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Stonegate HOA Board Meeting

April 9th, 2009

6:30 PM
Caldwell Free Methodist Church

1. Opening
a. 6:38pm – Roll Call
i. Present: Brent Orton, Jim Porter, Amanda Gigray, Karla Baker
ii. Apologies: Jennifer Scott, Alicia Brown
2. Neighborhood Forum
a. No non-board/officer homeowners present
3. Minutes
a. Approval of February 12th, 2009 minutes
i. Asked to resend these minutes
b. Approval of February 26th minutes
i. Motion: Mr. Orton motioned the approval of the February 26th 2009 Annual
meeting minutes with the edits provided by Mr. Orton and Mr. Porter. Second:
Mr. Porter. Vote: Unanimously approved.
c. Approval of March 19th minutes
i. Mr. Orton will email Ms. Baker with the meeting notes to distribute
4. Financial Report
a. XXXX is current with payment of $380
b. XXXX is current with payment of $245.55
c. XXXX was a recent sell, Ms. Gigray will check if transfer fee was paid
d. XXXX was a recent sell, Ms. Gigray will check if transfer fee was paid; it was also in the
rears $325 but was a HUD forclosure
e. XXXX – is bank owned, Ms. Gigray will contact bank in Dallas Texas about collecting
back dues
f. Ms. Gigray called collection agencies
i. One returned her call and left a message
ii. The other that responded said that they don’t work with HOAs and that it was
cheaper to go to small claims court
g. The question was asked as to how much it costs to file a lean on a property
h. The question was asked if the Board wants to file leans on property or go to small claims
i. Ms. Gigray asked to not be directly names in a legal matter, it was decided that legal
matters should be addressed by as the Board
j. The HOA still has still 8 homes that are in arrears and Ms. Gigray will send out certified
letters (There are a few more that are only $60 past due)
k. MGM closure
i. The MGM bank account was not closed
ii. The Board received a check for $3781.99
iii. MGM withdrew funds on March 19th, and 2 checks came through after that
iv. Ms. Gigray will talk to MGM about being refunded the overdraft charges and to
verify this account is closed
l. The ICB account balance was $17,299
5. Old Business / New Business
a. Retention pond update – Mr. Orton is looking at hiring an environmental geologist for a
strata analysis. The original engineer is willing to redesign the pond.
i. Motion: Mr. Porter motioned to give Mr. Orton permission to retain these
services for up to $200. Second: Ms. Gigray. Vote: Unanimously approved.
b. A new photo cell was installed at the entrance light

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c. XXXX – payment plan was set up with MGM, waiting to see if this months payment
d. XXXX – payment plan current
e. XXXX – Having issues with neighbors dog; Board discussion on how to handle this
f. Neighborhood cleanup day coming soon – May 16th
g. Newsletter ready to mail
h. Discussion of whether to purchase ink cartridges or an inexpensive printer
i. Ms. Gigray reported that her vehicle was broken into
j. Some one removed dead trees from the southern retention pond
k. The board needs to get a count for dead trees that need removal
6. Close
a. The next scheduled meeting will be May 14th, 2009 at the Caldwell Free Methodist
b. 7:44 P.M. – Motion: Mr. Orton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Second: Mr. Porter.
Vote: Unanimously approved.

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