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Suggested Work Load norms for MBA Faculty Members working

In Tamil Nadu Self Financing Colleges 1. Based on the number of Students under supervision/ Being taught: The total number of students taught in a semester under all the various different courses handled by a faculty member in total could be a maximum of 120. Student numbers are considered because of correction work on test papers and class room atmosphere on controlling. For example if a teacher handles two courses and in each class 60 students. Or the teacher may handle 3 courses and in each class 40 students. [Or] 2. Based on the number of courses to be handled by the faculty: The number of courses to be handled shall be a minimum of TWO and Maximum of THREE. Number of courses is considered because of preparation for class and contribution to knowledge. One can not handle 4/ 5 courses. If a credit system says 3 hours per week for a course and the management policy is to load teachers 15 hours per week, he may be allotted 5 courses in a semester. Is it possible? While considering the course allocation the HOD/ Director shall announce the policy behind the priorities in allocation. Prior to allocation the list of courses to be handled to be circulate d to all faculty members. A biding type of calling for preferences to handle the course shall be adopted.

In case of electives, HOD can even announce to the students, who is going to handle what course and call for the elective selection by students. That may reveal what is happening in a department and also the performance and contribution by faculty members. In most of the institutions, the elective courses are compelled on to the students, because the teachers are not ready to prepare for new courses and teach. 3. Based on the number of Hours or periods to be handled per week: The number of periods to be handled per week by a faculty shall be as follows: (or Contact Hours with students) HOD/ Professor / Senior Faculty 8 Hours to 10 Hours Associate / Assistant Professors -- 10 Hours to 12 Hours Lectures -- 12 Hours to 16 Hours In considering the contact hours, the project guidance/ class teacher work like distribution of hall tickets, students in search for them to get permission to go elsewhere etc., should be considered. Note: HOD shall optimize the utilization of human resource such that a balance occurs and a smooth work load is given to faculty members. This I am suggesting out of my work experience and observation. I observed that few faculty members suffer and struggle because of number of scripts to be corrected. Some struggle because the subject is not interesting and allotted to them. Some struggle because of the too many contact hours, as students crowd them due to administrative settings. Contact me for any further discussion: ,
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