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Vehicle Damage Table

Using This Table Determine the class of the target vehicle (Soft-Skin, Light, Medium, Heavy Vehicle or BattleMech Class) and the size of the firers gun (Light, Medium, Heavy). Roll 1d8 and cross reference the result with the gun class on the appropriate damage table. Apply a +1 die shift for each successful hit die after the first, up to a maximum of 1D12. Results are applied immediately.

Damaging a Battlemech Class Vehicle

Resolve fire against a Battlemech Class vehicle normally, but use the special table below to determine damage results.

BattleMech Class Damage Table

Die Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Light Gun
Ping! Ping! Ping! Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Critical Hit (D6) Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System K/O Immobilized Critical Hit (D6)

Medium Gun
Ping! Ping! Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Critical Hit (D6) Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System K/O Immobilized Critical Hit (D8) Critical Hit (D10)

Heavy Gun
Ping! Optics Damaged (-1 RT Die Roll) Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Critical Hit (D8) Weapon System Damaged - Half FP Mobility Hit - Half Movement Weapon System K/O Immobilized Critical Hit (D10) Critical Hit (D12) Headshot! Mechwarrior killed!

TABLE RESULTS PING!: The Mech has been hit, but taken no real damage. Low Confidence Mechwarriors must take a Morale Check. Mobility Hit - Half Movement: Mechs Tactical and Rapid Speed (+Jump Distance) are reduced by half. A subsequent Half Movement hit on the same vehicle Immobilizes it. Optics Damaged 1 RT: The Mechs optics are damaged. The Mech suffers a -1 to Reaction Test rolls for the duration of the game. Weapons Damaged - Half FP: The Firepower for a randomly determined weapon system is cut in half. If a Mech suffers two such results against the same system, consider the system knocked out. Immobilized: The Mech is stuck in place and may not move for the duration of the game. Weapon System K/O: A randomly determined weapon system is damaged and may not fire for the duration of the game. Critical Hit: Where the Damage Table for Mechs refers to a Critical Hit result, roll again on the appropriate table for Critical hits, using either a D6, D8, D10 or D12 as written behind the Damage Result. Headshot! Mechwarrior Killed!: The Battlemech received a direct hit penetrating the armored head/cockpit. The Mechwarrior controlling the Mech is instantly killed. The Mech counts as destroyed for all scenario victory purposes. Secondary Hits: When a Mech suffers a damage result that is already in effect (i.e. a second Immobilized or Main Gun Kill result), make a Critical Hit (D6) check instead.

Critical Hit Table for BattleMech Class Vehicles

BattleMech Class Vehicles Critical Hit Table
Die Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Light Gun
Heat Sinks Damaged Heat Sinks Damaged Heat Sinks Damaged Life Support K/O Gyro K/O Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Gyro K/O Arm/Leg Actuator Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Reactor Shielding Hit

Medium Gun
Heat Sinks Damaged Heat Sinks Damaged Life Support K/O Gyro K/O Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Gyro K/O Arm/Leg Actuator Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Reactor Shielding Hit Mech Destroyed!

Heavy Gun
Heat Sinks Damaged Life Support K/O Gyro K/O Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Hip/Turret Bearing Damaged Gyro K/O Arm/Leg Actuator Damaged Ammo Critical Hit Reactor Shielding Hit Mech Destroyed! Reactor Meltdown!

TABLE RESULTS Heat Sinks Damaged: The Mech has suffered internal damage and a Heat Sink was knocked out. The heat build-up within the Mech raises drastically. Roll a TQ check at the begin of every turn: if it fails, the Mechwarrior receives a negative Die Shift for that turn for all of his Actions/Reactions due to barely being able to stay conscious. This test takes priority over any other test like trying to stabilize a Mech after a Gyro K/O result for example. Life Support K/O: The internal Life Support of the cockpit has been knocked out. This may or may not cause instant death to the Mechwarrior piloting the Mech, if the rules for Unearthly Environment are used in this scenario or the vehicle is submerged in water etc. Use Common sense. Gyro K/O: The Mechs Gyro has suffered significant damage. Roll a Troop Quality Check after each subsequent Activation. If the test fails, the BattleMech will immediately fall as follows: roll a D6, 1-3 face down, 4-6 on its back. A Mech that has fallen after the Gyro was knocked out may no longer move or jump and will remain stationary for the rest of the game. It may only fire with any remaining weapons that arent fixed in a place now facing the ground (i.e. torso and leg mounted)! Hip/Turret Bearing Damged: The bearing for the torso (or turret) has been hit and damaged. The Mech suffers the Slow Turret Vehicle Attribute (see TW main rules). This effect is cumulative with other effects. Arm/Leg Actuator Damaged: The Mechs Actuators necessary to move its limbs have taken critical hits. The BattleMech suffers a -1 FirePower penalty for all its remaining weapons and the Fire-Or-Move Vehicle Attribute (see TW main rules) due to the pilots difficulties to align its sights on target. Ammo Critical Hit: The main weapon is damaged and may not fire for the duration of the game due to its ammunition cooking off or having fried cables. If the main gun was already disabled, another randomly determined weapon system will be knocked out instead. The internal explosion of the ammo storage causes additional damage. Roll again on the Critical Hits table for Heavy Guns, using a D10 and add +2 to the result. Reactor Shielding Hit: The fusion reactor powering the BattleMech has lost some of its shielding. The pilot is about to lose control over the incredible powers generated within. The Mech will shut itself down for securitiy purposes immediately. It may no longer act or react in any kind of way for this turn, but will continue to take damage if it is attacked. The Mechwarrior may use the ejection seat or dismount the Mech as an action or reaction OR he may push the Veto-button and continue the fight for this turn. If the latter is chosen, the Mech automaticly suffers the Reactor Meltdown! result at the begin of the next turn. Meltdown or not, the Mech is treated as destroyed for all victory conditions that apply to the scenario played. Mech Destroyed!: The Mech has been disabled and rendered combat ineffective. Make a casualty check for the pilot. If he/shes not becoming a casualty, he/she may dismount or eject as an Action or Reaction. Reactor Meltdown!: The BattleMech received a direct hit penetrating the fusion reactor. The pilot controlling the Mech is instantly killed if he hasnt already abandoned the BattleMech. All units and structures (friend and foe) in vicinity immediately suffer from the explosion using the following effect: AP:10/AT:3(H) with a 6 radius, using a D8.

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