Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon

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Young Beth Jacob!

Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand

Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky

President Leopoldo Kahn

Rabbi Blooms Class: @ 5:50pm

Groups with the Weisers-5:35pm

August 24, 2013

Parshat Ki Tavo pg. 1068 Haftorah pg. 1201

Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser

Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom A

Get Excited!
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday-4:30-6:15pm-OFF FOR SUMMER Bloomberry Pancakes-Sundays at 8:45-9:30am- Back & Bigger Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740

1st & 2nd Aliyot: The Parsha with the beginning of Moshes final begins with the Mitzvot of the first discourse. He starts by recounting fruits and the completion of the the miraculous nature of the past Tithing cycles. Both are accom40 years and its clear indication of panied by special declarations of Hashems ever present protection, Hashems mastery over the land, past and future. and mans responsibility to keep Haftorah Ki Savo the commandments of Hashem. Isaiah 60:1-22 4th & 5th Aliyot: Moshe presThis weeks Haftorah of Consolaents a statement of allegiance tion refocuses us on the messianic between Hashem and His People. vision of a nation and world united We are to keep the Torah and behind a single goal and purpose. Hashem guarantees us praise, Lift up your eyes round about... fame and glory as the highest they are all gathered together... of all the nations. (26:19) Upon (60:4) Your gates will be continucrossing the Yarden, the Nation will publicly declare its acceptance ally open... so that men may bring to you the wealth of nations, with of Hashems covenant by: inscribing the Torah upon twelve stones; their kings led in procession. (60:11) Violence will no longer be erecting them as a monument; heard in your land... but you will and the ceremony of blessings call your walls Salvation and your and curses that is to take place between the opposing mountains, gates Praise. (60:18) As in the times of Yishayuhu, we Grizim and Ayval. too are in need of consolation. 6th Aliya: Commonly known as the Tochacha the admonitions and Your people will all be righteous; punishments. It describes the con- they will possess the land forever... sequences that will befall the Jew- (60:21) May we soon be comish people if they ignore Hashems forted! Torah and his providence. The custom is for the Reader to read this Aliya more quickly and quietly than the rest of the Parsha. 7th Aliya: The Parsha concludes

To all guests and visitors who are here for Shabbos.

Mazal Tov

Happy Birthday David Ellis, Ethan Retin, Bill Retin, Hillary Kleinman.

Matt & Alison Ferry on the birth of a baby girl. Steven & Manijeh Breskin on the birth of a granddaughter to Matt & Alison Ferry.

Refuah Sheleima

| DoniLepor |Eliot Klugman | Anita Weisman |Mendel Flaster | Gloria Mazur | Estelle Dunst |

Mincha.....................................6:45pm Candlelighting..........................7:06pm Shacharis Beit Midrash.............7:45am Daf Yomi...................................7:45am Shacharis Main Shul.................8:45am Latest Shema...........................9:34am Rabbi Adatto Chabura Class....5:00pm Ladies Class..............................5:00pm Youth Groups...........................5:35pm

Shabbat Schedule

Rabbis class.............................5:50pm Mincha.....................................6:50pm Shabbos Ends..............................8:05pm Candles Next Week......................6:57pm

Weekly Schedule
Sun Shacharis..............................8:00am Mon-Fri.................................6:20/7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv................7:00pm Late Marriv...................................9:15pm

Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities.

Learning In Your Community

Rabbis Class: Orla and Elul @ 5:50pm

New Gemarah Class Mesechet Megillah Sun-Thu 8:30-9:30pm Begins This Tuesday


Chinuch $32 Regular $49 Premium $70 Mehudar $95 SECHACH AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!!
Call the office for sizes and prices.

Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Up Early? Come learn 5:15am with Yaakov Klein and Chevra!! Gemarah Mesechet Megilla: Sun-Thu at 8:30-9:30pm Amud Yomi: Contact Rabbi Simon Beginners Talmud: Contact Rabbi Marks Mr. Weiser: Whats on Weisers mind? Call him to find out: 619.933.6740 Beis Midrash Learning: fresh brewed coffee and sweets.every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.



It has been the policy of Beth Jacob Congregation to allow members to keep the same seats as last year. In order to obtain your seats, it is necessary to be a member in good standing. According to the bylaws dues must be paid in full as of August 31, 2013.

The Grille/Emet Market- Located in the College Area

Open for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Tickets Prices:
Family member or relative of member: $50 Non-Member: $150 If you wish to purchase seats, please contact the office.

High Holidays meals to go, full line of meat, poultry, fish. Opening Soon-Deli, Candy & Ice Cream Shop
6548 El Cajon Blvd. 619-286-1847
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Torah High School

Presents The Stacy Lynn Pariser Memorial Lecture Featuring: Rabbi Yissocher Frand Sunday, September 1 @ Adat Yeshurun
Breakfast @9:30am Lecture @10am Tickets available at THS

The Place @ North Park Produce Now offers full line of meat, fish and poultry & Cholov Yisroel Products. 4220 Balboa Ave. 858-810-8228
This is a paid advertisement

Next Motzaei Shabbos August 31 Selichot Video Prep @ 11:30pm Selichot @ 12:30am

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