Task 4 Jake Bugg

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NAME OF TRACK: Trouble Town ARTIST: Jake Bugg

1. Why did you choose the text you are analysing? I like the artists music and style, as well as having his album as part of a group I previously created a music video to this particular track. 2. In what context did you encounter it? I found the music video when deciding to create my own version of the video. In terms of discovering Jake Bugg, this was achieved my finding and listening to his music on iTunes. 3. What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text? The fact I like the artist, track and video, combined with my prior knowledge of the video certainly increased my enthusiasm and interest upon further analysing it. It definitely made more me more favourable and comfortable with the text, positively affecting my interpretation of it. 4. Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text? It is clearly a music video, by the sharp cuts and focus upon the artist. Whilst it is an illustration video, coupled with some narrative, shown by Bugg performing and the Correlation between lyrics and images. 5. To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre? The video didnt greatly stretch any conventions, although the editing of the images (black and white effects) perhaps added Amplification elements to the narrative parts of the Video. 6. Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?

Answer above.
7. What sort of audience did you feel that the video was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre/style of music)? It was certainly aimed at Jake Bugg fans because of the major focus on the artist throughout the video. But not just fans of Bugg but also his music, highlighted by the images of himself performing. This is typical of the Genre as people who like this music are more interested in the music than the artists appearance/personality. 8. What sort of person does it assume you are?

It assumes you are a person interested in music over personality, with the focus on a performance video, as opposed to a video with a genre of Disjuncture. 9. What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity? You are from a troubled background perhaps, with a rebellious streak inside you. You are aged between 17 and 25, white or black and male or female. But this song in particular appeals I feel to the male gender. 10. What interests does it assume you have? It assumes you are interested in a bit of trouble and are inclined to look for it as opposed to waiting for it to find you. It can also be suggested you favour smoking as this is shown in the Video, but overall like your music represented by the performance elements of the video. 11. What relevance does the text actually have for you? The text itself has little relevance to me as I dont live in an area like the one featured in the video or behave like those in the video. I am interested in the music primarily, but that is not to say I dont find the video entertaining. 12. What knowledge does it take for granted? It takes for granted you know these social groups exist and the fact that youre not shocked by them and their actions. It also presumes you know who Jake Bugg is before he stars in the Video. 13. To what extent do you resemble the 'ideal reader' that the video seeks to position you as? I dont really represent the ideal viewer of the video, because I am more interested in the music, however the focus on the artist/performance could suggest I am in fact the ideal? 14. Are there any notable shifts in the video's style (and if so, what do they involve)? No. Only in visual terms with effects to the images, such as blurred camera footage and black and white effects. 15. What responses does the video seem to expect from you? It expects you to like the music followed by Bugg, hence the focus upon his performance and secondary focus upon himself. 16. How open to negotiation is your response (are you invited, instructed or coerced to respond in particular ways)?

You are invited to like the video as that is your own choice, however it certainly steers you to liking the artist by the way It focuses on his music and performance in particular. 17. Is there any penalty for not responding in the expected ways? You waste the 2 minutes and 53 seconds the video lasts for. 18. To what extent do you find yourself 'reading against the grain' of the text and the genre? Not really at all, it is quite clear and theyre no gimmicks or tricks in the video. What you see is what you get very much so. Even the visual effects I have mentioned actually add to the videos authenticity. 19. How typical do you think this video is of Music Videos? It is quite unique in terms of music videos, because it attempts to portray a reality as opposed to a surreal untouchable music industry.

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