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go straight ahead: an instruction to keep moving directly forward turn right: an instruction to take a right turn turn left: an instruction to take a left turn cross: to go from one side of something to the other, such as a street turn around: to go back in the opposite direction nearby: located a short distance away far: a long distance away locate: to determine where something is here: at this place there: in that place right: the opposite of left left: the opposite of right straight ahead: in a line or direction that is not curved or bent block: the distance from one street to the next

Trabajar a partir de un texto Ejercicio de comprensin : Asking for directions Ficha de Vocabulario : Directions Memorizador Gramtica : The imperative Ejercicio de gramtica : The imperative Ejercicio de gramtica : The imperative Ejercicio de comprensin : Asking for and giving directions Vocabulario

Sarah: Excuse me, do you know where the post office is located? Is it far? Tom: No, it's nearby. Are you from here? Sarah: No, I'm not. Can you give me directions, please? Tom: Sure, it's not far. You go straight ahead for two blocks, then you turn left. It should be on your right. If you see the bank, turn around. Sarah: Thank you. I'm glad it's nearby.

Note: Normally, a request should be put into a question form as it is more polite. Compare these two sentences:

Could you pass me the salt, please? Pass me the salt!

The first sentence is a polite request while the second one would be considered rude

Talk to him about your problem. Go to the bank now! Be there at 7:00. Have a cookie.

Turn the knob 3 degrees.

To negate the imperative form, it is necessary to add don't before the verb:

Don't talk to him about your problem. Don't go to the bank now! Don't be there at 7:00. Don't have a cookie. Don't turn the knob 3 degrees.

We use the imperative form to give instructions or directions:

Turn right at the traffic lights. Go straight at the junction. Mix the batter for at least three minutes. Turn off the computer before adding ink.

We use the imperative to give an order:

Don't smoke in here. Knock before entering. Leave me alone!

to make an informal offer:

Have a cookie. Take my pencil.

To make an exclamation:

Look at the big clown! See the pretty lady! Smell those roses!

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Yvonne: Excuse me - I'm looking for Brampton Road. Can you help me? Man: Brampton Road? OK. Keep going for about 500 metres. Turn right at the traffic lights. Drive under the bridge. It's the second street on your left. Yvonne: Thanks very much.

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