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it is micro controller based circuit digital, so the signals can be used for further analysis and is compatible with other digital in which we used Infra red transmitter & receiver to detect and count number of objects. The devices. If this system is implemented, then automation in the product counting can be achieved. Also, there is no hazardous elements used in the circuitry and hence it can be used even at hazardous atmospheres in an industrial area.

TSOP1738 is a IR detecting device, it detects the IR rays transmitted at 38kHz frequency. We will use this IR transmitter to detect objects passing through transmitter & receiver. Count will be displayed on LCD display. This is interfaced

with GSM.

IR transmitter, IR Receiver,GSM. The logic is very simple, the circuit has TSOP1738 sensor which detects whether there is a object or not in front of it. The

Today in the era of mass production the production is massive. But a need also arises count the products made. This can be done by either recruiting a person to count it or by using technology. This document will illustrate how stream of objects can be counted with the help of IR transmitter & receiver. To accomplish this, the project is using a8051 microcontroller (at89s52), sense the a sensor to

microcontroller will take the input from the TSOP1738 sensor, process it and sends the output to the LCD display unit which will display the number of products counted.

The TSOP1738 is a IR detecting device, it detects the IR rays transmitted at 38kHz frequency (it is transmitting frequency not the frequency of the IR rays). Its output is not affected by the surrounding lights; therefore it will sense the object only. To transmit IR rays at 38 kHz the astable multivibrator mode of 555 IC is used. The output of the sensor is processed by

object i.e. TSOP1738, 7 segment

display to show the counted objects or products.

The digital object counter is a cost effective and a simple system. It overcomes the problem of manual counting of objects. Everything is

the microcontroller. After processing it the controllers output signal is fed to the LCD display which displays the output.

Flow chart


Description of Blocks Power Supply Working

The TSOP1738 is a IR detecting device, it detects the IR rays transmitted at 38kHz frequency (it is transmitting frequency not the frequency of the IR rays). Its output is not affected by the surrounding lights; therefore it will sense the object only. To transmit IR rays at 38 kHz the astable multivibrator mode IC IR 555 is sensor used. The output by of The input to the system is 230v AC; the power supply section converts the input to required DC voltage and distributes to the other parts of the circuit(rectifier).

The oscillator circuit is used to provide micro controller IC with a working clock frequency.

This part is used to reset the micro controller IC

of the the


microcontroller. After processing it the controllers output signal is fed to th7segment which displays the output.

It also plays a major role in checking the signal. When ever the sensor gives a signal,

the controller gets the signal and increments the counter according to the function assigned to it.

One of the major differences between a microprocessor and a micro-controller is that a controller often deals with bits not bytes as in the real world application. Intel has introduced a family of micro-controllers called the MCS-51. The Intel 8051 is an 8-bit microcontroller which means that most available operations are limited

LCD display
This is used to display the count for the number of objects.

Infrared radiation is the portion of electromagnetic spectrum having wavelengths longer than visible light wavelengths, but smaller than microwaves, i.e., the region roughly from 0.75m to 1000 m is the infrared region. Infrared waves are invisible to human eyes. The wavelength region of 0.75m to 3 m is called near infrared, the region from 3 m to 6 m is called mid infrared and the region higher than 6 m is called far infrared. (The demarcations are not rigid; regions are defined differently by many

to 8 bits. There are 3 basic "sizes" of the 8051: Short, Standard, and Extended. The Short and Standard chips are often available in DIP (dual in-line package) form, but the Extended 8051 models often have a different form factor, and are not "drop-in compatible". All these things are called 8051 because they can all be programmed using 8051 assembly language, and they all share certain features.

1. 128KB on chip program memory. 2. 128 bytes on chip data memory (RAM). 3. 4 reg banks.

8051 Microcontroller
A micro-controller consists of a powerful CPU tightly coupled with memory, various I/O interfaces such as serial port, parallel port, timer or counter, interrupt controller, data acquisition interfaces like A/D converter, D/A converter integrated on a single silicon chip. If a system is developed with a microprocessor, the designer has to go for external memory such as RAM, ROM, EPROM and peripherals. But controller is provided with all these facilities on a single chip. Development of a micro-controller reduces PCB size and cost of the design.

4. 128 user defined software flags. 5. 8-bit data bus 6. 16-bit address bus 7. 32 general purpose registers each of 8 bits 8. 16 bit timers (usually 2, but may have more, or less). 9. 3 internal and 2 external interrupts. 10. Bit as well as byte addressable RAM area of 16 bytes. 11. Four 8-bit ports, (short models have two 8bit ports). 12. 16-bit program counter and data pointer. 13. 1 Microsecond instruction cycle with 12 MHz Crystal.

serial interface of GSM Modem.The COMPIM Serial Port Model shown in the schematic











microcontroller 8051 for SMS control of industrial counting equipments:

GSM (Global System originally for from Mobile Groupe Communications:

equivalent to the serial interafce of GSM Modem.Sending Computer / SMS Messages AT from a





Spcial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile telephony. GSM modem is being interfaced with the microcontroller AT89s51 for SMS communication. The SMS can be send and recieved for the data sharing and situation information and control. there are many application of the project based on

microcontroller 8051 and GSM interfacing. We can use it as a remote control of industrial counting machines or we can sue it for home automation or we can use it for the security of home or offices. The sending SMS through GSM modem when interfaced with microcontroller or PC is much simpler as compared with sending SMS through Modem in PDU Mode.Text message may be sent through the modem by interfacing only three signals of the serial interface of modem with microcontroller i.e.,TxD,RxD and GND.In this scheme RTS and CTS signals of serial port interface of GSM Modem are connected with each other.The transmit signal of serial port of microcontroller is connected with transmit signal (TxD) of the serial interface of GSM Modem while receive signal of microcontroller serial port is connected with receive signal (RxD) of 2. Send the following AT Command for sending SMS message in text mode along with mobile number to the GSM Modem : AT+CMGS =+923005281046 . This command sends the mobile number of the recipient mobile to the 1. First select the text mode for SMS by sending the following AT Command to GSM Modem : AT+CMGF = 1 . This command configures the GSM modem in text mode. The following are the AT Commands and sequence of events performed for sending text message to a mobile phone through GSM Modem interfaced with microcontroller :


Typical applications:
3. Send the text message string ("hello!") to the GSM Modem This is a test message from UART" 8051 chips are used in a wide variety of control systems, telecom applications, robotics as well as in the automotive industry. By some estimation, 8051 family chips make up over 4. Send ASCII code for CTRL+Z i.e., 0x1A to GSM Modem to transmit the message to mobile phone.After message string has been sent to the modem, send CTRL+Z to the micro50% of the embedded chip market.


An assembler is a software tool designed to simplify the task of writing computer programs. It translates symbolic code into executable object code. This object code may then be programmed into a microcontroller and

controller,which is equivalent to 0x1A (ASCII value) Every AT command is followed by i.e. carriage return and line feed you are giving line feed first and carriage return after that. "\r" stands for carriage return Interfacing 8051 with gsm modem equipped with RS232 serial interface is the same as interfacing AVR with GSM modem is.The SMS message in text mode can contain only 140 characters at the most.

executed. Assembly language programs translate directly into CPU instructions that instruct the processor what operations to perform. Therefore, to effectively write assembly language

It depends upon the amount of information collected from GPS Engine that you need at the base station for tracking vehicle or person The most important string of GPS is "$GPRMC..." which contains the minimum information

programs, you should be familiar with both, the microprocessor architecture and the assembly language. Assembly language operation codes

(mnemonics) are easily remembered. You can also symbolically express addresses and values referenced in the operand field of instructions. Since you assign these names, you can make them as meaningful as the mnemonics for the instructions. For example, if your program must manipulate a date as data, you can assign it to the symbolic name DATE. If your program contains a set of instructions used as a timing

required in tracking a target additionally you may need the information regarding the number of satellites that are visible to the GPS receiver.So it depends upon how much

information you need to pack in 140 characters of SMS in text mode.

loop (a set of instructions executed repeatedly until a specific amount of time has passed), you can name the instruction group TIMER_LOOP.An assembly language program has three constituent parts: 1. Machine instructions 2. Assembler directives 3. Assembler controls

components required are readily available in the market and the circuit is easy to build.

We would like to conclude this project as an enriched learning experience for us. From this project we say that employee requirement for counting the production is no more need

It is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of counting number of objects & also persons/ visitors in the room very accurately. When somebody enters into the room then the counter is incremented by one. The total number of persons inside the room is displayed on LCD. Counting the objects helps to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of factory, production and sales potential of a manufacturing company. Object counting is not limited to the entry/exit point of a company but has a wide range of applications that provide

.error in counting is also reduced effectively .


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information to management on the volume and flow of objects throughout a production of certain products. A primary method for counting the objects involves sharing human auditors to standard manually tallies the

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