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Bernie & Brenda Smith ♦ West Africa Advanced School of Theology ♦ April 2009

DIVIDENDS! In uncertain times, we naturally wonder, What's the best investment we can make? What will give the greatest dividends and make the most difference over
time? In January and February we visited two WAAST extension centers, in Kumasi, Ghana, and in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). We saw firsthand
that what you have invested, in your prayers and giving, is paying amazing dividends way beyond our main campus!

Ghana Extension Kinshasa, DRC, Extension

Bernie had nearly 40 eager students in his Homiletics In Kinshasa, Bernie taught at the
(preaching) course in Kumasi. This center is run by a extension center run by Marcel
WAAST graduate and one of Bernie's former students. and Cécile Bomboko, also
WAAST grads and pastors of a
Classes are
church of 1,000+. Classes meet on
held at the
the compound of a large church
Bible institute
called The Ark. The compound
there, which is
houses the church of 5,000+, a
headed by Bernie preaches at The Ark
Christian school for 1,200
children, a Bible institute, and the WAAST extension. We were thrilled to
learn that Israel N'sembe, pastor of The Ark and a WAAST grad, had just
Bernie been elected general superintendent of the Assemblies of God of DRC.
preached in Incidentally, both he and his wife, along with the Bombokos, were among
churches our first students. Dividends!
pastored by
two more of Back Home Indiana!
our former students, who now regularly teach at this
extension and on our campus here. Dividends! We will arrive in the U.S. May 4 to begin our
deputation cycle, basing in Lafayette, IN. We
Africa Assemblies of God Alliance, South Africa ask for your prayers for open doors and strength.
In March we went to Johannesburg, South Africa, for meetings of the We are currently scheduling services. If you are
Africa Assemblies of God Alliance. Again we were impressed by the interested in a service, a meeting with the
number of leaders we know because they have passed through missions committee or home group, or whatever
WAAST. Continent-wide dividends! else your creative mind thinks of, please contact
We ministered in churches, prayed for people, and led people to the us at
Lord in all three countries. Life-changing dividends!
We have been privileged to invest our lives here. And we can do so because of your investment. THANK YOU! Only
in heaven will we realize the eternal dividends.

B.P. 2313 Lome, Togo, West Africa ♦ News/Prayer requests: ♦ Account 240646

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