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INTRO TO ASTRO TECH TRADING By Myles Walker No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United Stated Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, Halliker’s, Inc. 2508 W. Grayrock St, Springfield, MO 65810. (417) 882-9697, Fax (417) 886-5180. E-Mail CAVEAT: It should be noted that all stock and commodity trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in this book are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be considered as specific advisory recommendations. Further note that no method of trading or investing is. foolproof or without difficulty, and past performance is no guarantee of future performance. All ideas and material presented are entirely those of the author and do not reflect those of the publisher or bookseller. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: ISBN Printed in the United States of America Copyright © 2001 Myles Wilson Walker All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Author. The technical charts in this book printed with permission of the GannSoft Publishing Company. The program used was the GannTrader 3.0, which is available from Traders World. Order online at or via phone at 800-288-4266. Book Published by Halliker's, Inc. 2508 W. Grayrock St. Springfield, MO 65810 Ph: 417-882-9697 Fax: 417-886-5180 E-mail: Web Address: Contents Contents Introduction to Astrological and Technical Trading of Stocks and Commodities Introduction to Astrological and Technical Trading of Stocks and Commodities Major Aspects .. How to find a fixed cycle for any market Planets by Degrees. Retrograde - Direct Planets as a Cycle Timer. Retrograde - Direct Planets as a Cycle Timer. Reprint from The Ticker and Investment Digest . Repeating aspects, Gann Planets and Soybeans Dow Crash Dates Repeating Aspects. The Bradley Siderograph . Transits to Natal Charts ... Jupiter Ingress and Soybean Day Trading the $+P with Astrological Aspects . Summary of the Fixed Cycles used in Part One Chart Patterns... Failed Signals Organizatio Daily Routine Data Collection What is Realistic. A Glossary of Astrological Terms First Trade Dates.. NYSE Futures and Options Glossary. Books by Myles Wilson Walker Links on the Web Introduction to Astrological and Technical Trading of Stocks and Commodities Iam going to assume for the purposes of this book that everyone is a beginner to both the markets and astrology. Also that they have a small sized starting account currently but would like to get most of their income from this account in the future. In this book I hope to prove to you that astrological cycles are a valid form of market analysis that can give you the edge you need to be constantly profitable. As well as the astrological cycles I will show you some simple price charting techniques that I have found to be very useful. These cycles are the most basic and serve as an introduction. You can add more complex analytical routines, as you become more skillful. When studying this book don’t try and learn everything on the first reading, scan through and see what is appealing to you. This is a book of ideas, you must check for yourself to see if the cycle you’re interested in continues to be valid. At the end of the book is a glossary of astrological terms for your reference. If you are going to discover the truth you will have to throw away preconceived notions about measuring time and start from the beginning. If you know something about traditional astrology already my advice would be to start again in Financial Astrology as it is different from what you are use to working with. You will find that there are many, very reliable cycles based on the fixed positions of the planets and also when they are at certain distances from other planets (aspects) I suggest that you get to know one or two particular cycles for any Stock or Commodity in detail, prove to yourself its validity and then trade it as a separate system. Entry rules should be simple such as a break from a trading range or of a trend line. Ninety Percent of my trading is now based on these Astrological cycles and that is because the longer I have spent working with them the more confidence I have in their effectiveness. The solar system can be viewed in two ways. The original form was as seen from earth (geocentric) and then once it was discovered that the earth went around the Sun (heliocentric) both methods are used, and surprisingly, geocentric is equally effective. When viewed from earth at certain times of the year planets appear to go backwards, this results in the apparent slowing down and speeding up of the planets compared to the more regular path of the Sun centered heliocentric view. The following chart is of heliocentric Mercury. Note that the speed angle is steep. l1e0 ‘eo | (60 30775 4716 3/50/3001 02703 wate INTE = 067 16/2007, Day = Sanday, CORSOR PRICE = 10.4PF OFIN=O.UMUET.OLOW=0-0 CLOSE -O.T RTE RRR Nast sMeaetnoaney msre sirrrenra SATENEE.GEMMIST?™ MLATINGT® MATOS ROIS. OCA ‘04744 0579572002 The fast almost vertical line on this chart is the Mercury heliocentric view. 480 20 eo [300 leo j100 ji20 lso W073 19736 “3/0/2001 03702 ox fos“ oa 0575/2002 TATE= 0077677003, Day = Sunday, CURSOR PRICE = 16.497 OPEN=0,0 HIGH=0.0 L0W=0-0 CLOSE=O.0 2 Res ERTS ESO APTTERS | SORNER DEAMS 7 DEPT eva rit WEL Garis gesn vaio amt enib "09" We 10 008" Last 7ube "Lan are ara Mess DWE Bs Wel? 18 v0 0 This chart is of exactly the same time period but is the Mercury geocentric (from earth) view. Notice how this is much slower, the dips in the line are when Mercury is appearing to go backwards across the sky (retrograde) and then the line turns up as Mercury then goes forward (direct) eeeneeag as a 360 degree circle. The Planet and house symbols (glyphs) are placed on an Astro whe The circle is then divided into 12 equal areas of 30 degrees. These are the 12 star signs. 0-30 degrees Aries 30-60degrees Taurus 60-90 degrees Gemini 90-120 degrees Cancer 120-150 degrees Leo 150-180 degrees Virgo 180-210 degrees Libra 210-240 degrees Scorpio 240-270 degrees Sagittarius 270-300 degrees Capricorn 300-330 degrees Aquarius 330-360 degrees Pisces el that is drawn XBSKSb DOH pes =] N <= *® 2 <4 Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto 88 Days 224 Days 1 Year, 322 Days 11 Years, 322 Days 29 Years, 167 Days 84 Years 164 Years, 167 Days 248 Years, 242 Days Major Aspects An aspect is the angle of separation between planets Conjunction (0 degrees) Neither harmonious or inharmonious, this aspect merges and intensifies the energies of two planets. Sextile (60 degrees) Harmonious aspect. Square (90 degrees) Inharmonious aspect causing tensions and obstacles. Trine (120 degrees) Harmonious aspect Opposition (180 degrees) Inharmonious aspect that creates dynamic tensions. Minor Aspects. Semi-Sextile (30 degrees) A minor harmonious aspect. Semi-Square (45 degrees) A minor inharmonious aspect. Sesquiquadrate (135 degrees) A little more minor than Semi-Square. Quincunx (150 degrees) Minor inharmonious ‘The most important aspects for financial astrology are Conjunction Square Trine Opposition Sextile {BREE Mow Ine” Seta EAgR Graphics ~ Aniate "Hobe g, DengesnqeeeO XRF _-Trine(triangle) = 120'deg) Fixed Cycles A fixed cycle is the easiest cycle to work with. Every Stock or Commodity is sensitive to at least one planet crossing a particular degree of the Zodiac. I will show you how to find these fixed cycles soon but first I would like to demonstrate a few examples for you on different markets so you can see how they may work. ‘The chart below is a weekly U.S. Bond chart it is marked with the degree where heliocentric Venus was at the time of the weekly close. These particular weeks were chosen because during those weeks Venus was hitting one of the sensitive degrees in the natal chart (birth) for U.S. Bond futures. The exact cycle is heliocentric Venus at 56, 176 and 296 degrees. 11528 aati 10775 h1e75 2 [107.75 lat aoa Venus Natal Cycle | ft 103.58 U.S, Bonds ‘S572E S026 960726 — 970124 970725 _ 980123 9007 ae = O5OAUG Day TA, Ploes U7-75 OP OR.ZBTTABO.6561 LO=HR'S -9TAOGT iS Set up Aime tycies “Tied Wimension = Options Chee SR Rena oor 10. C, Ge0 $0 deg Jupiter aspects Sc: 0.0625 Bt: 64 Tp: 02.25 PlAng: Bonds- Fixed Cycle Mercury conjunct or in 90 degree steps to 182.25 is0.875 7.125 3.375 o7/0s 079765 Tarday,€ = 64-0546 OPEN=0.0 IGH=0.0 LOD=DA i Vaase MEMES TS AMS TL OSHTTERTS atuNTS CURbnES SU REMOTE fusToraomuris Noe r2? Et ’eases i2ust ad QU 1 say “HE ayng aah ate aoe wnks a BLNae Tedoe ssp ns MLSE Srccreist. ease ae datas 2am S0eae agua isuan G3) ua” OH" PUie Lom. S281 -aase Seas Gast sor ia gan LIN She? Bonds can also change trend when Geocentric Mercury is conjunct, square or opposite Jupiter. Corn: September 01 CBOT Plotted To: 07/23/01 “™ Ma og 18 «15:3 AG 29 16 «9019 2B 24 ZBL: Bd HOBO. Det ov dec Jan Feb far Pee nay Jun Soybeans: November 01 CBOT Plotted To: 07/23/01 ba | 4 hi, | od 48 Of 45 30 44 29 46 90 13 28 14 28 41) 26 10 24 08 22 Bot Now dec Jen Feb fee fl iiay un sa Soybeans Fixed cycles from Super Timing 2001 Annual Forecast How to find a fixed cycle for any market It is much easier to process many markets quickly by using a fixed cycle. The fixed cycle can be generated by using the natal chart. This chart may be from the first trade date of the contract, from a significant high or low or even from the time of an important event that was relevant to that market such as when a currency was taken off a peg and was allowed to free float. To get a fixed cycle look for three things. 1 Venus degree 2 Mars degree 3 Planets that are conjunct, trine or square (within 3 degrees of orb or less) First of all look at the position of Venus. Note Venus’ degree and find the trine points by adding 120 degrees. ite. Venus is at 1 degree plus 120 = 121 this is a fixed cycle point. Then 121 + 120 = 241 this is another fixed cycle point By adding another 120 results in 361 degrees which is back to the start at 1 degree. Next get the 90 degree points from Venus’ start position, in this case they would be 91, 181 and 271 degrees. In summary find the points 90, 120, 180, 240 and 270 degrees from the natal planets position which is found at the date of birth or significant high or low. What should happen is that the next time Venus is in one of these positions the market should change trend. Some times the change is major but more often minor swings will develop at these points. Next repeat the same process but using Mars instead of Venus. The planets that are conjunct, trine or square (within 3 degrees of orb or less) may also create a fixed cycle when they are in aspect to each other again. Look for in steps of 30 degrees between big planets such as Jupiter and Saturn or 90 and 120 degree separations between faster planets. All these cycles should be checked against the commodity or stock that you are trading you may find that both Venus and Mars cycles will work well on one market for example but only Venus on an another or in some markets not at all. When new major highs or lows are made in any market start fixed cycles from these points. 16 Fixed Cycles Found to be Useful The following lists a few of the fixed cycles that I have found to be useful. Swiss franc Mars 92, 182, 212, 272, 332, 2 degrees geocentric Swiss franc Mercury conjunct Mars geocentric Swiss franc Mars 30 degree steps from Jupiter geocentric British pound Mars 30 degree steps from Uranus geocentric Soybeans Mars geo 1936 natal 276 degrees (no other points) Soybeans Mars geo 60, 124, 188, 252, 316 degrees (special cycle) Soybeans Venus trine Saturn geocentric Corn Mars geo (high July 12 1996) 80.86 degrees 171, 201, 261, 321, 351 degrees S+P Mercury conjunct Sun geo S+P Mercury 230, 110, 350 degrees geo S+P Sun 45 degree steps from Saturn geo S+P node in 90 degree steps from Mars geo S+P Mercury 120 degrees Neptune geo S+P Heliocentric Mercury 88, 178, 268, 358 degrees S+P Sun trine Saturn geo S+P Sun trine and square Jupiter geo U.S. Bonds Venus Heliocentric 56, 176, 296 degrees IBM (natal) Mars 30 degree steps from Jupiter geo IBM Mars 30 degree steps to Uranus but only up to 60 degrees of Mars conjunct Uranus geo Fixed cycles are also repeating aspects that have a correlation with trend changes either major or minor in specific markets. The charts that follow are of this type of fixed cycle. [SPI Coninaous -1 Day-Bar Chat wf ' ; ake ake 32000 31800) 33000 30500 30000 Te 123 Fog lor Te Dat [eles (os i 1a 5. (ae 1S The chart above shows Venus and Mars every time they apart in 30 degree steps 30, 60, 90 120, 150 etc) and is plotted over a price chart of the Australian Share ~ Viet By ERI | mA 09/38 “His 3731/99 ra “04705/ 2000 baat cote a STUNT rest. ORMENS Meare Misawa” Nernmgve -fulira Troms soc ris Snes 2st chest sees Wt" usr him s.s2 any sot "ian woes "ora wese Osis ostae (13s asa “one iw Wap Ufo asia caer S09 aso Oo) "ag Zidy aay avea Law ie aun saeay cos is) (nas as “an O78 Ee 30 deg Mars aspects Sc i 06/30 wr Tajas 4973172000 — 07/08 [oRTE= 07, TERR Oi Tuesda ai ‘CONSOR PRICE = 1004.75 0 rae CAT MS TE COUT, cLOSCUTCA—_——| 120A MIGH= 1215-5 [OU= 1196.44 CLOSE=: PATA Cdn Yara Ca esanTa re ATES GATT UE CT iil tue ase yee “Lemeftoas tay 0008 oetas “Sgnupey? “2aue sean “36m saay ALO 200 B20 R34 “181 1880) 20 aan eee i Z Safe WAISN | oS he Deekty, eo 360 dey Fonets ony Sc- 10: 200 Tp 492 Fang i ; Wheat Week iy with Sun conjunct Saturn lane th 260 f i230 200 200 OFTNEZSG. = ferris a Hivwer Riis sapiris seocria Saver aes anit te) aot tar mae "aves nos) Nas EDI Shite StH sts B28? Weekly Wheat showing Sun conjunct Saturn 21 “a7os——wa/afor ata sav] 05 aay rayon O40 ea0e705 02726798 3597 4792, Day = friday, CURSOR FRICC= 200 OPCA=I76,75 WIGH-I9S LOW. $72 CT OSE 387 | CURSOR PRC RED a eM rst NAIERTS GMinnTe nabs? © MEPIWGTS TaTOrS — tonArst HME FAS Miele gyal sus) ty ylts a0 fav 20a age "ON O00 28 arae uses oa ONIN BAG Tee BEAD “MBED IRE Weekly Wheat showing Sun conjunct Saturn 04/47 09/41/92 03/07 fay, CURSOR PRICE = 258.496 OPEN c 3.5 CL ay UREN acre Surin e nunnfa oehiste Nerina rans 0eFa2 ZONED FAP mE Og UL Lim ne Oye MER iw AL aS ae oN Be aEe at ‘Hoh di He te Wie tree #60 Ulm Mi Oi Maw tos suse aust wea lve 7?) fae Seah Weekly Soybeans with heliocentric Venus conjunct or 120 degrees from Jupiter 23 Another type of Fixed cycle is when a planet changes from one sign into another. This is called Ingress The Ingress points are where the traditional zodiac signs begin. The chart below shows Venus ingress plotted against the Australian Dollar. ee ae Doll US Dol -1 Oy Bar Chat, i Mah the te 7 i, ae hi i ol ‘. no yal a; ens a \ g KI ’ j lt 5200 g ie i] iE RBE CMM Seis br hhels mekshe os lokels ao er bent hes [i Mar Twa, in ba ia Teer Tact Tov 24 Tits Fh1640 1580 520 L— ty r ih pt i, |" ‘ 7/1280 +P [1220 760 L110 Toe 37/99 0775 02/78 ‘3735 04726 05730 0703/2000 Cash S+P. The sloping line is Venus and the horizontal is the 30 degree zodiac points, when the two intersect it is at the ingress point. I have marked the last three ingress’ on the right hand of the chart for clarity. 25 A li22 nf i 120.125 118.25 16.575 45, 112.625 Bonds Venus and Mars Ingress [- 100,75, J | r hve.075 in07 wis 05719795 jo702 04/03. OR PRICE = 107 OPEN=9, 0,10 RAE esr to. Cebnet re san eters rusraravemirit, sates rag NE sgl wale "ua" bere? “elma ath “Lane 1257 Foun sone -0sNs ean Doh we@7a TeWe 1S27t 1888 SEAS U.S. Bonds showing Venus and Mars ingress 26 STIL, Geo 360 dog Planets only Sc: 0.0008 Bt: 0.625 Tp: 0.8586 Pl ing: 0.0009 [ jo.ssa6 lost | Venus Ingress and Swiss Franc | lost | lo.793 | 769 | al 0.745 | -fo.ze1 | | |0.697 | Ny. se seal eeemmseeene 273 | Pasa |e, a Wes i \ vay er ol ‘ ihr YH i y eee ‘ sale WN ta] 06/30 78 007 7703 12/8 APTS Gee ie GS Ee. MEATS umaai rT rami e rs Ay aus Gon inses os ren sean a na a8 aia Venus ingress and the Swiss Franc Heliocentric Venus conjunct and at 120 degree steps to Urani TH83.25 OF ae unas $88 3AM am SBS Ba amsE LOE He azo sy aa am aya ne eee I mE Ea ear ise ou8 uth tose a i G5 io oe iawn We Ta ie oe BS inn ta a Planetary ingress of Venus and Mars are more often minor swings because they happen so frequently. A cycle that can produce larger swings is heliocentric Venus conjunct or 120 degrees from Uranus. Larger swings have slightly more time leeway such as up to four days either side of the exact aspect. They are warnings to be prepared to take action. Entry methods can be faster moving averages or trend line breaks that confirm by price a change of trend. 28 EE PH fel 120 deq Uranus aspects Sc. 2 Bt: T 64 ae ee ee Hi diay vtoas fase sive dem See 285 -LaKS DMS aman asm se age, oma sage nas NW 178 ree tay ane iss a0) G0 sez “L03 ages as sess S380 128 Heliocentric Venus conjunct or 120 degrees from Uranus. efor v7 9799 ——“03/os_03/ 35 pare 09 70C7 AER sa Tareas, CODER = URSOE PRICE = 4100 OPEN 1446-23 HIGH 1 eens Ceabieaes naesrs—aerien rs SMini re OM GBS UNA dee sha ore sa Dan ‘98744 “05/39/2000 SOS LOW =HIV.5G CLOSE TaS65T hater serine voce me am ag rs Ba am gy ay daw ny RN aU SB ze Hisar wentrit mera sa aa ey" as ede Sse 0808 Heliocentric Venus conjunct or 120 degrees from Uranus. 30 SS =< — =: 650 Ti 17/2000___01/08 02724 wa 0/02 as 75072004 (DATE= 1079772004, Day = Wednesday, CURSOR PRICK = 669.991 OPIN-T.OTI =B.8 C105 DE a es a ners man Meee rea mURNrAL ETL yes aay tame at a as un 2p gg, sae za uy ase soos suze cum aa Bue um ass Sat inte tna Geol te tk “Rune teas “Yay Wa hee time eer ee corn Sat Ge Heliocentric Venus conjunct or 120 degrees from Uranus. 31 Time by degrees refers to the Sun moving x amount of degrees. In essence this is calendar day counts rather than trading day counts. The Sun moves 360 degrees in a year and takes 365.25 days to do this. A time by degrees count of 30 is approximately 30 days. 32 ec Mel nz] © [| a =| Jone 4112) Soypeansiay63/0 -24469705076702.5, Sc: 1 Bot: 490 Tops 785 HET Time by Degrees ] Soybdans | Sun every 30 degrees | th i WNT hot fg tal J bite uy } hw i “Nh t 1 i wh 1) o4/28 05/28 07/01____00/08 09/07, 0741444 12719797 [DATE = 09/29/95, Wednesday, PR = 499,799 OF=648 WI=G46.25 [0-68.25 CL=O4 1 Cars-S0=-210.757 33 nese 2442 7111072125, $C age [hala 4 Time by Degrees Soybeans Sun every 30 degrees From most recent high | | Nt I 70 45 15 ‘685 1655 1595 4565 475 34 [DATE= 09705767, Saterd, PH= Tb IAP OPED Mic00 TO=0.9 C= 09/28 D 0: = Time by Degrees i \ i705 Soyb: i gun ev ery 30 legrees | A I : i\ 675 From most recpnt Low \y ii | / iI n Le Th i ( {! Z iby i te ye \ i ' 555 ‘i phn ey dha bas l it ah ool NW yy les ass 70/08 44/09. Rae 076 02/19 “ays 06701797 ss 35 SoybeansDays3/00 Ci, S0-24469505) Bi 10599.502, SC 0.5 Bot: 360 Top: 507.5 WE 1 eter Time by Degrees Soybeans Sun every 30 degrees From most recent Low rar ‘4 Ma ght i lh 1507.5 Bee soybeansDay63/00 CAl, $0-2440950 Time by Degrees Soybeans Sun every 30 degrees aot pata eE Ned A lay 37 Time by Deardes S+P Sun every 30 begrees High to Low fl Mi ! \1300 if 1240, lite0 lrt20 Ti/o9 Te O16 a7 9 0375/2004 09; 70706 (DATE= 0570972000, easy, PES ASOT P= A7.6E M3009 LO=WSITSS C= 1530.77 Cars-S0=0.0 39 Sf RPS A GIL, S0-2+4000020001525.5, Se TBot: 1270 Top: She THE 4 Time by Degrees! | i ls40 S+P i Sun every 30 degrees A ii \ bs10 ic 1390 (1360 [1330 (1300 1270 06/3008 /03 09/06/2000, TTS CS TAENS tary SOO 40 lees Pulem pa \ pss jeao 4h r tom | 8a shi pm Sun every 30 degrees h95, ‘180 arises 165, Planets by Degrees Planets by degrees is the concept of a planet moving x degrees either geocentric or heliocentric. When the bigger planets are used timing is approximate so other technical signals are needed for entry. 4 Jupiter 30° move: a i ol wk Pn Na af 4 i der pin we hat \ < P2BPEG ny wn 4245/97 ea we anast py | } ey, fag yh EN i oof aL proveccpesee Ih; | i) i | y i ins ia ea ‘hah gay | : : Cr | : | fay, so f th 2 1 a 1 2 a a a a a 45 Swiss Frane [Weekly : Jupiter every |16 degrees spi 46 1 } 4 4 \ | 1 I | } ar 1 Brit. Pourld Weekly | 7s") Heliocenttic Jupiter 2.00 “ supi | 15H i! | : tae 170 1354 it Why wh sa hin Alaa Ady NF | ‘ly io 0 {hes : itu Lo ' eo tt at 48 spt 80 49 Heliocentric Jupiter i every 15 degrees BR aa ame TE spect Sc 002 LUSTR “1779 Pl fing: 0.00097656. ‘An example of retrograde direct cycles for longer term forecasts. ju779 (1.755 has iu675 I.635 [1595 [1555 just i145 ‘550205 ‘991206 00026 sans — 9012 Nate = 990709, nay = Fri, Price = 1 = Mi=129.09 WE 140.2 SU=106.85 MR-211.47 Itop Dist Mi-04.05 vE=105.23 S061 88 Min T06.5 JU13.53 Sm 950526 GUSTS 990706 — 990EZ — SFTOT 00517 1.64 SR=44,97 UN=315.97 NE= 503.43 PL=248 M=56.92 No134.36 ‘UR=29,06 NE=101.54 PL=156,97 M=T1.95 N-B9.39 Hr +0.00 st Retrograde - Direct Planets as a Cycle Timer This is a simple technique that anyone can use. The planets when viewed from earth will at certain times appear to go backwards. This means that they will cover the same degree of the circle going forward (direct) and backwards (retrograde) and then direct again. To use this in trading have a look at the degree of a planets position when a major swing high or low is made and then expect a reversal of trend when the planet again crosses this degree. An example using Saturn retrograde / direct on the S+P. Saturn was at 45.25 degrees while retrograde on October 18th 1999 which was a low. The next time that Saturn crossed this exact degree while direct was on the 28-29th of March 2000 with the actual high being on Friday the 24th of Mareh giving us three trading days from the top. Another example of retrograde / direct cycles for longer term forecasts. is seen in the chart of the British pound. At point 1 Uranus is at 315.91 degrees while retrograde. At point 2 Uranus is again at 315.91 degrees while direct. Setup ttions, o 90 deg Uranus aspects Se: 4Bt: 1050 Tp: 1658 Pl Ang [an example oF Saturn retrograde! je OF Saturn retrograde! direct. ~~. xs | Saturn was at 45.25 degrees while retrograde on October 18th 1999) ho | which was a low. The next time that Saturn crossed this exact degree while direct was on the 28-29th of March 2000 with the actual high) | being on friday the 24th of March giving us three trading days 3 if | "hy haso i A yen Y “hfy vit | fore ya af 1 at ¢ Saturn 45.25 degrees direct jr210 Saturn 45.25 degrees retrograde nano Taos — w00att 5 STR UNE 09 — SIO SET ONS (Bate = 000525, oay = wed, Price = 7124.35 0 i [Ging nt: 44.55 Wa349.75 $9.1 M3472 JU 98 60 Soa [sp bist st-21.77 ut=30.25 MR75.16 J0=79.06 ranus 315.56 degrees i Uranus retrograde / direct and the S+P Ura 315.56 degrees|"™ (1360 i320 280 i120 1200 Mr $0.00 late = 990718 fing mente =A 7" ‘990724 990819 — 990914 Price = 1210.79 OP=1418. Prey 7010 ‘Qo1i0s 991201 991227 onNtza —onuaTT Wet 1407.65 'U=116.59 Mit=215-46 JU=52.08 SR=45.72 UM>315.56 NE=30. 16 PL=247 82 M=196.52 N=133.83 ‘PA CAL, Ge0 360 deg Planets only Se: 0.001 Bt: 15377 Tp: 1.6897 Pl Ang: 0.0009765625 2 Retrograde! direct Satum. ii | \ ly iy ih, i The British pound made a low at |! 41:97 degrees. Due to retrograde direct motion Saturn would cross this degree two more times. Points 1, 2 and 3 are where Saturn is at 44.97 degrees 300207 oous04 000550 485 "303.43 PL=248 M=56.92 N~134.36 ‘S9Tte1 991% 555 5476 54 hsa77 Hr 0.00 Jupiter was direct when the Deutsche Mark made its high. The cursor marks the day of the cash high. By the time the futures had opened price had pulled back but we will use this day as it was the real high of the 24 hour market. Jupiter was direct at 254.49 degrees. The next time Jupiter passed the same degree while retrograde and then direct are marked on the chart. As you can see each pass of Jupiter over the same degree created a good trade. a ge Tile cytes options 25 °°= Genntrader 21. Ganasntt rai Deutsche Mark Co CAl, Geo 90 deg Jupiter aspects Sc: 0.001 Bt: 0.625 Tp: 0.777 Pl Ang: 0.0004882812 Retrograde - Direct Jupiter The cursor marks the day of the cash high lo76s Jupiter was direct at 254.49 degrees. 254.49 449 ‘The next time it passed the same degree while d on the chart-~[0.245 10.725 'o705 1.695 DMark (0.065 0.645 : ae ee : 0.625 ya 951025 95TI20 Mr +0.00 240.49 M6741 N-210.24 292 N36.25 ‘950305 950551 950426 150508, Day = Wed, Pi 35 The S+P made its low while Saturn was at 7.4 degrees retrograde. The S+P made a secondary high as Saturn passed over 7.84 degrees while Direct. The chart is marked at 7.46 the actual pass of 7.4 was during the night. -litins 5 Gnatfaner 2 sanasot bing 509. 00476975 ‘S&P 500 Continuo CAL, Geo 360 deg Planets only Sc 2 Bt < Z-~$4P secondary high the cursor marks jet A Satur at 7.46 while direct 0 the actual high was 7.84 degrees. ‘9608S 960010 961006 96Ti01 —_G6TIA? 961223 97011 970ZTS 970511 _ br +0.00 ‘Sat, Price =713.899 OP=0.0 HI-0.010-0. S465 S347 96 MACABOLA S=5 2,41 SI 00 48 UR=306.99 NE=299.17 PL=245.47 N=340.13. 56 A cycle can create a break out situation and retrograde direct cycles are no exception. Saturn returns to same degree as the low and triggers the break out. a ‘SEP 500 Continuo Cl, 620 360 deg Planets only Sc 2 entrada 2157 ban eaiisting 144 Ping: i | 1120 | 1080 | Saturn returns to same degree | | as the low and triggers the break out | aoe Sg 040 oo ‘00 aS | “ ‘if (960 | y 0 I i | soo | oe leo ‘970723 970018 S7ONTS 971009 971104 STATO S7ANAG SOIT 981 9BOITA 980409 wr +0.00 [ste = 980120, by = Wed, rice 904.9 OF-974 eing S5=252.1 Uro289.91 86-300.36 MAIS2.49 J=520.37 9849 10-9727 O-982.1 18 UR-50B.69 NE=299.98 PL=247.45 M=511.69 N=162.26 37 Here is another example, this time using Corn. Mars retrograde degree at the low was also the secondary high on December Corn when Mars crossed this same degree while direct. The curved line is Mars converted to longitude and overlaid on the price chart, Corn Retrograde - Direct Mars Low to secondary high (249.25 (240.75 38 This time Mercury retrograde was a low on Soybeans. When Mercury crossed the same degree again it was the weekend, on the next trading day Soybeans made its high. (Gite Stew ets Eee eles Tit ‘SOYBEANS CAL, Geo 360 deg Planets only Sc: 0.5 Bt: 405 Tp: 551 Pl Ang: 1 {]s51 f ‘540 Mercury retrograde Low | / | High Mercury direct at the / es same degree th | || \ ‘hw ity les 400 los ‘aso Nass —— 70572001 ‘oR suas 59 Reprint from The Ticker and Investment Digest (Now known as The Wall Street Journal) Vol.5 DECEMBER 1909 No.2 William D. Gann An Operator Whose Science and Ability Place Him in the Front Rank- His Remarkable Predictions and Trading Record. Sometime ago the attention of this magazine was attracted by certain long pull stock market predictions which were being made by William D. Gann. In a large number of cases Mr. Gann gave us in advance the exact points at which certain stocks and commodities would sell, together with prices close to the then prevailing figures which would not be touched. For instance, when New York Central was 131 he predicted that it would sell at 145 before 129. So repeatedly did his figures prove to be accurate, and so different did his work appear from that of any expert whose methods we had examined, that we set about to investigate Mr. Gann and his way of figuring out these predictions, as well as the particular use which he was making of them in the market. The results of this investigation are remarkable in many ways. It appears to be a fact that Mr. Gann has developed an entirely new idea as to the principles governing stock market movements. He bases his operations upon certain natural laws which though existing since the world began, have only in recent years been subjected to the will of man, and added to the list of so-called discoveries. We have asked Mr. Gann for an outline of his work, and have secured some remarkable evidence as to the results obtained therefrom. We submit this in full recognition of the fact that in Wall Street, a man with a new idea, an idea which violates the traditions and encourages a scientific view of the proposition is not usually welcomed by the majority, for the reason that he stimulates thought and research. These activities said majority abhors. Mr. Gann's description of his experience and methods is given herewith. It should be read with a recognition of the established fact that Mr. Gann's predictions have proved correct in a large majority of instances. 60 "For the past ten years I have devoted my entire time and attention to the speculative markets. Like many others, I lost thousands of dollars and experienced the usual ups and downs incidental to the novice who enters the market without preparatory knowledge of the subject. "] soon began to realize that all successful men, whether lawyers, doctors, or scientists, devoted years of time to the study and investigation of their particular pursuit or profession before attempting to make any money out of it. "Being in the brokerage business myself and handling large accounts, I had opportunities seldom afforded the ordinary man for studying the cause of success and failure in the speculations of others. I found that over ninety per cent of the traders who go into the market without knowledge or study usually lose in the end. "I soon began to note the periodical recurrence of the rise and fall in stocks and commodities. This led me to conclude that natural law was the basis of market movements. I then decided to devote ten years of my life to the study of natural law as applicable to the speculative markets and to devote my best energies toward making speculation a profitable profession. After exhaustive researches and investigations of the known sciences, I discovered that the Law of Vibration enabled me to accurately determine the exact points to which stocks or commodities should rise and fall within a given time. The working out of this law determines the cause and predicts the effect long before the Street is aware of either. Most speculators can testify to the fact that it is looking at the effect and ignoring the cause that has produced their losses. "It is impossible here to give an adequate idea of the Law of Vibration as I apply it to the markets, however, the layman may be able to grasp some of the principles when I state that the Law of Vibration is the fundamental law upon which wireless telegraphy, wireless telephone and phonographs are based. Without the existence of this law the above inventions would have been impossible. "In order to test out the efficiency-of my idea I have not only put in years of labor in the regular way, but I spent nine months working night and day in the Astor Library of New York and in the British Museum of London, going over the records of stock transactions as far back as 1820. 1 have incidentally examined the manipulations of Jay Gould, Daniel Drew, Commodore Vanderbilt, and all the other important Wall Street manipulators from that time to the present day. I have examined every quotation of Union Pacific prior to and from the time of E.H. Harriman's securing control, and can say that of all the manipulations in the history of Wall Street, Mr. Harriman's was the most masterly. The figures show that, whether unconsciously or not, Mr. Harriman worked strictly in accordance with natural law. 61 "In going over the history of markets and the great mass of related statistics, it soon becomes apparent that certain laws govern the changes and variations in the value of stocks and there exists a periodic or cyclic law, which is at the back of all these movements. Observation has shown that there are regular periods of intense activity on the Exchange followed by periods of inactivity. Mr. Henry Hall, in his recent book devoted much space to ‘Cycles of Prosperity and Depression’ which he found recurring at regular intervals of time. The law which I have applied will not only give these long cycles or swings, but the daily and even hourly movements of stocks. By knowing the exact vibration of each individual stock I am able to determine at what point each will receive support and at what point the greatest resistance is to be met. Those in close touch with the market have noticed the phenomena of ebb and flow, or rise and fall in the value of stocks. At certain times a stock will become practically stationary or inactive with a very small volume of sales. I have found that the Law of Vibration governs and controls these conditions. I have also found that certain phases of this law governs the rise in a stock and an entirely different rule operates on the decline. "While Union Pacific. and other railroad stocks which made their high prices in August were declining, United States Steel common was steadily advancing. The Law of Vibration was at work, sending a particular stock on the upward trend, whilst others were trending downward. "J have found that in the stock itself exists its harmonic or inharmonic relationship to the driving power or force behind it. The secret of all its activity is therefore apparent. By my method I can determine the vibration of each stock and by also taking certain time values into consideration I can in the majority of cases tell exactly what the stock will do under given conditions. "The power to determine the trend of the market is due to my knowledge of the characteristics of each individual stock and a certain grouping of different stocks under their proper rates of vibration. Stocks are like electrons, atoms, and molecules, which hold persistently to their own individuality in response to the fundamental Law of Vibration. Science teaches 'that an original impulse of any kind finally resolves itself into periodic or rhythmical motion,’ also ‘just as the pendulum returns again in its swing, just as the moon returns in its orbit, just as the advancing year ever brings the roses of spring, so do the properties of the elements periodically recur as the weight of the atoms rises." "From my extensive investigations, studies and applied tests, I find that not only do the various stocks vibrate, but that the driving forces controlling the stocks are also in a state of vibration. These vibratory forces can only be known by the movements they generate on the stocks and their values in the market. Since all great swings or movements of the market are cyclic they act in accordance with periodic law. 62 "Science had laid down the principle that 'the properties of an element are a periodic function of its atomic weight.’ A famous scientist has stated that 'we are brought to the conviction that diversity in phenomenal nature in its different kingdoms, is most intimately associated with numerical relationship. The numbers are not intermixed, chaotically and accidentally, but are subject to regular periodicity. The changes and developments are also seen to be in many cases undulatory." "Thus, I affirm, every class of phenomena, whether in nature or in the stock market, must be subject to the Universal Law of Causation and Harmony. Every effect must have an adequate cause. "Tf we wish to avert failure in speculation we must deal with causes. Everything in existence is based on exact proportion and perfect relationship. There is no chance in nature, because mathematical principles of the highest order lie at the foundation of all things. Faraday said: "There is nothing in the Universe but mathematical points of force." "Vibration is fundamental; nothing is exempt from this law; it is universal, therefore applicable to every class of phenomena on the globe. "Through the Law of Vibration every stock in the market moves in its own distinctive sphere of activities, as to intensity, volume and direction; all the essential qualities of its evolution are characterized in its own rate of vibration. Stocks, like atoms, are really centers of energies, therefore they are controlled, mathematically. Stocks create their own field of action and power; power to attract and repel, which principle explains why certain stocks at times lead the market and 'turn dead! at other times. Thus to speculate scientifically it is absolutely necessary to follow natural law. "After years of patient study I have proven to my entire satisfaction as well as demonstrated to others that vibration explains every possible phase and condition of the market.” In order to substantiate Mr. Gann's claims as to what he has been able to do under this method, we called upon Mr. William E. Gilley, an Inspector of Imports, 16 Beaver Street, New York. Mr. Gilley is well-known in the downtown district. He himself has studied stock market movements for twenty-five years, during which time he has examined every piece of market literature that has been issued and procurable in Wall Street. It was he who encouraged Mr. Gann to study out the scientific and mathematical possibilities of the subject. When asked what had been the most impressive of Mr. Gann's work and predictions, he replied as follows: "It is very difficult for me to remember all the predictions and operations of Mr. Gann which may be classed as phenomenal, but the following are a few: In 1908 63 when Union Pacific was 168-1/8, he told me that it would not touch 169 before it had a good break. We sold it short all the way down to 152-5/8, covering on the weak spots and putting it out again on the rallies, securing twenty-three points profit out of an eighteen-point wave. "He came to me when United States Steel was selling around 50 and said "This Steel will run up to 58 but it will not sell at 59. From there it should break 16-3/4 points. "We sold it short around 58-3/4 with a stop at 59. The highest it went was 58 3/4. From there it declined to 41 1/4 - 17 1/2 points. "At another time wheat was selling at about 89 cents. He predicted that the May option would sell at $1.35. We bought it and made large profits on the way up. It actually touched $1.35-1/2. "When Union Pacific as 172, he said it would go to 187 7/8 but not an eighth higher until it had kad a good break. It went to 184-7/8 and came back from there eight or nine times. We sold it short repeatedly with a stop at 185 and were never caught. It eventually came back to 172-1/2. "Mr. Gann's calculations are based on natural law. I have followed his work closely for years. I know that he had a firm grasp of the basic principles which govern stock market movements and I do not believe any other man on earth can duplicate the idea or his method at the present time. "Early this year he figures that the top of the advance would fall on a certain day in August and calculated the prices at which the Dow-Jones averages would then stand. The market culminated on the exact day and within four-tenths of one percent of the figures predicted." "You and Mr. Gann must have cleaned up considerable money on alll these operations," we suggested. "Yes, we have made a great deal of money. He has taken half a million dollars out of the market in the past few years. I once saw him take $130, and in less than one month run it up to over $12,000. He can compound money faster than any man I ever met.” "One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last summer (1909) when he predicted that September wheat would sell at $1.20. This meant that it must touch that figure before the end of the month of September. At twelve o'clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option was selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled. Mr. Gann said, 'If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care what the price is now, it must go there." It is common history that September wheat surprised the 64 whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour of the trading, closing at that figure." So much for what Mr. Gann has said and done as evidenced by himself and others. Now as to what demonstrations have taken place before our representative: During the month of October, 1909, in twenty-five market days, Mr. Gann made, in the presence of our representative, two hundred and eighty-six transactions in various stocks, on both the long and short side of the market. Two hundred and sixty-four of these transactions resulted in profits, twenty-two in losses. The capital with which he operated was doubled ten times, so that at the end of the month he had one thousand per cent on his original margin. In our presence Mr. Gann sold Steel common short at 94-7/8, saying that it would not go to 95. It did not. On a drive which occurred during the week ending October 29, Mr. Gann bought Steel common at 86-1/4, saying that it would not go to 86. The lowest it sold was 86- 1/8. We have seen him give in one day sixteen successive orders in the same stock, eight of which turned out to beat either the top or the bottom eighth of that particular swing. The above we can positively verify. Such performances as these, coupled with the foregoing, are probably unparalleled in the history of the Street. James R. Keene has said, "The man who is right six times out of ten will make his fortune." Here is a trader, who, without any attempt to make a showing (for he did not know the results were to be published), established a record of over ninety-two per cent profitable trades. Mr. Gann has refused to disclose his method at any price, but to those scientifically inclined he has unquestionably added to the stock of Wall Street knowledge and pointed out infinite possibilities. We have requested Mr. Gann to figure out for the readers of The Ticker a few of the most striking indications which appear in his calculations. In presenting these we wish it understood that no man, in or out of Wall Street, in infallible. Mr. Gann's figures at present indicate that the trend of the stock market should, barring the usual rallies be toward lower prices until March or April, 1910. 65 He calculates that May wheat, which is now selling at $1.02, should not sell below 99 cents and should sell at $1.45 next spring. On cotton, which is now at about the 15 cent level, he estimates that, after a good reaction from these prices, the commodity should reach 18 cents in the spring of 1910. He locks for a corner in the March or May option. Whether these figures prove correct or not, will in no sense detract from the record which Mr.Gann has already established. Mr. Gann was born in Lufkin, Texas, and is thirty-one years of age. He is a gifted mathematician, has an extraordinary memory for figures, and is an expert Tape Reader. Take away his science and he would beat the market on his intuitive tape reading alone. Endowed as he is with such qualities, we have no hesitation in predicting that within a comparatively few years William D. Gann will receive full recognition as one of Wall Street's leading operators. Note: - Since the above forecast was made, Cotton has suffered the expected decline, the extreme break having been 120 points. The lowest on May wheat thus far has been $1.01-5/8. It is now selling at $1.06-1/4. 66 Repeating aspects, Gann Planets and Soybeans If you want to trade like Gann you have to learn his method and his method is the planets and their positions when highs and lows are made. Gann used repeating aspects in ‘Robert Gordons great Campaign in cotton’ from his book ‘The Tunnel thru the air” He used the planets to form the same shape or pattern again that was observed at the markets high or low but used different planets to achieve this. June 25th 1927. October cotton declined to 16.80 Bought 500 October at 16.83 and 500 December at 17.15. He figured that it would run up for about thirty days. July 25th 1927. Sold 500 October cotton at 19.00 Sold 500 December at 19.20 Went short 500 December at 19.20. Decline followed as he expected. To understand the reason for the timing of these trades just imagine a triangle and at each corner there is a planet. This is called a grand trine. What is happening in this case is that there are two slow planets that don't move much and they are 120 degrees apart(trine) Then a fast planet, Mercury in this case comes around so that it forms a triangle with the other planets (at the low of the market) it moves away so that there is no grand trine anymore but a month later the Sun comes around to where Mercury use to be and forms the triangle again (at the high of the market) So from the above you can see the planets form the same shape again but use different planets. The next example is from May soybeans. I will show you how an opposition with a conjunction in the middle was found at both the low and the high of the swing. May soybeans had a low of 460 on 13th Dec 1999 and ended on 28th January 2000 at 538, On the hexagon chart 460 and 538 are beside each other. On Dec 13th Mars was conjunct (joined with) Uranus, This was happening exactly at 90 degrees to Venus and Saturn which were both opposite each other. This is what it looked like. 67 Low on Beans 13th December 1999 Mars Uranus Saturn Venus High on beans 28th January 2000 Mercury Uranus | | Saturn. Moon So here we have Mercury replacing Mars and the Moon replacing Venus.This was the only time in the whole price move where any planets could recreate the original pattern that was at the low, couple that with exact price targets and thus a swing was created in beans just as W.D.Gann said it would. 68 SEER: 9 et Repeating aspects 69 ‘opical, Eocentric. Pastdag e ateracaa7 | zim paume! 398.000 209.180 + 9°90" ih 13th Dec 1999 70 Dow Crash Dates 9-11-86 10-19-87 1. Jupiter Opposite Sun 1. Same 2. Pluto Conjunct Venus 2, Same 3. Pluto/Venus Sextile Neptune 3. Same 4, Jupiter Square Uranus 4. Jupiter Trine Uranus 5. Sun Square Uranus 5. Sun Sextile Uranus 6. Jupiter Retrograde 6. Same 5 Be eva Sa Dit eee Be Sener STB, sae 4 n October 19 1987 Ah fot shh 3] g 3 a) % 3h & 3 a} ¢ ali ee ath : z B EE A note for people trading the Australian share market the day of the low was when Mars moved up and was opposite Jupiter. 72 Crash day October 19/1987 ' yan Fy polyne | by i200 #70604 670650 870726 O708e1 70916 e7INT SATO? BIOS e729 BwUTeA BUNA jate = 871099, Day = Mon, Price = 207.84 OP=282.7 WI2B2.7 L0=224.85 1-224. 04 4 Repeating Aspects Dow low Oct 18” 2000 Venus was opposite Saturn. The next planet that could oppose Saturn was Mercury, this did not cause a cycle. The final opposition possible was Mars opposite Saturn. This was a major turning point. ‘S+P high Jan 31 200 [~~ Mars opposite Saturn g EI, e g af © z 2 ¢ ah 3 : z : R Repeating aspects 76 Repeating aspects The Dow made its major high on January 14" 2000 with Sun conjunct Mercury square Moon conjunct Jupiter. On March 22" 2001 which was a multi month low, three of the original planets were again involved in a conjunction that was also square. Fel Sentory i, 2000 nae Geese Dig FOWORUD XRIKEPSIONOS 7 8 The Bradley Siderograph The planets have been used as a market timing tool for many years. In the 1940’s an American astrologer Donald Bradley developed a technique for combining the planets into a single line calculation that he hoped would indicate the major highs and lows for the year in the U.S. Stock Market. This he named ‘The Bradley Siderograph’ The details are published in his book 'Stock Market Prediction’ subtitled "The Planetary Barometer and How to Use It' available from Llewellyn Publications. The basic formula for the calculation follows. You will see that it is very time consuming to do by hand but there are several computer programs that are available that will even allow you to change Bradleys formula, so that you can weight the inputs that you feel are the most relevant. Bradleys basic formula is this, for every planet, measure the distance between that planet and every other planet (excluding the Moon), and see if it's within a 15 degree orb of a Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, or Opposition. If so it is given a weighted value all depending on the aspect and it's distance from exact. Squares and oppositions are minus, sextiles and trines are plus, conjunctions have different weightings depending on the planets involved. When there is an aspect within orb, take the distance between the two planets (in degrees), subtract the number from 15 and then divide the result by 15, next multiply the result by 10. ‘An aspect which is exact gets a value of 10 and 0 if at a 15 degree orb. The weightings increase as the aspect becomes more exact. This calculation is done for 36 planetary combinations, excluding the Moon. The 36 combinations are separated into intermediate and long term cycles, with the 10 combinations of Jupiter through Pluto considered the long term, the other 26 represent the medium term cycles. Next add the sum of the declinations of Venus and Mars, assign a positive value for northern declinations, negative for southern declinations. Add the values for both Venus and Mars and divide by two. Add together all the long-term weights for the 10 long term cycles, (divided by two), and multiply this number by 4. Then add all the weights for the 26 intermediate term cycles and the Venus and Mars declination and this final number is the Siderograph on any one day. 19 Dow Industrials with Bradley Siderograph ‘99 1/1999 7NerI999 70989 127989 1208171999 120.00 70.00 20.00 +--- -30.00 fy ------ -80.00 88 22:8 2 8 € € 8 8 8 8 8 § & & & & &§ & ER SE 5 8 & § & & © 8 & 5 = § Vo 4il\Ya, SHERRaeen wm . ie hy (| WAT A wn fl | a ‘ | | i Wh i \\ [Rw MAR eal AY Vien fy mA ‘| A : TTT TTT TTT tty ttt tt | tty Now Charts Courtesy of Tom Drake (Tenorio Research) The chart above shows the Bradley Siderograph from the heliocentric view. The lines with dates marked is the Bradley, the other is the S+P 500 Share Price Index. 82 Transits to Natal Charts A Natal (Birth) chart can be created from several points in the market life of a commodity, stock or index. Such points would be the first trading day, the date of a major high or low, the incorporation date of a company or when there was major news that effected that entity such as a currency being allowed to free float as opposed to being of fixed value. What we are looking for is a build up of energy from the current planets as they pass over or make angles to the natal chart. One transit is not enough, I like to see at least three points on the natal chart that are being stimulated by the current planets transits. Here are two real life examples from Soybeans. The first chart is the 1997 Soybean high and the second chart is the Soybean high September 7" 1999. Chart three is an overlay of charts One and two showing their interlocking similarities. Soybean high |B 7 a0 om ayaa |:BPS Stk zh: g 3 a al! Rye g 8 g ah g 3 a 83 Beas |) un : a) uy 5 Ey a) ¢ ue a BE 3 i 84 IR fous: See There is a build up of important Super Timing patterns plus Saturn is transiting natal Sun (restriction) Mars transits natal Pluto (negative) Venus opposite natal Jupiter (negative) The Sun conjunct Mercury is trine natal Sun, conjunct transiting Saturn and adding more power to the transit. 85 Projected soybean high Using the same 1997 high chart I predicted that May 5th would be another Soybean high, the actual high was May 3", The reasons for this were because of the general look of energy to the combined nataLtransit chart. 87 I : a § 2] 5 & Once again there were strong Super Timing patterns on May 5" plus Jupiter was square its 1997 high and Uranus was now transiting Jupiter (negative) plus Sun- Jupiter was conjunct the natal Sun and trine the natal Mars. (normally positive) 88 ‘SOYST ‘ale EMO gs = Scale TBut = 370 Top= 66 joo. le10 ity boo \ : diye OOM " infu ae 460 30 lxo0 70 ‘a/as[oo 01/32 03/01 04/08 05/08 06/11 07/7 08/78/2000 DATE = 09/24/2000, Day = Thareday, CURSOR PRICE = STHOT OPEN-O.0 HIGH=0.0 LOW=0.0 CLOSE=O0 Soybean high May 3 2000 89 90 Mars conj Jupiter $139 July 1999 piter 1 Ir ‘Seting 92 x oe ep IB te [IORTTaw-9et.21 1999 at $09 Mars pos Mar ro Ty PMRKIEQOOUO XRIAD DONE al IBM Low Mars was opposite Jupiter at the high and is now trine. The Sun takes up Mars position at the high by being opposite Jupiter making this a repeating aspect. This move in IBM has been a combination of techniques, repeating aspects and transit to natal chart. This blend of techniques is fairly common. In Summary there has to be a build up of energy to the natal chart from current transits plus the Super Timing patterns. I will often combine natal charts from major highs and lows over many years to get the right picture that will also blend in with the current transits. This tips me off when to expect bigger reversals than normal. 93 Jupiter Ingress and Soybeans There are many different types of fixed cycles one of these is when Jupiter is at 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees. These degrees are the ingress points that lie on the cardinal cross. The following charts show some examples of Soybeans over the years since 1951. A simple entry method would be a moving average cross over or a trend line break. Ihave marked the first two charts in the series with a trend line so that you can get an idea of what I mean. ei ne | SogbcansTayGS7A0 GH, Con Sat dey Ponets only Se Nov Soybeans 1951 h The Vertical line and Cursor mark Jupiter at 360 degrees I pel wii i Tw wld my iy yi i ta a a [DATE= 09/2175, Dau = Salurdau, CURSOR PRICE = 308-75 OPTN=289 MIGI=290. 75 O10 rake aghast esas Thats ours iat? MoE ae?" pun e227 806 S800 saa? “Rhee a8? “LOM i7euH 250 SBOE NDE 208 a7 e754 ENE murs 94 E ations = Ganntrader” 3 He eae SOs ‘Soybeanstay63/00 GAL, Ge0 360 deg Planets only Sc: 161: 220 Tp: 515 PLM T 515 Nov Soybeans 1954 | 90 The Vertical line and Cursor | hee mark Jupiter at 90 degrees i | ; it lo hal 00 Awe 4 whl ls70 rey 40 i ae t — weet [0 loo bse 2 220 aps — a — aa — apa are ae 7 rau ins 0.0 vere a oa ruurars ram oe aa ve riz owe 95 \ ih Me haa, joo 1428.75 (422.5 Nov Soybeans 1957 The Vertical line and Cursor mark Jupiter at 180 degrees again “5 due to retrograde - direct motion \407.5 fy gh hh Hise hytiry 7, Baa = | Tu 8925, laa | we wh (385 | {alte | har ars hn | _ i625 bss 36/06 a7 19/16 072049 “aa st OAH =i CR Sais eae A rinses > mire. oer: 96 mica sh Set ap Time Bgie og se le ES ‘Soybeans Day beo jeg Planets only Sc: 0.125 Bt: 545 Tp: 381.075 PI fing: 0.5 isea7s , \ | 1378.75 hy at | - 1 | yh iL 4 3675 ay | | inp fi 4 A hy | hn Nay ty -ban iit wh Nov Soybeans 1960 x (356.25 The Vertical line and Cursor | 7 i525 mark Jupiter at 270 degrees _ _ _ 40.75 | a5 ns was 95 _——“apa8 7s) —“aaT01 "asus 0309760 Peres e OURS NAY tea Gea naar vanres Sarankie uemner RIMES RCTS, war eae 9 feoccitess ae 240 mans vaso range eg” SOesy -tgaa 2508s n6se casas a0G) songs 07% 21902 Le0l 15618 i258 a6RE “rane Dae 97 ov wil Nov Soybeans 1963 The Vertical line and Cursor | mark Jupiter at 360 degrees i | Nal r] phe yet ped | ve yeh Tos out iste 9 ee atts aan ri ners 40 CLOSE nero oRTara aac see seo 8s S307 wae 22a ‘nr oH an sa meas tien aoay at bes a3 98 Nov Soybeans 1969 Jupiter is at 180 degrees retrograde at the 1st point and then 180 degrees direct at the 2nd point 490.438 | boners i he f (nh ine y ‘het wan Pa oe _ b nn js “arpa 04/10 mee — aN aa i TOT OPEN faa Matin HED aan 09/01_——w07os 49703769 PRC 0. z i Uae emer eur gan0 eule osc? a at og AlM sans) ivr asgs "2k sna ares DeMe Lath Ioaht de ASP 99 EST SEES ol Seal deq Planets only Sc 0.25 Bt:520 Tp: 59 593.75, Nov Soybeans 1972 | ers Jupiter is at 270 degrees i | i \wh eo | } 1572.5 | satal hye i. Me ¥ 7 (‘\ re bs27.5 20 573 093077 SSIES Tee a sre antiera, annnre SAMY? OUPTRETE rurara” aout aire 100 = ize a |S _Soypeansay63/00 Ci, Geo 360 deq Planets only Sc 0.5 Bt: 540 Tp direct | - 87.5 | Ke | | Ha Nov Soybeans 1972 | | Jupiter is at 270 degrees (645 retrograde and then 270 if Wests | I he ls Wei, af i505, mht pf NOT a keys awed he Hah a ‘ kro N | : Wj) __—05/26 06/29 on7e2___ 09705 oo HBP [72a Nando CORSON PEE = 360 OPLAHOS.75 MRS LOW = TAWA? haere Gane esse CONTENT. sMinhre ease? -Remavera "ifort moe i8 see Dee sel sues veiat "GD Steet 1ie5 a7c8) O40 7580 050 WMes OE ass es) amet Tees aay “20 A 101 feq Planets only Sc 2 Bt: 905 Tp: 1495 Pling: 05 Nov Soybeans 1975 | Jupiter is at 360 degr (1325 j1265 ji205 jit45, joss 1025 Ep soybeansDay63700 Cl, Geo 360 deg Planets only Sc is7s [1525 | 465 y 1 j1405, | r ial i / ar ls i 4 ya iy jizes yf py ftees fi \ My ‘m & i 6 ued saa seh Agel MM Nov Soybeans 1977 h Jupiter is at 90 degrees i H1045, 12724 03727 Tso 06/03 07/07 08770 09/43 FTE "s a = Narang, CURSOR PRE = 995 OELNCV.0 MIGHTY TOW "0.0 CTORT=O.0 are vase harness AMET 103 63700 GA, Geo 360 deq Planets only SC 2 Bt: 95% eA) 0 Tp: 1540 PI Ang: 0.5 Nov Soybeans 1980 Jupiter is at 180 degrees \1370 250 j1070 {1010 iL, Geo 360 deg Planets only Se: 0.5 Bt: 566 Tp: 715.5 Plangs Nov Soybeans 1987 Jupiter is at 360 degrees ‘596 ser —_ 566 SU CLOSE-O.0 Sheers SATs S Ueenist? CTE? ruATOra magus meres Be ” tes ssip Lom wasp 1536 esse vee ren 1019 ma 163 sa) “08 1 ‘Soybean: { | "yt } = =. Soybeans 1992 M a h M, Jupiter is at 180 degrees ye Wh nin ‘p we O57 07/26 CA 5704 HOTS mmr 06738 05. 106 ea ‘SoybeansDay65/00 Ci, Geo 360 deg. [537.5 i Soybeans 1992 \ Jupiter is at 180 degrees \ 510 | chart continued | Les | iy APT] | oe ; Nv la les | We aM! ' | yagi Etat ' \ ‘ [bal 1 lass M leo | 40s | : 90 58ST SOS TIS wu = 30 Searresans Ms eaara, snr wwers 107 Soybeans 1996 | soo Jupiter is at 270 degrees | rae 108 Day Trading the S+P with Astrological Aspects Aspects occur during and out of market hours. To use an overnight aspect, add either twelve or six hours to bring the time into market hours. An aspect timed for two minutes to eleven on Thursday night is used the next day at two minutes to eleven on Friday morning. An aspect at twenty past six Friday morning is used by adding six hours and bringing it up to twenty past twelve Friday afternoon. The charts that follow are from one week in March 2001. I have used an aspectarian to give me the exact times based on these charts which have New York time even though the pit is in Chicago. Eure im MEME 979 1627 099 055079 523 209 1701 Gu? 645 MEET MEE 309 12:13 9Ee 2-41 POe 759 DXF 1854 S+ 156 DPF 1043 YAY 100409 656 ¥SP 3:10 x S50 Du? 17-11 DAW OxD 1003 MEME O59 212 04 15:51 DPA 2230 O4D LOATH SOT Lies = Hg 1049 9 On 204 D Hl SAS OND 17-07 MEME SLY 020093 607 God 2021 ET See Bap Bsr Gad 22 Sug rose 2a hoi CU ne Ove tise Sa 1a DW 2236 INS 508 UA 1212 YAY 21:46 PHY £12 OFE 1501 7A 151 See ee DAE Lor SEF Lace BOY 854 7 1005 MANTA OY 1234 909 lets G7 S11 DLP 932 9S Les OSS ine O52 £46 ODS 13:00 F Sk 2045 IY OSI DoT 1602 Dv 208 FFE 1425 DNS 335 VAS 08 SAS ieee DLP 155 DH 1642 YF 2205 DLO 3:34 Do@ 1614 MM YA 1441 DVY 925093 S50 3 S+ 14:03 PGA #32 DUS 2049 HUF 25:27 OAD 404 DAY 2059 PAT O38 OND 14569 v 1047 DAS O42 SLM Ione [DAG 1210 Dx 2210 TD 745 MTR SA% 439 90% Lens DL 11:00 OLD 184s XE Oa DPOF 13:03 503 SLY G12 DMY E47 OMW S10 FS 22-45 DFP 11-25 DOW 1557 Pwd 2: Gn> 21:03 9 A SIODDY G05 VAT S47 LY S11 xD Sal HG 2250 GLH 1851 OWS Iho doe DEY 559 GUD 1224 574 1547 OUD 147 9 & 1157 MAEZMM DAG trae Oe tee DEE 144 ORD 706 PRY 1651 OUD 2049 Drm 1551 PLY 1211 SR tes Yeh P00 ILE oss DAY 459°9%A 142 Dry 1734 DO 21-23 Oxy 164i DLG 1817 Oud 405 DAG da07 SUH Saad |SXP S03 Dep i7se HOY 1609 Quip 21-46 9ay 2201 DuY terz GS 00 Bo 733 Dao 21-56 Day 23.02 OxA 23.17 DRY 2249 GAG 1842 GST S45 Oe eee ai 1345 ORD 245 MON Dv 2.09 079 216 303 1290904 S11 G7) 20 Ee ES) MMM Vere ccc OS 450 TAM 384 23:10 DH 1800 SMH BIOGIA 39 Oxy 1e29Y0S 132P 2 Sag 6349 XxX 105 DMP 1645 Dred 15:44 Dod 17-05 O33 1310 Fey 525 SA 1250 Juy 1020 OSD 1525 2216 SLY 17:39 Dag iese Due 1827 DAY G09 PUN 1600 H7E 11-49 DL dal OFD 440 MEXMN Do 20st Ove shan O73 2116 OND 904 Dag 1033 SNF 1402 Duy 1502 OF 630 HE eT DEY F13 ONS shay 21:53 DAP 10:04 PLY 1653 YO 17:26 Y SB 1635 )S- G49 YP ‘516 MEAN Oo? 23:17 MEI 9.79 15:90 059 20:12 3008 29.45 YL 212 x9 1700 UP E59 SE Z S24O7 1628 DWy 23:36 Dey 2200 SxS 143 DOG 112 OX4 S57 Nee ee a> eae Dry 1720 TA Onde? ¥59 1659 O94 1140 Sua S30 Deo 720 DEY G03 Hey 2250 RO 199 DS G19 HUT OOO OLD 1809 Fm Laas S42 SOY 1423 2x4 820 MMMM D+) 40 DDY 7:19 Dug S39 DRE ZEST One 1529 Oud Bo DLO Less [Duty 1534 Ove om Dx? GSI ISO dW S42 Due 2222 Ono 1043 OXD 2000 109 minute Eom + 1255.00 |__| hg 1 —-r290.0 i ; - 4 1228.00 | i | | | 14 1 | 141 220.00 | | | | | | | I [AE 8 aaa 03-02 Friday 03-05 Only the aspect at 12.10 took place during market hours the rest were exactly six or twelve hours before. 110 5 an a a oa 1D Sas e011 03-05 Monday 03-06 The 1.08 aspect was the only one during market hours all the other times were echoes from six or twelve hours previous. ui 41270.00 {4120800 ~{1285.009 —|r250.00 11246.00 {1240.00 ‘03.07 112 — | t th Pf 1280.00 - + CT ri Ld piety rr CET | 1 18 103-09 Frida boat 115 Summary of the Fixed Cycles used in Part One U.S. Bonds - Venus Heliocentric 56, 176, 296 degrees U.S. Bonds - Mercury conjunct, square or opposite Jupiter S+P -Heliocentric Venus 120 degrees or conjunct Uranus S+P - Venus and Mars separated in steps of 30 degrees Wheat weekly charts — Sun conjunct Saturn Soybeans weekly charts - heliocentric Venus 120 degrees or conjunct Jupiter Venus or Mars ingress - All Markets Time by Degrees -Sun in 30 degree multiples- All Markets Planets by Degrees - Jupiter every 15 degrees both helio and geocentric, All Markets Summary of techniques used in Part One. Retrograde — Direct planets — All Markets Repeating Aspects — All Markets Transits to Natal charts — All Markets 116 Chart Patterns Pattern 3 | Pattern 3 A pattern 3, which is a five wave triangle, is a highly reliable end pattern and occurs frequently. Wave a is by far the longest price wave. Wave a may consist of three | waves or five waves. Wave b, wave c, wave d and wave e * will have similar price range, * will possibly skew, and * will show similar subdivisions. Wave e will be very brief timewise unless wave e is in itself a smaller five wave triangle. The entry to a pat- tern 3 is a break of wave d. aoe ec c 7 Stop loss An bods an Sell rN Entry i \ ! Fi | i B : B B ny ‘ A a" Buy ‘Stop ac? : 117 This is a useful pattern to monitor, the following charts are examples showing both clear pattern 3 samples and also “fuzzy” examples that I personally class as a pattern 3. 1410.00 /44300.00 4380.00 PEED) 1s Pattern 3 resutt British Pound / = ‘anAeBO ro TaASAOOT C=45ES 7 O=4575 H=ASH5 L=1530 VEO Mov Avg line 474 Bolinger Bands 17 7S hit a = | a Hi hh L CL ge mn ‘Percent R 9.05 Lo Aap [A~ k eal cal Qn Vea Lo sr ‘OMEGA RESEARCH. 120 SEE REMC fiz 14 10 i714 10-4214 1042 7 02-18 Thursday (02-16 Friday 02-20 Tuesday 02-24 121 dnl tf ——1360.00 1 350.00 1340.00 1330.00 1320.00 —41310.00 ——-41300.00 1290.00 Tah Aa (ci li a 4 Pattern 3 can be a high or a low. There was a pattern 3 high at the e beginning es the chart on the 5" and 6 as well as the low marked as it w: EURUSD EEEETQARIES] 0.0507 0.9413 60 Min Gar _SJun-2001->12.Jun2004 hw - i r ia Ky Ww" The Swiss Franc hourly chart shows two examples of pattern 3 as a low. The second example is valid but it would be better to trade the more obvious examples until you have a lot of experience working with the pattern. uso-cHe ERREPRWIERASY 1.7202 1.8000 60 Min Bar 4De02000->41-0e0.2000 i ih i | 5 1.7260 1.7200 1.7160 hy 1.7100 sed I r 4.7080 47000 hot 2 iy i he 4.9950 ‘bane Barz © 1909-2000 Tradeimade Inteinational Lid. All Rights Reseed. DEr2 ‘Br2 ‘baz Ta GaFIUSD, Thon #300 ze 26th ‘Soul Sul OtAua_—GZAug —O3Aug —OBAug—O7AUg —OBAug —OUAUa OAS ug7001 In this chart of the hourly British Pound there is a pattern 3, can you see it? 127 2eiul Zul -27dul SOW —

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