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International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012

Role of Gender in Emotional Intelligence: Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Communication Effectiveness and Job Satisfaction
Hassan Jorfi University of Technology, Malaysia Hashim Fauzy Bin Yacco University of Technology, Malaysia Ishak Md Shah University of Technology, Malaysia Emotional intelligence is essential factor responsible for determining success in life and psychological wellbeing seems to play an important role in shaping the interaction between managers and employees in their work environment. This study is undertaken to understand the effectiveness level of managers and employees in universities of Iran, the study focused on understanding the emotional intelligence of the managers and employees and its link to their effectiveness level on the job. Little research to date has examined how emotional intelligence influence managers-employees effectiveness in organizations settings. Data (N=120) for this study were collected through questionnaires that participants were managers and employees in universities of Iran. Building on top of emotional intelligence theory, this paper explores how emotional intelligence managers and employees are influenced by effectiveness. The validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by Cronbach alpha is formula for measuring the amount of which was 80% which is acceptable. The consistency of the questionnaire was announced by seven authorities at the average at 89%. The main results of this paper and evaluation was using SPSS. The results indicated that the female part of the universities managers and employees are more emotionally intelligent than their male counterpoints. Further, the researchers concluded that communication effectiveness has positive relationship with job satisfaction.


The discussion related to Emotional Intelligence (EI), communication effectiveness, and job satisfaction remains a key topic of concern among managers and employees worldwide. Researchers of human resource have tried a lot on this topic all over the world especially in the western countries but the developing country like Iran there was a require to survey this part. Therefore this paper is conducted to recognize the gender differences with related to the emotional intelligence in the universities sectors of Iran. There are lots of factors which have direct and positive impact on the emotional intelligence of the employees working in various sectors of the management in the world, like EI understanding, EI conflict, EI innovation, etc. Morris and Feldman (1996) were proposed that there is a relationship between emotions and intelligence, which do contribute in the overall communication and performance of the employees working in every organization, because the job is affected by personal nature. All of the organizations

International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012


in the competitive world effort toward attain the goals for its essence. The most important objective in this regard is to develop the employees communication because it finally contributes to the organizational communication. Male and female are different from one another thus they have the differences relating to manage emotions. These differences lead us to the difference between employees awareness, conflict and willingness to make and innovate, powerful linkage have been found between the emotional intelligence and the communication of an employee (Higgs, 2004). Kafetsios (2004) found significant differences in emotional intelligence and gender groups. Female participants scored higher than males in regard to perceiving emotions and in the experiential dimension of emotional intelligence. Another study expressed that there was no significant difference between male and female leaders in the social and emotional intelligence (Hopkins & Bilimoria, 2007). Good communication is one factor that has been found to affect job satisfaction (Scott, 2005), due to this; the researcher proposed the definition of good communication in the current study as communication effectiveness, which has a relationship with job satisfaction. Emotional Intelligence transformed progressively from a mere notion into a dominant theory in many research areas within which its effects on human behavior were analyzed. Recently, EI received much interest in effective communication. Results of these studies indicated that emotional intelligence played a pivotal role in human communication. The need to establish the relationship between EI and effective communication was recognized. This relationship was further emphasized by many EI theorists who asserted that managers who are emotionally intelligent communicate well with people (Goleman, 1995; Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2004; Weisinger, 1998). This manuscript describes emotional intelligence of managers and employees of universities have a direct role to improve communication effectiveness. However, the empirical evidence is scant (Day, & Carroll, 2004; Zeidner, Matthews & Roberts, 2004) and no study has examined the interaction effect of managers EI and employees EI on communication effectiveness. As such, the goals of this study are to examine the impact of manager and employees EI and communication effectiveness on job satisfaction.

Literature Review
Like most of the concepts of the social sciences emotional intelligence has also been defined by many researchers in different words. Emotional Intelligence can be considered as conceptualized by Salovey & Mayer (1990) the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions to discriminate among them and to use information to guide ones thinking and action (p. 189). To clarify this construct further, Mayer and Salovey (1997) postulated that emotional intelligence involves the ability to perceive accurately, appraise and express emotion, the ability to access and /or generate emotional knowledge, and the ability to regulate emotion to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Among other claims, Goleman (1995) theorized that emotional intelligence is equal to, if not more important than Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as an important indicator of success in ones professional and personal life. Elaborating further on this construct, Goleman (1998) explained that an individuals emotional intelligence can affect ones


International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012

work situation. He also applied his conceptual understanding to organization as a whole. Goleman (1998) says that the richer the organization in terms of emotions, the higher the emotional intelligence is likely to be. In order to enrich emotional intelligence there are certain requirements that are the desire to change, self reflection, the desire to know the feelings of others, develop emotional control, desire to learn more listening skills etc. The purpose of this study is to know that are there really some differences among the male and female employees in terms of emotional intelligence and doing the work assigned to the employees. That ultimately leads to the success of an organization. As women are joining the workforce more day by day and are contributing to the economy of the country, the considerable attention has been given to the differentiating aspects of the male and female workers. There are many points of views given by the researchers on this issue of gender having different positions in an organization the search for sex differences in the behavior of leaders have produced results that is highly equivocal (Vecchio, 2002, p. 651). One body of research holds that there are no significant differences in the behavior of the male and female Leaders (Day & Stogdill, 1972; Dobbinsand & Platz, 1986; Maher, 1997), and as a whole in the overall scenario emotional intelligence of men and women (Bar-On, Brown, Kirkcaldy & Thome, 2000; Petrides & Furnham, 2000; 2006). Job satisfaction is vital in the day to day life, which is far past the studies and literature related to research. Job satisfaction can be defined as an encouraging emotional condition as a result from the features and characteristics of a work environment (Arches, 1991; Dressel, 1982).

The model for this paper is composed of four key constructs (see Figure1) including emotional intelligence, communications effectiveness, job satisfaction and gender. Based on the existing literature-as stated earlier- there is a positive relationship between gender, emotional intelligence, communication effectiveness, and job satisfaction. Also, reviewing the literature showed that gender serving as independent variable can help emotional intelligence. Therefore, we can propose that communication effectiveness plays an important role in concern with emotional intelligence and also with job satisfaction. In the light of above literature we can try to find out the effects of independent variables on the dependent variable and following hypothesizes will help us to do so: H1: Gender will impact level of emotional intelligence that leads to better communication effectiveness of the employees. H2: Emotional intelligence will have significant relationship with communication effectiveness of the employees.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Gender Communication Effectiveness Job Satisfaction

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012


H3: Communication effectiveness will have significant relationship with job satisfaction of the employees. Sample Sample consists of 260 managers and employees working in different universities in Iran. Adopted questionnaire is employed to gather data from the managers and employees. Out of 260 managers and employees (35 managers and 85 employees) 120 responded to the questionnaire, among which 90 were male respondents and 30 were female respondents, which comprises 76.4% and 23.6% respectively of the total responses achieved and Simple random sampling method was used to collect the responses. Data collection The data collected for the current study was by means of the well defined adopted questionnaire of emotional intelligence developed by Bar-On EQ-i (1997). The score of Cronbachs Alpha (0.816) confirmed the reliability of the instrument. The questionnaire was having 133 items related to emotional intelligence, rated at five point Likert type scale, having 1 = strongly disagree up to 5 = strongly agree and 3= neither agree nor disagree, and the gender, age, education level, job position, and work experience of managers and employees were added as an independent variables to carry out study. The higher score represented higher emotional intelligence. Procedure The data was collected by the help of the adopted questionnaire as mentioned earlier and few interviews were conducted to complete the incomplete and non serious responses, few of the universities employees and managers (research moderators) were requested to gather data from the different universities of Iran. Moreover many questionnaires were distributed personally and collected the responses over a two months period of time. All the data was put into and processed through SPSS. Different types of tests were used to analyze the data. Regression analysis was used to check the relationship of the dependent and independent. Emotional Intelligence (EI) played the role of dependent variable whereas gender played the role of independent variables.


Results and Discussion

The results of the study show different patterns of effect of different independent variables on the dependent variable. According to hypothesis one that states that gender has an effect on the level of emotional intelligence that leads to communication effectiveness of the employees and managers working in the universities of Iran, after analyzing the data in SPSS our results show that gender has got positive relationship with the level of emotional intelligence that leads to communication effectiveness. Mean scores of gender of managers and employees are 3.77 according to Table 2. In hypothesis two also there are differences among emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness of employees and managers. Mean scores of effective listening, giving feedback, and understanding others of managers and employees are 3.94 according to Table 3. The results of the


International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012

independent sample t test show that there are significant differences with respect to the gender in the emotional intelligence of the employees working in the universities of Iran. Moreover women have more EI level as compared to their male colleagues. The results also show that there are no significant differences in EI with respect to the job position of the employees according to Table 4. The regression analysis reveals that all

Table 1. Correlations
Pearson Correlation N Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N EI 1 120 .141 .4 120 Gender

EI Gender

1 120

Table 2. Emotional Intelligence and Gender

Frequency Distribution Male Female Total Mean 3.7458 3.9821 3.7796 N 90 30 120 Std. Deviation .54871 .33956 .49009

Table 3. Emotional Intelligence and Communication Effectiveness

Frequency Distribution Understanding others Effective listening Giving feedback Total Mean 3.6348 3.8967 3.7091 3.9499 N 20 80 20 120 Std. Deviation .46532 .42789 .47897 .48523

Table 4. Independent sample t test

Variable EI EI Category Male (N=90) Female (N=30) Manager (N=35) Employee (N=85) Mean 3.657 3.985 3.854 3.723 St. Dev. .0541 .0335 .0483 .0523 t value -0.187 0.024 p value 0.025 .0682

Table 5. Regression Model: Regression coefficient, St. Error in parenthesis, t- values in brackets and p - values
Constant 24.326 (0.210) [25.253] 0.000 X1 0.423 (0.065) [-2.521] 0.123 R2 0.145 F Statistic 9.310


*Dependent variable: Emotional Intelligence (EI). *Independent variable: Gender (X1)

International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012


the independent variables have positive relationship with EI. The value of R square shows that there is 14.5% variation in emotional intelligence due to the independent variables. The value of F statistic shows the fitness of the overall model according to Table 5.

As a whole after going through all this process of analyzing the data of the study found that there is differences between the male and female segment of the society and with respect to the gender of the employees of the universities employees operating in Iran as mostly the women are more responsible by nature and generally more concerned about the people as compared to men. Emotional intelligence by itself will not guarantee effective communication of the organization or greater market share as the corporations are too complex and no single intervention will cure every ill. But the way people work together, coupled with technical expertise and the ability to form a strong network can be improved to help teams navigate past the inevitable bottlenecks and thus speed up the time it takes to achieve the organizational better performance and goals. In this way, enhanced emotional intelligence may be thought of as having a catalyzing effect, it helps to leverage intellectual capital, and that is a crucial ingredient to achieving competitive advantage as well. There is need for high management in universities sectors to design and include Emotional Intelligence into communicates effectively and job satisfaction that has helped employees and managers to co-operate better and be more motivated, thereby increasing their innovative abilities etc. Such program should also take into account the gender of the employees and managers.

Future Research
Emotional intelligence, as an important area of Social sciences needs a lot of research in the developing countries like Iran. As it directly influence the employees behavior working in any organization, the decision making power and the abilities related to handle the contingency situations, which may arise out of blues. There is also need to carry out research regarding intrinsic and extrinsic factors which have impact on the employee behavior and emotional intelligence of the employees. Sector wise research may also be carried out to see the emotional intelligence level of employees in different sectors of the country, to make country prosper by having intellect human capital with in the country. On the other hand, further studies with respect to impact of Emotional Intelligence on communication effectiveness and job satisfaction by different organization variables, are required in this field especially in the Iran whether its manufacturing industry or service industry.

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International Journal of Management

Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012

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Vol. 29 No. 4

Dec 2012


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