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SAFFRON-ZIONIST NEXUS : AND THE CONTROLLED DEMOLITION OF INDIAN RUPEES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 : 76 :9:8 :59 --------------------------------------------------------------------------&9- 2+(0.

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To common Indians my article may come as a big surprise or some sort of a revelation. But the truth is that AMERICAN DOLLARS are printed and sold by a private company called Federal Reserve headed by a ZIONSIT named Ven Vernarke who was a former professor of economics at Princeton University and is an accomplice in demolishing Indian rupees at the behest of his colleague and the SAFFRON mastermind Dr.Sudhranahian Swamy a former professor of economics at Harvard University. Under the new SAFFRON-ZIONIST confidential agreement Ven Vernarke is supposed to ask for more Indian Rupees against one American Dollar every passing week until this cynical

dwindling of Indian Rupees becomes an electoral issue and finally helps the saffronists win Indian parliamentary election under the pretext of economic failure of the incumbent UPA. Some suggest that if the Federal Reserve can print $85 Billion per month , why can't the Reserve Bank Of India print more Rupees and give it to them against Dollars. Rupees 50 or 90 whatever they demand against 1 USD. Just print more Indian Rupees and give it to them. What has the economy got to do with the paper currency printed in a press ? But to your greatest surprise, America is not interested in your printed papers, they don't take your raddi notes against their paper currency, they take gold. Shocking, right ? Here's another shocking revelation.India (with USD 287,897 Millions )has more US Dollar reserve than America( with USD 148,767 Millions ) herself. Now let me disclose the hidden agenda.

The big question is why will America listen to the saffron brigade and allow them to toy with the world's reserve currency i.e, the almighty US dollar ?
Well, The Answer is very simple, China will emerge as the world's biggest economy in 2016 and there are big changes on the horizon , some of the biggest economies like China ,Russia,Iran, Japan,UAE and others have been quietly making agreements with each other to move away from US dollars in the international trade.This will have a massive implications for the US economy.In such circumstances if India, the second biggest economy after China , pledges her loyalty to the dwindling dollars , it can keep the American economic superiority intact for a few more years. With the massive PR work of APCO and Swamy , USA seems to have been coaxed into believing that the saffronists might come to power in India. And the dirty deal that has to be done at the cost of Indian rupees is viable with the right wing fundamentalists. In fact such an unethical , anti-Indian deal can not be brokered with any political party of India except the one which has its hands dipped in the blood of the father or this nation. They are

the only ones who can fall to any depth for the sake of the throne of India ! PATRIOTS ALERT : It's time for an Indian spring against the power lusty vultures of India.

Arshad Mohsin ( Written in the love of India by an Indian patriot )

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