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Test Name : SmartCAT-10306 No.

of Questions : 60

INSTRUCTIONS The exam has 2 sections and each section has a timer. The first section will be Quantitative aptitude and Data Interpretation and the second section will be Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning. You will have 70 minutes to answer 30 questions in each section. Within each section, you will be allowed to change or delete an answer, MARK a question for review, go to the NEXT or return to the PREVIOUS question, and look at the REVIEW screen. You will also be able to go directly to a particular question by clicking it from the review screen Once the first section ends, you will go to the second section. You cannot go from the first section to the second section till the full 70 minutes for the first section run out. Once you are inthe second section, you will again have 70 minutes, and you will not be able to go back to the first section. You may use any remaining time to review the questions within the same section only. All questions carry 3 marks each. For each wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted .There is only one correct answer to each question. No marks will be deducted for unanswered questions

B = 90o. BP is the median to side AC. BQ bisects the angle and BR is the altitude to side AC. If RBQ = 15o, find the value of PBQ
# 1. In a triangle ABC,

A ) 15o B ) 7.5o

C ) 30o D ) 12o SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

In the right angle triangle ABC, BP is the median to the hypotenuse. Hence (Median to the hypotenuse is half the hypotenuse). BP = AP = PC Hence BPC is an isosceles triangle, Let Then In PBC = PCB = PBC = PCB

BAC = 90 ARB = 90o, BAC = 90 Hence ABR = ABQ = CBQ


Since AQ is the angle bisector of ABR + But Hence Hence, RBQ = PBC +

ABC, we can say then PBQ



PBQ = 150

Hence option A

# 2. Which of the following options best expresses the graph below?


B) C ) y = loga|x|


The correct choice is (A). The graph of y = loga x is:

Since the graph in the question has no negative value for y, the function can be rewritten as y = |loga x|. However, the graph of y = |loga x| is:

But in the question, values of y exist even for negative values of x. Hence the required solution is y = |loga |x|| Hence option A

# 3. Find out the number of common roots for equations:

x3 - 8x2 + 19x - 12 = 0 and x3 - 4x2 + x 6 = 0?

A)1 B)2 C)3 D)0 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). x3 - 8x2 + 19x + 12 = 0 can be factorized as (x -1)(x - 3)(x - 4) = 0. Roots are 1, 3, 4 out of which none are the roots of second equation. Hence option D

# 4. Sum of two positive integers is 85. What can be the maximum possible LCM of these

A ) 1800 B ) 1806 C ) 1900

D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is B. For the LCM to be maximum, the numbers should be as close as possible and preferably co-primes. 42 and 43 perfectly fit the bill. LCM of 42, 43 = 1806. Hence option B

are the roots of the equation 2x2 - 9x + 4 = 0 then form an equation where the roots are 4 more than the roots of the given equation.
# 5. If A ) 2x2 - 25x + 72 = 0 B ) x2 - 25x + 72 = 0 C ) x2 - 25x + 36 = 0 D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Sum of the roots initially = 9/2. After increasing them by 4 each, they should be 25/2. By solving we get initial roots as 4 and 0.5. Later, roots will be 8 and 4.5. option D should be correct. Alternately, we can simply replace x by (x-4) to get the desired equation. Hence option A

# 6. Praveen and Arjun are 850 m apart. If both of them start moving towards each other

at the same time from their respective points with speeds in the ratio of 8 : 9 respectively, at what distance from the starting point of Arjun will they meet for the 10th time? Assume that none of them stops at any point of time and once they reach their respective ends they immediately turn back.
A ) 50m

B ) 750m C ) 600m D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). 1st time, they will meet 450m away from Arjun. 2nd time they will meet at distance x from Arjun. 450 + x/1250 x = 8/9 4050 + 9x = 10000 - 8x 17x = 5950 x = 350m. 3rd time, they will meet at 550m away from Arjun. 4th time, 250m away from Arjun Similarly, 6th time 150m away from Arjun, and 8th time 50m away from Arjun. And 10th time also they will meet 50m away from Arjun. Alternate solution 1st time they meet, Arjun covers 450 m, and together they cover the total distance d = 850 m. For every consequent meeting, they cover an additional 2d m, i.e. 2nd meeting they cover 3d, 3rd meeting they cover 5d and so on. Hence, in the 10th meeting they will cover 19d, and in the same time Arjun will cover 450 x 19 = 8550 m, which is 850 x 10 + 50. Hence, they will meet at 50 m from the starting point of Arjun. Hence option A

# 7. In a

ABC, AD is the altitude on BC. BC = 21cm, AD = 8 cm, area of cm , Find the in radius of ADC

ABD = 24

A ) 2 cm B ) 3 cm C ) 4 cm D ) 2.5 cm SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). BD will be 48/8 = 6 CD = 21- 6 =15, AD = 8. So AC =17. In radius = area/semi-perimeter = 60/20 = 3. Hence option B

# 8. A six digit number pqrstu having all distinct digits multiplied by u gives an

answer in the form aaaaaa. What can be the value of a?

A)9 B)7 C)4 D)5 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). From the options, u is definitely not 9 as that will make a as 1. But 111111 is not divisible by 9.

it can be 7 as that will make a 9. 999999/7=142857 all 6 are distinct digits. Hence option B

# 9. A ladder consists of rungs, the lengths of which increase from the top to bottom. The

topmost rung AB is 40 cm long. Every other rung is 5 cm longer than the rung immediately above it. The shortest distance between the topmost and the bottommost rung is 36 cm and the shortest distance between each rung is 3 cm. Find the sum of the lengths of all the rungs of the ladder.

A ) 1015cm B ) 910cm C ) 870cm D ) 970cm SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). Let the rungs be named R1, R2.Rn from the top to bottom and R1 = 40cm, R2 = 45cm, and so on. The distance between R1 and Rn is 36 cms and each rung is 3cm apart. Hence, a total of 12 rungs can be placed after the first rung. Therefore number of rungs n = 13. The lengths of the rungs increase in an arithmetic progression. R13 = R1 + 12d. (d = 5cm since) each rung is 5cm longer than the previous rung). R13 = 100cm Hence the rungs are of lengths 40cm, 45cm, 50cm,.100cm.

Total length of all rungs

Hence option B

Questions 10 to 12: Answer these questions after going through the information given below: More, Fresh and Star Bazar are three super-markets that cater to the grocery requirements of people living in Powai, a locality in Mumbai. The number of people who do not purchase their groceries from any of the three super markets is equal to three-fourths of the number of people who purchase their groceries from More alone which in turn is double the number of people who purchase their groceries from Fresh and Star Bazar but not More. The number of people who purchase their groceries from both More and Star Bazar is three-and-a-half times the number of people who purchase their groceries from Fresh alone. The number of people who purchase their groceries from Star Bazar alone is a quarter more than the number of people who make their purchases from More and Fresh but not Star Bazar. The number of people who purchase from all three super markets is 50 percent more than the number of people who make their purchase from Fresh alone.
# 10. If the total number of people in the locality is 90,000, then what is the number of

people who purchase from More but not from all three super markets?
A ) 40,000 B ) 50,000 C ) 36,000 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

The number of people who do not purchase their groceries from any of the three super markets is equal to three-fourths of the number of people who purchase their groceries from MORE alone which in turn is double the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH and STAR BAZAR but not MORE. Let h = 3x, then a = 4x and e = 2x The number of people who purchase their groceries from both MORE and STAR BAZAR is three-and-a-half times the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH alone. Let b = y, then f + g = 3.5y The number of people who purchase their groceries from STAR BAZAR alone is a quarter more than the number of people who make their purchases from MORE and FRESH but not STAR BAZAR. Let d = 4z, then c = 5z The number people who purchase from all three super markets is 50 percent more than the number of people who make their purchase from FRESH alone. Since b = y, g = 1.5y. hence f = 2y.

The total number of people in the locality = 9x + 4.5y + 9z = 90000 2x + y + 2z = 20000 Number of people who purchased from MORE but not all three super markets = 4x + 2y + 4z = 40000 Hence option A
# 11. The total number of people in the locality is 10,800 and the number of people who

purchase from More is 1,600 more than the number of people who purchase from Fresh. Find the number of people who purchase from Star Bazar alone
A ) 400 B ) 1,600 C ) 800 D ) 2,000 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D).

The number of people who do not purchase their groceries from any of the three super markets is equal to three-fourths of the number of people who purchase their groceries from MORE alone which in turn is double the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH and STAR BAZAR but not MORE. Let h = 3x, then a = 4x and e = 2x The number of people who purchase their groceries from both MORE and STAR BAZAR is three-and-a-half times the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH alone. Let b = y, then f + g = 3.5y The number of people who purchase their groceries from STAR BAZAR alone is a quarter more than the number of people who make their purchases from MORE and FRESH but not STAR BAZAR. Let d = 4z, then c = 5z The number people who purchase from all three super markets is 50 percent more than the number of people who make their purchase from FRESH alone. Since b = y, g = 1.5y. hence f = 2y.

The total number of people in the locality = 9x + 4.5y + 9z = 10800Eqn (1) The number of people who purchase from MORE is 1600 more than the number of people who purchase from FRESH. (4x + 3.5y + 4z) (2x + 2.5y + 4z) = 1600 2x + y = 1600 Multiplying the above equation by 4.5, 9x + 4.5y = 7200 Eqn (2) Subtracting Eqn (2) from Eqn (1) 9z = 3600 or z = 400 or 5z = 2000 Hence option D
# 12. The number of people who purchase from none of the three super markets is twice

the number of people who purchase from Star Bazar only while the number of people who purchase from Star Bazar only is one third the number of people who make their purchases from all the three super markets. If the number of people who make their purchase from both More and Star Bazar is 2,100, find the number of people who purchase groceries from at least one of the two super markets Star Bazar and Fresh
A ) 3,640 B ) 2,520 C ) 4,580

D ) 3,260 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

The number of people who do not purchase their groceries from any of the three super markets is equal to three-fourths of the number of people who purchase their groceries from MORE alone which in turn is double the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH and STAR BAZAR but not MORE. Let h = 3x, then a = 4x and e = 2x The number of people who purchase their groceries from both MORE and STAR BAZAR is three-and-a-half times the number of people who purchase their groceries from FRESH alone. Let b = y, then f + g = 3.5y The number of people who purchase their groceries from STAR BAZAR alone is a quarter more than the number of people who make their purchases from MORE and FRESH but not STAR BAZAR. Let d = 4z, then c = 5z The number people who purchase from all three super markets is 50 percent more than the number of people who make their purchase from FRESH alone.

Since b = y, g = 1.5y. hence f = 2y.

The number of people who purchase from none of the three super markets is twice the number of people who purchase from STAR BAZAR only while the number of people who purchase from STAR BAZAR only is one third the number of people who make their purchases from all the three super markets.

3x = 2x 5z and Hence the ratio x : y : z is 10:30:3. Let x = 10k, y = 30k and z = 3k Number of people purchasing from both MORE and STAR BAZAR = 3.5y = 105k = 2100 Hence, k = 20. The number of people who purchase groceries from at least one of the two super markets STAR BAZAR and FRESH = 2x + 4.5y + 9z = 2 x 10k + 4.5 x 30k + 9 x 3k = 182k = 3640 Option A.

# 13. If 3x + 4y + 5z = 25, 2x + 7y + 9z = 41 and 6x + 3y + z = 17 then x + y + z lie


A ) 2 and 4 B ) 3 and 5 C ) 4 and 6 D ) 5 and 7 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). On solving for x, y, z we get x = 1, y = 3, z = 2. x + y + z would lie between 5 and 7. Hence option D

# 14. If

and x y and x, y are real numbers, then which

of the following statements is true?

A)x+y=1 B)x+y=0 C)x+y=-1 D)x+y=2 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

# 15. How many integers that are greater than 990 but less than 5000 can be formed using

the digits 0, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9?
A ) 432 B ) 221 C ) 437 D ) 442 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). 3 digit numbers = 994,995,997,998,999 4 digit numbers = Thousands digit must be 4. Hundreds digit can be chosen in 6 ways, tens digit in 6 ways and units digit in 6 ways. Total numbers possible= 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 216 + 5 = 221.

Hence option B

# 16. If f(n)= n!, g(n) = n2, h(n) = 2n, find f(g(3)) + g(h(3)) A ) 362906 B ) 362916 C ) 362926 D ) 362936 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). g(3) = 9, f(9) = 362880, h(3) = 6, g(6) = 36 362916. Hence option B

# 17. Raghu sells an item at 10% profit to Devansh who sells it to Girish for 250. Girish

sells it to Pranav for a 20% loss who sells it to Raghu at a 20% profit. Assume that there is no deprecation of the article from the time Raghu sold it to the time Raghu bought it. If Raghu made a profit of 50 on the transaction, what is the cost price of Raghu when he bought the item for the first time and the percentage profit or loss made by Devansh?
A) B) C) D)

253.53, 13.79% loss 263.63, 13.79% loss 253.53, 13.89% loss 263.63, 13.89% loss


The correct choice is (B). Girish sold to Pranav for 200 who sold it to Raghu for 240

So initially Raghu must have bought the item for x. He sold it for 1.1x. As Raghu made profit of 50, 1.1 x 50 = 240 1.1x = 290 x = 290/1.1 = 263.63 Devansh got it for 290 but sold it for 250, loss%= 40 / 290 x 100= 13.79% loss Hence option B

# 18. Taman can do a piece of work in 10 days. After the 1st day, he fell sick and his

efficiency decreased by 20% so he hired Viru to help him. Viru has half the normal efficiency of Taman. After four more days, Viru too felt sick and his efficiency decreased by 50%. What is the total number of days in which the work will be completed?
A ) 8 +13/21 days B ) 8 +14/21 days C ) 8 + 15/21 days D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Work done on day 1 = 1/10 Work done on day 2= 2/25 + 1/20 Work done on day 3= 2/25 + 1/20 Work done on 4th day= 2/25 + 1/20 Work done on 5th day= 2/25 + 1/20 Work done in first 5 days = 31/50 = 124/200 Work done on 6th day = 21/200 Work done on7th day = 21/200

Work done on 8th day = 21/200 In 8 days, work done = 187/200 Total work will be done in 8 + 13/21 days. Hence option A

# 19. Find the remainder when 282 is divided by 82 A)2 B)4 C)8 D ) 16 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). 282 / 82 = 281 / 41 = (210)8 x 2 / 41 = (1024)8 x 2 /41 = (1025 1)8 x 2/41 The above gives a remainder of 2. Hence, the actual remainder is 4 Hence option C

Questions 20 to 22: Answer these questions after going through the information given below: In Imperial engineering college, each student is a member of at least one of the four clubs - Dramatics, Red Cross, Rotaract and Twisters. The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Dramatics is 60. The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Red Cross is 50. The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Twisters is 40.The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Rotaract is 45. The number of members of Red Cross and Rotaract alone is 10 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Twisters alone. The number of members of Rotaract and Twisters alone is 10 lesser than the number of members of Dramatics alone. The number of members of Red Cross and Twisters alone is 20 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Rotaract alone. The number of

members of only Dramatics and Red Cross is equal to the number of members of Twisters alone. The number of students who are members of Dramatics club alone is 85 which is 30 more than the number of students who are members of Rotaract club alone and 50 more than the number of students of Twisters alone. The number of members of all the four clubs is 30 less than thrice the number of members of Red Cross alone.
# 20. If the number of members of the Dramatics, Red Cross and Rotaract clubs are 385,

430 and 445 respectively what is the number of members of the Twisters club?
A ) 375 B ) 445 C ) 390 D ) 430 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B).

The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Dramatics is 30. Hence, j = 30 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Red Cross is 50. Hence, h = 50 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Twisters is 40. Hence, e = 40

The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Rotaract is 45. Hence, m = 45 The number of students who are members of Dramatics club alone is 85 which is 30 more than the number of students who are members of Rotaract club alone and 50 more than the number of students of Twisters alone. a = 85, g = 55 and p = 35 The number of members of Rotaract and Twisters alone is 10 lesser than the number of members of Dramatics alone. Hence, k = 85 10 = 75 The number of members of only Dramatics and Red Cross is equal to the number of members of Twisters alone. Hence, b = 35 The number of members of Red Cross and Rotaract alone is 10 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Twisters alone. Hence, f = 2l + 10 The number of members of Red Cross and Twisters alone is 20 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Rotaract alone. Hence, n = 2d + 20 The number of members of all the four clubs is 30 less than thrice the number of members of Red Cross alone. Hence, i = 3c - 30 Substituting all the above values in the Venn diagram:

Number of members of Dramatics club = 225 + d + l + 3c Number of members of Red Cross club = 180 + 2d + 2l + 4c

Number of members of Rotaract club = 260 + d + 2l + 3c Number of members of Twisters club = 255 + 2d + l + 3c 225 + d + l + 3c = 385 180 + 2d + 2l + 4c = 430 260 + d + 2l + 3c = 445 Solving, d = 30, l = 25 and c = 35 Number of members of Twisters club = 255 + 2d + l + 3c = 445 Hence option B
# 21. The number of students who are members of at least one of the four clubs is 785.

The number of members of Dramatics or Rotaract club is 640. The number of members of Twisters club is 425. Find the number of members of exactly two clubs.
A ) 385 B ) 330 C ) 365 D ) 350 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C).

The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Dramatics is 30. Hence, j = 30 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Red Cross is 50. Hence, h = 50 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Twisters is 40. Hence, e = 40 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Rotaract is 45. Hence, m = 45 The number of students who are members of Dramatics club alone is 85 which is 30 more than the number of students who are members of Rotaract club alone and 50 more than the number of students of Twisters alone. a = 85, g = 55 and p = 35 The number of members of Rotaract and Twisters alone is 10 lesser than the number of members of Dramatics alone. Hence, k = 85 10 = 75 The number of members of only Dramatics and Red Cross is equal to the number of members of Twisters alone. Hence, b = 35 The number of members of Red Cross and Rotaract alone is 10 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Twisters alone. Hence, f = 2l + 10 The number of members of Red Cross and Twisters alone is 20 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Rotaract alone. Hence, n = 2d + 20 The number of members of all the four clubs is 30 less than thrice the number of members of Red Cross alone. Hence, i = 3c - 30 Substituting all the above values in the Venn diagram:

Number of members of Dramatics club = 225 + d + l + 3c Number of members of Red Cross club = 180 + 2d + 2l + 4c Number of members of Rotaract club = 260 + d + 2l + 3c Number of members of Twisters club = 255 + 2d + l + 3c Total number of members in at Least one of the four clubs = 480 + 4c + 3d + 3l = 785 Number of members of Dramatics or Rotaract club = 425 + 3c + d + 3l = 640 Number of members of Twisters club = 255 + 2d + l = 3c = 425 Solving the above three equations, c = 20, d = 35 and l = 40 The number of members of exactly two clubs is highlighted in yellow:

Number of members = d + 35 + 2l + 10 + 75 + l + 2d + 20 = 365 Hence option C

# 22. The number of members of Red Cross is 31 more than the number of members of

Twisters. The number of members of Rotaract is 35 more than the number of members of Red Cross. The number of members of Red Cross is 24 more than the number of members of Dramatics. Find the number of students in Imperial engineering college.
A ) 704 B ) 705 C ) 706 D ) 707 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D).

The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Dramatics is 30. Hence, j = 30 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Red Cross is 50. Hence, h = 50 The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Twisters is 40. Hence, e = 40

The number of students who are members of all the clubs except Rotaract is 45. Hence, m = 45 The number of students who are members of Dramatics club alone is 85 which is 30 more than the number of students who are members of Rotaract club alone and 50 more than the number of students of Twisters alone. a = 85, g = 55 and p = 35 The number of members of Rotaract and Twisters alone is 10 lesser than the number of members of Dramatics alone. Hence, k = 85 10 = 75 The number of members of only Dramatics and Red Cross is equal to the number of members of Twisters alone. Hence, b = 35 The number of members of Red Cross and Rotaract alone is 10 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Twisters alone. Hence, f = 2l + 10 The number of members of Red Cross and Twisters alone is 20 more than twice the number of members of Dramatics and Rotaract alone. Hence, n = 2d + 20 The number of members of all the four clubs is 30 less than thrice the number of members of Red Cross alone. Hence, i = 3c - 30 Substituting all the above values in the Venn diagram:

Number of members of Dramatics club = 225 + d + l + 3c Number of members of Red Cross club = 180 + 2d + 2l + 4c

Number of members of Rotaract club = 260 + d + 2l + 3c Number of members of Twisters club = 255 + 2d + l + 3c The number of members of Red Cross is 31 less than the number of members of Twisters. (255 + 2d + l + 3c) - (180 + 2d + 2l + 4c) = 31 Simplifying, l + c = 44Eqn (1) The number of members of Rotaract is 35 more than the number of members of Red Cross. (260 + d + 2l + 3c) (180 + 2d + 2l + 4c) = 35 Simplifying, d + c = 45Eqn (2) The number of members of Red Cross is 24 more than the number of members of Dramatics. (180 + 2d + 2l + 4c) (225 + d + l + 3c) = 24 Simplifying, d + l + c = 69Eqn (3) Solving the three equations, d = 25, l = 24 and c = 20 Total number of students in Imperial Engineering College = 480 + 4c + 3d + 31 = 707 Hence option D

# 23. In a triangle given below, BR Bisects AQ at P. Also, AQ is the median to the side

BC. If the area of

APR is 20 cm2, find the area of the quadrilateral PRCQ.

A ) 80 cm2 B ) 60 cm2 C ) 40 cm2 D ) 100 cm2 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D).

To solve, draw a line QS || BR

APR and

AQS are similar. Given that

(since P is the midpoint of AQ).

Hence, ratio of areas of Hence, area of

APR and

AQS is

AQS = 80. Therefore area of quadrilateral PRQS = 80 20 = 60 ABP = area of BPQ. Let the area of ABP

Since P is the midpoint of AQ, area of and BPQ be x. Hence area of ABQ = 2x

Since AQ is the median to QC, area of Area of SQC = Area of

ABQ = area of

AQC = 2x

AQC Area of

AQS = 2x 80 Eqn (1)

SQC and

RBC are similar. Hence, SQC and RBC is 1:4.

Hence ratio of areas of

(Area of

RBC = Area of

BPQ + area of quadrilateral PRSQ + Area of


Simplifying, x = 60 Area of SQC = 2x 80 = 40 SQC

Hence Area of quadrilateral PRCQ = Area of quadrilateral PRSQ + Area of = 60 + 40 = 100cm2 Hence option D.

# 24. If p, q, r, s are positive numbers and


the minimum value of

A)3 B)2 C)4 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C).

# 25. If a number n can be denoted as ( m-1 m-2 m-3) in a number system with base m

where m > 3, find the number n when converted to decimal if m is the greatest single digit prime number
A ) 313 B ) 323 C ) 333


The correct choice is (C). m = 7, (654)7 when converted to decimal becomes 4 + 35 + 294 = 333. Hence option C

# 26. If the roots of x4 + 2x3 - 13x2 - 14x + 24 = 0 are squared, what will be the new

equation with the roots?

A ) x4 - 30x3 + 273x2 - 810x + 576 = 0 B ) x4 - 30x3 + 273x2 - 820x + 586 = 0 C ) x4 -30x3 + 263x2 - 820x + 576 = 0 D ) x4 - 30x3 +273x2 - 820x + 576 = 0 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). (x - 1)(x + 2)(x - 3)(x + 4) = x4 + 2x3 - 13x2 - 14x + 24 = 0 The roots are 1, - 2, 3, - 4 If they are squared, they become 1, 4, 9, 16 The new equation will be (x - 1)(x - 4)(x - 9)(x - 16) = 0 Which translates to (x2 - 10x + 9)(x2 - 20x + 64) = x4 - 30x3 + 273x2 -820x + 576 = 0. Hence option D.

# 27. Manoj repays a loan in three annual instalments which decrease by 1,000 every

year. The initial amount he borrowed was 10,000 at the rate of 6%. Find the second instalment


B) C) D)

3,307.25 3,700.25 3,100.75


The correct choice is (A). Let the installments be x + 1000, x and x - 1000. End of 1st year, P becomes 9600 - x End of 2nd year, P = 9600 - x + 0.06(9600 - x) x = 10176-2.06x End of 3rd year P = (10176-2.06x)1.06 Therefore, (10176 - 2.06x)1.06 = x - 1000 x = 3702.27. Hence option A

Questions 28 to 30: Answer these questions after going through the information given below: TCX, CBB, REL and DLP are four companies whose shares are listed in the Delhi Stock Exchange (DSE), one of Indias largest stock exchanges. The following graph gives the details of the price of a share of each company at hourly intervals (starting from 9am and ending at 3pm) on April 3, 2013.

# 28. Market capitalization of a company is defined as the total value of all its shares put

together. If the market capitalization of all the companies of DSE put together at 3pm is 76,875 crores and the total number of shares of TCX, CBB, REL and DLP are 3 crores, 2.5 crores, 8 crores and 5 crores respectively, what is the market capitalization of all the companies apart from TCX, CBB, REL and DLP at 3pm?
A) B) C) D)

51,375 crores 48, 635 crores 53,635 crores 51,555 crores


The correct choice is (D). Market capitalization of a company = Value of a share x total number of shares At 3 pm, Market capitalization of TCX = 1405 x 3 crores = 4215 crores Market capitalization of CBB = 1330 x 2.5crores = 3325 crores

Market capitalization of REL = 1360 x 8crores = 10880 crores Market capitalization of DLP = 1380 x 5crores = 6900 crores Total market capitalization of the four companies = 4215 + 3325 + 10880 + 6900 = 25320crores Market capitalization of the remaining companies = 76875crores 25320 crores = 51555 crores Hence option D
# 29. For every share bought or sold, a fee of 0.005% of the value of share is levied on the

buyer/seller as brokerage charges. Ahmed bought 125 shares of TCX at 11am, 150 shares of CBB at 10am, 80 shares of REL at 9am and 100 shares of DLP at 12pm. He sold all his shares of TCX and CBB at 2 pm. He also sold all his shares of REL and DLP at 3pm. If no other fees apart from brokerage charges are levied, what is the approximate net profit/loss made by Ahmed?
A) B) C) D)

5,734 11,925 6,190 7,125


The correct choice is (A). TCX: Ahmed buys 125 shares of TCX at 11am (buying price of 1375) and sells them at 2pm (selling price of 1400) at a profit of 25 per share (without considering brokerage charges) Hence, Profit made = 25 x 125 = 3125 Total brokerage charges paid = 0.005 x 125 x 1375 + 0.005 x 125 x 1400 = 1734.375 CBB:

Ahmed buys 150 shares of CBB at 10am (buying price of 1335) and sells them at 2pm (selling price of 1355) at a profit of 20 per share (without considering brokerage charges) Hence, Profit made = 20 x 150 = 3000 Total brokerage charges paid = 0.005 x 150 x 1335 + 0.005 x 150 x 1355 = 2017.50 REL: Ahmed buys 80 shares of REL at 9am (buying price of 1300) and sells them at 3pm (selling price of 1360) at a profit of 60 per share (without considering brokerage charges) Hence, Profit made = 60 x 80 = 4800 Total brokerage charges paid = 0.005 x 80 x 1300 + 0.005 x 80 x 1360 = 1064 DLP: Ahmed buys 100 shares of CBB at 12pm (buying price of 1370) and sells them at 3pm (selling price of 1380) at a profit of 10 per share (without considering brokerage charges) Hence, Profit made = 10 x 100 = 1000 Total brokerage charges paid = 0.005 x 100 x 1370 + 0.005 x 100 x 1380 = 1375 Hence, net profit made = Total profit on sale of all the shares Total brokerage charges = (3125 + 3000 + 4800 + 1000) - (1734.375 + 2017.50 + 1064 + 1375) = 5734 (17approx) Hence option A
# 30. Kunal owns 50 shares of TCX, 40 shares of CBB, 60 shares of REL and 100 shares

of DLP. Ketan owns 80 shares of TCX, 50 shares of CBB, 80 shares of REL and 40 shares of DLP. Krish owns 70 shares of TCX, 60 shares of CBB, 90 shares of REL and 20 shares of DLP. Kapil owns 70 shares of TCX, 80 shares of CBB, 60 shares of REL

and 30 shares of DLP. At noon, which persons total shares held in the four companies are of the highest value?
A ) Kunal B ) Ketan C ) Krish D ) Kapil SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). At noon the value of one share of TCX, CBB, REL and DLP are 1410, 1345, 1325 and 1370 respectively. Total value of Kunals shares = 501410 + 40 x 1345 + 60 x 1345 + 30 x 1325 + 100 x 1370 = 340800 Total value of Ketans shares = 80 x 1410 + 50 x 1345 + 80 x 1325 + 40 x 1370 = 340850 Total value of Krishs shares = 70 x 1410 + 60 x 1345 + 90 x 1325 + 20 x 1370 = 326050 Total value of Kapils shares = 70 x 1410 + 80 x 1345 + 60 x 1325 + 30 x 1370 = 326900 Ketans is the highest. Hence option B

Questions 31 to 33: Answer the questions after reading the passage given below. As we close in on 10 p.m., the salad has been cleared from the table and Myshkin is finally, blessedly, silent. After taking espresso orders, Messud begins to talk about her season of death and the time it stole from her writing. We offered on this house, she says, and then two days later my father ended up in hospital with a perforated ulcer. He recovered just in time for her mothers diagnosis, then fell terminally ill. Having children can feel like that, says Wood. Having children and having dying parents, in your case.

To illustrate his point, Wood decides to give a readingnot from Messuds work but from Elena Ferrante, an Italian novelist he recently wrote about for The New Yorker. I was amazed at the overlap with some of the material in The Woman Upstairs, he says, though you add some of your own pressures and anxieties. Different set of problems, Messud says. Noras anger is internal; on the outside shes still a good girl. The acculturation of women does not encourage selfishness, assertiveness, single-mindedness. I ask Wood if he agrees with Messuds friends that shes almost too well-behaved. Yeah, shes very obedient, he says. Obedient, that sounds very bad! says Messud. Take that back. Thats on tape! Yeah, I wouldnt use that word. What I mean is Would you like cheese? Messud asks me. Well, you dont have to I dont mean about obeying me, says Wood. I mean rules have weight for you. To explain, Wood recites two sections from Ferrantes The Lost Daughter, passages about what children can do to a womanfirst to her body, then to her work (like an insects poison injected into a vein). Its an oddly brutal thing to read to the mother of your children. At the end of the second passage, the narrator abandons her family. Noras a softy compared to this, says Wood. Messud is listening stoically, and I begin to wonder if she might even be a little jealous of this unhinged narrator. Then Wood pivots to discuss this strong counter-impulse they both feel: To hell with the outside world. To hell with the work. Children are right in front of you. Thats the work, and the joyous work. These arent the usual sentiments you hear from a power couple. Power couple! Messud shouts theatrically, working the espresso machine. Ha ha ha! A minute later, she spies Lucian, whos sneaked downstairs. Wood volunteers to tuck him in. Left to her own thoughts, Messud begins circling around all the constraints in her lifethose recent deaths and much more. She speaks in low tones, with few interruptions, for almost half an hour. I ask if she thinks Woods controversial criticism has affected her career. I certainly have felt at various moments that the reluctance of a certain world to take me seriously as a writer is not unlike the fact that only one of us can actually work in the house at any given time. That there isnt enough air.

But if a best-selling highbrow author isnt part of the Establishment, who is? She shoots me a wide-eyed look. Im never asked to do anything. Im asked to write things, but but things like the PEN festival, the New Yorker festival, the Brooklyn festivalIm not on anybodys mind, thats for sure Ive never had a mentor. Theres never been anyone whos pushed for me in my entire life. Never. She catches herself, pauses. Maybe nobody has it, is the truth. Maybe everybody is alone.
# 31. Which of the following CANNOT be inferred from the passage? A ) Wood and Messud are married B ) Nora is the protagonist of Messuds book C ) Lucian is an animal D ) Wood is a literary critic SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer - Lucian is an animal. Wood and Messud are married can be inferred from the expression power couple. Nora is the protagonist of Messuds book is true. When Wood is reading from the Italian writer, the passage says not from Messuds work but from Elena Ferrante and later in comparison that Nora is a softy compared to this... Lucian is their child, since Wood goes to tuck him in. Wood is a literary critic can be inferred from the fact that Wood wrote about Elena Ferrante for New Yorker Hence option C
# 32. Which of the following best captures Messuds response to whether her husbands

criticism has affected her career?

A ) She agrees with it by offering an example B ) She disagrees with it by presenting evidence C ) She agrees with it by presenting an analogy

D ) She disagrees with it by citing authority SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer - She agrees with it by presenting an analogy Messuds answer is: I certainly have felt at various moments that the reluctance of a certain world to take me seriously as a writer is not unlike the fact that only one of us can actually work in the house at any given time. That there isnt enough air. She is agreeing with the contention that of the two, Wood has been more successful and refers to the idea that at home only one can work at any given time. That is, she is presenting this analogy to indicate that only one of them can find the literary success they both seek. She agrees with it by offering an example is wrong since she is not giving an example of literary success but presenting another argument (of working from home) She disagrees with it by presenting evidence and She disagrees with it by citing authority are incorrect. Hence option C
# 33. What is the counter-impulse in the line: Then Wood pivots to discuss this strong

counter-impulse they both feel?

A ) Aiming for work-life balance B ) Sending children off to boarding school so as to have more time to oneself C ) Negotiating the space between the self and ones responsibility D ) Preferring domesticity over the demands of the professional world SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Answer - Preferring domesticity over the demands of the professional world. The statement occurs when Wood is reading from the Italian writers work. She has written about the burden of familial responsibility (what children can do to a woman first to her body, then to her work). Then Wood mentions the counter impulse and says: To hell with the outside world. To hell with the work. Children are right in front of you. Thats the work, and the joyous work.

Therefore Preferring domesticity over the demands of the professional world implies that he prefers domesticity to the demands of the professional world. The rest of the options are irrelevant. Hence option D

# 34. The sentence below has two blanks followed by four pairs of words as choices.

From the choices, select the pair of words that can best complete the given sentence. Some farmers, and even vegetable traders, dip the harvested vegetables in chemicals to _________ their shelf life, or use colouring agents to _________ their customer appeal.
A ) Prolong, efface B ) Extend, enhance C ) Shorten, strengthen D ) Reduce, boost SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). Answer Extend, enhance We need positive words for both blanks. Farmers do all this to extend vegetables shelf life and enhance their customer appeal. Efface is wrong, since it means lessen Hence option B

# 35. The sentences numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 below when properly sequenced form a

coherent paragraph. From among the four choices given below the question, choose the MOST LOGICAL ORDER of sentences that constructs a coherent paragraph. 1) In the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's assassination, citizens' groups emerged in melting pots of various "concerned" people.

2) Those were exciting times and gave rise to the hope that the system could still be rescued from those working towards maintaining the status quo. 3) In those early days of political activism outside the framework of the party system, organisations and individuals associated with the movements were viewed with suspicion. 4) The NGOs were accused of taking money from foreign donors to destabilise India. 5) Indira Gandhi, when she was alive, had attributed every disturbance in India to a "foreign hand".
A ) 12345 B ) 15234 C ) 15243 D ) 12354 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Answer - 12345 Since every option begins with 1, lets start with 1. This is a tricky question because there are two statements that mention Indira Gandhi but as we will see they dont go together. In 1 we are saying something happened in the aftermath of Gandhis death. 2 comes next because it says those were exciting times... emergence of citizens groups created a hope that the system can be reformed. In 3 we are saying in those early days of suspicion. so it continues with 2. Also 345 represent a theme, that of suspicion with activists. In 3 it says the movements were viewed with suspicion. In 4 we have an example of what the NGOs were accused of. 5 concludes by referring to what Indira Gandhi had said about them. Hence option A

# 36. The four sentences given in the options below are labeled as 1, 2, 3 and 4. Of these,

three sentences can be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit the sequence.

A ) Ever since two Chechen brothers were implicated in the Boston bombings, people

have been thumbing through atlases and history books to see what, if anything, is distinctive about Islam on Russia's mountainous southern rim.
B ) Whatever answers we come up with, they won't prove anything about the murky

background to the Boston attacks.

C ) A contest between the puritans and the Sufis is still going on in many parts of the

D ) But they may help us understand part of the context. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer - A contest between the puritans and the Sufis is still going on in many parts of the world. All the three i.e. Ever since two., Whatever answers we come up.. and But they may help us go together. In Ever since two., the author refers to the Boston bombings and asks if something can be learnt about them from the state of Islam in southern Russia. In Whatever answers we come up.. he says not much explanation will be available. In But they may help us, he concedes that contextual understanding may be obtained. A contest between the puritans, about Sufis, is out of context. Hence option C

# 37. The last sentence in the paragraph below from has been deleted. Choose the option

that completes the paragraph in the MOST APPROPRIATE way. In the first phase, in 2000, an open, ascending auction for radio waves ended in overbidding. In the second phase, in 2006, closed bids, with a reserve price of zero, worked well. That really is when private radio took off. For the third phase the Cabinet has recommended an open, ascending, e-auction. There is no issue with the "e" part since it brings transparency to the whole process. It is the "open, ascending" bit that worries everybody.
A ) Typically open, ascending auctions are used in a competitive scenario for a rare

painting or artefact, not for a combination of radio frequencies

B ) Typically open, ascending auctions lead to distribution of radio waves that are free-to-

air and make money from advertisers

C ) Typically open, ascending auctions lead to overbidding and impossible break-

evens, like it happened in phase one

D ) Typically open, ascending auctions start with a reserve price that is fixed at the

highest bid for a town in a similar category in the same region


The correct choice is (C). Answer Typically open, ascending auctions lead to overbidding and impossible break-evens, like it happened in phase one The author is talking about the auction of radio waves. The last line says that open, ascending is a problem. Among the options, Typically open, ascending auctions lead to overbidding and impossible break-evens, like it happened in phase one is the best. Since it both speaks of the problems and relates it to the earlier phase. Typically open, ascending auctions are used in a competitive scenario for a rare painting or artefact, not for a combination of radio frequencies is also a good answer but is not specific about why it is bad for radio frequencies. Typically open, ascending auctions lead to distribution of radio waves that are free-to-air and make money from advertisers and Typically open, ascending auctions start with a reserve price that is fixed at the highest bid for a town in a similar category in the same region are irrelevant since they dont discuss the problem with open, ascending. Hence option C

Questions 38 to 41: Answer the questions after reading the passage given below. Two of Americas brightest Democrats have written books about reforming the public sector: Gavin Newsoms Citizenville and Cass Sunsteins Simpler. Mr Newsom was mayor of San Francisco from 2003 to 2010 before becoming Californias lieutenantgovernor. He is expected to go on to higher things. Mr Sunstein is a Harvard law professor who was Barack Obamas regulatory tsar from 2009 to 2012. He is also one of the authors of Nudge, a book that advocates guiding (but not forcing) citizens to make wise decisions. Both present themselves as post-partisan: Mr Newsom strokes the tea party; Mr Sunstein boasts that David Cameron, Britains Conservative prime minister, is a fan of Nudge. But both argue that Barack Obama has done a lot to improve American government. Mr Newsom begins by lamenting the contrast between government and the private sector, particularly the tech industry in nearby Silicon Valley. In the private sector and in our personal lives, absolutely everything has changed over the past decade, he notes. In

government, very little has. The public sector is top-down and producer-dominated. Silicon Valley is bottom-up, networked and consumer-driven. Government needs to change as radically as it did in the early 20th century, when reformers replaced patronage and corruption with a measure of meritocracy. It needs to become a platform for services rather than a machine. It needs to engage citizens rather than treat them as subjects. But citizens need to change, too: becoming problem-solvers, not whingers; and volunteers, not supplicants. Mr Newsoms emphasis on citizens fixing their own problems rather than pestering the government is admirable. But he is naive to think that if you simply give more power to ordinary people, government will fix itself. California empowers its citizens through ballot initiatives. The result is a mess: they vote for higher spending but lower taxes. It is not enough just to give people hand-held devices that let them vote for their priorities, as Mr Newsom argues. You have to design intelligent systems that force them (or their representatives) to reconcile their contradictory impulses. The Republic is not a reality show. Mr Sunstein says the problem is that government is not just old-fashioned but overcomplicated. Nothing alienates people (or empowers clever lobbyists) so much as complexity. And nothing imposes so many unnecessary costs. But Mr Sunstein claims that he and his colleagues at the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs have conducted a successful (if unheralded) war against complexity. They have re-examined old laws to remove outdated bits. They have subjected new laws to rigorous cost-benefit analysis. And they have done their best to ensure that rules are easy to understand. Mr Sunstein argues that his own great passionnudging people to make sensible choicesis perfectly compatible with simplicity. The best companies are good at combining the two, encouraging people to become or remain customers. Government is learning to be just as clever. Mr Sunstein has indeed hacked back some thickets of regulation. But the problem is that far bigger thickets have grown up at the same time: the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and the Dodd-Frank financial reforms, both passed in 2010, are hundreds of bewildering pages long, partly because Congress regards laws as comprehensive instruction manuals rather than broad guidelines. Americas tax code has almost tripled in volume over the past decade, to 3.8m words. Nine out of ten tax-filers pay for help to complete their returns. And the federal government remains a maze: the Interior Department oversees salmon while they are in freshwater but the Commerce Department takes over as soon as they swim into saltwater. Mr Sunstein prefers to focus on his own office. But you expect a bigger picture from a book subtitled The Future of Government; perhaps even the odd mention of foreign countries that have done a better job than America of reducing complexity.

Messrs Newsom and Sunstein are part of a growing army of Democrats who recognise that their party needs to reinvent government. But compared with the vast challenges of reforming Congress and taming the public-sector unions, what they offer in their books is little more than well-intentioned tinkering.
# 38. Which of the following is NOT an issue that the Newsom and Sunstein have with

the government?
A ) Government is top-down, while the private sector is bottom-up B ) Government manuals are elaborate exercises in complexity C ) Government will fix itself if people are given more powers D ) Government departments have poorly designed roles SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer Government will fix itself if people are given more powers Government is top-down. can be inferred from paragraph 2. Government manuals are. can be inferred from paragraph 4 Government departments have. can be inferred from the Interior Department oversees salmon while they are in freshwater but the Commerce Department takes over as soon as they swim into saltwater. Government will fix itself if . is a recommendation that Newsom has for the government. Its not a problem. Hence option C
# 39. What does the author mean when he says in the first paragraph: Both present

themselves as post-partisan?
A ) Newsom and Sunstein want people with diverse political affiliations to heed their call B ) Newsom and Sunstein do not mention politics since it is a deeply partisan sphere C ) Newsom and Sunstein boast their Democratic credentials to buff up the strength of

their arguments
D ) Though Democrats, Newsom and Sunstein have a positive outlook towards other

political affiliations


The correct choice is (D). Answer - Though Democrats, Newsom and Sunstein have a positive outlook towards other political affiliations. Post-partisan means that N & S are willing to engage with people from other parties/ideologies. As evidence the author says: Mr Newsom strokes the tea party; Mr Sunstein boasts that David Cameron, Britains Conservative prime minister, is a fan of Nudge. But both argue that Barack Obama has done a lot to improve American government. Newsom and Sunstein want people with. is not implied from the statement. Newson and Sunstein do not mention and Newson and Sunstein boast their are wrong. Hence option D
# 40. What is the authors view on the books of Newsom and Sunstein? A ) Dismal and worth overlooking B ) Noble but unlikely to effect change C ) Impractical but potentially beneficial D ) Ground breaking and worth immediate implementation SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). Answer - Noble but unlikely to effect change. Look at the last line of the passage: But compared with the vast challenges of reforming Congress and taming the public-sector unions, what they offer in their books is little more than well-intentioned tinkering. The author says they are well-intentioned but a lot of work remains to be done before their ideas can be considered. Dismal and worth overlooking and Impractical but potentially beneficial are wrong because they are critical. Ground breaking and worth immediate implementation is too positive.

Hence option B
# 41. Which of the following comes closest to the meaning of supplicant as used in the

A ) Those who seek favours B ) Those who override others C ) Those who know their rights D ) Those who hate government SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). The meaning of supplicant is one who requests assistance. Here it means people who look upon the government as a helping hand rather than an entity that they constitute. Hence option A

Questions 42 to 44: Answer the questions after going through the information given below: A factory makes only scooters and bikes. The vehicles are either two-stroke or fourstroke and the engines are either air-cooled or water-cooled. A total of 500 vehicles are made on any day out of which 150 are scooters and 200 are two stroke vehicles. 50 scooters are two stroke and 80 four-stroke bikes are air-cooled. 30 two-stroke scooters are air-cooled. The total number of air-cooled two-stroke bikes and air-cooled four-stroke scooters is 120.
# 42. How many scooters are two-stroke but not air-cooled? A ) 10 B ) 20 C ) 30 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). As each vehicle will be wither Scooter or Bike, two-stroke or four-stroke, Air-Cooled or Water-Cooled, we can represent the same using a 3 variable venn diagram.

For example, the circle of scooter represents the vehicles which are scooter, i.e. a + b + d + e = 150 Also, the remaining four areas c + f + g + h = 350 Here, in the diagram, each area represents a unique combination: a = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled b = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled c = Bike, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled d = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled e = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled

f = Bike, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled g = Bike, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled h = Bike, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled Equations as per the given data: b + c + e + f = 200, a + d + g + h = 300, b + e = 50, c + f = 150, a + d = 100, g + h = 200 a + b + d + e = 150, c + f + g + h = 350, d + f = 120, c + f = 150, a + d = 100 g is given as 80. Hence h = 120. Also e is given as 30, hence b = 20. We have to find out the number of scooters which are two stroke and water cooled. This is b which is 20. Hence option B
# 43. How many two-stroke bikes are made every day? A ) 100 B ) 200 C ) 150 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). As each vehicle will be wither Scooter or Bike, two-stroke or four-stroke, Air-Cooled or Water-Cooled, we can represent the same using a 3 variable venn diagram.

For example, the circle of scooter represents the vehicles which are scooter, i.e. a + b + d + e = 150 Also, the remaining four areas c + f + g + h = 350 Here, in the diagram, each area represents a unique combination: a = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled b = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled c = Bike, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled d = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled e = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled f = Bike, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled g = Bike, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled

h = Bike, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled Equations as per the given data: b + c + e + f = 200, a + d + g + h = 300, b + e = 50, c + f = 150, a + d = 100, g + h = 200 a + b + d + e = 150, c + f + g + h = 350, d + f = 120, c + f = 150, a + d = 100 g is given as 80. Hence h = 120. Also e is given as 30, hence b = 20. We have to find the number of bikes that are two stroke. This is c + f which is 150. Hence option C
# 44. How many water-cooled vehicles are made every day? A ) 270 B ) 230 C ) 200 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). As each vehicle will be wither Scooter or Bike, two-stroke or four-stroke, Air-Cooled or Water-Cooled, we can represent the same using a 3 variable venn diagram.

For example, the circle of scooter represents the vehicles which are scooter, i.e. a + b + d + e = 150 Also, the remaining four areas c + f + g + h = 350 Here, in the diagram, each area represents a unique combination: a = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled b = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled c = Bike, 2 Stroke, Water Cooled d = Scooter, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled e = Scooter, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled f = Bike, 2 Stroke, Air Cooled g = Bike, 4 Stroke, Air Cooled

h = Bike, 4 Stroke, Water Cooled Equations as per the given data: b + c + e + f = 200, a + d + g + h = 300, b + e = 50, c + f = 150, a + d = 100, g + h = 200 a + b + d + e = 150, c + f + g + h = 350, d + f = 120, c + f = 150, a + d = 100 g is given as 80. Hence h = 120. Also e is given as 30, hence b = 20. We have to find the number of water cooled vehicles made every day. This is a + b + c + h or 500 d + e + f + g. We know that e = 30, g = 80 and d + f = 120. Hence d + e + f + g = 230. So a + b + c + h = 500 230 = 270. Hence option A

# 45. Identify the INCORRECT sentence(s) in terms of grammar, spelling and

punctuation. A) Taming inflation takes time. B) Thatcher confronted powerful trade unions, who had built an adhesive and spiralling core into British inflation by constant work stoppages in search of wage hikes. C) Her victory over the unions was among the most artful of her many battle. D) By demanding that they take a ballot of union members before going on strike, she exposed the anti-democratic world of swagger and cigar inhibited by union bosses.

The correct choice is (C). Answer C and D

In C .among the most artful of her battles. Victory among many battles (should be plural) In D, democratic world of swagger and cigar inhabited by...Inhibit means to stop while inhabit means to occupy or reside Option (C)

# 46. For the word given at the top of the table, match the dictionary definitions on the left

(A, B, C, D) with their corresponding usage on the right (E, F, G, H). Out of the four possibilities given in the boxes below the table, select the one that has all the definitions and their usages correctly matched.


The correct choice is (B). Answer - AF, BH, CE, DG Hence option B

Questions 47 to 49: Answer these questions after going through the information given below: There was a draught in the kingdom and the benevolent King wanted to distribute all the food grain between 100 pupils in his kingdom. He decided to use a unique formula to distribute the food grain:

He said that the first person should take one hundredth of the entire stock minus 99 kg. The second person should take one ninety-ninth part of the remaining stock minus 98 kg. Next person should take one ninety-eighth part of the remaining stock minus 97 kg. This way the last person would get the entire food grain remaining at that time.
# 47. What should be the minimum quantity of food grains in the store so that every

person receives at least 1 kg of food grains?

A ) 5,000 kg B ) 10,000 kg C ) 20,000 kg D ) 40,000 kg SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). If the King had x kgs of food-grain in store, then the distribution will be as follows: Person 1:(x/100) 99Remaining: 99(x + 100)/100 Person 2:(x/100) 97Remaining: 98(x + 200)/100 Person 3:(x/100) 95Remaining: 97(x + 300)/100 Person 50:(x/100) -1Remaining: 50(x + 5000)/100 Person 51:(x/100) +1Remaining: 49(x + 5100)/100 Person 52:(x/100) +3Remaining: 48(x + 5200)/100 Person 100: (x/100) +99Remaining: 0(x + 10000)/100 As clear from the formula, minimum food grain will be received by the first person. For him to receive at least one kg, (x/100) 99 > 1, hence x > 10,000kgs. Option (2)
# 48. If the King had 20,000 kg of food grains in the store, then after which person would

the remaining food grain be less than half of the original stock?
A ) 50th B ) 60th

C ) 62nd D ) 61st SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). If the King had x kgs of food-grain in store, then the distribution will be as follows: Person 1:(x/100) 99Remaining: 99(x + 100)/100 Person 2:(x/100) 97Remaining: 98(x + 200)/100 Person 3:(x/100) 95Remaining: 97(x + 300)/100 Person 50:(x/100) -1Remaining: 50(x + 5000)/100 Person 51:(x/100) +1Remaining: 49(x + 5100)/100 Person 52:(x/100) +3Remaining: 48(x + 5200)/100 Person 100: (x/100) +99Remaining: 0(x + 10000)/100 Clearly as the food grain received by every person is more than the person before, the answer should lie in the second half. For fifty people total food grain received = 50 (x/100) (99 + 97 + 95+ 1) = (x/2) - 2500 = 7500 For sixty people total food grain received = 60 (x/100) (99 + 97 + 95+ 1) + (1 + 3 + 19) = (3x/5) 2500 + 100 = 9600 Sixty first person will receive: (x/100) + 21 = 221Total = 9821 Sixty second person will receive: (x/100) + 23 = 223Total = 10044 So, the value becomes less than after when food grain is given to the 62nd person. Hence option C
# 49. Which person will get the maximum amount of food-grain? A ) 1st B ) 50th & 51st person

C ) 100th person D ) They all will get equal amounts SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). If the King had x kgs of food-grain in store, then the distribution will be as follows: Person 1:(x/100) 99Remaining: 99(x + 100)/100 Person 2:(x/100) 97Remaining: 98(x + 200)/100 Person 3:(x/100) 95Remaining: 97(x + 300)/100 Person 50:(x/100) -1Remaining: 50(x + 5000)/100 Person 51:(x/100) +1Remaining: 49(x + 5100)/100 Person 52:(x/100) +3Remaining: 48(x + 5200)/100 Person 100: (x/100) +99Remaining: 0(x + 10000)/100 Clearly from the formula, last person will always get the maximum amount of food-grain. Hence option C

# 50. From the sentences given below identify the sentence that uses the word HOME

A ) My brother works for an organisation that provides home care for the elderly. B ) She is at home in film parties. She has been covering them for a decade. C ) The Republicans wont be home and dry until the last votes have been counted. D ) I joined the computer course to home my skills. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Answer I joined the computer course to home my skills.

The correct usage is home my skills, that is, to develop. She is at home means she is comfortable in film parties Republicans wont be home and dry means the republicans wont be sure of success until... Hence option D

# 51. Select the option that best summarizes the paragraph given below.

It is not easy to say with certainty whether old firms are really old, continuous businesses or, rather, latterday firms that were once trade associations, state organisations or, say, religious communities that turned commercial at some stage in their lives. Is, for example, Chteau de Goulaine really a 1,000-year-old business or a fine old castle that has only fairly recently taken to selling wine and displaying butterflies? The Shore Porters' Society, now a transport firm, whose lorries can be seen all over Europe, was founded in 1498, but for much of its history it was a semi-public body controlled by the town of Aberdeen, only gaining full independence in 1850. How long has it been a genuine business?
A ) The question about the age of the firm is not easy to resolve. Some such as Chteau

de Goulaine were not even a business a thousand years ago

B ) The question about the age of the firm is not easy to resolve. Some companies

were earlier trade associations, state organisations or religious communities

C ) Examples like Chteau de Goulaine and the Shore Porters Society show how perilous

it can be to determine the age of a firm

D ) The age of a firm can never be established since there is no way the transformation of

an organisation into a business can be determined with certainty


The correct choice is (B). Answer - The question about the age of the firm is not easy to resolve. Some companies were earlier trade associations, state organisations or religious communities. The problem with The question about the age of the firm is not easy to resolve. Some such as Chteau de Goulaine is that it is too specific. Also nowhere in the passage

is it claimed that there is a possibility that Chteau de Goulaine was a business 1000 years ago. Examples like Chteau de Goulaine.. is incomplete. Those examples illustrate something, namely, how the nature of an organisation makes it difficult to determine the age of its business. The age of a firm. is extreme since it says never The question about the age of the firm is not easy to resolve. Some companies were earlier trade is the best answer since is relates the difficulty with the nature of the firm. Hence option B

Questions 52 to 54: Answer the questions based on the passage given below. What we are witnessing in Italy is remarkable, and at times scarcely believable. After five failed attempts to elect a new president, an electoral college that includes the members of both chambers of parliament, has plumped for the incumbent, Giorgio Napolitano, who is 87 years old. Desperate to retire, Mr Napolitano had ruled himself out as a candidate. But the leaders of the two biggest mainstream parties, Pier Luigi Bersani, the secretary general of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), and Silvio Berlusconi, the de facto leader of the conservative People of Freedom (PdL), had earlier gone to the Quirinal palace to beg him to stay on. Poor Mr Napolitano wearily agreed. In the ballot that followed he received 738 votes out of a possible 1,007. It is the first time in the 65-year history of the Italian republic that a president has been voted in for a second term. The insistence on Mr Napolitanos return came against a background of almost deafening calls from the younger generation of Italians for new faces, new policies and a form of politics less oppressively dominated by the country's almighty parties. The most obvious and radical expression of their demands is in the Five Star Movement (M5S), co-founded by a former comedian, Beppe Grillo. But it is also clearly discernible in the radical Left, Ecology and Freedom (SEL) party and in parts of the traditional parties, notably the moderate faction within the PD that looks to Matteo Renzi, the young mayor of Florence. The mainstream party leaderships ignored them all.

Mr Bersani and Mr Berlusconi had originally tried to stitch-up the presidency by agreeing on Franco Marini, a former Christian Democrat trade unionist. When that failed, Mr Bersani opted instead for a clearly partisan choice, the former centre-left prime minister and European Commission president, Romano Prodi. But the luckless Mr Prodis candidacy was torpedoed by rebels from within the PD. At all events, factional interests took precedence over those of the party in a way that its members, and the voters, will not easily forget. Mr Bersani, doubly humiliated, announced that he would resign as soon as the presidential contest was settled. When the deciding vote was cast in favour of Mr Napolitano, Mr Bersani wept. Mr Berlusconi smiled broadly. And with good reason. The re-election of Mr Napolitano leaves the PD (never a very convincing fusion of ex-communists and former Christian Democrats) in outright disarray. It also revives the prospects of a left-right coalition of the sort that Mr Berlusconi has been calling for ever since the general election two months ago gave Italy a hung parliament. That would not perhaps hand the widely discredited former prime minister a seat in cabinet, but it would most certainly hand him renewed influence over the affairs of the nation at a time when he is a defendant in four trials. That is one possible outcome. The name most widely touted as the next head of government was that of the 74 year-old Giuliano Amato who first held the job more than 20 years ago. The other possibility is that Mr Napolitano could form another non-party, technocratic government like the one headed by Mario Monti, the outgoing prime minister. Mr Grillo has called for a demonstration in Rome, describing the re-election of the president a "coup d'etat" by the old guard. It was not that. The parties who elected Mr Napolitano took roughly two-thirds of the votes in the general election. And, in any case, Mr Grillo, who has never been elected by anyone, is not in a position to give lessons on democracy. There is a strong case for arguing that this lacerating presidential ballot has re-drawn more starkly than ever before the battle lines in Italian politics. Once they ran between right and left. Now they separate the old and tired from the new and young. For the foreseeable future, the old and tired are firmly back in control.
# 52. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the authors disagreement with Mr

A ) He has never won an election B ) The man chosen as President was selected by majority-voted parties

C ) It was a coup detat by the old guard D ) Each of the above is a reason SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer - It was a coup detat by the old guard. Refer to the second last paragraph. Both, He has never won an election and The man chosen as President was elected by majority-voted parties are mentioned as reasons. It was a coup detat by the old guard is not. Hence option (C)
# 53. Which of the following captures Mr Bersanis role in the episode? A ) He tried to stitch up numbers for his choice, unsuccessfully B ) He wanted to be President himself C ) He wanted to do everything possible to not let Berlusconi become President D ) He was sentimental and theatrical SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Answer - He tried to stitch up numbers for his choice, unsuccessfully. Refer to the fifth paragraph. It clearly explains that Bersani had another choice, Romano Prodi, but failed to muster numbers in his support. He wanted to be President himself and He wanted to do everything. are not implied anywhere. He was sentimental and theatrical is meaningless. Hence option A
# 54. Which of the following is the best replacement for the word lacerating in the line:

There is a strong case for arguing that this lacerating presidential ballot has re-drawn more starkly than ever before the battle lines in Italian politics?
A ) Bloody B ) Torturous

C ) Deeply painful D ) Having sharp edges SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Answer Deeply painful The lacerating presidential ballot means an election that is not acceptable to most Italians, and is therefore painful. Bloody is wrong, there was no blood. Torturous is wrong too, torture is too strong a word. Having sharp edges is meaningless. It was lacerating because it was long drawn and divisive and thus painful. Hence option C

# 55. Identify the INCORRECT sentence(s) in terms of grammar, spelling and

punctuation. A) There are moments during first encountering a writers work that set the tone for the relationship a reader will have. B) Very early in Garbadale, Fielding visits a Scottish housing estate in search of his cousin Alban. C) Banks locates him quickly, with a mix of acid wit and highly particular detail. D) On Fieldings initial approach, he notes long blocks of three- and four-storey flats covered in patchy pebble-dash spotted with poor graffiti.
A ) Only A B ) Only B C ) Only C D ) Only D SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Answer - There are moments during first encountering a writers work that set the tone for the relationship a reader will have.

There are moments when first encountering... Hence option A

# 56. The question below has a set of four statements. Each statement can be classified as

one of the following. Choose the answer option that reflects the classification of the four statements. - Facts deal with pieces of information that one has heard, seen or read, and which are open to discovery or verification. The answer option indicates such a statement with an F. - Inferences, which are conclusions drawn about the unknown, on the basis of the known. The answer option indicates such a statement with an I. - Judgments, which are opinions that imply approval or disapproval of persons, objects, situations and occurrences in the past, present or future. The answer option indicates such a statement with a J. A) With fewer regional players, average fares have risen by 24% in two years. B) Most of the steep fall in revenue is attributed to rising fuel costs and hefty take-off taxes. C) Tour operators are dismayed, fearing that hitherto small declines in tourist numbers will accelerate into total collapse. D) In the space of five days, Air Botswana axed and then reinstated two popular tourist routes.

The correct choice is (D). Answer - FIJF With fewer regional players, average. is clearly a fact.

Most of the steep fall in revenue is an inference because it is speaking of what the steel fall in revenue has been attributed to. Each of the reasons can be factually verified. Tour operators are dismayed is a judgement. There is no way to measure dismay. In the space of five days. is a fact. Hence option A

# 57. The sentences 1, 2, 3, and 4 when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph.

From among the four choices given below the question, choose the MOST LOGICAL ORDER of sentences that constructs a coherent paragraph. 1) Lossmaking South African Airways axed one of its two routes to London last summer. 2) Zambia and Zimbabwe have no airlines of their own, leaving incoming traffic at the mercy of foreign airlines fickle business plans. 3) Bizarrely, Zambias politicians boast that they have pre-emptively protected a new national carrier that does not actually exist yet, and in which they do not want to invest. 4) Worse, the regions protectionist governments have thrown up barriers against each others airlines.
A ) 2134 B ) 2143 C ) 1234 D ) 1432 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). Answer - 2143 1 and 2 give two instances of problems with airlines in Africa. There is no way to say which will come first, so both 12 and 21 are correct. But 43 is a pair. In 4, the author is talking of protectionism and in 3 gives an example. Therefore, the only option is 2143. Hence option B

Questions 58 to 59: Answer these questions after going through the information given below: Ram is confused about what toppings he should add on his pizza. If he adds chicken, then he would not like to add mutton or pepperoni. If he adds mushrooms then he would add either tomato or olives, but not both. If he adds onions, then he would not like to add tomato. If he adds olives, then he would add baby corn also. He will definitely add extra cheese and mushroom on his pizza.
# 58. If he wants to add only four topping on this pizza, then which of the following can

he add
A ) Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, chicken B ) Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, pepperoni C ) Extra cheese, mushroom, olives, baby corn D ) All of the above SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). As Ram must choose Extra Cheese and Mushroom, he will choose either of tomato or olives with it. If he chooses, olives, he will have to take baby corn also. If he takes tomato, then he cannot take onion. Hence the possible combinations for 4 items are; Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, chicken Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, pepperoni Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, mutton Extra cheese, mushroom, olives, baby corn Hence option D
# 59. Which of the following item will he never be able to add on his pizza? A ) Tomato

B ) Onions C ) Baby corn D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). As Ram must choose Extra Cheese and Mushroom, he will choose either of tomato or olives with it. If he chooses, olives, he will have to take baby corn also. If he takes tomato, then he cannot take onion. Hence the possible combinations for 4 items are; Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, chicken Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, pepperoni Extra cheese, mushroom, tomato, mutton Extra cheese, mushroom, olives, baby corn If we select four items only then onion cannot be selected. As tomato is there, onion cannot be selected. If we take olives, then baby corn has to be taken and hence no other item can be taken. However, it we take 5 items, then extra cheese, mushroom, olives, baby corn and onion is possible. Hence all the items can be taken in different combinations. Hence option D

# 60. If CABLE is coded ZCDAY, then STABLE will be coded as A ) TPADAY B ) TPCDCY C ) TPCDAY D ) TPCYAY SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). This question can easily be solved from the answer choices. As the last four letters of CABLE and STABLE are same, the last 4 letters of the answer should be same as the code for CABLE, i.e. CDAY. This is correct only in option (C), hence that is the answer. Hence option C

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