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Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Department of Electrical Engineering EE3220 Control Engineering

Assignment 01 (Mathematical Modeling) Submission Deadline: None Key Learning from the Assignment: Modeling of Mechanical systems Modeling of Electrical systems Transfer function Instructions: RN = last two digits of your roll number. 1. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model relating forcing function F(t), displacement x1(t) and x2(t). b. Obtain transfer functions: X1(s)/F(s) and X2(s)/F(s). c. Draw an equivalent force-voltage analogous system.

f M1 F M2 k2



2. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model relating forcing functions F1(t) and F2(t), and displacement variables x1(t) and x2(t). b. Obtain all possible transfer functions.

k1 k2 f2 M1 f1



x2 M2



3. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Is this system equivalent to the system shown in Q. 2 above? Why? Prove your answer. b. Will the dynamics of the system change if location of the spring (k2) and damper (f2) are exchanged? Why? Prove your answer. c. Draw a force-current analogous system.

k1 k2 f2 M1 f1



x2 M2



4. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model relating forcing functions F1(t) and F2(t), and displacement variables x1(t) and x2(t). b. Obtain all possible transfer functions.

k1 x1 M1 f M2 F2
5. For the spring loaded pendulum shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model for this system. Assume the following: (i) Spring force acting on pendulum is zero when the pendulum is vertical, i.e. = 0. (ii) Angle of oscillations is small. (iii) Length of the pendulum is l and springs are connected to pendulum at a distance a. (iv) No friction. b. How will the dynamics be affected if spring constants are not identical? Show it.


F1 x2

k l

6. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model for this system. Displacements of mass M1, M2 and M3 are denoted as x1, x2 and x3. Also, M1 = M2 = M3 = 0.5RN kg, k1 = 0.5RN N/m, k2 = 0.7RN N/m, k3 = RN N/m, f1 = 1 N-s/m, f2 = RN N-s/m and f3 = 1.1RN N-s/m. b. Obtain transfer functions for all displacement variables to input force.

k1 M3 f2 k2 M1 f1 F rictionless k3 M2 F f3

7. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model for this system. Also, J1 = 1 kg-m2, f1 = f2 = 1 N-m-s/rad, f3 = 1 N-s/m, k1 = 1 N/m, M = 1 kg, radius of ideal 1:1 gear = 2 m and moment of inertia of idea 1:1 gear = 1 kg-m2. b. Find transfer function G(s) = X(s)/T(s)
T (t) J1 N 2=20NR f1 N 4=60NR N 1=10R N f2 N 3=30NR M x f3 k1 I deal1:1 gear

8. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model for this system. The gears have inertia and bearing friction as shown. b. Obtain transfer function G(s) = (s)/T(s).
T (t) N1 J 1,f1 N2 J 2,f2 N4 J 4,f4 N3 J 3,f3 (t) J 5,f5

9. For the mechanical system shown below, a. Derive a mathematical model for this system. The gears are inertia less. J1 = 3 kg-m2, J2 = 200 kg-m2 and f1 = 1000 N-m-s/rad. b. Obtain transfer function G(s) = (s)/T(s).

250Nm/rad T (t) N 3=50 J1 N 2=100R N (t) N 1=10R N J2 f1

10. For the mechanical system shown below, obtain transfer function G(s) = 2(s)/1(s).
2(t) N2 J 2,f1 N1 J 1,f1 N3 J3 N4 J 4,f1

k1 k2 J5 f1

T (t) 1(t) J6 f1

11. An electrical network is shown below. Derive differential equation for the system. Also find transfer functions: VR4(s)/Vi(s), VC1/ Vi(s), VC2/ Vi(s), VL2/ Vi(s), I2(s)/ Vi(s) and I3(s)/ Vi(s).

L2 R3









12. Derive differential equation for the op-amp circuit shown below. Also find transfer functions Vo(s)/ Vi(s), VR3(s)/ Vi(s).

C1 R1



13. Derive differential equation for the op-amp circuit shown below. Also find transfer functions Vo(s)/ Vi(s), VR3(s)/ Vi(s).

R2 vi R1 C



14. Derive differential equation for the op-amp circuit shown below. Also find transfer functions Vo(s)/ Vi(s), VR(s)/ Vi(s).

5R 5R

C R vo



15. Derive a mathematical model for a vehicle towing a trailer through a spring-damper coupling hitch. Where, Mass of the trailer (M), spring constant of the hitch (k), viscous damping coefficient of the hitch (f1), viscous friction coefficient between the trailer and road (f2), displacement of the trailer (x1), force applied by the vehicle (F). Also obtain transfer function X1(s)/F(s). Derive differential equations of the system when one more trailer having same parameters as the first one is connected to the first trailer through identical hitch. Obtain transfer function X2(s)/F(s) if displacement of second trailer is x2. Draw force-current analogous system for the two-trailer system

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