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William Johnstone

From: William Johnstone []

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 12:25 PM
To: 'Sam Brinkley';
Subject: Team Leaders' Meeting June 18, 2003

Highlights for Team 7:

1) Our TSA request (#2) went out last night, and Dan e-mailed it.
2) Our FBI request (which will either be #5 or #6, depending on the order in which it goes out) should be
sent out today or tomorrow
3) Dan Marcus has a question on the DOT-FAA request #2, and will be calling us (either me today or Sam
tomorrow) to resolve. It will then be ready to go out, pending Philip's final approval.
4) The Commission closed meeting of 6/26 will feature a briefing by FBI Director Mueller (on his reforms) at
2:30 or 3, either at Commission or FBI. TEAM LEADERS and Team 6 are EXPECTED to attend.
5) The public hearing has been set for July 9 (possibly beginning on the 8th, depending on witness
acceptances) and will center on al Qaeda and state-linked terrorism.
6) The Administration has insisted on its position in requiring "agency representatives" at all interviews with
current executive branch personnel, so the issue awaits resolution at "higher levels."
7) The Administration has moved to further centralize (read White House manage) the document production
process. Ciongoli is getting four deputies to handle specific agency clusters. One of these will be
assigned DOT and DHS, but the individual has yet to be named. Future document/interview requests will
be directed to/through these individuals.


Agenda for Commission Meeting of June 26, 2003

a. "Sensitive information" briefing by Commission Staff (relevant staff will be notified (morning)
b. Business meeting (before or after a)
c. Mueller briefing for Commissioners (Team Leaders and Team 6 to attend; Team 6 to prepare
briefing material for Commissioners)

Agenda for Commission Public Hearing of July 9 (possibly beginning on July 8, depending on
witness acceptances), 2003: Terrorism, al Qaeda and the Muslim World (Team 1 as lead)
a. Panel One: Middle Eastern terrorism
b. Al Qaeda
c. States (Iraq, Syria and Iran) and Terrorism
d. Big Picture

Status of Document Requests

a. Requests sent out and largely received: TSA 1, DOT 1, EOP 1, OVP 1
b. Requests sent out and partially received: DOD 1, DOS 1
c. Requests sent out and not received: DCI 1 and 2, DOD 2, Secretive Service 1
d. Requests sent out with near-term due dates: NORAD QFR, FBI 1-4, DOD 3-4, EOP 2, Treasury
e. Requests just sent or about to be sent: TSA 2, FBI 5-6 (one will be ours)
f. Requests pending: DOT/FAA 2: Marcus has a question which he will call us to answer before
clearing request
g. Teams are requested to contact their POCs one or two days prior to "due dates" to check on
status of production. We are also asked to NOT include a request number on the draft requests
we send to Dan/Steve: they will assign a number based on sequence in which it goes out. Finally,
Team leaders are asked to convey to Dan/Steve if/when other Team Leaders have seen requests
sent to them for processing.
h. Diana C. requests that all Teams identify for her priority documents for scanning into the system
(that capability should be in hand very soon). She is also working to put a running index of

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documents received on the share drive.

IV. Interview Guidelines

a. The Commission and Administration have been unable to resolve the issue of "agency
representatives" (minders), with both sides continuing to insist on their positions. Resolution will
have to occur at a "higher level."
b. Administration seems less concerned on the issue of recording of interviews.
c. However, Teams are to proceed with Interview Requests ASAP.

V. Moussaoui Case
a. Commission has asked Administration to work out plan for circumventing constraints imposed by
the case and Administration has pledged to do so.
b. First step likely to be a briefing from prosecution team, which can be followed up by document

VI. Detainees
a. Administration has pledged full compliance with initial request for interview reports. Only likely
redactions to be current location of detainees. Will be possible to follow up with requests for
transcripts, etc.

VII. Document/Interview Request process

a. Administration is moving toward greater centralization of their compliance process, via Ciongoli.
b. Ciongoli will get four deputies, who will now become prime contact for specific
document/interview requests
c. FBI/CIA: John Knepper
d. DOD/NSA: Chad Boudreaux
e. DOT/DMA: To Be Announced
f. All other: To Be Announced

VIM. Other
a. Joint Inquiry report MAY be made available (after completion of de-classification process) as
soon as next week. Commission would then have full access to both classified and de-classified
b. It was pointed out that all Teams now have Administrative Person and all administrative requests
of each team should go through that person. Be careful, Sam and John, Lisa is now on the Team
7 e-mail list so she is reading this, and any remarks you might make!!!!


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