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8 Pages Rs: 1.00 Jammu Edition

Narendra Modi to celebrate Independence Day at Indo-Pak border

THURSDAY, AUG 15, 2013


JKENG/2012/41612 Vol. 2 No: 207





Let harmony, peaceful co-existence be our resolve on ID: Omar

Reiterates his stand on resolving K-centric issues through dialogue Asks Pakistan to create atmosphere for dialogue Express serious concern over social evils Condemns violence in its all forms Vows secure, plenty, model, educated J&K Wants youth to lead from front Asks public support to realize goals
to violence results in the loss o f p recious huma n liv es a nd p rop erty b esides p eace disturbance. Cond emning the loss o f human lives and damages caused to p rop erty in Kishtwar and other parts of Jammu Division during the clashes between two gro ups, Oma r Ab dulla h remind ed the peo ple o f the pluralistic ethos of the State and said that Jammu a nd Ka shmir ha s b een a bo d e of different religions, faiths, cultures, langua ges a nd ethnic gro ups. He sa id tha t p eo p le have to gether nurtured co mmuna l harmony and brotherhood

CM Addresses people on ID, extends greetings

JK cops get award on Independence Day for their meritorious services

Fourty one Jammu and Kashmir cops will get awards on Independence Day for their meritorious services. Besides 2 officers get Chief Minister's Vigilance Medal The awardees of President's Police Medal for Gallantry include S/SHRI 1. Late Sheraz Ahmad (Posthumously) Head Constable, 2. Late Gulzar Ahmad (Posthumously) Constable. 3. Ajit Singh Sgc 4. Sg, Constable, Imtiyaz Hussain Mir Superintendent of Police Awardees of Police medal for Galantery 1. Bhim Sen Tuti Superintendent of Police 2. Veer Bahadur Singh Rathore Sub Inspector 3. Late Manzoor Ahmed (1st Bar To PMG Posthumously) Inspector 4. Late Showkat Ahmed (Posthumously) Assistant Sub Inspector 5. Late Randheer Singh (Posthumously) Head Constable 6. Mohd Rafiq Head Constable 7. Shabir Ahmad Head Constable 4P2


In his address to the people from Doo rdarsha n a nd Ra dio Ka shmir o n the Inde pendence Day, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah while extending his warm greetings, has sho wn concern over the trend of getting ca r ried away by rumo urs a nd reacting v io lently without ascertaining facts. "This trend in the society is of serious concern", he said a nd und erlined its conseq uences as d angero us and d etrimental to the p ro gress a nd welfare o f the State. He said heeding to rumours and resorting

since ages. He said some elements tha t thriv e o n dividing the society in the na me o f religion, region a nd ca ste, for vested interests, attempt to create tension between different sectio ns o f the so ciety, d isturb p ea ce and tra nquillity a nd create mistress in the minds of p eo p le fo r p erso na l b enefits. "They d o this just to polarize the society for their self end s", he add ed. Oma r Ab dulla h a lso

referred to the sectarian clashes in parts of Budgam and the Gool incident and sa id tha t rumours a nd reactions witho ut ascertaining the truth were the reaso n for escalation of tension both the two cases. He also co ndemned the lo ss of human lives and property in these incidents. He said that Gov ernment would take all measures to ensure justice to the people. In his fervent appeal to the public, the 4P2

Join hands to propel J&K on the path of progress and prosperity: Governor
Mr. N. N. Vohra, Governor Ja mmu and Kashmir, today said that since the beginning o f this year there have been continuing attempts at infiltration and repea ted attack s o n o ur Security Forces, leaving no doubt that the adversary agencies and forces across the LoC remain committed to their a genda of destabilising J&K, adding that in this scenario the Security Forces shall need to ma intain eternal vigilance. He said that, side by side, the J&K Police shall need to take timely pre-emptive a ction to ensure that the subversive elements, who receive encouragement 4P2

Independence Day Message

Army guns down two militants in Kupwara, foil infiltration bid

C M JAMMU, AUG 14: Indian Army jawans gunned down two YK terrorists in the wee hours of Wednesday when the latter were trying to sneak into the Indian territory of Kupwara district in Jammu and Kashmir. The operation in Keran sector is still on. The number of militants killed during infiltration bid in the last two months has risen to 21. Army sources said that a group of militants tried to enter the Indian Territory around 3 in the morning. 4P2

Curfew continues in Kishtwar, Ten Killed in Flash Floods, House relaxation in other districts of Jammu Collapses in Jammu Kashmir
Ten peo ple, includ ing four children, were killed in flash floods and house collapses in Jammu region as incessant ra ins continued to wreck havoc in the area. Ro a ds and residentia l a rea s in several parts of the region were floo d ed . While 5 0 people were rescued, 7 are still tra p ped in Ja mmu a nd Sa mba d istricts. During the past two days, over 150 people have been rescued as incessant rains raised wa ter level in rivers and streams across Kashmir Valley. A house collapsed due to rains in Gursai bo rd er b elt o f


INS Sindhurakshak submarine explodes, 18 sailors feared dead

MUMBAI, AUG 18: crewmen are feared killed on the INS
Sindhura kshak, a diesel-powered a nd world-cla ss submarine, which exploded and sank shortly early this morning at the high-security naval dockyard in Mumbai. "Whilst we hope for the best, we are prepared for the worst," said Naval Chief Admiral DK Joshi. The disaster is thought to be the worst for the Indian navy in over three decades. Defence Minister AK Antony described the sinking as the "greatest tragedy in recent times." The submarine was fully loaded when the explosion took place shortly after midnight; missiles and torpedoes 4P2

Mend ha r tehsil in the d istrict this mo rning, lea d ing to the dea th of three members of family, a police officer said here to day. 4 5-yea r-o ld Shameema Akhtar, wife of Yo unis, and his two

children Altaf Younis (10) and Tahseem Akhtar (7 years) were killed . Two wo men died in a house collapse due to heavy rains in Qa sim Na gar area of Jammu city this evening, the officer 4P2

Tensio n co ntinues to prevail in seven districts o f the Ja mmu regio n o f the sta te of Ja mmu and Kashmir, and on Wed nesd ay, curfew wa s still in force for the sixth day. There were, however, p eriod ic rela xations o f curfew on Tuesday. Media rep o rts q uoted Basheer Ahmad Khan, the District Magistrate of Kishtwar, as say ing tha t a co nstant review of the situation is being made on the ground. He a lso was quo ted a s say ing tha t no further incidents o f v iolence

have b een re p or ted . In Jammu, curfew wa s relaxed on Tuesday after

three days for three hours from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. 4 P2


SC asks J-K to pay Rs. 2 lakh relief to injured

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Wednesday
directed the Jammu and Kashmir government to pay a compensation of up to Rs. 2 lakh to people injured in communal clashes in Kishtwar district. A bench headed by Chief Justice P Sathasivam turned down the plea of the state government against compensating the injured persons till the judicial commission looking into the incident files its report. "The injured are also entitled to 4P2


Parliament passes resolution, condemns LoC attacks by Pak army

and asked the government of Pakistan to abide by the ceasefire commitment of 20 03 along the

Citizens Forum lambastes CCI (J) for calling Jammu bandh for 48 hrs
JAMMU, AUG 14 Citizens Forum has assailed the extension of Jammu bandh call for another 48 hours by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Jammu, claiming to the support of some other organizations. In a joint press statement, issued here today, RK Chadha President of the Citizens Forum and other members of the forum have said that this provides excuse to the authorities to extend the curfew, causing untold hardships and sufferings to the common man. Continuation of Bandh on the Independence Day also is not in keeping with the spirit of patriotism and nationalism, since it aims at depriving the people at large in celebrating country's Independence Day, with various organizations, association and trade bodies hoisting national flag at different places on the occasion. The statement has further said that while the privileged who give call for continuous bandh and practically exempt from the curfew as they roam about freely , holding meetings and also getting necessities of life, it is the common people 4P2

Pakistani flags unfurled at different places

SRINAGAR: Pakistani flags were unfurled in various parts
of Srina gar city as well a s in certain d istricts on Wednesday. Reports said that on Wednesday the day of Pakistan's independence, Pakistani green flags were seen unfurling at sco res of places. Some y outh unfurled Pakistani flags on mobile towers which according to eyewitnesses were not being removed till late evening. Activists of Duktaran-i-Milat unfurled a Pakistani flag near Press Enclave Srinagar. "We erected 4P2

Parliament on Wednesday rejected the Pak istan Na tio nal Assemb ly resolution, saying it levelled "ab solutely baseless and unfounded" allegations against India and asserted that Pakistan Army was actually involved in "unprovoked" attack o n the Line of Control (LoC) last week. Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha unanimously ad opted identical resolutions co ndemning Pa kistan army for indulging in the attacks

Nawaz Sharif pledges Pak restraint on Kashmir

LAHORE: Leader of Pakistan Muslim League-N party,
Nawaz Sharif, gestures while speaking to members of the media at his residence in Lahore. AP/KM Chaudary Pakistan's prime minister pledged on Wednesday to respond to rising tensions in Kashmir with "restraint and respo nsibility " a s o fficials a ccused India of killing another civilian by firing across the border. Nawaz Sharif said it was vital to defuse the recent escalation of tension in Kashmir. Skirmishes have flared across the heavilymilitarised Line of Control (LoC), the de facto 4P2

international border and the LoC in letter and spirit. The Houses regretted that the Pakistan 4P2

The Village Defence committees (VDCs) wer e formed under grave threat to minorities in hilly regions of Jammu including the Doda- kishtwar belt. When scores of minorities were targeted and killed in cold blood by terrorists many of whom were from the same area, it was felt that VDCs will serve a deterrent in case of a militant attack. Keeping in view the remoteness of the region, it was not possible for security forces to arrive at the moment of the terror attack. Fortunately, the VDCs have accounted well for themselves. They have not only served as a deterrent to terror mongers but ensured safety of people in the entire region. With militancy not completely and the looming threat of a massive influx of terrorists from Pakistan with many attempts made to infiltrate heavily armed terrorists, the importance of VDCs assumes greater significance. Ignoring this reality, the government is mulling to have a rethink on such Defence Committees which will prove detrimental to the pace and secur ity of the people. With a government having an eye for the elections, the scuttling of VDCs is fraught with dangers and need to be contested hard. RANASAHIB

Mr. Omar: Citing Gujarat will not help Kishtwar

ROHIT SINGH RANA The statement of Chief Minister Omar Abdullah that BJP did nothing when Gujarat happened betra ys a puerile mindset of the CEO of Jammu and Kashmir. Does it reflect the reality when the situation there is sought to be compared with 2002. Perhaps Omar has some lurking truth in his mind. In this context was Arun Jaitely right when he said that situation in Kishtwar was allowed to go out of control. C M Has a mini Gujarat happened YK in Kishtwar? The last four days have seen the Chief Minister doing one error after the other. It is not that people have malice or prejudice towards him but because people had high hopes on the young Abdullah scion when he took over the reins of the government. The coalition that he led is crumbling under the hea vy burden of Ka shmir dominant politics that he is representing. Reason, why his Congress partners are not happy with him. Leave that apart, Omar has demonstrated pure immaturity and impetuosity. In crunch situa tions, cool a nd calculated mind of a leader plays the role of a soothing balm. Here, unfortuna tely the Tw eeting Chief Minister since the very start of the riots indulged into a Tweet war with leader of oppos ition Sus hma Sw araj. Keeping record of people killed from both communities and stating that in social media reflects a negative mindset. A leader inspires his ministers to action. They fear his pos itive a pproach and stern decisions. Had it been so, the mayhem and murder let loose under the very eyes of his minister of state for Home, Sa jjad Kitchloo would not have happened. There are harrowing tales of victims who say that it was free for all and the police was not allowed to do its duty lest it turn the Eid taste bitter. Who will tell these incapable politicians that in riots Eid or Diwali come last, when primacy becomes the protection of the lives of the people? Not a big deal for people like Kitchloos, who in the pride of power slap high ranking officials in full public view. Omar mismanaged the situation and it is clear from his body language. Obviously he is disturbed by the riots in Kishtwar but the way he responded to it was u not Statesmanlike. How will allusion to the Gujarat riots help Kishtwar, Mr. Chief Minister only he can answer? The incompetence in one state cannot be taken as a bench mark in other. 2002 riots happened and are a black chapter in Indias history. The politicians including Omar forget that the unfortunate riots in Gujarat riots were aftermath of Godhra , but in no way justified. What about Kishtwar, are they not the black Chapter in the history of Jammu and Kashmir? Astoundingly, people here have borne the brunt of the full demonic onslaught of terrorism. Minorities have been hounded out of Kashmir and now Kishtwar has happened. It points to a complicity angle. The state sponsored investigation will not help. People will not believe it unless a top



after New Delhi alleged that the Pakistan army had killed five Indian soldiers. The allegation was denied by the Pakistan army and Foreign Office. On Monday, India violated the ceasefire at the LoC on three occasions by opening unprovoked fire. The Deputy High Commissioner to Pakistan was summoned to the Foreign Office where he has informed of Islamabad's concern over the repeated ceasefire violations. India again violated the LOC on Tuesday by opening firing at Pakistani positions. Last week, the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi was stormed by supporters of the Congress Party's Youth Wing and the Lahore bound friendship bus was stopped by protestors in Amritsar. PIA offices in Bombay and New Delhi have also ransacked on Sunday by Shiv Sena extremists.

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Bhat Gh Hassan Dar Gh Hassan Bhat Gh Rasool Bhat Gh Mohd Bhat Khurshi Begum Bashir Ah.Bhat Ab Rashid Bhat Farooq Ah.Rather Fatima Begun Ab Gani Baba Gh Mohd Bhat Aziz Ganie Manzoor Ah Dar Ab Majid Bhat Gh Qadir Bhat M.Shaban Bhat Shahzad Ah.Bhat Gh Mohi-ud-din Khazir Mohd Wagay M.Altaf Bhat Gh Rasool Sofi Amjad Sofi Ab Rehim Bhat Ali Mohd Bhat M.Sultan Dar M.Qasim Akhoon Kamal Rather M.Maqbool Bhat M.Shafi Dar M.Ashraf Sofi Mukthi Begum Assadullah Wani Bashir Ah.Dar Mali Begum Bashir Ah.Baba Ab Gaffar Bhat Ali Mohd Mir Javid Ah.Bhat Mst Saleema Ali Mohd BHat Habibullah Bhat Farooq Ah.Bhat Mst Khurshi Zooni Gh Hassan Baba Ali Mohd Bhat Gh Mohd Wani M.Yousuf Wani Gh Mohd Wani Mushtaq Ah.Bhat M.Shafi Wani Gh MOhd Wani Farooq Ah.Wani Zoona Begum Nazir Ah.Bhat Ab Gani Mir M.Akber Bhat Gh Mohd Naik Bashir Ah.Bhat Ab samad Wani M.Hashim Shah M.Abdullah Mir Gh Rasool Bhat Ab Rashid Bhat Gh Mohd Bhat Zaiba Gh Mohd Bhat Nazir Ah.Bhat Assadullah Bhat Manzoor Ah.Bhat M.Amin Shah Gh Mohd Baba Ab Ahad Mir Gh Mohd Bhat Farooq Ah.Bhat M.Ayaz Dar Ab Quyoom Mir Ab Rashid Wani Ali Mohd Hajam Gh Nabi Mir M.Qasim Bhat Mst Fazi Ali Mohd Bhat Bashir Ah.Bhat Ab Rashid Lone M.Yousuf Shah Gh Mohd wani Manzoor Ah.Raina Saja Bano Bashir Ah.Bhat Shahzada Akther Hajra Begum Mst Khurshi M.Qasim Bhat M.Abdulllah Bhat M.Iqbal Shah Gh Rasool Shah Ali Mohd Mir M.Maqbool Mir M.Amin Bhat Gul Bhat M.Sidiq Ganie Ab Aziz Ganie Saleema Begum Mushtaq Ah.Bhat M.Ramzan Bhat Ab Aziz Ganie M.Ashraf Bhat M.Ramzan Mir M.Yousuf wani Gh Mohi-ud-din Bhat Bashir Dar M.Maqbool Lone M.Maqbool Ganie Ali Mohd Bhat Haseena Bano Gh Mohd Shah Ab Rashid Bhat Nazir Ah.Bhat Rehmi Begum Gh Mohd Ganie Qadir Ganie Gh Ahmad Ganie Habib Ganie Gh Qadir ganie Gh Mohi-ud-din Shah Rashid Dar Rehti Bashir Ah.Dar M.Anwar Bhat Nazir Ah.Lone Gh Nabi Ganie Ab Rashid Ganie Peer Nazir Ah.Shah Gulzar Ah.Bhat Manzoor Ah.Bhat Shahnawaz Ali Shabir Ah.Mir Mohd Yaseen Bhat M.Sidiq Mir Fatima Begum Musadiq Ali Bhat Gh Rasool Shah M.Sultan Shah Saleema Jan Fayaz Ah.Mir Gh Mohi-ud-din Mir Ab Rashid Mir Gh Nabi Mir Mushtaq Ah.Bhat Manzoor Ah.Dar Mushtaq Ah.Shah Bashir Dar Fayaz Dar Sonaullah Bhat Farooq Mir Jana Begum Gh Ahmad Mir Mst Fazi Gh Ahmad Naik Gh Qadir Naik Nazeera Begum Farooq Ah.Ganie M.Akram Dar Gul Dar Jana Begum Halima Akther Farooq Ah.Dar Gh Mohd Dar Gh Mohd Dar Khursheed Ah.Dar Ab Qadoos Bhat Fayaz Ah.Dar Shareefa Fata Begum Ab Ahad Dar Dawood Ali Dar Bashir Ah.Dar Farooq Ah.Dar Gh Mohd Dar Mushtaq Ah.Dar M.Akber Dar Bashir Ah.Dar Salam Dar M.Shafi Dar M.Ismail Dar Ab Ahad Dar Gh Mohd Ganie Muneer Ah.Dar Gh Mohd Dar Gh Mohi-ud-din Dar Ab Rehman Dar Ab Rashid Dar Gh Mohd Dar Salam Gh Ahmad Ab Rehman Ismail Rehman Abdullah Gh Ahmad Ashoor Rehman Karim Akber M.Shaban Subhan Sidiq Sidiq Ali Salam W/O: Hassan Bhat W/O: Ahad Ganie Habib Aziz Gh Mohd Aziz Ali Ab Rehman Samad Akram Rehman Rehman Rasool W/O: Gh Ahmad Bhat Ali MOhd Ali Gh Rasool W/O: Shaban Bhat Mohiuddin Ali Gh Ahmad Sidiq Rehman Ali Mohd Ahad Ahad Gh Ahmad Akhoon Ali Mohd Ab Kabir Ali Subhan Gh M ohi-ud-din Habib Salam Abdullah Gh Mohd Salam Ahad Gh Mohd W/O: Habibullah Bhat M.Sidiq Ali Dar W/O: Ab Rehim Bhat Gh Hassan Karim Nabir Gh Mohd W/O:Gh MOhd Ganie Sidiq Ahad Ali Mohd W/O: Karim Bhat W/O: Gh Mohd Dar Rehman Gh Mohd Gh Ahmad Gh Ahmad Hassan Gh Ahmad Gh Ahmad Abdulllah Gh Ahmad W/O: Gh Mohd Bhat Habibullah Rehman Ali Mohd Ab Razak Kamal Subhan Ali S/L-Ali Bhat Ali Shaban Ali W/O:Gh Mohiuddin Hajam Gh Rasool Abdullah Ab Gani Ramzan Maqsood Rehman Rahim Gh Mohi-ud-din Gh Mohi-ud-din M.Akber Gh Mohd Razak Ramzan Gh Mohd Wali W/O: Sonaullah Bhat Gh Rasool Sonaullah Sattar M.Subhan Ab Aziz Ab Aziz W/O: Gh Hassan Shaban D/O: Gh Mohd Mir W/O: Ab sattar Bhat W/O: Gh Rasool Dar Gh Ahmad Ahad Sadur-din Sadur-din M.Shaban Ali Mohd Aziz Mohd Bhat Sattar Ab Ahad W/O: Yousuf Bhat Sattar Gh Ahmad S/L-Ahad Ganie Gani Gh Mohi-ud-din Ab Aziz Ali Gh Mohd Ismail Rehman Saleh D/O: M.Ramzan Bhat Ismail Gh Hassan Karim W/O: Gh Ahmad wani Rehman Jamal Rahim Aziz Rahim Ahmad Subhan W/O: Alim Dar Subhan Gh Mohd Ismail Sattar Gh Mohi-ud-din Peer Abdullah Satar Gh MOhd Ali Mohd Bhat Gh Mohd M.Ramzan Hayat W/O: Sidiq Mir Ali Sonaullah Sonaullah D/O: Ahad Mir Ahad Ahad Ahad Ahad Sonaulllah Assad Dar Karim Sidiq Sidiq Ashoor Bhat Gh Ahmad W/O: Karim Shah Gh Nabi W/O: Gh Mohd Ganie Ab Rehim Rehim W/O: Ab Quyoom Mir Ahmad Rehim Mohd Ab Khaliq Dar Ab Gani Dar Gh M ohd Rasool Maqsood Gh Mohd Ab Aziz Abdullah Ab Ahad Shiekh Sonaullah Dar Sidiq Ali Mohd Gh Mohd Rehman Gh Ahmad Abdullah Ama Dar Ibrahim Kabir Gh Mohd Wali Mohd Ali Dar Gh Ahmad Gh Mohd Kabir Akram Ali Mohd Akber Ramzan -Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-Do-DoGagjipatheri Hufroo (A) -Do-DoBarzullah Hufroo (A) Hufroo (B) 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Fresh protests ....
been arrested in connection with the incidents of protests and violence in Jammu districts, the Jammu Zone IG of police Rajesh Kumar said on Tuesday. "The arrested persons will go through rule of law, and those found innocents would be released", he said. With today's arrests, a total of 141 people have been taken into custody till now in connection with the incidents. He said that these arrests have been made to maintain law and order. "11 persons have been arrested in Kishtwar district for their involvement in communal clashes during past two days", Mr. Kumar said. He said a list has been made and culprits identified and the arrests would continue in Kishtwar "111 persons have been arrested in Jammu and Kishtwar in connection with violent incidents and protests during past few days," Principal Secretary (Home), Suresh Kumar told reporters last night. Three persons were killed and a total of 68 shops, 7 hotels and 35 vehicles damaged during the communal violence in Kishtwar district. J&K Chief Minister Omar Abdullah had said yesterday the state government has decided to order a judicial inquiry into the Kishtwar clashes. In Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (JKNPP) workers led by it chief Balwant Singh Mankotia defied the curfew and sat on a dharna in Gandhi Nangar area, demanding dismissal of the state government and imposition of Governor's rule. Jammu Bar Association president MK Bhaderwaj alleged that minors have been picked up by the police in the city, particularly in Janipur police station area. "The state government should not resort to mass arrests. I have talked to IGP of Jammu in this regard", he said.

Important Numbers
Ambulance Indian Red Cross Society Janta Party Ambulance Blood Bank Govt. Medical College SMGS Hospital 2544698, B.N. Charitable Hospital Fire Service Canal Road City Gandhi Nagar Gangyal Roop Nagar Bari Brahmana Rail Enquiry Station Manager Reservation Chief Reservation Officer General Enquiry Bus Stand General Bus Stand Travel Agent Asraria Travels A.R. Travel Al - Qadier Baba Tour and Travel Fly Rail Tour Travel Guru Travel Baba Travel Taxi Service Taxi Stand City Taxi Stand Airport Taxi Stand R. Station Bus Service Libra Travel Hari Travel Zamindara 102 2549413 9419189218 2584290, 2584291 2547635, 2547637 2505310 101 2554064 2544263 2435283 2480026 2597522 01923-220020 130 2431052 2431582 2431248 2431085, 131-132 2543551 2560901 9906247673 2471198, 2477059 2565827 2564326 2566202 9797425251, 2433089 9419115467 2546266 2458224 2476485 2577000 2578115 2562873

Heavy rains ..
are safe. "The pilgrims have been directed to stay back at the camps till further orders," the officials said. The authorities are monitoring the weather at an hourly basis and a decision to resume the yatra will be taken once rains stop and the tracks are safe for movement of the people, they added. Meanwhile, an unidentified sadhu died of cardiac arrest at Sheshnag along the Pahalgam-cave route yesterday, raising the death toll in the ongoing yatra to 14. The yatra commenced on June 28 and is scheduled to end on August 21 coinciding with the Hindu festival of 'Raksha Bandhan'. So far, over 3.51 lakh pilgrims have paid their obeisance at the 3,880 metre high cave shrine housing the naturally formed ice-shivlingam.

Minority business ...

said Khushi Ram Shan, whose two shops dealing with plywood retail and hardware was burnt down on Friday. Vijay Kumar Parihar, who had recently obtained a loan to set up an eatery, was cursing himself for having opened a business in Kishtwar. "My shop was set on fire and my dream project is no more", he said. Meanwhile, Principal Secretary (Home) Suresh Kumar told reporters here last night that there was "no threat of migration". "We will take confidence building measures and provide security wherever needed," Kumar had said.

Curfew continues ..
Srinagar highway was halted following tension along the road after the Kishtwar violence on Friday. Curfew continued in the eight districts of Jammu, Kathua, Samba, Reasi, Udhampur, Rajouri, Doda and Kishtwar districts of Jammu region. Loudspeaker-fitted police vehicles announced in the morning that curfew was in force in these districts and that people should remain indoors. While curfew continued for the fifth day in Kishtwar district where it was imposed on Friday following communal clashes, in other districts it continued for the fourth day on Tuesday. No curfew was imposed in Ramban and Poonch districts of Jammu region in the aftermath of the Kishtwar clashes. The Doda district magistrate said no curfew has been imposed in Doda town, although the same was imposed as a precautionary measure in Gandoh, Thatri, Prem Nagar and Bhaderwah areas of the district. Authorities on Monday evening relaxed curfew for three hours in Samba district after which it was re-imposed. In all other parts of Kathua district, except the main town, curfew was relaxed for two hours Monday evening. In Reasi district, curfew was relaxed for three hours, while in Udhampur, authorities relaxed curfew for two hours in the morning and two hours in the evening. "Except for some stray incidents in Kishtwar town and Raipur area of Jammu district, the situation remained completely peaceful elsewhere Monday," an administrative officer told IANS. "In fact, prominent citizens and civil society members from both the communities have already started carrying out peace marches at some places to defuse tensions," he said. Reports reaching here from the hilly Kishtwar town said a vehicle hired by police was Monday set ablaze by miscreants at Shalimar Chowk, five km from Kishtwar town. Police arrested 11 people in connection with the communal clashes in Kishtwar. The arrested include Abdul Qayoom Mattu, a separatist leader police allege was responsible for instigating people to violence. Protestors including women and children defied curfew in Kishtwar town on Monday to protest the arrests. The protestors engaged police in stone pelting, in which two police officers including an additional superintendent of police and a deputy superintendent of police were injured. Five protestors were also injured. The army later carried out a flag march in the area to restore order. Meanwhile, mobile internet services remained suspended throughout the state for the third day Tuesday. While authorities said the services have been suspended to check rumour-mongering, professionals, academicians, students and journalists have criticised the suspension, saying it amounted to pushing the state into the another Stone Age. "When information is gagged, rumours always run wild. I wonder what they want to achieve by this internet suspension, except for telling the world that Jammu and Kashmir is being pushed into another Stone Age," said an academician.

Geelani seeks ...

are in no way ready to compromise for their right but the authorities in India for the sake of their ego are continuing the unlawful occupation of the state," he alleged. Geelani in his appeal to Ban ki Mon urged him to take steps and impress India to shun its 'stubborn approach' and help in resolving the Kashmir dispute. While greeting people of Pakistan on the eve of their independence day he said that from the very first day Pakistan has supported Kashmir cause and seconded peoples demand for right to self determination. While praying for its stability he said that people of Jammu and Kashmir wish Pakistan to be a stable and prosperous state so that it may play a responsible and key role in world politics and affaires.

Electrical Department Canal Road 2554147 Gandhi Nagar 2430180 Janipur 2533828 Nanak Nagar 2430776 Parade Ground 2542289 Satwari Cant 2432183 Education Department Director School 2592791 Chairman Board Of School Education 2582704, 2584066 Jammu University Vice Chancellor 2435268, 2450014, 2434339, 2454390 Shree Mata Vashino Devi University Vice Chancellor 2439404, 2439566 Baba Gulam Shah Badshah University Vice Chancellor 2466892, 2464402 9419149772, 9419103561 Sher-e-Kashmir Agriculture University Vice Chancellor 2473883, 2471745 Insurance Company Bajaj Alliance LIC Shalamar New India National Oriental United India 2472339 2543927 2543763 2573862 2542954 2452862

Situation returning ...

that 120 odd arrests have been made in various areas of Jammu division in the last few days. We have to work for long term peace and catch hold of all the miscreants. We will ensure long term peace is maintained in the area and for that we have to take legal action against those who were involved in the clashes, he said. Prasad said that in few areas protests erupted after police arrested some people who were involved in the clashes. We have to do the arrests and people will protest against that. We will not stop our investigations because of the fear of protests. Asked whether there was any lapse on part of police in handling the situation in Kishtwar on Eid, he said, When there were thousand people on roads it is difficult to control them. What district admin did was correct. Causalities were minimised. Had police opened fire there would have been more causalities. The response of the district administration was appropriate in dealing with huge crowd in an agitated mood. There is a view that had the administration used force including firing the situation could have flared up. However, fact and circumstances are enquired into by judicial commission and it would not be appropriate to pre-judge that finding, he added. The DGP told KNS that restrictions will remain imposed upto August 15 depending on the circumstances and the public response in different areas. He said that rumour mongers were active and spreading rumours to instigate public.

Municipal Corporation Executive Officer 2546252 Health Officer 9419109781 Helpline 2571308, 2578503 Administration Divisional Commissioner ` 2544045, 2544665, 2543810 Deputy Commissioner 2546223, 2544366 General Post Office Chief Post Master General 2544278, 2561738 Deputy Post Master 2520416 Manger Speed Post 2573064 Senior Post Master 2571145 Manger City Office 2542735, 2546086 Industry Commissioner Industry 2544050, 2547883 Chamber Of Commerce 2476777, 2473333, 2472266, 2472255 JDA Vice Chairman PDD Commissioner CM House Omar Abdullah 2475136-37, 2474370 2546260, 2545447 2546766, 2544283, 2560203, 2546466 9419000786, 2545529 2542159, 2430301 2572891, 2546766 2540421 2546766, 2560203 2560613, 2560750 9419000811 2571411, 25496659 9419000659 2565824, 9419000875 2579923, 2572328 9419000880 2561543, 2561053 9419000765 2570225, 9419000703 2549676, 2579951, 9419184979, 2505724 2520701, 2566924 2431050, 9419000651

Pakistani Rangers ...

Border in Jammu and reviewed the security situation there. Joshi held a discussion on the current scenario along the IB in Jammu and discussed operational issues with his field commanders. Their focus was on the increasing instances of ceasefire violations and sniper strikes by Pakistan forces. This is fourth ceasefire violation by Pakistan in the past 36 hours and the eight in past four days. Pakistani troops had fired at Indian posts along LoC in Hamirpur and Balakote forward areas in Mendhar sub-sector of Poonch district at 9.20 PM last night. The firing continued till 6 AM today, Defence Spokesman S N Acharya said. On August 12, Pakistani troops had opened heavy fire using mortars, rockets and small arms on 11 Indian forward posts along the LoC in Digwar, Mankote and Durga Battalion areas. On August 11, a BSF jawan was injured in Pakistani firing at Alfa Machial forward Posts along Indo-Pakistan border in Jammu. Pakistani troops had targeted several Indian Posts by firing 7000 rounds of heavy ammunition and mortar shells in Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir on August 10. On August 5, Head Constable BSF Ram Niwas Meena of 200th Battalion was injured in sniper firing on Narainpur BoP area in Samba district. Meena, who suffered bullet injury in Chest, died in AIIMS in New Delhi on August 11. On August six, a group of 20 heavily armed men led by Pakistani troops had entered 450 meters into the Indian Territory in the Poonch sector and ambushed a patrol killing five Indian soldiers. Pakistani Rangers had also fired small arms on Kothay Border Out Post along IB in Samba district. PTI did not fit into that. He also called upon Pakistan to take action against Hafiz Saeed the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Tension between Pakistan and India escalated along the LoC

Supreme Court ...

August 21. The PIL was filed by senior Supreme Court lawyer Prof Bhim Singh seeking urgent intervention of the Supreme Court of India for the safe and secured passage of the stranded Machel Mata pilgrims between Kishtwar and Gulabgarh (Padar) since 9th August, 2013. Singh also sought judicial inquiry into communal clashes in which three people were killed in Kishtwar. The Supreme Court rejected the prayer of Jammu and Kashmir government that affidavit may be filed by the Home Secretary while accepting the plea of Prof Bhim Singh. The Court made clear directions to the Chief Secretary rejecting the J&K government's prayer. Prof. Bhim Singh vehemently argued that the people of Kishtwar have been fountain of secularism and what happened on August 9 was due to the criminal negligence of the state government. He emphasized that a sitting judge of the High Court should hold judicial inquiry into the entire circumstances that led to riots, killing, and imposition of curfew in Kishtwar. The petitioner also informed the Supreme Court that the government has blocked all local video channels, electronic communication, which has given the rumour mongers freedom to spread false news and propaganda to incite conflict and communal passion. He prayed for the intervention of the Supreme Court in this regard also. The Division Bench said that it cannot control the administration. "They are the right and the best persons to control the situation. They are in the field. They must act with free hand to control the situation. How can we restrain the state government from imposing conditions," it said. The bench, also comprising justices Ranjana Desai and Ranjan Gogoi, added that "at this stage, we cannot say that the state government is sitting mum. They are acting." The bench said that it is not underestimating the seriousness of the situation but it had to go through the ground situation prevailing in Kishtwar before passing any order. (CNS)

Principal Secretary Private Secretary Deputy Secretary PA Deputy CM Tara Chand Cabinet Minister Abdul Rahim Rather Ali Mohammad Sagar Mian Altaf Nawang Ring-Jin-Jora Peer Mohammad Sayed Sham Lal Sharma Taj Mohi Ud Din

India rejects ..

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CS for coordinated efforts for conduct of Survey on Manual Scavengers

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14 A high level officers meeting was held here today under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, convened to review the latest status of progress of conducting survey on Manual Scavengers in statutory towns and cities of the State. The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir Mr. Shalinder Kumar, Secretary Social Welfare, Mr. Gazanfar Hussain, Director General Economics and Statistics Mr. B. R. Lachotra, Director Census Operations, Mr. R. K. Bhagat, Director Social Welfare Kashmir, Mr. Farooq Ahmad Khan, Additional Secretary Social Welfare Department Mr. Mir and senior officers of concerned departments. Director General Economics and Statistics Mr. B. R. Lachotra, (State Nodal Officer for conducting of Survey on Manual Scavengers in the State)

BJP lauch agitational programme after independence: Jugal Kishor Sharma

JAMMU: BJP State President Jugal Kishore Sharma today announced that the party will launch a sustained agitational programme in support of its demands after Independence Day, which will include early implementation of the demands conceded by the government in the wake of Kishtwar incidents of August 9th, immediate release of innocent persons under detention and further strengthening of VDC's who have played a commendable role in the control of militancy. Addressing a Press conference at Party Headquarters here today alongwith Leaders of Party Legislature Group & National Executive member Ashok Khajuria, National Executive member & State Chief Spokesperson Dr. Jitendra Singh, State General Secretaries Bali Bhagat, Kavinder Gupta and Rajiv Jasrotia and others, Jugal Kishore Sharma congratulated the party workers and thanked the people of Jammu

apprised the Chief Secretary about the steps taken for ensuring launch of Survey on Manual Scavengers in statutory towns and cities of the State. The Chief Secretary was informed that all the District Development Commissioners of the State have been approached to furnish information regarding Self Declaration Centres, requirement of manpower like Enumerator, Supervisors and Data Punching Operators besides requirement of funds.

Chief Secretary enjoined upon all the officers to ensure coordination for completion of the Survey as desired by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India in view of the directions of the Supreme Court. Mr. Khandey asked the Director Census Operations to furnish the district-wise details of Enumeration Blocks (EBs) and insanitary latrines. He asked Divisional Commissioner Kashmir to personally intervene in the

matter to get the requisite information furnished to State Nodal Officer. It was decided in the meeting that Secretary Social Welfare Department will approach the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India for release of requisite funds for the conduct of Manual Scavenger Survey in the State. The State Nodal Officer was also directed to furnish revised activity chart for the conduct of Survey in the State expeditiously.

Wani pays surprise visit of R&B Sub-Dvn Qazigund

Orders suspension of absentees
SRINAGAR, AUGUST, 14: Minister for Roads & Buildings and Mechanical Engineering Abdul Majid Wani today paid a surprise visit of R&B Sub-Division Qazigund. The Minister went round various sections of Sub-Division office and took stock of its functioning. He checked the attendance Register and found that only two officials including one official from clerical staff and one orderly was present in the office. Assistant Executive Engineer, Bilal Ahmad Rishi, Junior Engineers and other staff members were found absent from duty. The Minister directed the Commissioner Secretary, Roads & Buildings to put the absentees under suspension with immediate effect for dereliction of their duties.

for the success of agitation against Kishtwar riots as a result of Which MoS Home Sajjad Kichloo had been forced to resign, a judicial probe had been ordered and government had accepted the demand for assessment based compensation for the losses and damage. Jugal Kishore Sharma said the people of Jammu know that BJP is the only political

Party capable of safeguarding their interest against discrimination and injustice by National ConferenceCongress coalition Government. He assured that in future also, the BJP will continue to take up Nationalist issues including those related to security of minorities, VDC's and cross border militancy. Jugal also appeal to the peo-

ple of Jammu to celebrate the Independence Day tomorrow with full fervour and send out a strong message to anti national forces. He said the party's main function will be held at 10 AM tomorrow at City Chowk, Jammu. Yudhvir Sethi, Balbir Ram Rattan, Rajesh Gupta, Ravinder Raina and Aseem Gupta were also present present in the press conference.

Rs. 6 Crores being spent under Vegetable Initiative Scheme:Director Agriculture

Rs. 34.78 Cr advanced for 2323 IG Units in Bandipora

BANDIPORA, AUGUST 14: Financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 34.78 crore against the target of Rs. 167.67 crore have been provided to 2323 beneficiaries under Annual Credit Plan in Bandipora district during the first quarter of the current fiscal. Out of which, Rs. 23.04 crore were advanced under Agriculture Sector, Rs. 5.66 crore under Small Enterprises and Rs. 6.08 crore stand disbursed under Service Sector. This was stated during a review meeting of District Level Consultative Committee here today with District Development Commissioner, Bandipora, Mr. M.Y. Zargar in chair. The meeting was attended by the Lead District Manager Bandipora, officers besides the representatives from Reserve Bank of India and various banks. The District Development Commissioner on this occasion stressed for maintaining coordination and cohesion between the Bankers and government agencies to achieve the tangible targets and also for eradication of unemployment. He also asked for conducting awareness camps in remote areas.

Curfew relaxed, no untoward incident reported: Div Com

200 people rescued from flash floods
JAMMU, AUGUST 14Divisional Commissioner, Jammu, Shantmanu, today briefed a press conference about the curfew related situation in Jammu province. IGP Jammu, Rajesh Kumar and Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, Ajeet Kumar Sahu were present on the occasion. The Divisional Commissioner informed that the curfew was relaxed in all the districts except Kishtwar at different timings and there are no reports of any untoward incidents during the whole day. Meanwhile, the Divisional Commissioner also elaborated the press about the situation arisen due to heavy rains and flash floods. He informed that around 200 people have been rescued from flash flood in Poonch, Rajouri, Samba and Jammu with the help of Army and Air Force. It was informed that a control room has also been set up at PCR, Jammu for monitoring the flood situation.

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14: About Rs. 6 Crores are being spent under Vegetable Initiative for urban Cluster Scheme in the selected clusters of Kashmir Division around Srinagar city for enhancing the production of vegetables and making available the same to the residents of Srinagar city on cheap rates. This was disclosed in a joint meeting of divisional and district level officers of Agriculture department held at Lalmandi today under the chairmanship of Director Agriculture Kashmir Mushtaq Peerzada. The meeting which had been called to review the imple-

mentation of various state and centrally sponsored schemes, was informed that the scheme has given a boost to the vegetable production in selected areas of Srinagar, Genderbal, Baramulla, Budgam & Pulwama with the result that so far over one lakh M. Tons of fresh vegetable has been exported to Jammu region as also outside the state. The meeting was further informed that under the scheme besides providing Hybrid Vegetable Seeds on subsidized rates to the farmers, the department is providing incentives for establishing of Green Houses to

encourage Off-Season cultivation of vegetables, pack houses for storage of vegetables to avoid distress sale of the crop, Vermi compost units to encourage organic produce and Vending carts for transportation of vegetables. It was also given out that during the current year additional clusters have been taken up under the scheme in Kulgam, Anantnag and Baramulla districts. Addressing the meeting Director Agriculture Kashmir underscored the need for educating the farmers with regard to marketing trends so that the farmer get good farm gate price for their produce.

Pakistani flags unfurled at different places

SRINAGAR, AUG 14: Pakistani flags were unfurled in various parts of Srinagar city as well as in certain districts on Wednesday. Reports said that on Wednesday the day of Pakistan's independence, Pakistani green flags were seen unfurling at scores of places. Some youth unfurled Pakistani flags on mobile towers which according to eyewitnesses were not being removed till late evening. Activists of Duktaran-i-Milat unfurled a Pakistani flag near Press Enclave Srinagar. "We erected Pakistani flags at various places as it was the independence day of Pakistan, the country which supports our cause. We hold a meeting in the heart of the city where National Anthem of Pakistan was sung," Aasiya Andrabi said. Pakistani flags were also seen unfurling at Khanyar, Babademb, Rajouri Kadal, Dalgate, Nowhatta and at other places. Some masked youth unfurled four Pakistani flags at Babademb which attracted the attention of passersby. Police swung into action and removed these flags at various places. However, the flags unfurled on lofty mobile towers were seen swirling throughout the day. In North Kashmir's Hajin area of Bandipora, Pakistani flags were unfurled at many places. Similar reports were pouring in from other places including Islamabad district.

KVI Union welcomes appointment of Mir as Secretary

SRINAGAR, AUG 14: Khadi and Village Industries Union has welcomed the appointment of Mir Afroz as Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of Jammu and Kashmir KVIB. The Union in a statement has assured the Officer full cooperation and help in the smooth functioning of the work. The Union has appreciated the role of Secretary and hoped that he would redress the genuine demands of the employees.

Shabir saddens over loss of property, crop

Directs for assessing its loss
SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14: Minister of State for Health Mr. Shabir Ahmad Khan has expressed grief and sorrow over the loss of property and crops caused due to intense rain today in Rajouri District. The Minister has assured that the effected families would be provided all possible assistance from the government. He directed the concerned authority for assessing the loss of property and deluged crops especially in Rajouri, Bela, Mender and other affected villages of the district where heavy loss to property and crops taken place due to intense and incessant rain.

Kashmir and Jammu trade bodies meet Chief Minister

JAMMU, AUG 14: A delegation of trade bodies of Kashmir consisting of the President, KTMF M. Y Khan, President FCIK Mohammad Ashraf Mir and President JCCI, Dr. Mubeen Shah headed by the President, KCC&I Abdul Hamid Punjabi met trade bodies of Jammu so as to ensure that the peaceful business environment prevail in the State at all cost and supply of commodities to other parts of the State don't get disrupted as a result of disturbance of peace at Jammu and adjoining areas. "The Jammu trade bodies in general and JCCI in particular have welcomed the mission and assured the delegation that they will make every effort to not to allow the situation to come to any irksome pass like that of 2008," the statement issued by trade bodies of Valley claimed. Later the delegation along with its Jammu counterpart called on the Chief Minister in Jammu to assure him of the full cooperation from the trade bodies of State in maintaining peace and tranquility of people of the State. The delegation made a demand with the Chief Minister that immediate disbursement of sufficient compensation for the losses suffered be given to the sufferers and foolproof security should be provided to ensure smooth movement of public transport and goods carriers on National highway from Lakhanpur to Banihal. The delegation also demanded an effective probe in the episode to locate the specific trouble maker and identify the miscreants so as to be awarded with such deterrent punishment that none else ever think of creating trouble and disrupt peace of State in future. Chief Minister according to delegation responded and assured that all the required measures to maintain peace, compensate the losses and punish the culprit in fullest measure are being taken on priority.

JKP Jammu discusses security arrangements

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14: Senior Superintendent of Police, Security Jammu today chaired a meeting of officers to discuss the security measures put in place in connection with peaceful celebration of Independence Day ensuring safety of people. The meeting decided that no one will be allowed to bring or carry arms/ammunition, sharp edged weapons, hand bags, ladies purse, polythene bags, transistor, patromax, handy fire extinguishers, cellular phones, stop watch, pens, any kind of powder, inflammable, material like, cigarettes, match boxes, lighters, cameras and other objectionable items in the march-past ground. The individuals visiting the Stadium (venue for Independence Day celebrations) are being asked to extend full cooperation to the frisking teams deployed at different gates which is in fact meant for their safety and peaceful culmination of the Independence Day.

Internet blockade affects patient care: DAK

We are pushed to ape age
NEW DELHI, AUG 14: President DAK Dr Nisar-ulHassan Wednesdaycastigated government for blocking internet services. "We are pushed to Ape Age and we feel we are back to medieval times," he said. In a statement Doctors Association Kashmir said that a doctor without internet access in modern age is like a" boat without an oar". "Medicine is changing fast, every day, every minute and doctor has to be updated for efficient and quality patient care which is a fundamental right of every person. Every day doctor needs internet access to look for new diseases, newer diagnostic tools, newer medicines, newer surgical techniques for modern and advanced care," Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan said adding that at times doctors need to discuss patient problems with other doctors across the world for a better and second opinion and this is done through internet. "Doctors have to be in knowhow of latest research projects/papers to keep themselves abreast and apply that research to their patients for scientific care," he said. DAK said that doctors in peripheral health care in state at times seek opinion from tertiary care hospitals for patients but because of internet blockade patients have to come from far off places for just an opinion creating lot of inconvenience to poor patients.

2 officers get Chief Minister's Vigilance Medal

SRINAGAR, AUGUST 14: The Government accorded sanction to the award of Chief Minister's Vigilance Medal in favour of two officers of the State government for displaying conspicuous and exemplary courage in exposing corruption and creating awareness against corrupt practices for the year 2013. The award comprises a medal, cash prize of Rs. 51,000 and a certificate. The officers whose favour the awards are accorded are ADC, Srinagar, Mr. Ghulam Mohammad Dar, then ADC, Anantnag and Private Secretary to Director of Vigilance Mr. Mohammad Hussain.

Kashmir a symbol of communal harmony

Amid internet gag Omar continues to tweet

Blaming Pakistan for all the mess
SRINAGAR, AUG 14: Soon after the resolution passed by Pakistan's National Assembly supporting freedom struggle in Kashmir and accusing Indian troops for ceasefire violations, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah amid suspension of Internet services in the State tweeted on micro-blogging site Twitter, blaming Pakistan for all the mess. "Talk about the pot calling the kettle black - they (Pakistan) violate the ceasefire, kill and behead our soldiers and then pass a resolution blaming us," Omar wrote on micro-blogging site Twitter. Ridiculing the resolution passed by Pakistan's National Assembly on ceasefire violations along the Line of Control, Omar wrote that conflicting signals were emanating from the neighbouring country which were helping the hawks on both sides. Pakistan's National Assembly on Tuesday passed a resolution accusing Indian troops of "unprovoked aggression" on the LoC and extending support to the struggle of the Kashmiri people. Omar said, "The conflicting signals coming out of Islamabad are exactly what the hawks on both sides are looking for."

Let people defeat the designs of few Hindu fanatics: Swami Agnivesh
NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Hindu religious scholar and Civil Society member Swami Agnivesh Wednesday appealed people of Kashmir not to get carried away by the awful actions of few religious zealots in Chenab Valley and Jammu city and maintain peace at any cost. He expressed happiness that majority of people of India restrained themselves from visiting Amarnath Cave this year which according to Agnivesh has become an epicenter for spreading abhorrence and hatred between two communities. Swami Agnivesh said that it high time that people of Kashmir and Jammu get united and defeat the evil intentions and motives of a fanatic party and its right wing organizations. "Our unity should be an answer to these fanatics who want to divide people on communal lines. Communal parties should be told that people do not support their vicious policies and they should be shown the door," he said. He reiterated that Hindu fanatics are exploiting the sentiments of people over the name of Amarnath Yatra. "It is absolutely a superstition that wishes of people could fulfilled by visiting Amarnath Cave. People are being befooled while the only motive behind the Yatra is to assemble people, spread hatred and divide the two communities," he said. Agnivesh said that he is happy that so many people have understood the game plan of fanatic Hindu's and they kept themselves aloof from Amarnath Yatra. "After witnessing so much death and destruction at Kedarnath, we were hoping that Amarnath Yatra would be suspended but pilgrims for petty benefits were encouraged to visit the Cave which I feel is absolutely childish," he said. While replying to a question, Agnivesh said that the State government must take the considerations about VDC's into account and should disband them if people prosposes so. "VDC's according to people are responsible for disharmony and the government must take appropriate steps either to curb the activities of VDC members or disband them," he said.

VDC's extra-constitutional and illegal

Omar did a marvelous job in containing communal violence: Dr Zafarul Islam Khan
NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Describing the Village Defence Committees as extra constitutional and illegal, eminent author, journalist, and civil society member Dr Zafarul Islam Khan Wednesday lauded the role of Omar Abdullah for containing communal violence in Kishtwar town in time. "It was the timely action of Omar Abdullah which did not allow it to spread and take an ugly turn. There are ample proof that BJP and its right wing organizations instigated people of violence for vote bank," Khan told Srinagar based newsgathering agency CNS adding that Muslims being in minority in India are being suppressed everywhere. Reacting over the eruption of communal clashes in Kishtwar and other parts of Jammu city, 'Milli Gazette' Editor and Publisher said that this is an election trend and BJP at this point of time wants to polarize Hindu community. "In fact, BJP wants to repeat what happened in 2008 and for this purpose this party is seeking help from different association and organizations. Extending the duration of strike calls is nothing but to keep the pot boiling," he said. "I think Chief Minister Omar Abdullah did a wonderful job by not letting the nefarious designs of BJP to succeed. He imposed curfew in time and sought the help from Army. Usually what we see in riot hit areas, curfew is being imposed after two or three days and 'Godhra' is the best example before us," Khan said.

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need to have a genuine interest and concern in environmental issues. In addition to the above mentioned requirements- organising ability, practicality, ability to get on well with people of all types and to keep calm under pressure are an asset in the field. JOB PROSPECTS & CAREER OPTIONS A degree in the field of Thermal engineering helps the candidate to get in to a lucrative career in the area of thermodynamics or thermal control. Thermal engineers normally work as part of an engineering team, whether as independent consultants or as permanent members of an engineering/technical department. Thermal engineering can also be practiced by mechanical and chemical engineers. Thermal engineers mainly work in the fields like: design of various types of heaters, from air and water line heaters to applications like freeze protection and temperature control; thermal analysis for optimizing use of power; heat-related safety studies; simulations and predictions. Thermal engineers can find work in administrative and managerial positions in government departments or public and private sector industries. Those who have a passion for teaching can opt for a teaching profession in universities and engineering institutes. Yet another option is to do research in the respective field. Thermal engineering principles are applied in many areas, including the electric power industry; the automobile industry; and the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. The principles of Thermal engineering are also crucial to the operation of vehicles. Thermal engineering can also be applied in designing thermal control system, which in turn is used in spacecraft operation, cryogenic coolers, and so on. Hence thermal engineers are highly demanded in Avionics sector, Aerospace, Research and Development sector, and other related areas. Defense and railways require Thermal engineers to assist in maintenance and design of their machinery. Job prospects are immense for experienced hands abroad. Thermal engineers have job opportunities in L & T, Thermax, BHEL, Ennore Thermal Power Plant, Nuclear Power Plant, Wind Power Mill, Off shore oil platforms and in Marine Field. REMUNERATION The salary for Thermal engineers differ based on factors such as qualification, institution of study, experience and job profile. The salary packages offered for entry-level candidates are low when compared to that of an experienced one. At entry level, one can expect a pay range of Rs.12,00015,000 per month. For experienced hands, Indian companies offer pay packages in the range of Rs.3-6 Lac p.a. The scope for employment and salary is much better abroad.


INTRODUCTION Thermal engineering is a branch of Mechanical Engineering, that encompasses technologies dealing with heating and cooling systems, transfer of heat, and fluid mechanics. In simple words, thermal engineering is a division of engineering that deals with heating or cooling of processes, equipment, or enclosed environments. A thermal engineer is a professional who specializes in a complex field of engineering that focuses on thermodynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and fluid mechanics. Thermodynamics deals with conversion of heat energy into mechanical, chemical and electrical energy as well as conversion of other energies into heat energy. Thermal Engineers pay attention to every aspect of heat generation and its removal in an electronics system. Thermal engineering principles are applied in many areas, including the electric power industry; the automobile industry; and the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) industry. The principles of thermal engineering are also crucial to the operation of vehicles. The heating and cooling of the car is controlled by thermal management systems integrated into the design. Thermal engineering also offers widespread application in the area of spacecraft propulsion and in other application areas of thermal control. Thermal engineering is important to the design of almost any machine. Mechanical elements and electric circuits generate heat during operation which can often threaten the device. Cooling mechanism help regulate the machine's internal temperature. Devices that use this principle include even computers and car batteries. ELIGIBILITY & COURSE AREAS To become a Thermal engineer one should have a postgraduate degree (M.E/M.Tech) in Thermal engineering. Educational Thermal engineering course is mostly offered to students at the postgraduate level. Those who have completed their graduate level (B.E/B.Tech) engineering programs in Mechanical, Automobile, Marine, or Aeronautical engineering streams are eligible to apply for this post graduate program. The basic eligibility criteria for a BE / B.Tech is 10+2 or equivalent examination, with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. After the bachelor's one can go in for a Masters degree. Applicants for postgraduate programmes (M.Tech) in Thermal engineering are required to have completed B.E./B.Tech. or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution in related area and he/she has to qualify the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Entrance Examination. Selection :Selection to the post graduate courses ( M.E/M.Tech ) is based on merit i.e the marks secured in the final exams of B.E./B.Tech course Or on the basis of scores obtained in the entrance exams such as the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Entrance Examination OR the institutes own separate entrance exams. Some engineering colleges/institutes specify GATE qualification as mandatory even for admission of self-financing students to postgraduate programmes. The candidates have to achieve a good score in the entrance test to get admit-

ted into master's program in Thermal Engineering. Duration : The duration for M.E/M.Tech course is 2 years. Subjects studied under this degree are Energy Conservation and Management, Advanced Thermodynamics, Advanced Heat Transfer, Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers, Refrigeration Systems Design, Environmental Engineering and Pollution Control, Instrumentation in Thermal Engineering, Internal Combustion Engine Design and design of Condensers Evaporators & Cooling Towers. Thermal Engineering exposes students to a wide variety of special-

ized Mechanical Engineering fields such as Power Plants, Boiler Operations, Energy Development & Utilization, Instrumentation in Thermal Industries, Renewable & Unconventional energy engineering, Waste Heat recovery system, Food Processing & Preservation system. Personal attributes Thermal engineers need to have a good aptitude for the natural sciences, particularly physics, chemistry and mathematics, and should have good analytical and problem-solving ability. They must have numeric skills as math's is an important tool. They must have ability to communicate ideas clearly, both orally and in writing. They also

AHMEDABAD: A meeting of the Gujarat University syndicate has been convened on Friday to decide the fate of the three selffinanced colleges that were granted permission to run five-year integrated undergraduate and postgraduate courses through a controversial memorandum of understanding. The controversial permission was granted by former GU vice-chancellor Adesh Pal who was recently removed by the state government. The government was opposed to this decision and had even reprimanded Pal for sanctioning such courses without first seeking its approval. The syndicate meeting will also discuss whether the five-year integrated courses should be withdrawn or allowed to run because 400 students have already been given admission.

5-year courses: GU IGNOU's Independence Day promise: syndicate to meet A mini hospital on campus
NEW DELHI: In his Independence Day speech, the vice chancellor or Indira Gandhi National Open University promised that the dispensary on its MaidanGarhi campus will be converted into a 'mini hospital.' "The small dispensary located in the campus for the staff shall soon be converted into a mini hospital so that any staff member undergoing any emergency, for example, a heart attack, can be aided," announced M. Aslam, VC, IGNOU. A statement released by the university says that he also "brought forward various challenges faced by him since his recent joi nin g." "When I joined the university 21 lakh study materials were p r i n t e d ; 4,54,000 students appeared for the termend exam; then came the time of admission which was publicized in every regional centre of the country with the help of the Regional Directors ; even though the number of programmes was 153 but it was

Need to improve quality of education: PM

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Thursday there was need to improve the quality of education and much still remained to be done to reform India's educational system. "Many of our schools still lack drinking water facilities, toilets and other necessary infrastructure," PM Manmohan Singh said in his address to the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Independence Day. "There is a need to improve the quality of education. To achieve this, it is necessary to lay more emphasis on training of teachers," he added. Lauding the efforts made by the government, the prime minister said: "We have enacted the Right to Education Act to provide every child in the country the opportunity for education." "Almost all our children are he said. In the higher education sector, the Prime M i n i s t e r Manmohan Singh said: "Many new institutions have been opened in the area of higher education. For example, 8 new IITs (Indian Institutes of Technology), 7 new IIMs (Indian Institute of Management), 16 new central universities and 10 new NITs (National Institutes of Technology)." He said new institutions have also been opened to boost scientific research. "Steps have been taken to attract students to the study of science and encourage Indian scientists working abroad to return to India," he added.

fulfilled with four lakh registrations." The statement also says Aslam spoke of "new initiative" including a "IndoAfrican Virtual University" for Africans.

Applied English lost in translation

NEW DELHI: The English Applied Language Course (ALC) is on "translation and interpreting", but Delhi University's English teachers, and many students, are already lost. Under the four-year undergraduate programme, one ALC is compulsory for all first-year students. The teachers believe that the course design for English will "marginalize large sections of students" as it's based on the assumption that all students know Hindi. Evidently, that's not the case. The North-East Forum for International Solidarity has already had over 40 students from the north-eastern states complaining to them. In theory, students can choose from ALCs in Bengali, English, Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, Sanskrit and Urdu - all containing a translation component. In practice, a college will have the faculty and resources to teach only a few of these - English, Hindi and Sanskrit being most common. "The problem is what students translate from and into what, if they are not bilingual in the same language as the teacher teaching the course" says Sanam Khanna who teaches English at Kamala Nehru College. "Till now, only the technical terms like source texts, target languages etc are being taught. I don't know what will happen when we actually start practical exercises, as all courses presuppose knowledge of Hindi and English. We do not have any guidelines for teaching these courses nor do we know how to evaluate," Khanna adds. Many teachers are not fluent in Hindi themselves; students may want to translate from Khasi, Mizo or Tamil but teachers wonder if that's allowed. "Even if teachers allow them to choose the language, how do you select the source text if you don't know the language? And what is the procedure for evaluation in such a situation?" asks Khanna. St Stephen's College is allowing students to choose both source and target languages. "In case a student picks a language which the teachers don't know, we have been fortunate enough to find at least one other student who knows it," says Karen Gabriel, who teaches English. . "Many students have complained to us," says Chinglen Khumukcham of NEFIS which had protested against the inclusion of a Modern Indian Language in the foundation courses. Teachers also wonder how a translation course, which requires competence in at least two languages, can be made compulsory.

Just 1,034 pharmacy students confirm admission

AHMEDABAD: Pharmacy colleges are facing at a grim scenario as only 1,034 admissions have been confirmed. For 4,800 seats, just 2,776 admissions were allotted but less than half of these students confirmed admission. Last year, 2,848 seats were vacant in pharmacy colleges. This year, far more seats are likely to remain vacant as medical and paramedical admissions, due to begin from Friday, are expected to make a bigger dent into pharmacy students. "Of the 1,034 students who confirmed admissions, some students may go to medical and paramedical colleges. This will be a bigger loss to the pharmacy branch," said officials. Officials said that a special request to allow admission to pharmacy colleges may have to be made to salvage the situation. Meanwhile, medical and paramedical admissions will begin on Friday-21,000 students have applied for 8,800 seats

today being imparted education in primary schools. The number of young men and women going to college has more than doubled in the last 9 years," he said. The prime minister said new schemes for scholarships have been implemented on a large scale to enable poor children and those belonging to the weaker sections access opportunities for education. "Today, the central government provides scholarships to more than two crore children,"

Founder-principal of India's first Sainik School passes away

MUMBAI: Founder-principal of India's first Sainik School at Satara (Maharashtra), Lt Col Yog Raj Puri, died in Pune on Thursday after a brief illness. He was 98. He is survived by wife, son and daughter. The funeral would be held in Pune tomorrow, family sources said. Expressing his condolences, his students, who include former Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Naik and film-makerRakesh Roshan, recalled the sense of discipline Lt Col Puri instilled in them. "He was our true mentor and guide. A great personality, visionary and educationist," Naik said. Puri was handpicked by the late Yashwantrao Chavan to be the first principal of the school which completed its golden jubilee three years ago.

Mridul Hazarika new VC of Gauhati University

GUWAHATI: Governor J B Patnaik on Wednesday appointed MridulHazarika as the new vice-chancellor of Gauhati University. At present, Hazarika is working as the chief scientist at the Science Foundation for Tribal and Rural Resource Development inBhubaneswar. He is also a visiting professor of School of Applied Sciences, CranfieldUniversity of UK and has held several important positions earlier including that of the director of Tea Research Association TocklaiExperimental Station. He is also the recipient of several awards, including National Merit Scholarship, 1967, Rajiv Gandhi Rashtriya Ekta Samman, 2012 and Mahatma Gandhi Samman (Gold Medal), 2012. Hazarika hails from Nasoni Chuk, Club Road, Jorhat

VC invites teachers to speak, silences them

NEW DELHI: It was as if the match had been fixed and the result was a foregone conclusion. Delhi University's vice-chancellor, Dinesh Singh, tried to justify the foundation courses, but in his speech to a gathering of teachers on Wednesday, he didn't touch upon any of the issues raised by them. He simply brushed them aside as an attempt to malign an "innovative initiative". Some teachers who attended the meeting described the entire exercise as eyewash. While Singh spoke for over an hour, he allowed just about 10 minutes for teachers to put their point of view across. Interestingly, those whose names were announced had nothing critical to say about either the foundation courses or the four-year-undergraduate programme. And not a single teacher who was critical of the compulsory foundation courses and had given his or her name in advance was allowed to speak. As usual, the V-C's speech was built around quotes from Dinkar, Iqbal and Gandhi, interspersed with rhetoric and jokes which apparently are doing the rounds in social media. In this hour-long speech, while touching upon the allegations of errors and "laughable activities" prescribed in the foundation courses, the mathematician V-C observed: "I am yet to come across a single book on mathematics written by great mathematicians which does not have errors." Singh started his address with the now well-known claim that "we have been consistently meeting our colleagues in smaller and large groups. We are here to discuss a little bit the foundation courses. While Singh's speech didn't deal with any specific problems with the courses or the structure, he said the premise of these courses was to connect students with real-life situations. "We are bringing in these things which are time-tested, in our country, for decades and centuries. We must not forget the value of these knowledge systems... We want the child to get acquainted with the challenges of India and also learn the practices of the past." Students from IP, Hindu and Miranda House were connected via video conferencing, where Singh, to demonstrate how the foundation courses were being implemented, asked the students: 'How do you identify a city as opposed to a village? If we have to send a rocket to the moon, should we point it at the moon and fire it?" After the speech, the dean of academic activities and projects, Malashri Lal, announced the names of seven teachers for questions and feedback. After the event got over, a few teachers accosted the VC and publicly accused him of not considering all points of view and only the ones that suited him.



Proud moment for India

A bronze medal brings cheer but not effusive jubilation. But the victory of India's junior women's hockey team in this year's World Cup in Monchengladbach, Germany, is worth its weight in gold. On Sunday, the young team defeated its counterpart from England, 3-2, on penalties, to secure for women's hockey in India its first-ever medal at the world-level (that is, at any tournament organised by the International Hockey Federation) across age groups. The last time the Indian women's hockey had tasted success at this stage was almost four decades ago when, in the 1974 World Cup and in the 1980 Olympic games, the senior girls had finished fourth. In the years since then, hockey in general has been on the downslide in the country, and women's hockey especially has fallen by the wayside. Even this time around, the Indian team was at the bottom of the pack, having suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the Australians in the first match itself. But as the tournament progressed, the girls, though relatively inexperienced, pushed their way through the ranks slowly, steadily and surprisingly. Sunday's match began in favour of the English team but the Indians fought valiantly through the 70-minute game, which ended evenly. In the ensuing penalty shoot-out, Rani Rampal, who scored the lone goal in the regulation period, proved her mettle when she hit two goals. The second segment was as much a battle of the nerves as it was a test of skill and technique - only five of the total 16 strokes taken converted into goals - but the Indian girls did not blink. For instance, goalkeeper Bigan Soy, who had not played a single match during the tournament, put up a fantastic display at the crucial moment by scuttling the rival team's five attempts to strike a goal. Similarly, when England's Anna Toman failed to take her shot, it was Navneet Kaur's third goal for India that secured the team its victory. Adding more value to the team's success in Germany is the fact that not only is it a tremendous boost for the victorious players but also a shot in the arm for all Indian hockey players, men or women, junior or senior. For a sport that has long passed its heyday in this country, a stellar victory such as this can revitalise it. It has already succeeded in reigniting some of the popular interest that hockey once enjoyed; now, the sports fraternity as a whole (sponsors, managers, trainers) must step up and do its bit. Hockey India's cash prizes, though only token sums as compared to the money that goes into the kitty of, say, winning cricketers, are welcome. They demonstrate to the players that the country appreciates the latter's efforts. However, it will mean little if the gestures are not followed up by long-term measures. The team needs adequate and sustained funding - it, in fact, went through a period without any sponsor after one of its financiers was accused of fraud. The players also need proper training and coaching facilities - after its Dronacharya award-winning chief coach stepped down, the team was left rudderless, failing to qualify for the London Olympics. Now, Australian coach Neil Hawgood has taken charge, and he seems to be a good fit. Let's hope that the young girls will build on this success and the fraternity will give them the support they need.


Abhijit Iyer-Mitra
Given the quantum leaps in power that aircraft carriers bring, the reaction to their deployment is usually a very good gauge of one's friends and adversaries. Watch out for the Chinese and the Pakistani media when India launches INS Vikrant August 12 will see the launch of India's first indigenous aircraft carrier - the INS Vikrantlayed and reportedly over the cost, this boat marks a significant milestone for India. Aircraft carriers though are problematic assets; while they do bring enormous benefits to a navy, they are also notorious for the geopolitical counter-currents they generate. The first triumph here is that India's hull construction has probably well and truly matured. Sure we do not have the advanced modular construction techniques that enable rapid constriction as yet, but the end result is still what looks like a reasonably state-of-the-art ship. An aircraft carrier is an extraordinarily complex boat that has frustrated the best efforts of several nations. Pre-War Germany tried unsuccessfully to master its construction, having produced just one test ship - the Graf Zeppelin - despite its enormous intellectual resources and sophisticated research and development. The Chinese similarly have also failed to produce an indigenous carrier. To note here is the fact that the Chinese shipbuilding industry is far ahead of India's, given that they are unfettered by the self defeating laws that have (quite possibly deliberately) made the Indian ship-building industry an insignificant entity. China's efforts to study and build a carrier have been long and arduous. It first acquired an ex-British-ex-Australian carrier called the HMAS Melbourne - an identical sister ship of the original INS Vikrant. It then bought two ex-Soviet ships - the Minsk and the Kiev - curiously of the exact same class the Indian Navy has acquired in the INS Vikramaditya. These ships were acquired with their blueprints. Additionally, in the late 90s Spanish ship-builder Bazan also sold China some unspecified designs. Despite this Beijing still had to buy yet another hull - of the Varyag - the successor ship in the Soviet Navy to India's Vikramaditya class. This hull was only 70 per cent complete and had to be towed to China in a two year, 28,000 km ordeal that included a minor diplomatic spat with Turkey and a near spat with Greece. Despite having a thriving shipbuilding industry, the ship could be converted to a functioning aircraft carrier only in 2012 - a full 14 years after its purchase. In fabricating the steel required for its boat and designing the vessel from scratch, India has, therefore, stolen a lead over China. Given the often-repeated failures of the defence research establishment here, and Chinese triumphs in this respect, this is an exception that deserves a standing ovation. It is also a resounding valediction of the Indian Navy's approach of working to incrementally indigenise ship construction - a goal it has maintained since its earliest days. There are two critical aspects that this carrier falls short on, and that need to be the focus of the Navy's future: The indigenisations of propulsion and weaponry. The chosen engines for this system are the US-made General Electric LM2500, four of which are required to power this ship. This is an engine that China also possesses and fields on one of its destroyers - the Type 052 Luhu, which means that the Chinese certainly have some indepth knowledge of its operational capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. But the bigger story here is the absence of that elusive beast - the Indian engine. This mystical creature has been something of the holy grail of Indian defence research and continues to elude us - be it for a tank, a fighter plane or a warship. Unfortunately, our scattered, unplanned and unstrategic procurement of various engines from various sources means that we have never been able to generate the bulk, or economies of scale, to demand serious technology transfer of this critical technology from suppliers. Take the Air Force for the most recent example - despite choosing the Rafale as its frontline fighter, instead of using its M-88 engine (which was on offer) for the Tejas, India chose the US GE414 engines. Similarly India's surface ship fleet uses several British, Russian, Ukrainian and the US engines and has yet to consolidate its future plans around one single-engine design. Again, the weapons systems of the new Vikrant will also be foreign. The guns are slated to be Italian, and Russian, and the yet undisclosed air defence system probably Israeli. The aircraft complement will be a mix of mostly Russian MiG 29 fighters and Ka-31 family helicopters, and possibly some Tejas. Obviously a ship is just a platform; what turns it into a hunter are its weapons systems. While the hull is reportedly indigenous, the claim that the combat system that comprises the hull, its propulsion and its weapons, is indigenous, is starch too far. Contrast this with

China, which may have imported the hull, but all the important bits - the planes, weapons electronics and the propulsion, are all Chinese made. Perhaps more important are the geopolitical ramifications of setting an aircraft carrier out to sea. Given the quantum leaps in power that aircraft carriers bring, the reaction to their deployment is usually a very good gauge of one's friends and adversaries. When China launched its carrier, the reaction around its maritime periphery was uniformly negative. However, when India's carrier is launched, it's likely that only the Chinese and the Pakistani Press will have anything bad to say. Yet, till the late 1990s and up into the early 2000s, the US and the Australian public literature - albeit niche, military and aviation magazines were warning that Indian maritime abilities would have to be countered. Yet now such talk seems obsolete, with the almost uniform opinion being formed that India's maritime expansion is a force for stability in the region. Still, this does not seem to have filtered into Indian thought. Strategic autonomy remains the cornerstone of our policy and yet remains ill-defined in tangible terms. This means we cannot identify friends or foes openly, and if we cannot do this, we also cannot leverage the assets of our allies to project our own power. The consequent capacity duplication is bound to be ruinously expensive and unsustainable, given the huge economic lead that China has over India. When INS Vikrant is launched, scan the international media carefully. At the risk of repetition, nothing tells you who your friends are and who your enemies are better than an aircraft carrier.


A Surya Prakash
Jawaharlal Nehru rejected the Justice Fazal Ali Commission Report in 1955, and Sonia Gandhi rejected the Justice Srikrishna Committee Report in 2013. The net result is a mess in the name of Telangana With every opinion poll predicting the downfall of the Congress in the next Lok Sabha election and its virtual decimation in Andhra Pradesh, the party has begun to show its true colours - it appears to be willing to do anything to shore up its numbers in the next Lok Sabha, even if this means encouraging fissiparous tendencies and endangering national unity. This may sound harsh, but there can be no other inference to the cynical manner in which the party has decided to bifurcate Andhra Pradesh and create the new state of Telangana. This decision of the party, as everyone can see, is primarily aimed at securing some Lok Sabha seats in the Telangana region at least, since it is unable to face the challenge posed by Jaganmohan Reddy's YSR Congress in the Andhra region. Thus, for the sake of a few Lok Sabha seats in one election, the Congress Working Committee has decided to divide a State at this juncture. This could well turn out to be a grind stone round the nation's neck, given the rash of statehood demands that the Telangana announcement has prompted. Already, a dozen new demands have sprung up. The Bodos and the Gorkhas have resumed their violent agitations for creation of Bodoland and Gorkhaland; Ms Mayawati has reiterated her demand for breaking up Uttar Pradesh into four States: Purvanchal, Bundelkhand, Awadh Pradesh and Paschim Pradesh; Mr Ajit Singh has once again raised the flag of Harit Pradesh; politicians of Vidharbha have suddenly rediscovered the virtues of a separate Vidharbha State; the Coorgis are clamouring for a separate State, and finally, there are political parties in Tamil Nadu who want to break up the Tamil State. On the face of it, it looks rather innocuous - mere formation of new States within the Indian Union. But, there is every danger that all this will lead to agitations in each region of the country, unleashing centrifugal forces that the weak Manmohan Singh Government is unable to contain. After keeping the Telangana issue on the backburner for close to 60 years, the decision of the CWC smacks of desperation and recklessness, because the timing is all wrong for the following reasons: While the creation of smaller States made sense 30 years ago, the political situation in India has changed rather dramatically in recent times leading to the splintering of the polity and the emergence of dozens of small, regional parties and unstable coalitions at the Centre. The most dangerous consequence of these developments is that it has enfeebled the Centre and made it extremely weak and vulnerable. The best example of the Centre's loss of strength is its failure to push through the idea of an unified National Counter-Terrorism Centre. A nation like India which is the most diverse society on earth in terms of race, culture, religion, caste and language and which has 28 States and many Union Territories, needs a strong Centre to hold it together. This was the case in the first 30 years of our Republic, but as the Congress became more and more corrupt and opportunistic, regional politicians encashed on the Congress's follies, stirred up regional sentiments and promoted smaller, denominational political entities to take on the Congress. The result is there for all of us to see now. In 1957, the second Lok Sabha had MPs representing 12 political parties. Fifty years hence, the Lok Sabha had 42 political parties. The way things are going, we should be ready for 60 or more political parties. If the experience of the past 17 years is anything to go by, the smaller, regional parties in the coalitions that have ruled the country since 1996 have substantially hindered governance because of their incapacity to look beyond their spheres of influence. Many of them have virtually blackmailed successive Prime Ministers and got away with gross inefficiency and corruption. All this has substantially weakened the Union Government and the office of the Prime Minister. Add to this the eccentricities of Chief Ministers of a dozen more States belonging to newer political formations and you can be certain that this is a recipe for disaster. In the 1950s, the reorganisation of States was primarily on the basis of language. The process was triggered by Potti Sriramulu, who undertook a fast unto death to press for creation of a Telugu State. This was granted soon after his death because of the large-scale violence it triggered across Andhra. Thereafter, the Nehru Government appointed the States Reorganisation Commission headed by Justice Fazal Ali. In its report, submitted in 1955, the commission said there is much to be said for the formation of the larger State but for the present the Telangana area, known as Hyderabad State, should continue as a separate State "with provision for its unification with Andhra" after the 1961 General Election if by two-thirds majority the legislature of Hyderabad State favoured unification. The Nehru Government, however, did not accept the advice of this commission and instead created a unified Telugu State called Andhra Pradesh. Fifty-five years hence, in February, 2010, the Congress headed by Sonia Gandhi prompted the Manmohan Singh Government to constitute yet another committee to consider the Telangana issue. This committee headed by Justice BN Srikrishna, did not favour the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. It said Andhra Pradesh should remain united and certain definite constitutional and statutory measures must be taken for the socio-economic development and political empowerment of the Telangana region including establishment of a Telangana Regional Council. The Srikrishna Committee was most worried about the consequences of granting Statehood to Telangana. Taking note of the demand for Gorkhaland, Bodoland, Bundelkhand etc, it said "the division of the State will also have serious implications outside Andhra Pradesh. It would not only give fillip to other similar demands but it will be for the first time, after the re-organisation of States, that a political demand for dividing a linguistically-constituted State would have been conceded by the Union Government with the creation of two Telugu-speaking States. The issue requires a most calm and dispassionate consideration of the consequences". As can be seen, Nehru rejected the Justice Fazal Ali Commission Report in 1955 and Ms Sonia Gandhi rejected the Justice Srikrishna Committee Report in 2013. On both occasions, the Congress has done what suited it best, with little or no consideration for the consequences of its actions for India. Will India survive the Congress's myopia?

There were no surprises, but hope was belied. The Reserve Bank of India's first quarter review of monetary policy for 2013-14 simply maintained status quo; but measures announced in the weeks before the review to stem currency volatility underscored the central bank's emphasis on the exchange rate. Those measures - which tightened rupee liquidity in financial markets and raised funding costs for banks and interest rates for their borrowers - were instituted to curb volatility in the rupee's exchange rate; that goal may have been partially achieved, but the depreciation in the rupee's value vis-vis other currencies has not been reversed. The bad news does not end there. Markets are worried that while the central bank may have described the tightening as temporary, how long the measures will stay in place is uncertain. After the review was made public on July 30, equity markets fell as foreign institutional investors pulled out of Indian stocks, and the rupee depreciated further. In his statement, the RBI governor, Duvvuri Subbarao, also lowered the gross domestic product growth forecast for the financial year 2014 from 5.7 per cent to 5.5 per cent. The decline may not seem too significant, but the trend is definitely worrisome. As Alice Rivlin, a former vice-chairperson of the United States of America's Federal Reserve once pointed out, it is the job of the central bank to worry, and the RBI is very worried, going by the tone of the governor's statement. The orders of magnitude of required policy action whether on interest rates or exchange rates - are so large that the results could disrupt the financial system. The central bank has not been able to provide any relief for corporate India on interest rates, and has practised its stated policy of not intervening to manage the exchange rate. Liquidity management has been a key instrument of monetary policy, which ensures that money - an excess of it or a shortage - does not disrupt the economy; the emphasis on controlling inflation and price stability has helped manage expectations and keep the economic machine running (albeit slowly). Its actions on containing exchange rate volatility have so far offset any external economic shocks to the system. Many believe that the central bank sent out confusing signals between its actions and the tone of the policy review; perhaps another way to look at it is to recognize Mr Subbarao's efforts at avoiding wide swings in policy. His task has been complicated by the slow speed of policy transmission: the delay between action and anticipated results. He also underscored the need for structural reform by the government, perhaps acknowledging that when monetary policy is helpless, fiscal action is essential; but in the current political climate, even when fiscal action is essential, it seems impossible.

Tainted MPs, MLAs

Dear Editor, The recent historic judgement of the Supreme Court to disqualify MPs and MLAs convicted for certain offences has been widely appreciated by countrymen. What is more needed in this connection is that the disqualified representatives of the people must be deprived of their pensionary entitlement. An MP/MLA becomes eligible for a life-long pension even if he/she remains in the position only for one single day. After the Apex Court's judgement, such a provision of pension becomes an anomaly which needs to be removed at the earliest. Yours Etc, Roshan Lal, Udhampur


Already, a dozen new demands have sprung up. The Bodos and the Gorkhas have resumed their violent agitations for creation of Bodoland and Gorkhaland; Ms Mayawati has reiterated her demand for breaking up Uttar Pradesh into four States: Purvanchal, Bundelkhand, Awadh Pradesh and Paschim Pradesh; Mr Ajit Singh has once again raised the flag of Harit Pradesh; politicians of Vidharbha have suddenly re-discovered the virtues of a separate Vidharbha State; the Coorgis are clamouring for a separate State, and finally, there are political parties in Tamil Nadu who want to break up the Tamil State.

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Pakistani terrorists may hit India to foil Sharif, says new book
NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Pakistani terrorists might sabotage new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's peace policy towards New Delhi by staging terror attacks in India, a new book by a Pakistani journalist warns. Author Babar Ayaz also says in "What's Wrong With Pakistan" (Hay House India) that Sharif's peace overtures might suit the Pakistan Army for now as it wants to cut the tensions with India. Sharif, the 364page book says, wants to resurrect the peace process from where he had started with the former Indian prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 1999 before Pakistan's Kargil war sabotaged it. "This might suit the military for the time being as it has been looking for ways to defuse tension with India and concentrate on the internal terrorist threats. "But the jehadi groups and their Islamist supporters have already started opposing Sharif's peace policy with India. They are bound to sabotage such efforts by stepping up terrorist activities in India," the author says. Ayaz's book is a comprehensive study of Pakistan since its birth in 1947 and the many crises it has faced, including an unending conflict about its own political and religious identity. The journalist of over four decades says Pakistan "cannot be called a failed state" but makes it clear that the time has come to separate religion and politics in the world's only nuclear-armed Islamic state. "Religion and politics have to be separated to check the sectarian strife and stop the state patronage to the Islamists. "The jehadi organisations have to be wound up with a programme for the rehabilitation of their foot soldiers. "Mosques and madrassas have to be closely monitored to stop them from spreading hatred against other sects and other countries," it added. Whatever the nature of the Pakistani establishment, most Pakistanis want "a modern democratic state", the author says.

AHMEDABAD, AUG 14: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi will visit the Indo-Pak border to meet Border Security Force (BSF) jawans after unfurling the national flag at Bhuj on 67th Independence Day tomorrow. Reports on Wednesday said that Modi will dedicate a drinking water pipeline set up by state water supply department for BSF posts. The Gujarat Chief Minister will be visiting the border at a time when there have been numerous ceasefire violations by Pakistan along LoC in Jammu and Kashmir, which have soured the bilateral ties between the two nations. Modi today threw a challenge to the Prime Minister, saying that the nation would be comparing his speech with that of Dr Manmohan Singh on Independence Day tomorrow. "When we unfurl the tricolour, the message will also go to Lal Quila. Nation will want to know what was said there and what is said here (in Bhuj)," Modi said addressing a gathering of youth at Bhuj in Kutch

Narendra Modi to celebrate Independence Day at Indo-Pak border

district. "On one hand there will be a series of promises, whereas on the other there will be the account of work done. On one side there will be despair (nirasha) and on the other side hope (asha)," he said without directly mentioning the Prime Minister. The remarks of Modi, BJP's election campaign committee chief, drew a caustic remark from Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Rajeev Shukla, who said the Gujarat leader was "full of arrogance". "I keep saying from day one that he is full of arrogance, full of himself. If this kind of a person gets higher in politics what he will do to the country one can understand," he said in Delhi. Union Law Minister Kapil Sibal too attacked Modi, saying the BJP leader would be watched for "mis-statement of facts he is prone to make." "They (the people) will probably be curious to hear what mis-statements of facts Modi is now going to make. Every time

India committed to peace, cooperation with Pak: PM
NEW DELHI, AUG14: Amid skirmishes at the border, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today conveyed to his Pakistan counterpart Nawaz Sharif that India would keep pursuing peace, friendship and cooperation with that country.In his Independence Day greetings, Singh extended good wishes to Sharif for building a peaceful, stable and prosperous Pakistan. He told Sharif that India remains "committed to pursuing peace, friendship and cooperation" with Pakistan. Singh's commitment to peace and friendship came against the backdrop of killing of five Indian soldiers by Pakistan Army in Poonch sector of Jammu and Kashmir last week. After that incident, regular skirmishes have been taking place between the militaries of the two countries along the Line of Control and International Border. Earlier in the day, Parliament rejected the Pakistan National Assembly resolution, saying it levelled "absolutely baseless and unfounded" allegations against India and asserted the Pakistan Army was actually involved in "unprovoked" attack on the Line of Control (LoC) last week. In his Independence Day greetings, Singh extended good wishes to Sharif for building a peaceful, stable and prosperous Pakistan. He told Sharif that India remains "committed to pursuing peace, friendship and cooperation" with Pakistan.

he makes a speech, there are some false figures, false facts which he knows to be false like 20 per cent of GDP of China is spent on education. "I hope he does not trivialise the national issues and make mis-statements of facts which he is prone to do while he is speaking to those who will hear him," Sibal said. Modi also took a dig at Robert Vadra, son-in-law of Congress President Sonia Gandhi without naming him. "When children grow up, parents advise them to settle down. But today children are

telling their parents that they are not averse to marriage, but they are waiting for an opportunity to become the 'sarkari damaad'" he said in an apparent reference to Vadra. Attacking the Centre, Modi, already in the election mode, said "Its your turn to give your accounts...You will have to give account in 2014 of what you have done...And this country knows what you have done. It knows what you have done, for whom you have done and who has done. People also know how it has been done and how much it was done".

Navy's INS Sindhurakshak submarine sinks, all crew feared dead 2G case: Mittal, Ruia seek recall of SC orders
MUMBAI, AUG 14: In one of the worst disasters to have struck the Indian Navy, a series of explosions rocked its submarine INS Sindhurakshak at the dockyard here around midnight on Wednesday, sinking it partially in the shallow sea, in which 18 personnel including three officers are feared killed. INS Sindhurakshak tragedy: Events as they unfolded A smaller intensity explosion was followed by two massive blasts, causing a major fire in the Russian-made submarine, Admiral D K Joshi, Chief of Naval Staff told reporters after visiting the dockyard in Colaba. Joshi, who accompanied Defence Minister A K Antony, did not rule out the possibility of a sabotage but said, "Indications so far do not support such a theory." The dieselelectric submarine was commissioned into the Indian Navy 1997 at a cost of around Rs 400 crore and had gone through Rs 450-crore extensive upgrade in Russia. With the 18 navy personnel still missing nearly 17 hours after the mishap, he said, "While we can hope for the best, we have to be prepared for the worst. "Miracles do happen. There might be air-pockets (to aid their survival). We know that so much time has gone by," he said. Joshi said three other personnel who were on board the vessel but not inside, jumped to safety but were too shocked to make a statement. A board of inquiry has been constituted to probe the reason behind the blasts and it is expected to submit its report within four weeks, he said. Divers from the navy, Joshi said, have been able to cut through the vessel, as all hatches had fused due to the fire, and were looking for the missing personnel, but without any success so far. Asked what could have triggered the fire, Joshi said only a board of inquiry would be able to conclusively pin- point the cause of the blaze as there are "many ingredients present" on a submarine to cause such an incident. Defence Minister Antony expressed his "solidarity and condolence" to the navy and the families of the sailors who lost their lives in the "shocking tragedy". "I offer heart-felt condolences to the families of the sailors who were inside the submarine. We will extend all help to them," Antony said, without taking any questions and left the venue of the press conference, leaving it to the navy chief to answer queries from the media. "A board of inquiry has been ordered which will bring out all the details," he said. The midnight explosions could be heard in a radius of two kilometres from the naval dockyard and amateur videos taken with cell phone cameras showed fireballs lighting up the night sky in Colaba. The 2300-tonne Kilo class submarine, powered by a combination of diesel generators and electric batteries, which had returned after a major refurbishing in Russia, had a potent weapons package including the anti-ship 'Club' missiles. The navy chief said it had recently been certified for safety. The mishap has come at a time when the Navy is faced with a depleting submarine fleet. Before leaving for Mumbai, Antony had briefed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh about the incident. In 2010, a fire broke out on board Sindhurakshak leaving a sailor dead and two others injured. That mishap was caused by an explosion in its battery compartment. India had bought the submarine from Russia as part of a deal in the early 1980s and the warship was commissioned in 1997. It was the ninth of the 10 'Sindhugosh' class diesel- electric vessels that the Navy has in its 16-strong submarine fleet. NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Bharti Cellular CMD Sunil Mittal, Essar Group promoter Ravi Ruia and other accused in the 2G case on Wednesday told the Supreme Court that its orders barring the High Court from hearing cases arising out of the scam and directing trial on day-to-day basis has turned into an "instrument of torture" and seriously impaired their rights. "Unfortunately, the trial court has not realised the spirit of the order and took it in a literal sense making it an instrument of torture," senior advocate Ram Jethmalani, appearing for Swan Telecom promoter Shahid Balwa, submitted before a bench of justices G S Singhvi and K S Radhakrishnan. Mittal and Ruia, who have been summoned as accused in the case of alleged irregularities in allotment of additional spectrum, assailed the order saying it has seriously impaired their right to approach the High Court. However, the CBI opposed the plea for recall of the apex court's April 11, 2011 and November 9, 2012 orders, saying these were passed "keeping in mind the magnitude of the case involving the sitting MP, who was then the telecom minister (A Raja) and large number of industrialists". The agency told a bench comprising justices G S Singhvi and K S Radhakrishnan that "the entirity of 2G spectrum scam spread for long period and there are connected cases" and "in case of Mittal and Ruia the trial court asked them to be added as accused (in the additional spectrum case) and they themselves have come to this court". Senior advocate Harish Salve, appearing for Mittal and Ruia, said the apex court orders on their pleas were being given altogether a different interpretation by the CBI. "It is surprising how your orders are being understood," he said referring to the orders in which the CBI and others were given six weeks to complete the filing of affidavits and counter-affidavits on their petitions challenging the trial court order summoning them as accused in the case of alleged irregularities in the additional spectrum case. Salve said the prosecution interpretated the orders as if there was stay on proceedings against them only till six weeks and the trial court asked Mittal and Ruia to get clarification from the apex court. He said "nobody knows what twist and turn this trial in the 2G case will take as now the trial court has called new witnesses". He was referring to the trial court's July 19 order allowing CBI to call 13 additional witnesses including Reliance ADAG Chairman Anil Ambani and his wife Tina Ambani. "In a situation like this that no court other than this court will hear the matter is a serious impairment of right of accused," he said and added that "your lordship has the power to change and correct that order because of serious issues arising during the trial".

SC order on AIIMS quota: Govt to file review plea

NEW DELHI, AUG 14: The Centre Wednesday moved the Supreme Court seeking a review of its verdict by which it had held that there can be no reservation in appointment for faculty posts in speciality and super speciality courses in medical colleges including prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). The review petition filed said the July 18 verdict goes against the mandate of Mandal judgement and the apex court also ignored the detailed submissions made by it. It said though the arguments were advanced by its lawyer for two days, the verdict merely stated that the Centre has adopted the arguments of AIIMS. Ruling against reservation in speciality and super speciality courses, a five-judge constitutional bench headed by Chief Justice Altamas Kabir (since retired) had said it cannot take a contrary view expressed in 1992 by a ninejudge bench in the Indra Sawhney case, also known as the Mandal case, that there could be no compromise with merit at the super speciality stage.

864 police officials decorated on I-day; gallantry to 138

NEW DELHI, AUG 14: 864 police and paramilitary personnel have been awarded with service medals on the eve of 67th Independence day on Wednesday. While the President's Police Medals for gallantry have been awarded to six personnel, Police Medals for gallantry have been awarded to 132 personnel. In another categories, the President's Police Medals for distinguished service has been awarded to 87 personnel while Police Medals for Meritorious Service has been given to 639 personnel. The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), country's largest paramilitary force, has topped the gallantry medals chart with 34 medals to its men, majority of which are for anti-Naxal operations. CRPF's Deputy Commandant Prakash Ranjan Mishra, who sufferred bullet injuries four times in anti-Naxal operations, has won the gallantry medal for the fifth time-- the maximum for a paramilitary personnel. Four personnel of Jammu and Kashmir police, including two posthumously, have been awarded the PPMG including top Maharashtra police cop and DCP Vishwas Nangre Patil who was amongst the first to enter Taj Mahal hotel to combat the terrorists during the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

Government in piquant situation in Parliament Supreme Court dismisses Devinderpal

Singh Bhullar's review plea
NEW DELHI, AUG 14: The Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) terrorist Devinderpal Singh Bhullar's plea seeking a review of its verdict refusing to commute his death sentence to life imprisonment on the ground of delay in deciding his mercy plea by the government. A bench headed by Justice G S Singhvi refused to review its April 12 verdict by which it had rejected his plea for commuting the death sentence to life imprisonment Bhullar was convicted and awarded death penalty for triggering a bomb blast here in September 1993, killing nine people and injuring 25, including then Youth Congress president M S Bitta. The apex court had on March 26, 2002 dismissed

Taskforce to review NDMA functioning: Govt

NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Government, keen on passage of a host of legislations including the one on food security, is caught in a piquant situation in Parliament over the protests by TDP MPs that have been stalling business. The current impasse raises questions over the fate of the legislations BJP is insisting that there should be no passage of any legislation in the din while it does not also want any action like suspension of agitating members. Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj has let it be known to government that it would not be a party to the suspension of the members. She has, however, appealed to the agitating MPs to shift the venue of their protests from the House to outside

in front of Mahatma Gandhi's statue. Opposition leaders insisted in the allparty meeting convened by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kamal Nath two days ago that that no bill should be passed in the din. Sources said government's patience was running out. It was reflected in the Lok Sabha yesterday when the opposition accused Nath of getting angry and warning such an attitude would not help in running the House. The talk in Parliament circles is that Congress is apprehensive that any action against the agitating TDP mps will send a wrong signal in the Seemandhra region, already upset over the decision on Telangana. Opposition leaders claim that government's attempts to persuade TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu to pre-

vail upon his party MPs are also not succeeding. While the monsoon session started last week, hardly any legislative business has been transacted in the Lok Sabha. Speaker Meira Kumar's repeated appeals to the agitating MPs have gone unheeded. She had called the TDP MPs of the Lok Sabha from Seemandhra region twice, but to no avail. For the second day today, the Lok Sabha could not take up discussion on the Food Security Bill and was adjourned for the day at 1500 hrs itself due to the disruptions. It is likely to come up on Monday. There was talk that Congress President Sonia Gandhi was set to be the first speaker from the ruling side to speak on the Food bill.

Bhullar's appeal against the death sentence awarded by a trial court in August 2001 and endorsed by the Delhi High Court in 2002. He had filed a review petition which was also rejected on December 17, 2002. Bhullar had then moved a curative petition which too had been rejected by the apex court on March 12, 2003.

Bhullar, meanwhile, had filed a mercy petition before the President on January 14, 2003. The President, after a lapse of over eight years, dismissed his mercy plea on May 25, 2011. Citing his delay, he had again moved the apex court for commutation of the death sentence but his plea was rejected.

Govt launches 'Indias Story' to counter BJPs UPA chargesheet

NEW DELHI, AUG 14: "Bharat ki kahani" (India's story) detailing UPA's nine years of governance was launched here Wednesday by Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari. Cast in the form of media capsules, including audiovisual clips, it is an attempt to convey to the public details of the government's achievements. Unveiling the "Glimpses of India Story - Phase II", Tewari said they had attempted to incorporate people's suggestions regarding the first phase launched May 22. He also said "There is a lot of difference between India Shining and Bharat Nirman stories. India Shining was a (imaginary) situation that the NDA government was broadcasting, while the Bharat Nirman is a small attempt to tell about the silent revolution that has led to empowerment of millions across the country.

NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Government has decided to review the functioning of National Disaster Management Authority and has constituted a task force for the purpose, the Rajya Sabha was informed on Wednesday. "Government of India has decided to constitute a task force to inquire into National Disaster Management Authority ...We are reviewing it (functioning of NDMA)," Minister of State for Home Mullapally Ramachandra said while replying to a question in this regard. "My information is that the Government of India has received the report and we are examining it," he said. Admitting to the shortcomings pointed out by CAG in the functioning of NDMA, the Minister said, "I am fully aware of revelations made by the Comptroller and Auditor General. Of course, there are complaints from some other sources about the functioning of National Disaster Management Authority." To a supplementary question on whether there was any specific information by the Indian Meterological Department about cloudburst that led to the Uttarakhand disaster, the Minister said the warning was only "general". "According to information given by the Indian Meteorological Department, they had issued a general warning of very heavy rains and thundershowers at isolated places on the 15th and 16th June, 2013, in the state of Uttarakhand," Ramachandran said. "The warning was of general nature. The meteorological centre at Dehradun has specified the areas of heavy rainfall in Char Dham and issued advisories to the state government as well as other government departments," he said. About India's preparedness for a nuclear disaster, he said the issue is "very serious" and government is looking into it. "Definitely, it is a very serious issue and the Government of India is pondering over the matter...Prime Minister has taken special interest in such matters and he held several rounds of discussion with scientists about impending dangers out of such a nuclear holocaust," he added.

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BEIRUT, AUG 14: At least 18 Syrian rebels and a child were killed in violence in the central province of Hama on Tuesday, a monitoring group said.In the north, a prominent Aleppo-based activist went missing, and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it feared the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) was behind his disappearance.Near Morek in Hama province, the number of opposition fighters killed (early Tuesday) has risen to 18, said the Britain-based Observatory.They were killed in clashes and army shelling on their positions and ammunition stockpiles, the group added.Meanwhile, in the Sahel al-Ghab area of Hama, a 10-year-old child was killed in army shelling, said the Observatory.The deaths come amid a major rebel escalation in eastern Hama, which is strategically located in the heart of Syria and links several flashpoint areas to each other. Activists say several rebel groups have joined forces in recent weeks to fight two simultaneous battles in the area one called We are coming, Homs, the other The single body. Hama is adjacent to Homs, the centre


PARIS, AUG 14: A fifth of the worlds websites and mobile telephone applications provide no information on how, or if, they protect users personal data, a French watchdog said on Tuesday. In collaboration with 19 other countries, Frances national data protection agency Cnil in May conducted an audit of more than 2,000 of the worlds most popular websites and apps to evaluate how they inform users of their data collection practices. More than 20 per cent of the websites and mobile applications audited supply no information to their visitors in regard to their policies on data protection even though these sites or applications collect personal information. For mobile applications alone, this number even reached 50 per cent, it said in a statement. In cases when such policies are not communicated, users do not have the means to control their data, Cnil said, adding that even when such policies are available, they are often too general or too focused on specific technical aspects such as cookies. Internet services routinely install small bits of software, called cookies, on users computers to store identifying information and to track Internet behaviour. All the authorities involved in the audit complained that essential information was often withheld, such as the purpose of the data collection or whether the information would be passed on to a third party. They also pointed to the prac-

of whose provincial capital remains under rebel control, weeks after the army reclaimed control of the strategic Khaldiyeh district.In northern Syria, news broke of the disappearance of an anti-Assad activist known for his chants at weekly protests in the city of Aleppo.It is likely he is being held by ISIS, Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP. Amateur video distributed by the

Observatory showed friends of Abu Maryam protesting at the gates of ISIS headquarters.ISIS is believed to be holding hundreds of activists in areas where they operate.Among the missing is Father Paolo DallOglio, a charismatic Italian Jesuit priest who went to meet with ISIS commanders earlier this month to try to negotiate the release of activists, and has yet to return.

tice of drowning their policies on data protection in their general conditions statements.In France, where Cnil

said it had audited 250 websites, it found 99 percent of them collect data of private character.

ber of a vigilante group said that some of its members were gunned down by the rampaging terrorists when they tried to respond to a distress call. It was not immediately clear why the mosque in Konduga was targeted, but Boko Haram, in past had attacked mosques whose clerics had spoken out against religious extremism. The group had also attacked Christians outside churches, teachers and schoolchildren and Government, military targets. Nigeria declared a state of emergency in three northeastern States in May as it fights Islamist militants.Boko Haram aims to establish and Islamic caliphate in the oil-rich country and more than 2,000 persons have died since it commenced killings and bombings mostly in the northern part of the country. Nigerias 150 million people are evenly distributed among Christians and Muslims. KATHMANDU, AUG 14: Experts from South Asian countries on Tuesday began discussions here on ways to liberalise visa which will allow visa-free travel within the region. The meeting is expected to pave way for the smooth functioning of the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme, said SAARC Secretary General Ahemed Salim addressing the meeting of the Core Group of Immigration and visa Experts at SAARC Secretariat in Kathmandu. Representatives from all member States are participating in the two-day meeting of the Core Group in a bid to expand the scope of the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme. The Scheme currently entitles limited number of people to visa-free travel within the region. The fifth SAARC summit held in November 1990 in Maldives had decided to launch the SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme with the ultimate objective of putting in place a visa free regime in South Asia. Considered as a milestone in the history of SAARC, the Scheme, that became operational in 1992, has enormous potential in enhancing people to people contacts in the region. Though there are presently only 24 categories of entitled persons, the list is bound to grow with the passage of time in the larger interest of our Association, Salim said. Referring to the concerns regarding difficulties with the revised procedures for issuance of visa stickers to certain categories of persons including businessmen, he urged the members to simplify them. I would urge this meeting to revisit the procedures to make them simple and achievable, Salim said. On the recommendation of the fifth Meeting of Immigration Authorities held in Male in September 2012, a meeting of experts is to convene at the Secretariat immediately following the Core Groups meeting, to consider the establishment of SAARC Immigration Liaison Network, a proposal mooted by the Maldives.


HAVANA, AUG 14: Fidel Castro is marking his 87th birthday behind closed doors, with tributes in official media serving as a reminder of his outsize influence on Cuban history. The date also underscores that the clock is ticking on his generations grip on power, with Cubans increasingly obliged to contemplate a post-Castro future. Havana mechanic Dayren Silva said today the occasionally released photos and videos of the retired leader make him realize that the calendar is irreversible.Raul Castro has been in power since a near-fatal illness forced Fidel to step aside in 2006.He says his current term ending in 2018 will be his last, concluding nearly six decades of rule by the brothers. In February Raul Castro named Miguel Diaz-Canel, 53, as his chief deputy and heir apparent.

ABUJA, AUG 14: Suspected Islamic militants wearing Army uniforms gunned down at least 44 worshippers at a mosque in northeast Nigeria, the latest in a string of attacks blamed on radical extremists. Militants, believed to be linked to

Boko Haram sect, opened fire on people worshipping inside the mosque in Konduga near Nigerias restive city of Maiduguri on Sunday, security officials said on Monday. At least 44 worshippers have been shot dead, they said. Also, a mem-



BHARTI AIR DRREDDYSLA HINDALCO WIPRO BHEL 344.90 2282.55 90.15 437.30 158.25 +7.30% +4.73% +4.34% +4.18% +3.67%

rent fiscal. Ennore Port and Airports Authority of India can issue up to Rs 500 crore each of such bonds and Cochin Shipyard Ltd. can offer as much as Rs 250 crore. The pricing of these bonds would be linked to government securities yields reported by the Fixed Income Money Market and Derivative Association of India, the circular said. Besides, each entity would have to earmark as much as 30 per cent of the issue for Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs).The circular also mandated that the companies would have to raise at least 70 per cent of the aggregate amount through public offerings and 40 per cent of issue have to be reserved for retail investors. The issuers shall earmark suitable amounts within their private placement allocation for placing with Sovereign Wealth Funds, Pension and Gratuity Funds without the requirement of book building procedure, it added. NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Aiming to arrest surging current account deficit (CAD) and surging imports, the Government on Tuesday hiked customs duty on gold, silver and platinum to 10 per cent, a move which would help it garner around Rs 4,830 crore.While the duty on gold and platinum was raised from 8 per cent to 10 per cent, the levy on silver was hiked by 4 per cent, according to the notifications tabled in Parliament by Finance Minister P Chidambaram. Revenue Secretary Sumit Bose told reporters later in the day that Government was still working on the proposed hike in import duties on non-essential goods, an indication of which was given by Chidambaram on Monday. He said the basic purpose of enhancing the duty was to curb the import of the precious metals to check CAD and not to raise money. Shortly after the hike was notified, bullion traders said the price of gold will go up by Rs


BHARTI AIR 344.50 DRREDDYSLA 2281.20 HINDALCO 90.10 BPCL 323.75 BHEL 158.30 +7.29% +4.77% +4.16% +4.00% +3.77%


NTPC HDFC BANK ITC LTD HIND.UNILE ICICI BANK 130.60 609.70 341.65 613.45 909.30 -5.33% -2.54% -2.52% -1.97% -1.86%
NEW DELHI, AUG 14:The Government has allowed 13 institutions, including NTPC, NHB and HUDCO, to raise Rs 48,000 crore through issue of tax free bonds to boost long term infrastructure finance.The bonds would be in a tenure of 10, 15 or 20 years. Retail investors, qualified institutional buyers, corporates and high networth individuals can subscribe to the bonds, the CBDT said in a circular. The companies which have been allowed to issue bonds include IIFCL (Rs 10,000 crore), IRFC (Rs 10,000 crore), National Housing Bank (Rs 3,000 crore), NTPC (Rs 1,750 crore) and NHPC (Rs 1,000 crore). Besides, National Highway Authority of India (NHAI), Rural Electrification Corp (REC), Power Finance Corp (PFC) and Housing and Urban Development Corp (HUDCO) have been allowed to raise up to Rs 5,000 crore each in the cur-


DLF AXIS BANK NTPC JAIPRAK AS POWER GRID 149.80 1034.55 130.70 36.15 101.10 -6.43% -5.35% -5.08% -4.24% -4.22%

600 per 10 gms. Continuing its rising streak for the fifth straight day, gold prices rallied to a fourmonth high by rising Rs 565 to Rs 29,825 per ten grams in Delhi.This is the third time that the Government has raised the duty on gold this year with a view to containing its imports, mainly responsible for spurt in CAD which touched at a record high of 4.8 per cent in 2012-13. Import of gold went up by a huge

87 per cent from 205 tonnes in April-July 2012 to 383 tonnes during the corresponding period this year. In value terms, the increase was 68 per cent from Rs 56,488 crore to Rs 95,092 crore. In the case of silver, import during April-July 2013 was valued at Rs 12,789 crore in comparison with Rs 4,281 crore during the corresponding period year ago, registering a 200 per cent increase.

SOYMEAL INDR 3334.00 +5.01% GUAR GUM 14410.00+4.59% NICKEL NICKEL MINI 829.20 +3.19% 829.20 +3.19%


MUMBAI, AUG 14: Amidst the ongoing talks of consolidating small state-run banks to create one or two globally large size banks, Reserve Bank Governor D Subbarao on Tuesday cautioned against making a too-large-tofail banks, saying what is needed is not a monopolist but a number of comparatively large banks. Citing the 2008 credit crisis, which was triggered by too-big-to-fail banks, Subbarao said, we dont need monopolies, instead we need four-five banks of big size, as large banks can become too-big-to fail, leading to moral hazard problems. He also said too large banks lead to complexity and too-big-tofail or too-connected-tofail moral hazards with adverse impact on financial stability.He also said though consolidation brings in higher capital base facilitating increased lending activity and faster GDP growth, apart from boosting infra financing, and meet demands of corporates, both at home and globally, apart from cost efficiencies and focused supervision, he said it also brings in regulatory issues. Significantly big banks can resort to monopolistic practices that may result in unequal competition and distortive and even predatory behaviour in the market. Such practices can also blunt the monetary transmission and market mechanism for efficient allocation of resources, he said. Addressing a Ficci-organised banking summit here, he at the same time said that it will take several years for the countrys banks to achieve the status of a large global bank. Our biggest bank (SBI) is ranked at about 60 in the global league of large banks. It may take years for our banks to become global players by way of organic growth.


NEW DELHI, AUG 14: Countrys largest realty firm, DLF announced its quarter first results on Tuesday. Companys net profit fell by 38 per cent to Rs 181.19 crore for quarter ended June 30, 2013. Nearly 20 per cent rise in expense payments was the biggest reason that dented companys net profit. Company has been reporting a decline on profit front during the first quarter since the last four years. In Q1 FY11 DLFs net profit stood at Rs 411 crore but in Q1 FY12, it fell nearly by 13 per cent to Rs 358 crore. The same downfall continued in Q1 FY13 as profit fell by 18 per cent to Rs 293 crore.On the other side, company reported a rise of 5 per cent in income from operations which jumped to Rs 2,314.08 crore as compared to Rs 2,197.71 crore during the same quarter in the previous fiscal. The expense payments of the company rose by 20.4 per cent to Rs 1,576.71 crore as compared to Rs 1,309.26 crore in the last financial year. The company registered sales bookings of Rs 2,430 crore compared to a total of Rs 3,800 crore that it achieved in FY 13. Finance costs have also reduced by 5 per cent to Rs 591.40 crore as the company has reduced its debt by nearly Rs 1,300 crore. The net debt on the company fell to Rs 20,369 crore at the end of the first quarter from Rs 21,731 crore as on March 31, 2013. DLF sold 1.81 million square feet of space for Rs 2,430 crore during April- June quarter of this fiscal against 2 million square feet sold for Rs 1,240 crore in the January-March period. DLFs Gurgaon Phase 5 added Rs 1,990 crore in the total booking during the first quarter. The company achieved gross sales bookings of Rs 2,430 crore during Q1 against Rs 3,800 crore for FY13, it added. Of the total bookings in April-June, Gurgaon phase 5 contributed the maximum at Rs 1,990 crore. The company launched The Crest, a luxury home project, in Gurgaon phase 5 to an extremely strong response and the test marketing of The Camellias met with an encouraging response, according to the presentation.

IND 28.5 MM SESAME SEEDS SOYMEAL YELLO SOYA. 41938.00+94.80% 10634.00+74.79% 29000.00+70.59% 30500.00+65.76%




Beat Australia A By 50 Runs In Final To Clinch Tri-Series In South Africa
PRETORIA: A clinical display by the bowlers helped India A clinch the cricket tri-series title with a comfortable 50-run victory over Australia A in a lowscoring final on Wednesday. Opting to bat on a placid strip, India could manage 243 in 49.2 overs with Shikhar Dhawan (65) and Dinesh Karthik (73) being the notable contributors. The Indian bowlers, who had been woefully out of sorts in the tournament, then managed to bowl out the Aussies for 193 in 46.3 overs to guide the team to victory at the LC de Villiers Oval. It was Indias fifth A tournament victory since the concept was introduced in 1994. The law of averages finally caught up with the Australians in a final that turned out to be an anti-climax of sorts with the Indians successfully avenging their twin defeats at the round robin league stage. Speedster Mohammed Shami (2/30) dealt initial blows to Australia A and the likes of Shahbaz Nadeem (3/34 in 10 overs), Perveez Rasool (1/30 in 10 overs), Ishwar Chand Pandey (1/47 in 8 overs), Suresh Raina (1/33 in 10 overs) kept the Aussie batsmen under tight leash. Shami started by cleaning up rival skipper Aaron Finch (20) who went for a wild slog after hitting the bowler for a big six in an earlier over.

8 Rafael Nadal puzzled by success in 2013

the summer to be in rhythm and to have more chances to arrive more competitive to Montreal, but I didn't have that chance. But I arrived to Montreal with a good feeling and I was able to win. "It's very difficult to say I found the right schedule. In our sport, the schedule changes a lot depending on the matches that you are winning or losing." Nadal didn't start his 2013 season until February in South America and was unsure of what progress he might make after missing seven months with his knee problems following Wimbledon 2012. His lightning return this season has surprised many including himself and his team. "After a long time not being allowed to do what you really want to do, you are able to come back with very, very fresh mentality knowing what you have to try to do to be competitive. As Nadal bids to win a second straight hardcourt Masters, top seed Novak Djokovic is taking aim at a record. Should the Serb win the Cincinnati title after losing four finals here, he would become the first i n the sport t o claim titles at all nine Masters 1000 events over the course of a career. Fifth seed Roger Federer is working on a return of his own after back pain last month forced him to miss Montreal and delayed his adaptation to a new larger racquet. The Swiss won the trophy in Cincy a year ago and owns five titles at the event. On court, Nadal's compatriot Feliciano Lopez began his week with an upset of Japanese 10th seed Kei Nishikori 6-4, 7-6 (7/4) while German number 11 Tommy Haas made up for an early exit a week ago in Canada by reaching the second round over South African K e v i n

Left-hander Shaun Marsh (11), who has had a fine tournament, was Shamis second victim as he hit a length ball straight to Indian captain Cheteshwar Pujara at mid-on. Glenn Maxwell (12) started with a six and four but was sent back by part-time offspinner Raina, who opened the bowling alongside Shami. Maxwell tried to slog him past mid-wicket but was holed out to Pujara as Australia were reduced to 50 for three. It soon became 53 for five when lefthander Nick Maddinson edged one to Raina at first slip off Pandeys bowling and Mitchell Marsh failed to beat a Rohit Sharma throw as keeper Wriddhiman Saha whipped off the bails in a flash. Earlier, despite half-centuries from Shikhar Dhawan (62) and Dinesh Karthik (73),

India failed to cross 250-runmark due to the failure of the middle-order as the last five wickets fell for only 14 runs. India were decently placed at 229 for five at the end of 44th over before the slide began. Australian seamers Josh Hazlewood, Nathan CoulterNile and Henriques, who have troubled the Indian batsmen throughout this series again did a commendable job during the death overs. Hazlewood (3/31 from 10 overs) and Coulter-Nile (3/35 from 9.2 overs) were the pick of the bowlers with three wickets each, while allrounder Henriques (2/47 from 10 overs) kept things tight in the middle overs. Dhawan, who scored 248 in the last match against South Africa A again started off well but managed only 62 off 65 balls -- certainly far less than the benchmark he has

set for himself. His innings contained nine boundaries with some flowing cover drives and a few delightful strokes on the on-side as well. Karthik, who hasnt got a decent hit in the tourney so far was impressive in his 75ball-73 which had 10 boundaries. Karthik-Dhawan duo put on a 108-run stand for the third wicket from only 18.2 overs as they helped consolidate the teams position after they were reduced to 34 for two at one stage losing Rohit Sharma and skipper Cheteshwar Pujara. Just when it seemed that India would post another 300-plus total, Henriques induced an outside edge from Dhawans blade which was taken by glovesman Tim Paine. Karthik was then castled by Coultier-Nile as he played away from his body.

CINCINNATI, OHIO: Modest Rafael Nadal refused on Tuesday to credit his runaway success this season to any kind of genius scheduling despite winning eight titles from 11 events so far. The Spanish world number three will make his start at the Cincinnati Masters in the second round against one of a pair of qualifiers. But after winning the Montreal title at the weekend to climb one notch higher in the rankings, Nadal is taking none of his success for granted. "When you prepare your schedule, you don't know if you will play one match, two, three, four, or five. You can lose in the first round, so the schedule is changing a lot," he said. "I do what I can. I don't want to be too smart and say I prepared the schedule great. "That's why I arrived to Montreal in very good shape," said the player who returned to his winning ways after sitting out seven weeks following his first-round Wimbledon loss, conserving his fragile left knee under doctor's orders. "I wanted to play on clay in

Anderson 6-4, 6-4. Russian veteran Nikolay Davydenko stopped Frenchman Benoit Paire 7-6 (10/8), 6-3 and Spaniard Tommy Robredo beat Brazil's Thomaz Bellucci 6-7 (6/8), 7-6 (9/7), 6-2.

Sloane Stephens stuns Maria Sharapova on injury return, Roger Federer wins in Cincinnati
CINCINNATI, OHIO: American Sloane Stephens snatched her second major scalp of the season as she toppled former champion Maria Sharapova in the second round at Cincinnati on Tuesday. Stephens rallied to beat the world number three from Russia 2-6, 7-6 (7/5), 6-3, bringing Sharapova's injury return to an abrupt end in this combined WTA and ATP Masters hardcourt tournament. While Sharapova -- who enjoyed a first-round bye -was struggling with her game, Roger Federer made a smoother comeback after dealing with back pain in recent weeks. The five-time champion who is defending the title and needs as many matches as possible before the August 26 start of the US Open, won his seventh career match against German friend Philipp Kohlschreiber 6-3, 7-6 (9/7). The fifth-ranked Swiss felt in his element as he played the tournament for the 13th time, improving his record to 31-10 this season. "I think it was a match where I had to sort of just fight to come through and hope to get over the finish line," Federer said. "I was playing really well at times, and then sometimes it was maybe a bit up and down. "Assessing the performance overall, I'm very happy. It's good to be back and playing pain free. I don't know, my mind's good. I was in a good place while I was playing, so it felt nice to win at the end." Spanish third seed David Ferrer joined Federer in the

Mysore racing season from Aug. 22

Vikash breezes past Akshat

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14: Vikash Singh, the second seed, breezed into the boys' third round of the adidasTTT National sub-junior tennis (under-14) championship with a 6-1, 6-2 victory over Akshat Agarwal here on Tuesday. Vikash wasted little time in pocketing the first set 6-1. In the second, he broke his opponent's serve in the sixth game to go 4-2 up and again in the eighth to clinch the match. Top seed Sumit Pal Singh overcame a second set blip to get past Srivatsa Ratakoda 60, 4-6, 6-2. The results (second round): Boys: Sumit Pal Singh bt Srivatsa Ratakoda 6-0, 4-6, 6-2; Kabir Manrai bt Yavin Yogesh Solomon 6-2, 6-0; Yugal Bansal bt Srijan Singh 6-1, 6-1. Dhruv Sunish bt G. Naithaolin Calvin 6-2, 7-5; Pranash Babu bt Rahul Shankar 6-2, 6-0; Mritunjay Badola bt Oges Theyjo 6-1, 6-1; Vikash Singh bt Akshat Agarwal 6-1, 6-2; Aadithya Muthu bt Dhakshineshwar Suresh 7-5, 6-4; Siddhanth J. Banthia bt P. Aroop Reddy 61, 4-1, retd.; Arghya Das bt Rithvik Choudhary 6-3, 6-0; Karandeep Singh bt Sivadeep Kosaraju 1-6, 6-2, 6-2; Shramay Dhawan bt Rohan K. Reddy 4-6, 6-0, 6-1; Megh Bhargav Patel bt Adil Kalyanpur 7-6(5) 6-0; Utkarsh Bharadwaj bt Gurjot Singh 6-3, 6-3; Abhimanyu Vennemreddy bt Arnav Bharadwaj 6-7(2), 6-3, 7-5; Parikshith Somani bt Saurav Kalkal 6-2, 6-7(5), 6-0. Girls: Snehal Mane bt Shivani Amineni 6-1, 6-1; Simran Varun Kejriwal bt

MYSORE, AUGUST 14: A total stakesmoney of Rs 5.40 crores will be offered during the 18-day Mysore racing season which commences here on Aug. 22. The newly elected Chairman D. Satayanarayna told newspersons that about 350 horses would be participating during the season. Almost all the trainers of Bangalore and Mysore will be racing their wards here. All jockeys licensed by Bangalore as well as from other centres will don the silks. He further said betting terminals have been upgraded with new software and

thermal printers and scanners have been installed to increase the speed of totalizator transactions and as many as 150 betting terminals would be operated during the season to cater to more punters. Mr Satyanarayana said that the Turf Authority of India will lift the ban of 30 days on Aug. 16 for horses affected with viral disease. However outstations horses will not be participating as a precautionary measure, he added. It is also learnt that the Mysore Race Club lease has been extended upto 2016. On the social front, the

UEFA expels Metalist Kharkiv from Champions League

NYON, AUGUST 14:UEFA disqualified Metalist Kharkiv from the Champions League on Wednesday for links to match-fixing in Ukraine, and could now reinstate PAOK Thessaloniki. World football's most prized club competition has further legal issues with another team, Fenerbahce, also fighting expulsion over a years-old domestic match-fixing case as it prepares to play Arsenal in the playoffs next week. Metalist is also likely to challenge UEFA's verdict with an urgent appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The Ukrainian club was scheduled to play Schalke next Wednesday in the first leg of the playoff round, after eliminating PAOK 3-1 on aggregate in the third qualifying round last week. UEFA must now decide whether to reprieve PAOK, which is scheduled to play in the Europa League playoffs next week, or give Schalke a bye to the lucrative 32team group stage. The UEFA Emergency Panel, composed of five members of the UEFA Executive Committee, was meeting later Wednesday "to consider the consequences of the decision on the competition," European football's governing body said.

Kalpathi Investments to sponsor Buchi Babu

CHENNAI, AUGUST 14, 2013: The all-India Buchi Babu tournament has received a shot in the arm with Kalpathi Investments coming forward to sponsor the competition. The matches get underway on Thursday. At a press conference here on Wednesday, TNCA secretary K.S. Viswanathan and jointsecretary R.I. Palani thanked Kalpathi Investments for "their timely gesture." The competition will feature three TNCA teams and 10 outstation outfits including Karnataka, Baroda, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal and Haryana. Viswanathan said: "It will be a valuable opportunity not just for the TNCA teams, but also for the outstation outfits ahead of the season. Interestingly, the tournament will feature former India cricketer Ajay Jadeja who will be seen in action after a long time. Jadeja will lead the Haryana side. R. Rangarajan, CFO, Kalpathi Investments, said: "We finance diverse projects and also have a great passion for cricket." The group's promoter Kalpathi S. Aghoram is one of the senior vice-presidents in TNCA. He also maintains a few TNCA league teams including first division outfit Young Stars.

third round with a 7-6 (7/5), 3-6, 6-4 victory over American Ryan Harrison. Montreal finalist Milos Raonic struggled in the opening set against Jack Sock, but found his rhythm for a 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 win and a date on Wednesday with Janko Tipsarevic. Sharapova was making her return to tennis seven weeks after her last match, a shock second-round Wimbledon defeat. Since then she had sacked her coach and begun working with Jimmy Connors, all while she battled to get over a hip injury. The four-time Grand Slam champion was bedevilled by more than 60 unforced errors. A nervous Stephens, who stunned Serena Williams at the Australian Open, doublefaulted on two match points before finally claiming the victory on a third. "I started the match off pretty well, but when you put yourself in a really good position you can't let it go. That's what I did tonight,"

Sharapova said. "I didn't continue what I was doing well for the first set and a half, and that hurt me. "I stopped being patient, I started making a lot more errors, especially off the first ball. Just errors that I shouldn't make." Second seed Victoria Azarenka reached the third round, beating American Vania King 6-1, 7-6 (8/6). Azarenka was playing for the first time since losing the Carlsbad final to Samantha Stosur, then withdrawing injured from Toronto. In the first round, former number one Caroline Wozniacki defeated China's Peng Shuai 6-1, 6-1 while Jelena Jankovic, the number 14, spoiled the return to action of Wimbledon finalist Sabine Lisicki 7-6 (7/5), 5-7, 6-2. Germans Mona Barthel and Andrea Petkovic both won, with Barthel defeating Lucie Safarova 6-3, 6-4 and Petkovic stopping Daniela Hantuchova 2-6, 6-4, 6-1. But two other Germans lost

as Magdalena Rybarikova, the Washington champion, beat Julia Goerges 6-2, 4-6, 6-4 and Ekaterina Makarova defeated Annika Beck 6-3, 6-2. In other men's results, Feliciano Lopez opened with a 6-4, 7-6 (7/4) upset of Japanese 10th seed Kei Nishikori, while German 11th seed Tommy Haas made up for an early exit a week ago in Canada by reaching the second round with a 6-4, 6-4 win over South African Kevin Anderson. Russian veteran Nikolay Davydenko stopped Frenchman Benoit Paire 7-6 (10/8), 6-3 and Spaniard Tommy Robredo beat Brazil's Thomaz Bellucci 67 (6/8), 7-6 (9/7), 6-2. Canadian Vasek Pospisil, who has jumped to 40th in the world after his Montreal semi-final appearance, advanced to the second round when France's 15th seed Gilles Simon retired trailing 6-2, 1-1 with a hip injury.

Andy Murray says US Open title defence a new challenge

CINCINNATI: Andy Murray admitted on Monday he doesn't know how he'll perform in his US Open title defence, but he hopes a solid showing in Cincinnati this week will help him prepare. The world number two from Scotland, who ended Britain's 77-year wait for a Wimbledon men's champion last month, said that despite winning two Grand Slams he faces a new challenge when defending the American title. "A lot of the pressure comes from yourself, how much you want to keep doing and how much you want to keep working," Murray said. "I hope there's still pressure there and I hope there's still some expectation. There will be nerves and stuff. "It's going to be a new experience for me, though, at the US Open. I've never defended a Grand Slam title before, and hopefully I'll deal with that OK." The US Open begins on August 26. Murray meanwhile has another practice day in Cincinnati as he waits to face Mikhail Youzhny or Ernests Gulbis --the Latvian who beat him last week in the second round of the Montreal Masters. In first-round matches of the combined WTA and ATP Masters tournament in Cincinnati on Monday, German Philipp Kohlschreiber defeated former finalist Mardy Fish 7-5, 6-2 to set up a Tuesday night second-round match with five-time champion Roger Federer. Swiss great Federer, who will be playing on hardcourts for the first time since March, said he is over the back injury which bothered him on clay last month and is ready to bid for another Cincinnati crown. The omens are good, at least -- Federer has a 7-0 record over his German friend Kohlschreiber. Spanish 13th seed Nicolas Almagro fell in a Masters first round for the second week in succession, going down to Bulgarian Grigor Dimitrov 7-6 (7/3), 6-4. Dimitrov fired 19 aces. Czech Radek Stepanek knocked out Italian 14th seed Fabio Fognini 6-2, 6-4 while Serb Janko Tipsarevic sent American Sam Querrey packing 6-7 (5/7), 6-3, 6-4. Brian Baker, who retired at the Australian Open with a serious knee injury and has been in rehab ever since, opened with a 7-5, 6-3 defeat of Denis Istomin, four days after the Uzbek took a set off world number one Novak Djokovic in Montreal. Argentina's Juan Monaco kept Austrian Jurgen Melzer winless since late June at Wimbledon with a 6-3, 6-2 victory, while Spain's Marcel Granollers beat Lukas Rosol 5-7, 6-4, 6-0. Jeremy Chardy

won an all-French battle over Adrian Mannarino 6-4, 6-3. In the women's draw, ninth seed Angelique Kerber, beat-

en in her opening match last week in Toronto, opened with a 6-7 (6/8), 6-0, 6-1 win over Italian Karin Knapp.

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