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Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratisthan

(An autonomous organization of the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India) Pradhikaran Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Bharatpuri, Ujjain- 456010 (M.P.) Ph. 2511530, 2510078, 2511920 Fax (0734) 2511530 E-mail: Website:

Warm regards and greetings to the cultured people, worshipers of Vedas and those who are Vedic lovers in real sense. On behalf of Maharishi Sandipani Ved Vidya Pratisthan we are glad to introduce you to the second lesson of distance learning programme of Learning Vedas at home. May you progress leaps and bounds and may you prosper each day. As said in Vedas-

ythtunKtbtt_btKtk steJt;ttugtltbtT (y:tJtoJtu 5.30.7)

Progressively always ascend (ythtunKtbtT yt_btKtbtT)this is the goal of human life (steJt;t& ygtltbtT). There is hidden potentiality and positivity in each human being. Through this lesson let us focus on the above mentioned good thought. In this second lesson we shall learn the classification of Vedic Vangmay, some basic rules of Sanskrit language, grammar, alphabets, words, sentences, singular, plural, gender so on and so forth.

Ntk lttu rbt*t& Ntk Jt~Kt& Ntk lttu CtJt;Jtgtobtt> Ntk lt ElYtu ct]nmvtr;t& Ntk lttu rJtMKtw~~_bt&>> 36.9)
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Vedas constitute of all knowledge. Everything related to human life and existence is discussed in Vedas, this literature can be reffered by all without any discrimination it is open for all, for enlightened life Vedas show us the right path.

Classification of Vedas
The entire Vedic knowledge in its totality as a whole is known as Vedic literature. Vedic literature is very extensive and immensely rich. For the sake of systematic study classification of Vedas is made. God Ved Vyasa classified the Vedas into four parts and taught to his four disciples accordingly. 1. Rigveda Paail Jtu vtijt 2. Yajurveda Veshampayan gtstwJtou JtiNtbvttgtlt 3. Samveda Gemini mttbtJtu stirbtrlt 4. Atharvaveda Sumantu y:tJtoJtu mtwbtl;tw Vedas are undoubtedly the oldest literary monument of India. The exact period of composition of the hymns of Vedas is a matter of conjecture. Vedas are our antiquities in which Gods are chiefly personified powers of Nature. Vedas talk about the cult of Fire and Soma. Vedas demonstrates the art of our ancestors who composed hymns in form of religious poems in several meters. The purpose of these ancient hymns was to propitiate the Gods by praises accompanying the offering of malted butter poured on the sacred fire of Yagna. The juice of Soma plant placed on sacrificial grass was also offered in the Yagna. The hymns of Vedas which have survived were almost exclusively composed by hereditary priesthood. They were handed down in different families by memory not by writing. The Vedas has been handed down for 2,500 years with a fidelity that finds no parallel in any other literature.

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For the purpose of teaching and study of Vedas they are classified into four parts. After the classification of Vedas the disciples like Paail started teaching their students in this way they sustained the Guru-Sishya (teacher-student) parampara (tradition). With the passage of time the Vedas extended to various numerous branches of knowledge. Vedas are classified as per the Yagna also. Mainly there are four priests in Yagna. 1) Hota 2) Adhavaryu 3) Udgata 4) Brahman The priest namely called Hota invites Lord Indra-Varuna and other Gods to the fire sacrifice to accept the offerings of the aspirant. The recitation of Rig Veda is musical in nature, depending on the pitch of voice. The priests called Udgata Praise the Gods by their sweetly Sung hymns and invocation. Melodiously tuned of mantras are found in Samveda. The priest called Adhavaryu constructs the Yagna Vedi and assimilates the ingredients, required for the fire sacrifice. The Ayurveda speaks about the ritual and methodology of Yagna. Brahman is the priest under whose supervision the sacrifice is conducted and completed. In the later period Atharvaveda was adjourned with Brahman and so it is known as Brahmanveda also. Acharya Aapstamba denoted that Vedas comprises of Mantras and Brahmannas (btl*tct{tKtgttuJtuolttbt"tugtbtT) Accordingly Vedas have two main parts. (1) Mantra Section (2) Brahmannas Section It is said that in this the Mantra section is chief and the Brahmannas section is the extended meaning and explanation of Mantras. (btl*tm;tw ct{ ;tTJgttFgttltk ct{tKtbtT) Mantras itself is Brahman and its explanation is thus called Brahmanna. Thus the Brahmanna section analyzes, evaluate and explain the Mantra section. This defining and explaining is done as per three view points.
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(1) gt|t-fbtoftKzvthf - KarmaKanada / Karma rituals (2) Wvttmtlttvthf Meditation / Prayers (3) |ttltvthf Jyana/Revelation of true knowledge Accordingly Brahmanna section is also divided into three subsections. (1) Brahmannas (2) Aranyakas (3) Upanishads Classification of Vedas (a) Mantra Section (b) Brahmanna Section a. Brahamana b. Aranyaka c. Upanishad Mantra Section is known as the Samhitas, there are five such Samhitas. (1) Rik Samhita (fT mtkrn;tt) (2) Shukla Yajurveda (NtwjtgtstwJtuo) (3) Krishna Yajurveda (f]MKtgtstwJtuo) (4) Samveda (mttbtJtu) (5) Atharvaveda (y:tJtoJtu) Bhramana section is the explanation of Mantra section, so there are as many Bhramana section as per the Mantra sections. Thus respective Samhitas have their corresponding Brahmannas, Aranyakas and Upanishads. Due to the Guru Sishya tradition there are numerous varied branches of this knowledge system. In his volume of grammar Vykrana Mahabhasya Bhagwan Patanjali gives 21 schools of Rigved, 101 schools of Yaurveda 1000 schools of Samveda and 09 schools of Atharvaveda. All the schools approximately 1131 denoted by him are not available today only some of them are available. Prominent schools in contemporary times existing today are as follows: Veda
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Mantra Sahitau (btk*t mtkrn;tt) Rigved (dJtu)

Brahmanna (ct{tKt) Atria Brahmann (Bu;thugt ct{tKt) Kaushitaki Brahmann (ftirMt;trf ct{tKt) (NttkFttgtlt) Satapath Brahmann (Nt;tvt:t ct{tKt)

Aranyaka (ythKgtf) Atari Aranyak (Bu;thugtth Kgtf) Shakayan Aranyak (NttkFttgtlt ythKgtf) Bruhadaranyak (ct]nthKgtf )

Upanishad (WvtrltMtT) Ataryopnishad (Bu;thugttuvtrlt MtT) Kaushitku Upanishad (ftirMt;trfWvtrltMt)

Shukla Yajurveda (Ntwjt gtstwJtuo)

Krishna Yajurveda Taittiriya (f]MKtgtstwJt Brahmann (;tir@thegt uo) ct{tKt)

Taittiriya Arnyaka (;tir@thegtt hKgtf)

Samveda (mttbtJtu)

Panjvish (tandaya) MahaBrahmann (vtatrJtNt, ;ttKzTgt, btntct{tKt)

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Bruhadaranyakopnishad (ct]nthKgtftuvtrl tMtT) Eshavasyaopnishad (EoNttJttmgttuvt rltMtT) Taitariyapnishad (;tir@thegttuvtrlt MtT) Mahanarayanopnishad (btntltthtgtKttuv trltMtT) Maitryanopnishad (bti*ttgtKtegttuv trltMtT) Kathopnishad (fXtuvtrltMtT) Savitrasvtaropnishad (NJtu;ttNJt;thtuvt rltMtT) Chandogyaupnishad (Atltudgttuvtrlt MtT)

Atharvaveda (y:tJtoJtu)

Sadvish Brahmann (MtzTrJtkNt ct{tKt) Samvidhan Brahmann (mttbtrJt"ttlt ct{tKt) Areshreeya Brahmann (ytMtuogt ct{tKt) Gaupath Brahmann (dttuvt:t ct{tKt)

Mandok Upanishad (btwKztuftuvtrlt MtT) Mandukyopnishad (bttKzqgttuvtrlt MtT)

Vedic Sanskrit Language The Vedic scriptures were handed down in different families by oral tradition. The hymns were transmitted from generation to generation by memory, not by writing, as writing was introduced in Hindustan lately by 700 BC approximately. These hymns when brought together formed most precious literature of the world-the Vedas. From Vedas followed the formation of Samhita texts before the end of Brahmannas and Upanishads period. In Samhita texts the diction of hymns remains unaltered only the rules of Sandhi were applied to the text. The hymns of Veda are composed in antique literary language called Vedic language contemporary classical Sanskrit is the stereotyped by grammar of Panini. The Vedic language offers much variety of forms than Sanskrit does. Its case forms both in nominal and pronominal inflexion are more numerous. It has more participants and gerunds. In verbal forms its comparative richness is most apparent Rigveda frequently make use of the subjunctive which has almost eloped from Sanskrit today. The language of Veda differs in its accents from Sanskrit. Vedic language is more musical in nature depending on pitch of voice used in reciting the hymns.
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Vedic language is one of the oldest languages in the world. History says that the language of Ramayana was Classical popular Sanskrit, as used in day to day transaction. Therefore Ramayana is known as Adi kavya and Valmiki is popularly known as Adi kavi. In comparison to the prevalent Sanskrit the Vedic language is quite rich and sublime. Some of the unique features of Vedic Sanskrit are discussed here. 1. (mJth mt@tt) Swar Sata 2. (Ntcvt) Sabda Rupa 3. jtfth BJtk r_gttvt Kriya Rupa & Lakara 4. Wvtmtdto BJtk vt{;gtgt Upsarga & Pratyay 5. Alvt{gttudt Use of Chhandas 1. Sound Swar (mJth) The influence of vowel sound is to a great extent in Vedic Sanskrit. Vowels influence the sound of letters and words. Each word is pronounced with the help of vowel in Vedic Sanskrit. The Vedic accent occupies a very important position in comparative philology. The vowel sound makes the meaning, pronunciation and the description of each Mantra very clear, if the Swar is unclear or mis-pronounced in Mantra the effect and meaning of Mantra changes and sometimes it brings the reverse result to those who recite the hymns in an improper manner. The fruits of rituals depend on clear pronounciation in the Mantras therefore it is recommended that sound/vowels in Mantra must be clear in flow in the diction. By mispronouncing the aspirants receive a reverse result and this is very wellknown to all. It is a belief that there was Mahesh grammar created by Lord Shiva and there was also an Ayndra grammar. Both are unavailable now. In prevalent times we use Paninis grammar, it is said that it is blessed by Lord Shiva. The famous myth runs thus, that once Lord Shiva played his Damru, fourteen different sounds were released from it, Panini conceived these sounds in his mind and gave us Sanskrit grammar.

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In Sanskrit Vykrana there are 52 letters, 16 vowels and 36 consonant including nasals. The last two vowels are called anusswar and visarg respectively. As per requirement we had two sets of grammar one for the Vedas/Samhita section and other for the Puranas and day to day practice. The construction and formation of certain words and phrases is different in Vedas from Puranas according to use of language. Paninis Sanskrit grammar contains Sutras or short sentences followed by dhatu path which is the dictionary of root words of Sanskrit language. Sutras describe the formation of words of Samhita which are to be used with Nigantu and Nirukt. Niganthu is special dictionary giving meaning of words of Samhita and Nirukt gives detailed description of Vedic words. Today actual Vedic grammar is unavailable but with the availability of Nirukt the true meaning of Vedas is realized by the Vedic lovers. Thus in Sanskrit, the basic structure of Vowel-consonant pronounciation is the unique basis of the language, here the word pronounciation is stabilized and each letter is a syllable. There are main three types of Swar(1) Udatta Swar : Waati~t;t& the words pronounced with high pitch are called the Uddat Swar. Voice-box, palate, tongue in its manner of articulation produce sounds with high pitch so such sounds are called Uddat sward. eg. gt:tt-gt& / f& (2) Anudatta Swar : mtbttnth mJtrh;t& The combination of Uddat and Unuddat swar results into swarit swar. The neutral pitch of sound is known as the swarit swar. gt:tt-mJt& lgtf. 2. Sabdaroop-wordformation In comparison to common usage Sanskrit the classical Sanskrit language is richer in vocabulary of word formation. see the first Vibhakti, Jtirf vt and jttirff vt vt{:tbtt rJtCtr;t (Jtirf vt jttirff vt) ctnwJtatlt stlttmt& = stltt& mttubgttmt& = mttubgtt&
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gtr|tgttmt& = gtr|tgtt& rJtNJtt = rJtNJttrlt ;tt = ;ttrlt CtwJtltt = CtwJtlttrlt stltgtl;te = stltgtl;gt r;tegtt rJtCtr;t - rJtatlt yrNJtltt rbt*ttJt~Ktt = yrNJtltti rbt*tJt~Ktti btt;tht btt;ttrvt;tht "t@ttoht = btt;thti btt;ttrvt;thti "t@ttohti t mtwvtKtto mtgtwstt mtFttgtt = ti mtwvtKttio mtgtwstti mtFttgtti NtwCt{t $tJttvt]r:tJte WCtt = NtwCt{u $tJttvt]r:tJgtti WCtu WNt;te = WNt;gtti ;t];tegtt rJtCtr;t Bf Jtatlt btrnltt Jte;te "te;te bt;te ;tvtlte = btrnbltt Jte;gtt "te;gtt bt;gtt ;tvtlgtt mtv;tbte rJtCtr;t Bf Jtatlt "tbtoltT NtbtoltT JgttubtltT = "tbtorKt NtbtorKt Jgtturblt By the above illustrations we can come to know the richness of Vedic language. 3. Lakar Practice and the Kriyaroop Vedic Sanskrit had a retroflex lateral approximate (L) as well as the aspirated counterpart (Lh) which were lost in classical Sanskrit. Vedic language also had a separate symbol G for retroflex I , an intervocalic allophone of d, transliterated as I or ih. Alrmt jtwTjtTrjtx& - mtJtojtfthuMtw mgtw& In Chandas-Veda jtwT jtT and rjtxT lakaras are used in sense of other lakaras. The use of lakara is comparatively less in classical Sanskrit. Its unique practice is found with btt
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btt dtbt&, btt ftMteo&, btt ntMteo& Vedic Sanskrit had a pitch accent which could change the meaning of words. Today, the pitch accent can be heard only in the traditional Vedic chanting. We can say that late Vedic was a tonal language. Metrically restored versions of Veda carry an independent Svarita with a sequence of two syllabus the first of which carries Udatta and depend on Svarita. Thus Vedic language was not just tone language but a pitch accent language. 4. Upsarga-Pratyaya Practice, termination. Upsarga is found before the Kriya or action in classical Sanskrit but in Vedic Sanskrit it is a simultaneous practice. vt{ ;tT rJtMKtw& m;tJt;tu vt{ vtJto;ttlttbtwNt;te Wvtm:ttTNJtu EJt rJtrst;tu ntmtbttltu dttJtuJt NtwCt{t btt;tht rhntKtu rJtvttxT Aw;twYe vtgtmtt stJtu;tu> ElYtu nheCgttk gttt Pratyaya In classical Sanskrit there is only one pratyaya while in Vedic Sanskrit there are many pratyayas. B = CtwJtu, ']Ntu, vt]aAu mtu = JtHtu, atHtu ymtultT = athmtu, JtHtmtu, atHtmtu ;tJtu = dtl;tJtu, mt;toJtu, f;toJtu, B;tJtu vtt;tJtu ;tJti = dtl;tJti, mt@tJti, f@toJti, B;tJti y"gti = dtbt"gti, rvtct"gti, ath"gti, Egt"Jti ygtu = ']Ntgtu, mtltgtu ;tgtu = vte;tgtu, Jte;tgtu, mtt;tgtu btltu = "tbtoKtu, 'tbtltu Jtltu = 'tJtltu, ;twJtoKtu, "twJtoKtu
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ybtT = ythCtbtT ;ttumtT ;ttumtwltT = dtl;ttu&, strlt;ttu& 5.


Chanda Practice In Vedas Gayatri, Ushanak, Bruhati etc Chandas are practiced. The Chandas depend on the number of letters. The smallest Chanda is Gayatri Chanda with eight letters and three parts. The biggest Chanda is Jagali constituting of twelve parts, 48 letters and four parts. Thus Vedic Sanskrit is richer than classical Sanskrit in many respects. Classical Sanskrit It is a scientific language. As it is full of Samskaras (cultural and traditional values) it is called Sanskrit. As the language is full of good qualities it is called Surbharti, Devbhasa, Dev-vani, Garvani, Amarvani. Sanskrit language is having immense expression power. Sanskrit alphabets In any language alphabets form words and words make a meaningful language. In Sanskrit there are 44 Varnas. Swaras 09 Stha 04 Anuswar & Vyanjan 31 Total 44 Maharishi Panini distributed them in 14 Sutras in a organized manner. As said before mythical rendering say that these sounds came from Lord Maheshs Damru (small drum) and therefore the Sutras formed later on are also known as Maheshwar Sutras. They are as follows. 1. yEWKtT 2. jt]fT 3. BytuT 4. BuytiatT 5. ngtJthxT 6. jtKtT 7. tbtKtltbtT 8. LtCttT 9. DtZ"tMtT 10. stctdtzNtT 11. FtVAX:tatx;tJtT 11. fvtgtT 13. NtMtmthT 14. njtT>
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Morphology Nouns : Vedic Sanskrit constitute of three genders viz masculine, feminine and neuter. Similarly there are three numbers, singular, plural and dual. It has eight cases viz nominative, vocative, accusative, instrumental, dative, ablative, genetive and locative. Compounds : Each noun or adjective in its weak stem form, with only the final element receives case inflection. Some examples of nominal compounds are as follows. Dvanda (co-coordinative) This consist of two or more noun stems connected in sense with and. Bahurihi (Possessive) They refer to a compound with no head. e.g. low life empty head are bahurihi compounds since low life is not a kind of life and empty is not a kind of head. Tatpurusa (Determinative) Here the first component is in a case relation with other. eg farmhouse refers to a house in a farm. Look at English example city bred, it means reared/brought up in city Karmadharya (Descriptive) Here the relation of first member to the last is appositional, attributive or adverbial, e.g. Vlukayatu (owl + demon) it means a demon in shape of owl. Amraidita (iterative) Here repetition of words express receptiveness. Gender There are three genders in Sanskrit language, namely masculine, feminine and neuter. The table below gives examples of the three noun forms (in the nominative) of the nouns vtw*t&, mturJtft and VjtbtT Singular Dual Plural Masculine vtw*t& vtw*tti vtw*tt& Feminine mturJtft mturJtfu mturJtft& Neuter VjtbtT Vjtu Vjttrlt
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Each noun, will have to be remembered with respect to its three forms. i.e singular, Dual and Plural. The personal pronouns also have three forms; Singular ynk I ;Jtk You Dual ytJttk We two gtwJttk You two Plural Jtgtk We gtqgtk You(many)

I. Per. II. Per.

Please note that the personal pronouns in First and second person have no gender. The personal pronouns corresponding to the possessive case are also given in the three forms. In the first and second person they have no gender. I per. btbt ytJtgttu& ymbttfk my our our II per. ;tJt gtwJtgttu& gtwMbttfk Your Your(two) Your The demonstrative pronouns have three forms too. Singular Dual Plural Mas. BMt& B;tti B;tu he these two these mt& ;tti ;tu Fem. BMtt B;tu ;tt& She these two these (many) mtt ;tu ;tt& Neut. B;t;tT B;tu B;ttrlt this these two these ;t;tT ;tu ;ttrlt vtw~Mtat_btT vtw Ntc rjtkdt BfJtatlt
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~M t vt{: ;tT tbt

vtwrjjt kdt m*terj EbtT tkdt ltvtwk mtfrjt B;t;tT kdt vtwrjjt kdt gt;tT m*terj tkdt ltvtwk mtfrjt CtJt;t kdt T vtwrjjt kdt m*terj mtk| tkdt tt ltvtwk mtfrjt bt" kdt gtb gtwM vtwrjjt t btT kdt W@ ymbt m*terj tbt T tkdt ltvtwk mtfrjt kdt vtwrjjt kdt m*terj

mt& mtt ;t;tT ygtbtT EgtbtT EbtT BMt& BMtt B;t;tT gt& gtt gt;tT CtJttltT CtJt;te CtJt;tT cttjtf& cttrjtft VjtbtT ;JtbtT ynbtT

;tti ;tu ;tu Ebtti Ebtu Ebtu B;tti B;tu B;tu gtti gtu gtu CtJtl;tti CtJt;gtti CtJt;te cttjtfti cttrjtfu Vjtu gtwJttbtT ytJttbtT

;tu ;tt& ;ttrlt Ebtu Ebtt& Ebttrlt B;tu B;tt& B;ttrlt gtu gtt& gttrlt CtJtl;t& CtJt;gt& CtJtrl;t cttjtft& cttrjtft& Vjttrlt gtqgtbtT JtgtbtT

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tkdt ltvtwk mtfrjt kdt vtwrjjt kdt m*terj tkdt ltvtwk mtfrjt kdt rjtkdt rjtkdt rbt*tmgt atHtwmtt mtbteHttbtnu Let us see through the vision of a friend

`e mtq;tbtT Srisuktam
In Rig-Veda Srisuktam are included in the Khilsuktam (rFtjtmtq;t). They are known as Laxmisuktam also. These are siddh saraswat stotras. There are total sixteen mantras in it. In the first fifteen mantras the Goddess of knowledge, wealth, contentment and prosperity is adorned, the last mantra describes the ultimate fruit of the all former fifteen mantras. This recitation is performed in the holy rituals and it is dedicated to the divine Goddess without it the ritual remains unfulfilled. Due to this Japas the aspirant gets the desired fruits and all wishes are fulfilled. Due to these japas and chanting the aspirant gets the light of knowledge and moves away from ignorance, he/she realizes the value of eternal bliss and gets gradually detached from the lust full desires of the perishable worldly joys. So this sukta is important due to its unique religious significance.

rnhKJgtJtKttO mtwJtKtohst;tmt{sttbtT>
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atlYtk rnhKbtgtek jtHbtek stt;tJtutu bt yt Jtn>>1>>

(stt;tJtu&) O. eternal God Agni (rnhKgtJtKttO) Golden coloured due to golden flames (mtwJtKto-hst;t-mt{sttbtT) wearing the necklace made of gold and silver (atlYtk) pleasing like the Moon possessing the wealth of gold (jtHbtek) you bring Goddess Laxmi (btu) for me (yt-Jtn) along with you.

;ttk bt yt Jtn stt;tJtutu jtHbtebtltvtdttrbtltebtT> gtmgttk rnhKgtk rJtlugtk dttbtNJtk vtw~MttltnbtT>>2>>

(stt;tJtu&) O, all powerful God Agni (yltvtdttrbtltek) one who never deserts me (;ttk jtHbtek) bring that goddess Laxmi (btu) for me (yt-Jtn) you bring her (gtmgttk) with her divine grace (ynk) I (rnhKgtk) will obtain wealth (dttk) cow (yNJtk) horse (vtw~MttltT) son and grand son (rJtlugtk) and be prosperous by its possession.

yNJtvtqJttO nrm;tlttvt{btturltebtT r`gtk 'uJtebtwvtgtu stwMt;ttbtT>>3>>

h:tbt"gttk `ebtto 'uJte

(yNJtvtqJttO) Facing east-with horses in front (h:tbt"gttk) with chariot in midst she is presiding in the chariot with horses (nrm;tltt-vt{btturltek). Cherishing the universe with Jubilant roar of elephants (r`gtk) giving shelter to all ('uJtek) Devi, luminous, Goddess Laxmi (yvt-gtu) I call you (`e& 'uJte) beneficiary of all being on earth, Goddess Laxmi (btt) on me (stwMt;ttbtT) shower your blessings and always preside in my house.

ftk mtturmbt;ttk rnhKgtvt{fthtbttYtO sJtjtl;tek ;t]v;ttk ;tvtogtl;tebtT>

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vturm:t;ttk vtJtKttO ;ttrbtntuvtgtu r`gtbtT>>4>>

(ftk) That Laxmi-whose description cannot be formulated in to words (mtturmbt;tt) she possesses mild, sweet smile (rnhKgtvt{fthtk) illuminated by golden aura from all sides (ytYtO) possessor of merciful heart (sJtjtl;tek) gorgeous and illuminated with bright light (;t]v;ttk) contented and complete in self (;tvtogtl;tek) showering blessings and pleasing her worshippers, fulfilling the wishes of aspirants (vtu-rm:t;ttk) presiding on lotus (vtJtKttO) having complexion alike lotus (;ttk-r`vtk) giving shelter to one and all, Goddess Laxmi (En) over here (Wvt gtu) I call you, invoke you.

atlYtk vt{Cttmttk gtNtmtt sJtjtl;tek r`gtk jttufu 'uJtstwMxtbtwthtbtT> ;ttk vtrltebtek NthKtbtnk vt{vt$u yjtHbtebtuo ltNgt;ttk ;Jttk Jt]Ktu>>5>>
(atlYtk vt{Cttmttk) Pleasant and luminous like the Moon (gtNtmtt) with her own fame and good influence (sJtjtl;tek) she looks full of grandeur (jttufu) in the heaven ('uJtstwMxtk) worshipped and adorned by Lord Indra (Wthtk) giving generously to the aspirants (vtrltebtek) having her abode in lotus Goddess Laxmi (NthKtk). Your shelter (vt{vt$u) I opt for and I receive (due to which) (btu) my (yjtHbte&) needy state (ltNgt;ttk) comes to an end (;Jttk Jt]Ktu) ( O Goddess Laxmi) I worship you and come in your shelter.

ytr;gtJtKtuo ;tvtmttur"tstt;ttu Jtltmvtr;tm;tJt Jt]Httu:t rctjJt&> ;tmgt Vjttrlt ;tvtmtt ltwl;tw gtt yl;thtgttNgt cttt yjtHbte&>>6>>
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(ytr;gtJtKtuo) Having radiant complexion similar to Bhaskar (Sun), O Goddess Laxmi (;tJt) with your (;tvtmt&) bright light (Jtltmvtr;t&, rctjJt&, Jt]Ht&) vegetation, plants the bilwa tree (yr"tstt;t&) came to life (;tmgt Vjttrlt) the fruits of that tree grown with the power of your penance (tapas) (yl;thtgtt&) diminish our internal (at) and (ctt&) external (yjtHbte&) bad luck and poverty, (ltwl;tw), keeping it away from us forever.

Wvti;tw bttk 'uJtmtFt& fer;toNat btrKtltt mtn> vt{twCtqo;tturmbt htMx[urmbtltT fer;tobt]r}k 't;tw btu>>7>
(O Laxmi our mother) ('uJt-mtFt&) Along with all Gods-Lords Shivas mate Indra and Kubera (fer;to& at) with fame (btrKtltt mtn) and precious gem (bttk) I remain (Wvt-B;tw) close to you. (yrmbtltT htMx[u) In this country (vt{twCtqo;t& yrmbt) I am born (O Lord, you) (btu) to me (fer;tobtT r}k) with your grace bestow fame and wealth ('t;tw) and grant it.

Htwr;vtvttmttbtjttk sgtuMXtbtjtHbtek lttNtgttbgtnbtT> yCtqr;tbtmtbt]r}k at mtJttO rltKtwo btu dt]nt;tT>>8>>

(Htw;t-rvtvttmtt-btjttk) One who is thirsty and hungry full of worldly malices contained in this mortal being (stgtuMXtk) (Laxmis) elder sister povertys aspirant (ynk) I (lttNtgttrbt) hereby diminish you (O Goddess Laxmi) (btu dt]nt;tT) from my house (mtJttO) withdraw all types of (yCtqr;tk) poverty (at) and (ymtbt]r}k) without prosperity (rlthT-ltw) you keep them away (from me).

dtl"tthtk 'whtDtMttO fherMtKtebtT>

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EoNJthek mtJtoCtq;ttlttk gtu r`gtbtT>>9>>


(dtl"tthtk) (By offering) Obtained due to sweet smelling flowers ('whtDtMttO) unsuppressed by no means and no one (rlt;gt vtwMxtk) always prosperous by wealth and all kinds of wealth (fherMtKtek) giver of wealth like cows and horses (mtJtoCtq;ttlttk) for all beings (EoNJthek) owner, welwisher (;ttk r`gtk) that welknown Laxmi (En-Wvt gtu) is invoked and invited here.

btltmt& ftbtbttfqr;tk Jttat& mt;gtbtNtebtrn> vtNtqlttk :vtbtlltmgt btrgt `e& `gt;ttk gtNt&>>10>>
O, Goddess Laxmi (by adorning you) (btltmt&) (mans) internal desires (ftbtk) longing and aspirations (ytfqr;tk) determination (Jttat&) in speech (mt;tgtk) truth (comes) (vtNtqlttk) ownership of health animals (:vtk) good form of milk etc (ylltmgt) good nutrition, quality form in grain and eatables (yNtebtrn) may be obtained by us. (btrgt) In me (`e&) Laxmi (gtNt&) good fame (`gt;ttk) be presided and may it promote me.

fobtult vt{sttCtq;tt fobt> r`gtk Jttmtgt btu vtbttrjtltebtT>>11>>

btrgt fwjtu

mtbCtJt btt;thk

(fobtult) By the grace of rishi Kadarm (Goddess Laxmi) (vt{sttCtq;tt) she bore noble race (fobt) O, Kadarm (btrgt) In me (mtbCtJt) you preside (btu fwjtu) In my dynasty (vtbttrjtltebtT) bring her who is adorned with the garland of lotus flowers (btt;thk r`gtk) (mother of entire universe) mother Laxmis (Jttmtgt) dwelling you bring in my being.
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ytvt& mt]stl;tw rmltd"ttrlt ratjte;t Jtmt btu dt]nu> rlt at 'uJtek btt;thk r`gtk Jttmtgt btu fwjtu>>12>>
(ytvt&) Springs of water (Varuna God of water) (rmltd"ttrlt) produce beautiful matter (for me), (according to mythology there are four sons of Goddess Laxmi namely-Anand, Kadarm, Shruti and Chiklit). (Here prayers are offered to Chiklit). (ratjte;t) O.! Chiklit (btu dt]nu) In my house (Jtmt) you reside (at). And (btu fwjtu) in my dynasty, family ('uJtek) bring Goddess Laxmi bestowed with divinity (r`gtk) mother of entire universe (btt;thk) Mother Laxmi (rlt-Jttmtgt) make her preside with me.

ytYtO vtwMfrhKtek vtwrMxk rvtTdtjttk vtbttrjtltebtT> atlYtk rnhKbtgtek jtHbtek stt;tJtutu bt yt Jtn>>13>>
(stt;tJtu&) O! All powerful, Lord Agni (ytYtO vtwMfrhKtek) (Pushkarini) worthy of (abhiseka) adoration by showering from trunk of victorious elephants, the one in possession of generous heart (vtwrMxk) bestowed wealth and all prosperity (rvtTdtjttk) one with glowing complexion (vtbttjteltek) garlanded with lotus flower (atlYtk). Serene like the Moon (rnhKbtgtek) bright with golden light (jtHbtek) Goddess Laxmi (btu) for my sake (yt-Jtn) you bring all (with you).

ytYtO gt& frhKtek gtrMxk mtwJtKttO nubtbttrjtltebtT> mtqgttO rnhKbtgtek jtHbtek stt;tJtu'tu bt yt Jtn>>14>>
(stt;tJtu&) O! All powerful, Lord Agni : (yYtO) (she) generous hearted, merciful showering blessing on aspirer (frhKtek
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gtrMxk) punishing the wicked (mtwJtKttO) one with golden complexion (nubtbttrjtltek) wearing golden necklace (mtqgttO) bright like the beauty of Sun sustaining the growth and life of the Universe (rnhKtbtgtek) golden (jtHbtek) Goddess Laxmi (btu) for me (yt-Jtn) you invoke and bring forth good.

;ttk bt yt Jtn stt;tJtutu jtHbtebtltvtdttrbtltebtT> gtmgttk rnhKgtk vt{Ctq;tk dttJttu 'tmgttuNJttltT rJtlugtk vtw~MttltnbtT>>15>>
(stt;tJtu&) O! All powerful, Lord Agni (yltvtdttrbtltek) one who never abandons us (;ttk jtHbtek) that well-known goddess Laxmi (btu) for me (yt-Jtn) invoke and bring all. (gtmgttk) By grace of that Laxmi (ynk) I own (rnhKgtk) gold (vt{-Ctq;tk) supreme richness (dttJt&) cows ('tmgt&) servants and maids (yNJttltT) horses (vtw~MttltT) sons and grandsons (rJtlugtk) being the owner (of all)

gt& Ntwrat& vt{gt;ttu Ctq;Jtt stwnwgtttsgtbtlJtnbtT> mtq;tk vtatNtfk at `eftbt& mt;t;tk stvtu;tT>>16>>
(This is the ultimate good attained by Shrisuktam) (gt&) whoever (`eftbt&) wish to obtain the grace of Goddess Laxmi (Ntwrat vt{gt;t& Ctq;Jtt) must cleanse oneself properly and with faith (yltw-ynbtT) everyday (ytsgtk stwnwgtt;tT) offer the offering/ahuti of dhrut (Dt];t) (at) and (vtatNtfk mtq;tk) recite the fifteen mantras of Shrisuktam (mt;t;tk) regularly (stvtu;tT) doing the japas.

mthmJt;te lt& mtwCtdtt btgtmfh;tT

May Goddess Saraswati shower her blessings upon us bringing wellbeing to us.
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Maharshi Sandipani Rashtriya Veda Vidya Pratishthan

Name:- _____________________________________________________ Place:- ____________________________ Registration No. ___________ Questions Who divided the Vedas into four parts? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Gemini is associated to which Veda? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ To whom did Vedvyasa teach Atharva Ved? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ To which Veda is (JtiNtbvttgtlt) Veshampayana related? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Hota Ritvik is associated with which Veda? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ In Yagna ritual, who re3cites Samveda Mantras _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Who is the chief priest of Yagna? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How many principal Vedas are there? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Which Veda is known as Brahmadveda? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Which are the two main parts of Veda? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ How many Shakayan (schools) of Rig-Veda prevail according to Patanjali?
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Qs.1 Ans. Qs.2 Ans. Qs.3 Ans. Qs.4 Ans. Qs.5 Ans. Qs.6 Ans. Qs.7 Ans. Qs.8 Ans. Qs. 9 Ans. Qs.10 Ans. Qs.11

Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.12 Which Veda constitute of nine schools according to Patanjali? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.13 Chandogyaupnishad is associated with which Veda? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.14 Satpath Brahmin is related to which Veda? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.15 To which Veda is Bhrudaranyak (ct]nthKgtf) Upnishad related? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.16 Which is is chief Brahmanna of Rig-Veda? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.17 Name the Brahmanna of the Atharva-Veda? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.18 Shrisuktas are included in Khilsuktam of which Veda? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.19 Who is the Adi kavya of Classical Sanskrit (jttirff mtkmf];t) ? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Qs.20 What is the meaning of rbt*tmgt atHtwmtt mtbteHttbtnu ? Ans. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

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