Test Name: Smartcat-10308 No. of Questions: 60

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Test Name : SmartCAT-10308 No.

of Questions : 60

Directions for the questions 1 to 4: Answer the questions based on the information provided below. In a country called Mehangistan, the food inflation is calculated based on the following five food items only (their weightages are also given).

Rice - 30% Chicken - 15% Sugar - 30% Oil - 15% Coriander - 10% The table below gives the prices of these products in per kg or litre

The inflation index is set at 100 as on 1st Jan 2010 (base year), and the inflation index in any other year is the sum-product of the prices multiplied by their respective weights.
# 1. If the Inflation Index becomes 115 as on 1st Jan 2012, then what is the approximate

price of oil in per litre as on 1st Jan 2012?

A ) 108 B ) 116

C ) 120 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Let the blank cells be filled up by variables A, B, C and D, as given in the table above. For 2010, the inflation index is 100, which can be calculated by the sum-product of the prices with their respective weights.

We need to find the value of C, given that the inflation index is 115. Hence, (60 0.3) + (180 0.15) + (80 0.3) + (C 0.15) + (280 0.1) = 115

Solving, we get C = 120 Hence Option C

# 2. If Mr. Bandookwala wants to prepare Dhansak to celebrate New Year 2013, he will

need 2 kgs of chicken and 2 litres of oil for the same. How much will it cost him to buy these items if inflation index is at 135 on that day?
A) B) C)

600 200 240

D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A). Let the blank cells be filled up by variables A, B, C and D, as given in the table above. For 2010, the inflation index is 100, which can be calculated by the sum-product of the prices with their respective weights.

We need to find the value of A and B, given that the inflation index is 135. Hence, (70 0.3) + (A 0.15) + (100 (A + B) = 13 0.3) + (B 0.15) + (390 0.1) = 135

Or, 21 + 30 + 39 + 0.15 Or, A + B = 300. Hence, 2(A + B) = 600. Hence option A

# 3. The Inflation Index is 108 as on 1st Jan 2011. Mr. Jagannath is allergic to coriander.

What is the % change in his household expenditure from 2010 to 2011, given that the consumption of all food items is 1 unit and remains the same in the next year? Assume that he consumes all the items except coriander.
A ) 11.4% B ) 9.8% C ) 8% D ) 10.2% SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). Let the blank cells be filled up by variables A, B, C and D, as given in the table above. For 2010, the inflation index is 100, which can be calculated by the sum-product of the prices with their respective weights.

First we find out the value of D. (D 0.3) + (160 0.15) + (70 0.3) + (100 0.15) + (300 0.1) = 108

Or D = 60. Let us assume that in both years, he consumes unit quantity of all items (except coriander) In 2010, total value of consumption = 355 In 2011, total value of consumption = 390

Hence, the % change is Hence option B

# 4. If the government starts regulating the price of oil in 2012 so that inflation does not

go beyond 115, then what is the maximum permissible price of oil in per litre in that year?
A) B) C)

100 110 115




The correct choice is (D). Let the blank cells be filled up by variables A, B, C and D, as given in the table above. For 2010, the inflation index is 100, which can be calculated by the sum-product of the prices with their respective weights.

We need to find the value of C, given that the inflation index does not exceed 115. Hence, (60 0.3) + (180 120 0.15) + (80 0.3) + (C 0.15) + (280 0.1) 115

Solving, we get C Hence option (D).

# 5. Ankuran is a sweetshop owner who sells sweets packed in different types of boxes.

He planned to sell a minimum of 185 rasgullas and 111 gulabjamuns packing them in two differnt types of boxes A and B. In each box A, he packs 6 rasgullas and 4 gulabjamuns, whereas in each packet B he packs 9 rasgullas and 5 gulabjamuns. He sells box A for 22 each box B for 40 each. What could be the least amount realized by him by selling the boxes?
A) B) C)

682 800 824




The correct choice is (A). To sell a minimum of 185 rasgullas and 111 gulabjamuns, Ankuran has to sell a minimum of 31 boxes of type A, or 23 boxes of type B, or some other combination of the two types. But since the total amount realized has to be minimum, the since the price of type A boxes is less than that of type B boxes the minumum amount be achieved if only boxes of type A are sold. Hence, if he sells boxes only of type A, he will realize an amount of 31 22 = 682. Hence option A

# 6. How many real solutions does the equation A ) Only one B ) Only two C ) More than two D ) No solution exists SOLUTION


The correct choice is (D). Clearly it seems that the terms cancel out from both R.H.S. and L.H.S. and the number of solutions is one viz. x = 5. However this solution is not valid as the terms cancelled out contain(x2 - 25) in the denominator, and hence they blow up at x = 5. Hence the given equation has no solution. Hence option D

# 7. Find the sum of the 1st 30 terms of the series:

A ) 435log

- 270log2

B ) 270log

- 165log2

C ) 165log

- 270log2

D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Since log x + log y = log xy, we can write the sum as: Since logx + logy = log xy, we can write the sum as:

= 165log 270log2

= 165log


Hence option C.

# 8. A person wrote the 1st 10000 natural numbers, next to each other, in the ascending

order, from left to right. Find the total number of digits he wrote.
A ) 38894 B ) 38893 C ) 10000 D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

No. Single digit Numbers 2 digit Numbers 3 digit Numbers 4 digit Numbers 10000 Total 9 90 900 1 9 2 180 3 2700

9000 4 36000 1 5 5 38894

# 9. Given, N = 1! + 2! + 3! + + n!, which of the following is definitely true about N?

I. N is a perfect square when n is prime. II. N is always divisible by 3 for n > 2. III. For n > 3, N leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 10.

A ) Only I B ) Only II C ) Only I & II D ) Only II & III SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). For n = 2, I is not true. 1! + 2! = 3. Since 3! onwards all expressions are divisible by 3, II is true. For n > 3, unit digit of N is always 3. Hence III is true. Hence option D.

# 10. Two swimmers starts swimming simultaneously from the same point, one towards

the south and the other towards the east. After two hours the shortest distance between them is 100km. The speed of the slower swimmer is 75% of that of the faster swimmer. What is the speed of the faster swimmer?
A ) 50 kmph B ) 40 kmph C ) 30 kmph




The correct choice is (B). Let the speed of the swimmers be 4x kmph and 3x kmph respectively. So, distances travelled by them in 2 hrs are 8x km and 6x km respectively. Using Pythagoras theorem,

(8x)2 + (6x)2 = 1002 100x2 = 1002 x = 10 4x = 40. Hence option (B)

# 11. Harish Chandra wrote 50 numbers on the black board. Varadhan deleted several

numbers which added to 2000 and replaced the deleted numbers with 10 numbers that had an average of 300. As a result of this operation the average amount of the original group of numbers became identical to the new group of numbers so formed after deletion and addition. Harish Chandra now wrote the deleted numbers once again on the black board and recalculated the average (also taking into consideration the 10 new numbers added by Varadhan). The new average was 270. What was the average of the original group of 50 numbers?
A ) 300 B ) 264 C ) 260 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). In this problem, the deletion process has been given to confuse the students since the deleted numbers are actually being re inducted any way. So the problem boils down to a simple case of 50 numbers having an average A (say) being taken along with 10 more numbers so that the final average of the group of 60 numbers is 270.

Hence, we have 50A 2000 + 3000 + 2000 = 60 or A = 264 Hence option B


Directions for the questions 12 to 14: Answer the questions based on the information provided below. Every day the Kolkata stock exchange opens at 10:00 hours and closes at 15:30 hours. A person can trade shares during this entire time every day. In the table below the share prices of four different companies are given at every hour of trading on a particular day. All the prices are in rupees.

# 12. Mr. Parekh bought 100 shares of a company at 11:00 hours and sold them at 15:00

hours. If he made the maximum possible loss that he could have made, then which company did he pick?

The correct choice is (A). For 1 share, For REL = 901 - 874 = 27 loss From SBI = 1334 - 1330 = 4 profit

From BHEL = 227.3 - 211.5 = 15.8 loss From TATA = 296.9 - 295.2 = 1.7 loss Hence option (A)
# 13. Mr. Jhunjhunwalas strategy is to buy 50 shares of each company at a specific time

and sell all of them at 15:30 hours. At what time should he have made the purchase to minimize his losses?
A ) 10:00 hours B ) 12:00 hours C ) 13:00 hours D ) 15:00 hours SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Refer to the table given below:

He must buy at 15.00 Hence option D

# 14. Mr. Ajay buys the shares of one of the companies at 10.00 hours and sells all of

them at 15.30 hours. Which company should he choose so that the percentage change in the price is the minimum?


The correct choice is (B). Refer to the table below:

He must buy the shares of SBI. Hence option B.

# 15. Let f be a function such that A)3 B ) 303 C ) 101 D ) None of these SOLUTION

+ 303f(x) = x. Find f(3)

The correct choice is (D).

+ 303f(x) = x


+ 303f(3) = 3 f(101) + 101f(3) = 1..(1)

Also , putting x as 101, 3f(3) + 303f(101) = 101

f(3) + 101f(101) =


from (1) & (2), f(3) = Hence option D

# 16. A biased coin is tossed n times (n > 1). Probability of getting (n - 1) heads and 1 tail

(in any possible order) is same as the probability of getting all tails. What is the probability of getting a tail in one flip?





The correct choice is (A). Lets assume probability of getting 1 tail in 1 toss = x So, probability of getting 1 head in 1 toss = 1 - x So, probability of getting (n-1) heads and 1 tail in n tosses = (1 - x)n-1 . x . n So, probability of getting all tails in n tosses = xn

As they are same, we can get: xn = (1 - x)n-1 . x . n xn-1 = (1 - x)n-1 . n


(1 - x) / x = (1/n)1/1-n 1/x = (1/n)1/1-n + 1 x = n1/n-1/1 + n1/n-1 Hence option A

# 17. Two pipes X and Y can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively whereas two leaks

can empty it in 7 and 8 hours respectively. X and Y are opened at 6 am and 6:30 am respectively. Once the tank is 65% full, the leaks also start functioning. What is the approximate total time taken to fill the tank?
A ) 5 hours B ) 6 hours C ) 6.5 hours D ) 5.5 hours SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Lets assume the volume of the tank is 840 litres. (LCM of 5,6,7 and 8). Input of X during 6 am - 6:30 am = (840 / 5) / 2 = 84 litres

65% of 840 = 546 litres Total hourly input of X and Y = 840 / 5 + 840 / 6 = 168 + 140 = 308 litres X and Y operating together will fill up = 546 84 = 462 litres Time taken to fill up 462 litres = 462 / 308 = 1.5 hours After that, the effective hourly input = 840 / 5 + 840 / 6 840 / 7 840 / 8 = 168 + 140 120 105 = 83 Time taken to fill the left over part = (840 Total time = .5 + 1.5 + 3.5 = 5.5 hours. Hence option D 35/100) / 83 = 294 / 83 = 3.5 hours approx.

# 18. Two trains A and B start from two points P and Q simultaneously towards Q and P

respectively. Difference in their speeds is 10 kmph and A takes 1 hour more than B to cover the distance PQ. When they meet, B covers distance between pointsP and Q?
A ) 150 kms B ) 200 kms C ) 250 kms D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

kms more than A. What is the

The correct choice is (B) Let the speed of A be s. Speed of B is s+10. As A takes one hour more, s(t+1)= (s+10)t S= 10t Speed of A = 10t

Speed of B = 10(t+1) Let the distance be 10 x t x (t+1) (LCM of speeds) Time taken to meet 10t(t+1) / 10t+10(t+1) = t(t+1) / (2t+1) B has covered 200 / 9 km more than when they meet implies 10 x t(t+1)/(2t+1)= 200 / 9 9t(t+1)=20(2t+1) 9t2+9t=40t+20 9t2 - 31t - 20 = 0 t=4 (t= -5 not possible) Distance = 10 x 4 x 5 = 200

# 19. If x is a real number, then find the maximum value of





The correct choice is (C). We know, for two terms, AM GM




Hence option C

# 20. If f(0)=1,fn=2f(n-1) if n is odd and fn=f(n-1) if n is even, find the value of f20. A ) 128 B ) 512 C ) 2048 D ) 1024 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). f20 = f19 = 2f18 = 2f17 = 22 (f16) so on. Hence finally f20 = 210 = 1024. Hence option D

# 21. Manoranjan borrowed some money from Dipanjan to admit his son in a reputed

private school. He agreed to pay the interest free loan of 60,000 in monthly instalments which increased by a constant amount. After the 20th instalment he found that he had paid 3/4th of the loan. If the entire loan was cleared this way in exactly 25 instalments, find the value of the fifth instalment.


B) C) D)

1920 2040 2200


The correct choice is (B). Let the first instalment is p an d increment is q. Then, according to sum of an A.P.,

{2p + 19q} = 2p + 19q = 4500



{2p + 24q} = 60000

So, 2p + 24q = 4800 q = 60 p = 1680 Hence 5th instalment is 1680 + 240 = 1920 Hence option B

# 22. 2X and 2Y are complementary angles. What is the value of (1 + tan X)(1 + tan Y)? A)1 B ) 3.5 C ) 4.33 D ) None of these


The correct choice is (D). 2X + 2Y = 900, or X + Y = 450, tan (X + Y) = tan 45o = 1

or, tan X + tan Y = 1 tan X tan Y tan X + tan Y + tan X tan Y = 1 tan X (1 + tan Y) + (tan Y + 1) = 2 (1 + tan Y) (1 + tan X) = 2 Hence option D

# 23. In the following figure AB, DC and EF are perpendicular to BC. Find the length of

EF in cms if AB and DC are 6 cm and 18 cm respectively.

A)9 B ) 4.5 C)5 D)4


The correct choice is (B). ABC and CEF are similar triangles

Hence, Again, BEF and

..(1) BCD are similar triangles.



Adding equation (1) and (2) we get, So, EF = 4.5 Hence option B

# 24. A, B and C are three towns connected via some two-way roads. A person can go to

B from A in 34 ways and B to C in 26 ways. In how many ways can a person go to A from C?
A ) 33 B ) 26 C ) 29 D ) Cannot be determined SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Lets assume there are x roads between A and B; z roads between B and C; y roads between C and A. From A to B a person can go directly or via C, so, the ways are = x + yz = 34 (given)

From B to C a person can go directly or via A, so, the ways are = z + xy = 26 (given) From C to A, a person can go directly or via B, so, the ways are = y + xz We need to find the value of y If we subtract to given equations we get: (y 1)(z - x) = 8 As x, y and z all are integral, then possible values of (y 1) must be a factor of 8. So, the possible values of y are 2, 3, 5 and 9. If we add them we get (y + 1)(x + z) = 60; (y + 1) must be a factor of 60. If we take y = 2, then we get: z - x = 8 & z + x = 20 x = 6 z = 14;

If we take y = 5, then we get: z x = 2 & z + x = 10 Hence option D x = 4 & z = 6;

# 25. f(x) = min{g, h}; g(x) = min{2x + 6, 3x + 6}; h(x) = min{8 - x, 8 - 4x}. fmax =

?(Given x > 0)





The correct choice is (B). f(x) = min{g, h}. Now, if we consider x > 0, then; g(x) = min{2x + 6, 3x + 6} = 2x + 6 (since 2x + 6 < 3x + 6) h(x) = min{8 - x, 8 - 4x} = 8 - 4x( Since, 8 - 4x < 8 - x). Thus, f(x) = min{2x + 6, 8 - 4x}

f(x) max will be found at the point of intersection. Thus 2x + 6 = 8 - 4x


Hence option B

# 26. The ratio of the base and perpendicular of a right angled triangle shaped, fine tin foil

is 3:4. The hypotenuse is 35 cm. What is the approximate volume of the biggest cone that can be formed by taking the right angle vertex of the foil as the vertex of the cone?
A ) 280 sq cm B ) 300 sq cm C ) 318 sq cm D ) 375 sq cm SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). When the slant height of the cone is the perpendicular on the hypotenuse from right angled point, then the volume of cone will be maximum. Let this slant height be L

Then 28

Base of the right angled triangle 21 = 35 L

perpendicular =


Or, L = 16.8

Now, arc of the sector = circumference of the base circle of the cone. Let, the base radius of the cone is r,

Then Or, r = 4.2 Let height of the cone = h Hence,

Volume of the cone = Hence option B

r2 h =


= 300.6

# 27. A right angled trapezoid ABCD with the parallel sides being BC and AD and AB

being perpendicular to AD is circumscribed about a circle. BC = a and AD = b. Calculate the radius of the circle.


B) C) D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A).

Consider the above figure. We know that the line segments drawn from the same point that are tangent to a circle are of equal length. Hence it is easy to see that BC + AD = AB + CD .We have AB = 2r where r is the radius of the circle. AD = a and BC = b. Therefore CD = BC + AD AB = a + b - 2r. Let CK be dropped perpendicular to AD. Hence KD = AD BC = b - a. CK = 2r. Hence applying Pythagoras theorem to triangle CKD we have CK2 + KD2 = CD2. i.e. (2r)2 + (b - a)2 = (a + b - 2r)2 solving which we get Hence option A

Directions for the Questions 28 to 30: Answer the questions based on the information given. Radha-Govind B School has 5 branches, Ashoknagar (A), Belapur (B), Chattisgarh (C), Laxminagar (L) & Indrapuri (I). In all these campuses, the B School take students through RAT, Radha-Govind Ability Test. Following table provides partial information on the percentage weightages assigned to each of the parameter that they consider for their final selection (along with the score a candidate may get for each of the parameter):

For final selection, candidates are ranked based on the overall weighted score, which is the weighted average of the scores obtained in different parameters. Percentile of a person is defined by expressing the number of candidates behind that person as a percentage of the total number of candidates While collating the result, the B school observed something strange. In each campus, same set of candidates got the top 10 rank. The following table describes profiles of those10 candidates:

# 28. What is the difference between the weighted score of Ravi and Nusrat for

the Ashoknagar campus?

A ) 25 B ) 3.75 C ) 0.25 D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C). Lets consider the following table:

Hence option (C)

# 29. For Laxminagar campus, if extra-curricular activities carry the least weightage, then

what is the range of the weighted score of Alia and Peter?

A ) Alia: 2 - 3.5, Peter: 2.8 - 3.3 B ) Alia: 2.45 - 3.35, Peter: 2.85 - 3.3 C ) Alia: 2.45 - 3.3, Peter: 2.85 - 3.35

D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B). The parameter-wise score of ALIA and PETER looks as follows:

Now, since Alias RAT score is more than her GD score & for Peter, its just the reverse, hence, for Alias minimum weighted score, RAT result & GD should carry weightage of 5 & 50% respectively, which would also give Peters maximum score. For getting Alias maximum & Peters minimum score, the weightages have to be reversed. Alias maximum score 15% of 3 + 10% of 3 + 5% of 1 + 50% of 4 + 5% of 2 + 15% of 3 = 3.35 Alias minimum score 15% of 3 + 10% of 3 + 5% of 1 + 5% of 4 + 50% of 2 + 15% of 3 = 2.45 Peters maximum score 15% of 3 + 10% of 2 + 5% of 1 + 5% of 3 + 50% of 4 + 15% of 3 = 3.35 Peters minimum score 15% of 3 + 10% of 2 + 5% of 1 + 50% of 3 + 5% of 4 + 15% of 3 = 2.85 Hence option B
# 30. Assuming, a total of 1000 students appear in Belapur campus, what is Bhartis

percentile in that campus?

A ) 94 B ) 95 C ) 97.5 D ) 99.4 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D). Based on the data, the following table gives the weighted score of each candidate for Belapur campus:

Hence, 5 persons are above Bharti. Thus, Bhartis percentile = percentile. Hence option D

Directions for questions 31 to 33: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below. Parag has to frequently travel for his company, which gives him a chance to meet many people from all parts of the country. In April this year, Parag flew to five different cities, one city each week starting 2nd April and he flew a different airline each time. During each trip he chatted with the person next to him and no two people he talked to were in the same profession. For three consecutive flights: Parag flew with Indian Airlines, sat next to a teacher and flew to Mumbai, in that order.

Parag sat beside a sports coach on a flight earlier than the flight that he took to Delhi. He flew with Air Deccan before his trip to Bangalore, which was before the trip where he sat next to a Software Engineer. It wasn't on the trip to Indore where Parag sat next to the doctor. Parag didnt fly Kingfisher on his trip to Delhi and he didn't fly Indian Airlines on the trip where he sat next to a sports coach. Mumbai was not Parag's destination on the trip where he was seated next to the Software Engineer. The Jet Airways flight was exactly two weeks before the flight in which Parag chatted with the Lawyer. Parag also took Sahara Airlines for one of his trip and went to Chennai and Indore as well.
# 31. Which of the following correctly matches for Parag with his destination, Airline and

A ) Mumbai-Indian Airline - Week 1 B ) Delhi - Jet Airways - Week 4 C ) Bangalore - Sahara - Week 2 D ) Chennai - Indian Airline - Week 1 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D) Refer to the following information for following solutions.

The trip to Mumbai (1), the trip where Parag sat next to the Software Engineer (3), and the trip ' where Parag sat next to the Lawyer (7) were among the last three trips [April

16th, 23rd, and 30th (intro)], and the trip to Mumbai wasn't the one where he met the Software Engineer (6) or the Lawyer [he flew Indian Airlines exactly two weeks before the one to Mumbai, and he flew Jet Airways exactly two weeks before he sat by the Lawyer (7), thus, these three are separate flights, in some order. He didn't sit by the teacher on the trip to Mumbai (1), so the flight were he sat by the teacher was on one of the first two flights [April 2nd and April 9th (intro)], but it wasn't first [after Indian Airlines](l), therefore, April 2nd flight was the Indian Airlines flight, the one where he sat by the teacher was the April 9th flight, and the one to Mumbai was the April 16th flight, and he sat by the Software Engineer and Lawyer on the April 23rd and April 30th flight, in some order. He didn't sit beside the sports coach on the Indian Airlines flight (5) so that wasn't April 2nd, he sat beside the sports coach on the Mumbai flight [April 16th] and it was the April 2nd flight where he sat next to the doctor. April 2nd [first flight, Indian Airlines, doctor] wasn't to Delhi (2), Bangalore (3), or Indore (4), that flight was to Chennai. The April 9th flight wasn't to Delhi [after sports coach which was April 16th] or to Bangalore [after Air Deccan, which would have to be April 2nd, but Indian Airlines was April 2nd (1)](3), thus, on April 9th he flew to Indore. Bangalore wasn't the last destination (3), so it was his destination on April 23rd and Delhi was his destination on April 30th. Bangalore [April 23rd] was before the one where he sat by the Software Engineer (3), so he sat by the Software Engineer on April 30th flight to Delhi, and it was on the April 23rd flight to Bangalore that he sat by the Lawyer. Since he sat by the Lawyer on the April 23rd flight, then he flew Jet Airways on the 9th [exactly two weeks before](7). He flew Air Deccan before the flight when he flew to Bangalore [April 23rd] (3) so he flew Air Deccan on the 16th. He didn't fly Kingfisher to Delhi [April 30th] (5), thus, he flew Kingfisher to Bangalore on the 23rd and his last flight that month was on Sahara (intro). Hence The correct Choice is (D)
# 32. What is the profession of the person seated next to Parag on the flight immediately

before the 23rd April?

A ) Sports coach B ) Teacher C ) Lawyer D ) Software Engineer SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A)

Refer to the following information for following solutions.

The trip to Mumbai (1), the trip where Parag sat next to the Software Engineer (3), and the trip ' where Parag sat next to the Lawyer (7) were among the last three trips [April 16th, 23rd, and 30th (intro)], and the trip to Mumbai wasn't the one where he met the Software Engineer (6) or the Lawyer [he flew Indian Airlines exactly two weeks before the one to Mumbai, and he flew Jet Airways exactly two weeks before he sat by the Lawyer (7), thus, these three are separate flights, in some order. He didn't sit by the teacher on the trip to Mumbai (1), so the flight were he sat by the teacher was on one of the first two flights [April 2nd and April 9th (intro)], but it wasn't first [after Indian Airlines](l), therefore, April 2nd flight was the Indian Airlines flight, the one where he sat by the teacher was the April 9th flight, and the one to Mumbai was the April 16th flight, and he sat by the Software Engineer and Lawyer on the April 23rd and April 30th flight, in some order. He didn't sit beside the sports coach on the Indian Airlines flight (5) so that wasn't April 2nd, he sat beside the sports coach on the Mumbai flight [April 16th] and it was the April 2nd flight where he sat next to the doctor. April 2nd [first flight, Indian Airlines, doctor] wasn't to Delhi (2), Bangalore (3), or Indore (4), that flight was to Chennai. The April 9th flight wasn't to Delhi [after sports coach which was April 16th] or to Bangalore [after Air Deccan, which would have to be April 2nd, but Indian Airlines was April 2nd (1)](3), thus, on April 9th he flew to Indore. Bangalore wasn't the last destination (3), so it was his destination on April 23rd and Delhi was his destination on April 30th. Bangalore [April 23rd] was before the one where he sat by the Software Engineer (3), so he sat by the Software Engineer on April 30th flight to Delhi, and it was on the April 23rd flight to Bangalore that he sat by the Lawyer. Since he sat by the Lawyer on the April 23rd flight, then he flew Jet Airways on the 9th [exactly two weeks before](7). He flew Air Deccan before the flight when he flew to Bangalore [April 23rd] (3) so he flew Air Deccan on the 16th. He didn't fly Kingfisher to Delhi [April 30th] (5), thus, he flew Kingfisher to Bangalore on the 23rd and his last flight that month was on Sahara (intro). The correct choice is Option A
# 33. Which of the following matches is false? A ) Kingfisher - Lawyer

B ) 16th April - Sports Coach C ) Software Engineer - Delhi D ) Sahara - Doctor SOLUTION

The Correct Choice is D Refer to the following information for following solutions.

The trip to Mumbai (1), the trip where Parag sat next to the Software Engineer (3), and the trip ' where Parag sat next to the Lawyer (7) were among the last three trips [April 16th, 23rd, and 30th (intro)], and the trip to Mumbai wasn't the one where he met the Software Engineer (6) or the Lawyer [he flew Indian Airlines exactly two weeks before the one to Mumbai, and he flew Jet Airways exactly two weeks before he sat by the Lawyer (7), thus, these three are separate flights, in some order. He didn't sit by the teacher on the trip to Mumbai (1), so the flight were he sat by the teacher was on one of the first two flights [April 2nd and April 9th (intro)], but it wasn't first [after Indian Airlines](l), therefore, April 2nd flight was the Indian Airlines flight, the one where he sat by the teacher was the April 9th flight, and the one to Mumbai was the April 16th flight, and he sat by the Software Engineer and Lawyer on the April 23rd and April 30th flight, in some order. He didn't sit beside the sports coach on the Indian Airlines flight (5) so that wasn't April 2nd, he sat beside the sports coach on the Mumbai flight [April 16th] and it was the April 2nd flight where he sat next to the doctor. April 2nd [first flight, Indian Airlines, doctor] wasn't to Delhi (2), Bangalore (3), or Indore (4), that flight was to Chennai. The April 9th flight wasn't to Delhi [after sports coach which was April 16th] or to Bangalore [after Air Deccan, which would have to be April 2nd, but Indian Airlines was April 2nd (1)](3), thus, on April 9th he flew to Indore. Bangalore wasn't the last destination (3), so it was his destination on April 23rd and Delhi was his destination on April 30th. Bangalore [April 23rd] was before the one where he sat by the Software Engineer (3), so he sat by the Software Engineer on April 30th flight to Delhi, and it was on the April 23rd flight to Bangalore that he sat by the Lawyer. Since he sat by the Lawyer on the April 23rd flight, then he flew Jet Airways on the 9th [exactly two weeks before](7). He flew Air Deccan before the flight when he flew to Bangalore [April

23rd] (3) so he flew Air Deccan on the 16th. He didn't fly Kingfisher to Delhi [April 30th] (5), thus, he flew Kingfisher to Bangalore on the 23rd and his last flight that month was on Sahara (intro). The correct choice is (D)

# 34. Five different sentences of a paragraph are given below. Rearrange the sentences to

make the paragraph logically coherent and mark the number of the choice that indicates the correct order of the sentences as your answer. 1)The atmosphere in the prisons had changed. 2)This time, the situation was very bleak and the despair tangible. 3)The main thing was to empty the prisons as there was no room for the new arrivals. 4)The daily executions had been transformed into group massacres: the young, the old, children or pregnant women, nothing made any difference to them anymore. 5) The prisoners had less than a square meter of space each; they did not have enough air to breathe.
A ) 21435 B ) 12435 C ) 24351 D ) 12453 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B) 1 starts the topic about the atmosphere in the prison. 2 and 4 are connected which describe the atmosphere. 3 talks about the main thing being lack of space and 5 gives the reason why.

# 35. Five different sentences of a paragraph are given below. Rearrange the sentences to

make the paragraph logically coherent and mark the number of the choice that indicates the correct order of the sentences as your answer. 1)The collapse of a building in Mumbai which left at least seventy-five dead is a dreadful reminder of the corruption which controls housing in Mumbai - north, south, east or west. 2) In Mumbai, land is more precious than gold - certainly more than life - and the interplay between builders and the underworld - which had become endemic in the past, is only too well known. 3) Considering it was built in less than three months, it could only have been that. 4) But no less damaging is how greed-driven builders in connivance with nefarious politicians, bureaucrats, civic authorities, police and private individuals have played more havoc than any health epidemic or the ruthless underworld. 5) The aforementioned building, it was reported, fell like a pack of cards
A ) 25314 B ) 24153 C ) 13524 D ) 15324 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B) 2 starts the topic by saying how land is more valuable than life and talks about the nexus between builders and underworld. Other kinds of nexuses are described in 4. Hence 4 follows 2. On the other hand 1 cites a particular building collapse as an example of the havoc created by such criminal nexus of politicians, bureaucrats etc. 5 refers to the same building hence 15. 3 makes a sarcastic reference to hastily built building (3 months) by saying that it is indeed a house of cards (as flimsy as). 15 are examples of the effects of that nexus. That in C refers to pack of cards in 5.

# 36. The sentence below has two blanks, followed by four choices having two words in

each. Select the most appropriate pair of words that can fill the blanks.

Voting by a/an _________ and ________voter is a qualitatively different act than voting by one who is aware of the objects in his political environment and is psychologically involved in the events and outcomes in the system.
A ) uninformed, disinterested B ) misinformed, uninterested C ) impassioned, phlegmatic D ) sceptical, disgruntled SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A) Uninformed is the opposite of aware of objects. Disinterested means has no personal involvement in anything and is the opposite of psychologically involved. Uninterested means not having any interest at all .Impassioned means full of passion and, hence does not bring about the intended contrast. Phlegmatic means showing no emotion. Sceptical means unsure and disgruntled means having complaints against someone.

Directions for questions 37 to39: Read the passage below and answer the questions following it: Beliefs soften hardships, and can even make them pleasant. In God, man can find very strong consolation and support. Without Him, man has to depend upon himself. At testing moments, vanity, if any, evaporates and man cannot dare to defy the general beliefs; if he does, then we must conclude that he has got certain other strengths than mere vanity. This is exactly the situation now. Judgment is already too well known. Within a week it is to be pronounced. What is the consolation with the exception of the idea that I am going to sacrifice my life for a cause? A God-believing Hindu might be expecting to be reborn as a king, a Muslim or a Christian might dream of the luxuries to be enjoyed in paradise and the reward he is to get for his sufferings and sacrifices. But what am I to expect? I know the moment the rope is fitted round my neck and rafters removed, from under my feet: that will be the final moment, which will be the last moment. I, or to be more precise, my soul, as interpreted in the metaphysical terminology, shall all be finished there. There is nothing further and nothing beyond. A short life of struggle with no such magnificent end shall in itself be the reward if I have the courage to take it in that light. That is all. With no selfish motive or desire to be awarded here or hereafter, quite disinterestedly have I devoted my life to the cause of

independence, because I could not do otherwise. The day we find a great number of men and women with this psychology who cannot devote themselves to anything else than the service of mankind and emancipation of the suffering humanity - that day shall inaugurate the era of liberty. Not to become a king, nor to gain any other rewards here, or in the next birth or after death in paradise, shall they be inspired to challenge the oppressors, exploiters, and tyrants, but to cast off the yoke of serfdom from the neck of humanity and to establish liberty and peace shall they tread this - to their individual selves perilous and to their noble selves the only glorious imaginable path. Is the pride in their noble cause to be misinterpreted as vanity? Who dares to utter such an abominable epithet? To him, I say either he is a fool or a knave. Let us forgive him for he cannot realize the depth, the emotion, the sentiment and the noble feelings that surge in that heart. His heart is dead as a mere lump of flesh, his eyes are weak, the evils of other interests having been cast over them. Self-reliance is always liable to be interpreted as vanity. It is sad and miserable but there is no help. You go and oppose the prevailing faith, you go and criticize a hero, a great man, who is generally believed to be above criticism because he is thought to be infallible, the strength of your argument shall force the multitude to decry you as vainglorious. This is due to the mental stagnation: criticism and independent thinking are the two indispensable qualities of a revolutionary. Because Mahatmaji is great, therefore none should criticize him. Because he has risen above, therefore everything he says maybe in the field of politics or religion, economics or ethics is right. Whether you are convinced or not you must say, "Yes. Thats true". This mentality does not lead towards progress. It is rather too obviously, reactionary.
# 37. Which of the following is the author most likely to agree with? A ) A revolutionary should have blind faith towards his cause and leader. B ) Taking pride in ones cause is also a sign of conceit. C ) An atheist who defies conventional beliefs in testing times shows strength of

D ) A man is truly great if he is recognized as infallible by people. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) As per the passage, people who believe in god and afterlife rewards get solace from these beliefs. But for a non believer, if he defies conventional beliefs, then it shows that he has

strengths other than mere vanity (paragraph 1 Line 3). Choice A is wrong, as the author believes that a revolutionary should be a critical and independent thinker (Last paragraph line 3). Choice B is wrong as emphatically stated in 3rd paragraph line 4.
# 38. The author is most probably a/an

I.Agnostic II.Believer in God III.Atheist IV.Freedom Fighter V.Communist


The correct choice is (A) From the first paragraph, it is clear that the author doesnt believe in God (atheist) and in the second paragraph he states that he is fighting for independence. Hence III and IV.
# 39. Which of the following best describes the personality of the Author? A ) Young, Idealistic and God fearing B ) Courageous, Dogmatic and believer in non-violence C ) Young, brave and seeking glory D ) Selfless, courageous and an independent thinker SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D)

The Author is a non believer, hence god fearing is wrong. As he believes in criticism and independent thinking, dogmatic is wrong. Also it is clear that he doesnt seek glory, hence C is eliminated.

# 40. Identify the INCORRECT sentence(s) in terms of grammar, spelling and

punctuation. A) Confused and frightened, Ada pulled him up to his feet. B) He leaned heavily over her as she helped him into the tent and once there, utterly spent, he crumpled into a pile on his bed. C) He began to talk to her then, telling her for the first time how ill he was. It was scurvy, as far as he could tell, and it seemed to be getting worse. D) He had tried to keep it from the others, but Crawford knew, and Maurer little, but now he could not hide it. E) His mood was gloomy, as he laid on his bunk, and he told Ada that for the first time he was scared. "I guess we shan't see Nome again," he said darkly.
A ) B, C and D B ) A, B and E C ) Only C D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) In sentence a, the correct idiomatic expression should be pulled him to his feet which, means helped him stand up. In sentence b heavily over her makes no sense. The idea is he leaned on her for support. So correction should be leaned heavily on her. In sentence d, the idea is that Maurer knew a little meaning he knew something- whereas little implies almost nothing, and is logically inconsistent with the rest of the sentence. The past tense of lie (down) is lay down. In sentence e it should be lay on his bunk.

# 41. Identify the INCORRECT sentence(s) in terms of grammar, spelling and

punctuation. A) Many arrived penniless, destitute, their traditional chubas (native Tibetan costumes) tattered and dusty by the long journey. B) In some of the older faces, ruddy faces, weathered and creased by winds and harsh climate, C) one could detect traces of untold suffering, spirits hardened by years of mistreatment at the hands of the Chinese Communist. D) For many of these people, however, a mere glimpse of the Dalai Lama, the fulfilment of a lifelong dream, was enough to revive their withered spirits and infuse them with renewed hope and joy. E) He offered them, all young and old, words of hope and encouragement, as well as hard-headed practical advise.
A ) B and D B ) A, B and C C ) A, C and E D ) D and E SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A) In sentence a, the correct preposition should be tattered and dusty from the long journey. In sentence C, the idea is at the hands of the Chinese people. Hence it should be the Chinese Communists. In sentence E the correction is to do with the word advise which is a verb whereas we need a noun advice. There should also be a comma after all not before them.

# 42. The five sentences below titled A, B, C, D, and E have to be re-arranged to form a

coherent paragraph. Select from the choices the one that is the most logical arrangement. A) Lifestyle diseases are assuming a rather democratic pattern in Delhi.

B) Delhi ranks high in obesity, smoking and cardiovascular disease and the governments focus on wellness was much needed. C) While communicable diseases due to bad sanitation and no access to clean water still kill many in the citys slums, a survey by the Directorate of Health Services two years ago, found that at least 20% of the one lakh slum dwellers screened were suffering from hypertension and 10% from diabetes. D) Municipal records show that heart diseases, diabetes, asthma, renal failure and cancer are responsible for more than 20% of all deaths in the city. E) For a city to be considered healthy, its citizens must enjoy not only equal access to clean water air and sanitation but also provide opportunities for a healthy lifestyle.

The correct choice is (A) In all the options sentences ACE are together in different orders. The while in C supports democratic pattern in A. Normally hypertension and 10% from diabetes are considered to be associated with the affluent class but this sentence shows it is prevalent in the lower classes also. Sentence B starts the topic of what was much needed and E ends by saying what must be done. Since B is a better staring sentence, and D gives the statistics to support the claim made in A, hence BDACE.

# 43. The sentence below has two blanks, followed by four choices having two words in

each. Select the most appropriate pair of words that can fill the blanks. The judge warned the prisoner that he would _______the bail of the _______if he misbehaved in the court.
A ) countervail, transgressor B ) countermand, offender

C ) confiscate, perpetrator D ) countermine, felon SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B) The second words of all the options means a criminal and can go in the second blank. But only countermand means to order back a previously issued order by passing a contrary order. Countervail means to compensate for and does not fit. Confiscate means to seize and countermine is a noun meaning a tunnel for intercepting an enemy mine.

Questions 44 to 46: Read the data given and answer the questions that follow. Each of the people who are residents of Chaupat colony, watch at least one among four different TV channels V TV, S TV, M TV and T TV. 65 people watch S TV and V TV. 77 people watch T TV and STV. 73 people watch V TV and M TV. 76 people watch M TV and S TV. 74 people watch T TV and V TV. There are 67 people who watch exactly one channel. The number of people who watch only M TV, S TV and V TV is same as the number of people who watch only T TV, S TV and V TV. The number of people who watch T TV, M TV and S TV but not V TV is same as the number of people who watch T TV, M TV and V TV but not S TV. The number of people who watch only V TV and T TV is 14. The number of people who watch only T TV and M TV and only S TV and V TV are 10 and 15 respectively. The sum of the number of people who watch S TV, the number of people who watch V TV, the number of the people who watch T TV and the number of people who watch M TV is 557.
# 44. How many people watch all the four types of channels? A ) 30 B ) 40 C ) 15 D ) 20 SOLUTION

The correct Choice is (D)

From the information given, the following Venn diagram can be drawn

15+2p+z=65 z+q+p+h=77 g+q+z+p=73 z+q+f+p=76 14+q+z+p=74 q+z+p=60 f=16 h=17 g=13 a+b+c+d=67 Q1=a+b+c+d Q2=15+f+10+h+14+g=15+16+10+17+14+13=85 Q3=2p+2q Q4=z Q1+2Q2+3Q3+4Q4=557 3Q3+4Q4=320 6p+6q+4z=320

q+z+p=60-z 360-6z+4z=320 Z=20 q+p=40 Q3=80


20 people watch all four channels.

# 45. What is the total number of residents in Chaupat colony? A ) 252 B ) 250 C ) 235 D ) 205 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (A) From the information given, the following Venn diagram can be drawn


z+q+p+h=77 g+q+z+p=73 z+q+f+p=76 14+q+z+p=74 q+z+p=60 f=16 h=17 g=13 a+b+c+d=67 Q1=a+b+c+d Q2=15+f+10+h+14+g=15+16+10+17+14+13=85 Q3=2p+2q Q4=z Q1+2Q2+3Q3+4Q4=557 3Q3+4Q4=320 6p+6q+4z=320 q+z+p=60-z 360-6z+4z=320 Z=20 q+p=40 Q3=80

# 46. If 25 people watch only STV or only TTV then how many people watch V TV or M

A ) 42 B ) 152 C ) 210 D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) From the information given, the following Venn diagram can be drawn

15+2p+z=65 z+q+p+h=77 g+q+z+p=73 z+q+f+p=76 14+q+z+p=74

q+z+p=60 f=16 h=17 g=13 a+b+c+d=67 Q1=a+b+c+d Q2=15+f+10+h+14+g=15+16+10+17+14+13=85 Q3=2p+2q Q4=z Q1+2Q2+3Q3+4Q4=557 3Q3+4Q4=320 6p+6q+4z=320 q+z+p=60-z 360-6z+4z=320 Z=20 q+p=40 Q3=80

Given b+d=25

252- (b+h+d)=252-25-17=210

Questions 47 to 50: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow it.

Jim ONeill, Chief Economist of Goldman Sachs, coined the acronym BRICs in a briefing paper issued in London on November 30, 2001. The briefing (Building Better Economic BRICs) described how Brazil, Russia, India and China, all chosen on the basis of population, economic development and attitudes towards globalization, were reshaping the world in terms of economic power. The briefing note also boldly predicted that by 2041 (then revised to 2039) these nations would eclipse the six largest Western nations with regard to economic output. In other words, Russia, Brazil, India and China would soon reshape the world, not only in terms of money, but also in terms of influence and ideas. Even Goldman Sachs had another go, coining the new acronym N-11 to describe the Next Eleven economic powerhouses (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, South Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam). However, despite the cynicism, nobody to date has managed to shoot the BRIC tag down. In fact, following the global recession that started in 2007/8, the concept seems stronger than ever. Asian and southern economic power is still rising and, with the arguable exception of Russia, all of the BRIC nations have emerged from the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) stronger economically than their Western counterparts, which are suffering varying degrees of decline. Goldman now predicts that China will eclipse the USA economically by 2027 and that the BRIC bloc will overtake the six leading Western nations by 2031 ten years sooner than originally predicted. This doesnt necessarily imply a military threat, but culturally and economically the West is set for relative decline and tensions will rise. This applies not only to Western inspired global institutions, but also to Western belief systems and brands. Moreover, the BRIC concept isnt a purely intellectual exercise. So, will the BRICs keep growing or could some cracks start to appear in the bloc? The most likely outcome is exactly what Goldman says it is - that the BRIC nations will largely dominate the world economy. However, it could also turn out that the bloc, like Europe, is a disparate group and its quite likely that one or more of the nations could fall over financially or become isolationist, turning inwards. China, arguably, has a property bubble in the making, its financial system is suspect (shades of the Japanese banking system prior to their lost decade), water is an issue, they are running out of low cost rural migrants and the imbalance of young males in Chinas population could cause trouble if economic growth slows and unemployment starts to rise. Meanwhile, Russia is a tinderbox politically and Brazil's prospects seem to rise and fall all the time depending upon the latest economic numbers and the whims of

newspaper and magazine editors. This leaves India, where infrastructure is being pushed to its physical limits and where corruption is endemic. Even Japan, which is outside the group, is a case study in historical ebb and flow, illustrating how economic might doesn't always translate into global muscle. This leaves the USA, which is probably far more resilient than most people realize, thanks to a mix of favourable demographics (a high fertility rate plus a can do attitude towards immigration) and cultural factors that include the American Dream. Even so, things could get nasty. If the global economy moves in the way that some people predict, what well see is a huge structural shift whereby the East becomes vastly wealthier than the West. In Europe, for instance, this could mean rising expectations meeting declining opportunities and incomes. This could, in turn, lead to anger and resentment, which will create a fertile environment for extremist politicians offering xenophobic and protectionist solutions.
# 47. In other wordsbut also in terms of influence and ideas Which country does

the author cite as a counter example to the above prediction?

A ) China B ) Russia C ) Japan D ) India SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) The highlighted phrase implies that the importance of the BRICs countries would increase not just in terms of economic wealth, but also in terms of ideas and influence. In the passage Japan is cited in the second last paragraph, last line to show that economic growth doesnt always lead to greater influence. That is a counter example to the above belief.
# 48. With respect to India, what does the author mean when says that corruption is

A ) Corruption in India has spread across the country like an epidemic. B ) Corruption in India has taken deep roots and is almost impossible to eradicate. C ) Is so widely prevalent that it seems natural to the region.

D ) May prevent India from fulfilling the BRICs prediction. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) Endemic means characteristic of or prevalent or native to a particular people or country. Refer to the second last paragraph which talks about corruption being prevalent in India.
# 49. Which of the following has NOT been cited as a possible reason for BRIC cracking

A ) China could be heading towards a financial crisis. B ) The BRIC economics could move away from globalization and usher protectionism. C ) India cannot sustain its growth rate without heavy investments in Electricity, Roads,

ports etc
D ) Rising energy prices especially that of Oil and gas can adversely affect the

growth rate.

The correct choice is (D) Sentences A, B and C have all been cited as potential roadblocks for BRICs countries; Financial Market weaknesses for China, Infrastructure for India etc. Also Para D last line mentions that one or more of these countries can become isolationist and turn inwards.
# 50. What would be a possible title for the passage? A ) Emerging Nations: B ) The rise and fall of the economic powers C ) The West is on the wane D ) The Fallacy of long term predictions SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C)

Brazil, Russia and India are from different parts of the world and cannot be classified as east. Similarly the author is a bit uncertain about the BRICs prophecy and says that things may still go wrong. However, the author is clear on one thing that the west is clearly on the decline. Choice B is too general.

# 51. The five sentences given in the options below are labeled as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Of

these, four sentences can be arranged in a logical order to form a coherent paragraph/passage. From the given options, choose the option that does not fit the sequence. 1. Plato explicitly compares his ideal society to a beehive and the metaphor of an insect colony. 2. In this society the individual is significant as it has a distinct nature and structure. 3. Its rigid division of labour and complete subordination of the individual to the requirements of the collective is apt. 4. In the movie Antz, the ant society is rigidly divided into three classes, aristocrats, soldiers and workers. 5. Everyone has their place, the queen ant tells the princess, You, the soldiers, the workers.
A)1 B)2 C)3 D ) None of these SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B) Sentences A, C, D, and E all talk about the ideal society as one that could be compared to a beehive or an ant colony, one where there is complete subordination of the individual to the collective society. On the other hand sentence B talks about the significance of the individual which is completely different from the other sentences which form a sequence.

# 52. From the paragraph below the last sentence has been deleted. From the given

options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way The reformer must know that what moves people is the authentic life, not mere writing. The newspapers and journals that LokmanyaTilak and Gandhiji ran, the books they wrote, sold little, but had enormous effect. Their writing was known to reflect and be an extension of their exemplary lives. It was the authenticity of their example. All knew that their lives were an integral whole.
A ) A writer, out to merely entertain his readers, can do what he wants with the rest of his

B ) They could have possibly done more if they had been present today. C ) They were not moral in public life and lax in private. D ) Their message rules millions of hearts and ennobles their lives. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) The main idea is why a reformers writings are effective. It is because they present what is real. This idea has been best concluded in c which says they were same in what they did and what they wrote. Sentence a is about what writers can do which is not the main idea. Sentence b is irrelevant and d is more of an exaggerated repetition of the idea that their writings were very effective.

Questions 53 to 55: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow it. The story of Poscos proposed steel project in Orissa seems to be complex, karmic, violent and disturbing. Events, particularly since 3 February, have again roiled the greater good debate of big projects versus peoples rights of even a relatively small cluster of people. It also mirrors the role of businesses that fire over the shoulder of others to claim distance and legal immunity. In late 2011, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, a major global platform for information and dialogue, published a clarification by Posco. It was in defense against accusations of complicity with the governments of Orissa and India for procedural illegalities, and human rights violations, to acquire land for its integrated steel project in Orissa.

Among other things, the rebuttal accused illegal occupants of land being acquired for it by the government of Orissa. It trashed groups backing the protests. One such group opposed Narmada Dam in Madhya Pradesh when Gujarat State was without water and barren and today the whole of Gujarat is green." It punched the whole of Gujarat halftruth with: So much for their pure intentions and concerns for community. The latest flare-up yet again provides incontrovertible evidence that the state government is acting directly on behalf of Posco. This truth cannot be diluted by any other truth, even by $12 billion worth of proposed investment-- quite besides the corollary that this sum will not entirely accrue to India's economy but will be shared with a global band of equipment and expertise suppliers; a point usually, and euphorically, glossed over by public relations spin. Here, a statement attributed to a senior Posco official published by Mint on 31 January is revealing. It was in an article discussing the corporation's successful downstream moves to establish bases for specialized steel products in Maharashtra and elsewhere, even as the upstream Orissa project remains a work in riotous progress. We moved silently here and it worked, the official confided. In Orissa, we moved noisily and it is stuck. Another half-truth. This isn't about silence and noise. This is about good corporate practice versus a questionable one; displayed in the same country by the same company. Consent is an integral part of human rights, declared corporate ethics, and India's constitutional guarantees. Another truth: negotiation beats intimidation. And heres a third: behind the sound of protest in Orissa, there is cascading fury. Heads-up: A Posco victory in Orissa may yet prove pyrrhic for the company and the state.
# 53. What was the objective of the clarification issued by Posco? A ) To refute the charges made by the illegal occupants of the land. B ) To negate the claims of the groups protesting against land acquisition by Posco. C ) To clear their name from the charges of complicity with the government in

illegal methods and human violations.

D ) To create the basis for their ultimate withdrawal from the country. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C)

Clearly mentioned in Para 2. Defence against accusations of complicity with State and central govt with respect to procedural irregularities and human rights coalitions.
# 54. So much for their pure intentions and concern for the community What is the

tone implied in this punch?

A ) Criticism B ) Appreciative C ) Prejudiced D ) Sarcastic SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D) The quoted line is from paragraph 3. The Posco clarification alleges that groups protesting land acquisition by Posco also opposed the Narmada Dam, which provided water for large parts of Gujarat. The example is given to prove that the groups lack concern for the people. So the statement is mocking and Sarcastic in nature.
# 55. What does a pyrrhic victory imply? A ) When the POSCO project gets through, it will be a landmark economic achievement

for the country.

B ) Posco and the government are projecting a loss as a victory. C ) When the POSCO project will be finally commissioned, the losses for both

POSCO and the country will be much higher than its gains.
D ) He victory is likely to be temporary as more people are expected to join the protests

against Posco.

The correct choice is (C) A Pyrrhic victory is one where a victory is achieved through so much loss, that it is more like a defeat than a victory. Hence option C.

# 56. In the question below the capitalized word is followed by four sentences using the

same word in four different ways. Read the sentences carefully and mark that sentence as your answer in which the usage of the word is INAPPROPRIATE. GIVE
A ) Any tabloid that gives currency to such baseless rumours should be brought before

the Press Council.

B ) Although a good natured person, she is given over to bouts of anger. C ) The CEO of the company gave out that he would be retiring that year. D ) In any relationship, there should be a healthy give and take. SOLUTION

The correct choice is (B) Given over to means to reserve for something e.g. The evenings were given over to serious discussion sessions. Correction should be given to which means in the habit of doing something or liable to do something. Gives currency to means to be responsible for. To give out means to make known or announce. Give credence to means to believe or support.

Directions for questions 57 to 58: Refer to the information given below to answer these questions.

Given is a 3 x 3 grid of letters in the figure above. Each letter from a to I is assigned numbers 1 to 9 respectively. This grid is used to play a game through moves (a move implies interchanging of positions of any two letters). The aim of the game is to arrive at a unique arrangement of letters in the grid.

For any particular arrangement of the letters with letters in Xth row or Yth column. In a desired arrangement of letters


means sum of numbers associated

# 57. How many moves at the least would be required to transform the given arrangement

into the desired arrangement?

A)7 B)5 C)4 D)3 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (D)

a d g
C1 R1 R2 R3 i h g 24

b e h

c f i
C2 f e d 15 C3 c b a 6 18 15 12 45

Three moves needed

# 58. If instead of a 3 x 3 grid, a 4 x 4 grid of letters (with letters a to p) is used to play the

word game, find the least possible number of moves that will always be sufficient to transform a given grid of letters into any desired arrangement?
A ) 11 B ) 13 C ) 15 D ) 16 SOLUTION

The correct choice is (C) Note that in 3 x 3 grid, if 8 of the letters are moved to correct positions in the process of transformation, 9th letter is automatically placed in the correct position. Also, for placing each of the letters in the correct position (of desired arrangement) at most one move is required. That implies 8 moves will always be sufficient. By a similar explanation, 15 moves will always be sufficient to transform a given 4x4 grid into any desired arrangement.

For questions 59 to 60: Answer the questions based on the data given below: Several lecturers from four disciplines, viz. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology were selected. They were to attend a recently organized faculty conclave. All applicants were classified into five age groups, namely:

For the conclave, not more than two lecturers of particular age group were short-listed for representing a discipline. Initially, the maximum possible lecturers were short-listed. However, only five more than half of them got selected and they finally sat for the conclave. The following observations about the selected lecturers were recorded:

If two lecturers were excluded from the retired lecturers, then the number of seniors and stalwarts, each is one less than the number in each of the other three age groups. Total number of lecturers in Physics, Chemistry and Biology put together is the square of an integer. There is no Biology lecturer who is middle aged or stalwart and there is no Physics lecturer who is a senior. Every other discipline is represented by at least one lecturer from each age group. Rocky and Platy are young Physics lecturers.
# 59. If the number of Physics lecturers is greater than the number of Chemistry lecturers,

then which of the following is NOT possible to determine?

A ) Number of middle aged Physics lecturers B ) Number of retired Physics lecturers C ) Number of middle aged Chemistry lecturers D ) Number of retired Chemistry lecturers SOLUTION Correct Answer is option (C). The maximum possible lecturers were short-listed. Since there are 5 age groups and 4 different disciplines; and there can be at most two lecturers of a particular age group representing a particular discipline, the number of lecturers short-listed = 5 x 4 x 2 = 40 Number of lecturers selected from them = 5 + 20 = 25. Now, (I) Tells that out of these 25, the number of lecturers from various age groups is:

Young Middle-aged Senior Stalwarts

5 5 4 4

Retired Total

7 25

Now coming directly to (III), Physics Chemistry Young Young Middle-aged Middle-aged Senior Stalwart Stalwart Retired Retired Mathematics Young Middle-aged Senior Stalwart Retired Biology Young Senior Retired

Each of them is having at least one lecturer. So assigning one to each of them, the table looks like: Physics Young (1) Chemistry Young (1) Middle-aged Middle-aged (1) (1) Senior (1) Stalwart (1) Stalwart (1) Retired (1) Retired (1) Mathematics Young (1) Middle-aged (1) Senior (1) Stalwart (1) Retired (1) Senior (1) Retired (1) Biology Young (1)

The balance lecturers are: Young Middle-aged Senior Stalwarts Retired Total 1 2 1 1 3 8

Going back to (II), total number of lecturers for physics, chemistry and biology can be counted to lie between 12 and 20. Moreover, the total is a square, Total in these three is 16 and there are 9 lecturers from mathematics stream. Proceeding, (IV) tells us that Rocky and Platy are Young physics lecturers. So the balance Young lecturer goes in Physics. And since none of the cells can have more than 2 and total for Mathematics is 9, we get a better version of the table as:

Physics Young (2) Middle-aged (1) Stalwart (1) Retired (1)

Chemistry Young (1)

Mathematics Young (1)

Biology Young (1)

Middle-aged (1) Middle-aged (2) Senior (1) Stalwart (1) Retired (1) Senior (2) Stalwart (2) Retired (2) Senior (1) Retired (1)

And the balance lecturers now: Middle Aged Retired Total 1 2 3

Final Arrangement: Physics Chemistry Biology Young 2 1 1 Middle-aged 1 or 2 1 or 2 X Senior X 1 1 Stalwart 1 1 X Retired 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 Total 5 or 6 or 7 5 or 6 or 7 3 or 4 16 Mathematics Total 1 5 2 5 2 4 2 4 2 7 9 25 9 25

Note that the column for Mathematics is complete. And in Biology, count for Retired can be 2 at max. And there is no provision for middle aged in Biology. Thus out of the two balance retired lecturers, at most one can go in Biology and in that case, the remaining retired and middle aged ones must go into Physics or Chemistry or both.

(4); If now, minimum lecturers for Physics as well as that of Chemistry are 5. But since the number of Physics lecturers is greater than the number of Chemistry lecturers, at least one of the balance three must go into Physics. Case I: Middle-aged lecturer goes into Physics. Now, out of the remaining two retired lecturers one has to go into Physics and the remaining one can go either in Chemistry or Biology. Case II: Retired lecturer goes into Physics. Here also, the count for retired in Physics is full (2). Middle Aged cannot go in Biology and if he goes into Chemistry, the initial condition that "the number of Physics lecturers is greater than the number of Chemistry lecturers" can never get satisfied. So the middle aged goes into Physics and we get the same configuration as in case I.

Physics (7) Young (2) Middleaged (2)

Chemistry Mathematics Biology (5 or 6) (9) (3 or 4) Young Young (1) Young (1) (1) Middle- Middle-aged aged (1) (2) Senior Senior (1) Senior (2) (1) Stalwart Stalwart Stalwart (2) (1) (1) Retired Retired Retired (1) Retired (2) (2) (1)

The one remaining retired lecturer goes into either Chemistry or Biology. Hence the number of retired Chemistry lecturers cannot be determined. Hence Answer option (C)

# 60. What can be said about the total number of Physics and Chemistry lecturers put

(I) It is less than or equal to 12. (II) It is more than or equal to 12. (III) It is less than or equal to 13. A ) Only I B ) Both II and III C ) Both I and II D ) Only III SOLUTION In the previous problem it is already explained that the middle aged lecturer and at least one retired lecturer goes into Physics or Chemistry or both, the total is at least 12 and at most 13. Only option (B) is correct.

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