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them merge with each other at the exact time when the sun was at its highest during

the solstice. With our constant practicing since February, we had finally gotten to the point where we were ready for the next stage: We could release our powers, then manipulate and hold them. But as we grew in strength, so did the elements desire to merge, and we needed Hugh back to go any further. If we merged our elements prematurely, we could inadvertently trigger an unbalanced alignment, which apparently would do more harm than good. Without him, we were in a holding pattern. We followed our old training schedule, standing in a circle with our fingers stretched to one another, channeling our power through our hands to the person on either side of us. The elements reflected each persons strengths. It was strange to feel ines sweet, pleasant essence hanging gently in the air beside Adams passionate one. Rans courage, intensity, and overwhelming sense of protection surrounded me. I wondered what my essence felt like to them. With no one to watch us, we worked a little longer and harder, flexing the elements to their limits without releasing them. The session started out as normal, but when I began feeling overwhelmed, I opened my eyes and gasped. My body was hovering slightly off the ground as the wind enveloped me. Across the way, flames encircled Ran, and I could see he was clenching his teeth, a deep frown etched into his brow. On my right, ines normally poker-straight, shoulder-length hair was caught in a static web as the nearby grass and roots grew at an amazing pace and wrapped themselves around her. Tears were falling down her pale cheeks. I dared to glance over at Adam. He too stood still, a mass of swirling clouds snaking around him. His eyes were clamped shut, and pain was engraved into his face. Why was this affecting them so? My eyes widened as the other elements suddenly took on form and came swirling toward me, like earlier when Adams element and mine had combined to create a molten body. Now I watched as water, fire, and earth merged into an intricate network of glowing ribbons of energy, undulating through the air. They were about to merge! I gasped in horror. Adam, weve got to stop! Theyre merging. Weve gone too far! Adam looked at me, his eyes unfocused, glowing black and swirling blue. What? Dont you see them? See what? he asked, looking confused. The elements! I pulled back, away from the radiant, viscous powers. Adam broke the circle and faced me. With a strange mix of relief and loss, I watched all the elemental powers retract and recoil back to their owners. I dropped my arms to my side and pulled my element deep into its hiding place inside my chest. With the bond severed, ine collapsed to the ground. Ran stumbled forward with a groan, and Adam wavered where he stood. Did you guys see that? I gasped. ine shook her head. See what? I was too busy trying to stay conscious. Are you not whacked? I moved over to Adam, who still wobbled on his feet. No, I feel fine. I wrapped my arms around Adam and encouraged him to lean onto me. The elements took form, real form. They . . . they were coming after me. Yeah, even the elements find you irresistible. Ran laughed from where he sat cross-legged on the grass. Shut up, Ran! Adam said with a slight edge. Dont worry, Megan. The alignment must affect everyone differently. This is probably only a taste of whats to come. He finally gave up and folded down onto the grass. ines head popped up. Way to go with your inspirational speeches, Adam. I cant wait. Yay, Ran muttered, and flopped back onto the grass. I sat down beside Adam as they all recovered, guilt eating at me for feeling so vital and empowered. Adam dropped his head into my lap. How do you do that? Do what?

Stay strong. Look at us. He motioned toward Ran and ine, slumped on the grass. Why isnt this affecting you? I dont know, I said, chewing on my bottom lip. I wish I did. Maybe during the real thing it wont be like that. Twenty minutes later, they started to come around. Ran was first to recover. He stood up. Want to try something that sucks a little less? Adam lifted his head. That depends. Hang on a sec. Ran disappeared into the

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