Create A Physical File in CL

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STRQSH CMD('db2 "create table SOMELIB.SOMEFILE ( + field1 decimal(5,0), + field2 char(30), + field3 date + )"') ENDPGM The preceding CL program creates a PF named SOMEFILE, located in the SOMELIB lib rary. It defines fields named field1, field2, and field3. As with any QShell command, you can prevent this command's output from being pri nted on the screen by setting the QIBM_QSH_CMD_OUTPUT environment variable to NO NE. If you don't set the variable this way, the QShell command may print message s on the screen that would be displayed to your user. Similarly, you can tell QShell to interrupt your CL program with an *ESCAPE mess age when a QShell command fails. To do so, set the QIBM_QSH_CMD_ESCAPE_MSG envir onment variable to Y. This way, you can use CL's MONMSG command to capture error s. Another useful technique is to define some environment variables of your own. An ytime you want an environment variable's contents inserted into a QShell stateme nt, all you have to do is include the environment variable preceded by a dollar sign. Consider the following code: PGM DCL VAR(&MYLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('SOMELIB') DCL VAR(&MYFILE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('TESTFILE') DCL VAR(&CMD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1000) CHKOBJ OBJ(&MYLIB/&MYFILE) OBJTYPE(*FILE) MONMSG MSGID(CPF9801) EXEC(DO) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(QIBM_QSH_CMD_OUTPUT) VALUE(NONE) + REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(QIBM_QSH_CMD_ESCAPE_MSG) VALUE(Y) + REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MYLIB) VALUE(&MYLIB) REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MYFILE) VALUE(&MYFILE) REPLACE(*YES) CHGVAR VAR(&CMD) + VALUE('db2 "create table $MYLIB.$MYFILE ( + field1 numeric(5,0), + field2 char(30), + field3 date + )"') STRQSH CMD(&CMD) MONMSG MSGID(QSH0000) EXEC(DO) SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9897) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE) + MSGDTA('Unable to create file to copy to') RETURN ENDDO ENDDO ENDPGM In the preceding code, I use the CHKOBJ CL command to see whether I have a file named TESTFILE in the SOMELIB library. The file name and library names are varia

bles that you could calculate at runtime. Heck, your program could even receive these as parameters if it wanted to! If the file doesn't exist, I want to create it. So I set up QShell to prevent me ssages from going to the screen and to send errors to my program. Then I also se t my own environment variables that contain the library and file name. Note that my QShell command (the db2 command that runs the Create Table statemen t) now has $MYLIB.$MYFILE for the name of the file to be created. Because of the dollar sign characters, the QShell command interpreter looks up the values of t he MYLIB and MYFILE environment variables and inserts them into the command. It does this before the db2 utility runs. I set the MYLIB environment variable to SOMELIB by using the ADDENVVAR CL comman d, and I set the MYFILE environment variable to TESTFILE. That way, when my QShe ll command runs, it creates a table called SOMELIB/TESTFILE. You can use environment variables anywhere in the statement. For example, to sta rt every field in your file with a two-character prefix and have this prefix be variable, you could do something like this: PGM DCL VAR(&MYLIB) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('QGPL') DCL VAR(&MYFILE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) VALUE('CUSTMAS') DCL VAR(&CMD) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1000) CHKOBJ OBJ(&MYLIB/&MYFILE) OBJTYPE(*FILE) MONMSG MSGID(CPF9801) EXEC(DO) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(QIBM_QSH_CMD_OUTPUT) VALUE(NONE) + REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(QIBM_QSH_CMD_ESCAPE_MSG) VALUE(Y) + REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MYLIB) VALUE(&MYLIB) REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MYFILE) VALUE(&MYFILE) REPLACE(*YES) ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(MYPREFIX) VALUE('CS') CHGVAR VAR(&CMD) + VALUE('db2 "create table $MYLIB.$MYFILE ( + ${MYPREFIX}cust numeric(5,0), + ${MYPREFIX}name char(30), + ${MYPREFIX}addr char(30), + ${MYPREFIX}city char(15), + ${MYPREFIX}stat char(2), + ${MYPREFIX}zip char(10) + )"') STRQSH CMD(&CMD) MONMSG MSGID(QSH0000) EXEC(DO) SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9897) MSGF(QCPFMSG) MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE) + MSGDTA('Unable to create file to copy to') RETURN ENDDO ENDDO ENDPGM In the preceding example, a file named CUSTMAS is created in the QGPL library. T

he file contains fields named CSCUST, CSNAME, CSADDR, CSCITY, CSSTAT, and CSZIP. If you want these fields to all begin with ZZ instead of CS, all you need to do is change the MYPREFIX environment variable to ZZ instead of CS. You could put your SQL statement into a separate source member and run it with R UNSQLSTM, STRQMQRY, and so on. But sometimes you want to code the SQL statement inline as part of your program's code. That ability, along with the elegance of using environment variables as substitution parameters, makes STRQSH a valuable tool in the CL programmer's toolbox. Bookmark/Search this post with: Login to post comments Email this page Printer-friendly version Related Links Tips for Programming and Development, Part 1 Killer Club Tech Build a New Interface to Legacy Applications with SQL UDTFs A Few Good Moves (and Saves) with SQL Tables Database Harmony: "Traditional" and SQL Coexistence ProVIP Sponsors ProVIP Sponsors

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