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SOLUTION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MAY 2007 QUESTION 1 (a) Computer Networks is the linking of two or more computers to share

e resources. Some of the benefits are: i) Computer Network promotes connectivity or online information access by modems and communication lines. Connectivity provides the benefits of Voice mail, Email etc. Thus, customers in a bank can access their account balance and cash money anywhere. Computer Network also ensures interactivity which is commonly referred to as back-and-forth dialogue between a bank and the customers. Interactive devices include multimedia computers and Personal Assistants. Fast and easy transfer of Data/Information from one location to another location. There is no question of data loss in transit. Better monitoring and control of branchs operations by Head Office or Area Managers office. Cost effective use of computing resources.


iii) iv) v) (b)

MULTITASKING: is the execution of two or more different programs by one processor concurrently but not simultaneously, on the same computer. The operating System directs instructions for each program at a time. MULTIPROGRAMMING: is the execution of two or more programs on a multi-user Operating system. Here, different computers are connected to one main computer. The main computers processor spends a certain amount of time executing each users program but it works so quickly it seems as though all the programs are being run at the same time.

QUESTION 2 (a) A Centralised Database, otherwise referred to as Shared Database is located at a particular place but is shared by various users in an organization. Users are linked to the Database through terminals. On the other hand, a Distributed Database is one that is stored on different computers at different locations connected by a client server type of network.


A Database Administrator is the person who coordinates all related activities and needs of a Companys Database are; The functions of a Database Administrator include: In charge of database design, Implementation and operations. Coordinates with users for access privileges, priority establishment and conflict resolution. System Security. The DBA sets up and monitors the Database for unauthorized access. Backup and Recovery in case of any disaster. Performance Monitoring and user satisfaction.

QUESTION 3 (a) Two common General Ledger Application Software are: (b) SUN Accounting ACCPAC OFF-THE-SHELF Well tested Fast Implementation Bugs can easily be fixed Less costly than bespoke BESPOKE Software specific to users needs Competitive Advantage for user Maintenance is easy

QUESTION 4 (a) Internet: International Network of Computers with the capabilities of Email, search Engine, E Commerce. It uses the TCP/IP protocol. It provides a wide range of information and services for users to tap.


World Wide Web: Otherwise referred to as www is the Information delivery services on the Internet. It uses the protocol of HTTP and consist of search Engines. Electronic Mail: Sending and receipt of text messages using the Internet. It is a cheap, fast and secure means of sending and receiving text messages on the Internet. Voice mail: Sending and receipt of voice messages using the Internet. Attachment: Documents which are usually appending to Emails. An attachment is sent with the Email and may be downloaded or merely read by pictures, graphical or text and retrieved from another source or scanned in to be sent with a regular E-mail.


(d) (e)

QUESTION 5 The system development life cycle is the step-by-step process that many organizations follow during the development and implementation of a new system. The major stages are: i) Problem Definition An attempt is made to understand the real problem facing the users. It is the needs of users which will be tackled, not what they want. System Feasibility (Feasibility Study) The current system is studied to know its requirements and ascertain if those requirements are being met. If they are not, a number of alternatives are identified and costed. Cost-benefit analysis will then reveal the best alternative for the users. A report is prepared to the steering committee, recommending the best alternative, and asking for the green-light to proceed with further work.



System Investigation The team carries out fact-finding into the current system using questionnaires, interviews, observation, etc The facts are then recorded using decision tables, flowcharts etc. and an evaluation is done through a written report.


System Analysis The analysis will gather data analyse the data, and make a written report. System Design The analysis will make a preliminary design and then a detailed design, and write a report, detailing the anticipated system. System Implementation Software and hardware are acquired, the new system is tested, users are trained and file conversion completed. Changeover then follows. System Maintenance The system is audited and evaluated periodically.




QUESTION 6 (a) Operating system otherwise called system software in the suite of programs that handles the entire resources of the Computer System. Thus it serves as an interface between the user. The hardware, and the other software used on the hardware. Five Functions of Operating System are: (c) Booting the System Handles Input/Output Devices In charge of System Interrupts Multitasking/Multiprogramming Job Scheduling Windows.xp Vista 4


QUESTION 7 (a) (b) ICT stands for Information Communication Technology ICT has helped the modern office in the following ways. Cash Dispensing ATM equipment now does the work of a cashier Transaction Processing Basic routine and repetitive daily tasks of organizations, like invoicing and issuing of receipts have now been taken over by computers General Accounting User friendly accounting software products are now handling accounting tasks in the organization. Human Resource Management Issues relating to human resource management are now taken care of by computerized systems for fast and accurate results. Information Systems ICT has also helped organizations in the provision of accurate, complete, and timely information in areas like stock control, production, marketing, accounting, etc to facilitate management decision making.

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