Belief & Disbelief Part 2-8 Disbelievers in The Afterlife

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Disbelievers in the Afterlife

Disbelievers at the time of Death

{ 05 - 05} 8 -

And if you could only see when the angels took away the souls of
the unbelievers, striking them on their faces and backs, saying:
'Taste the torment of burning. This is your punishment for what
your hands sent forth. Allah is not unjust in the least to His slaves.'

{ 72 - 72} 51-

And again, on the Day of Resurrection, He will bring them to

disgrace, and say: "Tell Me, now, where are those to whom you
associated as partners with me, and for whose sake you disputed
(with the upholders of the Truth)?" Those who were endowed
with knowledge (in the world) will say: "Surely today humiliation
and misery are upon the unbelievers"; the same unbelievers
who, when the angels seize them and cause them to die while
they are engaged in wrong-doing, they will make their
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submission saying: "We were engaged in no evil." (The angels

will answer them): "Surely Allah knows well all that you did. Go
now, and enter the gate of Hell, and abide in it for ever." Evil
indeed is the abode of the arrogant.
Some Scenes in the Afterlife
So woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of a great

{ 78 - 72} 52 -

So woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of a great Day.

How clearly will they see and hear, the Day when they will
appear before Us! But the evil-doers today are in manifest error.

{ 22} 75 -

And the time for the fulfilment of the true promise of Allah
draws near, whereupon the eyes of those who disbelieved will
stare in fear, and they will say: "Woe to us, we were indeed
heedless of this; nay, we were wrongdoers."

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It will be announced to the unbelievers (on the Day of


{ 55} 05 -

It will be announced to the unbelievers (on the Day of Resurrection):

"Surely Allah's abhorrence of you when you were called to believe
but you disbelieved was greater than is your abhorrence of
yourselves today."
That will be the Day We shall place Hell before the unbelievers

{ 555 - 555} 58 -

That will be the Day We shall place Hell before the unbelievers
whose eyes had become blind against My admonition and who were
utterly disinclined to hear it.

On that Day, they will be asked: "Is this not the Truth?"

{ 70} 01 -

On the Day when the unbelievers will be brought within sight of

the Fire, they will be asked: "Is this not the Truth?" and they will
answer "Yes, by Our Lord (this is the Truth)." Allah will say:
"Then suffer the chastisement as a requital for your disbelieving."
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And on the Day when the unbelievers will be exposed to

the Fire, they will be told:

{ 75} 01 -

And on the Day when the unbelievers will be exposed to the

Fire, they will be told: "You have exhausted your share of the
bounties in the life of the world, and you took your fill of
enjoyments. So, degrading chastisement shall be yours on this
Day for you waxed arrogant in the earth without justification
"and acted iniquitously.
!They will cast the (blaming) word one to another

{ 77 - 75} 70 -

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The unbelievers say: "We shall never believe in this Qur'an, nor
in any Scripture before it." If you could only see the wrong-doers
arrayed before their Lord, each bandying charges against the
other. Those who were suppressed will say to those who waxed
arrogant: "Had it not been for you, we would have been
believers." The arrogant ones will retort to those who were
suppressed: "What! Did we bar you from the guidance after it
came to you? Not at all; rather you yourselves were evil-doers."
Those who were suppressed will say to those who waxed
arrogant: "By no means; it was your scheming, night and day,
when you ordered us to disbelieve in Allah and set up others as
equals to Him." When they are confronted with the
chastisement, they will be remorseful in their hearts. We shall
put fetters around the necks of the unbelievers. Can people be
requited except for what they did?
They will say: 'Yes, we bear witness against ourselves.'

{ 575 - 575} 1 -

(Then Allah will also ask them): 'O assembly of jinn and men! Did
there not come to you Messengers from among yourselves,
relating to you My signs, and warning you of the encounter of
this your Day (of Judgement)?' They will say: 'Yes, we bear
witness against ourselves.' They have been deluded by the life of
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this world, and they will bear witness against themselves that
they had disbelieved. (They will be made to bear this witness to
show that) it is not the way of your Lord to destroy cities
unjustly while their people were unaware of the Truth.
The disbeliever will say: "Woe to me! Would that I were
utter dust."

{ 05} 28 -

Verily, We have warned you of a chastisement near at hand; the

Day when a man will see what his own hands have sent forth, and
the unbeliever will say: "Woe to me! Would that I were utter dust."

Scenes of Throwing the disbelievers in the Hell

The unbelievers will be driven in groups to Hell.

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(After the judgement has been passed) the unbelievers shall be

driven in groups to Hell so that when they arrive there, its gates shall
be thrown open and its keepers shall say to them: "Did Messengers
from among yourselves not come to you, reciting to you the Verses
of your Lord and warning you against your meeting of this Day?"
They will say: "Yes indeed; but the Word of torment has been
justified against the disbelievers!" It will be said: "Enter the gates of
Hell. Herein shall you abide." How evil is the abode of the arrogant!

When they will be cast into it, they will hear it roar as it
boils, as though it will burst with rage.

{ 55 - 1} 12 -

The chastisement of Hell awaits those who disbelieve in their Lord.

What a wretched destination! When they will be cast into it, they
will hear it roar as it boils, as though it will burst with rage. Every
time a group is cast into it, its keepers will ask them: "Did no warner
come to you?" They will say: "Yes, a warner came to us, but we gave
the lie to him and said: 'Allah has revealed nothing. You are surely in
huge error.' They will say: 'If we had only listened and understood,
we would not have been among the inmates of the Blazing Fire.'"
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Thus will they confess their sins. Damned are these inmates of the
Blazing Fire.

When fetters and chains will be on their necks, and

they will be dragged into boiling water, and cast into
the Fire.

{ 21 - 12} 05 -

Did you not see those who dispute concerning Allah's Signs?
Whence are they, then, being turned astray? Those who gave the lie
to this Book and all the Books which We had sent with Our
Messengers shall soon come to know the Truth when fetters and
chains shall be on their necks, and they shall be dragged into boiling
water, and cast into the Fire. It will then be said to them: "Where
are those whom you associated with Allah as partners in His
Divinity?" They will say: "We have lost them; rather, we never used
to call upon anyone before." Thus will Allah cause them to stumble
in error. (They will be told): "This is because while you were on earth
you took delight in untruth and exulted in it. Enter Hell now to abide
in it. How woeful is the abode of the arrogant!
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Disbelievers in the Hell

They will be arraigned for chastisement.

{ 51} 75 -

As for those who disbelieved and gave the lie to Our Signs and to
the meeting of the Hereafter, they will be arraigned for

{ 72} 75 -

If only the unbelievers knew of the Hour when they shall not be
able to keep off the Fire from their faces, nor from their backs;
nor shall they be helped.
As their skins are burnt out, We shall give them other
skins in exchange.

{ 01} 0 -

Surely We shall cast those who reject Our signs into the Fire; and
as often as their skins are burnt out, We shall give them other
skins in exchange that they may fully taste the chastisement.
Surely Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
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They will say, "Would that we had obeyed Allah and His

{ 18 - 10 } 77 -

Certainly, Allah has laid curse on the disbelievers and has prepared
for them a blazing Fire, in which they will live for ever and will have
no protector and helper. On, the Day their faces are rolled about on
the Fire, they will say, "Would that we had obeyed Allah and His
Messenger!" And (they) will say, "Our Lord, we obeyed our chiefs
and our great men, and they led us astray from the right path. Lord,
give them a double chastisement and curse them severely."
There the unbelievers will say: "Our Lord, show us those that
led us astray, both jinn and humans, and we will trample
them under our feet so that they are utterly degraded."

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We shall certainly make these unbelievers taste a terrible

chastisement and shall fully requite them according to the worst
deeds that they committed. That is the recompense of the
enemies of Allah; the Fire, their abiding home. That will be the
re-compense for their denying Our Signs. There the unbelievers
will say: "Our Lord, show us those that led us astray, both jinn
and humans, and we will trample them under our feet so that
they are utterly degraded."
They will say to the keepers of the Hell, "Pray to your
Lord to relieve us of the, torment for only one day."

{ 05 - 02} 05 -

Then imagine the time when these people will be disputing with one
another in Hell. The weak ones will say to the haughty one, "We
were your followers: now, can you save us from some part of our
punishment in Hell?" The haughty ones will say, "We are all in the
same state here, and Allah already has passed judgment between
His servants." Then these dwellers of Hell will say to its keepers,
"Pray to your Lord to relieve us of the, torment for only one day."
They will ask, "Did not your Messengers come to you with clear
Signs?" They will say, "Yes." The keepers of Hell will say, "Then pray (for
help) yourselves. But the prayer of the disbelievers only ends in vain."
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Whenever they try, in their anguish, to escape from

Hell, they will be driven back into it.

{ 77 - 52} 77 -

As for those that disbelieve, garments of fire have been cut out
for them; boiling water shall be poured down over their heads,
causing (not only) their skins but all that is in their bellies as well
to melt away. There shall be maces of iron to lash them.
Whenever they try, in their anguish, to escape from Hell, they
will be driven back into it, (and shall be told): "Now taste the
torment of burning."
There they shall not be finished off and die; nor will the
torment (of Hell) be lightened for them.

{ 72 - 71} 70 -

As for those who disbelieved, the Fire of Hell awaits them. There
they shall not be finished off and die; nor will the torment (of
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Hell) be lightened for them. Thus do We requite every thankless

being. They will cry out in Hell and say: "Our Lord, let us out so
that we may act righteously, different from what we did before."
(They will be told): "Did we not grant you an age long enough for
anyone to take heed if he had wanted to take heed? Besides,
there came a warner to you. So have a taste of the torment now.
None may come to the help of the wrong-doers."
Have the unbelievers not been paid back for their deeds?

{ 71 - 72} 87 -

Behold, the wicked used to laugh at the believers: when they

passed by them they winked, and when they went back to their
families, they went back jesting, and when they saw the
believers, they said: "Lo! These are the erring ones"; (They said
so although) they had not been appointed watchers over them.
But today the believers are laughing at the unbelievers; seated
upon their couches, they are looking around. Will not the
unbelievers have been paid back for their deeds?

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