so ille)#ll* rele#se$ co%%it #n* #ct of inti%i$#tion, terroris% or interference in the election' 9' An* person foun$ )uilt* of the offense or f#ilure to re)ister or f#ilure to (ote sh#ll, upon con(iction, &e fine$ P100' in #$$ition, he sh#ll suffer $is7u#lific#tion to run for pu&lic office in the ne.t succee$in) election follo,in) his con(iction or &e #ppointe$ to # pu&lic office for # perio$ of one *e#r follo,in) his con(iction' C$n+icti$n and pard$n as affectin( e"i(i%i"it&: 1' "he necess#r* pen#lt* of te%por#r* #&solute $is7u#lific#tion $is7u#lifies the con(ict fro% pu&lic office #n$ fro% the ri)ht to (ote, such $is7u#lific#tion to l#st onl* $urin) the ter% of the sentence@ 2' "he #ccessor* pen#lt* of perpetu#l speci#l $is7u#lific#tion for e.ercise of suffr#)e $epri(es the con(ict of the ri)ht to (ote or to &e electe$ or hol$ pu&lic office perpetu#ll*, #s $istin)uishe$ fro% te%por#r* speci#l $is7u#lific#tion ,hich l#sts $urin) the ter% of the sentence' 9' "he perpetu#l te%por#r* speci#l $is7u#lific#tion for the e.ercise of the ri)ht of suffr#)e sh#ll $epri(e the offen$er perpetu#ll* or $urin) the ter% of the sentence, #ccor$in) to the n#ture of s#i$ pen#lt*, of the ri)ht to (ote in #n* popul#r election for #n* pu&lic office or to &e electe$ to such office' 4' A plen#r* p#r$on, )r#nte$ #fter election &ut &efore the $#te fi.e$ &* l#, for #ssu%in) office, h#s the effect of re%o(in) the $is7u#lific#tion prescri&e$ &* &oth the cri%in#l #n$ elector#l l#,s' Other e"ecti$n $ffenses !nder the E"ect$ra" Ref$r#s La, $f GMA> 1' An* person ,ho #' C#uses the printin) of offici#l &#llots #n$ election returns &* #n* printin) est#&lish%ent ,hich is not un$er contr#ct ,ith C0ME8EC #n$ #n* printin) est#&lish%ent ,hich un$ert#3es such un#uthori6e$ printin)@ &' Decl#re$ #s # nuis#nce c#n$i$#te or is other,ise $is7u#lifie$ &* fin#l #n$ e.ecutor* 4u$)%ent, ,ho continues to %isrepresent hi%self, or hol$s hi%self out, #s # c#n$i$#te, such #s &* continuin) to c#%p#i)n there#fter, #n$Ior other pu&lic officer or pri(#te in$i(i$u#l, ,ho 3no,in)l* in$uces or #&ets such %isrepresent#tion &* co%%ission or o%ission sh#ll &e )uilt* of #n election offense #n$ su&4ect to the pen#lt* pro(i$e$ in the 0%ni&us Election Co$e@ c' Viol#tes the pro(ision re)#r$in) the prohi&ite$ for%s of election prop#)#n$#' 2' An* %e%&er of the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors or ;o#r$ of Election C#n(#ssers ,ho #' "#%pers, incre#ses, or $ecre#ses the (otes recei(e$ &* # c#n$i$#te in #n* election or #n* %e%&er of the &o#r$, ,ho refuses, #fter proper (erific#tion #n$ he#rin), to cre$it the correct (otes or $e$uct such t#%pere$ (otes@ &' Refuses to issue $ul* #ccre$ite$ ,#tchers #n$ certific#te of (otes #fter the countin) of the (otes c#st #n$ #nnounce%ent of results of the election' 9' An* ch#ir%#n of ;o#r$ of C#n(#ssers ,ho f#ils to )i(e notice of %eetin) to other %e%&ers of the &o#r$, c#n$i$#te or politic#l p#rt* #s re7uire$' Other e"ecti$n $ffenses !nder the V$terIs Re(istrati$n Act $f GMM? 1' "o $eli(er, h#n$ o(er, entrust or )i(e, $irectl* or in$irectl*, his (oterGs i$entific#tion c#r$ to #nother in consi$er#tion of %one* or other &enefit or pro%ise@ or t#3e or #ccept such (oterGs i$entific#tion c#r$, $irectl* or in$irectl*, &* )i(in) or c#usin) the )i(in) of %one* or other &enefit or %#3in) or c#usin) the %#3in) of # pro%ise therefore@ 2' "o f#il, ,ithout c#use, to post or to )i(e #n* of the notices or to %#3e #n* of the reports re7uire$ un$er the Act@ 9' "o issue or c#use the issu#nce of # (oterGs i$entific#tion nu%&er or to c#ncel or c#use the c#ncell#tion thereof in (iol#tion of the pro(isions of the Act@ or to refuse the issu#nce to re)istere$ (oters their (oterGs i$entific#tion c#r$@



4' "o #ccept #n #ppoint%ent, to #ssu%e office #n$ to #ctu#ll* ser(e #s # %e%&er of the Election Re)istr#tion ;o#r$ #lthou)h ineli)i&le thereto@ or to #ppoint such ineli)i&le person 3no,in) hi% to &e ineli)i&le@ :' "o interfere ,ith, i%pe$e, #&scon$ for purposes of )#in or to pre(ent the inst#ll#tion or use of co%puters #n$ $e(ices #n$ the processin), stor#)e, )ener#tion #n$ tr#ns%ission of re)istr#tion $#t# or infor%#tion@ H' "o )#in, c#use #ccess to use, #lter, $estro*, or $isclose #n* co%puter $#t#, pro)r#%, s*ste% soft,#re, net,or3, or #n* co%puter rel#te$ $e(ices, f#cilities, h#r$,#re or e7uip%ent, ,hether cl#ssifie$ or $ecl#ssifie$@ E' 1#ilure to pro(i$e certifie$ (oters #n$ $e#cti(#te$ (oters list to c#n$i$#tes #n$ he#$s of represent#ti(es of politic#l p#rties upon ,ritten re7uest@ F' 1#ilure to inclu$e the #ppro(e$ #pplic#tion for re)istr#tion of # 7u#lifie$ (oter in the &oo3 of (otes of # p#rticul#r precinct or the o%ission of the n#%e of # $ul* re)istere$ (oter in the certifie$ list of (oters of the precinct ,here he is $ul* re)istere$ resultin) in his f#ilure to c#st his (ote $urin) #n election, ple&iscite, referen$u%, initi#ti(e #n$Ior rec#ll' "he presence of the for% or n#%e in the &oo3 of (oters or certifie$ list of (oters in precincts other th#n ,here he is $ul* re)istere$ sh#ll not &e #n e.cuse' D' "he postin) of # list of (oters outsi$e or #t the $oor of # precinct on the $#* of #n election, ple&iscite, referen$u%, initi#ti(e #n$Ior rec#ll, #n$ ,hich list is $ifferent in content fro% the certifie$ list of (oters &ein) use$ &* the ;o#r$ of Election Inspectors@ #n$ 10' Viol#tion of #n* of the pro(isions of the Act' Pena"t&: I%prison%ent of not less th#n one *e#r &ut not %ore th#n si. %onths #n$ sh#ll not &e su&4ect to pro&#tion' In #$$ition, the )uilt* p#rt* sh#ll &e sentence$ to suffer the $is7u#lific#tion to hol$ pu&lic office #n$ $epri(#tion of the ri)ht of suffr#)e' If he is # forei)ner, he sh#ll &e $eporte$ #fter the prison ter% h#s &een ser(e$' An* politic#l p#rt* foun$ )uilt* sh#ll &e sentence$ to p#* # fine of not less th#n P100,000 &ut not %ore th#n P:00,000' In+esti(ati$n and pr$sec!ti$n: 1' "he C0ME8EC sh#ll, throu)h its $ul* #uthori6e$ le)#l officers, h#(e the e.clusi(e po,er to con$uct preli%in#r* in(esti)#tion of #ll election offenses punish#&le un$er the 0%ni&us Election Co$e, #n$ to prosecute the s#%e' "he Co%%ission %#* #(#il of the #ssist#nce of other prosecutin) #r%s of the )o(ern%ent' 2' In the e(ent th#t the Co%%ission f#ils to #ct on #n* co%pl#int ,ithin four %onths fro% his filin), the co%pl#in#nt %#* file the co%pl#int ,ith the office of the fisc#l or ,ith the D0< for proper in(esti)#tion #n$ prosecution, if ,#rr#nte$' 9' "he Constitution#l #n$ st#tutor* %#n$#te for the C0ME8EC to in(esti)#te #n$ prosecute c#ses of (iol#tion of election l#,s tr#nsl#tes, in effect, to the e.clusi(e po,er to con$uct preli%in#r* in(esti)#tions in c#ses in(ol(in) election offenses for the t,in purpose of filin) #n infor%#tion in court #n$ helpin) the <u$)e $eter%ine, in the course of preli%in#r* in7uir*, ,hether or not # ,#rr#nt of #rrest shoul$ &e issue$' Arrest in c$nnecti$n ,ith the e"ecti$n ca#pai(n 1' A person %#* &e #rreste$ onl* upon # ,#rr#nt of #rrest issue$ &* # co%petent 4u$)e #fter #ll the re7uire%ents of the Constitution sh#ll h#(e &een strictl* co%plie$ ,ith' 2' If the offense ch#r)e$ is punish#&le un$er # presi$enti#l $ecree, ,hether ori)in#ll* or &* #%en$%ent of # pre(ious l#,, the $e#th pen#lt* sh#ll not &e i%pose$ upon the offen$er ECCEP" ,here the %ur$er, r#pe, or #rson is in(ol(e$' In #ll c#ses, the pen#lt* sh#ll not &e hi)her th#n reclusion perpetu# #n$ the offen$er sh#ll &e entitle$ to re#son#&le &#il upon sufficient sureties to &e )r#nte$ spee$il* &* the co%petent court' Prescripti$n After fi(e *e#rs fro% the $#te of their co%%ission' If the $isco(er* of the offense &e %#$e in #n election contest procee$in)s, the perio$ of prescription sh#ll co%%ence on the $#te on ,hich the 4u$)%ent in such procee$in)s &eco%es fin#l #n$ e.ecutor*'



4!risdicti$n $f c$!rts R"C - e.clusi(e ori)in#l 4uris$iction to tr* #n$ $eci$e #n* cri%in#l #ction or procee$in)s for the (iol#tion of the 0%ni&us Election Co$e, M"C 5 those rel#tin) to the offense of f#ilure to re)ister or f#ilure to (ote' 1or the $ecision of the courts, #ppe#l ,ill #s in other cri%in#l c#ses' Preferentia" disp$siti$n $f e"ecti$n $ffenses "he in(esti)#tion #n$ prosecution of c#ses in(ol(in) (iol#tions of the election l#,s sh#ll &e )i(en preferences #n$ priorit* &* the C0ME8EC #n$ prosecutin) offici#ls' "heir in(esti)#tion sh#ll &e co%%ence$ ,ithout $el#*, #n$ sh#ll &e resol(e$ &* the in(esti)#tin) officer ,ithin fi(e $#*s fro% its su&%ission for resolution' "he courts sh#ll li3e,ise )i(e preference to election offenses o(er #ll other c#ses ECCEP" petitions for ,rit of h#&e#s corpus'

Throw your worries to the wind and let them fly to God. In the end, it is he alone who guides the wind to breeze joy and love back to you.


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