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Waves and Light Unit Exam Practice Questions

1. What are the amplitude and wavelength of the wave shown below ?

amplitude = 0.10 m, wavelength = 0.30 m amplitude = 0.10 m, wavelength = 0.60 m amplitude = 0.20 m, wavelength = 0.30 m amplitude = 0.20 m, wavelength = 0.60 m 2. The diagram below shows two waves, A and B. The phase difference between A and B is

0o 45o 90o 180o 3. The periodic wave in the diagram below has a frequency of 40. Hz. What is the speed of the wave ?

13 m/s 27 m/s 60. m/s 120 m/s 4. As shown in the diagram below, a transverse wave is moving with velocity v along a rope.

In which direction will segment X move as the wave passes through it ? down, only up, only down, then up, then down up, then down, then up 5. The diagram below represents shallow water waves passing through two small openings, A and B, in a barrier.

How much longer is the length of path AP than the length of path BP ? one wavelength two wavelengths three wavelengths four wavelengths 6. When a transverse wave is moving through a medium, what is the action of the particles of the medium ? They travel through the medium with the wave. They vibrate parallel to the direction the wave is moving. They vibrate perpendicular to the direction the wave is moving. They remain at rest. 7. 8. 9. 10. If the period of a wave is doubled, its wavelength will be halved doubled unchanged quartered A wave spreads into the region behind a barrier. This phenomenon is called diffraction reflection refraction interference If the frequency of a sound wave is 400 Hz, its period is closest to 2.27 x 10-3 s 0.75 s 1.33 s 3.31 x 102 s Wave motion in a medium transfers energy only mass only both mass and energy neither mass nor energy

11. A car's horn is blowing as the car moves at a constant velocity toward an observer. Compared to the frequency of the sound wave emitted by the horn, the observed frequency is constant and lower constant and higher the same varying and lower 12. The change in the direction of a wave when it passes obliquely from one medium to another is called diffraction interference reflection refraction 13. Which wave phenomenon could not be demonstrated with a single wave pulse ? standing wave diffraction reflection refraction 14. As a wave enters a medium, there may be a change in the wave's frequency speed period phase

15. As a wave is refracted, which characteristic of the wave will remain unchanged ? velocity wavelength frequency direction 16. The number of water waves passing a given point each second is the wave's wavelength amplitude frequency velocity

17. Sound waves with a constant frequency of 250 Hz are traveling through air at STP. What is their wavelength ? 0.76 m 1.3 m 250 m 83,000 m 18. 19. What is the frequency of a wave with a period of 0.005 s ? 5 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 2000 Hz What is the wavelength of a 30 Hz periodic wave moving at 60 m/s ? 0.50 m 2.0 m 20. m 1800 m

20. Two waves have the same frequency. Which wave characteristic must also be identical for both waves? phase amplitude intensity period 21. A single vibratory disturbance which moves from point to point in a material medium is known as a phase pulse distortion wavelet 22. Which point on a wave is 180o out of phase with a wave crest? rest position crest trough

23. If the frequency of a sound wave remains constant, its energy can be varied by changing its amplitude speed wavelength period

24. In which type of wave is the disturbance parallel to the direction of wave travel ? torsional longitudinal transverse circular 25. A driver of a car hears the siren of an ambulance which is moving away from her. If the actual frequency of the siren is 2000 Hz, the frequency heard by the driver may be 1900 Hz 2000 Hz 2100 Hz 4000 Hz 26. In order for standing waves to form in a medium, two waves must have the same frequency have different amplitudes have different wavelengths travel in the same direction 27. In which diagram below could the light source and optical device be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of dispersion ?

(1) (2) (3) (4) 28. A ray of monochromatic light traveling in air enters a rectangular glass block obliquely and strikes a plane mirror at the bottom. Then the ray travels back through the glass and strikes the air-glass interface. Which diagram below best represents the path of this light ray ? [N represents the normal to the surface.]

(1) (2) (3) (4) 29. A ray of monochromatic light (f = 5.09 x 1014 Hz) traveling in air is incident on an interface with a liquid (n = 1.4) at an angle of 45o, as shown in the diagram below.

The angle of refraction for the light ray is closest to 10o 20o 30o 40o 30. The diagram below shows light rays in air about to strike a glass window.

When the rays reach the boundary between the air and the glass, the light is totally reflected totally refracted partially reflected and partially diffracted partially reflected and partially refracted 31. The diagram below shows parallel rays of light incident on an irregular surface.

Which phenomenon of light is illustrated by the diagram ? diffraction refraction regular reflection diffuse reflection 32. A light ray is incident on a plane mirror as shown in the diagram below.

Which ray best represents the reflected ray ? A B C D 33. A ray of light hits a mirror at an angle of incidence of 30o. What is the angle between the incident and reflected rays ? 15o 30o 45o 60o

34. A person is standing 5 meters from a plane mirror. The chair in front of the person is 2 meters from the mirror.

What is the distance between the person and the image he observes of the chair ? 7 m 2 m 3 m 10. m Base your answers to questions 9 and 10 on the diagram below, which represents a light ray traveling from air to Lucite to medium Y and back into air.


The sine of angle "X" is 0.333 0.500 0.707 0.886 36. Light travels slowest in air, only Lucite, only medium Y, only air, Lucite, and medium Y

37. The diagram below represents a ray of monochromatic light (f = 5.09 x 1014 Hz) passing from medium X (n = 1.46) into fused quartz.

Which path will the ray follow in the quartz ? A B C D 38. A ray of monochromatic light is traveling in flint glass. The ray strikes the flint glass-air interface at an angle greater than the critical angle for flint glass. Which diagram best represents the path of this light ray ?

(1) (2) (3) (4) 39. The diagram below shows an antenna emitting an electromagnetic wave.

In what way did the electrons in the antenna produce the electromagentic wave ? by remaining stationary by moving at constant speed upward, only by moving at constant speed downward, only by accelerating alternatively upward and downward 40. Which diagram best represents light emitted from a coherent light source ?

(1) (2) (3) (4) 41. 42. 43. Which of the following colors has the highest frequency ? red yellow blue violet Which of the following colors has the shortest wavelength ? red yellow blue violet Which of the following electromagnetic energies has the shortest wavelength ? infrared yellow light orange light x-rays

44. In a double-slit experiment, which of the following colors will produce the largest distance between maxima ? yellow green blue violet 45. 46. 47. The fact that light can be polarized lead to the conclusion that light is a particle compressional wave torsional wave transverse wave Longitudinal (compressional) waves cannot be refracted diffracted reflected polarized

When light passes through a double-slit, it is reflected and refracted reflected and polarized diffracted and interferes with itself diffracted and polarized 48. A light ray reflects off a mirror. If the angle between the incident and reflected rays is 30o, the angle of incidence is 15o 30o 60o 90o 49. When light passes from water into lucite, it will bend away from the normal bend toward the normal not bend at all

50. If the speed of light in a medium is 1.5 x 108 m/s, what is the index of refraction of the medium ? 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 51. When light bounces off a piece of paper, we see the paper because of diffuse reflection regular reflection diffraction dispersion

52. A ray of monochromatic light travels from air into a material whose index of refraction is 1.4. What is the speed of light in this material ? 1.4 x 108 m/s 2.1 x 108 m/s 2.5 x 108 m/s 3.0 x 108 m/s 53. Light travels from medium A into medium B. The angle of refraction in medium B is 90o. Compared to the index of refraction of medium A, the index of refraction of medium B must be greater lower the same 54. 55. What is the color of light with a frequency of 5.7 x 1014 Hz ? red orange green blue How far will light travel in a vacuum in one minute ? 1.8 x 1010 m 5.0 x 106 m 2.0 x 10-7 m 3.0 x 1012 m

56. As monochromatic light passes from air into glass, which of the following will remain the same ? wavelength speed frequency 57. What occurs when light passes from water into flint glass ? Its speed decreases, its wavelength becomes shorter, and its frequency remains

the same. Its speed decreases, its wavelength becomes shorter, and its frequency increases. Its speed increases, its wavelength becomes longer, and its frequency remains the same. Its speed increases, its wavelength becomes longer, and its frequency decreases. 58. If the angle of incidence in air is 30o, what is the sine of the angle of refraction in crown glass ? 1.52 0.33 0.50 0.28

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