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The CL commands created as part of the NETS menu package are: STRNSV Start iSeries NetServer ENDNSV End iSeries NetServer ADDNSVFSHR Add NetServer File Share CHGNSVFSHR Change NetServer File Share ADDNSVPSHR Add NetServer Print Share CHGNSVPSHR Change NetServer Print Share DSPNSVSHR Display NetServer Share RMVNSVSHR Remove NetServer Share CHGNSVA Change NetServer Attribute DSPNSVA Display NetServer Attribute WRKNSVUSR Work With NetServer Users DSPNSVINF Display NetServer Information WRKNSVSHR Work With NetServer Shares SNDNSVMSG Send NetServer Message Once these commands are created, they can be used from the command line or included in your CL programs. So, if you w ant to start Netserver at a certain time of day, or add or remove a network shar e, you can do that in your own CL programs or schedule these netserver events us ing the i/OS Job Scheduler(WRKJOBSCDE). Note: If the QUSRTOOL library does not exist on your system, restore option 7 (E xample Tools Library) of the IBM-Licensed Program 5722SS1. To do this, type "GO LICPGM" then select Option 11 while your original IBM i/OS Operating System CD m edia is loaded. Bookmark/Search this post with: Login to post comments Email this page Printer-friendly version Posted o n December 17th, 2008 says:Login to post comments permalinkSt ep 3 of install instructions does not work CRTCLPGM NETSRVCMD/TZLSINST QUSRTOOL/ QATTCL File QATTCL in library QUSRTOOL with member TZLSINST not found. There are no TZ... members in QUSRTOOL/QATTCL Related Links Why Start Unneeded TCP/IP and Host Servers? The Story So Far: My Systems Management Commands and Utilities Retrieve and Display a User s E-mail Address in Control Language Retrieve and Display IP Addresses of Displays and Printers New SMTP Function Verifies Recipient of Inbound E-Mail ProVIP Sponsors ProVIP Sponsors Featured LinksSponsored Links Footer Site Links Home Subscribe Now Advertise Contact Us Feedback Terms & Conditions Trademarks P rivacy Policy Copyright Penton Media

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