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To recap the most recent [three] blast e-mails, you read overview of BHOs failings, a focus on BHOs impact

via interceding political entities [primarily, Philly, PA, and how BHO relentlessly plays the racecard in an attempt to help Pelosi return as House Speaker. To project what remains for dissemination, some of the small stuff [e.g., media] can be conceptualized terselybut looming are multiple essays related to the Middle East and, of course ObamaCare. Let us now embark, recalling that you are asked to critique these selective reformulations of the news by supplying anything vital that may have been overlooked [for whatever is remitted is routinely included in a following presentation].

For those who occasionally desire a taste of levity, it is advised that the station-breaks on WWIQ (106.9 FM) may provide a bit of psychological surcease [PLEASE dont tell Obama what comes after a trillion! and Listen to WWIQ, where nothing political is correct! and Dont listen to the live-and-liberal CBS!]. For those who desire a quick update, Drudge continues to inject (ever-so-slightly) the shock-value of a breaking story. And for those who wish to start the day with Conservative marching-orders, checking RedState (minus the excess religiosity thereof) yields a dependable analytic structure.

Over dinner, it was suggested that a method that might be most effective to convince people to ACT would be to personalize the message; this is consistent with smoking-cessation psychology that has been preached since [believe it or not] the late-1970s [during a training period c/o the New York City Division of the American Cancer Society]. This is also [regardless of whether he would admit it] what had been underlying the advice constantly emanating from Guzzardi [forget the thousands of hyperlinks!]. Inasmuch as these presentations are interlaced with action-items [rather than merely serving as benign ruminations], the overarching message of each blast [punctuated by an accompanying graphic] will be more overtly articulated [rather than merely being derivative of the meta-analysis of the citations].

The intent to return to the roots of this effort persists, noting how much time it consumes; initially, perceived was the need to highlight the BHOs Scandal-Sheet, for skeptics initially were dismissive and ultimately grew silent. The data are not only now proving to be overwhelming, but they also are multidisciplinary [in that BHO has built a network of info-sharing that is to be envied, even as the public has been numbed by its sheer breadth and unprecedented depth. It is for this reason that the political spectrum has been simplified [during a recent e-mailed exchange] simply to those who are lib/progressive/Ds who focus on Big-Government STATISM vs. those who entrust the conservative/constitutional/Rs who yearn for Limited-Government INDIVIDUALISM.

Maximal readability will continue to be integrated [by meaningful chiasms, by judicious indents, by pungent visuals, by condensed references], and it will occasionally be necessary to list cites that may be redundant to points already articulated. As a time-saver, it will be advised that one particular web-site may contain bulk-material supporting a given assertion [e.g., the need to support the Syrian Kurds, as per the relentless efforts during (at least) the past half-decade of Dr. Sherkoh Abbasall congealed on Facebook @ sherkoh.abbas]. But, in the end, no one will be able to accuse this physician of evading the need to articulate hard-truths and attendant interventions.

The DbM [Drive-by-Mediac/o Rush] Young People Flee TV For Online News [recall Jon Stewart is among the highest-paid-news-anchors], due in-part to unclear fiscs that have discouraged Wood-Stein-style investigative journalism [Newspapers-Losing-Billions-to-Craigslist]. When Journalism Students Don't Read Newspapers, Magazines, or Books, rudimentary deficiencies [in reading, riting and rithmatic] are painfully manifest, even in the most prominent of sources; such sloppiness in grammar and syntax suggests to the typical reader the possibility of imprecision when conveying allegedly-essential truths. {This was manifest in a blast from Politico [] that, ironically, was directed squarely at academe; it contained a sentence [Does the data exist to make college ratings work?] that employed the word data as a singular form [rather than as the plural of datum].} It is therefore necessary to transcend the sense of being disheartened becauselike it or notthe citizen can only rarely acquire meaningful primary information without having to depend upon an intermediary. Errors of commission abound [Piers Morgan Apologized to Breitbart News' Hawkins for False Claim; Univision Host to Citizen Activist: 'Why Do You Hate Immigrants So Much?'] and errors of omission abound [Politico Misdirects From Obama's Collapsing Numbers; Media-ignore-anti-christian-violence-in-egypt; Words Not in NYT's Story on Hasan Verdict: Terror, Islam, Allah Akbar; cnn-never-mentioned-BHO-in-article-on-joblessness; CBS-Failed-To-Identify-Jesse-Jackson-Jr-as-democrat; NPR's Folkenflik Edits Out O'Keefe Sting from History of CEO Scandals (Updated)]; the latter are crasser than the former, inasmuch as the message of being fair and balanced is insidiously undermined. Consider this past weeks launch of al-jazeera-america, which promised-a-more-sober-look-at-the-news; although the Network President claimed that the Al Jazeera Name was Not a Liability [literally "The Island", abbreviating "The [Arabian] Peninsula"], its debut lacked time-warner-cable-presence and was Dumped By AT&T, a 5 Million Customer Cable Provider [prompting Al Jazeera America to Mount a Letter-Writing Campaign for Wider Distribution]. Perhaps presaging its intended audience, Al-Jazeera America Opened with Endorsements from McCain & Hillary; perhaps presaging its message [inter alia, pro-Muslim Brotherhood and anti-Semitic], Al Jazeera America's First Guest was 'Jew Baiter' Stephen M. Walt (who just wrote in foreign policy that us interests really are not at stake in egypt and syria); is there any doubt why Egypt Moved Against Al Jazeera (as CNN Reporters Embraced it)?

Errors of commission abound [AL JAZEERA AIRED FAKE EGYPTIAN 'DEAD PROTESTER' VIDEO; Al Jazeera America Guest Blamed Egyptian Military for Bombing Churches; Al Jazeera America: Act on Climate Change or US Cities Will Drown; OIL-FUNDED AL JAZEERA MAY BECOME 'CLIMATE CHANGE' NETWORK] and errors of omission abound [Al-Jazeera Host Gives 'Background' on Muslim Brotherhood, Makes No Mention of Terrorism; Al-Jazeera America's Lead Story Focused on Terrorist Detainees having received an anti-malarial drug]; the latter are also more dangerous than the former, inasmuch as they directly undermine Al Jazeera America's slogan ["There's more to it."]. Meanwhile, [MS]NBC remains troubled; Meet the Press Ratings Plummeted to 21-Year Low and msnbcratings-slid-22%-over-summer, while Chris Matthews Lost his coveted 5 PM Slot to Ed Schultz (who now presumably claims that working only weekends wasnt such a boon to his personal existence), an action that can be analyzed by comparing chris-matthews-and-ed-schultz-by-the-numbers. Not to be outdone, CNN's 'New Day' Hits New Low With Highly-Promoted Price William Interview; the palpable effort to be chatty is often embarrassing in its stilted posturing, and an effort to emphasize straight-news [supposedly, a newly-rediscovered network-goal] appears to have been overtly abandoned. Perhaps in a valiant effort to remain relevant, CBS-Schieffer has suddenly discovered that BHO is Not-Living-UpTo-Candidate-BHO-Promises. Overt editorialization remains highly-problematic, even to the non-Christian Coalition listener/viewer. Why should the WaPo have Assailed the Non-Profit Status of Churches and have Ripped Americans for Giving? Why should Politico's have promoted what can politely be termed Immigration Blackmail? Why should the RNC have been so easily Vindicated when CNN Films Hired 'Inconvenient Truth' Vet to generate the HRC-film? It is into this swampland that the National Press Foundation President averred that CNN, Bloomberg and Politico Launches had been 'Transformative,' (while ignoring Drudge and Fox News). It was into this overt-D marketplace that a CNN interview of BHO highlighted his claim that Republicans 'Privately' Tell him They're Afraid of Limbaugh and the Tea Party without its having queried (in any depth) the recent NSA-revelations, the issue of Reverse-Racism [vide supra], and the abandonment of the Benghazi-probe [vide infra]. It will be into this world of libs talking among themselves [recall the shock registered by Pauline Kael: "How can that be? No one I know voted for Nixon!"] that a debate would be sparked as to why the former-wapo-ombudsmen-felt that the new owner should fire-jennifer-rubin [my entry was oriented towards the suggestion that she is insufficiently conservative, recalling how she boosted Romney despite overwhelming evidence of his lack of fealty to RR-fundamentals]. Yet, into this controlled-world are revelations of what is transpiring on talk-radio stations owned by Cumulus; it was suggested that Cumulus Radio Wages War on Conservatives, for it was noted that Cumulus Already had Lost Two Battles in War on Conservatives (Huckabee & Geraldo). Cumulus Stations may have Tanked, but Hannity Outperformed [also, Hannity Is Right: Cumulus Ratings in Deep Decline]. In any case, Rush revealed on Friday [first segment] that he had re-upped with Cumulus without losing any media-market [in NYC, WABC will be replaced by WOR, which is owned by the companyClear Channelwith which he also claims fealty]. To summarize personal perspectives, it is necessary to cite Fox, all of the changes occurring throughout the schedule are undoubtedly tethered to the need to batten-down-the-hatches [vide supra]. Hannity is

lucid and has a loyal market, but Megyn will absorb his audience and expand by minimizing partisanship. Thus will FNC be poised to dominate newscasting prior to the increasingly-crucial 14 mid-terms, and any doubt about how much it will promote Constitutional Limited Government is erased when@ 4:58 a.m. on Monday-Friday and @ 5:58 a.m. on Saturday/Sundaythe day starts with the National Anthem.

Construction of the Statue of Liberty in 1884.

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